Unofficial Portkey Archive

Everlasting Daystar by Sk8erWitch

Everlasting Daystar


Chapter 7

"Where is it?" Tobias was furious, he had come home with no a drop to drink within his house. "Where is it Eileen?"

"This needs to stop Tobias, please, your habits are hurting us." Eileen pleaded.

"I'll do what I damn well please!"

"Please Tobias; drinking your problems away is not something I want my children to learn." Eileen scolded her husband.

"A little late for that," Madison said to herself as she was listening to the fight from upstairs in her bedroom. She sat on her window sill with the window wide open taking a drag from her cigarette and a swig of Jack Daniels she had grabbed before her mother poured all the liquor in the house down the drain. A door slammed down stairs and Madison watched as He stormed out, got into his car and drove away, no doubt going to fuel his addiction.

She put out her cigarette and continued with her task, packing. It was the middle of August, she and Sev had gotten their Hogwarts letters that mourning. Mum had received a letter from Dumbledore himself, expressing concern from her low grades, her missed classes and her constant trips to the Hog's Head. It was one of those moments when a mother realizes her one and only daughter was a complete screw up.

Madison figured it would be a while before He would come home, he would go to the store and buy his liquor, then go to a pub and make up time. She secretly hoped he would get drunk enough to crash his car off a cliff or something, stupid muggle.

She finished packing her bag, than looked around her room. Her school books sat on her desk, Madison took one from the pile then ventured down the hall and knocked softly on her brother's door. He answered it, and she gave him one last look over. He was getting tall, soon enough he would be taller that she was.

"What's up Madie?" he asked.

"I just wanted to give you this." Madison gave him the book.

"But this is 6th year potions," Severus argued, "I'll be going into fourth."

"I can count you know," Madison told him, "I just thought you might be interested. It's not like I need it anymore."

"Thanks," Severus said taking the book, "It going to get bad when Dad gets home."

"Just stay in your room squirt," Madison told him.

"Don't call me squirt!" Severus said angrily shut the door to his bedroom. Madison smiled as she brushed her hand on his door.

Madison retreated back to her room to get her bag. She paused for a moment, and thought briefly of just climbing out the window. But that would be admitting, if only to her self, that what she was doing was wrong. She just about reached the front door, when Madison heard someone behind her.

"You're better off sneaking out your window, there's more of a chance you won't get caught." Her mother said sternly.

"Sneaking out the window implies that I'm coming back." Madison told her, not turning around.

"So this is it, you're just going to leave. You're of age and you think yourself an adult now?" She mocked. "I can't help you if you leave."

Madison spun around with anger on her tongue, "What makes you think I need help? And from you?"

"Madison, you're sick, you need help. There is still a chance to fix all this. If you walk out that door, I can guarantee you will have an early grave."

"Staying here is worse," Madison told her, "Mum, I can't stand it anymore."

"Things will change, I promise." Madison could see her mothers tears, she was desperate to keep her there. "Please don't go."

"You're desperate," Madison said with disgust, "and you're a coward. The only reason you want me around is because I am a reminder of what your life could have been light, were you now a coward."

"I want you to stay because I love you; you are a part of this family." Her mother pleaded, "We're going to put a stop to all this, we're will be a proper family."

"Some family," Madison muttered, "We'll never be the happy little family you see in that deluded mind of yours. You are weak and you have let a mere muggle control your life, you put the name of Prince to shame."

"What makes you think you're any better?" Madison had nothing more to say after that, she didn't even say good-bye as she walked out of the house.

Madison groaned as she opened her eyes and saw the time on her clock, she had forgotten to set her alarm and she was late. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she thought about her dream, or rather memory. Madison would always regret her last words to her mother, it was the last time she saw her mother alive.


"Who are our first victims?" Solarea asked, her voice muffled from her head face down on her desk.

"Seventh year Gryffindors and Slytherins," Sirius replied, "Are you going to be alright?"

Solarea looked up from the desk, "Collect the summer homework, I'm going to go throw up." She declared fleeing from the classroom in search for the nearest loo. The morning bells were going off and Solarea was still not back as the class settled into their seats. Instead of the normal two to a desk, they each had their own.

"Alright!" Sirius said observing the room, "First order of business, all homework assignments from the summer will need to be handed in.

