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The Battle Standard by jardyn39

The Battle Standard


The Battle Standard

by Jardyn39

AN: Sorry for the slight delay posting this.

Chapter 23 - The Battle Standard

"We should withdraw."

"We can't. We turned down his invitation to leave, remember?"

"Could we surrender?"

"His terms stated there would be no prisoners taken alive."

"I can't Disapparate!"

"Neither can I! He's cursed us all!"

Harry heard a few of the fearful comments made by the closest people as Bellick and Miss Alice joined them from the building. Miss Alice hopped neatly off the back of Bellick's broom but he dismounted in a rather ungainly manner, almost throwing his broom to the ground in his agitation.

"Listen to me!" barked Bellick angrily, addressing the frightened remains of their army.

A strange feeling came over Harry as he looked out at the faces before him. Some looked stoically resigned to their fate, some looked faint and fit to drop while others seemed eager to hear words of hope. Unfortunately, Bellick was hardly providing those.

Harry realised with a little shock what it was he was feeling. Or rather, what he wasn't feeling. From the moment he'd flown off the parapet, he'd left his fears behind.

He knew he was still concerned about their fate, but he wasn't afraid to meet it. Indeed, it was quite the opposite. He realised he'd actually meant it when he said he was looking forward to fighting Voldemort.

"Pull yourselves together!" shouted Bellick. "None of us can Disapparate away simply because we all made a binding Magical Contract. Accept that our only alternative is to fight!"

Harry looked over to Miss Alice, suddenly realising that a binding Magical Contract might also have been partly responsible for preventing the Death Eaters from escaping the valley. Bateman had prevented him from signing the agreement to comply with the camp security measured. She gave an embarrassed smile and a small shrug seeing his growing comprehension.

Bellick was now shouting at the top of his voice, but he sounded even more afraid than those he was trying to encourage.

Harry stepped forward and placed his hand on Bellick's shoulder.

He didn't see Miss Alice's reaction, covering her mouth with her hand and blinking several times. Then she composed herself, making sure Harry never saw Mary's pride in him as he finally stepped into the role she had created for him.

Bellick immediately fell silent and Harry addressed the army of around seven hundred. He had no need to amplify his voice.

"Since we can't run, we should fight and defend each other."

He was surprised how calm his voice was.

"We're outnumbered three to one!"

Harry laughed easily and said, "Three to one isn't so bad. When Miss Alice chose this as the battleground, we might have been outnumbered ten to one!"

He turned to her and she gave a shaky nod of agreement.

"They have Giants!"

Harry smiled and said, "Those Giants will be more of a problem for them than us. I'll bet they have been getting excited and riled up to fight for hours. Do you really think a change of colours will register in the mind of a Giant this quickly?" he lied. "They will kill far more of them than us today."

Harry had absolutely no idea if what he was saying was true or not, but he took encouragement from the fact that no-one wanted to contradict him. Maybe they just wanted it to be true as well.

"Will reinforcements come to help?"

"No. The Aurors won't come, so don't get your hopes up. Voldemort wants to draw the Aurors away from Hogwarts. That's why we have to make a stand here."

"Can't we occupy the Fort? We were hidden there!"

Harry understood at once that the Fort must be the massive building they'd just come from.

"I don't think we can defend it," said Harry, seeing Bellick's small shake of his head. "Besides, it is probably outside of the battlefield."

Miss Alice came up and placed a hand on his arm.

"Harry, you made no promise," she said quietly. "You aren't bound by a Magical Contract. You can leave."

"Bellick, what is our best defensive stance?" Harry asked, ignoring her.

Bellick swallowed his fear and answered, "We should form circles and reinforce each other. We've trained for that."

"Good. Should we form a single circle?"

"No. Four close circles will be better given our present numbers. We'll have more space to attack and we can defend from air attack easier."

"Okay, we'll do that."

He turned back to the bedraggled looking army remnants. At least the dissenting voices had stopped for now.

"Hold those banners up!" he ordered firmly.

An assortment of banners were raised half-heartedly.

Harry held his wand out high and swept it from left to right in a single wide arc. As he did so the banners changed colour and became animated, drawing gasps from the observers. Finally he pointed up at his own giant banner and that too changed from bright red and gold to deep red and black.

The Gryffindor changed from a noble and proud looking prancing lion to something altogether more menacing. The animated lion was the same as the one he'd seen in a vision of his future and it wore an expression of utter bloodthirstiness as it bared its teeth.

