Unofficial Portkey Archive

Everlasting Daystar by Sk8erWitch

Everlasting Daystar


Chapter 2

"Did you see their faces?" Harry said as they finally came home that evening.

"I swear, I'm starting to lose my touch," Solarea commented, "I never had to have somewhat followed through with a threat."

"Well it happens, history turns to legend, and legends turn to myth. And unfortunately the `Everlasting Daystar' to most people is nothing more than a myth." Remus said.

"I have to admit," Solarea said, "Things have changes greatly over recent years."

"I'm sure with the war with Voldemort; people will know who you are for sure, kicking evil butt and everything." Sirius told her.

"Except for when a certain person is destined to kick said evil butt." Harry said.

"Doesn't mean I can't help." Solarea said, "Why don't we get something to eat from the kitchen."

As they headed for the kitchen, Harry noticed a blast of green came from behind him and hitting the kitchen door ahead of them.

"What was that?" Harry asked as he stopped and looked at his godparents.

"What was what?" Sirius asked.

"That green light."

"What green light?" Solarea asked.

"Oh never mind, you guys are doing it again." Harry told them.

"Doing what?" Sirius asked defensively.

"That thing where you don't know what I am talking about, but you really know and you act as if nothing is going on." Harry said as he was practically forces into the kitchen.

"You noticed that, did you?" Solarea said in the same non emotional tone.

"A blind person could…" Harry started but never finish for he was like a deer caught in the headlights as everyone calling out "Surprise" at Harry and "Congratulations" at Sirius.

"So that's what the green light was for?" Sirius asked.

"Green light meant everything's fine, red light meant that you're mortally screwed and I had to smuggle you out of the Ministry somehow," Solarea explained.

"Naturally," Sirius replied.


"So what happened?" Hermione asked eagerly.

"Well it started off with the Aurors arresting Sirius, because he escaped from prison, then the Scrimgeour tried to take him away to be dealt with in a more `secure' place. But then Aunt Sol put her foot down at that. Scrimgeour then received an official letter from the Council of Mages. Long story short, Sirius has been cleared and Scrimgeour is officially scared of Aunt Sol." Harry explained.

"It must have been bloody brilliant; I wish I could have been there." Ron said.

"Having Aunt Sol back makes me think that there is nothing that can stop Voldemort from being defeated." Harry said.

"I wonder what Defense lessons with her are going to be like." Hermione wondered.

"Hard," Harry answered, "If its anything like I had with her, those not physically fit will defiantly be hurting."

"Why would we have to been fit?" Hermione asked.

"Look at it like this, what would you do if you were disarmed? Instead of being defenseless, we would have a better chance if we learned to defend ourselves without magic." Harry said.

"A challenge for you Hermione," Ron said, "Not something you can learn out of a book."

"Oh says he who trips over his own feet," Hermione snapped back.


"Just be thankful you're not me, she'll go extra hard on me." Harry said.

"Don't want to give the impression that your teachers pet or anything." Ron said.

"Plus I think Sirius is coming as well," Harry said, "They have been apart from each other for so long."

"Well the last three years were her doing though." Hermione said.

"Aunt Solarea has certain duties and obligations that she has had to neglect in order to honor a promise made to my parents." Harry said. "There are certain places that she won't or can't take me."

"But they are certainly an odd couple those two." Ron pointed out.

"Sirius is a Marauder, and Aunt Sol is, well she bit like royalty, I mean a regal kind of person…" Harry tried to say.

"It's a bit like the purest of purebloods dating a muggle." Hermione said.

"Exactly," Harry said, "But they really love each other, that's all that really matters.


"Are you going to tell them tonight?" Sirius asked. Harry was opening presents as they finished their cake.

"No, I don't think I'll tell them at all." Solarea replied. Sirius just looked as her. "Nothing will happen right away. They may notice something, but I'll just train them. If I tell them they might doubt themselves. They'll find out when the time is right."

"Well you know what you're doing," Sirius said, "It just sounds like something Dumbledore would do."

"Where do you think he picked it up from," Solarea smiled, "It irritates me to no end."

