Unofficial Portkey Archive

Survival of the Fittest by Twitch E. Littleferret

Survival of the Fittest

Twitch E. Littleferret

Disclaimer: The world of Harry Potter belongs to the wonderfully talented JK Rowling.

Each wolf pack has a social order called dominance hierarchy. Every member of the pack has a certain rank in the hierarchy. The high-ranking members, called dominant wolves, dominate the low-ranking members of the pack, known as subordinate wolves.

Chapter One: Bon Voyage

"Aw, man, Harry, this is going to be great!" Ron said enthusiastically when they reached the port. "This is just what we need to get our summer started."

"What? More school?" Harry answered wryly, shrugging his pack over his shoulder.

"A little bit of sun, some sand," Ron continued, dismissing his friend's comments. "Girls in bikinis, girls in bikinis, girls in bikinis."

The two of them stood on the boardwalk, trucks packed up, packs overstuffed with items that represented the comforts of home, in front of a private ocean liner, The Darwin. The floating summer school for the students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the chance for fifth years and above to get extra schooling over the summer. They would cross the Atlantic to Massachusetts where they would visit an American colony of wizards and witches in Salem; they would follow the coastline after that, sailing to the Caribbean to study magic there; next to New Orleans and compare the rituals to what they had learned previously; through the Gulf of Mexico to the Yucatan, where they would learn about the ancient magic and rituals of the pre-Hispanic civilizations of central America; down through the Panama Canal and to Japan, where they would arrive in Tokyo, the end of their voyage. Just in time to start a new term on September the 1st.

Harry was admiring the ship when Ron nudged him in the side. Looking over at his friend, Ron motioned to his left. Harry scanned the crowd, his jaw clenching when they landed on a familiar head of brown bushy hair.

"Figures they'd show up together," Ron said bitterly. "Probably haven't left each other's sides since school got out."

Hermione and Terry Boot, newly named Head Boy and Girl and currently dating, arrived at the port with their parents. Dressed casually in jeans and a pale blue t-shirt, she glanced over in Ron and Harry's direction. Her gaze fell on Harry and he returned her look with an icy glare before returning his attention to the ship. Hermione looked away and began to fuss with her bags.

Her newfound relationship with Terry was a breaking point with the trio. Ron, who had been harboring feeling for his friend and still did, lashed out at Hermione. Filled with spite and petty jealousy that she had chosen another for her affections. Harry was caught in the middle but he had troubles of his own, for he too, had more than friendly feelings toward Hermione but kept his distance out of respect for the trio's friendship. He and Ron found common territory in that they absolutely did not like Terry, and Terry, well it was clear that he did not like Harry. Harry redirected his feelings for Hermione toward a blossoming relationship with Parvati Patil.

Unfortunately, one time he was caught past curfew with Parvati in a very compromising situation by Hermione Granger. The stunned and bewildered Hermione had no idea what to do, she had been blindsided so she did the first thing that came to her mind and took fifty points away from Gryffindor. The extremely heated argument that ensued between Hermione and Harry put all the ones she had with Ron to shame. Accusations and insults were flung at each other, voices rose and tempers reared their ugly heads, ending with an extremely pissed off Harry and a sobbing Hermione that Terry had to comfort. It was stupid, it was petty, but both of them were too stubborn and proud to admit they were wrong. Not a word had been spoken between the two since.

"Whew! I made it," a winded Ginny Weasley joined the boys.

"Bloody hell, Gin! Did you leave anything behind?" Ron joked.

Ginny tried unsuccessfully to pile her bags and luggage in an orderly fashion. "Very funny Ron," she grunted as she picked up a large and heavy bag.

"How much crap can one person need?" Harry jokingly teased.

Ginny gave up on the bag and rested her hands on it. "Cute, Harry. Now will you give me a hand? Not everyone can do magic outside of school, yet."

Harry grinned and drew out his wand. With a flick of his wrist, Ginny's luggage was shrunk to a reasonable size.

