Unofficial Portkey Archive

Survival of the Fittest by Twitch E. Littleferret

Survival of the Fittest

Twitch E. Littleferret

Chapter Fifteen: The Fall of Draco

The road to hell is paved with good intentions--Proverb

Terry made his way back to the beach deep in thought. The students were busy either fishing or finishing work on the bridges. Their little tree village was coming along nicely, the weapons he and Pansy brought back had made things much easier.

"Well…did you talk to him?" Pansy asked as she approached him.

He nodded. "He'll do it. I'm sure."

"Good," Pansy said nastily. "I want to hurt him as much as he hurt me."

"Hell hath no fury," Terry muttered. "Listen, there's something else. I overheard a conversation between Hermione, Ron and him. It turns out that Potter can do wandless magic." Pansy said nothing as she let this information sink in.

"We can use him," she said.

"No, we can't," Terry sighed. "Because every time he does, he summons…You-Know-Who."

Pansy gaped at him. "What?!"

"Shh!" Terry whispered harshly. He took Pansy aside where they couldn't be overheard. "There's more. Draco, Hermione and Ron are planning to use Harry to try and summon You-Know-Who here with the hopes that Dumbledore might make it in time."

"And if he doesn't?" Pansy asked. Terry shrugged.

Pansy gazed out at the ocean. She was afraid of You-Know-Who. Never summoned herself to be a Death Eater, she went along with her fellow Slytherins in worshipping him. If he came to this island would he spare them? He would spare Draco, one of his own Death Eaters but she was no longer under his protection.

"We have to stop them," she said determinedly.

"I agree," Terry said.

"Well what should we do?" she asked.

"I have no idea."


Draco and Ginny lay together, satiated from their love making only moments ago. Ginny could tell there was something distracting him, something bothering him. He snuggled her to him and breathed her in.

"You know that I love you?" he whispered.

Ginny was speechless. This was the first time he had said that he loved her. She turned to her back to look up at him, brushing a strand of blond hair that fell forward and tucking it behind his ear.

"Draco…what's the matter?" she asked.

He looked into her eyes. "Just promise me that you know that I love you, no matter what happens."

Ginny began to be frightened. She could see it in his face. It was pale and tired, dark circles of worry lined his eyes. She caressed his cheek.

"Draco, what's going to happen?" she asked.

"Just promise me!" he said harshly.

She jumped a little at his words then nodded. "Yes, okay. I promise." She brought him to her and kissed his lips some more.

Since Hermione was now sleeping with Harry, Ginny didn't get a chance to talk to her until the next morning as they gathered fruit.

"Something is wrong with Draco," she said.

Hermione looked up at her. "What do you mean?"

"I don't know. He's not sleeping well and he's not looking that great either."

Hermione paused a moment to think. Ginny was right. Lately Draco was looking a bit peaked.

"He isn't getting sick is he?" she asked.

"No…it's more than that," Ginny sighed.

"Well, did you talk to him?"

"He wouldn't tell me," Ginny said as she placed a fruit in Hermione's basket. "But he did make me promise that I would know that he loved me no matter what happens."

Hermione looked at Ginny. "He said he loves you?"

Ginny blushed and grinned. "Yeah, he does."

The two girls giggled then went back to their task. After a while, Hermione turned to Ginny.

"You have to tell Ron," she said.

Ginny sighed. "I know."

"No, I mean you have to tell him soon. Harry's picking up on it and has said that he would tell Ron as soon as he confirmed it."

"Who is he? The Virginity Police?" Ginny sulked.

"He just cares about you. He thinks of you as his honorary sister and is only looking out for you," Hermione shrugged.

"Whatever," Ginny rolled her eyes then grinned slyly at Hermione. "Bet he doesn't treat you as an honorary sister."

No, he certainly does not. Hermione only grinned wryly.

"So…tell me," Ginny persisted. "Has he relieved our dear Hermione of her virginal burden?"

Hermione threw a fruit into the basket and tutted sharply. Ginny laughed.

"I swear Hermione, you have a will of iron. Any other girl would've caved by now. Whew! You go girl."

Hermione just turned away and blushed.

Luna and Blake joined the girls and together they meandered through the forests. The sky darkened above them with dark rain clouds and they could smell it in the air. Thunder rolling in the distance made Blake growl nervously. The girls laughter and chatter stopped when the came to a tall fence.

