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Harry Potter and the Darkness Year 4 by spacegal

Harry Potter and the Darkness Year 4


Title: Harry Potter and the Darkness Year 4.

Characters: Harry/Hermione. Mia/Other Character. Draco/Other Character. Ron/Luna. Other will vary!

Rating: Teen/Mature/Adult

Disclaimer: I own nothing but two characters I made up. (If I did own them then book six would have never happened that way)

Summary: The gang is back for their fourth year and new visitors have entered the scene and Harry's life is put in more danger than ever. Darkness is rising fast, the gang better be on their toes and keep their wits about them as they strive to protect Harry from danger due to the Goblet of Fire.

Darkness Series: If first time reading this please read the first three otherwise you will be lost. Link will be in my profile at the bottom.

Books - 1-5 (Ending of five is different. The only things taken from book 6 are the horcuxes and Snape's betrayal).

A/N: Mia's love interest enters in this story, so be happy. Someone I know asked me about Mia's love interest - it's no one from the books - so I made him up because I don't think that there is anyone strong enough to tame Mia or to handle her with the exception of Draco, Harry, or Sirius. Do not expect Mia to go straight after the man even though she seems self-confident - she harbours some insecurity which will be revealed during the story.

Chapter 1: Visitors and Stories

"Hello?" A female voice called out as she stepped into the house. She was wearing a red off- the-shoulder top with a long light brown skirt. She had on mid-thigh high-heeled dark brown boots that laced up the front and carried a light brown jacket over one arm while the other hand held onto a small bag. Her brown hair was brushed back and hung down past her shoulders.

She looked around the hallway when no answer was forthcoming. Her brown eyes took in a small house elf making her way toward her and she smiled a greeting. "Hi Dee-Di." The elf smiled.

"Morning, Miss Granger," Dee-Di greeted. "Miss Black is in the training room, but I'm afraid she is a bit angry today. Mr Black is in the study reading, and Mr Potter is in the swimming pool."

"Thank you," Hermione told her as she moved over towards the kitchen. She placed her jacket over a chair and her bag on the table before moving over to the back door. She opened it and started to head towards the building across from the house.

When she arrived, she opened the door and stepped in to see Harry swimming in the pool. She couldn't help the smile that lit up her face as she silently watched Harry swim for a minute before announcing her presence.

Harry was using powerful strokes as he pushed himself through the water. Sirius had told them all to get used to swimming because one never knew when it would be a necessary skill to have. He also thought it was important to be able to swim in rougher weather, though Harry didn't seem to be practicing that right now.

The pool was magical and could be set to increase the turbulence of the water to mimic waves in the ocean or even be set to dull, murky water similar to what could be found in a swamp. As no one knew where Voldemort's lair was hidden, there was a chance it could be anywhere in the world.

Harry's head came out of the water and smiled when he saw Hermione standing near the edge of the pool.

"Hey, when did you arrive?" he asked as he swam closer to the edge.

"Just a few minutes ago - Dee Di told me that you were out here. She also said that Mia is in a bad mood and that Sirius is busy," Hermione explained. Harry nodded as he planted his hands on the tiles and lifted himself out of the pool. He stood up in his green swim shorts which also let Hermione see just how hard he had been training over the summer. She grabbed a towel off one of the loungers and handed it to Harry, who took it with a smile.

"How has your summer been so far?" Harry asked as he dried himself off. Hermione just smiled.

"It's been fine. Did Draco come by this summer?" Hermione asked. Harry shook his head before he rubbed the side of his hair.

"Nope... turns out that Lucius is up to something this summer - he's been keeping a close eye on Aunt Narcissa and an even closer eye on Draco," Harry explained as he wrapped the towel around his waist. He slipped an arm around Hermione's waist and led her back to the house.

"Does Lupin know about Draco yet?" Hermione asked and Harry nodded.

"Yeah, Uncle Sirius filled him in about Draco's double act. He said that it explained some of Draco's actions over the year he was teaching," Harry explained. Hermione nodded in understanding.

"So, what's up with Mia?" Hermione asked. Harry sighed as he opened the backdoor and motioning for Hermione to step through first. He stepped in behind her, closing the door behind him.

"We're heading up to the Weasley's house this afternoon," Harry admitted. Hermione spun around and faced him in a shock.

"What?" Hermione demanded. "But I thought we were going to meet them at the Quidditch Pitch tomorrow?" Harry nodded.