"And where exactly is our dear Professor, Mr. TA?" Draco questioned as Sirius was collecting scrolls, "Seems unprofessional not to show up for your own class."

"Professor Solarea will be here momentarily," Sirius explained, "She has some personal business to take care of." Draco mumbled something, "What was that Mister Malfoy, please speak your mind."

"I said we should have kept the same Defense Professor as last year, instead of moving on to have the need of two incompetents to fill the role."

"Oh shut it Malfoy!" Ron said.

Malfoy was about to reply when Madison caught Sirius's attention at the door. "Miss Philana, would you mind explaining why you are late?"

"Actually I would mind," Madison replied as she stayed where she was not moving to any seat.

"Then you won't mind if I take five points from Slytherin for your tardiness."

"Not as long as you close the shutters on the windows." Madison answered. Sirius nodded waving his wand so the shutters closed blocking the sunlight from coming into the room. Only then did Madison move to find an empty seat.

"I don't suppose you have a homework assignment?"

"Sorry Mister Black, my coming here was rather sudden." Madison told him.

"By the way Mister Malfoy, you've lost Slytherin an additional five points for your rather lame insults." Sirius smirked.

"Ten points from Slytherin within the first ten minutes, I have to say Mister Black, I think you will have more fun at taking points from Slytherin than Professor Snape does for Gryffindor." Professor Solarea finally entered the classroom.

"Just trying to keep the balance." Sirius replied.

Solarea waved her hand at the class. Each student along with their desks levitated and started to move around the room. "From now on each of you has an assigned seat, and if you have a problem remembering where your seat is, just know that it's arranged alphabetically." Solarea explained. The desks settled accordingly.

"Every other class that you come here for you will be required to dress appropriately for physical activity." Solarea continued.

"Physical activity?" she heard someone ask quietly.

"This class is not just for defending yourself against the Dark Arts; it's for defending yourself against all things, with or without the use of magic."

"You mean fight like muggles?" Draco sneered.

"Do you think just using magic is enough?" Solarea questioned, "Tell me Mr. Malfoy, do you be an arse on purpose, or does is just come naturally?"

The class erupted in laughter, but only enough that they tried very hard not to. Draco looked as anyone would when they had just been insulted. No doubt most of the class thought he would run from the class at any moment from embarrassment.

"A word of caution to all, I'm not like other professor that you have had. Don't test me and we'll get along just fine." Solarea picked up three large books from her desk. "I want you all to read the first two chapters your book. Except for Mister Potter, Miss Granger and Mister Weasley, you will read the first chapter of this book." She gave then the book simply titled Level One Mage.


"I thought I'd find you here." Madison entered the potions classroom to find her brother working at one of the work tables.

"You should be at lunch." Severus reminded her.

"It's too bright in the Great Hall and the food makes me nauseous." Madison replied, "It might be the potion because normally I could eat real food no problem. Not that I'd want to."

"I'll see what I can do. How goes the game?"

"Well I've certainly got Draco's attention though he hasn't spoken to me at all today. Solarea rather embarrassed him in class this morning." Madison reported, "And I've managed to make an enemy out of Pansy Parkinson, seems I've stolen her room."


"She'll get over it." Madison went closer to observe what Severus was doing, "What are you working on?"

"A little of this, a little of that."

"Merlin, you really need to get yourself a girlfriend if this is what you do in your spear time."

"I don't need anyone, thank you very much." Severus replied continuing on with his work. "Besides, it would illogical. With the way things are I'm most likely end up dear by the time this whole war is over."

"Don't say that," Madison frowned, "You are going to live long, look old and gray like Dumbledore."

"Please spare me; grey doesn't go with my wardrobe."

"Bull, black goes with anything." Madison smiled again then reminded him, "It is better to have loved and lost, then to have never loved at all."

"You've become such a romantic in your after-life."

"Alright, fine, to each his own," Madison gave up on the subject, "I just hate seeing you alone."

"Do you still plan to go to that ball on Halloween?" Severus asked.

"I don't know I might not be able to." Madison told him, "If not, oh well, I'll just celebrate here with family."

A knock came from the classroom door; Madison quickly slid into one of the chairs and pulled out her potions book, pretending to read. Severus called for the person to come in.