Harry, Ron and Hermione then came up to the couple.

"Are you having fun Harry?" Sirius asked.

"Loads!" Harry replied happily, "But we were just wondering, out of curiosity, how did the two of you meet?"

"Oh this is going to be interesting," Solarea said and looked to Sirius, "Will you do the honors?"


"Well, well, well, I see you're finally awake." Said a girl's voice.

Sirius felt groggy, he tried to remember where he was. The light was blinding as he tried to open his eyes.

"James?" Sirius called out.

"Don't worry about your friend; he hasn't been harmed anymore than you have." The girl must have been no more than eight years old. His surroundings where that of a camp, or rather a camp like village.

"Persephone, he's awake!!" the girl said rather loudly. Sirius figured he must have been drugged, because his head hurt like hell. Sirius looked around the village, which he did notice the only occupants where girls and women. He tried to move but his back was to a large wood pole and his hands were tied behind it. He struggled against his restraints.

It all came back to him. He and James were tracking a Death Eater and judging from where he was they traveled a little to close to an Amazon tribe.

"Where's James?" Sirius asked when he could not see him. The girl giggled and ran to one of the bigger huts. An older girl, maybe twenty, came out at that time. She came up to where Sirius was tied up.

"Who are you?" the girl asked.

"You first." Sirius said.

"My name is Persephone," the girl answered, "Who are you?"

"Sirius Black," Sirius replied.

"Do you know where you are?" Persephone asked.

"Not exactly, where is James?"

"Your friend was unfortunate and received a bump on the head when he fell. He isn't awake yet." Persephone said, "He's in one of the huts being treated for his injury."

"We were tracking someone," Sirius said to Persephone, "Did you capture him too?"

Persephone thought for a moment, "The only ones we captured where the people who suck at stealth, I mean seriously, you took no care at all. If you were tracking someone, they must have known and fled before we came upon you. The only question left is what do we do with you now?"

"Do?" Sirius managed to squeak. The conversation had been going smoothly. He learned about Amazon tribes during his sixth year at school. He had spoken nothing but truth, doing nothing to piss them off and get killed.

"You caught us on a good day," Persephone explained, "Normally we kill trespassers on sight."

Sirius gulped.

"Persephone!" An older girl, Solarea, called out to her. Persephone turned around and upon seeing her abruptly walked away from Sirius and stayed clear of Solarea.

"Solarea!" the little girl ran from the hut and into her arms. Both Solarea and the little girl walked over to Sirius. Solarea seemed out of place for she did not dress like the others.

Solarea looked to the girl, "Tell me Tavion, what is your judgment? What is to be dome with Mr. Black and his friend?"

Tavion looked shocked to be asked this question, "That is for Persephone to decide." Tavion replied.

"But I'm asking you." Solarea told her.

Tavion thought for a moment and looked towards Sirius. Sirius remained silent.

"His words are true; they just didn't realize where they were. They won't come back." Tavion seemed hesitant.

"What is it?" Solarea asked.

Tavion giggles, "You'll find out sooner or later." Was all she said before leaving. Solarea eyed her for a few seconds before turning to Sirius.

"Tavion has a gift." Solarea told him and took a dagger from the sheath attached to her left arm. Sirius unconsciously flinched as she moved closer with it. "For your restraints," she merely explained, and she cut the ropes that bound his hands. Once released, Sirius brought them forward and rubbed his wrists. "She has a sense of judgment with people, whether they are telling the truth among other things. I wonder what she knows.

"Come with me," Solarea commanded, "We will see to your friend."

Solarea helped Sirius up and moved to the hut. Inside, James was lying on a cot, still knocked out. Solarea moved beside James with one of her hands hovering over James' head injury.

"No concussion, he'll be alright." Solarea then moved towards a table, she was putting different ingredients in a cup and stirred it around. She then handed it to Sirius as well as his and James' wands.

"For your headache," she told him, "The person you were tracking is dead."

"We were hoping to question him," Sirius said as he sipped his concoction.

"Well, I thought you might not have a voice," she teased, "His Master had sent him to seek out the God's Cavern," Solarea explained to him.