Green with tree stalks and pointed at the top it was twice as tall as them.

"What? Who?" Luna was speechless.

Hermione grimaced. "I guess we've reached the perimeter of the beach camp."

Blake sniffed the fence and put out a tentative paw to touch it. A feeling of unease washed over Hermione. The hairs on the back of her neck prickled with the distinct feeling that they were being watched. And they probably were.

A loud crack of thunder made them all jump and Blake roared again. The smell of rain was heavier and heavier.

"Come on guys," Hermione said. "Let's get going."

They made their way towards the camp, hoping to beat the rainfall. As they passed the grassy plain, Hermione saw a lone figure standing in the middle.

"Hey guys," she said to the others. "Go on. I'll catch up." Blake escorted the two ladies back to camp.

The rain was lightly falling, warm moisture on her skin as she approached him.

"Don't you know it's unwise to stand out in the open during a thunderstorm?" she asked.

A broad smile grew on Harry's face when he saw her. He reached out for her and put an arm around her shoulder.

"I'm headed back soon. I was just watching the pigs," he pointed in front of him. "See? They're headed off for shelter, too. I guess they don't like the lightning either."

A group of pigs ran on stubby little legs towards the jungle and wherever they called home.

"Come on," Hermione nudged him. "Let's get going."

Harry stepped behind and brought an arm around her, brushing blatantly across her breasts to rest on her stomach.

"I have a better idea," he whispered into her ear as he kissed her neck.

Hermione's cheeks flushed and she turned to face him only to be rewarded with a deep kiss. Harry's hands wandered down her sides to her round and firm bottom, pressing her hips into his. Hermione broke the kiss.

"Not here," she whispered.

"Yes…here," he replied, ravishing her neck. He was hungry for her.

They both jumped when a loud peal of thunder rang through the sky and the rain began to fall harder. Harry groaned at the timing. Hermione laughed and took off at a run for the jungle with Harry following shortly behind.

He caught up with her under the canopy of a large tree, sweeping her up and swinging her around.

"Harry!" Hermione squealed. "Put me down!"

"Alright," Harry sighed and released Hermione.

She slowly slid down his front until her feet touched the ground. She looked into his dark green eyes.

"No," she breathed, "pick me back up."

He lifted her in his arms and she wrapped her legs around him as she rewarded him with a passionate kiss. Her tongue exploring his mouth as she clung to her. She felt him sink to the ground to rest on his knees, his hardness pressed against the apex of her jeans.

"Now, Hermione," Harry breathed.

Hermione nodded. "Yes." It was said so quiet for only him to hear.

Harry tugged at her shirt, sliding it off her shoulders with her help. Next came her tank then bra which revealed her pert breasts. Harry's lips captured one of her nipples eliciting a moan from Hermione. His hand caressed the other. Hermione clawed at his shirt, bringing it up and over his head so she could run her fingers lightly over his chest. Boldly, Hermione went for the button of his shorts, unzipping him and plunged a hand past his waistband to wrap around his hardness. A sharp breath passed through Harry's lips.

"Oh, God, Hermione," he said with shaky breath.

His hands fumbled on her jeans, it was difficult to tug them off since they were wet and he was so eager. But off they came and his shortly followed. He lay her down on the soft ground, the only sound was their ragged breathing and the soft patter as the rain hit the leaves around them.

"Hermione," he gasped. "I have to…"

She reached up and placed a hand on the back of his neck, the other on a shoulder. "Yes, Harry. Please…"

He had waited so long for this and tried his best to savor the wet warmth that slowly surrounded him as he entered her. She sighed contentedly as he filled her, completing her. Thunder rumbled above. Hermione arched her back, meeting his thrusts that sent waves of warmth through her. Harry sought her mouth, plundering and exploring its warmth. He hooked one of her thighs over his hip as he thrust deeper into her, he couldn't be close enough to her. He lost himself within her, her smell, her sighs and the small moans that escaped her lips.

"Harry," Hermione whispered. "Harry…please."

She writhed under him, her hands tightening on his arm and shoulder. She felt as if she were cresting on a giant wave, waiting for its pleasurable release. And it did. It crashed over her and she cried out in pleasure. Harry silenced her with a kiss as he felt her tighten around him. He tore his mouth away from her as he groaned and squeezed his eyes shut, meeting his own release.