"I know but Mrs. Weasley was insistent - she wants us there so we can all go together tomorrow," Harry explained. Hermione pouted.

"But she'll get us up at like 5 in the morning to get ready - if we stay here; all we need to do is grab a portkey and arrive there just before the game starts! And we don't need to get up a five in the morning," Hermione argued and Harry shrugged.

"Sorry," Harry told her. He knew that Hermione didn't want to go to the Weasley's house either after the way Molly had treated them at the station. Harry also didn't want to go, but Sirius had been hard-pressed.

"Maybe, if we're lucky, after today - we won't have to be in the same area as Molly," Harry soothed her but Hermione just shot him a disgruntled look, obviously not very reassured. "I'm gonna go and get dressed. Wait here... everyone will be down soon anyway."

Hermione watched as Harry left the kitchen and tilted her head to watch Harry's butt through the doorway before rolling her eyes and shaking her head at the plans for the night. She turned away once Harry was no longer visible and a slight blush appeared on her cheeks.

A footstep sounded on the stairs before the figure responsible made its way into the kitchen. Hermione turned to see Mia carrying a bag.

"Hey," Hermione greeted and Mia shot her a half smile. "Harry told me about going up to the Weasley's house." Mia's smile disappeared as a scowl took its place.

"It's only because Mrs. Weasley wants her precious daughter to be with the Boy Who Lives - I just wished Dad had let me deal with the bitch. I would have told her that we wouldn't be going up no matter what she said," Mia told Hermione.

"We have to be nice," Sirius told his daughter as he stepped into the kitchen. He was carrying a bag too. He smiled at Hermione in greeting before looking at his sulking daughter. "I know you don't like…"

"Hate," Mia interrupted. "All she wants is a perfect Weasley family where Hermione is the little housewife chasing after Ron and Harry is the perfect husband to Ginny. Without giving a damn about what the rest of us want."

"Mia," Sirius told her but Mia shrugged.

"Sorry dad - you can try all you want but she will grate on my nerves until she dies - she wants everything to go her way or not all and I'm sorry if I don't feel like bowing down to her just to keep her happy - it's not in my nature," Mia informed her father with a stern expression.

Sirius couldn't help but smile at that.

"I know," he told her.

"Why do we have to go there anyway?" Hermione jumped in. "We could just tell them that we had an emergency and couldn't go up and then meet them tomorrow at the stadium like we planned - she'll get us up at five just to get there!" Sirius looked at her, shocked.

"Not you too!" Sirius moaned but Hermione shrugged.

"I'm sorry but I don't really like Mrs. Weasley either. I have a mother and I don't need another one," Hermione informed the elder man, sourly.

"Very impressive, aren't they?" another male voice spoke and they turned to see Remus making his way into the kitchen. He was also holding a bag, which he placed on the table. "You should have just told Molly that you couldn't come."

"I did but the blasted woman wouldn't listen - everything I did fell on deaf ears and I wasn't in the mood just to sit there at the fireplace all night. She was insistent that she make up for last year somehow..." Sirius told him before he turned to the two females. "But I can tell you this. After tomorrow, we won't have to deal with her for a while."

This seemed to placate each woman for the time being. Running footsteps were heard and they turned to see Harry now dressed in black jeans and a dark blue t-shirt and trainers. He was carrying a bag too as he made his way into the kitchen.

"Are we all ready?" Harry asked and got muttered 'yes' from the girls and nods from the two males.

"Okay, grab your bags and let's head out to the car," Sirius told them. They nodded and followed him out to the car. Rex was staying at a neighbour tonight so he wouldn't be left alone in the house. The owls were out in the owerly so they had easy access to get in and out when they wanted to hunt.

Once everyone had packed their stuff into the boot of the car, the kids got into the back seat while Sirius took the seat behind the wheel and Remus got into the passenger seat. Sirius started the car once all the doors were closed and everyone had buckled in.

After a long ride Sirius pulled up near a slapdash building and announced, "Here we are." Everyone looked at the Burrow and found that it was a tall building that was tipping towards one side. It obviously was still stable only because of magic. "Home for the night." Everyone got out of the car and rounded the boot to grab their stuff.

"Great," Harry muttered as he picked up his bag. He reached out and took Hermione's hand into his before they made their way over to the Burrow's door, where it was flung open by the enthused Molly Weasley.

