Unofficial Portkey Archive

Everlasting Daystar by Sk8erWitch

Everlasting Daystar


Chapter 3

"How can you be so calm?" Sirius was at his ropes end with worry, "They shouldn't be out there without supervision!"

Solarea looked up from the book she was skimming though desperately trying to hold back a laugh, "They will be just fine love, and you needn't worry so much."

"I'm not worried," he quickly said, "I'm just concerned; they shouldn't be out there on some Death Eater's coat tails by themselves."

Solarea couldn't hold back the laugh anymore; sometimes Sirius could be so thick. She loved haw she could get a rise out of him like this.

"What is so funny?"

"Think for just a moment with that brain of yours. Ron is currently in the kitchen, by himself. Do you honestly think that of Harry and Hermione were out on a mission that Ron would be here, bored out of him mind?" Sirius gave her a blank expression, Solarea smiled and moved to walk out of the door to the hallway, "Come, I'll make you some lunch."

Ron was eating lunch when Solarea and Sirius entered the kitchen. Ron saw the look of confusion on Sirius' face.

"What's with him?" He asked Solarea.

"He's being a bit think about Harry and Hermione at the moment." She explained.

"There're on a date?!?" Sirius exclaimed.

"Took you long enough." Solarea noted as she started to make Sirius his lunch.

"Why didn't you bloody well tell me they were on a bloody date?!"

"What, and miss that lovely expression on your face?" By now Ron was laughing along with Solarea.

"Well I say it's about bloody time with those two," was all Sirius could say.

"And to think that they figured it out without any outside help." Solarea sighed resting her chin on her hand.

Sirius caught the look in her eye. "Come on Sol, do you really think now's the time to be playing matchmaker again?"

"Again?" Ron asked with curiosity.

"Please, Lily would never have married James without my divine intervention." Solarea said smugly.

"You just keep telling yourself that." Sirius said.

"Well I'm off, I've got things to do and people to matchmaker." Solarea said as she started for the door.

"I'm almost afraid to ask who?"

"Don't tell me I'm the only one who's noticed Tonks? It's so obvious that she's got her eye on Remus." She said with a smirk. Solarea spun around but nearly fell into the doorframe, her hand bracing herself against it, "That was weird." Solarea said mostly to herself.

"You ok?" She found Sirius standing right beside her; she didn't notice that he had gotten up from the table.

"Yeah, just got a bit dizzy." Solarea replied, "Turned a little too fast I guess."

"Sol, you don't get dizzy," Sirius pointed out. She looked at him, put a hand on his cheek and smiled.

"I know," and then walked away.


"It feels so good to be out," Harry said. He and Hermione were riding the London Eye.

"This view is amazing," Hermione said as she looked over London, "My parents use to take me up here when I was little. We just haven't had the time lately."

"We should go see a movie." Harry suggested.

"Is there one near a safe house?" Hermione asked, pulling out a map from her messenger bag.

In order to go out alone without escort or someone following then, Remus gave them a map of London which shown several places that serve as safe houses. To spot them out on the street, each safe house was marked with a phoenix.

Harry and Hermione could go about London as long as they stayed within close proximity of a safe house.

"Actually, the safe house that we need to go to before we head home is a couple blocks away." Harry told her without looking at the map.

"One would think you had this all planned." Hermione said to him.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

The theater they went to was small; it had only one screen and could only fill about fifty people in it. They didn't show new releases; at the Forsaken they only showed vampire movies.

Hermione had half a mind just to forgo the movie all together when Harry told her what kind of movies they played but immediately changed her mind when she saw that they were playing The Lost Boys on the next showing.

The movie however was hardly pleasant. There were four people who sat in the very back who were very loud. Harry looked back several times and saw them throwing popcorn at each other and making loud comments about the movie. Hermione sat there though as if they weren't there.

"How can you just ignore them?" Harry asked her in a whisper.

"Years of practice with Malfoy." Hermione replied.

Suddenly someone stood up from a couple rows in front, "Will you shut up!" she shouted at them.

"What are you going to do if we don't!?" one of the guys challenged.

"Careful Mickey, don't make her mad." Said one of the girls.

The girl who told them off looked towards Harry and Hermione before sitting down. After that no one interrupted the movie.

