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Survival of the Fittest by Twitch E. Littleferret

Survival of the Fittest

Twitch E. Littleferret

A/N: WARNING!! I'm going to have to rate this chapter NC-17 so I don't say I didn't warn you.

"No mercy, no power but its own controls it. Panting and snorting like a mad battle steed that has lost its rider, the masterless ocean overruns the globe."-Herman Melville, Moby Dick

Chapter Five: The Storm

Ron was surprise when his cabin door flung open and Ginny burst in.

"Ginny, what are you doing?" he asked when she locked the door behind her.

"You are going to listen to every word I have to say," she said threateningly.

"If you're going to try and defend him for what he did to you," Ron growled.

"Shut up Ron and listen!" Ginny said exasperatedly. "Look, Harry and I have been trying to figure out what happened to us."

"Oh, I can tell you exactly what happened," Ron said sarcastically.

"Ron! Please listen!" Ginny pleaded.

"I went to the mediwitch to have myself checked out."

"I don't want to hear this," Ron put his hands over his ears.

Ginny stomped over and removed his hands. "I'm still a virgin."

"La, la, la, la. I'm not listening!" Ron sing songed.

"Ron! I said I'm still a virgin!" she said more forcefully.

Ron just stared at her. "They can check for that?"

Ginny rolled her eyes and shook her head. "This is very important, Ron. What can you remember from that night?"

"Gin, we were all pretty drunk that night," Ron said lightly.

"Were we?" Ginny asked, "Isn't it funny that every one of us can't remember how we got back to the ship? If we were so pissed, how did we do it?" Ron had a blank look on his face. "Furthermore," she continued, "Luna didn't drink as much as we did and she can't remember what happened that night either."

Ron opened his mouth to say something but something clicked in his head. Ginny was right, Luna didn't have as much to drink as everyone else.

"Well…how do you explain you and Harry?" he asked.

"I don't know," she sighed. "But Harry wouldn't do that. You have to believe that."

"I want to believe it Ginny, I do. But the cold hard facts are that you and he were in bed together…naked!" Ron sighed and got off the bed. "He's my best friend Ginny, nearly a brother." He sighed and rested his head against the cool wall, staring out of the small circular window.

"You have to believe us, Ron," Ginny said quietly. Ron didn't say anything back. Ginny sighed and left the room.


Herbie sat back in a chair, feet propped on the desk. He had gotten this job through a friend and he desperately needed it. He had a shitload of back rent due as well as a car that was a breadth away from being repossessed. Just a few more weeks and he would be off this stinking boat loaded with rich kids from some private school he'd never heard of. He took the late shift because of the shift differential but he had been drinking earlier with the cooks in the staff poker tourney. The alcohol was beginning to get to him, making his thoughts muddled and his eyelids like cement. He began to slowly nod off only to be jerked awake when his head drooped to low. He shook his head and put on some headphones hoping that the music would keep him awake. He cranked the volume and sat back. Slowly, his eyelids began to close. The loud volume drowns out the beeping alarm on the control board telling whoever is in charge that the pressure is too high. Herbie slowly nodded off asleep.


Ron sat across from Terry, staring off into space, the parchment in front of him long forgotten. His inkwell slid across the table as the ship listed slightly starboard.

"This storm is unbelievable isn't it?" Terry said looking up at Ron. "Ron? You alright?"

Ron, jerked out of this thoughts, looked back at Terry.

"I asked if you were alright," Terry repeated.

Ron rolled his quill between his thumb and index finger. "How are things going with you and Hermione?" he asked suddenly.

Terry looked a little puzzled. "They're fine. Why?"

Ron leaned forward in his seat. "I mean, she was pretty ticked off at you when you first broke up. Now that you're suddenly back together, I just wondered if you worked everything out."

Terry went back to his report. "Like you said, we're back together."

"Well…how'd you do it?" Ron persisted.

Terry stopped his writing and looked up at Ron. "What's with all the questions?"

Harry quietly snuck down the corridor, listening closely for anyone who would show up. With a simple unlocking charm he unlocked the cabin door and snuck in the room.

"Figures," Harry said, looking at the messy room. Draco Malfoy's stuff was everywhere. They had no house elves on the ship so each student was responsible for their own messes. Apparently, Draco had never had to clean in his entire life. Harry threw out an arm to steady himself as the ship listed. Thunder rumbled overhead. He tucked his wand in his back pocket and began to dig through the desk looking for something…anything. Not in any hurry to check Draco's bed, Harry used his wand to lift the sheets and pillow. The only thing he found there was his wand. Feeling a bit vengeful, Harry took the wand and stuffed it into his back pocket with his own. Next, Harry checked under the bed, pulling out a small wooden box. Opening it, Harry found it stuff with all sorts of smoking paraphernalia. Sorting through the various pipes, papers and cartons of cigarettes, he found matchbooks at the bottom. One of them immediately caught his eye.