The rain was still falling heavy but they were both warm and comfortable. Hermione let out a contended sigh, Harry still lay within her sex that pleasurably ached. He was whispering words of love in her ear that she reciprocated. He smiled and grinned contentedly as she ran her hands over his back lazily. He mimicked the motions himself, his hands wandering up her thigh, to her hip and up her side. They were happy and content under the tree that sheltered them somewhat from the storm above.

Terry's heart was breaking. He had seen Harry and Hermione, had seen Harry take what was rightfully his, what he had waited so long to have. Draco had failed him. Now it was time to put into action plans of his own and he disappeared back into the jungle, away from them as three others stepped forward.

Harry and Hermione were dressed and ready to head back to the rocks when a voice came out of the jungle.

"Well, well. I guess I was too late to see the show," a seventh year Ravenclaw sneered. He was holding a dagger in one hand.

Harry protectively put Hermione behind him. "What do you want?" he asked.

"You're coming with me," the Ravenclaw said.

"I don't think so," Harry replied.

The Ravenclaw smiled and raised his dagger and two more students stepped from the jungle behind Hermione, grabbed her as one held a dagger to her throat the other the sword in front of him.

"Harry, NO!" Hermione yelled as Harry made a move for her.

The Ravenclaw laughed. "We aren't going to hurt her Harry, we just need you under control. And don't even think about using magic. Oh yes, we know all about that. We don't want you sending You-Know-Who directly to this island now do we?"

"What do you want?" Harry asked, seething with anger.

"You are both coming with us. Play nice and there won't even be a scratch on the Head Girls neck," the Ravenclaw replied.

Draco's slumber was interrupted by a slight sound. He had been sleeping in the cave because of the rain. He opened his eyes and saw feet in front of him but before he could raise his head, he felt a weight press down on his back and his hands were tied behind him. He struggled and was rewarded with a sharp punch to his kidneys. He let out a groan and looked around him. The story was the same with his cavemates. He heard a few screams and his head snapped around when he heard Ginny struggling.

"What the fuck do you want?" Draco asked angrily.

He was yanked to his feet and came face to face with Terry.

"Payback's a bitch, isn't it?" he sneered.

They were led out into the jungle towards the beach held captive by their fellow schoolmates. The rain had stopped and the moon peeked out from behind the clouds. The fence of the beach camp loomed before them and as they walked through they saw two of their fellow cavemates.

"Harry! Hermione!" Ron called out.

They were tied to a post, their hands bound behind them as they sat on the sand. There were several more posts and the prisoners were tied together in small groups. Draco was tied with Ginny, Ron with Harry and Hermione.

"Are you guys alright?" he asked the two of them.

"We're just peachy," Harry grumbled.

"I can't believe this is happening," Hermione cried.

Harry felt with his hands and held hers, trying to comfort her.

"Harry, use your magic and set us free," Ron whispered.

"No!" Hermione whispered harshly.

"I can't Ron," Harry explained. "I won't do it. I don't know if I'd be able to fight him off this time."

"It's too risky," Hermione added.

"And this isn't?" Ron asked angrily.

"We're all alive, Ron," Harry said patiently. "If he comes through, we're all dead and you know it."

"But…" Ron protested.

"No, Ron," Hermione whispered harshly.

"Harry…" he tried to appeal to his friend.

"No, Ron," he answered and Ron muttered obscenities under his breath.

There was a commotion in the jungle then the roar of a tiger. Terry and a few others ran out of the camp.

"Blake!" Hermione groaned.

Terry came back in, smiling triumphantly. "I believe we now have everyone present."

A few of their captors dragged in a large net filled with orange fur and angry growls. A large spear stuck out of it.

"What did you do?" Hermione yelled along with Ginny and Luna and several other cavemates.

"You can thank Potter," Terry shrugged. "I got the idea from him."

Blake lay on his side, caught in the netting, a spear stuck out from his side. He roared in pain and anger and their captors jumped back.

"Why are you doing this?" Hermione said to Terry as he walked over to them.

"For the safety of the camp," Terry replied. "You are all help captive for conspiring to bring You-Know-Who to the island," he spoke aloud.