Mia had to grit her teeth together to smile politely as she moved closer to the woman. Inside she was itching to plant her fist into the ignorant woman's face.

Sirius and Lupin took up the rear of the group.

Once they came to stop in front of Molly, she bustled them into her house, closing the door behind them. She moved around to the front of the group and spread her arms open wide to the house in front of them.

"Welcome to our humble home," Molly greeted happily to Harry and frowned when she saw that Harry and Hermione were holding hands. "Is that appropriate?" she uttered sourly as she glanced pointly toward their linked hands.

Harry and Hermione looked down only to smile as they looked each other before looking at Molly.

"Sorry, instincts," Harry told Molly as he gently untangled his hand from Hermione only to sling his arm over her shoulder, holding her close. "We tend to do that when we're in close proximity of each other."

Mia snickered behind her hand but straightened up when Molly glanced her way. Mia slipped her own hands into her back pockets before looking around.

"Interesting home," Mia remarked.

"I'm sure it's not as fancy as yours," Molly informed the young girl and Mia smiled sweetly.

"Our house isn't fancy," Mia told her before shrugging. "It's entertaining."

"Mia," Sirius warned but Mia just smiled sweetly up at her father before turning around to face Molly.

"I'm sure your home will suit our needs fine but I'm not sharing a room with Ginny - there's only one female I trust and that's Hermione," Mia informed Molly. Molly felt her face tightened.

"I'm sorry but there's not enough room," Molly informed Mia. "But I'm sure that if you and Ginny were to get to know each other, you will learn in time to trust her." Ginny smiled at Mia only for it to fade when Mia smirked.

"Good thing I brought my tent - Hermione and I will share that. I'm sure it'll be comfortable. Besides - we'll have to get used to tents anyway," Mia informed the elder woman before turning around to face Ron. "Hey, wanna help me set it up?" Ron couldn't help but smile at the black haired female.

"Sure - this way we'll know what we're doing when we go out tomorrow," Ron told her as they both headed out of the back door.

Sirius looked over at Remus, who just shook his head.

"She's your daughter," Remus reminded Sirius, who just sighed while raising his eyes heavenward.

"Don't I know it," Sirius muttered. Harry and Hermione shared a look of amusement as they both walked into the kitchen where the twins and two other males were sitting at the table.

"Harry, Hermione!" Fred greeted as he and George smiled.

"Hey guys," Hermione greeted as the two of them moved closer to the table.

"This is Bill," George pointed to the tall male. He had long red hair that was tied back in a ponytail. "And this is Charlie," he pointed to the other man who had shorter, but still red, hair.

"It's nice to meet you," Bill greeted as he shook their hands.

"It's nice to meet you too," Harry greeted back while Fred winced.

"Sorry about mum - we tried to tell her that we had already planned for you guys to meet us at the park but she was insistent. She wanted you to come up here," Fred explained. Bill arched an eyebrow to his brother before looking in puzzlement between the visitors and the twins.

"Okay, what's going on? Ron has been avoiding mum while Ginny has been clinging on to her. Even Percy has been quieter than usual," Bill informed them. George sighed.

"Ginny is interested in Harry but Harry has made it clear that he's not interested in her. Neither Ginny nor mum have been getting the hint," George told them.

"When we met up with the parents after getting off the Express, mum told us that Hermione and Ron were going to get together and that Harry and Ginny were going to get together. She also said that Mia needed to tone her attitude down or she would never get a boyfriend," Fred finished.

Charlie whistled when the twins finished their tale. Just looking at Harry and Hermione showed him how close they were.

"Now you know why Bill and I moved out of the country," Charlie teased them and Harry grinned.

"Yeah - it's just, look, I'm sure that your mum is a nice woman, but she keeps trying to mother me. I have a mother, even if she's dead, and I don't need anyone trying to take her place. And I'm sure Ginny's a nice person, but she's not the right person for me," Harry told the elder Weasley sibling before looking at Hermione - a look she missed.

Bill and Charlie shared a look with each other when they saw how Harry had looked at Hermione before giving each other subtle nods.

"Don't worry about it - we know our mum can be overbearing. You should also watch out for Ginny... she keeps talking about you non-stop. We even believed that you two were beginning to date," Bill explained to Harry and watched as Harry's features tightened slightly.

"I already have enough on my plate. I just hope that Ginny will be able to move on to someone else sooner or later," Harry told them and they nodded as the twins stood up.