"Son of a bitch," Harry muttered as he lifted it out of the box. He ran his thumb over the design on the front. It had the name of the club in New Orleans stamped on it. Shoving the box under the bed, Harry quietly left the room.

"Dare I ask why you were in Malfoy's room?" a familiar voice asked.

Ron's expression gave nothing away. "I'm just curious, that's all. I mean, Hermione is like a sister to me. I just want to make sure she's not making the same mistake again or that she could get hurt."

"I would never hurt, Hermione," Terry said, sounding a bit hurt. "I love her! I'm crazy about her."

Ron shrugged and looked around the library. Thunder rumbled overhead. "I'm just watching out for her."

Terry went back to his report. "I understand. I mean…look how you were when you found out that Harry took advantage of your little sister's drunkenness."

Ron's head snapped back to Terry, his eyes narrowed.

"Answer me, Harry," Hermione demanded.

Harry slipped the matchbook in his pocket. "None of your business, so why don't you run along and rat on me to your little boyfriend."

Hermione narrowed her eyes. "You are so pathetic."

"Not as pathetic as someone who would take that poor excuse of a Head Boy back."

Hermione pointed a finger in Harry's face. "Don't go there with me, Harry." She turned on her heel and stomped away. Harry stomped after her.

"I will go there with you, Hermione. Getting back together with him just because he gave you what you wanted, he must really be outstanding in bed for you to still be sticking around." Harry turned and walked up the stairs to his floor.

Hermione's jaw dropped. "How dare you say such things! You of all people have no right to judge me!" She ran after him.

"Just like you judged Ginny and me?" he asked angrily.

"If the shoe fits," Hermione held her head high. "This isn't the first time you've indulged yourself and woken up next to a girl."

Harry couldn't say anything back to that. She was right. "And Ginny?" he asked.

"I can't explain that but all I can say is that she knew that I…" Hermione stopped before she could say more.

Harry stopped walking down the corridor and turned to Hermione. "Knew what?" he asked.

"Harry, how would you feel if you found Ron and me together like that?" she asked.

"It wouldn't happen," Harry said angrily, turning around again.

"Why not?" she asked.

"For one thing he wouldn't betray Luna like that." Harry turned around and pointed a finger in Hermione's face.

"And what about me?" she asked.

"Well, after what you said in the kitchens last month, I knew you were desperate to be rid of your virginity," he said nastily. "Hey, I mean you're already banging Head Boy Dickless!"

Hermione slapped him across the cheek then stormed down the corridor. Harry swore and kicked the wall before storming into his cabin.

"How did you know?" Ron asked quietly.

Terry looked up at him. "How did I know what?"

"That Ginny was drunk. Nobody told you," Ron said suspiciously.

Terry who had been scribbling on his parchment paused slightly then continued writing. Ron picked up on that immediately. Thunder boomed overhead.

"I just assumed. I mean how else could Harry get her into bed?" he looked up at him jokingly. Ron gave a mocking laugh.

"It was pretty early in the morning when all that happened, wasn't it?" Ron asked.

"Yeah, I know. What a way to wake up, huh?"

"And yet, there you were, seconds after I yelled, already dressed."

Terry put down his quill and looked at Ron. "What exactly are you getting at Ron?"

"I just find it convenient that you were there at the right time, all dressed up." Terry didn't reply so Ron continued. "Luna also told me that you that you went to see Hermione. Now if anyone gets up early around here, it's her, but she was still in her pajamas."

"I'm an early riser," Terry said coldly.

"Now that I think about it, you were pretty calm about the situation, almost as if you were expecting it." Ron sat back in his chair thoughtfully.

"It's Harry. I would expect something like that from him," Terry replied.

"Yes, well. You also expected Harry and Malfoy to fight and look how you flew off the handle when you found them on the beach. But that morning, you walked in cool and collected," Ron stared at Terry.

"I really hope you aren't accusing me of anything," Terry said coolly.

"Hang on a minute. Let me put this all together. Nobody said a word about Ginny being drunk but you knew about that. You walked into that room not at all surprised about what you saw. You so graciously let me switch rooms and Neville too so Harry is left all alone. You prance on down to tell Hermione how good of a Head Boy you were, play honorable by not revealing what happened. You let someone else to the dirty work so that you can swoop in and comfort her. Did I get everything?"

Terry shook his head in disgust. "That is not true."

"Isn't it though? Let me throw another one at you. You don't like, Harry. Really, really don't like him. And now I know why," Ron said.

"Oh, pray tell," Terry said mockingly.

"Because you want to be him," Ron pointed a finger accusingly at Terry.

"What?" Terry scoffed.

"You keep trying to make me your friend, you're dating his other best friend."

