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Everlasting Daystar by Sk8erWitch

Everlasting Daystar


Chapter 11

Her entrance into the room was noticed as the room's temperature decreased rapidly.

"Is it always cold with her around," Rene asked his Master.

"Only when she's mad as hell," Vinarin replied.

"It's been two weeks!"

"He should have died!" Necro nearly screamed as she crossed her pale grey arms across her chest. Her long stringy dark grey hair partially covered her haunting steel grey eyes. Though her face was a pale grey, her eyes were darkened by the shadows around them. Her whitish grey sleeveless dress gave her a somewhat innocent look.

"Did you really think it would be that easy, my sweet?"

"I had hoped it would." Necro said more quietly.

"Oh well, maybe next time. I was merely testing the waters. Defeating my sister will take time and precise planning. Besides, we wouldn't want to harm the little one that grows inside of her." Vinarin sat there musing in his thoughts. "How is your army coming along, sweet?"

"I've mostly been working with the ghosts from Hogwarts. They have been very tight lipped and very loyal to the light. But since your return and the return of my powers, I have each and every one of them wrapped around my little finger."

"That's good. They will prove most useful." he said, "You understand you are merely a distraction."

"Your sister is not expecting me. I think the sight of me after all these years, and my army will be quite distracting." Necro replied. "How was your visit with you mother."

"I think she might be regretful of choosing to gift Solarea a child."

"How does that work exactly?" Rene asked.

"There are always three of us, always. My mother let the fates know that her time was near an end. When Solarea's child is born, mother will die." Vinarin explained, "When I kill my sister, her godhood will go to the one I deem worthy."

"Any of us?" Necro asked eagerly.

"Yes, now run along and play with your army."

"You wouldn't have an objection of me finding where the boy's parents are buried, would you?" Necro asked.

"I like the way you think, my little necromancer, it's just like old times."


"We could be walking for hours still, trying to find the right place." Madison wasn't usually one to complain, but lately she felt impatient about everything.

"You didn't have to come; I can talk care of myself." Tavion told her, she had her Sais out hilt forward with the blade resting against her forearms.

"This is the Forbidden Forrest; no one goes in here alone."

"That may be true, but you didn't have to come." Tavion said as they turned to a different direction.

"To tell you the truth, I really had nothing else better to do." Madison replied sounding bored. "Besides, I'm sure if he had the time, he would be more than willing to come."

"I have no idea what you are talking about." Tavion said in protest.

"You've been here two weeks and in those two weeks you've spent a lot of time admiring the dungeons. I don't think it's a coincidence that my brother happens to be there most of the time." Madison said with a smirk.

"There's nothing wrong with enjoying someone's company." Tavion argued.

"Relax, I'm just teasing. I'm more surprise of the mutual feelings on Sev's part." Madison admitted.

"Is it really so surprising. That someone can meet a person one day and something just clicks inside you. That everything on the outside is just screaming leave it alone, it's not worth it, yet they take the chance anyway." Tavion elucidated.

While Madison knew that they were talking about Severus and his new found interest, she could not help remember that Marcus had said something like that about when he first saw her.

Tavion smiled slightly, knowing that she had read Madison well. They continued walking another ten minutes, Madison felt a weird sensation.

"I hadn't realized that the wards were this strong and this far out." Madison observed.

"They are strong enough to prevent portals from opening within."

As if on cue a purple portal opened and Lena stepped through. She took in her surroundings.

"I didn't exactly plan on landing my portal here," she commented as two men followed behind her.

"The wards have been lengthened and strengthened." Madison told her, "Lena this is Tavion, Tavion this is Lena."

Tavion bowed her head slightly in a formal greeting; Lena observed and did the same.

"This is Zarek and Kaspar; they are on the council as well." Lena introduced.

"As well? My, you've been busy." Madison said with such charisma, "I'm Madison Prince," I guess it could have been said it was Madison's fault, for she moved faster than she should of, all she wanted was to shake hands. The one Lena introduced as Kaspar blasted Madison with magic, hitting her square in the chest throwing her back several feet hitting a tree.

"What the hell was that?" Lena yelled at Kaspar.

"She a Dark One, I was only protecting myself!" Kaspar defended himself.

"Were you off in La La Land when I told you that the Dark Ones are on our side?!"

"What's one bloodsucker?" Kaspar said under his breath.

By this time, Madison recovered and heard what the Mage said; she proceeded to give the man a dark look, daring him to attack her again.

"It is imperative that we don't piss off the people we've invited to the Ball." Lena commented.

"And what does a mere fledgling have to do with Moravian?" Kaspar asked. "She's barely old enough to be acknowledged by a Master Vampire."