"Okay, you guys can help us bring the table out - we're having dinner in the garden because the kitchen isn't big enough for all of us to eat in here," Fred told them. The rest of them also rose and started to help the twins take the table out into the garden.

Once out back they saw Ron and Mia arguing over how the tent should be put together. Mia was holding the instructions and pointing to something but Ron was shaking his head and was holding a long metal rod.

From what they could gather, Ron was insisting that he was right about the metal rod while Mia was arguing that the instructions were right. Hermione couldn't help but shake her head at boys' inability to use instructions or maps - Sirius had gotten them lost twice on the way here because he had refused to use a map.

Soon the table was set up. Mia had finally won the argument with Ron and the tent was nearing completion. After Molly placed the last bowl of food on the table she called for everyone's attention.

"Dinner time!" Molly announced and everyone scrambled back into the garden to sit down.

Harry and Hermione sat down next to each other and Mia took the other seat next to Harry. Ron sat on Hermione's other side, so Ginny was forced to sit on the other side of the table with her parents and Percy. The others all sat at the ends of the table since the middle seats were all taken.

"So, how has your summer been so far?" Arthur asked the kids while passing the bowl of mashed potatoes around.

"It's been fine," Harry told him as he passed the meat over to Hermione. "Mia has been causing trouble as usual" he teased Mia, who rolled her eyes at her brother and Arthur couldn't help but smile.

"Ah... Callie was the same but it made life more fun, didn't it?" Arthur asked as he looked towards Sirius, who just smirked at that statement.

"Callie was always a bit of a trouble maker, wasn't she?" Molly cut in, causing everyone to look at her. "I mean, she always seemed to be wrecking havoc and stepping on people's toes - I'm surprised you even fell for her Sirius."

Sirius felt his hand tighten around his fork as he glared at the elder woman.

"Callie was a sweet and smart girl! I fell for her because she spoke her mind and didn't care what people thought of her," Sirius informed Molly with a hard tone to his voice. Molly shook her head.

"Mia shouldn't have to be the same way her mother was. Not every man is like you... she might be hard pressed to find a man who will like her for who she is. She just needs to tone herself down a little bit," Molly told them all in a motherly tone when Mia got fed up.

"I need a walk," Mia informed them as she dropped her fork with a clatter and stood up from the table. Molly spoke up as she left.

"See, this is what you do all the time. You run away when things get bumpy, that isn't a good sign," Molly informed the young girl. Mia turned around and looked at her.

"Actually, I'm walking away so I don't grab that knife and stick it in the stone of what you call a heart," Mia informed her before walking away. Hermione stared after her best friend with a sad face before she looked at Harry, who nodded and stood up. He held out his hand and Hermione placed her hand into it before standing.

"Hermione and I are going for walk, too" Harry told them.

"Shouldn't Hermione check on Mia?" Ginny asked. "I can go on a walk with you."

"No!" Harry shouted, startling everyone before he rubbed his forehead. "I want you both to listen to me and listen to me carefully." Molly and Ginny looked at him. "I don't fancy Ginny." Ginny's jaw dropped from shock. "Just because I look like my father doesn't mean that I have the same tastes as him. So, if you excuse me, Hermione and I need to have a talk to figure out where we are in our relationship and I'd appreciate it if you two kept your big fat noses out of my life." With that, he walked off, pulling Hermione after him.

"Are you going after Mia?" Lupin asked as he looked at Ron. Ron looked up before glancing towards the hill where Mia had headed behind before turning back Lupin.

"I really don't want to be struck by lightning," Ron told him and Sirius smiled slightly.

"The man is smart," Sirius told Lupin, who rolled his eyes.

"I'll go after her then," Lupin told him and Sirius nodded before he looked at Ron.

"Come on, I'll give you a game of chess. Harry is always telling me how you beat him every time," Sirius told him and Ron grinned as he grabbed his plate and filled it up with more food before leading the way into the house.

Lupin looked at Molly before shaking his head and spoke to Arthur.

"Arthur, I think Sirius and I will be setting up our tent out here as well tonight as well," Lupin told him and Arthur waved his hand.

"No problem," Arthur told him as Lupin got up from his seat and went to find Mia.

