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Survival of the Fittest by Twitch E. Littleferret

Survival of the Fittest

Twitch E. Littleferret

Chapter Ten: Dissention

The two boys faced each other. There was the brilliant world of hunting, tactics, fierce exhilaration, skill; and there was the world of longing and baffled common-sense.-Lord of the Flies, William Golding

Deep in the jungle, Draco and Ginny climbed up a tree, its plentiful branches made the climb easy and they settled into the canopy. The rain still fell heavily but the leafy branches above provided enough shelter for them.

"Are you alright?" Draco asked her.

Ginny nodded. "Yes, I…I'm fine," she shivered. "Thank you," she said and Draco nodded.

Draco settled back into the branches and rested. He didn't know if running into the jungle was a stupid move or not. He lost direction quickly, everything looked the same. The sky was overcast and he couldn't see the sun to at least give a general direction. He looked back at Ginny, her white blouse plastered to her with the pink undershirt underneath. Her nipples stood out from the cold.

Draco quickly looked away. It was hardly time for him to be thinking such thoughts. Besides, when they reunited with everyone, he was going to have to explain things to Pansy.

When the pigs invaded the camp, he left Pansy's side to help Ginny out. He didn't really think about what he was doing, he only acted. He was going to have to pay for his actions soon.

"Well, it's not the most comfortable place to stay," Draco said, gesturing to the trees, "but at least we're out of the rain."

"That's okay, I don't feel like being on the ground right now anyway," Ginny said quietly.

She began to sniffle. Draco didn't know what to do. Normally, whenever Pansy cried he just sent her away. He couldn't do that with Ginny. He reached out and patted her awkwardly.

"Uh…it's okay…everything will be fine," he said.

Ginny threw her arms around him. "Will it? We never seem to get a break. Ships sinking, sharks, wild pigs and oh…who knows what is on this stupid island!"

"Hey…at least we have each other," it was so incredibly cheesy that he couldn't believe that it actually came out of his mouth.

Ginny looked up at him thinking the same thing.

"Well…what I meant was…uh…at least we aren't alone. There are other students here, too…yeah." He had to shut his mouth before he started spouting poetry or some other mindless dribble.

Ginny moved away from him but settled in a little closer. "I hope they're okay," she sighed.


"Ron, Harry and Hermione."

"I'm sure your brother's fine. And wherever Granger is, Potter is there with her," Draco rolled his eyes.

"Yes, I suppose," Ginny said sadly thinking of their situation again.

Draco misinterpreted it. "I'm sorry. I forgot I was talking to the President of the Potter Fan Club," he said bitterly, jealousy bubbling within him. Scarhead was an ass.

Ginny looked at him. "Are you jealous?" she gave a hint of amusement.

"Of Scarhead?" Draco scoffed and rolled his eyes. "I don't think so. Although, you are wasting your time. He has eyes only for Granger. Who knows why?"

"I thought you and Harry were getting along," Ginny said.

Draco looked at her as if she had grown two heads. "I'm no fool, Ginny. There's a difference between working together to put the odds of survival in our favor and trading chocolate frog cards with each other. If anyone is going to keep us alive around here, it's Potter. But we're not mates. I don't trust him as far as I can throw him and I'm sure he feels the same way. I can put aside what he did to my father but I won't forget it."

"And what about what your father did to him? He's a Death Eater! He had a hand in killing the only caring family Harry had," Ginny said fiercely.

"Oh, I'm sure Potter played the martyr to the fullest. He loves the attention," Draco sneered.

"You just don't get it do you?" Ginny said pityingly. "He never asked for any of this, he never wanted any of this!"

"I wouldn't be so sure about that," Draco said haughtily.

"His parents were murdered, his entire magical family hunted down and killed by Voldemort," Ginny said slowly for emphasis. "He was left at his aunt's doorstep only to be abused while growing up. He had no idea who or what he was and when he did, Voldemort has made numerous attempts on his life. Can't you understand what that is like?"

"I don't understand how all of you can be so freakin' blind! War is coming and many of you side with Dumbledore who is pinning all his hopes on some bloody teenager! Do you really think Potter can do that?" Draco said. "Are you all stupid?"

