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Writing To Reach You by weird4hanson

Writing To Reach You


A/N: Thanks to my reviewers of the last chapter! This is another one of all letters. Your comments would be welcome. Thanks.


May 10

Dear Brandon,

Argh, another post-visit letter! I think these are the very hardest to write, because it's almost as if you haven't really left. Your scent still clings to my room and my sheets, and my body still feels sensitive from that last desperate (and fantastic!) shag.

But this was such a great weekend, wasn't it? I really cherish how we are able to talk so freely with each other once more, especially after the few months that were wasted after our ordeal. That was primarily my fault because you were making the effort to come down every weekend and be supportive, while I remained preoccupied with self-blame and self-pity. I will always regret that wasted time but on the upside, it has made me incredibly appreciative of the time we do have together now. I want to get to know you so much more than I already do. Sometimes I can't believe that we've been good friends for almost ten years. Seems incredible, doesn't it?

Man, I can't get over how gorgeous Lake Louise was! Even though it's been almost a month since we were there, the beauty of it refuses to leave my mind, as if the images of the glacier, the mountains and lakes have been seared into my memory. And wasn't leaping over that waterfall fucking brilliant? I know, I raved about it all during your last visit, but I can't get over it! 'Tis all your fault for taking me there, haha. I really hope we can go back, and I want us to make it a tradition. Do you think Piers' family would allow us to borrow or rent the cabin at least once a year? Or even sell it to us, if we can scrape together enough money! That would be so awesome, to own that cabin, with the spectacular view and location that it has!

Not to mention the memories. That was the place where we broke down the walls that had erupted between us and were able to reconnect. I'm so happy that we weathered that storm. I'm sure there will be other difficult times ahead for us, but just knowing that we were able to get through this first one, and emerge stronger than we were before it, gives me hope.

Anyway, guess what? My parents are coming over this Friday to spend the weekend with me! I can't wait! I haven't seen them since early January. If you recall, they all (Mum, Dad, Ben, Budget and Vina) were planning to come visit over the Easter break. But then that mystery virus broke out and as head of that department, Mum couldn't come. Meanwhile Dad had to attend to some emergency Puddlemere matters and of course they weren't going to send my young siblings over by themselves, so the visit had to be put off. That was quite a bummer, but it turned out that I probably wouldn't have gotten to spend very much time with them if they'd been here. A great influx of sick and injured animals came into the hospital that weekend and we were insanely busy. I doubt I got more than ten hours of sleep over those two days.

But this weekend should be much more sedate for me, and Matt Adler agreed to cover my shifts at Morningside. In exchange, he wants me to help him with some Microbiology homework, which is a very weird swap, don't you think? But since I'm so far along in the program, it shouldn't be that hard, as I did that particular homework weeks ago and am onto stuff that they'll not be covering until next term. Matt's a quick study, anyway, and he always gets so excited when he figures something out. He'll say "Ah ha!" and give me a big hug.

So, your birthday is coming up month after next! I tried to talk to you about what you wanted to do, but you kept turning the subject back onto me. I can't believe I'll be twenty-two years old next month. But I think yours is a bigger milestone - a quarter century on the planet, Odie! Twenty-five whopping years! That deserves a big bash, a celebration of some sort, don't you think? Let me know what you would like to do, will ya?

Anyway, I gotta run. Oh, I just asked Axel if there's anything he'd like me to pass along and he started purring up a storm. So Axel says to tell you howdy and that he likes you very much, haha.

I love you madly. Write back soon, okay?



May 12


Yeah, I know what you mean about the first letter after a visit being the hardest. I keep expecting to wake up to you beside me but then I roll over and it's like, Oh, right. But hey, we're almost through the first year! Only one more to go, eh?

I'm glad we're back on the right track, as well. Of course at the time we couldn't see it, but now I realize that it's to our benefit that we endured that rough patch in our relationship. It has made us so much stronger, I think. Kind of like how when a bone breaks and heals, the point where the healing occurred is much stronger than the surrounding bone. Does that make sense? I know we're not quite out of the woods yet. Heck, we will never be truly out of the woods, because a relationship is always growing, always evolving and will always take work. But this is one work I truly enjoy. (Get your mind out of the gutter, you!)

Hey, that's a good idea about making a visit to Lake Louise a tradition. Just the two of us. I'm sure Piers' family won't mind. He said his parents were impressed by how clean and orderly we left it, so I guess we're in their good graces. I dunno if they'd be willing to sell it, though. Let's talk about that next time I come over, okay?

