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Survival of the Fittest by Twitch E. Littleferret

Survival of the Fittest

Twitch E. Littleferret

A/N: Okay, okay!! Put down the spears and daggers and whatever weapons you had. I had originally written two endings to this story. One of them was a dream sequence and the other is this one. I knew that this one was better but I like to mess around with my readers once in awhile. But I apologize profusely to anyone that I may have offended.

Okay, here's the real ending. I personally think it was really predictable and most of you guys guessed it, that's kind of why I was hesitant to post this version. But I hope you like it and I'm replacing the dream ending with this one. I apologize again.

Chapter Sixteen: Found

With your feet in the air and your head on the ground
Try this trick and spin it, yeah
Your head will collapse
But there's nothing in it
And you'll ask yourself
Where is my mind

Where is My Mind-The Pixies

Blood poured out of the wound and Hermione clamped her hands down on it. Draco bit back a moan.

"I can save him," Harry said quietly.

Hermione and Ron looked up at him.

"No," Draco gasped out.

"Do it, Harry," Ginny demanded.

"Harry, he's a Death Eater," Ron reminded him.

"Harry, it's too risky. What about Voldemort?" Hermione's eyes were wide.

"I don't care," Harry said. He didn't like Draco but he didn't deserve to die like this.

"Granger's…right," Draco gasped.

"No, Draco," Ginny sobbed. "Please…Harry, please?"

Harry knocked Hermione out of the way and put his hands on the wound.

"No don't do it!" Hermione yelled at him.

Ron tried to push Harry away but Ginny blocked him. Pansy stepped forward and held Hermione back as Harry closed his eyes in concentration. He blocked out the protests from Ron and Hermione, blocked out Ginny's crying, blocked out Draco's moans.

His scar tingled and his hands felt warm. Heal him, heal him. Stop the blood. Stop the blood. He concentrated harder and his scar let out a painful throb. He cried out but didn't take his hands off of Draco. I see you in my mind. Where are you? No, no…I have to heal him. WHERE ARE YOU? You are so close to me! Harry squeezed his eyes shut, the pain was so intense. But he had to fight to concentrate, he had to try and save Draco. The heat in his hands were even hotter, he could feel Draco's heartbeats. So close, so close. Open your mind to me. Harry's concentration began to waver, he was losing this battle, he had to wrench his mind free but he found that he couldn't close it. Draco's heart beat stronger beneath his hands. Stop it! Stop it! Let me go! No, I'm so close to you! Hermione! Ron! Help me! Hermione!!! HERMIONE!!

Harry flung himself away from Draco, his body drenched with sweat. Hermione broke free from Pansy and ran to Harry. Ron joined her. He was pale and shaking.

"Harry!" Hermione called out to him.

"Run! RUN!!" Harry gasped.

"What?" Hermione asked.

Draco still lay on the ground, the bleeding not completely stopped but the wound no longer fatal. Ginny cradled his head in her lap, he was so weak.

"He knows where we are!" Harry shouted but it was too late.


The castaways screamed as cloaked figures apparated into the darkness. Blake hissed and his hair stood on end, the spear preventing any movement.

Lord Voldemort surveyed the scene in front of him. The tree huts, the bonfire, the tiger and the vagabond teens. He looked down at Harry, weak in the mudblood's arms and said nothing for the longest time. He looked down at Draco and the wound in his chest. A Death Eater stepped forward and knelt down. Harry guessed it was Lucius Malfoy.

"And so here we are," Voldemort spoke quietly. "You don't even have a wand, it doesn't seem fair."

Hermione shielded Harry with her body. Harry was too weak to try and push her away though he desperately wanted to.

"And once again, I have to go through a mudblood to get to you," Voldemort said softly.

Ron bravely stepped in front of Hermione and Harry. Voldemort frowned and lifted his wand.

"I wouldn't do that, Tom, if I were you," came a familiar voice.

Relief filled Harry's insides. He could almost cry. Dumbledore stepped from the shadows followed by Lupin, Tonks and other members of the Order. The students let out a cry and gasped disbelievingly. Darkness so desperately wanted to claim him and Harry felt himself giving in.

