A/N: Sorry for not updating sooner! Thanks to those of you who were kind enough to review! A few more chappies before you see the spell though. Enjoy!
The Amonrae Spell
Chapter 2: Big Favor
Harry couldn't sleep at all. Ron participating in the tournament? He had seen how upset Ron would get when he succeeded him at anything, even the most insignificant thing. He could only imagine what could happen if he won the champion post. He could end up losing his best friend, over a silly thing really.
Harry took a shower, put on hunter green robes and got down to the Great Hall. Hermione was already there, drinking some pumpkin juice while she unsurprisingly read, as always. Harry took a seat next to her, serving himself a bit of breakfast.
"Good morning," he greeted her.
"Hello Harry. Ready for tonight's competition?" Hermione asked excitedly, but Harry's mind was still set on Ron.
"I don't know. I'm kind of having second thoughts," he confessed.
"Why? Oh, come on Harry. Fear has never been one of your `virtues' if you know what I'm saying. After all you've gone through, a tournament should be no problem for you."
"It's just that Ron…"
"Don't listen to Ron on this one, Harry. He's always…"
Before Hermione was able to finish, a pair of hands settled over her shoulders, turning her body very rigid.
"Miss me?" came Ron's voice from behind her.
"Ron, good morning, how are you?" Hermione answered distantly, getting Ron's hands off her.
"I'm good. In fact I'm great," Ron answered happily.
"Good for you," Hermione replied, taking her glass of pumpkin juice to her mouth while Ron sat down at her right side. "When did you arrive?"
"Oh, late last night. Around 11:00," Ron shrugged.
"Why?" Hermione looked genuinely worried this time.
"Oh, something came up at the Ministry, no big thing really, but since Percy was bringing me in the new flying car the Ministry gave him; I guess we lost track," Ron shrugged once more.
"Is everything okay Ron?" Harry asked this time.
"Sure thing! We would have gotten here earlier, but Percy likes to talk to Fudge a little too much," Ron bragged.
Hermione was positively seething right now as she took her pumpkin juice glass for another drink. To think she had been worried about something happening to Mr. And Mrs. Weasley! And it turned out to be just another one of Ron's brags. Harry just shrugged it off. Ron was okay, that was what mattered.
However, Ron's next statement made Hermione's current train of thought disappear, along with half the orange liquid in her mouth.
"You know what? I'm even thinking of participating in the tournament."
"Are you all right?" Ron asked, giving soft palms to her back.
"I'm fine. Take your hands off me," Hermione whispered in a sort of angry tone that made Ron lower his hands at once, "So Ron, do you really think you're prepared to do this? Let's be honest with ourselves, shall we? You hardly pay attention to any class. How are you supposed to overcome these trials?"
"I'll have you to help me," he said, putting his arm around her shoulders.
"Will you?" Hermione asked sarcastically while standing up and moving to the seat next to Harry, who was amused at Ron's unusual behavior.
To Hermione's fortunate luck, a friend surprised them at their table, stopping Ron's flirting.
"Here it is, my favorite trio."
"Oliver!" Hermione exclaimed, standing up and placing her arms around him.
Oliver returned the hug cheerfully, giving her a peck on the cheek afterwards. Harry was watching, with a smile on his face, but then again, he hadn't really missed Oliver, due to the fact that he had spent practically all summer with him. Ron, on the other hand, was watching them with his arms crossed and a certain grim expression.
"What are you doing here?" Hermione asked enthusiastically.
"Well, I'm here to help organize the tournament. Dumbledore asked me to help and I could hardly refuse. After all, it won't interfere with my Quidditch career," Oliver answered.
"You haven't changed a bit." Hermione smiled.
"Why thank you," Oliver laughed, before turning to Harry, " Hey Harry, doing good?" he asked him, shaking his hand.
"For the moment," Harry answered with a smile. After all, good was always such a strong word for him, since Voldemort was always looking for him.
"Ron," Oliver turned to Ron, greeting him politely. Truth was, he had never spent that much time with Ron, so he didn't know him much; hence the polite and not friendly greeting.
"Wood," Ron answered with a hint of coldness in his voice.
"So, Miss Head Girl, could I borrow you for a minute?" Oliver asked.
"Certainly. Excuse me boys." Hermione went with Oliver.
"I'll see you later Ron. I've got class," Harry stood up. Before he could leave though, Ron stopped him.
"Hermione doesn't like that idiot, does she?" Ron asked.
"Don't be ridiculous Ron. Why do you care anyway?" Harry couldn't help but ask.
"Isn't it obvious? I like her," Ron replied.
"Oh, you do?" Harry strangely flinched at that statement. He hadn't really thought that Ron would still like his best friend, but then again, why was this his concern? " Don't you think you should tell her before you keep putting the moves on her?"
"What, you think she doesn't like it? Then you need to learn more about women Harry," Ron answered in a sort of arrogant tone.
Harry cleared his throat and proceeded to his first class, Occlumency This year was certainly going to be interesting.
"Harry! Harry!"
Hermione came running to him later on the afternoon. She seemed kind of desperate.
"Hermione, what is it? Are you okay?" he asked, worried. He had never seen Hermione like this, except of course when the book she wanted from the library was already taken.
"I need to talk to you, now," she gave him a serious look.
They retired to their favorite spot next to the lake, which was in its early freezing stages.
"What is it?" Harry gave her his undivided attention.
"Harry, you know how much I love you, don't you?"
"You do?"
"Well you know, as a friend," Hermione flushed.
"You want something, don't you `Mione?" Harry grinned.
"See, I got this really teeny favor to ask you."
"See, there is this situation, you know, the tournament's contestants arrive tonight and as you know the Head Boy and Girl have to receive them."
"See, we have this really awkward situation in which Dumbledore didn't really pick a Head boy. So we are literally screwed, unless of course…"
"You want me as Head Boy?'
"Why not? You're really a great wizard and well, there wasn't much of a choice," Hermione smiled innocently. He loved that smile, but her words kept that thought from forming in his mind.
"That's comforting."
"Please Harry! Please, please, please! I don't want to feel uncomfortable around a boy I hardly know. Ahem," Hermione cleared her throat at the realization that she sounded like she was begging. Hell, she was, " I mean, that is, of course, up to you."
"All right, I'll do it." Harry sighed. The things he did for his best friend.
"You will? Oh Harry! Ahem! I mean, I agree. Well, I advise you to go change. Our guests will arrive in two hours and here's the key to the Head Boy dorm. Thanks. I owe you."
Hermione threw a tender smile at him and left. Harry rubbed his eyes. This was definitely going to be some year.
A/N: Please don't hesitate to review! I apologize for Ron's character,. But this change is completely natural for someone who's accustomed to one thing (such as being poor) and then gets struck with a large load of what he doesn't know how to handle (money and power) And Hermione doesn't hate him, she's just worried and uncomfortable at the same time. Bear with me! Thanks for reading!