The Amonrae Spell
Chapter 3: The Three Champions
A/N: Thanks for your fantastic reviews! I appreciate it! In this chapter, you will see why this fic is AU and yes, for the first time in my fic, Hermione isn't friendly to Fleur, we all know why. Enjoy, and keep the reviews coming!
"Who is it?"
"It's me," came Harry's voice.
Hermione looked at herself in the mirror. She was dressed in her Head Girl black robes, had black boots and had curled up her bushy brown hair to her shoulders after giving up on trying countless hair enchantments. She decided that she looked okay.
"Hermione, are you done?" came Harry's voice again.
"I'm coming." She opened the door.
Her eyesight wouldn't move from her best friend the minute she laid eyes on him. He was dressed in Head Boy robes, his untidy hair was untamed and he was wearing contacts, making his emerald green eyes sparkle.
Harry too was busy staring at her. In his opinion she looked beautiful, as always.
"Well, you ready?" Harry asked.
"You came here just to escort me?" Hermione was somewhat amused
"Oliver told me I was supposed to do it as the Head Boy and Girl are supposed to arrive together," Harry stated simply.
"Oh, right."
They went down to the Great Hall, making their way towards the Interior Gardens where the champions would appear. Oliver was already there, dressed in black robes also, topped with his mauve cloak. On his side was Professor McGonagall, due to the fact that Dumbledore was suffering from a little flu and was waiting for them inside the castle, as it was a cold evening and it was against medi-wizard advice for him to venture outside.
"There you are," Oliver greeted them, "Just in time."
Two seconds later, the carriage from Beauxbatons appeared, followed by the Dumstrang boat.
"They're here," said Prof. McGonagall.
Both the carriage and the boat came to a halt as the boat's door opened and Igor Karkarroff, Dumstrang's Headmaster, got out. He went to Professor McGonagall and kissed her hand.
"Minerva, long time no see," he said.
"Indeed Professor Karkarroff. Well, where's your champion?" Prof. McGonagall asked.
"Oh, right here. Viktor, come out if you please!"
A tall, robust boy came out from the boat. He had brown hair, light brown eyes, and he was dressed in red robes, the color of Dumstrang.
"May I present my champion, Viktor Krum," Karkarroff introduced.
"Pleasure," Oliver answered distantly. The boy looked a little too arrogant for his liking. Professor McGonagall threw him a severe look and he quieted.
But Krum didn't answer, instead, he settled his eyes on Hermione, advancing towards her.
"Hi. Vho might you be?" He asked, kissing her hand.
"I'm Hermione Granger, the Head Girl," she said, taking her hand from him," And this is the Head Boy, Harry Potter."
"Surely." Krum paid no attention to Harry whatsoever. "So, Hermy-own."
"Her-mi-own-knee," she corrected.
Their dialogue was interrupted by a discussion inside the Beauxbatons carriage. Later, a rather large woman came out.
"Minerva!" She kissed both her cheeks.
"How are you Maxime?"
"I'm good, merci. Oh, where is she? Fleur, come out!"
The carriage's door opened once again, revealing a girl of middle height, with silver blonde hair brushed to her waist. She had a perfect oval shaped face and deep blue sapphire eyes that contrasted her baby blue robes and cloak. Oliver couldn't seem to take his eyes off her. She was beautiful. To his surprise, she caught his gaze and walked towards him.
"Bonjour, I'm Fleur." She smiled seductively at him.
"Hi. My name's Oliver Wood and this is Professor McGonagall," he directed her towards his old teacher.
"Oui, pleasure. So, are you competing in `ze tournament as well?" Fleur asked Oliver again, her eyes sparkling with interest.
"No, I'm one of the team in charge of it, actually," he answered.
"Oh, are you? You must be very strong to `ave such a weight on your shoulders," Fleur said, placing her hand on his left shoulder.
"Okay, Miss Delacour! Enough introduction," Hermione interrupted, noticing that Oliver couldn't stop sweating.
"Who are you?" Fleur threw her a patronizing look.
"I'm the Head Girl. If you permit me, I'll show you to the Great Hall," said Hermione as casually as she could, for Frenchie was getting on her nerves.
"Oh, don't bozer. I'm sure Oliver can escort me, right?" she asked, throwing another seductive look at Oliver.
"Well I…"
"Grand." Fleur took Oliver's arm before he was able to answer properly.
Viktor, on his part, offered his arm to Hermione, but she didn't take it, taking the lead instead and having the Russian Seeker following her. Harry trailed behind them with an amused look. But his stomach was starting to get grouchy, for it was time to announce the champion from Hogwarts.
They entered the Great Hall and everyone stood up to receive the guests. Oliver escorted Fleur to the Gryffindor table before making his way towards the teachers. Fleur sat next to Harry, Hermione sat on his right and Krum sat beside her, making Ron angry for not being able to take that seat before him, but this little detail slipped from his mind as he realized that he would be sitting next to his favorite Quidditch star.
After a mouthful of delicious dinner, which Harry didn't even taste, Dumbledore stood up, silencing everybody.
"I believe it's time to introduce the three champions that will be competing in this prestigious tournament."
At these words, Harry shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Hermione looked at him. He was already sweating and breathing hard.
"Harry, relax," she whispered, taking his hand while he grasped hers strongly in return.
"For Dumstrang Magic School, we have Viktor Krum," Dumbledore announced.
Krum stood up and approached the teacher's table, his face grim while the girls' giggles and squeals were heard.
"Oh please," Hermione protested.
"We have Fleur Delacour representing Beauxbatons Academy," Dumbledore continued.
Fleur stood up and tossed her hair, advancing towards the same spot as Krum while all the boys remained still, just staring at her.
"Honestly!" Hermione complained again.
"She's a Veela!" Ron exclaimed.
"And I'm the queen of England," said Hermione sarcastically.
"And now, to announce the champion from Hogwarts. Minerva, if you please," Dumbledore requested.
"Harry Potter."
Harry just went pale right then and there, unable to move, while Ron grew slightly angry.
"What? Him again? It's always him!" he complained.
"Knock it off Ron," Hermione glared at him as she glanced at Harry," Harry, it's you. Get up."
Harry's body turned rigid as he moved to the teacher's table while the girls' squeals were heard again. This caused a displeasure groan from Hermione as she buried her face in her hands.
"Congratulations to you all. I wish you the best of luck. The first clue will be placed on your door tomorrow as the first task is in two months. Miss Delacour, Mr. Krum, the Head Boy and Girl will see to your accommodations. Good night," Dumbledore finalized.
Viktor went unwillingly with Harry as Hermione proceeded to escort Fleur. She even had to scream to push away guys who were behind her. She thought Fleur would be angry at the males, but she seemed to have enjoyed it as she threw a fierce look at Hermione when she pushed them away.
"French hag," Hermione thought. " Permit me your room key please."
Fleur gave it to her. Hermione went berserk. That was her room key! As the Head Girl, she was supposed to have a room all to herself. It couldn't be. It definitely couldn't be.