Several of their classmates gasped. Harry guessed that even some people in Terry's camp had no idea why they were bringing them here captive.

"Harry can do wandless magic," Terry explained, pausing to let this sink in. Harry glowered at him, feeling the eyes of his fellow students fall on him. "But he doesn't like to do it because when he does, You-Know-Who takes over his mind." A horrified cry came from his classmates. Neville looked at him, startled, Crabbe and Goyle looked at each other nervously.

"And these three," Terry said as he pointed to Ron, Hermione and Draco, "are guilty of conspiring to use Harry to bring You-Know-Who to the island!" Protests rose from the crowd and Hermione could feel Harry tense.

"We thought maybe it would bring Dumbledore!" Ron tried to explain.

"Shut up, Ron!" Hermione hissed. "We didn't do it, Harry. We all agreed that it wasn't a good idea."

"You guys have been plotting behind my back?" Harry was seething with anger.

"We decided it wasn't worth the risk," Draco said calmly.

Harry was furious. His friends, going behind his back, plotting to use him as a way to possibly bring Dumbledore here. Did they not know what Voldemort did to his mind? Couldn't have been polite to at least bring him into the planning? It was his mind after all.

"Listen to you," Pansy sneered at Draco. "I bet you were the one who thought of the plan, am I right?" Draco didn't answer her. "Well, did he?" she asked Hermione and Ron. Their silence said yes. "It figures, he would be the only one who would benefit from that plan."

"Shut up, Pansy!" Draco shouted angrily.

"Lord Voldemort would come to this island and the only one who would be leaving it alive would be you, Draco," she ranted.

"Pansy, I'm warning you…SHUT UP!!" he roared. "Don't listen to her!"

"He's a Death Eater!!"

A hush fell over everyone as they looked at Draco. The accusation sinking in. One of Voldemort's cronies right here on the island with him.

"But…he doesn't have the mark," Ginny said weakly.

"Yes," Terry swallowed. "How can we trust you?"

"Let Harry touch him," Pansy answered.

Terry gave a nod and Harry and Draco were separated from the others and brought forward. They both struggled, Harry tried his best not to touch Draco but he was outnumbered.

"Nothing's happening," Crabbe said.

"He has to use magic," Pansy explained.

"NO!" Ron and Hermione cried out.

Terry looked down at Harry. "I've been wanting to do this for a long time." He knelt down and wrapped his hands around Harry's throat.

"Terry! Stop it!" Hermione cried out. Her cavemates joined in.

Terry squeezed his throat and bent down to whisper in his ear. "After you're dead, I'm going to have Hermione, and I don't care if I have to force her."

Anger surged through Harry and a jolt of electricity went through him. Terry cried out in pain and backed away from Harry. Draco let out a painful shout as the Dark Mark glowed painfully on his arm. Everyone backed away from him. Harry writhed on the ground. Where are you? I am so close! Harry fought him off, retching the pain in his head was so great. He could hear Hermione screaming. He couldn't black out, he wouldn't pass out. He felt himself being lifted and he was retied to the post with Hermione and Ron.

"Harry!" Hermione moaned. "Terry, you idiot! Do you see why he can't do magic?"

Everyone was looking at Harry. Voldemort's voice had come from his mouth. Harry felt embarrassed and ashamed.

Draco was on the ground and looked up at Ginny, dying at the expression on her face. She was horrified.

"Ginny," he called out to her.

"Stay away from my sister!" Ron roared.

"Tie him up," Terry said softly.

Ginny tensed up, straining against her binds. "No," she said, "keep him away from me."

Pansy smiled down at Draco. "Hey, Ron, did you know that a Death Eater was fucking your baby sister?" she said softly.

"WHAT?!" Ron shouted.

"Pansy," Harry breathed, "Pansy, shut up."

"I wouldn't be so quick to defend Malfoy," Terry said to Harry. "He's got lots of little secrets."

Draco groaned, wishing he could bury himself in the sand. He was laying face down in it, his hands bound. Maybe he could smother himself.

"Draco came to me one night on the ship," Terry explained. "He said he had a way for me to win Hermione back. I listened and followed along. He, Crabbe and Goyle followed Harry and his friends to the club in New Orleans. They drugged your drinks and took you back to the ship. Draco was the one who stripped Ginny down and put her in bed with Potter."