"I was wondering if…" Solarea came through the door and upon seeing Madison she stopped what she was say, "Never mind, you're right here." She said to Madison.

"You wanted to see me?" Oddly Madison felt like the guilty student she was play, like she was caught red handed or something.

"Are you familiar with a Mr. Wilder?" she asked.

"Ah?" Madison searched her memory but the name wasn't familiar.

"He's a lawyer,"

The light bulb went off, "He isn't dead is he?"

Solarea was taken aback with such an odd question, "No."

"Then what about him, I've only met with him twice and that was years ago." Madison told her.

"I met with him yesterday, he's afraid you might challenge Harry about his inheritance."

"And I would do that because?" Madison could sense that Solarea was fishing for something.

"Something to do with this `Pure-blood Priority' Law that was recently passed." Solarea explained.

"I'm sorry I don't really follow the dealings of mortal politics," Madison told her, "I get enough with the immortal ones."

"It says that inheritances' and such will go to a pure-blood relative before a half-blood." Severus told her.

"So no matter what I said at James's will reading make any difference?" Madison asked more to get the statement out in the air. "I really hate mortal politics."

"So no one notified you about this law and the loads of money that could be at your disposal?"

"I already have loads of money at my disposal, but no, no one told me. Most likely who ever got this law to pass was hoping that no one would claim it making it all null and void come three years from now." Madison said.

"I came to the same conclusion," Solarea told her.

"Did you have a nice fishing trip?" Madison asked sweetly.

"I'm sorry about that; I hate mortal politics even more than you do."

"I'll sign whatever papers you need so that everything is set right." Madison assured her, "Have you eaten yet?"

"I was just about to head to lunch." Solarea told her.

"You should have something with ginger in it in the mourning's." Madison advised.

"What? Do I have a billboard stuck to my forehead or something? "

"I have an uncanny sense of smell being a vampire and all; you threw up just before you came into class." Madison told her.

Solarea walked away in frustration of people know she was pregnant before she told them.


"I wonder why she was late this mourning." Harry wondered as the three of them were taking a walk outside before their next lesson.

"Who, your Aunt or Madison?" Hermione asked.

"Aunt Sol, I don't know maybe she did on purpose and was watching the class where no one could see her."

"Look there's Lena," Ron said pointing towards where Lena was walking; they quickly caught up with her as she was heading towards where she and Charlie were staying.

"Good afternoon Professor Marx," Hermione said politely.

"Oh please guys, when it's just us call me Lena." Lena replied, "This whole Professor thing is weird enough as it is."

"How was your first class?" Ron asked.

"It was ok; I had first years and third years. It's amazing what a difference I live person teaching does." Lena told them, "So how shocked were you when you found out we were here?"

"Very," Ron replied, "It's weird with Hagrid not here."

"Tell me about it, Charlie and I have redone his hut, it was just a bit too small for two people." They reached the cabin and Lena went to the pen near the forest, "Charlie, I've brought you some lunch."

Charlie came out of the pen clad in protective gear, "Thanks, I'm starving. Hey you three."

"Hey Charlie, what are you working with?"

"Salamanders," Charlie replied, "They seemed to be peeved about something, they won't stop spitting fireball at me."

"Do you want me to try and calm them down?" Lena asked.

"You're the fire resistant one," he told her, "Did you tell them?"

"I'll tell my family, you tell yours." Lena replied as she entered the pen.

"That's hardly fair." Charlie retorted.

Lena leaned against the pen's fence, "Ron, in your personal opinion, if we told your Mum we're getting married, what are the odds that she won't start planning every detail of the wedding."

"You're getting married?" Ron asked.

"In December hopefully." Charlie replied.

"Congratulations," Hermione and Harry said at the same time, they looked at each other and laughed.

"You do remember how Mum was with Bill's wedding?" Ron asked Charlie.

"Yeah, so I trust you to be quiet and not tell her." Charlie told his youngest brother.

"Besides, what girl in her right mind, who's been with the same person for nine years now, wouldn't have her wedding planned by now." Lena commented.

"Just don't tell Gin or Mum will know for sure," Ron said.

"What are you reading Hermione?" Lena asked. Hermione had gotten her Mage book out to skim through it some more.

"Level One Mage," Hermione replied.

"What are you doing with a Mage book?" Lena felt concerned, "Where did you get it?"