"Are you sure you packed everything you need?" Molly Weasley said as she joined the group with her husband.

"Yes, mum."

"Yes, Mrs. Weasley."

"I'm not just talking about chocolate frogs, CD players, broomsticks or video games," Molly said, listing off the "necessities" that her children and Harry bought in London. "You have actual books, parchments and quills?"

"Yes, mum."

"Yes, Mrs. Weasley."

"You had best get a move on," Arthur said to the teens who began to gather their things. "Have fun you three."

"Be careful!" Molly called out to them. "And don't forget to write!"

"We'll try to, if Ginny's luggage doesn't sink the ship!" Ron called back.

"Or drown us as we try to board," Harry added.

"Oh shut up you two," Ginny frowned.

As they boarded the ship, they walked into a large parlor. To their left was a large room filled with tables that the three of them decided must be similar to the Great Hall. On their right was a large staircase. Going up would lead you to the deck of the ship, down would lead you to the dormitories and classrooms below. An officer stood to guide the students to their respective dwellings.

"Girls to the bow, boys to the stern," he directed the crowd.

"Huh?" Ron asked looking over his shoulder at Harry.

"I don't know," Harry shrugged, "just go to your right."

Down the stairs they went, separating from Ginny to follow the other guys down a long corridor. It was a sort of mad dash to get the best rooms.

"Hey guys! Down here!" Dean Thomas waved to Harry and Ron. "We saved you a room," he told them when they reached him. "Each room has a couple of bunks in it."

Harry and Ron walked into the room. It was a decent size, two bunks stood on opposite sides of the room, two nightstands, two desks and a large closet filled the space. The pillows and blankets on the beds looked soft and inviting. A clatter from behind them drew Harry and Ron's attention to the door.

"Hey guys," Neville said slightly winded. He looked a little run over, frantic to not miss the boat, his bags swung haphazardly around him, a small aquarium tucked under his arm. "Mind if I bunk with you."

"Not a prob, Nev," Ron said cheerfully. "But I'm calling top bunk."

"Ooh, can I have the other, Harry?" he asked.

"Knock yourself out," Harry smiled as he dumped his pack on the bed underneath Ron's.

"This is going to be great, guys! All the places we're going to see! The new things we'll learn!" Neville's enthusiasm was contagious and his two roommates couldn't help but smile as they began to unpack their things.

"Have a little bit of coffee before you got here?" Seamus said aloud as he walked through the door. "Sorry mate," he said to Ron as he tossed him the sports page of the Daily Prophet.

"Is that the new Gameboy Advance?" Dean edged his way into the room.

"Yeah," Harry said, taking it out of the packaging.

"Fuck," Ron cursed to the side as he read about the outcome of the latest Cannons game.

"I brought mine, too. Maybe we'll link up," Dean said.

"Hey, we should get going guys," Neville chirped. "We've got to be on deck to wave goodbye." Neville led the way out of the room.

The four of them smiled and filed out, Dean tackling Neville in the corridor. After much rough housing the five of them eventually made it to the stairwell. Harry, who was leading the group, was blocked at the top of the stairs.

Terry Boot straightened himself up, his chest puffing out as he sized himself up to Harry, meeting his eyes. "I would appreciate it, if you would all set an example to the underclassmen on proper behavior during this trip."

"Did you hear something?" Harry said coldly as he moved past Terry, knocking him roughly on the shoulder.

"Nothing," answered Ron. "What about you, Nev?"

"Must've been the wind," Neville replied as they filed past.

They all laughed as they continued up the stairs to the warm air and sunshine of the outdoors.

"Talk about uptight," Seamus said of the Head Boy.

"The guy's gotta seriously think about switching from those tighty whiteys," Dean added.

"Hey! I wear tighty whiteys!" Neville protested.

"Jesus, Neville," Dean swore. "I don't need to know that shit about you."

Harry and the others laughed as they approached the rail.

A/N: No this isn't the Titanic. No they won't hit an iceberg.
