Unofficial Portkey Archive

Pride and Prejudice by magpie_igraine

Pride and Prejudice



Werewolves of London

Author notes: This chapter takes place a week or so after the last chapter. It's a long chapter. Full of…stuff. Some things happen. And then more things happen. And then even more things happen.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.


"Tonks!" Hermione cried excitedly. She'd opened the front door to find a blonde Tonks standing in the foyer, bundled up in an expensive orange cloak with luggage in hand. Hermione gave her a long hug before taking her bag and ushering her inside.

"Hello Mione," Tonks said tiredly.

Helping Tonks out of her cloak, Hermione noticed that her normally cheerful expression (which could be brighter than any outrageous color she wore) was more somber than usual. "What on earth are you doing here?"

"Oh you know…just happened to be in the neighborhood. Thought I'd drop by…Hello Luna."

"Tonks!" Luna hurried over and hugged her. "I thought you were at Grimmauld Place!"

"I was, but I thought I'd drop by. Wanted see how things were in dear old Meriton."

"I'm so glad you did," Luna said happily. "Have you seen your parents?"

"No, they're in Paris. Spring in Paris, winter in Greece. It's all very cosmopolitan and silly."

Hermione led her down the hallway. "Here Tonks, we were just about to have some tea. Why don't you join us?"

"Oh yes, we have so much to talk about," Luna said happily, taking Tonks's arm.

Tonks smiled weakly and followed them into the morning room. Luna arranged a place for her at the table and Tonks unceremoniously collapsed into her seat. She held her hand up to the fire, rubbing her palm which was red from carrying her suitcase.

"Pretty flowers." Tonks tiredly motioned to the vases full of tangled white jasmine around the room.

Luna nodded. "They are, aren't they? We've had quite a few of them delivered over the last few days. So many, in fact, that we've run out of places to put them all."

"Huh. That's odd, isn't it? Who' s sending them?"

"How about some tea then? You must be thirsty." Hermione cut in before Luna could answer her.

"Oh yes," Luna said excitedly. "Lavender keeps sending us these strange teas from Scotland. They drink the oddest blends there. We're trying some black Assam tea today."

"Sounds great," Tonks sighed indifferently.

Hermione poured her a cup. "Well, what are you doing back in Meriton?"

"Oh, it's a long story." Tonks shrugged. "A very long story. So long in fact, it might take, you know, a long time to tell it. Would you two mind if I stayed here? That way I won't have to…er…rush through it. I don't want to leave out the …um…pertinent footnotes."

Hermione smiled. "You want to stay here tonight? Of course you can. You know you're always welcomed to…"

"No," Tonks interrupted her. "I was thinking more like a week. Or a month. Or forever maybe."

Hermione and Luna looked at her, shocked.

Luna's eyes widened in surprise. "What do you mean 'forever'?"

"What about Remus!" Hermione exclaimed. "You mean you've left him?"

"Did you have an argument?" Luna asked breathlessly.

Tonks shook her head. Her eyes were brimming with tears as she sniffled.

"Tonks, what happened?" Luna handed her a handkerchief.

Tonks dabbed at her eyes. "Oh…you know…just the usual marital…stuff…"

The three girls sat in silence as Tonks began to silently weep. It started with a few fat tears trickling down her cheeks and turned into noisy sobs by the time the tea things were brought in. Luna and Hermione knelt on either side of her, holding her hands, patting her back, trying to comfort her. After a few tearful minutes, Tonks managed to calm down enough to take a few quick sips of her tea. Hermione and Luna waited until Tonks had collected herself before pressing her to talk.

Tonks wiped her face and promised to tell them everything.

"I don't know where to begin really. It's all just one big muddled mess…Mione, do you remember when Remus went to London? That night with the cardinals and the fighting…Well, after I heard about Lav, I sent an Owl to his club. But a clerk wrote back and said Remus wasn't staying there."

"Maybe you made a mistake," Luna suggested gently.

"That's what I thought. You know me…I don't listen to half what people tell me. But then the next month it happened again. He said he was going to London for a few days on business. Same club, same address, but when I wrote to him…nothing. The clerk said the same thing-that Remus wasn't staying there and he hadn't been there in years."

"Oh Tonks," Hermione sighed. "So you think…"

"Well naturally." Tonks shrugged with a tone of defeat. "What else could it be? He left for London again yesterday and…I just…I just couldn't stay there anymore."

What's happened? Luna mouthed to Hermione.

He has a mistress, Hermione whispered back.

"Oh dear," Luna sighed, shaking her head.

"Poor Tonks," Hermione said sympathetically.

"Maybe there's been a mistake," Luna offered.

Tonks shook her head and sniffled. "There's no mistake…The only mistake was marrying the man in the first place."

Luna patted her hand. "Maybe it's just a phase…a passing folly..."

"I've read all about these things," Tonks interrupted her angrily. "It's not a phase. It'll just keep happening forever and ever. There's no cure for it really. Except for divorce that is."

"I can't believe it," Luna said sadly.

"Me neither," Tonks sighed.