"I've never heard of it. What is it?" Sirius asked.

"Once you and your friend return home you will not remember where this place is. You will not be allowed to return. Like Persephone said, normally they kill trespassers on sight." Was her answer.

"'They'? I thought you were one of them." Sirius had caught that one.

Solarea smiled, "You can tell Dumbledore that no one will ever find the God's Cavern. So there will be no reason to try and guard it." And with that she left.


"That's it?" Harry said.

"Well I hope you weren't expecting a fairytale love story." Solarea replied.

"So what is the God's Cavern anyway?" Sirius asked.

"Nice try," Solarea said, "the best way to keep a secret is not to tell anyone, not even those you trust the most."

"But Voldemort must have an idea," Hermione said, "I mean he sent someone to find it didn't he."

"Voldemort doesn't have the power to get into the cavern, no one does." Solarea said.

"So then if no one can get in, why do you kill anyone who tries?" Sirius asked.

"This is not something I wish to discuss," Solarea said raising her voice a little, "So please, back off."

"All right, we'll change the subject," Sirius said, "You can't blame me for being curious."

"Well you know what they say about curiosity." Solarea said.

The party ended, people went on their way and some went to bed. Solarea knocked on Hermione's door, knowing she was still awake. She opened the door; Hermione was reading a book in the chair by the window. Hermione saw her and closed the book.

"I don't wish to bother you long," Solarea said, "I just thought you might appreciate this more then the boys."

It was a thick tome, dark and leather bound, and bore no name.

"What is it?" Hermione asked.

"Call it a history book of sorts, my history. I have a smaller book that I put my thoughts into, it them finds its way here. It's all translated so you'll be able to read it." Solarea explained.

"You're giving me you journal to read?" Hermione was astounded.

"With a few conditions." Solarea stated, "There are many years worth of entries, it would take years to read them all. So no staying in you room reading for hours and hours. And if you should have any questions about anything, do not hesitate to ask."

"I won't, I promise." Hermione said with the biggest smile on her face.

"I am trusting you with this," Solarea said and walked out the door closing it behind her.

Hermione waited a few minutes before opening the journal.

I've come to realize that I hate my family. I know one should love their blood kin no matter what, and often times I have wondered if we are connected by blood at all. But now I cannot deny it. I have sworn to myself that I will never return home. I know it seems drastic for how can anyone willingly stay away from such a beautiful place. I've only just began my journey, away from the safe comforts from all I have known, and nothing so far compares from what was once my home.

I cannot hate my father however, for I am most like him, or so my mother tells me. He died long ago, mother killed him. That's was Vinarin tells me.

But that part of my life is over, I will no longer take their words to heart. I can only trust them to tell lies.

I have to admit, this book helps to lift the burden from my heart, I've had a tiring time as of late. Perhaps I should start from the beginning, to keep my mind from dwelling from what has recently transpired.

My mother was gone a lot through out my childhood, though my father loved her and spoke wonders about her. Both my mother and brother were out in other worlds. My Father could not travel and I now know he was a prisoner. He was an ordinary person with no power to speak of. It is because my father raised me that I am who I am today. Something I believe my mother has come to regret.

I grew up not knowing of my abilities and when I was seventeen my father convinced me to go out beyond the boundaries of my home, he had taught me everything I needed to know.

They were simple people, but then I was a simple person myself. I assimilated myself into the first community I came to. I worked as a barmaid at the local tavern, mostly because I was fascinated with the people, I had only been around my father and occasionally my mother and brother. I observed the people and in turn the people observed me for I was a stranger and a woman all alone. It continued that way for six years, until one day someone new came to town. He was…incredible; I had only seen magic a few times in my life before, from both my mother and brother, so this man was a reminder of something familiar.

I was drawn to him, but then so was every girl in the town, unspoken for or not. Torik was a man of power, and most fathers wanted their daughters to marry men of power.

Torik had a traveling show, he used his magic for entertainment. It was his first show that I first saw him. He made things appear and disappear, made things move without aid save for magic. He even turned fire into ice. The next say, while I was working he came in about midday. He was greeted by many of the regulars applauding him for the spectacular show the night before. Before ling he sat with some of the other men. Doing my job I went up to him and the others.