"Wait, it's the Mages behind the whole Ball thing?" Madison asked.

"I'm afraid so," Lena admitted.

"Well, Kaspar," she pronounced his name with slight distaste. "This `mere fledgling' was sired by Marcus Moravian himself, and will be his plus one at the Ball. I am his consort."

"Way to go, numskull!" Zarek said to Kaspar, "Why don't you go and attack the Minister of Magic's wife while you're at it."

"I hate to be the barer of bad news, of coarse I can't help but do this often," Tavion interrupted, "But we are being surrounded."

The five of them turned their backs to each other as Centaurs can into view one by one.

"Greetings young ones, I am Bane."

"Greetings Bane, I am Tavion, the new Keeper of Keys at Hogwarts." Tavion said as she took charge. "Have we trespassed on your lands?"

"No, but you are the first to venture into the forest since the sun shone in our darkness these past mid-summer." Bane explained.

"What the hell dose that mean?" Madison muttered.

"Solarea's name can be interpreted as `the vastness of the suns.'" Tavion explained.

"The wards have changed and this is first we've been able to speak to anyone about it."

"The wards are for the safety of the children. They have been extended so that there is warning should anyone who means harm come, we will have time to prepare. Be warned Centaurs, a great war will be won and lost on these lands as summer approaches." Tavion said in an ominous tone.

Bane nodded in acknowledgment, "Ebony, make sure the humans get back unharmed."

Tavion led the group past the circle of Centaurs, Madison bringing up the rear, following one of the Centaurs. But as Madison started past, two came up and reared at her preventing her from going any further. Madison turned to get an explanation from Bane.

"You are not human, Dark One. You will return to the castle, unharmed, but for now follow me." Bane turned and traveled deeper into the forest.

Madison turned back to the others, "Centaurs are not known to lie." Lena reminded her. Madison nodded and followed Bane, the rest of the Centaurs followed.


Lena was busy turning the couches into beds. It was too late to go up to the castle so Kaspar and Zarek would be sleeping in the cabin for the night.

"Are you sure that this will be alright with your fiancé?" Zarek asked, "Is there an inn in the village nearby?"

"The village is not an option for the same reason the castle is not an option, everyone is asleep. It's only one night; we'll get you rooms in the morning." Lena said quietly, "Now be quiet or you'll wake up Charlie."

"Charlie is already awake," Charlie said from the bedroom door.

Lena gave him an apologetic smile, "I'm sorry." She said to him as she walked over to him and they embraced.

"I'm just glad you're home, it has been a long `couple of days'" Charlie said. "Who are our guests?"

"This is Councilman Kaspar and Councilman Zarek; they are here to make sure everything goes according to plan on this side of the portal, for Friday." Lena explained.

"Nice to meet you. What do they have to do with the Ministry Ball?" Charlie asked.

"Remember what I said about pompous, arrogant buttheads? Well it looks like we have changed our ways. It's really us Mages behind the whole Ball in order to rectify things with the Wizards and join together in the Dark times to come as both our worlds have a `Dark Lord' with a god backing them." Lena said in nearly one breath.

"How long have you rehearsed that?" Charlie asked. Lena just smiled. "So what's happened with this Rene person?"

"'Dark Lord' love, pay attention."

"He quit the Council a couple of months ago, and your fiery fiancée was gracious to take his place." Kaspar told him.

"You, I am tempted to send back after that stunt in the forest." Zarek said to the man.

"I said I was sorry." Kaspar said.

"From now own you are to keep to yourself and shut your trap, now let's get to sleep."

Lena and Charlie retreated to their bedroom. "Wait, you're on the Council."

"You don't think strait when you're tired Charlie, we'll talk more in the morning."


The sun was not yet up when Madison finally made it back to the castle, back to Severus's rooms. It was late enough for Severus to be up already getting ready for the day.

"You may have changed you sleeping schedule, but you can't avoid him forever." Severus said to her.

Madison was broken away from her musings, "What are you taking about?" she sneered.

"Potter," Severus answered. "I had hoped to talk to about this last night, but you never came back."

Madison didn't say anything; it seemed she went back to what she was thinking about before.

"As much as I enjoy seeing the boy squirm trying to figure things out, you should really talk to him, tell him everything." Severus could see that she was only half listening. Suddenly she skulled off to her room and closed the door.

Severus could hear things crashing and Madison crying out in frustration. She wouldn't be this upset over the Potter situation, he wondered what was wrong. She came out a half hour later, showered and wearing something that Severus would strongly be against wearing in front of the male population at Hogwarts, a black dress that was showing too much cleavage and too much thigh.