Hermione crossed her arms. "He had the appearance of such a decent man."

"I know." Tonks took a long sip of her tea. "I mean, who would've though Remus was a werewolf?"

"Yes, well it goes to show that rushing into marriage is never…wait…wait… what?" Hermione sputtered.

"A werewolf," Tonks said mournfully. "Remus is a werewolf. Can you imagine what my parents are going to say? I've done some stupid things in my life, but it'll be hard to top this. Marrying a werewolf. What was I thinking?"

Hermione glanced at Luna, who looked just as confused as she did.

"Um…Tonks…what are you talking about?" Hermione asked uncertainly.

"I'm talking about Remus being a werewolf. That's why he goes away every month. That's why he lies about staying in London. He's not in London because he's too busy ravaging the countryside."

"Really? A werewolf?" Luna asked, intrigued.

Tonks nodded sadly.

Luna turned to Hermione, "I thought you said he had a mistress."

"A mistress!" Tonks exclaimed. "What made you think that?"

Hermione was still confused. "Well…naturally…his trips into the city…his nights away…oh I don't know…"

Tonks shook her head. "How could he possibly have a mistress? His busy werewolfing schedule barely has enough time for me!"

"Tonks for goodness sake, Remus is not a werewolf!" Hermione exclaimed.

Tonks looked incensed. "He most certainly is."

"Really?" Luna asked curiously.

"No, not really!" Hermione said incredulously. "There's no such thing as werewolves. So it follows that Remus can't possibly be one!"

"He is so," Tonks argued.

"He is not!"

"He is so!"

Hermione bit back another he is not and took a deep calming breath. "Tonks, what makes you think he's a werewolf?"

Tonks nibbled on a chocolate scone and excitedly explained. "See…at first I didn't know what to think. It was…just all these odd clues and things…just all these little hints piling up. It really took some clever detective work to put the pieces together."

"Good God." Hermione rubbed her head as she began pacing around the room.

Tonks ignored her. "Well…it all started when we first got to Grimmauld Place and Remus began showing me around. It's a huge castle. Completely and utterly enormous. There are hundreds of rooms and hallways and floors…and well…somehow we ended up in this dusty old wing where no one lived and that's when we saw it: A boggart."

"A boggart!" Luna echoed excited.

Tonks nodded: "We were going through some old rooms and…well…it was just there. And guess what it turned into."

"A flock of cardinals?" Hermione said harshly.

"Nope. A shiny orb-looking thing."

"So?" Hermione asked impatiently.

"It was a full moon!"


Tonks shushed her. "Well that got me to thinking. I mean, I know the full moon is supposed to make people all loony-like, but I've never thought anyone would actually be afraid of it. Boggarts are supposed to show the scariest thing you can imagine, and Remus goes and thinks of the moon. A moon? A big beautiful moon that's just floating there, shining all happy-like? Explain to me how that's scarier than…I don't know… bears. Or drowning. Or Lavender singing."

Luna shook her head. "Maybe Remus is afraid of the dark. You know…um… nighttime maybe?"

"But why would he think of a big bright moon if he's afraid of the dark? So I started wondering what kind of person is afraid of a full moon?" Tonks paused dramatically. "The kind of person that turns into a wolf every time one comes around!"

"That does makes sense," Luna replied thoughtfully.

Tonks nodded. "And all those trips he took into the city. They were all during a full moon! Can you believe it? I've been reading all about those werewolf sightings in The Quibbler and guess what? Every single one of them happened when Remus was away."

Hermione almost laughed aloud. "Tonks this is completely ridiculous."

Tonks shook her head. "No, ridiculous is more fun. This is just plain awful."

"Don't worry," Luna comforted Tonks, "He's only a werewolf a few days a month. You'll have a normal husband most of the time."

"I guess that's true." Tonks sighed sadly. "I always knew I married an odd man. I just underestimated his overall odd-ness."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Remus is dependable, polite, and intelligent. He's only odd in the fact that he married you."

"Well, that just proves my point, doesn't it? He's a very peculiar man."

Hermione huffed. "Then you're well suited for each other."

"Tonks, what happened when he Riddikulused it?" Luna asked curiously. "The boggart that is."

"Oh…" Tonks laughed. "He turned the moon into a big wheel of cheese."

Luna smiled. "At least we know he's a werewolf with a sense of humor."

Hermione eyed Tonks uncertainly. "Tonks, you didn't actually tell Remus…um…the reason you left, did you?"

Tonks looked scandalized. "Of course not. I only left a note saying I was going to visit some friends…"

Hermione was relieved. That's something at least, she muttered.

"…after all, I don't want to get eaten, do I?"

Luna's mouth fell open: "You really think he's going to eat you?"

"I certainly hope not."

"Maybe Hermione could make some werewolf repellant." Luna turned to her sister.

"Is there such a thing as werewolf repellant?"

"Say now, there's an idea. How about it Mione? Can you mix us up a batch?"

