Unofficial Portkey Archive

Survival of the Fittest by Twitch E. Littleferret

Survival of the Fittest

Twitch E. Littleferret

Chapter Thirteen: Predator and Prey

The female lion is at risk when a new male takes over and establishes dominance in the pride. He will try to kill her cubs while the female will do what she can to keep them alive. This often pits the female against the male during this change.

Terry and Pansy sat hidden in the jungle by the lagoon watching Draco and Ginny disappear underneath the water. Terry felt bad for Pansy, he didn't like Draco and he didn't condone his behavior. Pansy watched them, her lips pressed tightly together, restraining from the tirade of obscenities that she wanted to scream at her boyfriend…no ex-boyfriend.

"Come on," Terry whispered. "I think it's safe to follow."

He led Pansy and another Slytherin into the water, swimming out to where Ginny and Draco had disappeared. Ducking underwater, they found the mouth of the cave and swam through following Terry's lead.

Silently he made his way to the surface, barely making a noise as he lifted his head out of the water. He saw piles of gold and jewels in front of him, a literal treasure trove. He also spied the youngest Weasley and Draco in a very compromising position, lucky for him they were too busy with each other to notice him.

Pansy surfaced next to him and he covered her mouth with his hand, a finger to his lips in a gesture of silence before she could shriek out their presence. The other Slytherin stared wide-eyed at the treasure. Silently, they ducked back under water and swam out of the cave.

"That no good dirty little…" Pansy ranted and raved when they surfaced in the lagoon. "I will KILL him. I swear I will make him pay. Wait until I get a hold of him…"

"No," Terry said quietly. "No, we don't say a thing about what we saw here."

Pansy stared at him indignantly. "You expect me to just…keep my mouth shut?!"

"Yes, I do," he said harshly, rounding on her. She stared back at him open mouthed. "We have a nice piece of information on our hands here. Those two would love to keep what they are doing a secret from certain parties. And Draco has secrets of his own to keep," he finished softly.

Pansy looked away guiltily. Only a select few knew about Draco's pledge to become a Death Eater. It certainly would be nice to hold that over his head, threaten to tell Potter of his little secret. Terry had a far off look on his face. Draco had masterminded the plot to break up Hermione and Harry by planting a naked Ginny in Harry's bed. What lengths would he go to keep that little piece of information from Miss Weasley's ears? Yes, Terry and Pansy definitely had Malfoy by the balls.


The afternoon sun pounded down mercilessly on the island and they were now beginning to feel the muggy heat. The distant rumble of storm clouds threatened to approach the island from offshore. Hermione made her way through the jungle following the racket that was being made. She found Harry, sweaty and shirtless, hacking away at some of the trees. She bit her lower lip as she watched his lithe muscles move underneath his tanned skin.

"Yes?" he asked, breaking through her lustful thoughts.

Hermione shook herself and gained her composure quickly. "Are you alright? Ron told me what happened this morning."

"He punches like a girl," he answered nonchalantly. He was lying, the punch had hurt.

Hermione let out a little laugh. "He piqued everyone's curiosity."

Harry threw down a palm frond. "Did you tell everyone, too?" he said bitterly.

Hermione was taken aback and her guard was put up. "No," she answered coolly, "I didn't." Harry seemed to ignore her and continued hacking away. "You know, I don't understand why you are so mad. He had a right to know."

"Did he?" Harry asked shortly.

"Harry…we slept together," she said patronizingly.

Harry threw down another frond. "Yeah? Well, if I can recall, I gave you ample time to change your mind." He was sorry he had said this the minute the words left his lips. Hermione looked at him as if she had been slapped.

"I'm sorry," Hermione said bitingly. "I forgot that it was such a painful memory for you." Harry didn't say anything to this, he was too angry at her and at himself. She shook her head in disgust. "You are such a jerk."

"Why are you acting like a victim of circumstance in all of this? You were the one who came to me," Harry said quietly.