All through the movie, Harry couldn't help but think that there was something different about those five people. When the movie was over, Harry saw that those five hadn't made to leave, but the one girl started up the isle towards the others.

Hermione noticed his distraction, "You alright?" she asked. He smiled and grabbed her hand, lacing his fingers with hers.

"Never better."


"This doesn't look like a `safe' house." Hermione noted. The building was old and felt abandoned.

"There's a Phoenix on the door." Harry said pointing to the picture.

"Well, are we Gryffindors or are we Gryffindors." Hermione said as she boldly started up the stairs taking Harry with her who was still holding her hand and knocked on the door. The door opened by itself allowing them entrance. Inside was a small hallway with a door and a dim light on the wall. Also, nailed to the door, was a sign that said `Close front door before knocking!' Harry closed the front door leaving the hallway dark save the dim light. Hermione knocked on the second.

"Is the front door closed?" A man's voice said through the door.

"Yes," Hermione replied, the door opened a crack.

"What's your business?"

"We have a letter for Madison Prince." Harry answered.

"Who from?"

"Remus Lupin," Hermione finished.

The man let them in, "She's not going to like this, only just got in. Dead tired as it is." He muttered mainly to himself, "You two stay here and keep quiet, won't want to wake anyone." He left the room leaving the couple alone.

"I think," Hermione whispered, "that we just walked into a nest of vampires."

"But it's a safe house. Remus sent us here." Harry argued.

"True, but it doesn't change the fact that this is a nest of vampires."

"Makes you a tad bit cautious," they both turned to the new voice, "doesn't it?"

Madison Prince could not have looked a day over twenty. Standing 5'9 she had long strait black hair that was tied back at the nape of her neck and reached down to her lower back. Her eyes were electric blue and seemed to glow slightly in the dark room, her skin pale from obvious lack of sunlight.

"I didn't mean to startle you," Madison said, "I often forget how quiet I am." Hermione pulled out a brown envelop from her bag that Remus told them to give to Madison. "How is Remus?" she asked as she came closer to retrieve the envelop.

"Alright I guess." Harry said, her presence seemed familiar.

Madison opened the envelop and read the letter inside, then turned to go to the desk at the far side of the room.

"You were at the theater, weren't you?" Harry asked; Madison paused from her writing.

"Yes," she continued writing, "I'm sorry about all the noise at the back. Bunch of newbies not yet use to daylight napping." She put her letter in a new envelop and sealed it, "Return to sender will ya?" she asked giving them a smile as she handed them the letter. "You should probably go on home now," Madison told them, "I'll be seeing you at the meeting tonight."

Harry and Hermione said good-bye and left.

She felt him behind her as she still faced the door. "I didn't mean to wake you."

"It's alright," he wrapped his arms around her.

"Gods, he looks so much like James!" Madison exclaimed while still being quiet.

"He could tell that you are different."


"I don't know," Marcus said, "But he could."

"I'm going to that meeting tonight." Madison said.


"I want to help Marcus," she said turning around to look at him, "I'm not asking for all of us to help, I'm do it alone if I have to. I cannot stay neutral this time, I still have family who are alive and I want to keep them that way."

"I just want to make sure you understand what you are doing." Marcus said, he led her to the couch and sat down bringing her down to sit in his lap. "The Lycans have sided with Voldemort and because we have been neutral they have left us alone. If you take sides in this Wizard War, Fenrir will think I have as well giving them an excuse to fight with us again."

"I understand what you're saying," Madison started, "But…" Marcus put a hand over her mouth.

"I will go to the meeting tonight and offer our allegiance against Voldemort. You are going to visit your mother before you go."

Madison caught his meaning. "So it doesn't look like you are bending to my will?"

"Precisely," Marcus said, "I am Master. Now let us get some sleep before dusk approaches."


Madison walked the streets of Manchester. She was thankful for the ability to Apparate, that she was still a witch. Most Wizards and Witches who have become Vampires lost their magic as the gained vampire magic. But for Madison, she had both.

She silently entered the familiar cemetery is search for one person. He was already there, sitting on a bench. He jumped slightly as she sat down beside him, she hadn't made a noise.