"Can I get you anything sir?" I asked. Torik saw me and looked somewhat odd at me. He quickly realized what he was doing and answered. "Just some ale for now."

As I walked away I heard one of the men say "Pay no attention to the bar-wench Torik, there's more interesting girls elsewhere. My daughter for example…" I could hear no more as I continued to walk away. I was seething inside, for I had done nothing to deserve that title.

When I came back with Torik's drink I found him alone. I looked around the large vast table where everyone had once sat before giving Torik his ale.

"It seems the men had something more important to do." Torik said and I smiled. I was about to walk away when he continued, "I apologize for Nickoli's forwardness."

I was speechless, I hardly knew what to say, "It was not your fault, but thank you."

"It was my actions that brought upon the comment." He replied in turn. I nodded and walked away.

For the next week I never had the opportunity to talk with Torik, he never came in for drink or food and had only greeted each other in passing at the market. There had been other visitors before, but for some reason I could not keep my mind off of him.

Now, you have to understand that I lived in the attack of the tavern so most often than not I would be the last one working late at night after closing, as I was the night before Torik was to leave. I would put the chairs up and sweep the floor. I heard someone enter through the door and not liking my automatic response came out.

"We're closed for the night,"

"My apologize," somehow I could know his voice anywhere. I turned and saw Torik stand at the door, "I leave tomorrow and I didn't know if we would see each other before I did."

I didn't say anything. I could not explain my shyness, I had never behaved that way with anyone before.

"May I come in?" Torik asked and I nodded. He moved away from the door and I continued on with my work.

"What did you want to see me for?" I finally asked.

"I have been constantly confounded with you." Torik admitted.

"What could possibly be confounding?" I asked.

"I travel to different placed and am often an observer of people," Torik said, "You are different from the others."

"I have only been here for six years." I told him.

"I've heard what the some people say about you."

"Yes, it has been a rude awakening." I said sharply. I surprised myself with my outburst. Torik smirked, for some reason his smirk made me melt inside.

"I am leaving tomorrow," Torik said as he moved closer.

"Yes, you have mentioned that," I reminded him.

"Come with me." Torik said.

"Come with you?" I had not expected that.

"I am not a mere entertaining magician; I can sense your power." Torik said.

"Power? What power?"

"How could you not know the power you possess?"

How could I indeed? My mother never told me anything and I had always thought because I was my father's daughter I was just like him. Torik convinced me into going with him and he taught me all he knew of magic. And we fell in love.

We had a nomadic lifestyle traveling from one place to another. We eventually married and after five years we decided to settle down. Torik and I found a small cottage at the edge of a village. My magic grew strong and I eventually found that I had no limits to what I could do. Torik would often tier if he use too much magic.

It alarmed us somewhat when religion was introduced to the village. The people suddenly had a fear for some god and magic was outlawed. Torik and I contemplated moving but we decided stay where we were and not use our magic in front of anyone. The forbidden use of magic seemed to spread from village to village.

It became stressful for us; we constantly had to hide our true nature and the stress of us trying to conceive. We wanted children but it just wouldn't happen, my fault of course, but I did not know that then.

I knew of some berry bushes near the lake that was close by, they were good for picking so I was doing just that. Out alone, by myself, a good ten minutes walk from the village.

"Hello Solarea," I jumped at the voice. I spun around to find Vinarin standing not ten feet away.

"Where did you come from?" I asked, still in shock of his sudden appearance.

"I forget how naïve you are in magic." He said.

"What do you want?" I hadn't seen my brother in years; he wouldn't come unless he wanted something.

"It is time for you to return home." Vinarin said.

"I have a life Vinarin, I am married, and why would I want to go back." I told him, "I am quite happy to grow old here with the one I love."

"Grow old." He actually laughed at that, "I foresee you won't be doing much of anything with him after today."

"Who are you to dictate what I should and should not do?" I yelled at him starting on my way back home.

"I am your brother Solarea." Vinarin told her.