"Goodness and kindness and…love are NOT stupid," Ginny said firmly.

"And that is what makes mudbloods and mudblood lovers weak," Draco retorted.

"Weakness has nothing to do with bloodlines, Draco. Look at us now! Muggleborns and pure bloods stranded together for days on end. Our fates have been the same. You and I weren't spared any tragedy just because of our blood. Strip away the money and labels and you'll see we are all the same," Ginny said defiantly.

Her eyes were fierce with passion, her face flushed. She looked so desirable that Draco couldn't help what he did next. His lips crashed down on hers catching her off guard and with her defenses down. She quickly gave in to its heat and passion. Draco was instantly addicted to her and he needed more. Begging entrance with his tongue she complied and he was rewarded with the sweet taste of her mouth. Ginny was drowning, the passion a drug that muddled her thoughts as he gently cradled her head. But a sliver of reality broke through and she opened her eyes.

She shoved Draco away from her and slapped him across the face.

"Asshole!" she said harshly then moved to sit farther away from him. Her cheeks were red and flushed, her lips plump and wet from their kiss.

Draco sat back and settled into the branches a smirk on his face. His cheek stung where her hand had made contact. Her taste was still in his mouth.


"Hermione!" Harry shouted out.

He had back tracked to the beach camp but no one was left save a few pigs who feasted on the dried fish. He stayed well away from them. He trekked into the jungle, the only place left that she could've gone. He was hoping that she was with someone and not by herself.


The sound of rain splattering against plant leaves was his only reply. He couldn't see very far in front of him, the rain blurred the distance in front of him. Maybe he had gone too deep in the jungle, the canopies blocked most of the dwindling light. He had passed fellow students who stayed up in trees but Hermione wasn't with any of them.

The sun was beginning to set and soon he would be plunged into total darkness. Was Hermione out there all alone? He looked around him. No one was near. Harry brought his right hand in front of him and closed his eyes to concentrate.

A bright ball of light appeared, its beam mimicking the light of a flashlight or the Lumos spell.

"Hermione!" he called out as he plunged into the darkness of the jungle.


The morning sun cast warmth on the few of the students who returned to the camp. They muttered amongst themselves at the damage done by the wild pigs. The tents were all destroyed, one of the tarps was ripped to shreds by a pig who was tangled in it, one of the blankets had the foul stench of animal urine on it. The dried fish were all gone and one of the fishing lines was stomped into the sand, some of the hooks were bent or broken.

Dean picked up one of the hooks that was damaged. "Nice," he muttered sarcastically. "Bloody fantastic." He threw the hook back down on the sand.

Draco and Ginny emerged from the jungle, following the voices back to camp.

"Ginny!" Ron said aloud.

"Ron!" Ginny shouted and ran to her brother. He met her halfway and he hugged her hard swinging her around. Her ex boyfriend Dean came over and said a few words and gave her a hug. A brief pang of jealousy flashed over Draco's face.

It was a look that Pansy did not miss.

"Draco!" Pansy called out and ran to him throwing her arms around him.

He returned it half-heartedly. "Is everyone alright?" he asked as the other Slytherins joined them.

Students trickled into the camp as the day went on. Draco was sitting with his fellow Slytherins, checking their things, when Harry walked onto the beach. Terry jogged up to him.

"Is she with you?" he asked Harry.

"No, I was hoping she was with you," Harry replied.

"You mean to tell me you left her alone somewhere on this island?" Terry yelled.

Harry's jaw clenched. "I didn't leave her. I've been searching for her all night. What have you been doing?" Harry stood in front of him.

"I've been doing the same," Terry shot back, anger in his eyes.

"Look, we all got scattered across this forsaken island," Dean said, trying to keep the peace.

"You're her boyfriend, Terry," Harry snarled. "What did you do? Run like a coward when the pigs showed up, leaving her behind to fend for herself?"

"Oh, so you can admit that we're dating when it conveniences you? Well, where were you? You normally follow her like a lost puppy begging for attention," Terry shot back.