Arthur turned to his wife before shaking his head. "I have never been so humiliated before," Arthur started. Molly opened her mouth to say something but Arthur cut her off. "Harry is not your son. Mia is not your daughter, and you have no right to dismiss Callie in front of her husband or her daughter. Callie gave her life to protect the Potters and Mia - that's more than any of us have ever done." With that, Arthur stood up with Bill, Charlie and the twins and they moved into the house, leaving Molly and Ginny alone to think about what had happened.

Mia was sitting at the bank of the river throwing stones in every now and then when she felt someone sit down next to her.

"I hate her," Mia admitted as she turned her head to face Lupin. "I hate Molly so much that it scares me."

"I know," Lupin responded with a sad smile as he reached out and wrapped an arm around his niece's shoulders.

"I just want her to stop putting down my mom in front of me. I never knew her, but hearing what Molly thinks of her just pisses me off!" Mia exclaimed before she hung her head. "And she keeps saying that no boy would be interested in me." Lupin laughed slightly, causing Mia to look at him.

"Mia, let me tell you that you will have no problem in the boy's department," Lupin promised before holding up his hand. "Yes, there will be some problems. Some boys won't be able to deal with your strength, but you will find someone out there who will love you for you. Hey, Molly used to say that about your mother and look what happened - your dad fell in love with her!"

Mia couldn't help the small smile appear on her face. Lupin could still see the sadness that lurked behind it in her blue eyes and felt his heart hurt for her. He wanted to go back and rip a new strip off the Weasley woman for doing this to Mia.

"I just don't get why she is so determined that Harry will fall in love with Ginny or why Hermione and Ron will get together? Is she that desperate?" Mia asked. Lupin sighed.

"You never know. It might happen," Lupin told but Mia shook her head as she looked at Lupin.

"It won't. Harry is getting sick of Ginny. No one knows about this, but he has nightmares of Hermione dying at the hands of Ginny," Mia admitted. Lupin just stared down at her, shocked. "I hear him, sometimes. He cries in his sleep - whispering Hermione's name while Ginny's name comes out in a rage. I know Harry wants to protect us and keep us from worrying that Ginny is obsessed with him but he can't. I'm scared!"

"Mia…" Lupin started but trailed off, unsure about what to say.

"Am I gonna lose my brother?" she whispered as she turned her gaze to the river, watching it twinkle under the changing light of the sky as dusk started to arrive. "Am I gonna lose my brother to a girl who can't understand that you can't make yourself fall in love? That the heart knows no logic? Am I gonna lose my brother because of a woman can't deal with the fact that her daughter isn't going to be Harry's wife? Will I lose my best friend because she's in love with Harry?"

"No!" Lupin whispered out and Mia turned to face him, tears filming her blue eyes, making her look younger than her years. "You're not gonna lose them. Hermione and Harry will be there and Ginny will learn that she is not in love with Harry and move on."

Mia lifted a hand and wiped away a lone tear that slipped down her cheeks.

"You promise?" Mia whispered. Lupin just stared down at his niece before he shifted closer, bringing her closer into his body and held her close.

"I'll do my best to make sure that it doesn't happen," Lupin told her and she nodded against his chest. They both looked out toward the river in silence.

Meanwhile, Harry and Hermione were making their way through the woods. They came to the river further up from where Lupin and Mia were. Hermione had worked herself up into a furious state.

"Can I kill her?" Hermione raged as she stormed ahead of Harry before pacing back and forth at the bank of the river. Harry came to a stop just a few steps away from her as he watched.

"It's against the law," Harry reminded her but Hermione just huffed.

"We could say we thought she was a death eater," Hermione informed him and Harry sighed but couldn't help the small smile that flickered on his face. It faded back behind a serious expression as he responded.

"Hermione…" he started but Hermione wasn't listening.

"I mean, what right does she have to suggest that Ron and I are going to get together? Let alone that you and Ginny are going to get together? I mean has the law changed? That a muggleborn should marry a pureblood if she wants to get acceptance in the wizarding world?" Hermione demanded. "And while we're on that topic, where the hell does she get off on saying that Mia is so undesirable that no boy would ever be attracted to her?"

"Hermione!" Harry shouted, catching her attention and she turned to look at him, breathing heavily. Her cheeks flushed from her furious pacing and rage. Harry couldn't help but be turned on by Hermione's anger before he shook his head and mentally collected himself. "We need to talk." Hermione looked at him curiously.

"Okay," she told him as Harry moved closer to her and sat down on the bank. He patted the spot next to him and Hermione sat down, curious at Harry's change of topic.