"I'm very well aware of that fact, Harry," Hermione replied as she turned to head back to the rocks.

Harry shook his head angrily when she left him. He was washing his hands of her. He was tired of being on the receiving end of any fallout between her and Terry. Harry knew that Hermione's true feelings for him had manifested themselves that night and now she was blatantly denying them. He was sick of her hiding behind Terry and he was tired of watching her battle with those demons unyielding. She was acting like a silly little child who couldn't make up her mind whether she wanted a pony or a puppy for her birthday. He was through with her. This morning had been the last straw.


Harry held the bloody piece of raw meat up as Dean tied a string around it. Draco, Seamus, Ron and Neville all stood around him.

"So I'll set this out tonight. If we're lucky, the tiger will fall for it and we'll be rid of it as soon as possible," Harry announced.

"What are you doing?" Hermione asked, storming over to the group of boys.

"We're setting our trap," Harry answered defiantly. Hermione met his leveled gaze.

"I forbid it," she said quietly.

Harry narrowed his eyes at her. "The tiger is dangerous, Hermione. It attacked you, it could attack any one of us."

"Leave it alone, Harry," she demanded.

"No," he retorted and walked away from her. She followed him.

"You are just going to provoke it and make it angry," she said.

He rounded on her. "I don't know how much clearer I can make it to you, Hermione. There. Is. A. Tiger out there. A very big one that can reduce all of us to a pile of blood and guts and I for one, do not intend to be on the menu."

"He won't bother us if we don't bother him," Hermione replied.

"And how do you know this?" he asked.

"I…I just know, okay?" she said abashedly.

"I'm not ready to put lives at stake because of your gut feeling," he said.

"Just like fifth year?" she called after him. It was a low blow and she knew it but all she could think of doing right now was hurt him in some way for insulting her.

Harry looked back and her, eyes narrowed then he shook his head and made his way into the jungle. Ron approached Hermione.

"That was a real bitchy thing to do, Hermione," he said to her then made his way after Harry.

Hermione hung her head and sighed. She hadn't meant to lash out at him like that but ever since the morning after she broke up with Terry, she and Harry had been sniping at each other and it was beginning to wear on her.

Frustrated, Harry set to work on setting the trap. He knew Hermione hadn't meant that comment but the fighting between the two of them over the past few days was beginning to try his temperament with her. But he guiltily admitted that he purposely started some fights just to get her riled up. Then he would see the anger flash behind her eyes, a dangerous glint that glossed over the underlying sexual tension that fueled that animosity. They would glare at each other mentally undressing one another; make snide remarks that had the undertones of whispered lust; sometimes he didn't know whether he wanted to throttle her or kiss her senseless or perhaps both.

That night, Hermione snuck out of the cave and into the jungle, the moonlight illuminating her way. She approached the trap and sprung it, jumping out of the way of the sudden action.

"What do you think you're doing?" a voice whispered in the dark.

Hermione spun around and was face to face with Draco. "What does it look like I'm doing?"

"Tsk, tsk. Potter's going to be very angry when I tell him what you've done," he said, smirking.

Hermione met his challenge. "Go ahead," she said plainly as she unhooked the meat and tossed it aside.

"No, I won't. Well, the verbal lashing would be fun to witness but it's really growing tiresome. Do the rest of us a favor and just shag the poor guy?"

"Like you're shagging Ginny?" she asked. Draco's face stilled the smirk wiped off his face.

"Hold your tongue, mudblood," he whispered fiercely.

Hermione smiled indulgently. "Relax, Malfoy, I'm not stupid enough to tell Ron or Harry, although I do hate keeping things from them. You're lucky that my loyalties lie with Ginny in these matters."

"Why are you protecting the tiger?" he asked.

"Why do you sleep outside the cave?" she countered.

"Quid pro quo?" he asked. She eyed him cautiously.

"I saved the tiger's life. Since then, he hasn't tried to attack."

"The scratches on your back are from its claws."