"Should make you wear a bell," he said his voice low and dark.

"What? And take all my fun away, I think not." Madison joked, "I saw Harry today."

She felt him tense, "Are you going to comment on how he looks like his father?"

"I think I'll spare you the torment Severus."

"Shall we?" Severus stood up and held out his hand to help her up. They walked arm in arm along the rows of plots.

"I hate the summer." Madison said suddenly.

"When have you ever thought otherwise?" Severus commented.

"The night is just too damn short." Solarea said stifling a yawn.

"How much sleep have you been getting lately?" Severus asked.

"Don't even go there!" Madison said as they finally approached the plot they sought. Madison and Severus both placed a rose, one red, one white, on the grave of Eileen Snape where she had been laid to rest twenty-three years before.

"I can't believe it's been twenty-three years," Madison said, "It seems like yesterday."

"More like a life time ago." Severus said then she looked away, "Stop thinking of him Madie."

"I can't help it Severus. What I did was unforgivable." Madison said, a tear falling down her cheek.

"I forgive you Madie," Severus told her grabbing her by her shoulders to make her look at him, she still looked down, "Tobias Snape was a bad man, he treated all of us like mud. His death was justified."

"Stop trying to make me feel better Sev, you and I both know it was not my place to play judge, jury and executioner." Madison told him.

"If you hadn't, I would have."

"We should go," Madison said, "the meeting has already started."

"You're coming?"

"Marcus is already there making things official." Madison explained, "There's no conflict of interest this time around."


"We will keep an eye on the Dark Lord's night time activities," Marcus told them, "As well as…"

"This is complete and utter rot!" Solarea came waltzing into the kitchen where the meeting was being held. "I wouldn't be surprised if this was sent to Voldemort, most likely to crash is anyway!"

"Who says I'm taking you?" Sirius said following her, pulling her chair out for her to sit down.

"Who say's we're going at all?" Solarea said; the rest of the room remained silent as the two quarreled.

"And what happens when something happens and you're not there?" Sirius pointed out.

"I thought you said you were not taking me?" Solarea snapped back.

"You are impossible, you know that!" Silence reigned in the room for a few moments after that.

"If this is about the Ministry's social function," Harry said breaking the silence, "We got invitations as well."

"It's a formal Ball Harry," Dumbledore told him, "And as Headmaster of Hogwarts I will be required to go."

Solarea looked to Sirius, "Let me mull over it."

"But then you will crumple the fancy paper," Sirius joked.

"Snagged someone I see Solarea," Marcus said.

"Marcus, I didn't see you," Solarea said as she looked across the table at him, "Nice shades."

"Well, wouldn't want to be-spell anyone." Marcus explained.

"Severus is late," Professor McGonagall noted, "He hasn't been called has he?"

"He will be here shortly," Marcus said, "It is the anniversary of his mother's death."

"I am curious to know how you know that Master Vampire?" McGonagall asked, trying hard not to look uncomfortable about the vampire.

"I have my ways," Marcus said flashing a toothy grin showing his fangs.

"You promised to behave yourself," Madison said as she entered the room, Severus following.

"I did no such thing my dear," Marcus protested, "As I recall I said I was Master."

Both Remus and Sirius saw her and jumped up to greet her. Sirius got there first giving her a giant hug. Severus quickly maneuvered around them to find a seat.

"It's good to see you Madie." Sirius said happily when he finally let go.

"It has been too long, hasn't it?"

Remus was next, quickly getting over each other's presence of what they were, giving her a hug with their familiar greeting.

"Hey fang-face,"

"Hey fur-face, thank for the invite."

"Well I had to try." Remus said as she walked over to where Marcus sat and conjured a chair beside him. She was well aware of a couple sets if eyes in her, some of which knew of her before she became a vampire and hadn't known of what she had become. Those like Professor McGonagall, but Madison didn't say anything.

"I believe Marcus was telling us what he and his people were offering." Dumbledore said bringing the meeting back to order.

"As I was saying before, we have decided, through some persuasion," with that he looked at Madison, "That we will take sided this time around, this side. We are no longer neutral."

"Excuse me for asking," Tonks said, who was sitting next to Remus, "How do we know we can trust you?"