The two of them made a move for each other but Ron and Draco intervened. Ron holding Harry back while Draco took care of Terry.

"Hey, hey guys. Cool it," Ron said.

"You're not going to find Granger by standing there fighting with each other," Draco said. "Our situation is bad enough as it is."

Harry and Terry both relented. Neville angrily tossed aside a blanket.

"Look at this," he muttered angrily gesturing around their ruined camp. "Now what are we going to do?"

"We move to the outcrops," Harry stated.

"In there?" Terry asked, gesturing to the jungle.

"There have got to be caves there. We need to find better shelter," Harry persisted.

"Those outcrops are surrounded by the jungle, who knows what is in there? Besides, we don't know if something already has made its home there, like the pigs."

"Or worse," Pansy piped up.

"Do you want to spend your days in the rain when we could have a stronger shelter to keep us dry? Storms a lot worse than the one last night are going to land on this island," Draco said.

"The camp stays on the beach," Terry said firmly. "Better to see any rescue ships."

"Those pigs will be back. Are we going to have to rebuild camp every single time?" Ron asked.

Terry sighed impatiently. "Fine," he said angrily. He stormed over to the edge of the jungle and retrieved a small branch. He walked back to the beach and drew a line between himself and Harry.

"Don't do this Terry," Harry warned.

Terry ignored him and tossed the branch aside. "Those who want to go to the rocks go with Harry. Those who want to stay on the beach stay with me."

The students looked at each other uncertainly. No one dared speak, the only sound was the distant roar of the waves breaking offshore and the lapping waves as they reached the beach. Harry and Terry stared angrily at each other across the line.

Ron walked over and stood next to Harry. He was followed by Luna, Ginny, Neville, Dean, Seamus, Lavender and Parvati. Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle stood next to Terry followed by the other Slytherins. Most of Hufflepuff and the rest of Ravenclaw also stood next to Terry looking back pityingly at their housemates who stood with Harry. Draco was the only one left. Pansy looked at him and gestured for him to join her. Draco looked between her and Harry. He sighed and picked up the branch that Terry discarded.

"If I'm going back in that jungle, I'm taking something pointy and sharp with me," he said and joined Harry's group.

"So," Terry said coldly. "That's how it's going to be."

"You divided the group. Not me," Harry replied.


They split whatever equipment that was salvageable between the two groups including blankets. Harry's patience was dwindling slowly. The more time it took to get everyone packed and ready was time took away from going into the jungle to find Hermione. If they didn't find her on the way to the rocks he was going to venture out again by himself.

Pansy approached Ginny and Luna who were at the waterfall filling the water bottles. Ginny looked up but said nothing to acknowledge her presence and Luna only looked up in time to see Pansy shove Ginny in the water.

"What do you think you are doing?" Luna asked angrily.

The cold water stung Ginny as she fell in it. She swam to the surface and treaded water looking up at Luna and Pansy arguing angrily with each other.

"What did you do that for?" Ginny shouted up at her.

Pansy reached out and grabbed Ginny by her hair. "Don't you even think about taking him away from me, you little slut," she hissed at her.

Ginny had been reaching up to free herself from her grasp but instead she reached further and grabbed Pansy's upper arm and pulled her into the water with her. Pansy tried to catch her breath but it felt like the cold water was squeezing her lungs.

"You bitch!" Ginny snarled and shoved Pansy back under the water.

"No! Ginny! Pansy! Stop it!" Luna shouted.

Back on the beach, Harry, Ron and Draco heard her shouts and dropped what they were doing to run after her. They arrived at the waterfall to see Luna wading into the water as Ginny and Pansy were splashing around. At first, Harry thought they were just goofing off but at a closer look, Harry could see scratches on Ginny and a bloody lip on Pansy. Ron and Draco walked into the water.

"Hey! Hey cut it out you two!" Draco shouted.

Ron pulled Ginny off of Pansy and Draco dragged Pansy to the shore. Pansy threw Draco a dirty look and stormed back to the beach, he followed.

"What the hell is going on here?" Ron asked his sister when they reached the shore.

"Nothing, Ron," Ginny said angrily and headed toward the camp.