"Battle wounds," she answered. "Now, why are you not sleeping with the rest of us?"

"The other night, Potter had a nightmare and he…Well, let's just say he wasn't himself," he answered grimly.

"How so?" she asked.

"You can probably figure it out," he said dryly. "That's all I've got to say on that subject." He turned and headed back to camp but stopped and turned back to her. "Coming?" he asked.

She followed him. "That necklace that Ginny has," she said and Draco stopped walking. "Where did she get it?"

"I gave it to her," he answered.

"And where did you get it?" He shrugged and continued on his way.

They made their way back to the camp but Draco stopped her just at the fence. "I'm surprised you haven't asked me," he said.

"Asked you what?" she asked.

"Why I'm not telling Potter?"

"I assume it's because you want to be a jerk about it and taunt me with this for as long as you can," she sighed.

Draco smiled. "Well yeah there's that. But, I'm doing myself a favor by getting Potter of out my hair."

Hermione crossed her arms. "Ginny doesn't like him in that way."

"All the same, it buys me insurance. I know for a fact that Potter is full awake in that cave and is watching this little interaction with much interest."

Hermione fought the urge to look in that direction. She shrugged.

"So, what does this have to do with me?"

He smiled coyly at her and took her hand in his. "Don't play dumb, Granger. Don't you know the way to a man's heart is through his ego?" He kissed the back of her hand then walked away from her.

Hermione rolled her eyes and made her way into the cave. She could feel Harry's penetrating gaze burn through her. She settled into her sleeping mat and caught Ginny's eye. She had a playful, knowing look on her face. Hermione frowned at her and turned on her side to face away from her.


Harry was in a pissy mood the next day. He stormed over to Hermione who was gathering some fruits. They were alone.

"You did it, didn't you?" he snarled.

Hermione sighed lazily. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"The trap," he said briskly. "You sprung the trap. Do you know how long it takes to set it up?"

"Maybe your trap sucks," she said calmly.

"Whatever," Harry muttered angrily and walked away. Hermione smiled smugly to herself.

That night, Harry watched as she made her way out of the cave again. He waited a few moments then followed her back to the trap.

But she wasn't there and the trap was still set. Deciding it wouldn't be a good idea to hang around, he made his way back to the camp. Hermione was still not there, and much to Harry's chagrin, neither was Draco. Hmm, nor Ginny. Horrid thoughts of a possible three-way popped into his mind.

"Lucky bastard," he muttered then brushed the unlikely thought aside.

She was on her way to spring the trap again but Draco caught up with her. Taking her arm, he gestured silence with his fingers to his lips and led her into the jungle. The moon was full and provided good light as they made their way to a beautiful lagoon. Hermione stopped and gasped at the wonderful sight.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" a voice whispered behind her.

Hermione turned to find Ginny standing behind her. Draco stood next to her with an arm wrapped around her middle. Ginny stepped forward and took her hand, leading her into the lagoon.

"Come on, we trust you," she smiled.

They swam into the lagoon, then through a tunnel that half-frightened Hermione out of her wits, but when she surfaced it was well worth it. The moonlight glinted off the gold through a narrow light from above. There were piles of it and dotted amongst it were jewels and wooden trunks. Hermione ran her fingers over a beautiful gold crucifix embedded with emeralds. She thought of Harry's eyes.

They made their way back in silence, Hermione agreeing to keep their secret. She made a detour for the trap and sprung it, tossing the meat aside. She smiled inwardly at Harry's persistence, if only he were so passionate about catching other things. Like her willing heart.

Harry feigned sleep as he watched Ginny and Hermione enter the cave. They looked wet and their faces held the looks that Lavender and Parvati frequently wore after coming back from a session with Professor Trelawny. A sort of smug, self satisfied look.

Harry didn't say anything to Hermione when he came back from the jungle. The trap had once again been sprung. He glared at Hermione who looked back at him, her eyes dancing with merriment that sent his stomach in pleasing knots. If it weren't for such a dangerous predator, he would've gladly set and reset the traps just so he and Hermione could play this game. But it was a very dangerous predator and this time he would be ready.