Ron shouted obscenities at Draco as tears fell down Ginny's face.

"I'm sorry, Ginny," Draco said, his voice breaking. Tears stung his eyes. "I'm so sorry." She wouldn't even look at him.

Harry hung his head, it was as he had suspected. Terry continued on. "But I didn't think it would work. I figured you guys were so close that you'd never believe this but Draco said that it only would take suspicion to tear you guys apart. And it did. I only had to be there for the fall out."

Hermione was disgusted. "You vile…wretched…"

"Don't cast judgment on me, you were the one railed against Harry and Ginny," Terry shrugged.

"I knew," Ron whispered, staring off into nothing. "I remember…I found out what you were up to!"

"That's right, Ron," Terry answered. "That's what we were fighting about when Hermione walked in, right before the explosion."

"You bastard," Hermione whispered, hate in her eyes.

"Hey, I honestly didn't think it would work."

Harry began to chuckle. "Yeah, well I have news for you. It didn't work."

"What are you talking about? You and Hermione were through," Terry said angrily.

"While you were fighting with my best friend in the library," Harry explained, "I was in my room having sex with Hermione."

"You slept with Hermione?" Ron asked, bewildered.

Terry's jaw clenched in anger. He looked over at Hermione who had a wry smile on her face.

"I told you we fooled around, Terry," she said.

"Do you remember that conversation we had on the lifeboat, Terry?" Harry asked. "We both love her but she only loves one of us."

"I love him, Terry," she said to her ex-boyfriend. "I always have."

"And if you think you're stupid little plan to air everyone's dirty laundry is going to make me hate her, you are sorely mistaken. Nothing you can do will make me stop loving her." Hermione felt a swell of pride for Harry. "This has gone on long enough, Terry. Look at us! We used to go to school together! Do you remember that?" Harry spoke to everyone. "We were going to have our N.E.W.T.S. this year and Quidditch games!" The students looked at one another, shifting uncomfortably. "The beginning of term feast, the trips to Hogsmeade, the…you guys, look at us! We used to go to school together and now we're tied up like prisoners. Why? What happened to us? We were supposed to stick together. We've survived this long against all odds, we can survive longer if we just work together. I mean, what were you going to do with us? Kill us off?"

They looked at each other. What were they going to do? It all seemed so surreal, they got caught up in some kind of game. One of the Ravenclaws stepped forward and cut the binds on Neville and Dean, others stepped forward to release the others. Pansy knelt down and cut Draco's binds. One by one the binds were cut and the beach camp helped the rocks camp to their feet.

Then it happened.

It was like in slow motion. Draco saw Terry approach Harry, a dagger behind his back. Draco called out Harry's name but he was kneeling down with Hermione in front of Blake. Draco ran towards Harry, pushing others out of his way. Terry was behind Harry and raised the dagger above his head.


Harry turned when he heard Draco shout and saw him tackle Terry to the ground. Terry struggled against Draco who was trying to pry his fingers away from the dagger. They rolled in the wet sand, a wave rolled up and washed over them. Terry pinned Draco under him.

"Somebody help him!" he heard Ginny yell.

Harry, Ron, Crabbe and Goyle ran toward them but stopped when Terry jumped up and staggered back.

Silence fell over the group as Terry turned to face them. Hermione gasped and put a hand to her mouth. Terry's hands were covered in blood. Harry looked up and saw Draco's body in the moonlight. A dagger stuck out of his chest.

"Somebody help me!!" Harry screamed as he ran towards Draco.

Draco's hands shook as he reached out to Harry, a trickle of blood ran from the corner of his mouth. Harry looked back at everyone who stood frozen in terror on the beach.

"Help me!!" Harry pleaded. "Please!"

Ginny slowly stepped forward, followed by Hermione then Ron. They ran and knelt next to Draco. Ginny held his hand which was cold and shaky.

"It's okay," she whispered to him.

"Don't pull it out, Harry," Hermione said, stopping Harry from removing the dagger. "He'll bleed to death."

Harry looked at Hermione and Ron. The wound was fatal, it was inevitable that he was going to die. The dagger in his chest just prolonged it.

"No," Hermione said firmly.

Harry looked down at Draco who looked back at him and nodded. Harry pulled the dagger out of him and Draco screamed.