He heard the screams and felt Hermione grip him tight to her. He saw the flashes of spells being cast. He heard Ginny scream as Draco was ripped from her arms then disappeared into thin air.

Then all was black.



The word was just as foreign as the place. Walking through the doors of the Great Hall felt surreal. The flashes of the camera, the applause, the people, it was all too much to take in. But most of the group finished up the year, took their N.E.W.T.S. and graduated. But Hogwarts was never the same.

Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny and Neville all stayed at Grimmauld Place on graduation day. It was too much for them to handle. They had been there nearly two weeks.

Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle reigned supreme in Slytherin as expected. Crabbe and Goyle were to join the Last Battle but as Death Eaters. Pansy didn't become a Death Eater but she would become a spy in the Ministry.

Parvati grieved for her twin. There were no other survivors save them. She and Lavender were going to open a Divination Supply shop this summer. Seamus received a job offer from Gringott's and would begin training in a month. Dean was headed off to a muggle university. Harry guessed that he had had enough of the wizarding world for awhile.

Blake survived and with much pleading from Hermione, Dumbledore agreed to take him home to Hogwarts. Hagrid's eyes lit up with delight at the cat and he treated him as a regular house cat. One that could tear your head off but Harry thought the pet suited him perfectly.

Luna would begin to work at the Quibbler this summer along with Ginny. Ron was planning on proposing to her sometime soon. He had bought her a beautiful ring since the Weasley family had fallen mysteriously into fortune. He only needed to work up the nerve. Harry had to constantly pat Ron on the back as he dry heaved into a paper bag.

Harry snapped out of his thoughts as the meeting of the Order came to an end. Members began to file themselves out of the kitchen. Snape lingered behind, pretending to busy himself with some papers as everyone left, including Dumbledore.

"Anything?" Harry asked quietly. Snape frowned and handed Harry a piece of paper. Harry took it and read it. He sighed wearily and set the paper aflame with the tip of his wand. Fawkes had graciously donated another feather to have his wand remade.

Harry couldn't sleep that night. Hermione's warm and naked body slept soundly next to his. Their lovemaking was great that night but it still didn't ease his mind. Careful not to disturb her, Harry slipped out of bed and threw on a t-shirt and pajama bottoms. Hermione was going to start her studies in magical law enforcement around the same time he and Neville were going to start their auror training. He kissed her softly on her shoulder and slipped out of the room.

The drawing room was empty and dark. Harry lit the room in soft lighting and stood at the desk. A globe rested on the desk and Harry touched it, turning it so that North America was looking up at him. His thumb brushed over a name of a city. Dark wizarding activities had been reported there. A small uprising of supporters for Voldemort…led by a young Death Eater.

"Any word?" a small voice spoke up.

Harry looked up at Ginny as she walked into the room. Harry gave the globe a light spin.

"No," he said quietly, "no sign of him."

It hurt him to see Ginny's face fall every time he said this. There had been no hide nor hair of Draco since Voldemort had taken him off the island. But Snape knew where he was and so did Harry. For some reason, Harry thought that Draco would not want him to tell her what had happened to him. He probably wanted her to remember him the way he was on the island and not the full-fledged Death Eater he was now.

Ginny sighed and sat down on a chair. "She went to see him today," she said.

"Yeah, I know," Harry answered.

Terry had been sent to Azkaban for the attempt on Harry's life and on Draco's. He couldn't be kissed because he didn't kill him but he would get out in twenty-five years. Not that it mattered. According to Hermione, Azkaban and its Dementors had already taken his mind. She said he just sat there staring out at nothing as she sat across from him, drool once in awhile dribbled down his chin. She was fighting to get him out of Azkaban and into St. Mungo's.

"Do you…do you think it'll get any better?" Ginny asked Harry.

Harry sighed. "I honestly don't know." It was an honest answer. Their future was in the hands of fate. The island had changed most people, some for the good some for the worse. This war would probably do the same but Harry had one constant.


Their love would weather this storm and whatever else their future brought them.