"Why do they have to validate their being here?" Severus snapped, "Being at this meeting on invite should be enough."

"I have known Marcus for years now," Solarea added, "Long enough to vouch for him. He is a man of honor."

"Begging your pardon Miss," Mad-Eye Moody spoke up, "But it been rather fuzzy on who you are, less than vouching for someone."

"We shouldn't be doing this," Hermione's whisper was hear above everyone else, the group held their tongues and looked at Hermione, "We are sitting here bickering on whether we trust each other or not, rather than focusing the task on hand. What Voldemort does affects all of us. We should be thankful that Marcus and his kind have our backs."

"Well said Miss Granger," Some were shocked to find it was Severus who had said this.

"If it makes anyone slightly better, I can give a solid reason why they would join us rather than the Dark Lord," Solarea said, "If anyone recalls from Defense Lessons at school, Vampires and Werewolves have been at each other's throats for centuries. The Werewolves have Voldemort for Master, so it only natural that we have the Vampires.

"Besides," Marcus said, "Anyone here want to go head to head with a Werewolf."


"You want me to stay here?"

"He's your nephew Madie," Marcus explained, "Just until they head off for school. Be my eyes and ears, I trust you above all other to do that for me."

"So only go out when everyone is asleep?" Madison asked, "Otherwise stay here?"

"Please don't make a fuss about this."

"I'm not," Marcus gave her a look, "You know me, I've always had a problem with authority, why do you think I argue with you about everything?"

"Be good my love," Marcus kissed her on the forehead before leaving out the door. Madison turned back and headed back into the kitchen. Only four people remained.

"Well check me into the Hotel Black," Madison said as she snuck up on them, only two of them flinched. She loved sneaking up on people.

"I believe there's a room with windows facing east that might suit you."

"You need to stop this sense of humor of yours Severus, people might die of shock," Madison told him.

"Yes, I think you might have scarred Hermione earlier with a bit of praise." Remus said.

"Hopefully things won't be too boring around here," Madison said with a yawn.

"Boring? You'll be asleep most of the day."

"Doesn't mean I won't still be bored." Madison told them, "So what all the fuss over this Ministry Ball I'm most likely to crash."

"You're going to crash it?" Solarea asked as she lifted her head from resting it on the table.

"I want to celebrate that night, with my anniversary and all, why not?" Madison smiled, "As of Halloween I will have been a Vampire for a quarter of a century."

"Is that your only accomplishment in life?" Severus asked. Madison looked at him in disbelief and swatted him on the arm.

"What is with you tonight? Are you drunk?"

"Wouldn't be the first time."

"Figures," Madison muttered, "At least you opposite of your father, you're nice when you're drunk, mean when you're sober."

"That's not nice," Severus said still smiling.

"Your right, your father was mean when her sober as well." Madison got up, "Come on, you're going to bed. I swear you are the only one that could think to drink alcohol that you can't smell on your breath. All we need if for you to be called."

"Oh bugger." Severus said sounding serious reaching for his arm.

Sirius and Remus where having a hell of a time watching the two of them. Truthfully it was funnier to see Severus drunk. They were trying their best not to laugh.

"You should know not to say things like that," Sirius commented, "They tend to happen."

"Oh shut it Black," Madison snapped, "I need something to sober him up."

Solarea got up and went to a cupboard; she got out a vial and gave it to Madison.

"Why can't we just leave him like that?" Sirius asked, "He's more fun this way."

"Sure, just add a painful Cruciatus Curse and he'd be spewing the truth on how he's a spy for us. We'd never see him again." Madison said as she got Severus to drink his tonic. Severus quickly snapped out of his drunken haze, got a hold of his surroundings.

"Sorry," He muttered quietly to Madison.

"I'll yell at you later," Madison told him, "Go!"

Severus quickly fled.

"I have never seen him like that with anyone," Remus noted, "In fact I can't recall seeing the both of you in the same room at the same time before."

"He never liked James, for numerous reasons, so he was never there when I was with you guys. Normally we'd visit each other occasionally." Madison explained.

"I think I understand him a lot better now." Solarea admitted, "I can see where his heart is."

"What convinced you?" Madison asked.

