The Amonrae Spell
A/N: Thank you for your wonderful reviews! Also, I apologize for Viktor's obvious mistake. He's from Bulgaria; I shouldn't have put Russia. Also, the tournament is not the major plot in this fic, so we will not get to see it. Keep the reviews coming! Also, about Dumbledore not picking a Head Boy…if Dumbledore wanted Harry to be Head Boy, he would probably had declined, seeing as he's worried about our dear Voldie and stuff, so Dumbledore did the next best thing…Harry could never deny Hermione anything, could he? **grins** Enjoy!
Chapter 4: Oy Vey
"What? But aren't I supposed to have a room all for myself? I'm the Head Girl for crying out loud!" Hermione just shouted in Dumbledore's office, in front of Dumbledore himself and Prof. McGonagall beside him.
"You are, but you are, as well, supposed to be in charge of the guests. That means making sure that they are comfortable. There just wasn't room in your old dorm, so Miss Delacour is to sleep in your room for the time being. It's just for a couple of months, Hermione. We were sure you wouldn't mind," Dumbledore replied calmly.
"You were sure? Did you see her! Did you see how she is? Professor please…" Hermione begged.
"You don't know her. When you do, then you talk. In the meantime, she's to feel right at home. Good night," finalized Prof. McGonagall.
"Good night." Hermione took her leave. She had no choice but to obey.
She went to her room and settled on her bed. Fleur was already sound asleep. She squeezed her eyes shut tightly; nothing could possibly get worse.
"Good morning Harry," Ron greeted him, sitting down across him.
"Oh, hello Ron." Harry took a sip from his pumpkin juice.
"So… happy?"
"Pardon me?'
"Well, you got the tournament, lots of fame, and Elizabeth is free. That is, if you're still interested in her because the way I see it…"
"Don't start Ron. If this is about the tournament, I don't want to hear it. Your friendship is more important to me than that. I don't care about fame, never have, never will and I still care about Elizabeth, so cut it out, will you?"
In the middle of their polite argument, Hermione appeared in the Great Hall with lots of books as usual, and sat down next to Harry, helping herself to a red, juicy apple.
"Mind if I join you?" she asked, without a humorous tone in her voice.
"Everything all right?" Harry inquired with a worried expression, He had never seen her like this.
"No, it's not."
"What happened?"
"What didn't happen is more like it. They assigned Frenchie to my room for starters," Hermione groaned at the thought of sharing a room with a part -Veela.
"They did? Does that mean I can hang out there these days?" Ron was positively excited about this, but Hermione just glared at him.
"Give your hormones a rest, will you?" she spat. "Don't you have anything better to do? Anything more productive perhaps?" she couldn't help but blurt out.
" I detect a hint of jealousy there," Ron stated with a hint of arrogance," Of course I COULD always hang out with you Herms," he grinned, making Hermione glare once again.
"So Harry, how's the champion today?" Hermione turned to him; in hopes of regaining her already lost patience.
"Nervous. I got the first clue this morning, and since you promised…" Harry replied, his voice trailing off hopefully.
"A promise is a promise," Hermione gave him a reassuring smile.
"Promise? What promise?" asked an altered Ron. He didn't like being left out of his friends' plans, but they didn't pay him attention.
"Meet me at the library this afternoon." Hermione stood up.
"Done. Thanks `Mione."
"All right. Don't be late," Hermione smiled and took her leave.
"What did she mean by promise? Is there something you know that I don't?" Ron asked again, still altered.
"She's just helping me out Ron, nothing more. She's my friend too. I got class if you excuse me." Harry exited the Great Hall, sighing. Ron was taking this Hermione thing a little to the extremes, and he was still trying to figure out why the hell that seemed to bother him.
"Oi Harry… holds up… I got class with you," Ron reminded him, running after Harry and almost knocking several people over in the process
Hermione got to her room intending to put her books in order. But she immediately regretted doing so.
Fleur was there, dressed in flamenco pink robes and combing her straight silver blonde hair.
" `Armonia!" Fleur said, obviously trying to say her name, "Bonjour."
"Hermione!" Hermione spat furiously.
"Pardon my life," Fleur answered with sarcasm, suddenly noticing Hermione's bushy curls. "Don't you comb your `air?''
"Yes I do! And I don't see how that's any of your business!" Hermione barked. This was so typical of a French girl, more typical of a Veela, whether she was half or complete.
"Sorry. Itz just so bushy. I could make you a potion `zat would straighten it out completely, if you're interested," Fleur offered.
"No thanks," Hermione answered coolly.
"As you wish. But a `air like `zat won't get you Potter's attention," Fleur remarked.
"Like I care," Hermione answered automatically, before realizing exactly what Fleur was implying. "Who asked you?"
"I've seen `ow you look at `im. You like `im, don't you?'
"I don't! And mind your own business from now on, would you?"
"You know, it wouldn't kill you to get along wiz me. Looks like we're going to be togezer for a long time."
"I'm sorry. Would you mind your own business PLEASE… and that part is still on negotiation."
"Oh, come on. I'm not `zat bad. What is it you don't like about me? Everybody likes me," Fleur announced triumphantly.
"That's precisely the problem. You walk around like you're queen of the world or something. And for your information, Oliver isn't going to fall for you," Hermione assured her, but Fleur looked puzzled.
"I'm sorry, who?"
"Never mind."
"Look `Armonia, you're obviously in a bad mood and I certainly aren't staying to watch you take it out. We'll talk when your mood improves. Potion offer still standing, since `ze Yule Ball is coming up."
"Sorry?'' Hermione was totally confused now.
"You know, Yule Ball, where `ze champions dance."
"Oh, right."
"Maybe Potter will invite you."
"I don't think so. He wants to go with Elizabeth."
"Some girl. But thanks anyway Fleur," Hermione gave her a thin smile. She wasn't so bad.
"See? You learned my name. We're going to get along just fine `Armonia," Fleur smiled back.
" Yeah, zat."
Fleur smiled again and left, leaving Hermione to her thoughts. Fleur didn't seem so bad, once her patience was back with her. It wouldn't kill her to have a new friend, since Ron was getting on her nerves. And Harry…hmmm well, we'll just have to see with him.
She glanced at her watch. She had an appointment with Harry in five minutes. She took her books and headed toward the library.