Hermione parted ways with Ginny and Draco in the jungle. They were now using her as a cover for their clandestine meetings at night. As planned, Hermione would spring the trap, then head out to the waterfall until they met her again and they would all walk back together.

Hermione lazily reached for the meat but the most unexpected thing happened. She heard the twang of a trap being sprung then she was hoisted up in the air in a net.

"Harry!" she shouted out angrily.

From the jungle he emerged, laughing at her as she dangled in the net above.

"Harry put me down! This isn't funny!" she said.

"Actually, it is kind of funny," he replied. "You see, you gave me the idea, really. Each time you sprung the trap, you tossed the meat aside but it was still untouched by the morning. The tiger wasn't falling for it so I decided to use a better bait."

Hermione was furious with him. "Harry this is ridiculous! It isn't going to work."

Harry lifted the spear he was holding toward Hermione. "I'm betting that it does."

Hermione opened her mouth to say something when a sound came from the jungle that made her heart stop. A low growl. Harry heard it too and had his spear poised, ready to strike.

"Harry, no! Put that away!" she cried out.

Harry tuned her out, his thoughts concentrated on the jungle ahead of him. Silently from the shadows it stepped out, its eyes glowed fiercely. Harry looked at it and swallowed nervously. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all.

"Blake! No, don't hurt him!" Hermione called out to the tiger. The tiger didn't move, he only looked up at Hermione in the net then back down at Harry, a soft growl escaped its throat.

Harry slowly brought the spear up. "Stay away from us," he said.

The tiger looked at the spear with narrowed eyes. His ears flattened against its head and it let out a snarl. Harry jumped back.

"Stop it! Stop it both of you! Harry drop the spear!" Hermione called down.

"Are you crazy? I'm not going to drop the spear!" Harry shouted back. It was the only thing between him and the Almighty. He raised the spear higher.

The tiger snarled and lashed out with a massive paw. He heard Hermione scream and felt the spear ripped from his hands. The sheer power of it was like swiping a twig from his hands. The tiger roared and Harry nearly crapped his pants. He was way in over his head. He didn't want to do it but he had to do something to protect himself and Hermione. He closed his eyes and sent a stinging hex to the tiger. The tiger leaped away from him and snarled.

Draco and Ginny were at the lagoon when they heard the commotion. They looked at each other then ran into the jungle toward Hermione's screams. Ron sat bolt upright in the cave along with his fellow cavemates. Hermione's scream pierced the night and they could hear the roar of the tiger. Thinking the worst, Ron ran out of the cave with Neville, Dean and Seamus, all of them taking spears.

"Let me down, Harry! He won't hurt you if I tell him so, just stop hurting him!" Hermione screamed down.

But Harry wouldn't listen, he and the tiger circled around one another. The tiger wary of getting another hex. Draco and Ginny got there the same time that Ron and the other's did.

"Ron!" Harry called out. "Throw the spear!"

"No, Ron!" Hermione shouted out from a net dangling from a tree. "Don't do it! Let me down, Harry!"

"Harry! Let her down!" Ginny called out.

"Throw it Ron!" Draco yelled.

Ron threw the spear but his aim was poor and it missed the tiger. The tiger whirled angrily on the boys. Neville, Seamus and Dean threw theirs but their nerves at being face to face with the tiger made their aim just as good as Ron's.

"Ginny! No!" Draco called out as Ginny darted forward past the tiger and climbed the tree. She had taken the knife that Draco always carried on him.

"Hold on, Hermione!" she said to her.

"Ginny, don't free Hermione!" Harry warned.

The tiger hissed and snarled at the boys that were trying to surround him. Ginny reached the netting and began to cut away.

Draco saw Harry look up at Ginny and raise his hand but Draco tackled him to the ground before he could stop Ginny. The tiger used this distraction to come at the two of them but before he could swipe at Harry, he sent a force toward the tiger, knocking him backward.

