A/N: Dance camp is over, I can dedicate more time to publishing! Before you enjoy this chapter, I just want to say that I'm sticking to the original plot of this fic, so the tournament didn't happen in fourth year. Sorry if I caused confusion; I promise it will get better!
PS: I've replied to all your reviews, so if you're unsigned, be sure to check them out!
Until later,
Chapter 5: Just Helping Out
"Ready Harry?" Hermione asked, placing her hand on his shoulder. As a result, he jumped out of his seat.
" `Mione, you scared the living daylights out of me," Harry breathed out.
"I'm sorry. Well, are you?"
"Ready when you are."
"Great. Where's the clue?"
"Here," he gave her a riddle.
"My favorite. This is logic," Hermione smiled, contemplating the interesting piece of paper.
"Good. Find out what it means, will you?"
"Harry, I can help, but you have to do the work yourself."
"But I don't know logic!" Harry whined.
"About time you learn then, don't you think?"
Fleur stepped onto the school gym, where the pool was located.
"Fleur?" Oliver asked surprised, while he lifted weighs.
"Oliver! What a pleasant surprise. `Ere I am, and `ere you are. `Ow fantastic,"
she said in an everyday tone of voice, and took off her shorts, revealing a baby blue bikini.
Oliver almost dropped his weights. She was a vision indeed. Without hesitation, she dived and emerged, all wet. Oliver's eyes were still on her. She leaned against the pool, facing him.
"So, `ow's life treating you?" she asked.
"I'm good, thank you. How about you? Enjoying Hogwarts?"
"Now I am," she answered seductively.
"Ahem!" If he didn't know any better, he'd say she was flirting with him. Get a grip Wood! So, got your clue?"
"I do. "
"Figure it out yet?"
"In `ze process. Why?"
"Just asking."
"Appreciate your concern. So, tell me Wood, girlfriend?
"Good. Tell me, what kind of girls do you like?"
"Sorry?" Oliver gave her a puzzled look.
"Do you like French girls Wood?"
" Don't know. I've never been in a relationship."
"No? Well, don't you `zink `zis would be a good time to start one?"
"Your point?" Oliver was again puzzled. Since when did she care about his lack of love life?
"Tell you what. Figure `zat out." Fleur got out of the pool. " `And me `zat
towel, would you?"
Oliver stood up, giving her what she asked for. He cursed under breath; he couldn't stop sweating, and, rest assured, it wasn't for his earlier exercises.
"Merci. I'll see you tonight, Oliver." Fleur smiled at him.
"Oh, sure." He took his own towel, drying up his sweated face.
Fleur tossed her still damp hair and gave him another seductive smile before making her way out.
"A dragon," Hermione muttered to herself.
"I'm sorry, what?" Harry brought his glasses to the bridge of his nose, glancing at his best friend.
" I figured it out. Have you?"
" That's what I was hoping you'd help me out with," Harry gave her a puppy look.
"Fine. I'll give you a clue; Charlie Weasley specializes in them."
" A dragon?"
"You said it, not me."
"Jeez," Harry buried his face in his hands, obvious sign of frustration.
"What is it?" Hermione couldn't help but worry about him.
"Nothing. Just have to figure out how to complete the task now."
"Oh. Well, I brought you some books on the most effective spells. You can check
these out. But, if I were you, I'd use a technique that I was familiar with. Something I do well. Something that nobody can beat me in. When you're done, let me know on what else I can help you with. Now we got to change for dinner," Hermione finished, standing up.
"Thanks `Mione," he said, taking her hand in his.
"Anytime Harry. I'll see you." She gave his hand a light squeeze and made her way out.
She was gone, leaving Harry with his thoughts. What was the thing, which he did so well, that nobody could beat him at? Well, at least he was one step further with Hermione's help. Hermione, what would he do without her?