Harry tried not to show how surprised he was that the banner animation was so aggressive looking. But then, he realised, it really only reflected how he was feeling inside just then. He too was eager for the fighting to commence.

Massive claws pawed at the fabric in its eagerness to get at its enemies. Great lines were drawn that soon vanished but were convincing imitations of rips in the fabric.

Wishing he'd learned how to make it roar like Luna's lion hat, Harry grinned out at the disbelieving army.

"Look at them!" cried Bellick, looking through his Omnioculars. "They look terrified!"

Everyone turned to look, but before they had a chance to see Bellick shouted, "To your positions!"

As everyone else turned and ran forward to get organised, Harry looked down at Miss Alice.

"I'm so sorry, Harry. I should have listened to you."

"But apart from the timescales and the number of lives that will be lost today, the master plan is still pretty much on track, isn't it?" he said coldly.

"Harry, please don't be angry. Everything will work out in the end. You just need to be strong and ruthless. I know you won't fail me."

"Get back up to that fort building and hide," said Harry. "Is there any means of escape you can use?"

"No. There are no communications at all from here either."

Harry withdrew from his belt the sheathed golden dagger he'd taken from the armour and handed it to her.

"Take this," he ordered. "Keep it with you even if you don't use it."

"How long will you stay?"

"I'm not going anywhere. I'll leave when we've won, not before," he promised her, mounting his Firebolt. They both knew it was a foolish notion but Miss Alice understood the sentiment.


Harry knew his best means of attacking was from the air. His own battle plan consisted simply of him flying as fast as possible, firing as quickly and accurately as possible.

He landed briefly in one of the four circles and found them as ready as they were ever going to be as Voldemort's army approached slowly.

Someone shouted, "Mortar!"

A bright red flaming mortar came screaming towards them.

Harry took off at once and deflected it in mid-air. He had no idea what direction it was headed, but by a lucky chance it flew right back and hit a giant full in the face.

More mortars came flying towards them and six or so flyers rose out of the circles to deflect them away. Obviously encouraged by Harry's apparent skill, they managed to throw each of the flaming mortars back at the enemy.

Although the Giants were really only annoyed by the mortars and stood little chance of sustaining an injury from them, Harry was pleased to see the wizarding ranks scatter in terror when the mortars landed near them. From then on, that's where he aimed to redirect the mortars.

From the impacts, it was clear that the mortars were slightly more than just explosives. Victims were left screaming in agony and even magical attempts to extinguish the flames had no effect.

When the mortar attack subsided, the other flyers returned to the safety of the circles again.

Harry, however, flew as fast as he could straight at the Giants.

His first three attack runs were made from the front and he narrowly avoided being grabbed by a particularly tall Giant when Harry had to serve to avoid a curse aimed from the ground.

Harry then attacked from the rear, but didn't use lethal force.

Two of the Giants turned and clearly thought that Voldemort's men were responsible and waded in at them at once. A Third actually was hit by ground fire aimed at Harry and he too joined in the fight.

After that the remaining Giants just became confused and Harry was pleased to see several of them turn on Voldemort's army.

Harry urged his Firebolt on faster but still felt spells impact on his shield. He turned in mid-air and fired, sending a wizard chasing him on a racing broom crashing to the ground in flames.

Although the Giant attack had completely lost its momentum, the front ranks of Voldemort's army were advancing relentlessly and spreading out to completely surround the first of the defensive circles.

Harry continued diving and firing, but he was having little effect so he returned to one of the circles.

He was surprised to be greeted with cheers.

Harry ran over to join Bellick.

"Well done, Mr Potter," shouted Bellick, with no sign of fear in his voice at all now.

"What else can I do?"

"Just help hold the lines. They won't use mortars now their own men are so close. They'll try to over-run us and get inside the circle. From now on it's just a matter of attrition."

Harry nodded and shouted, "Where do you want me?"

"Fly over to the fourth circle," he said pointing. "That circle has no commander. It will be the first to fall," he predicted confidently.

Harry jumped on his Firebolt and flew up over to the circle. As he came in to land he realised it wasn't actually a circle at all and was completely misshapen.

The wizards and witches forming the circle looked absolutely petrified. Most were making furtive looks at the Fort and edging towards it.

Harry stood and fired three loud bangs in the air.

"Form this circle properly!" he ordered.

"Who put you in charge?" shouted a wizard, now walking towards the open rear of the circle.

