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Writing To Reach You by weird4hanson

Writing To Reach You


A/N: As always, muchas gracias to my reviewers of the last chapter! In case you haven't noticed, I've been utilizing the Author Response feature to reviews, so check it out if you'd like. This chapter is all letters. We return to regular programming in the next. Thanks to Liss for beta services and being an awesome friend! Enjoy.


January 14th

Dear Emerson,

How're you? Hitting the books with a vengeance, I hope. Because the harder you work, the better your results will be and the sooner you'll have achieved your goals. Or at least that's what they tell me. I haven't quite decided if they only say that to make me bust my arse for them.

It was so awesome to get your letter. I was grinning like a complete moron and couldn't stop sniffing the parchment, trying to pick up your scent. I think I did cause my heart began pounding so hard, I thought people could hear it downstairs. God, I miss you!

I'm all right. Things are absolutely insane here. All these countries up for renewal of their contracts and all of them want to be served at once. It's like they have some idea that the order in which their matters are attended to is somehow indicative of how important their country is. They couldn't be any more misguided. It's strictly a first come, first served kind of thing. But of course there are the arrogant ones who saunter in at the eleventh hour and yet expect to be placed at the head of the line. And when you tell them that it doesn't work that way, the temper tantrums are a sight to behold.

Like I said in my last letter, I've been all over the continent. I spent one night in Paris, the next in Rome and right now, I'm sending this from Berlin. It's a tad dizzying but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying myself. I'm getting to meet some very interesting people, occasional tantrums aside, and something I've noticed is that if you're able to converse with them in their native language, they're much more warm and open with you. I guess it gives them a sense of security, not having to leave their own tongue.

Good on you for getting such excellent marks! It certainly sounds like your professors are impressed. I can't imagine how confusing it must be for you, not to mention difficult, going to all these classes at all these levels. You're doing a program in the first year and the second, all at the same time. So you're learning the basics and also more than the basics, all at once. If that didn't make any sense, I apologize. I'm confused right now, I admit.

I'm sorry this is so short but I'm scribbling this before dashing out to a dinner meeting with the German Quidditch officials. There's no way to tell how long the meeting will drag on so I'm grabbing the chance now while I can. Tomorrow, it's off to Brussels and who knows when I'll be able to next catch my breath. Don't worry about the owl finding me; it will. And if I don't reply right away, don't worry about that either. I will as soon as I'm able, okay? I miss you so much and can't wait for next month when we can be together again.

I gotta run. Give Axel a tummy scratch from me and know that I love you.



January 16th

Dear Brandon,

Wow, it certainly sounds like you're trying to be Phineas Fogg! Around the World in Eighty Days, monsieur. I'm glad you're having fun, though. You're so lucky to have such a neat job and I'm so proud of you.

I'm all right, but I've been feeling a bit rundown lately. Just really tired, like I need to take a nap all the time. Of course there's no time to be doing that cause, like you said, I'm trying to do two levels of a program all at the same time. Sometimes I wonder if it isn't a mistake to be tackling a four year program in two years. And besides that, I'm working at the animal hospital. I love working there but lately, the smells have been making me queasy. Must be because I'm tired, because it's never bothered me before. I'm sure it'll go away soon, which it had better cause the smells are part and parcel of being a veterinarian.

And Axel! Brandon, I swear this cat is going to eat me out of house and home. He consumes absolutely anything edible and I'm not kidding. The other day, Kady and I caught him trying to get into a can of beer! And there's this thing he does with cups and bottles; he'll go up to them and knock them over with his paw and then lap up whatever is spilled. You have no idea how many Scourgifys I've been performing lately! You're probably laughing right now and it's not funny. Oh, who am I kidding, it's funny (though not in the moment) and I'm always picking him up and cuddling him within minutes of scolding him. Which is probably confusing to him, like "So, should I knock stuff over or shouldn't I?" I'm sure he'll just do what he wants, anyway. He's a cat.

I'm so glad that you gave him to me. He's so affectionate and it's like he understands when I talk to him. And the other day I was crying in bed cause I missed you so much and he just jumped onto the bed and rubbed his face against mine, like he was trying to comfort me. He's a sweetie pie.