Harry just stared out at the river so Hermione waited for him to start the conversation. When it became clear that he wasn't going to say anything for a while she got slightly impatient. "What did you want to talk about?"

Harry turned to face her and bit back the smile at her adorable curious expression.

"About us," Harry told her and Hermione nodded as she turned to the lake.

"There is no us," Hermione mumbled. "Not really ever since second year." Harry sighed as he reached out and took her hand, causing Hermione to turn back towards him.

"We do have a lot to work though before we can start a relationship - we talked about your crush on Lockhart and my attempts to be nice to Ginny - which has gotten me into deep trouble," Hermione gave him a small smile. "And we talked about you lying about the time turner but I can't help but feel that there's more to talk about."

"Maybe we're over analysing things," Hermione suggested. Harry looked at her and Hermione sighed. "We keep talking and talking. When we get closer to something, something else always interrupts us and we put it off. Maybe we just need to stop talking about it and accept it as a stepping stone?"

Harry couldn't help the impressed look that appeared over his face at her thoughts. Hermione noticed this and her expression turned wary. "What?" she asked and Harry smiled.

"You, you're saying that we shouldn't over think everything and that we should just take it in stride? It's like we've switched personalities," Harry told her and Hermione smiled slightly.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. You are right that we do have things to work through but we should just take it a day at a time. Before we were always worried that we were going to start something that we were too young for. Maybe we just have to leave it be and when it does happen, it happens," Hermione suggested.

"All we have to do is be patient," Harry told her and Hermione nodded. They both linked hands and turned back to the river in front of them, happily enjoying each other's company as they watched the sun set.

When they finally headed back to the Burrow much later they found everyone getting ready for bed. Hermione headed into the test that she was sharing with Mia. The tent had two rooms but Hermione and Mia had decided to share a room together since each room had two beds.

Both girls had been laying there for a while just staring at the ceiling when a thought came to Mia.

"So…" Mia started and Hermione turned her head to look at her.

"So?" Hermione repeated and Mia turned to face her best friend.

"You and Harry getting closer then?" she asked and Hermione rolled her eyes as she turned her face back up to the ceiling.

"Not that it'll be easy," she muttered and Mia sighed. She had heard about the talk between Harry and Hermione when they went back in time and knew that they had more to talk about before they could step further into the relationship.

"Just give it time. You and Harry have had a rough couple of starts and it doesn't help that Ginny and Mrs. Weasley keep trying to get in between you two," Mia assured the younger girl.

"Poor Harry. He must be running for his life," Hermione told Mia with a fond smile on her face and Mia giggled.

"He must be going mad stuck up in the house with Ginny next door to him," Mia told Hermione, who started laughing at the thought.

"As long as he's not hiding under the bed out of fear, I'm sure he'll be fine," Hermione told her.

In fact Harry wasn't hiding under his bed out of fear. He was rolling his eyes in annoyance as he looked at Ron, desperate for Ginny to get off his bed and out of their room.

"Ginny, I think it's time for you to go to bed," Ron told his sister but got a cold glare in return before she turned back to Harry with a smile.

"I'm so glad that you came up - mum has been frantic ever since you've been found and brought back to the wizarding world," Ginny told Harry.

"No one found me. I arrived here myself," Harry informed her tightly. Ginny just shook her head.

"Well, I'm glad that you arrived in this wonderful world. It's so much better than that muggle world, isn't it?" Ginny asked him.

"Ginny, go to bed," Harry informed her. Ginny just smiled at Harry as she planned her next attack.

"I'm so glad that you realised that Hermione isn't the woman that you were hoping for. She really isn't a suitable as your girlfriend," Ginny told Harry as she placed her hand on his covered thigh only for Harry to grab her hand and shove it away.

"Get out!" Harry snapped, causing Ginny to look at him with a hurt look on his face. "Get the hell out of here and don't even come near me again - Hermione is a hundred times the woman that you are!" Ginny got up and made her way out of the room, closing the door behind her while Harry turned to Ron. "I'm sorry…" Harry stated but Ron waved away the apologies.

"Don't be - she stepped over the mark," Ron told him. Harry nodded as they both slid down in their beds and closed their eyes to get some sleep - they were gonna have to get up early in the next morning.


Hopefully, this chapter showed a bit of Mia's insecurities. I know I always show her as the tough kick-ass girl but I wanted to do something different with her to show that she is human.