Hermione looked at both of them as though they were crazy. "No," she finally said. "I mean I'm hardly an authority on magis creatura, but I do know that an animal has to actually exist before you can repel it."

Luna nodded. "Like Phylollexa."

Hermione gave an uncertain nod. "Um…right. However, it doesn't apply to werewolves because, again, they don't exist."

"Bah!" Tonks cried. "That's nonsense. Of course they exist. They exist because Remus is one of them."

"Remus is not a werewolf," Hermione said sternly.

"He is too! I just know he is. A wife knows these things."

"Not if she's insane," Hermione muttered.

Luna stared dreamily out the window. "I wonder if I should Owl Ron. After all, he needs to know things like this..."

Tonks grinned. "Yeah. Go ahead and tell Ron. That way he'll confront Remus and Remus will rip him to shreds and maybe some good will come of this after all."

Hermione rolled her eyes. Every girl in her family was going crazy. Lavender had run off with Viktor, Luna was still as day-dreamy as ever over Ron, and now Tonks was convinced she'd married a werewolf. And all in the course of two months. It was almost too much for Hermione to bear…

Hermione looked sternly at Tonks: "Tonks, you're welcome to stay here as long as you want, but I don't want to hear anymore talk about werewolves."

"Awww. Why not?"

"Because…" Hermione said slowly, trying to think of a reason that would make sense to Tonks. "…we've had enough excitement since Lavender left."

Luna nodded in agreement. "Our family has become quite notorious since the elopement."

Tonks sighed. "Right. Don't feed the rumor mill. Got it."

Hermione turned to Luna. "And that's goes for the both of you. I don't want you talking about this nonsense to anyone. Not even Ron."

Luna looked crestfallen but agreed not to say anything.

Tonks cleared her throat. "Er…what should I say to Remus? I've got to write to him sometime...I don't want to incur the wrath of the wolfman after all…"

Hermione thought for a moment. "Just tell him that we need you here and you're just staying on until Aunt Aurora comes home."

"Right. But…um…what if…you know, he wants to visit."

"Oh, do let him!" Luna cried. "I've never seen a werewolf before."

Tonks rolled her eyes. "Luna, you've seen Remus lots of times."

"Yes but I didn't know he was a werewolf then."

"If he wants to visit, let him. " Hermione said resolutely. "But don't say a word of this to him or anyone else." There might be a chance to save this infernal marriage yet, she silently added.

As Luna and Tonks began excitedly discussing the recent Quibbler articles on the wolf sightings, Hermione excused herself and went to the study. It was fairly obvious that Tonks was only imagining this insane werewolf nonsense in order to take a much needed break from married life. There was no real harm in it, Hermione reasoned. Tonks was fairly fanciful; she and Luna treated the insipid articles in The Quibbler as though they were hard truth. It was no wonder that Tonks had all these silly ideas, what with all those sensational headlines screaming about werewolves and Snorkacks and goodness knows what else. Hermione decided that the best thing to do was to keep her here, talk some sense into her, and send her back to Remus a happy, well-adjusted and not-at-all delusional wife.

But with Tonks, that was easier said than done.


A Dinner Party


Hermione slipped her new white gown over her head and adjusted the wispy off-the-shoulder sleeves. The full skirt swirled around her feet and the bodice tightly hugged her waist. It was made from a delicate cream-colored muslin trimmed with tiny crystal beads that caught the firelight and twinkled with warm colors. Quite pleased with the way she looked, Hermione smiled as she caught her reflection in her mirror. She couldn't have asked for a better fit.

As she fiddled with the clasp of her glass-bead bracelet, she heard Tonks skipping up and down the hallways, excited about going to Septima's party with them. Hermione would never admit it aloud, but she actually enjoyed having Tonks in the house. Noisy and silly as she was, Tonks brought a new liveliness to the place, a liveliness that had left with Lavender and Aunt Aurora.

Glancing at the clock, Hermione took one last look at herself before hurrying down the hallway. At lunch Luna offered to do her hair and Hermione made her way to her sister's room. Luna was already dressed in a soft sea foam green gown that made her violet eyes seem all the more luminous and dreamlike. Her blonde hair was done in a simple set of braids that wrapped, crown-like, around her head. She excitedly ushered Hermione into the chair at her vanity and began spelling her curls into a complicated, full bun. Luna then placed some loose jasmine flowers throughout the brown locks and arranged a few tendrils that fell artfully around her neck and shoulders.

All the while Luna happily chatted about who would be attending Septima's party and what music would be played and what food would be served… It had been months since they'd accepted any invitations, and Luna's excitement was contagious. Hermione actually found herself looking forward to it.

Playing with a white feather, Hermione was debating whether to let Luna tuck a few in her hair when Tonks came storming in. Dressed in a peacock-colored gown and sporting a mess of new blue-black curls, Tonks looked like a lovely exotic bird. An angry exotic bird.

Tonks threw up her hands and paced around the room: "I can't help it. I told him about everything being so grand here and how much fun I've been having and now he wants me to come home. Can you believe the nerve of that man!"

Luna looked up from placing another flower in Hermione's hair. "Do you mean Remus?"