Harry helped Luna out of the water as Ron went after his sister.

"Don't tell me it's nothing! You were fighting about him weren't you?" Ron persisted.

"It was nothing, Ron. Just drop it," Ginny said angrily.

"Are you forgetting what he did to your father?" Pansy said to Draco.

"This has nothing to do with that," Draco shot back to her.

"This has everything to do with it! You sided with him!" She shrieked.

"You like him, don't you?" Ron asked his sister.

Ginny stopped and turned to look at him. "I do not!"

"Ginny," Ron looked pleadingly at her, "he's in Slytherin!"

"Have you forgotten your loyalties?" Pansy said quietly.

"My loyalty right now is to myself. I would like to live long enough for the possibility of getting of this blasted piece of rock!" Draco responded.

"And what about your loyalty to me?" she asked.

"What about it? You chose to stay on the beach," he replied.

"Does it really matter right now who belongs to what house? You didn't talk to Dean the entire time we dated and he was your roommate!" Ginny accused.

"So you do like him!" Ron pointed at her. Ginny sighed and rolled her eyes.

"I never said that!"

"His father nearly killed us in the Department of Mysteries, have you forgotten that?" Ron said quietly and walked away from her. Ginny plopped down on the ground and began to cry.

"Stay with me on the beach," Pansy pleaded, pulling him toward her and running a hand through his hair.

"Come with me to the rocks," Draco countered.

"And side with Potter?" Pansy laughed.

Draco stepped away from her. "This isn't about sides."

"It's always about sides," Pansy said. "And what would our Master say if he knew what side you chose?"

Draco's jaw clenched. "Shut up," he said softly.

Pansy shook her head at him in disgust. "You would've been better than your father. The Master said so himself." She grabbed his arm turning the underside of his forearm up. "The Mark may not show but you know with whom your true loyalties lie. Don't forget what you pledged yourself to be."

Draco yanked his arm out of her grasp and walked away from her.


The sun was high in the sky when Harry's group left the beach. He led the way while the others listened intently for any sounds that would indicate the pigs were nearby. Harry had a knife but Ron, Draco and Neville had spears. The rain had stopped sometime last night but the afternoon sun made the jungle hot and sweltering. The dried fish was eaten by the pigs so they had not eaten since yesterday afternoon. Their stomachs growled with hunger.

Harry recalled the last thing Terry said to him before he left.

"When you find Hermione, bring her back to the beach," Terry said.

"I'll leave that decision for her to make," he replied.

Harry heard the grunt and stopped suddenly. They guys had their spears up. The pig stood alone staring at the group, surprised that they were there. Harry and the others stepped forward, they had caught the pig off guard and it was alone. It wasn't one of the big ones, this one was a bit smaller and it's tusks not as long.

The pig grunted and took off for the grassy clearing. Ron and Neville looked at Harry.

"I guess we scared it off," Harry said.

Draco threw down his pack. "He's not getting away. Boys, our meal is running away." He leveled his spear and took off after the pig. Neville and Ron looked at Harry who looked equally bewildered. Delirious with the possibility of a meal with actual meat instead of fish, Ron took off after him. Harry and Neville followed as the group stayed behind and cheered.

The mood of the group lifted considerably when the guys returned with the pig. Carrying it on a pole, they all daydreamed about what the meal would be like.

"We've got to roast it on a fire. Turning it over and over so the juices coat it," Dean said dreamily. Ron stared longingly at the dead pig.

"We found some fruit we can put with it," Parvati chimed in.

Harry slowed down and a hush fell over the group when they arrived to the rocks. It was a rocky cliff that towered above them with boulders at the bottom. Vines covered the face and just above the boulders the gaping mouth of a cave stood.

"This is it," Ginny said reverently as she stood next to Harry.

"Yeah," Harry said quietly. "This is it."

They heard the sound of heavy breathing to the left of them. They turned to face whatever it was, knives out and spears poised. The sound of rustling leaves and the snapping of twigs filled the air. Suddenly, something muddy flew out at them from the jungle, knocking Harry to the ground.

"Hermione!" he said when she lifted herself off him.