Harry hit him at once with a stunner, blasting him off his feet.

"Any more dissenters?" he asked furiously. "If any more of you are thinking of quitting, now is the time to say something. If I'm going to die, I'd rather do it in company I can respect. Close up these ranks!"

For all their abilities to perform defensive magic, Harry knew this meant little without the determination and trust shown by the Muggle solders. More than anything he wished he had Bateman there shouting orders and exuding confidence.

Harry pulled and pushed bodies until he got them moving. Thankfully he didn't need to hex any more of his own side.

He managed to get them into a whole circle just as Voldemort's ranks reached the first circle only a few yards away.

"Open fire!" ordered Harry, firing out between the front ranks. Few followed his lead, though.

"What's the matter now?"

"If we provoke them, they'll attack us!"

"Yes, that's the idea. We formed circles because that way we can draw fire and thin them out! Fire!" he shouted, firing again. More followed this time.

Harry looked out enviously as Bellick's disciplined circle fired relentlessly in waves.

"What are they chanting?" asked Harry. "One, two, three?"

He then realised that they were firing on each count so they kept up an almost continuous rate of fire.

"Right, why can't we do that?" he demanded. "You at the front can fire on one. The next row on two and the last row on three. Got it? What?" he asked an annoyed looking wizard.

"What number do I fire on?"

"What do I care?" shouted Harry as an enemy witch dived at them from above. They both blasted her out of the sky. Her flaming body overshot them and landed heavily between the circles.

"You don't need a number," Harry assured him. "Fire like that any time you want!"

Voldemort's forces pushed forward, applying relentless pressure to the other circles. Harry's circle actually had an easier time of it since the bulk of the force against them was concentrating on attacking the front.

After several minutes fighting, Bellick's circle collapsed in a great cheer and was overrun by a tidal wave of Voldemort's men. A few managed to escape and run to join the other three remaining circles, but most were killed.

The heaving mass of men began slowly to advance on the next circle. Then they seemed to pause before turning. They were now headed straight for Harry's circle.

"Form a tighter circle," ordered Harry. "It looks like they are committing most of their remaining men to us. That means the others will be able to pick off their rear at will. Those with shields to the front!" he yelled, pulling off the shield from his back and having it passed out to the front rank.

The enemy advanced slowly but surely. The dozens they were losing every minute made little difference. They simply vanished their casualties the moment they could no longer fight effectively, so they did not have to climb over their bodies.

Clearly, Voldemort considered most of his army to be expendable. Even at his current rate of loss, perhaps ten for every one killed or injured in Harry's circle, his victory seemed assured.

Harry pulled the circle back in further as their losses mounted and then finally, he barged his way through to join the front ranks.

He was angry and exhausted. Normally this would be a bad thing but for once his lack of self-control didn't seem to be a problem.

Harry allowed the Kemmynadow curses to flow unrestricted from his wand, easily killing six at a time with each curse. He seemed to be making little difference to the vast numbers attacking them.

Still they came forward and Harry could feel them bearing down on them, pushing against the front shields. Shouts of defiance soon gave way to screams of agony.

He was being crushed from all sides now, firing but no longer aiming.

Harry closed his eyes, determined that his last thoughts would be of Hermione, not his own fears or failures.

He barely noticed that the ground was thumping.


Harry felt the circle give a great lurch and he suddenly found himself sprawled on the ground, pinned down by writhing bodies.

A dark shadow briefly passed overhead.

Harry pointed his wand up intending kill as many of the charging enemy as he could but none came in front of his aim.

He felt himself dragged along backwards by his collar for a few feet. Confused, he struggled to prop himself up.

He was surrounded by six or seven figures, all still firing with their backs to him in a small circle.

Pride surged through him as he realised what was happening and got quickly back up. He'd die on his feet after all.

By the time he joined the circle and took proper aim, they had stopped firing. There were several other small groups now, all firing back-to-back.

Harry looked on incredulously as the biggest helicopter Harry had ever seen flew over them and dropped its cargo down the last few feet. Harry's view was obstructed but he heard the helicopter's engines whine loudly as the pilot fought the controls and peeled off to the left as he climbed. Immediately after another helicopter did the same thing, only this time Harry recognised Grawp's distinctive frame drop to earth. Grawp raised a massive battle club and ran forward.

Missiles streaked across the sky overhead and exploded right where Voldemort's now abandoned raft lay.

