Unofficial Portkey Archive

Everlasting Daystar by Sk8erWitch

Everlasting Daystar


Chapter 5

Harry glanced at the clock, again. It was five in the morning and Ron had been sleeping on his back for the last half an hour. It was one of those rare times when Harry could no sleep because of his snoring. Giving up, Harry threw back his covers. He thought about throwing a pillow at Ron, hoping it would slightly wake him to roll over or something to make him stop, but Harry was wide awake now, there was no way he would get back to sleep.

Harry left his room and ventured downstairs. The light was on in the study and so he went to investigate, thinking it was his Aunt.

"You're up awfully early." Harry heard as he neared the door. Harry entered the room and saw that it was Madison.

"I couldn't sleep," Harry replied. Madison was sharpening what appeared to be a Samurai sword.

"Packing up today aren't you?" Madison made it a statement more than a question.

"I'd better, wouldn't want to miss the train tomorrow." Harry said. "For some reason I'm nervous about going back, with it being my last year and all. Do you think that's normal?"

"I wouldn't know," Madison answered as she put her sword in its sheath, "I never made it to my seventh year."

"Really, why not?" Madison to a drink from a tall clear glass; it had an unmistakable red liquid in it. Harry slightly made a face, "Never mind, I shouldn't have asked."

"No, it's alright." Madison told him, "I dropped out after my sixth year, after I was of age. I made wrong choices back then. It wasn't because of my Vampirism, if that's what you're thinking. I didn't become one until I was twenty."

Harry sat down in one of the arm chairs. "Then what was it?"

Madison smiled at his curiosity, "I was an alcoholic. Things were bad at home; I started drinking when I was fifteen, summer before my fifth year. By the time my sixth year came I stopped caring about school or anything really. So when I turned seventeen I didn't see a reason to keep going to school."

"So what did you do?" Harry asked.

"Well I pretty much stayed drunk for a long time after that. I met Marcus when I was nineteen; he'd been watching me for a while now. It had gotten to a point where my drinking was making my health go downhill. Marcus practically dragged me from the streets, locked me in a room and made me get sober. The rest after that is history."

"And you like being a vampire?"

"I wouldn't be one if I didn't want to." Madison said, "Marcus set me right on my path. When he took me in it was for the sole purpose to set me straight instead of leading myself to an early grave."

"Madison, are you there?" the fire in the fireplace roared green. Madison moved closer to the fireplace.

"Yes Natalya, I am here." She responded.

"I received word from Peter; he says that he will meet you tonight."


"'The Spot' in Berlin."

"Thank you Natalya that will be all." The fire turned back to normal. "Harry could you do me a favor and get me some Floo Powder, we're all out here."

"Sure," Harry replied and left to get some out of the supply cupboard. Madison threw some into the fireplace when Harry came back.

"Ian is Marcus there?" she called into the fire after in turned green again.

"One moment Mistress." came a reply.

"Mistress?" Harry questioned.

"Not now Harry." Madison snapped.

"Don't be so hard on the boy Madie," said the fire.

"Natalya just contacted me about Peter." Madison told Marcus.

"When are you meeting him?" he asked.

"Tonight, I need my things."

"It's too close to dawn; can you send someone over to pick them up?" Marcus inquired.

"Sure, I'm sure I can find someone," Madison replied.

"Be careful tonight Madie," Marcus said with concern, "Don't be stubborn."

"I'll back out when it's time," she assured him.

"Alright, I may pop over before you go," Marcus told her, "Get some sleep."

After that the flames went back to normal again.

"What's going on?" Harry asked.

"We're attempting to get someone into the factions of the werewolf pack to spy for us." Madison told him, "It's all complicated."


"Is there any particular reason why you are disrupting my sleep Severus, I have a busy night tonight."

"I need you to be my guinea pig," he replied.

"You've got to be kidding me?" Madison rolled back over to bury herself in the covers.

"If I can make a potion for Werewolves to be docile under a full moon, I ought to make a potion to allow Vampires to somewhat tolerate the sun."