"No, I'm talking about Mayor Dippet. Of course I mean Remus!"

Luna sighed. "Well, it's only natural that he wants you to come home. You've been here nearly a month now."

"But …but… there's lots of things keeping me here in Meriton…um…things that are too many to mention…" Tonks threw up her hands in frustration. "Well I'm not going back and he can't make me! So there!"

"Sounds reasonable," Hermione said flatly.

Tonks huffed and peered into the mirror behind Hermione. She straightened her elaborate ruffled collar and tucked a loose strand of black hair behind her ear. "The nerve of him. Why should Remus care how long I stay on? I'm family after all. I have a right to visit Meriton whenever I want."

Luna shrugged. "He probably misses you. He is your husband, remember."

"Miss me!? How could he find time to miss me? He's too busy running around the countryside disemboweling sheep."

Hermione patted her hair and sighed: "Tonks, for the last time he's not a…"

"A werewolf, I know." Tonks finished for her as she paced around the room. "That's all you ever say to me anymore. Really Hermione…would it kill you to be a little more supportive? Did you ever think of that? I mean, if you married a werewolf, I'd be there with garlic and wooden stakes and I wouldn't leave your side for an instant."

"That's for vampires," Luna pointed out.

Tonks turned to her. "Really?"

Luna nodded.

"Dammit." Tonks kicked the bedpost. "That was my plan for keeping him away from the house. Now I'm really going to get eaten."

"No one's going to get eaten," Hermione assured her.

"Easy for you to say! Look at you. What self-respecting werewolf would want to eat you? You've got no meat on you. Just skin and bones."

"Tonks…" Hermione rolled her eyes. Why am I bothering to answer that? "…When will he be here?"

Tonks crossed her arms over her chest. "I don't know. And I don't care."

"Tonks," Hermione said warningly.

"He said maybe next week or so,"

"Then we'll gladly receive him next week."

Tonks slouched miserably on the sofa. "Great. So now I have a week to live. Hooray for me."

"You're not going to get eaten!" Hermione snapped.

"I am too. And so will you. And that young lady will teach you to doubt me!"

"I really can't see Remus as the kind of person who'd eat his in-laws," Luna said thoughtfully.

"That's because you haven't seen him all werewolfy. If you did, you'd realize that we're dealing with a very dangerous man. A very dark and disturbed man…who's not handsome or mysterious or animalistic or anything like that. I mean, he's just…not…attractive or arousing at all."

"Good gracious Tonks," Hermione sighed, feeling her Tonks-headache coming on. They were now entering a very strange territory of Tonks' love life and she quickly wanted to change the subject. She assured Tonks that when Remus did visit, she and Luna would be there and that they wouldn't leave her side for an instant.

"But I don't want you saying anything about this silly werewolf business," Hermione added sternly. "He'll think he's married a madwoman, if he doesn't already."

"Oh right. Like the werewolf has any right to judge me. I'm not the one pillaging the countryside in my off-hours."

"You would if you could," Hermione muttered, tossing the feathers away. If Tonks kept this up, Hermione knew she'd be pulling out her own hair by the end of the evening. She didn't want to be molting as well.


Standing outside Septima Vector's townhouse, Hermione felt a sick, sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. She couldn't explain it. There was nothing unusual about the scene from the street: lights burned in every window and the merry partygoers cast shadows against the cream-colored curtains of the house. Inside, someone was playing a waltz and the smell of spices and wine was in the air…

But as the three girls made their way up the front steps, the odd feeling only became worse. Hermione's mouth went dry and her head began to ache. She swallowed hard and pressed her hand to her forehead, hoping the queasiness would pass, but the frantic look on their hostess's face only made Hermione all the more nervous.

"What is it Septima?" Hermione asked tensely, slipping out of her cloak. Septima was trembling and shaking in her an elaborate green and gray gown that made her look as long and lean as a willow tree. The great room was decorated with ornate garlands of white roses. Candles and crystals floated above them as white rose petals as fell from the ceiling like fat snowflakes and the musky scent of rose oil was overwhelming.

Septima leaned in and lowered her voice: "Oh, Hermione you won't believe who's here! I can hardly believe it myself. It's such an honor. Do tell your aunt all about it, although I know she won't believe you."

"Why? Who's here?" Hermione looked around wearily. The usual wizarding officials and their wives had attended, all honorable men and women to be sure, but nothing that would surprise Aurora.

Septima smiled proudly and motioned to a tall dark man in the corner. He was standing in the shadows next to the fireplace. The orange light added an unnatural warmth to his pale skin as he turned towards them.

"Harry?" Hermione breathed as she recognized him.

"Harry Potter," Septima nodded reverently. Septima began describing just what an important personage Harry was and what an honor it was that he attend one of her little soiree, but Hermione didn't hear a word of it. She was too busy congratulating herself on not fainting straightaway when she saw him.

Harry approached them. Even with the candlelight casting shadows over his face, Hermione could tell that he looked surprised to see her.