Voldemort's army, now in full disarray, was fleeing the battlefield. Some Disapparated away but most just ran only to be cut down by the helicopter chain guns.

Harry stood up properly, as did his companions.

A large tank rumbled through between the remains of the circles, churning up the wet ground as it went off. As the noise died down, pops and cracks of Apparating witches and wizards could be heard all around.

"I don't know who dragged me out of there," said Harry, "but thanks."

A green cloaked figure turned to face him wearing a wicked grin. Next to her was the same wizard Harry had stunned before the fighting started.


"I hope you don't think I'll make a habit of getting you out of trouble."

Several broomstick riders flew overhead, firing down at the retreating enemy. Three of them peeled off as soon as they saw Harry.


"Hi, Ron," said Harry as his friend landed clumsily beside him. "I thought you promised to stay and defend Hogwarts?"

Ron tried to muster an answer but Harry wasn't interested.

Luna flew a wide circle around them, firing and hitting a black robed figure who was shooting a hex at Neville. Harry looked up and wasn't entirely surprised to see she was riding side-saddle and riding as if she hadn't a care in the world.

Luna landed gracefully and said, "Hello, Pansy. I'm glad you are okay."

"Hi," replied Pansy. "Harry was just admiring my outfit. The serpent in particular," she added, referring to the tiny Slytherin emblem on her front. "Mr Weasley seems to like it too," she continued with a wide smile aimed at Ron.

"Oh, no," replied Luna pleasantly. "He wasn't looking at the snake. Ronald just can't help himself from staring at cleavage like that. You want to be careful with those cosmetic enhancement charms, you know?"

Pansy's smile vanished at once.

Harry walked over to the fallen circle, not noticing that he was being followed.

Harry picked his way through the bodies until he came to Bellick. He was lying, still clutching his wand and wearing a defiant look of anger.

He knelt down beside the body and pondered quietly. He felt he owed Bellick his life. Without his suggestion of using defensive circles, none of them would have survived.

Harry remembered how Bellick had expected him to forget the rest and concentrate on Voldemort. He wondered why Bellick hadn't ordered him to attack him rather than help in the fourth circle. Perhaps, Harry mused, Bellick knew he wouldn't have been able to abandon them.

His reverie was disturbed by Herita storming up to him and threw her battle helmet angrily at the ground. It bounced high and several wizards had to dive for cover when it came down again with a loud clatter.

Harry got up at once and shouted, "Herita! What is it? What's wrong?"

Herita looked around and saw it was Harry calling her name.

"Herita upset. Fight over before Grawp and Herita get here! Herita hated flying too!"

Harry smiled up at her and said, "Don't worry, Herita. I promise there'll be another battle before too long."

She nodded sadly and went over to pick up her helmet.

Harry turned and realised he wasn't alone.

"Sorry, Neville. I didn't see you there."

"I'm glad you're okay, Harry."

"Plenty more aren't," Harry observed darkly.

"Harry, listen. I need to speak to you. I know this isn't the time but-"

Just then Hermione flew down and landed heavily between them

"Harry!" she shouted. "It's Mary! He's got her!"


"Voldemort has taken her!"


"Harry?" called Hermione as she Apparated up to the Fort roof and hurried over to where he was. More pops followed and soon Ron, Luna, Neville and Ginny were waiting expectantly next to Hermione.

Harry found the dagger he had given Miss Alice and looked out over the parapet.

His banner was still clearly visible far below.

"What happened?" he asked seriously, pulling the blade from its sheath and examining the sharp edges.

"I came straight to the building and realised Miss Alice was up on the roof. I Apparated straight up here. I arrived just as he grabbed her and Disapparated. He looked so angry," Hermione added shakily.

"How did she even get back up here?" asked Harry, more sharply than he'd intended. "There aren't any stairs from the ground!"

"I don't know, Harry. Perhaps someone helped her."

"I'm going to London," declared Harry, dropping the dagger down onto the carpet.

"So are we, then," said Hermione, wiping her eyes.

"You don't understand. Voldemort will interrogate her. He wants to know her secrets and especially what's going on with that red cauldron. She will talk."

"We'll help rescue her too."

"I'm not going to rescue her," said Harry coldly. "She expects me to kill her."

"No," breathed Hermione, now crying freely.

"She thinks Voldemort can be killed at the same time, but that isn't going to happen today."

Harry saw Ginny and Neville look at each other with identical looks of surprise.

Hermione grabbed Harry's arm tightly.