Madison pulled back the covers to look at her brother, "Did someone dare you to come in her and wake me up?"

"By the time you wake up later the sun will be gone, its high noon now." Severus took away her covers so she could go back to sleep.

"Fine!" Madison gave in. Severus handed her a glass that held the potion, "Do I have to drink the whole thing?"

"Yes," Severus replied as he moved to the skylight as Madison took refuge in the attic during the day. Madison drank the potion quickly in a couple of gulps.

"Now what?" Madison asked. Severus opened the skylight spreading sunlight in all directions. None reached Madison, Severus glared at her. "Sorry, reflexive action."

Slowly the shadows began to retreat letting the sunlight crawl towards Madison. She held out her hand and let the sun caress her fingertips, then her hand, her arm.

"It tingles," she told the Potion's Master in astonishment, "I'm not burning."

"It's only temporary, lasts about twelve hour I estimate."

"This is brilliant."

"I want you to do me a favor, but you're not going to like it."


It was nearing sunset, Madison was preparing, and sulking. Her brother's idea was unbelievable, and what was more unbelievable was that Marcus thought it was a good idea as well. Not to mention the fact that Dumbledore agree to this as well, she was outnumbered, so she was sulking. At least she could take her frustrations out on someone tonight.

She decided that she would leave early tonight, before the sun went down. Severus's concoction was had been a blessing. Madison still had to stick to the shadows; direct light from the sun would burn but not as usual. A few extra precautions along with the potion and she was set.

Making sure she had everything she needed, Madison headed down the trap door of the attic. The rest of the house was having dinner so she headed for the kitchen; she needed something from there anyway.

Spotting the things Marcus had sent over in the kitchen she made a b-line straight for them. Placing the duffle bag on a spare table she opened it and starting pulling things out. She took off her leather jacket to put on a shoulder holster. Madison didn't like gun that much, but she carried one for safe measure. She took out the gun to make sure it was loaded properly with the right ammo, silver bullets. Madison was so focused with what she was doing she didn't notice some of the on lookers with the sudden appearance of a gun.

Placing a couple of daggers in there usual hiding spots and strapping her sword into place Madison put her jacket back on and grabbed the helmet from inside the bag.

"If I know Marcus he'll be here around midnight." She announced to the `adults'.

"Are you going out already?" Sirius asked. "It's still day out."

"It'll be fine. I want to get to where I am going before the moon rises. I want to talk to my contact first." Madison assured them. She then left the kitchen and headed for the front door. Severus was waiting there.

Madison just snubbed her nose at him; she didn't feel like talking to him at the moment.

"You're not still sulking are you?" Madison remained silent, "It's a good plan, you're just too proud to admit it."

"I'm meeting someone if you don't mind, you're blocking the door and I would rather meet with this person before he changes with the full moon."

Severus moved to let her pass, "You'd better return in one piece. If you don't I intend to be very cross."

"Heaven forbid I should ruin you nicely formulated plan by becoming too injured."


Madison apparated to a garage in Berlin. In the darkness, she navigated through the rows of sports cars and ordinary cars to the back where the motorcycles were kept. Quickly finding her's, she wheeled it back to the front entrance. Putting on her gloves and helmet, she was completely covered from head to toe in black. Madison opened the door and started her motorcycle. Knowing the door would automatically shut and lock behind her she sped off through the streets of Berlin.

`The Spot' was a simple pub. Muggle often frequented, and there was nothing that they could serve for Madison. Peter was already there, nursing a pint. Madison slipped into the seat next to him.

"I thought you wouldn't be here for a couple more hours?" he asked in his thick German accent.

"I figured we could use more time before the moon rises." Madison replied, she waved off the server who had asked her what she was drinking.

Peter looked at her as if examining her. "There is a scent on you. It is faint, but recent."

"Just a fellow outcast, like yourself." Madison simply replied. She watched him as he nervously sipped his beer. "You don't have to do this."