Why is he surprised? Hermione thought, annoyance rising through her panic. Septima is my aunt's best friend…why would Harry come here if he didn't expect to see me?

Septima flashed an ingratiating smile and excitedly greeted him.

"Mr. Potter," Septima sighed happily. "We were just talking about you."

"I heard," Harry replied grimly.

Septima gave a twittering laugh: "Oh let me introduce you…this is Hermione Granger. She's the niece of a dear friend of mine."

Hermione watched as Harry gently took her hand. She turned a bright pink as Harry softly kissed it and looked at her gravely.

"We've met," he muttered.

"Oh?" Septima asked, surprised. She then giggled and blushed. "Oh of course you have! How silly of me…little Nymphadora was married from Godric's Hollow wasn't she?" Septima laughed at her mistake. "Oh it's not like me to forget something like that. Dear Mr. Lupin and little Nymphadora. I'm sure the wedding was lovely, but everyone was given such short notice. That seems to be the case for all you Granger girls. You all seem to be in such a hurry to get married."

"Not all of them," Harry muttered, not letting go of her hand.

Septima gave a high-pitched laugh (although Hermione couldn't say why) and began twittering on about the party.

Hermione didn't hear a word of it. Her heart was beating too loudly to hear much of anything. She felt Harry's fingers lightly trace the skin of her palm and for a moment she was sure she was going to faint. She couldn't wrap her mind around it… Harry was here…Harry was standing in front of her...she wasn't imagining it…he was here…after their months apart he wasn't more than three feet away from her…he'd kissed her hand…she remembered how soft his lips were, how she could lose herself to them, it must've been thousands of hours since she'd felt them, an unbearably long time…

Oh dear goddess…Hermione sighed as the back of his hand grazed hers as he came to stand beside her.

Septima merrily told her how Harry had been staying in London and what an honor it was for him to leave all those theaters and galleries and restaurants just to attend her little party.

"Of course I can't blame him for wanting to get away from London this time of year. The city is quite unbearable in the spring. So many tourists."

"Oh…um…yes…" Hermione muttered absently, still not listening to a word Septima was saying. The heat of the room had become absolutely stifling. To make matters worse, she sensed his eyes on her, watching her while Septima happily chatted away. Hermione's breath came in quick gasps and her cheeks turned flaming red. She told herself to look up and face Harry but she couldn't do it.

Septima asked her something about the weather but Hermione didn't hear her. She closed her eyes, trying to catch her breath, trying not to show any sort of emotion. The room began to spin. she rested her hand against her head as she steadied herself.

Breathe…breathe…don't faint…just breathe…there's no chance of fainting if you keep breathing…

There…that's better…See, you're perfectly fine…you've gotten past the worst of it…Seeing him was bound to be a shock…you'll open your eyes and everything will be fine…everything will be fine…you're fine…everything is fine…

She took a few gasping breaths and opened her eyes…only to find Harry standing in front of her, staring at her. Septima was gone, hurrying towards Mayor Dippet and Hermione suddenly realized she was about to speak to Harry for the first time in months.

"Hello," he said simply.

"Hello," she echoed (not so simply).

Hermione watched as Harry gently took her hand again. She stared at him as he raised it to his mouth and gasped as his lips brushed against her hand for a second time.

"Are you all right?" Harry asked.

"Oh… yes….um…thank you" Hermione said in daze, her eyes never leaving Harry's.

The same lovely green eyes, she thought, suddenly lost to the world. He was wearing one of his green waistcoats which made his eyes flash a haunting emerald color. His hair was as wild as ever, and her fingers itched to touch it as the firelight reflected off the onyx glints.

"Oh dear goddess," Hermione sighed as her heart began to race. She was alone with Harry… Well, not alone with him really, but the other guests had long since faded into the background. It seemed like it was just the two of them, facing each other, like there was no else in the room.

Nervous, confused, and lightheaded, she felt an overwhelming urge to run away. Run home. Run anywhere. But she couldn't do it. She couldn't tear herself away from him. She stole a glance at him, and for the first time noticed how pale he was. Was he nervous? Surprised? Angry? Whatever he felt, she hated that her first impulse was to throw herself in his arms and kiss away his concerns.

But of course that only made her angry. Angry with herself, and still more angry with Harry. Miserable appearance aside, he was still the same man who lied to her and forgotten about her all these months. While she was being wracked with guilt and worry and tending to Aurora and Luna, he'd been in London, apparently enjoying himself. How could she think of kissing him?

"You look beautiful," Harry breathed, kissing her hand a third time.

Well that answers that question, she thought, miserably taking her hand back. "Thank you," Hermione replied aloud. The heat of the room was unbearable. "Um…how long have you been here?"

"Only an hour or so."

"Oh no… in town I mean…not at the…um…party."

"I just arrived today."

"Is Ron with you?"

"No, he's visiting his brother in Romania."

"Oh." She forced a smile. "Septima said you were in London."

Harry nodded. "I was."