"We got them from Professor Solarea," Hermione replied, "its good though, I've been feeling defenseless since I can't do the kind of magic I use to."

"Wait, you're learning Mage magic? But Wizards can't do Mage magic."

"Just as Mages can't do Wizard's magic." Harry pointed out, "And we can't do Wizards magic anymore."

"So all three of you are Mages now?" Charlie asked in disbelief. The three of them nodded.

"I just thought since you are a mage…" Hermione started.

"That was very smart of you but only Master Level Mages can teach Novice Level Mages," Lena told her, "And I am still at the Intermediate Level."

"Is that normal?" Hermione asked, "I mean that you are still at Intermediate."

"No, I never went to a Mage school since I live in this realm," Lena explained, "Normally if I had grown up in the Mage Lands I'd probably be close to a Master Level Mage. It just all depends on how you're taught and who teaches you. My parents taught me everything they know, but they aren't practicing Mages anymore, they live like muggles. And my elemental powers have taken priority over everything else."

"Can you talk about it at all?" Hermione asked.

"I'll talk to Solarea since she is the one teaching you, but I'm pretty sure we can have intelligent discussions about what you have learned." Lena saw Hermione's eye light up at the potential conversations they could have. "That goes for all of you."

"Alright enough shop talk you two," Charlie intervened, "All of you better head up to the castle before your next class."


The sun was high upon them, the boat gently rocked with the waves of the sea.

"How much longer do we have to be out here?" Tavion heard her companion complain.

"Do not ask questions you already know the answer to Cara." Tavion was seated at the front of the boat with her back towards Cara so she could not see her niece sulking and brooding. But Tavion did not have to see Cara to know what she was doing; she had taken Cara on this fishing trip for a reason. "Help me with this net."

Cara helped her, "Why is it that you and Máthai have been so hard on me, have I done something wrong?" They pulled the net up from the sea; the fish struggled to maintain life. With the fish in the boat they waited until they stopped moving.

"If I recall correctly about a fortnight ago you where tell your mother that you were not a child anymore." Tavion told her, "If you don't want to be treated like a child then you must act like an adult."

The fish where untangled from the net and they cast the net back into the sea. "We all have to grow up sooner or later."

"I know that I said what I said, it just seems so sudden." Cara said.

"There once was a time that the Amazon nation spread all across Europe. Now our tribe is all that's left. The world around us is changing rapidly; they find our way of living barbaric. But no matter what, we stick to tradition instead of conforming. What we have here is something to be proud of."

"I know our history Aintín²." Cara told her impatiently.

"When Persephone was your age she had been Queen for four years already," Tavion snapped at her niece, Tavion turned her back on her once again trying to compose herself. "Your mother is sick, she won't live past Yule."

Cara had been shocked into silence for a moment, "Is there nothing you can do?" Cara said quietly.

"The sickness is from within and is incurable," Tavion replied. Silently they hauled in the last load of fish and headed back to shore. They work together load up the fish in bundles to carry back to Iphigenia, their village.

"By right of caste you are your mother's heir, you are to be our Queen," Tavion said to the sixteen year old, "But only if I deem you fit."

"What is that suppose to mean?" Cara asked hurt by Tavion's words.

"It means you better step up and shape up, because until you are worthy of being called Queen I will take my sister's place. Our duty to our goddess if far too great to be left in incapable hands, I…" Tavion felt a sudden chill, like a dark shadow passing over her.

"What is it Aintín? Do you See something?" Cara asked.

"No, I thought I felt something. It's probably nothing, let's get going." Tavion declared and they started back to the village.

"We mustn't interfere with them," Rene told Voldemort, "They can't see or hear us."

"The older one knows something." Voldemort told him.

"Some Muggle can sense magic Master, they just don't know what it is they sense. Nonetheless we can do nothing to them, if someone goes missing or is mysteriously killed, the one who protects this cave will know. Then all will be lost, we must work in complete secrecy. Not even your Death Eaters must know." Rene explained, "Let's go, we have much work to do."

¹ Máthair- Gaelic for Mother

² Aintín- Gaelic for Aunt

(A/N- I have a Yahoo Group for all my writing, so if anyone what to go there and talk about stuff, ask me questions… yadda yadda yadda )