But I'm okay. Hey, did I tell you about my suspicions that there might be something going on between Kady and Ben? It's just a feeling I had, when he told me at the Portkey terminal that he'd be coming over to visit as soon as he could. But then I saw him and Kady acting a bit too cozy for mere acquaintances. I haven't questioned her about it cause it's really none of my business, but I'm curious. What do you think? Did you notice anything?

I'll let you go now, Mr. Fogg. I know you're very busy traveling the world and far be it for me to hold you up in your adventurous pursuits! Just know that your lady friend in Boston, Massachusetts loves you and will be very pissed off indeed if Valentine's Day rolls around and you haven't alighted at her doorstep. I am so looking forward to it, it's not even funny. Be careful or else I'll send Axel to eat you into poverty and he is more than capable, let me tell you. It'll require both our combined incomes to keep him fed, I fear.

Write me back when you get a chance. I love you, my Odie.



January 19th


Blimey, Axel drinking beer! What're you subjecting that poor cat to? Though from the sounds of it, he's got you wrapped around his furry paws and knows how to get his way. Come to think of it, that bloke at the pet store did sound rather eager to hand him off... he was probably racking up the grocery bills trying to feed our little glutton.

I'm sorry you're not feeling well. Make sure you get plenty of sleep, all right? It's not worth it to overwork yourself because that takes away from the quality of work that you're able to do overall. If you feel it's too much to be handling your course load as well as holding down the job at the animal hospital, maybe you should think about taking a break. I'm sure Doc Meriwether will be happy to have you back when you have a bit more time and energy to devote.

Have you mentioned this to your parents? If not, want me to? Your Mum might want to send down some of your favorite foodstuff. Some chicken soup, for instance. It's no secret, not even to Muggles, that chicken soup has magical properties, especially if it's been made with love. It might help you feel better.

This is another short note. I have a shitload of paperwork to translate and organize and another round of traveling coming up. It's the first night I've spent in my own flat in more than a week and I'm leaving again the day after tomorrow. So I have to get these done because there's no doubt that I'll be returning with a fresh pile and I don't want a backlog of any sort waiting for me when I get back.

Regarding Kady and Ben, no, I didn't really notice anything. I was too focused on you and wallowing in self-pity about you leaving me. Sorry. I'm sure Kady will mention it if it's anything significant.

Get some rest, all right? I can't wait to see you! The one upside to being so busy is that the time flies by and every day that gets crossed off is one nearer I am to being with you again. I love you, Em.



January 21st

Dear Brandon,

Well, I can't rightly blame the bloke at the pet store for being eager to hand Axel off! I think the fact that I'm a magical zoologist, as well as in training for a veterinarian degree, is the reason why I'm so obsessed with what he eats. I know how easily he could get sick, because he's still so young. He doesn't need all the things he thinks he needs.

As for me... I'm not really feeling any better. I'm still tired, still nauseous quite a bit. But now I know what the problem is, which is a bit of a relief, I guess. All that worrying before was making it worse but now that I know... I'll tell you more when I see you. Don't worry about me, okay? And nah, don't mention it to my parents. They'll just launch into overreaction mode and I don't think I can handle that right now. I'm trying to get as much sleep as I can and drinking lots of fluids so I don't get dehydrated from all the upchucking.

I think it's a good idea what you suggested, about taking a leave from my job for a while. The smells at work do seem to aggravate me a lot more lately. It would be better for everyone concerned if I stayed away until I'm a bit better, I think. Will talk to Doc as soon as I get a chance.

Send me your travel information as soon as you know, all right? I'm trying to plan my whole week before you arrive, so I can get as much done as possible and thus have maximum time to spend with you. I don't want any assignments or anything weighing on my mind or interfering with our time together. I can't wait to see you and I love you so much. I miss you (every single part of you) scandalously.



End Notes:

1. I forgot to credit Ron "Tater Salad" White from the Blue Collar Comedy Tour with the part in the last chapter that talked about capital punishment in Texas. In particular, the line about Texas putting in an express line, and "If you come to Texas and kill somebody, we will kill you back!" Rock on, Tater Salad!

2. I did once know a kitten who was so greedy, he tried to get into a can of beer. We had the pictures to prove it! And every time the fridge was opened, he would try to get in there, having figured out that that's where yummy stuff is kept. :)