"Well…that's…nice…" she trailed off. It wasn't nice at all actually. It was horrible. She couldn't string a simple sentence together. Stop it Hermione, she told herself. Calm down…calm down…

Taking a deep breath, she started again: "Septima said you've been in London."

"You already said that."

"Oh…yes…I'm sorry," Hermione muttered, struggling to think of something else to say. Unfortunately, nothing came to her. Luckily there was an outburst across the room. They both turned to see Tonks, Susan Bones, and Terry Boot laughing loudly about goodness-knows-what. Hermione craned her neck to see what all the fuss was about, when she suddenly felt Harry's hand on her arm.

"Would you like to dance?" Harry asked quietly, taking his hand away.

Hermione turned around, startled. "What?"

"Would you like to dance?"

"No…no thank you."

"Why not?" He sounded hurt, but she couldn't tell because her eyes were fixed to the floor.

"Because I…I just don't feel like dancing."

"Dancing with me you mean."

"I don't…I don't want to dance with anyone."

"Why not?"

"Harry I…I don't know…I don't…" Her voice lowered, and she suddenly remembered that there were dozens of people around them. She wanted to disappear. She wanted to turn herself into a small burrowing creature that could tunnel its way home.

A stammering whisper escaped her lips. "I don't…I don't want to do this. Not here."

"Do what?"

"Harry…" she said sadly. "I don't want to argue with you."

"I didn't think we were arguing."

Hermione just shook her head and continued staring at the floor.

She heard Harry sigh. Whatever she expected him to do next, it didn't involving him leaning closer and whispering in her ear. His cheek brushed against hers and his breath warmed the blushing skin of her throat.

"I didn't come here to argue with you," he said quietly. "I just want to talk to you. Just for a minute. Alone," he added appealingly. "Please."

"Talk?" Well that might be a problem since I'm about to faint. Hermione sighed. She needed to calm down…she needed more time…she needed to stay at least three feet away from him…But instead she nodded and let him lead her away from the crowd. His hand rested on the small of her back and she felt his shoulder brush against hers as they make their way through the sea of partygoers.

She kept her eyes on the floor until the noises of the party faded away. The click-clack of their footsteps resounded off the hallway walls, alternating between being rhythmically in step and out of sync and then back again. Hermione focused on keeping her footsteps in time with Harry's, which gave her mind something to do besides panic.

Through the echoing reverberations of their footsteps, Hermione heard the soft thud of a door closing behind them and then felt the chill of the night air against her skin.

Harry had brought her onto a spansive balcony that overlooked the sleeping town. Cottage lights twinkled in the distance and the smell of burning firewood floated through the air. The wind whistled past them and she rubbed her shoulders to keep warm.


She turned, startled to find how close Harry was to her.

Offering him a weak smile, Hermione took a few steps back and slowly made her way to the wrought iron railing. Pretending to admire the view, she forced a smile and asked a completely banal question: "So Harry…How have you been?"

Harry came to stand next to her, his eyes fixed on her. He didn't seem the least interested in the twinkling vista. "I'm fine. And yourself?"

"Fine." Hermione nibbled her lip nervously. She crossed her arms and looked away. She was determined not to show any sort of nervousness. As silence fell over them, she could feel the tension between them grow until and it became hard to breathe.

"So…how is Remus? It seems so long since I last saw him," she said in a strangled voice. Her throat was too tight to speak. She looked up and found him studying her carefully.

"Did you get the flowers?"


Harry repeated the question.

"Oh, flowers. No… I mean, yes," she stammered. "Yes…some flowers were sent to the house. Were they yours? There wasn't a card…"

"You know I sent them."

Hermione sighed, feeling defeated. "Yes…I thought you might have. Thank you for that. It was a nice gesture..." she trailed off helplessly.

He took a step towards her, his face hard and stoic. "I know I didn't write to you."

"Oh." Hermione replied simply as she looked away.

"I just didn't…I just didn't know what to say."


"I meant to…but I…I just didn't know what to say," he repeated. He looked at her, obviously expecting some kind of response.

Hermione shook her head in disbelief. He'd said it with an air of finality, as if that was in any way an adequate explanation. Was that really all he had to say?

She sighed. "So that's it then? I haven't heard from you in months and that's all you have to say? Should I take it as an apology too, or would that be too presumptuous?"


"Harry, I haven't heard from you in ages and now you suddenly appear without a word of warning and expect me to…I don't know. What are you doing here?"

"I only came here because I wanted to talk to you."


"I needed to see you."

"Stop it!"

"You're all I thought about."

"Arrrrgh!" Hermione growled as she reeled on him. "How dare you! How can you say that? It's been months Harry. I haven't heard a word from you in months. I can't believe you would do this…" She took a deep breath, trying to keep her anger in check. It was too much…much too much…his being here, saying things like that, looking at her like he did before… like nothing had changed…

"I didn't know what to say Hermione. I kept trying to write to you…I'd have the parchment in front of me and a quill in my hand…" Harry trailed off. "But every time I just gave up. There was nothing I could say."