"Harry, please listen. This isn't the way, I'm sure of it. You can't go to London with the intention of killing an innocent!"

"Innocent!" cried Harry with a laugh. "Have you any idea how many people were killed in the last two days? Not many weren't the direct result of Miss Alice's plans."

He shrugged of Hermione and she collapsed in tears.

"Harry, mate," said Ron, trying to catch her. "There's no need-"

Harry Disapparated away before he heard any more.


Harry Apparated directly in front of the Red Cauldron and snarled, "Get out of the way."

Voldemort turned and smiled. Behind him, Harry could see Miss Alice move slightly, but she was bound and lying on the dusty floor.

"Come to spoil my fun, Harry?"

"I've come to fulfil a destiny Miss Alice created for me."

Voldemort suddenly looked uncertain.

"Get out of my way," said Harry through gritted teeth.

"I really can't allow you to come any closer, Harry."

"I don't need to get closer, thanks. She's well within my range."

"Harry, what would Dumbledore say?"

"He'd probably tell me I was perhaps unwise not to have killed her before so many lives were lost."

"Even if those lives were loyal to me?"

"I wasn't really thinking of those, actually," admitted Harry, lowering his wand. "I suppose you know about the bomb?"

"Well, I guessed there would be something like that to greet me when I arrived to satisfy my curiosity."

"Not that one," said Harry. "There's a far bigger one waiting for you, not that it will work either. Miss Alice never believed the speed at which Disapparition can be performed."

"Really?" said Voldemort, moving to one side to look down at Miss Alice. "Of course it is instinctively quicker when one's life is at stake."

"Please, Harry. Please," she pleaded weakly.

"That was a nice surprise earlier," said Harry conversationally, "having the turncoats switch sides like that."

"It was a little melodramatic, I admit," said Voldemort with a smile, "but it was rather fun. You did well calming the remainder, by the way."

Harry nodded, accepting the compliment.

"Harry, what other lives did you mean?"

"Oh, Miss Alice is very ambitious, but not for herself. That's why she's so dangerous. She knows how to use people. She manipulated the Aurors before and this time she tried it on with me.

"The first time I met her, the Muggle Prime Minister assured me that they absolutely no interest in Wizard affairs once the threat to their people was gone. I think he was sincere, but Miss Alice has never subscribed to that viewpoint.

"Ever since she set up those secret Muggle departments, she's been assassinating key Wizarding figures all over the place. The Aurors have done nothing but run around and cover up for her for months now. Of all those people who supposedly went into hiding, countless numbers are actually dead.

"Her great plan will ultimately result in the subjugation of all wizards and witches, irrespective of which side wins. She thought I'd be easier to control, obviously, but she isn't too bothered which of us wins in the end."

"Is this true, Muggle?" asked Voldemort menacingly.

"The plan no longer requires her to be present, obviously. She has left her protocols in place to continue the good work. That's why I was set up to kill her. Not only does she want to martyr herself, she wants me to fulfil the destiny."

"Why?" asked Voldemort, turning to Harry who was still holding his wand to his side.

"Well, she found out about the Prophesy," admitted Harry. "I've no idea how, since I certainly didn't tell her anything."

Miss Alice's eyes widened in surprise and Harry laughed.

"Ah, you didn't know I knew you'd heard it?" he asked her.

Voldemort looked down at Miss Alice furiously.

"Tell Lord Voldemort!"

"Don't waste your time," said Harry. "Her version is a pretty twisted interpretation. She just manufactured the circumstances to fit the Prophesy."

"What circumstances?"

"Look, I came here to defy her. She maintains that if you kill her, then I'll win. If I kill her, you win. Obviously, the presence of a dirty great bomb ready to go off the moment a killing curse is used was intended to settle matters."

"Yet, you were prepared to kill her?"

"Yes! It's utter nonsense. Only an idiot would believe her version."

Voldemort stood, considering for a long moment.

"Are you ever going to stand aside?" asked Harry impatiently.

Lord Voldemort pointed his wand at Harry and stepped to the side.

Harry stepped forward eagerly and pointed his wand down at her

"Tell John, I love him," she said tearfully. "I forgive you, Harry."

"Ready for the bang?" Harry asked nastily.

Harry fired and an instant later an explosion rocked south London and a large section of the Embankment fell into the river.


AN: Sorry about that. I must admit I cut this chapter short to give me a little flexibility for the end of the story, although I may well revert to my original sequence of events.