Peter said nothing and continued on with his drink. The hairs on the back of Madison's neck stood up. Mistake number one, she had her back to the door.

"I came too early didn't I?" That was mistake number two. Peter had come early himself, but the reason stood right behind her.

"Hello Madison," Madison knew that voice all too well, she turned around in her seat with a fake smile planted on her face. There stood Fenrir Greyback and Elaina, her arch nemesis, sworn enemy, yadda, yadda, yadda. As the analogy went, Marcus is to Fenrir as Madison is to Elaina. Two of her enemies standing right in front of her with another she now had doubts about. Did the plan change, or had Peter changed his loyalties.

"Elaina, Fenrir, what brings you here on this soon to be night." Madison replied.

"We would like to discuss business with you," Fenrir said, "Perhaps we could move this somewhere more privet."

"It's three against one," Madison reminded them, "I don't like those odds, and right here is just fine."

"Perhaps one of the tables in the back then," Peter suggested.

"You first," Madison told them.

Once settled at the back, Fenrir started, "We have been fighting each other for a very long time, and to be honest we are both creatures of the night."

"What are you getting at?" Madison asked impatiently

"An alliance, peace between our kind and yours," Fenrir said bluntly.

"Isn't this something you should speak to Marcus about?"

"Come now, we know you have Marcus wrapped around you little finger. He values your opinion. We will win this war; so what if we have a Master, we will no longer have to hide, be shunned or shamed for what we are."

"Side with us and you would no longer have to enemies with your own family," Elaina told her, "Your own brother is on our side."

"You think I don't know that." Madison snapped.

"Yet you haven't said anything to the Order of the Phoenix about his true nature," Fenrir questioned, "After all you probably know him best."

"Forget it Fenrir, she won't join us. Lets not forget the new information about little Miss Vampira that we learned not long ago." Elaina sneered.

"Ah yes, Daddy's side of the family." Fenrir mocked, "How does it feel to be a pureblood yet a bastard."

"Dark Lord doesn't know, but he will soon enough." Elaina assured Madison, "Call it our Wild Card if the Master isn't too pleased with us."

There was a silent pop then a hiss through the air as she felt something hit her abdomen. Madison looked down to see the dart sticking out of her. She pulled it out as she faded to black.


True to Madison's prediction Marcus arrived at the Nobel House of Black at midnight. Only Solarea and Sirius were up to greet him.

"Is Severus here?" Marcus asked.

"No," Sirius replied, "Dumbledore thought it was best he'd went to Hogwarts already."

"Madie's not back yet?"


"Damn, I was hoping she would be back already."

"What's with the trunk?" Sirius questioned.

"It's a surprise," Marcus told him, "That is if Madie comes home alive."

"She will," Solarea told him, "She can take care of herself."

"I hear congratulations are in order," Marcus said suddenly changing the subject.

"Really, I don't remember making any announcements." Solarea looked to Sirius.

"Don't look at me," Sirius replied, "He is a vampire."

"It's a gift." Marcus said, "I'll bet Remy knows and is not saying anything because you might not know yourself."


"Sorry, it's just that's what Madie calls him." Marcus explained, "I guess it rubbed off a bit."

"Who would have thought you would have fallen for someone," Solarea teased.

"Wasn't my intention when I brought her in, honest," Marcus said, "But what about the two of you? All knocked up and everything."

"And then you have to go and be crude about it."


Slowly she was coming back to her senses. Madison could hear the fast heartbeats all around her and from the pressure in her head she guessed she was upside down. Her whole stomach area burned with pain and could feel drops of liquid, dripping off her fingertips. She could smell it was her own blood.

Madison made sure not to move. She knew what waited for her down below, three savage beasts that were waiting for their prey to awaken. After all, it wouldn't be fun at all to kill the prey while she was down, not able to fight back.

From what she could tell of her surrounding she was indoors, probably a factory or a warehouse. Slowly she tried to shift her feet to see what was holding her up, metal rattled, she was chained. The rattling caught the attention of the werewolves down below, one of the started to growl.