"Nothing? Well then that's just what you did say. Nothing. Thank you for that." Hermione turned to leave but Harry grabbed her arm and stood in front of her, blocking her way.

Suddenly she was inches from him, his face hovering over hers. They both froze.

Hermione felt her heart beating and a familiar dizziness overtake her. His arms were still holding her fast and she looked down to find him gripping the material on her dress so tightly that his hands were turning as white as the muslin. Harry wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer, lowering his face to hers.

"Hermione…" Harry began in a tender tone.

"What Harry?" Hermione replied wearily. She tried to pull away but he held her fast.

"I…just wanted…" he gazed at her, unable to finish.

"You wanted what?" Hermione sighed impatiently as she struggled to get away. She squirmed but his arms only tightened around her. "You wanted to what? Why did you come back? Why couldn't you just stay away?"

His eyes narrowed. "I came back to see you."

She shot him an angry look and wrenched herself out of his grasp. "You didn't seem very eager to see me over the last few months."

"I've been in London," Harry said darkly as he took a step towards her.

"So I heard. Septima mentioned it."

"She doesn't know anything about it."

"She knows more than I do. And whatever it was, it must have been extremely important to keep you occupied all these months."

"It was," Harry's grimly replied.

"Well fine," she spat.

He didn't say anything as their eyes met, but something in his stare only made her angrier. Why was she even bothering to talk to him? He was unreasonable, impetuous, selfish…how could she have ever loved such a man?

Hermione took a deep breath and looked him in the eye. "Harry," I think you're absolutely cruel to come here like this. Did you really think that suddenly showing up unannounced and cornering me on a balcony would make everything all right?"

"No… I don't…I don't know what I thought."

"That's fairly obvious."

"Well what was I supposed to do?"

"I don't know…and I don't care. All I know is how incredibly selfish you are and that I don't want to see you again."

She cringed as soon as she said it. Angry as she was, surprised, embarrassed, upset as she felt, is that what she really wanted? To never see him again?

"You don't mean that," Harry said quietly.

She nodded weakly, even though she wasn't sure of the answer herself. She wasn't sure of anything anymore…

Hermione stared wide-eyed at Harry, her breath hitching in her chest. His expression was as intense as ever, but had a soft tenderness to it now. She found she was unable to move as he held her fast. She was well aware that his eyes were flitting down to her mouth.

Harry suddenly pulled her to him. His arms went round her waist, cradling her tightly against his chest.

"No you don't," Harry muttered.

"Yes I do," she choked out.

"No you don't."


Before she could finish, he crushed his lips to hers in a violent kiss. Gone were the soft kisses she'd remembered. His embrace was demanding, and his kisses equally so. Hermione could feel Harry's hands running over the thin material of her dress. She marveled at the stirrings that these simple touches caused. It only took a few heartbeats for Hermione to wrap her arms around his neck and return his kisses just as urgently. It had been too long… she'd been without him for too long…

He explored her mouth greedily until her knees buckled and she suddenly felt the wall against her back. It was fiery, passionate… but none of the words she'd read in those silly romantic novels could come close to describing how she felt. Her body was ablaze, there was fire coursing through her veins. Though her eyes were closed, brightly colored flashes of light were dancing behind her eyelids, blinding in their brilliance. Sensations she had heard about, but never felt to this degree, were coursing through her body.

He covered her mouth with his, his tongue dancing with hers. A groan emanated low in his throat as he slid his other arm around her waist. She melted against him as tingles ran up and down her spine, shuddering as a heady excitement overtook her. Her mind was racing, only sensations registered: his warm breath her lips, her hands scraping his back, her hips nestled against his, his fingers raking over her. There was an intensity building between them as their caresses became rougher and more desperate. His lips were so sweet yet so demanding, tearing desperately at her mouth as she clutched at him.

She was lost to the world, safe in his arms again. It was rough, passionate, desperate…just as it was before…but it wasn't, not really…they couldn't take back what happened, and deep down, Hermione knew it would happen again. Harry would hurt her again, he would lie to her, he would forget about her for months. After all, people don't change, not really…

"No…Harry…" she pushed him away. "I can't…not again…please…"

"Don't go," Harry pulled her back.


"Stay with me…"

She shook her head and tried to free herself.

"I love you."

"Stop it! Stop saying that! Just let me go…"

Mustering as much strength as she could, she pushed him away and ran out the door. Her mind was reeling and her body pulsing as she blindly racing down the hallways. She didn't know where she was going. The only thing Hermione felt were the tears falling down her cheeks… She needed to stay far away from Harry. As far away from him as she possible could…

Pushing her way through the great room, she collided with several guests as she made her way through the sea of people. She didn't bother saying goodbye to Luna or Tonks as she hurried towards the front door. Grabbing her cloak, she took to the streets and flew down the empty lanes. The brisk night air was a comfort to her (of course anything that was far away from Harry was a comfort to her). She just needed to stay far away from Harry. She needed to think…and thinking around Harry just wasn't possible…

Climbing the steps to her house, she slammed the door behind her and muttered a locking spell. Her legs were shaky and her breaths came in raspy gasps. Leaning against the closed door, she sank down until she was kneeling on the hard wood floor. The room was dark, but moonlight poured through the windows, allowing her to see the shadows cast by the vases full of jasmine and the sharp edges of the jutting furniture.