"Yes, brother," I agreed, "but not father, you have no say."

"I do if your father is dead." That had gotten me to stop in my tracks. "Mother was angry at him, for letting you go before it was time."

"Give me one good reason why I should go with you," I wasn't a child anymore; I wasn't going to let him rule my life like he though he could.

"You have nothing left to stay for." I turned and walked away again, "It is forbidden to use magic, punishable by death."

As I heard the words my stomach turned, for I had a feeling I knew what was about to happen.

This was only one week ago.

I raced back to the village, a commotion was stirring. I stopped the first person I saw.

"What is happening?" I asked.

"I am sorry Solarea, but the law is the law, Torik is to be hung for using magic."

I cried out and headed for the village square. The village officials and the priests were giving Torik some sorry excuse of a trial, the noose already prepared.

Torik saw me immediately and he never took his eyes off of me. I sent him a silent message telling him that he would be alright, he could get out of this and we could go somewhere else, get away from this village.

His grim expression told me that he was not going to fight. He saw something behind me but I did not take my eyes from him, I couldn't.

I prepared myself, if Torik was not going to fight, I would. But a hand rested on my shoulder preventing me from moving forward.

"Don't even think about it or you will end up in the noose along side him." Vinarin told me.

Torik was allowed to make a final statement, I felt myself cry through the numbness that I already felt.

"I love this life with you Solarea, I love you with a love that is stronger than death and if sin is the price of binding us together, life after life across the ages, then I will sin joyfully and without regret, so that it brings me back to you."

"It's time to come home now Solarea," Vinarin said as Torik died. I felt hallow, but somehow Torik was still with me. He had done what he said, he bound his soul to mine. I let Vinarin take me home, I could do nothing to stop him.

I wanted to die, I still do. Upon arriving I fled to the highest tower and I fell from it. Vinarin pulled me up of the ground, but I was shocked beyond anything, I should have died but no harm was done.

"You need to shed yourself of the mortal things and come to know who you are." He told me and led me back inside.

Mother was waiting for us, but I didn't not run to her as a child would, sobbing for someone to understand.

"How do we proceed?" my mother asked Vinarin.

"She doesn't know anything. Tried to kill herself just now." Vinarin told her.

"Well we can't have that." My mother said with disappointment in her voice, "and the mortal?"

"Dead, though he did have a few interesting choice for final words." I knew he was talking about Torik, I might be ignorant with a lot of things, but I'm not stupid.

"What could you have possible have said to persuade Torik to give up, to leave me behind?" I said quietly, but they heard.

"I told him if he resisted, I would kill you."

"How could you?"

"I saved you from wasting the next 5o years."

"How could I be wasting my life?" I said with anger.

"My dear Solarea," my mother said guiding me to a door. "It is time that you learn your true nature." She opened the door; inside standing on a pedestal in the center of the room sat a book. My mother told me to go to the book and open it.

I opened it and I immediately sensed it's age, history and power. Knowledge seeped into me as the first page came into view. I dare not repeat what I saw within that book, but I now know who I am.

"Take your place beside us. Just imagine what the three of us can do together, the power over all we see before us." My mother said, plotting in her head the terrors we would wrought.

"Over who lives and who dies?" I asked with bitterness and anger.

"Do not take your anger out on us sister," Vinarin said to me, "You should have never gotten involved with mortals that way. They are beneath us."

"It's all I have known and all that I have loved." I pleaded.

"You are a God Solarea," Mother snapped at me, "Star acting like it. We rule over everything, no one is above us. That idiot of a father has made you soft."

By that time I had had enough of them talking down at me. I knew exactly who to blame. They made people worship them, they made magic forbidden, they ruined my life, they murdered my love.

The book had taught me everything I need to know and joining my family in the domination of anyone and anything was the last thing I want to do with the power I have.

I don't know if I can stop them or even if I have a chance against them. They had left me alone to think upon things, and I use that time to escape my childhood home.

What irony that I cannot even pray to the Gods for them not to find me.

Hermione closed the book, eyes red and bleary, and turn off her light and tried to go to sleep. A million more questions streaming through her head.