Quickly she opened her eyes and reached for feet where the chain was, pulling her self up as high as she could. Yep, she defiantly was clawed; the front of her shirt was shredded and soaked with her own blood. Not to mention that it hurt like hell. Madison pushed through the pain, she's had worse.

The wolves are going crazy below, one brown, one grey and one black. Madison found she was indeed in some sort of factory complete with werewolf accessible catwalks, what fun. She cursed remembering she had her wand in her jacket, which was not on her. The chains on her feet were shackled separately, so she would be able to move around once she got free. Madison tugged hard on the chain above her, breaking it letting her fall to the floor thirty feet below.

Scrambling to her feet she held the chain like it was her weapon. One came from behind her, Madison crouched down and wiped the chain at the wolf's legs bringing out all the strength she could muster. The grey wolf yelped as he was knocked down.

"LUMOS MAXIMUS!" she yelled, calling on her bond with her wand. Madison prayed it would work. At the far side of the factory a bright light shown in the darkness. In her distraction with trying to find her wand the black one snuck up behind her and clawed her across her back, the force of it threw her, thankfully, towards the light into a pile of steel rods.

The three are slowly advancing on her backing her into a corner. Madison notices that the grey one is hanging back a bit. All three were growling something fierce; Madison picked up an unbent rod and gave them a hiss for good measure, baring her fangs. Handling the rod expertly, like a staff, Madison swung it towards the two closest wolves, aiming for their head to either knock them out or just confuse them. Madison hurried closer to the light. Her wand was with the rest of her things they had taken off of her. She grabbed the hilt of her sword and unsheathed it turning around to stand against the beasts.

"Come on, I dare you!" Madison sneered. The wolves hesitated, sensing the silver in the sword. Just when she thought she was going to get a fair fight out of this, the werewolves started to retreat.

"Is killing me not worth getting a few scratches here and there? COME ON!!" she yelled at them. They still backed off; in fact they even turned their backs on her. Madison was about to go after them when she remembered what Marcus had told her earlier, `Don't be stubborn.' And she had assured him that she would back off when in was time.

It was time to back off.

Not dropping her guard Madison grabbed the rest of her belongings and Apparated out of the factory and out of Berlin.


It was nearing two in the mourning when Madison walked through the door of the House of Black. She knew Marcus would be waiting for her, but instead of seeking him out she went straight to the kitchen to clean up. She took off her shredded shirt and without hesitation threw it in the trash.

"That looks nasty," Marcus commented when her came in and saw her back.

"It's not as bad as what my head feels like." Madison replied.

"Your head?"

"Remind me never to get pumped full of tranquilizers ever again."

"Your eyes are glowing aren't they?"

Madison was washing the blood off her arms at the sink and only looked back to glare at him, showing that eyes were indeed glowing. Every Vampire was different when they came into their powers. One of Madison's drawbacks was that she often showed her emotions with her eyes. Whenever she was angry or irritated about something or in a bad mood here eyes glowed with as much intensity as she felt.

"Despite the mishaps, were you successful?" Marcus asked.

"To tell you the truth, I don't know. We have to wait and see."

Marcus was right behind her; he lightly dragged his fingertips up her arms, kissing her bare shoulder. "Are you going to be okay for tomorrow? We can call this whole this off."

"No, I'll be fine. I'll sleep after I'm done cleaning up." Madison told him as she continued with what she was doing. "Fenrir and Elaina hinted that they knew about my father's side of my family. In fact they even had the nerve to think that we would side with them."

"Ah, so now you'll be going tomorrow on your own terms, your own agenda."

"Damn right I am." Madison said sternly. "Wouldn't have it any other way."

"Does this potion Severus made really work?" Marcus asked.

"Enough for me to pull off this charade." Madison replied. Marcus had started working on her back wounds. "Though I don't know if it will work for you. You've been out of the sun a hell of a lot longer than I have,"