"This is ridiculous," Terry laughed.

"Oh yeah? Well I've got bad news for you…pal," Ron rose from his chair and leaned forward placing his knuckles on the table. "I might have been pissed at Harry but he's still my best friend. And no one…fucks with my best friends." Ron lunged across the table, tackling Terry to the ground.

Harry was sitting on the bed, sulking, when the door swung open and Hermione stormed through.

"Why, Harry?" she cried, hitting him on the shoulder. "Why her? Why her and not me?" Her fists hit him on his shoulders and his chest. Harry got off the bed and grasped her shoulders, holding her at arms length. The ship listed sharply and Harry and Hermione collided into the wall behind her.

"I didn't sleep with her!" he hissed in her ear. Being this close to her began to stir arousal within him.

Hermione knocked his hands away and shoved him away from her. "Why should I believe you? Huh? Why should I believe you when you've indulged yourself with other girls? Everyone but me!"

"You're exaggerating Hermione!"

"Am I? Look at me, Harry! Look at me and tell me you're attracted to me. Look at me and tell me you'd do things to me that you've done with other girls." Tears were streaming down her face, her nose was a bit runny and her hair was a little wild. Yes, he wanted her but he was fighting it. He turned away from her.

"Hermione, stop it," he said angrily.

"Why? Why don't you think of me that way?" she shouted.

"You're my friend!" he shouted back.

Hermione sobbed out a laugh. "You're friend?! That's all you see me as?" She hastily began to unbutton her top and Harry quickly looked away. "Do you know your friend has these?" she said, opening the top to reveal the simple pink bra she wore. "Am I so repulsive that you can't even look at me?"

Reluctantly Harry let his gaze wander over her creamy skin, her flat belly and the soft curves of her breasts. He tore his eyes from her, gripping the back of a chair as desire and lust clouded his mind.

"Hermione," he said warningly.

"Guess what else your friend has," Hermione snarled, kicking off the sandals she wore. Harry heard her unzip her zipper.

"Hermione, cut it out!" he snapped at her.

"Why, Harry?" she said, her voice was falsely cheery. "I can strut around in my knickers because you won't do a thing." She pulled off her jeans, letting them pool around her ankles then taking them off. "I'm safe. I know you won't try to touch me or do anything. Why? Because you're my friend and that's all you'll ever think of me." She tossed her jeans at Harry, hitting him. Harry turned and glared at her. She was pushing the boundary. He took in her shapely legs, following them up to the small triangle patch of pink fabric that was her underwear.

"Hermione, stop it," he growled at her. His hardness began to strain against his jeans.

"Why should I Harry?" her voice was sultry and teasing. Harry gripped the back of the chair harder as if he were clinging to the last of his resolve.

"Don't push me, Hermione," Harry warned his eyes flashing dangerously at her with desire.

Hermione licked her lips and began to walk slowly toward him, bringing her hands to the clasp on the front of her bra. With a soft click, she drew her hands apart taking the bra and her shirt with her, shrugging them over her shoulders. Her breasts were exposed to him, small mounds of flesh with rose colored centers, nipples erect. With a soft groan, Harry's resolve broke.

He wrapped his arms around her, his lips claiming hers in a feverish kiss. He lifted her and she wrapped his legs around his waist as he propped her against the wall. He pressed himself against her as she shrugged off her shirt and bra, bringing her hands back to run through his hair. One of Harry's hands held firmly to her thigh while the other sought out her breast, cupping and kneading it. Hermione let out a soft whimper that sent more blood to his loins. His hand returned to her thigh as he laid kisses on her neck, prying more pleasant sounds from Hermione.

She brought her hands to his shirt, yanking it up and over his head, taking his glasses with it. He groaned when her fingers lightly brushed over his nipples, down his abs and falling to the button on his jeans. Her mouth was hot and wet, Harry couldn't get enough. She unzipped his jeans, her hands seeking out his hardness and rubbing against it then working his jeans over his hips. Harry moaned into her mouth, helping her with his jeans, taking his boxers with them as they pooled to the floor. Stepping out of them, he pressed his body against hers, reveling in the feeling of her breasts pressed against his chest. Driving himself mad with desire as his hardness pressed against her underwear already wet. Hermione moaned as he did this and he sought out her neck again.

Harry slowly sank them down to the floor, Hermione straddling him when the reached it. One of his hands wrapped around her waist, holding her, while the other sought out her breasts. Hermione raised herself slightly and Harry lavished attention on her breasts with his mouth, moaning together as he sought out her nipples. Both his arms wrapped around her waist, pushing on her back slightly, pressing her breasts against him. He brought his right hand forward again to caress her breast then slowly fall down her torso. Slipping his hand past the elastic of her panties, he groaned when he found her wetness. Hermione gasped with delight as he slipped a finger inside, his palm rubbing gently against her. Her breathing became erratic and she writhed in his lap, kissing him and holding him. She became hotter and wetter as she suddenly gasped out in pleasure, his name on her lips put him over the edge.