I'm glad your parents will be able to visit; I know they've missed you cause they're always asking me about you after I come back from a visit. And think about it, it was probably for the best that they didn't visit over Easter cause you were still caught up in the depression. Your Mum, for one, would've taken one look at you and known instantly that something was up and between the two of them, they'd've had you spilling your guts in no time. Then your Dad would've hopped back over the pond and my arse would currently be six feet under, pushing up dandelions. So, all's well that ends well I suppose.

Seems like that Matt Adler bloke pops up everywhere you are. He's in that biology class, he works with you at the hospital, he hangs out with you and Krishna. I must admit that I don't like how touchy-feely he sounds with you. But at least he knows how to barter. I'd want your help with homework too, if I needed it.

For my birthday, I don't really have anything in mind other than spending it with you. Just being with you will be celebration enough for me.

Tell Axel I like him too, the greedy little berk.

Love you,


May 29


Well, this is a short one cause my professors just dumped a shitload of assignments on me. I met with my academic advisor today and she claimed to be impressed by how well I'm handling my course load. If you recall, it took a bit of persuasion for her to agree to allow me to handle the program the way I am. I'm working at a very good clip, and it's like you said a couple letters ago, we're almost through the first year and only one more to go.

I'm really excited about that, being at the halfway mark. Makes my dream seem so much more realistic, like it just might come true after all. I do have my moments when I wonder what the hell I was thinking, trying to do so much in so little time. But I have to admit that I'm enjoying myself quite a bit.

If I'm not mistaken, did I detect a bit of jealousy towards Matt Adler? He's really nice, Brandon. He's been great in helping me get settled here, with showing me around in my first few weeks and introducing me to Doc Meriwether at Morningside. I consider him a friend, just the way I consider Kady or Krishna to be friends. Next time you come over, maybe you and he could hang out a bit, and you'll see that he's a nice person.

Turns out that my parents will be throwing me a birthday party here, after all. We talked about that when they were here last weekend (which was awesome, did I mention! Most young people my age can't stand to be around their parents for very long, but I love being with my Mum and Dad. Even my friends were pulling me aside to whisper in awed tones about how cool my folks are.) They wanted me to come home but I'm on a roll here and I don't want to mess with it. But at least Hogwarts will be out around that time so Budget and Vina will be able to come over. I can't wait to see them, and Lyna and Davis are planning to be here too. It'll be my first time seeing Lyna's belly (though of course she's sent me pictures and so much information that I'm almost as excited as she is, in spite of my own painful experience). I hate that I won't be seeing you at the usual time next month but on the upside, it means you'll be able to be here for the party.

Don't worry, I definitely plan to be with you for your birthday. A whopping twenty-five!

Gotta run, but please know that you're never far from my thoughts, my sweet. I love you.



June 18

Dear Emerson,

Today I sorted through all the letters I've received from you since you've been at Harvard and guess how many there are? Over a hundred and thirty! And it's only been about nine months since you moved. At the rate we're going, we'll be able to fill a couple of those Muggle encyclopedias by the end. Can you imagine how many miles those poor owls have logged? I don't envy them.

God, I miss you. I wish I could've come over last week but I have to wait for your party. At least it's only next week. Fucking Warezell. He keeps piling me with work. I can't wait for the summer cause the department will be hiring some new people. The broader pool of workers should make the delegation of duties a bit more manageable. That's what I'm hoping anyway, but Warezell seems determined to send me on as many assignments as possible. One of these days, I'm going to put a clogging charm on my ears and savor the undoubtedly blissful absence of human speech, in any language.

Regarding our ongoing discussion of Matt Adler, I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm somewhat jealous of him. He's getting to be around you frequently, whereas I'm thousands of miles away from you the vast majority of the time. That's all. But to be honest, I have no interest in "hanging out" with him, and I'm sure he would rather not hang with the both of us together. He would doubtless end up feeling ignored and/or revolted because I can hardly keep my eyes and hands off you, can I?

Anyway, I'm leaving for Rome tonight for the European Quidditch Conference, so expect my owls to take a bit longer to reach you. I'll be there for three days and afterwards be back in London. I have a feeling Warezell might be planning to send me somewhere else but if it conflicts with my being with you next week, it goes without saying that I'll be declining the assignment.

Only a week to go now and I'll be able to hold you in my arms and snog you senseless. I can't wait.