"Hurry Ginny!" Hermione called out.

Ginny worked furiously to set Hermione free. With an audible snap, the net gave and Hermione dropped to the ground. The tiger ran forward, toward her to see if she was okay. Harry, misinterpreting this, sent a powerful force toward the tiger. It was sent sprawling to the ground, knocked unconscious.

Hermione scrambled to her feet. "Harry no!"

Harry moved forward and sent another hex but Hermione jumped in front of the tiger.

"Hermione!" Harry yelled in dismay as the hex hit her instead.

"Hermione, what are you doing?" Ron called out. "Get out of the way!"

Hermione grabbed her midsection and hissed at Harry. "Stop it. I won't let you do this!"

"Get out of the way, Hermione!" Harry ordered.

"No!" she said defiantly.

"Hermione…MOVE!" Harry shouted.

"NO! If you're going to hurt him, you'll have to get past me," she challenged. The others watched with baited breath as Hermione and Harry faced off. Harry, breathing hard, stared at Hermione while she matched his gaze.

Harry reached out with his hand and Hermione felt something grip her inside before she was lightly tossed to the side by Harry's wandless magic. Hermione stumbled on her landing but picked up a rock and threw it at Harry who raised his hands toward the tiger. The rock landed in Harry's side.

"Ow!" he shouted in pain and turned to face Hermione.

"Hermione!" Ron called out in protest.

"Hermione no!" Hermione really didn't know what she was doing. She just ran at Harry and tackled him to the ground.

Harry was so shocked at her actions he didn't know what to do at first. They hit the ground hard and Hermione was momentarily stunned. Harry took that opportunity to flip Hermione under him. She struggled against him, trying to hit him or punch him she was in such a fury but Harry easily dodged her. He grabbed her wrists and pinned her to the ground.

"Hermione stop it!" he growled.

"Don't hurt him!" she spat back.

She moved to swipe at him but he still held her wrists and slammed her back to the ground as she tried to get up. Breathing hard, she looked into his eyes and her heart nearly burst out of her chest with fear. He was looking at her so…predatorily. His eyes were dark and intense. It was so primal and it caused a flare of desire that flooded through her and pooled between her legs. Harry was no longer staring at her eyes but now at her lips that she licked leaving behind a faintest trace of moisture that he so desperately wanted to claim.


It was Draco's whisper that broke the spell and Harry moved off of Hermione. She scrambled away from him and to the tiger. Ginny was already there, kneeling down and cradling its head in her lap. The tiger had come to and was purring contentedly. Hermione knelt next to it and the tiger raised its head to lick her. Harry stood there dumbfounded along with the other guys. They couldn't believe it, the tiger purred like a housecat while Ginny and Hermione pet it. Draco, Harry, Ron and the others stepped forward but the tiger let out a growl of warning.

"I think it would be best if you guys stayed away for now," Hermione said. "You know, first impressions and all."

The guys gladly stayed their distance.

"What is it with Hermione and overlarge cats?" Ron said aloud and Harry let out a small laugh.

He shared a small look with Hermione, who quickly looked away. He was grinning inside. He had won this battle and it was an important one. He saw how Hermione reacted to his lust. She would be helpless in his hands and she knew it. That's what had frightened her. He could've had her right then and there on the ground if they were alone. She wouldn't fight him, she wouldn't fight what was between them. She couldn't, she reacted so strongly to him.

"Come on, guys, let's get going," Ginny said wearily as she got to her feet. Hermione followed and so did the tiger.

"Hey, what were you two doing out here?" Ron asked Draco and Ginny as they walked back to camp with the tiger.

"They were with me," Hermione said and Harry looked at her. She was lying and he knew it but didn't say anything.

She felt his gaze burning into her but she didn't trust herself to look at Harry. She wouldn't dare provoke him like that again. Her cheeks flushed with the thought and Harry smiled triumphantly.