He flipped her so she was under him, practically ripping her knickers off her as he settled himself between her waiting thighs. His breath hitched as he entered her hotness. She was so tight and he pressed further in, his mind muddled with lust. With a cry from her lips she suddenly gave way and he was fully sheathed within her. She clung to him as he moved within her going slow at first but his primal urges made him move faster. Soon he felt himself tighten before he exploded into her, reaching nirvana gasping her name.

He rested on her, spent and breathing heavy, her arms still around him. The fog of lust that clouded his mind began to lift and the repercussions of what they had just done began to settle in.

Oh my God, you just slept with your best friend.

She's a virgin. She's a virgin…was…was a virgin. Thanks to you.

Slowly Harry lifted himself off Hermione. The look in her eyes mirrored his own feelings of fear and confusion. Gently he moved out of her and she winced a little. A small gush of his pleasure and her maidenhood went with him. He grabbed a towel and wiped it up so she wouldn't see the blood. They scrambled away from each other and dressed in silence.

Hermione trembled slightly as she dressed, taking a deep breath to calm herself. She couldn't look at him, she was too ashamed of herself. Silently she left his room. She leaned against the door behind her, hand covering her mouth. Small, deep breaths filled her lungs and she started forward. She just wanted to go to her room so she could think clearly. She ran up the stairs into the main lobby when she heard shouting and scuffling from the library. She ran into the room to see Terry and Ron beating the crap out of each other.

"What is going on?" she shouted.


A loud explosion sent her flying in the air.

Harry threw on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. He sat there a moment trying to process the events that had just happened. Finally he threw on a pair of shoes and left his room to find Hermione. He had reached his door when he heard a loud BOOM! He went sprawling to the ground. He popped back up and ran into the hall. Other students popped their heads out to see what the commotion was. The corridor was filled with smoke to his left, the loud beeping of the smoke alarm sounded and the sprinklers overhead went off.

"Everyone up on deck!" Harry shouted to his schoolmates. Hermione, he thought. He had to find Hermione. He ducked back into his room and snatched up his wand, tossing Draco's aside then ran into the hallway.

The students scrambled down the hall, slipping on the wet and slippery floor. Harry watched the water as he flowed down the hall to the left. Vaguely he registered that they were listing a bit.

"Are we leaning?" Neville ran up to him, voicing his thought.

"Come on, let's get out of here!" he said and the two fought their way up the stairs.

The main lobby was in chaos, students, teachers and crewmen ran everywhere. Screams could be heard. A few of the students were lying on the ground, crying, blood on their faces and hands.

"What the hell happened here?" Dean ran up to them.

"Hermione," Harry demanded. "Have you seen Hermione?"

The ship listed even more and everyone lost their balance and began sliding to the other side of the room. Smoke and small fires were everywhere.

"…explosion! Just tore the ship in half!!" he heard a crewman shout as a group of them scrambled away.

"Come on, Harry!" Dean yelled. "We've got to get on deck!"

"What about Hermione?" Harry yelled back.

"Maybe she's already there!" Neville said.

There was a loud groaning sound and a loud crack that filled the air. Suddenly water began to spill into the room. The students screamed and scrambled up the stairs, trampling each other. The scene wasn't much better up top. The storm still raged tossing the ship in its large waves, drenching everyone in rain. Harry stared in horror when he saw the damage to the ship. Whatever that loud explosion was split the ship in half, Harry saw the other half of the ship meters away and slowing sinking like this one. People scrambled to get the lifeboats ready, some were already in the water, freed by the explosion.

Harry clung to a post trying to get his balance as the ship tilted into the ocean. Some of the panic was because he couldn't see much, the moon was covered by storm clouds and the only light came from the large fires within the ship.

"Harry!! Harry! This way!" he saw Neville waving him over to a lifeboat but as he let go another explosion rocked the boat sending Harry flying in the air.

He couldn't see a thing, couldn't tell if he was swimming up, down or sideways. His head finally broke the surface and he gasped for air, treading water. He must have hit something because his head hurt. The pain on the side of his head was unbearable. Nothing but darkness surrounded him. The water churned violently and sent him under again. Harry resurfaced. His fellow classmates' screams filled the air and he could see faint outlines of people from the debris that floated in the water aflame.

"I can't see anyone!" he heard them shout.

"I can't swim!"

"Somebody help me!"

Another wave pushed him under and Harry fought his way up to the top. A hand came out of nowhere and he grabbed it. He was being hauled onto a life boat. Harry coughed and spluttered, his breathing heavy. He turned over and darkness overcame him.
