The Amonrae Spell
A/N: Hey, I'm back, as promised! Welcome to my new fic, in which I promise to keep my guarantee on more H/Hr! Now, be warned: This fic is extremely AU, given the fact that Fleur and Krum will appear. This also features in some chapters a mean Ron! Some of you will say that he appears OOC, but I don't think so; anyway, if you are a Ron fan, I suggest you don't read. I will put a warning in the chapters where he is `bad'. Also, I don't think Hr is OOC either. I will do whatever possible to justify this fic and I hope all of you hopeless H/Hr fans will enjoy it! Be patient and please don't hesitate to review! I might just reply!
Chapter 1: Just Another Year
Hermione and her best friend, the one and only Harry Potter, got off from the Hogwarts Express for the start of 7th year.
Due to the fact that Ron wasn't with them, not that Hermione minded, Harry and her set up to share a carriage.
Hermione looked at her best friend and smiled. Of course, he had grown. He looked slightly taller and stronger, like he had been playing Quidditch all summer. Even though they had spent a few weeks in the Burrow together with Ron, he still managed to amaze her with his maturity changes. But through it all, he was still Harry. The same boy that managed to get in trouble each and every year and she had to go and save his ass. The same boy who befriended her since first year after that famous incident with the troll on Halloween. Just Harry Potter, dear Harry Potter.
Harry sat down next to her, instead of across her and put his arm lazily around her shoulders.
"So, how was the rest of your summer?" Hermione asked.
"Busy, You know, Sirius and Quidditch camp. How about yours?" Harry squeezed her
"Reading. Since I'm Head Girl and all, I want to make sure I can do a good job."
"You will, just like you always do." He gave her a reassuring smile.
" Thanks Harry. Say, do you know why Ron wasn't on the train? Molly always brings him on time."
"I think Percy was bringing him. You know, since he keeps bragging about Percy being in the Ministry of Magic and all…"
"Yeah, yeah. He's changed a lot since his family found a new money income. I wonder why that happened. If I didn't know him better, I'd say he spent the entire summer trying to put the moves on me again." Hermione rolled her eyes in annoyance.
"What makes you say that?"
"Just…the letters he kept sending and those weeks we spent with him at The Burrow, remember?'
"I was barely there. Wood kept taking me everywhere everyday, and there was Ginny…"
"Yeah, her." Hermione sighed angrily. She hated when Harry spoke of her. They had gone out on a few dates while on The Burrow and the girl always seem to blush around him and want to touch him everywhere. She resembled Crazy Glue.
"You don't like her, do you?" Harry knew his best friend all too well. She always did her best to be polite with Ginny, but failed at hiding her discomfort.
"It's not that, it's just…forget it." Hermione kept her opinion to herself and decided to carry on with the Ron matter. " Well, he just did. It made me feel really uncomfortable."
"Cut him some slack. Maybe you got the wrong impression. After all, after fourth year, I don't think he…"
"I hope so. Look, we're here."
They got out of the carriage and proceeded directly to the Great Hall, where the usual feast and sorting ceremony took place. Ron still hadn't arrived, to Hermione's relief. She wasn't in the mood to see him just yet.
After the feast ended, Dumbledore stood up, to say the all too traditional first day speech and share some very important news:
"I'm pleased to announced that the Triwizard Tournament will take place this year, here at Hogwarts. The contestants from Beauxbatons and Dumstrang have already been chosen at their schools and will arrive tomorrow evening. Those who want to participate have to be from seventh year. I will be placing the Goblet of Fire tomorrow right here, and those interested can place their names in it. I expect you to treat the foreign champions well. I want them to feel right at home. That is all. Good night and good luck to you all."
With these final words, Dumbledore retired. The students made their way to their dormitories, chattering excitedly about the tournament.
"So, thinking about entering?" Harry asked his best friend.
"No way Harry. It's too much this year. Besides, I don't have to prove myself to anyone. Why? You want to enter?" Harry shrugged at her words.
"I don't know. Do you think I should?"
"Why not? You're a great wizard. Who better to represent Hogwarts… again!" Hermione gave him a little pat on the shoulder.
"Nonsense. You're the great wizard who's always teaching me lessons and saving my ass."
"True but you should enter all the same."
"Sure. Can't hurt you to try at least. And tell you what, if you're the champion, I'll help you in every way I can," Hermione proposed.
"You will?" Now that was motivation.
"Cross my heart."
"Okay, I'll try it."
"Now you're talking," Hermione laughed and retired to her own room while Harry made his way to the dormitory, lost in his own thoughts.
Maybe Hermione was right. Besides, it was a great way to impress Elizabeth, his new crush. And he had his friends to help him. Yes, he was determined to try.
Harry slammed in his four-poster bed. If felt good to be at Hogwarts again. This was his seventh year, and he was going to make it unforgettable. With these happy thoughts, his eyelids began to close…
Suddenly the door slammed open, revealing a redheaded figure.
"Harry!" Ron shouted excitedly. Harry jumped of the bed and caught his glasses just in time before they collapsed on the floor.
"Ron, don't you realize what hour it is?" He whined.
"Is that any way to treat your best friend? Where's Hermione?" Ron asked, suddenly looking very interested.
"In the Head Girl dorm, sleeping, where do you think she'd be?" Harry tucked back in bed.
"How is she?"
"Like always. Why so curious?"
"No reason. So, heard about the tournament?" Ron asked excitedly
"Yeah. Why?"
"I'm thinking about entering. You think that will impress Hermione?"