"You're not wearing that are you?" Severus had to ask.

"I'm going home," she said as she stopped to put on her knee high boots.

"So you're just going to avoid your problems by running away."

"I am not running away!" Madison snapped, her eyes glowing at him no longer looking human, "I have more important things to worry about than Harry at the moment."

"What could be more important than family?" Severus asked, shoving words she once spoke to him about James once.

Madison closed her eye and turned her head away taking a deep breath, "Dozens of Lycan corpses, all whom were spies for us in the Lycan factions. Their bodies were dumped two miles outside the wards of Hogwarts. I have to report this to Marcus. I'll deal with my family issues when I return." Madison finished with her boots and headed for the fireplace.

"I'm sorry that you're upset."

"It's not the corpses that bothered me," Madison said as she picked up some floo powder, "It was that fact that I could picture them doing that to you, had you stayed with them. I'm really glad you're out." And with that she flooed out.


"I think, I finally found something." Hermione plopped a huge book right down in front of Harry and pointed at a name. They were both in the Library looking through the alumni books.

"Eileen Prince? But that's a girl." Harry protested.

"I think it was a mistake to assume that it was Madison's father who's last name was Prince. I think this is her mother." Hermione gathered.

They had found from a book of almost alumni students that Madison was born January of 1952.

"She graduated in 1951." Harry noted as he read.

"According to my calculations, Madison's father was at Hogwarts at the same time, In fact…" Hermione turned a few pages to Edward Potter, "He was in the same year."

"Now I get it."

"Get what?" Hermione asked.

"When I was in the Hospital, I had these weird dreams, ones with Madison and my Dad in it. I woke up after the first one and Marcus was there looking after Madison, he said they were probably memories." Harry told her. He unconsciously rubbed his shoulder which was still sore.

"What are you two up to?" Sirius poked his head around the corner studying the couple.

"Finding out the family secret." Harry replied showing him what book they where reading.

"Ah, so you've figured it out."

"Why was this kept a secret?" Harry asked.

"Well, that fact that you grandfather had a child out of wedlock is not something for public knowledge. I guess after you parents died, Madison felt like you didn't need to know her." Sirius explained, "Come with me, I want to show you something, you can come too Hermione."

They put all the books away and Sirius led them to his and Solarea's quarters. He told them that he would be right back as he flooed to 12 Grimmauld Place. He came back ten minutes later with a chest; he opened it up and inside was all of Harry's baby things. He handed Harry a small stuffed animal bat and pulled out a photo album. Sirius flipped to a page and showed it to Harry and Hermione.

"Madison gave you that bat right after you were born, thought it was funny considering Vampire lore." The picture was of Madison and baby Harry, "You never cried when you with her, you were always mesmerized with her eyes, she'd make them glow for you."

"Good, you found them," Solarea came through the door, "Where's Ron?"

"Ah, he offered to tutor Cara." Hermione said.

"How's that working out?" she asked.

"Well that fact that Ron can't actually show her any of the actual magic puts him at a disadvantage." Hermione replied.

"Well, just tell him to be careful, she is Amazon after all." Solarea then turned to Sirius, "You take Ron and Harry, and I'll take Hermione, Cara and Ginny."

"Take us where?" Harry asked.

"We have a Ball to go to on Friday and none of us have anything to wear." Solarea explained.

"But I have a dress…" Hermione started referring to her dress from the Yule Ball.

"I'm sure you looked lovely in it, but you've already worn it, it just won't do."

"Don't fight her on this one Hermione," Sirius warned, "She loves getting all dressed up, you should have seen her when she was trying to decide what to wear to James and Lily's wedding. Plus, now you've got those hormones."

"Hormones?" Harry and Hermione said in unison.

Solarea playfully slapped Sirius upside the head, "You did that on purpose."

"Sure did, I'll just go fetch Ron, Cara and Ginny." Sirius gave her a wicked smile and headed out the door.

"Well, I guess that cats out of the bag once and for all. Sirius and I are expecting."

"That's great, congratulations," Hermione said, "How far along are you?"

"About three months now. Just about got that nasty morning sickness under control." Solarea said.

"So he'll be like my cousin?" Harry asked.

Solarea thought about it, "Yeah, I guess you could say that. Though we're both hoping for a girl."

A/N: Sorry it's been a while since I've updated, I've had to deal a lot with my Mom being in and out of the hospital.

I have started a group on Myspace. It will have a lot of stuff that I don't put into the story. I've been working on bios for my Original Character. So far I only have Solarea's up.

I really hope you come check it out, I'd love to talk about what you think about how my story is going. Don't be afraid to ask me any question.

Oh, and please Review too!!!!

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