"He got drunk over the event of your mother's death," Solarea explained, "That happened twenty-three years ago."

The kitchen door opened suddenly as Arthur and Charlie Weasley walked through.

"You need to calm down Charlie, panicking will not help." Arthur said to his son and a glass of water for him. "Now tell me what's going on."

"She's gone, missing; something has happened to her, I know it!" Charlie said still panicked.

"How long?" Arthur asked obviously knowing whom Charlie was referring to.

"Two days." Charlie replied, "I haven't seen her, or heard from her. I even got a letter from Mrs. Marx saying that Lena was supposed to see her fro lunch today."

"What's going on?" Solarea asked with concern.

"Charlie thinks something has happened to his girlfriend Lena," Arthur explained.

"I don't think, I know!"

"Remus," Solarea looked to him, "Do you think Tonks is awake and up for a missing persons report?"

Sirius rolled his eyes and muttered, "You are unbelievable!" Solarea stuck her tongue out at him childishly.

"I'll check," Remus replied and left to do his task. He returned ten minutes later with Tonks. She sat at the table with a notepad and a quill.

"Alright let's get this done and I'll pop it over to the night shift at the Ministry. We'll find her." Tonks explained, "Just need a bit of information. Do you have a picture of her?"

"I can get one," Charlie replied.

"Ok, name?"

"Lena Marx."



"A description of her appearance?"

"Medium length blond hair, green eyes, dark rimmed glassed, not the dorky kind, the more sophisticated kind," Charlie said, "Um, about 5'6, average size."

"Any others?" Tonks asked, "Any Tattoos, piercings, birthmarks?"

"Yes," Charlie remembered, "She's got a tattoo around her right forearm."


"It's a red Chinese Fire Serpent wrapped around a couple times." Charlie explained.

"A what?"

"It's a Chinese Dragon," Solarea explained, "The ones with no wings and short legs."

"She's also got a black pentagram on her left wrist."

"Ah-huh," Tonks said, "When was the last time you seen, spoke or heard from her?"

"Two days ago, and her mother wrote saying that she never showed up for their lunch date today."

"Okay, now where does she work?" Tonks asked.

"At the Ministry."

"What Department?"

"Um, I can't say."

"Charlie, I need to know." Tonks insisted.

"I'm bound by Wizard's Oath, I can't say." Charlie explained.

"She's an Unspeakable at the Department of Mysteries," Madison suddenly spoke up. Charlie looked at her speechless, "If you've taken a Wizard's Oath it means she works on things Top Secret, ergo Department of Mysteries. It's the only logical explanation."

"I could deny it if she was wrong." Charlie admitted.

"And you didn't even have to break your oath," Madison added, her attitude changed to a snippy sarcastic one.

"I'll get this to the Ministry right away with top priority urgency." Tonks said, "This is the fifth Unspeakable to go missing."

"What?" several people exclaimed.

"We will find her."


"I've called you here Severus-s-s," Voldemort hissed, "because you might have an alternative for getting information."

"How can I be of service, My Master," Severus replied.

"I've been trying to extract information from certain people," Voldemort explained, "Four people have failed to give me what I want. Not even Vertisserum had any effect."

"Perhaps instead of trying to force the information out of them, a positive reinforcement could be applied." Severus suggested.

Voldemort seemed to think deeply about this, "Be civil and make promises not to harm or kill them?" Severus remained silent, letting the Dark Lord think. "Yes, it might work. Go find Bella, she keeping our, `guest,' entertained. I would very much like to meet out `guest.'"

Severus bowed and left the room heading for an upstairs bedroom. He slid his mask in place so as to protect his identity from the prisoner. Bellatrix and Narcissa were sitting at a table talking about Merlin know what when he walked in, they both were silent when they saw him. Their prisoner was shackled by the wrists at the far side of the room by the bed, the chain attached to the wall.

"Master wants to see her." Severus said Bellatrix tossed him a keychain. Most prisoners in this situation were usually scared out of there mind, but as he walked closer to her he saw otherwise. He recognized her, she had been his student once, she excelled in Potions, History and Ancient Runes, but when it came to using magic she was terrible. Lena Marx was not scared at all, in fact, a fire burn in her eyes with such anger.
