Unofficial Portkey Archive

Blood Ties by diggingupophelia

Blood Ties


Title: Blood Ties

Rating: R for language

Time: 35 minutes including spell check

Challenge: 64 The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Characters/Parings: Draco/Ginny, Harry/Hermione (implied), their children.

Notes: I hate naming any sprogs of canon characters … so don't pick on them, I just used the first ones that popped into my head. I tried for funny…I've been in that mood lately, but again, I'll let you judge. Now maybe my muse will let me get some essays done for class! *crosses fingers* Comments are always appreciated.

For the lj community

To view all of my completed works and things I don't post anywhere else go to : and friend the community for updates - there are a lot of them!


Draco sat in his favorite chair, located in his study, eyes staring straight ahead, with his arms crossed over his chest. Draco's son, Artie, sat across from his father, eyes staring into his father's, with his arms crossed over his chest. They had been sitting like this for twenty minutes.

"Well, are you going to tell me what that parchment says before I open it, or are you going to force me to do this the hard way, Artie?" asked Draco, not breaking his eye contact.

"You'll find out either way, it doesn't really matter," replied the 17 year-old sarcastically.

Draco broke eye contact with the teenager sitting across from him and reached over to the side table where the letter had been placed. Draco flipped the letter over and broke the wax seal. The letter had come from the Potters, it was never good news when it came by way of letter. That meant Hermione had taken it upon herself to sort the issue out. There would be no end to this mess until Hermione was satisfied, and that was not an easy task. Draco read the letter, all ten pages of it, twice. By the end of the second read he was squinting to decipher Hermione's cramped handwriting, perfected by many years of attempting to squeeze vast amounts of information into a small space.

Draco sighed and set the letter down. "This is a right mess you've gotten yourself into, son," said Draco. He only used the epithet, when Artie was in serious trouble. Unfortunatley for the boy, he had heard it a lot while growing up.

"It isn't like we planned it, Dad," said Artie.

"Well that would be fairly obvious. I have taught you better than that. But you've done it this time. Once your mother hears about this from Aunt Hermione … bloody hell, sounds so incestuous …" he began.

"We aren't really related…"

"I know the story, Artie," Draco cut him off, curtly. "Hermione writes that Lily is four months along. How long have you two known?"

"Since the week before we came home," he replied.

"And you didn't think to tell us? Neither one of you said a word. Hermione only found out because she took Lily to St. Mungo's for her annual medical. You two should have known that you could come to us."

"We didn't want you to be angry with us. We were going to tell you …"

"When? After the baby turned eleven and was boarding the Hogwarts' Express? This is just so irresponsible … this whole mess is irresponsible!" Draco said, raising his voice. He immediately pulled himself in check.

"Is Uncle Harry angry?"

"Stop calling him that … it just makes the whole thing even worse," he said distastefully. "Harry was very upset, however, lucky for you, Lily has him wrapped around her little finger. She has convinced him not to kill you. He, however, has offered you a job."

"There is no way I am working at that book shop! I have that Apprenticeship with Uncle Severus and I intend on taking it," he said in a petulant tone.

"That job does not pay anything. You have a family to think of," Draco began.

"I have money. You have money set aside for University and more, I am a Malfoy heir and I am entitled to the Gringotts…."

"Don't get so bloody arrogant with me. I wasn't going to make you take the job!" Draco yelled. He paused for a second. "Bloody fucking hell!" he shouted.

"What is it Dad?"

"You have, in one single act of frivolous - frivolous - for a shag, have linked me by blood to Harry Potter! Oh hell, it was bad enough with the marriage … fuck!"

"What did you say, Draco?" asked Ginny from the doorway.

Draco sat back in the chair and cradled his head in his hands. "I am related to Harry Potter," he repeated.

Ginny looked from Draco to Artie. "One of you had better tell me what is going on here," she said placing a hand on her hips.

Artie took a deep breath and looked his Mum in the eye. "I … Well, congratulations, Grandmum!"

Ginny promptly fainted. She was after all only 36 years old, and about to be a grandmother.


Ginny opened her eyes to find Artie and Draco hovering over her.

"Ginny, love, are you all right?" asked Draco as he helped her into a sitting postion.

"Oh, yes, I just, I thought, Oh Merlin, I am," she babbled.

"Mum, I am so sorry. Lily and I …"

"I am too young. I was just about to tell you all that I was pregnant, and now … my grandchild and my child are going to be the same bloody age!"

It was Draco's turn to feel light headed. "Gin, are you sure? I mean I had that Muggle procedure after Aidan and that was …"

"Obviously not a success," she retorted. "We can worry about that later. Now we need to call Harry and Hermione and Lily and sort this mess out."

"Would you like to read Hermione's letter before you call them over?"

"And go blind with all that squinting?" she asked. "No, we'll Floo them and then we can work this out."

"Gin, you know that Harry and I are going to have at it for sure. I mean my son did defile his daughter," he said in hopes of staving off the inevitable.

"That is rubbish," she replied, anger evident in her voice. "Artie!" she yelled. "What in Merlin's name were you thinking? Didn't you think to cast the appropriate charms or make a potion? You are so gifted with them! I should have hexed your zipper shut!" she yelled.

Artie stepped back from his mother with every step she took toward him. Soon he found himself literally backed into a corner.

"What have you got to say for yourself," said Ginny in an eerily calm voice.

"It was an accident, Mum, I am sorry," he said in a voice barely above a whisper.

"So by some freak accident I am related to Harry Potter?" cried Draco. "This is the absolute worst day of my life. Even in relation to your uncles tying me to that tree covered in honey when they found me in your Mum's room before we were married," he whined.

"Draco, there are other things to worry about here, like the fact that I am going to be a grandmother at the age of 36! I am too young for this!"

"Gin, you are missing the point," began Draco.

"No, you are missing the point …"

"You are both missing the point," cut in Artie. " I am going to be a father and a husband. This is the point. Yes, it is a family ordeal, but this has the greatest impact on Lily and myself," he stated. But this fell on deaf ears. Ginny had left the room while he wasn't paying attention, and Draco was sitting in his chair shaking his head repeating, "Harry Bloody Potter". The Malfoy household had definitely seen better days.