She blew a strand of hair away from her face and sighed mournfully. Her head was screaming at her for letting Harry get so close again, while her heart was screaming because she let him get away…

She didn't know which one to trust anymore.


In her haste to get away from Harry, Hermione hadn't noticed that the whole party had seen her rush out. The fact that Harry emerged from the hallway moments later only roused more suspicion

The room began buzzing with excitement. The murmur of voices merged and necks craned as they stared and each person ticked off the number of friends that would want to know about Harry Potter's odd behavior and Hermione's hurried exit.

Rolanda Hooch turned to Miss Pince

"Did you see that?"

"Of course I saw it. Hard to miss, wasn't she?"

"Poor girl, I wonder what happened?"

"There's Harry Potter coming out right behind her…"

"Odd, very odd…"

Miss Pince shook her head disapprovingly at the display. "Uncouth youngsters," she muttered. "Running around with no regard for others."

Rolanda just shrugged and smiled, wondering what Mrs. Everand thought of it.

Across the room, Mrs. Everard nodded knowingly at Mayor Dippet.

"I've just heard he's engaged to one of the Granger girls!" she whispered confidentially.

"Really? Which one?"

"Hermione of course."

"Really? Who told you that?"

"Terry Boot told Susan Bones who told Mrs. Sprout who told Mrs. Figg who told me."

"It's not such a surprise is it? She's a pretty girl all right…I wonder how Terry Boot found out? He's a bit of a bounder himself…"

Terry Boot leaned closer to a giggling Susan Bones:

"She just spent a whole week alone at his house in Pemberley."

"Oh right. I forgot about that." Susan batted her eyes and smiled invitingly. "Deliciously scandalous isn't it?

"And Aurora Granger's just left town too, hasn't she? Has she gone to London or Scotland?"

"Probably London.

"Why London?"

"Well, she probably has to see about Hermione's wedding arrangements."

"Ah…of course…" Terry then whispered something else to her that had nothing to do with Hermione Granger or Harry Potter or the rumors that were promising to quickly spread around town.

"Hermione usually wanders off at parties, but I really didn't expect this," Luna whispered to Tonks as they watched Harry from across the room.

"I know what you mean." Tonks replied, obviously impressed. "Dragging Harry into back rooms. I never thought Hermione had it in her."

"Tonks…" Luna shook her head. "I'm sure there's a perfectly innocent explanation for all of it."

"I'm not."


Tonks nodded and took a dainty sip of her punch. "It's my fault actually. I single-handedly turned a mutual dislike into true love. It's a blessing and a curse to be so very clever about these things."

Luna shook her head. "I don't understand."

"Of course you don't. You just weren't meant for all this love nonsense. Matchmaking is all scheming and plotting and everything that's evil and fun. It's a dangerous business really. It's like being a surgeon. Playing with people's destinies and so forth."

Luna nodded solemnly. "I never thought of it that way."

"Of course you haven't. Sheltered. That's what you are."

"Do you think they'll get engaged now?"

"No, not now. At least not until Harry makes some silly dramatic gesture."

Luna leaned in excitedly. "Like what?

Tonks shrugged. "Like rescuing her from rabid dogs or man-eating rabbits or something like that. Or maybe he'll get sick and she can nurse him back to health. See how pale he looks? It's definitely a classic case of…um…some kind of…um…disease."

"It could just be the candlelight."

"Candlelight? Bah." Tonks waved away the suggestion. "He's wasting away because his heart's been broken. And there's only one cure."


"Er…right. Marriage…and some other things that sheltered single girls need know nothing about."

Confused, Luna sighed and turned back to Harry, who had given up his search for Hermione and was wearily putting on his cloak.

Luna shook her head. "Poor man. Shouldn't we say something to him?"

"Just leave him be. Whoever's being stubborn will come to their senses."

"That's what I keep telling myself but it hasn't happened yet."

"Just give it time. If I can get used to having a werewolf for a husband, Harry and Hermione can certainly work through their own pile of problems."

Luna nodded. Tonks had an odd way of putting things in perspective… but still, Harry looked so miserable, a simple "hello" couldn't hurt, could it?

"Good evening Harry," Luna said softly as Harry passed them.

He turned to her, obviously miserable, but trying to look friendly enough.

"Hello Luna," he nodded as he shook her hand.

"Hi Harry," Tonks regarded him suspiciously.

"Hello Tonks."

Tonks didn't bother shaking his outstretched hand and instead took another sip of her punch. "So what brings you to our humble little part of the world?"

"I came to see Hermione."

Luna's eyes widened and Tonks nearly dropped her drink. Both were surprised at how casually Harry announced it. Like he was commenting on the weather or complaining about the umpires at the Quidditch Regionals.

Tonks shifted uncomfortably and shot Luna a sideways glance. "Oh….well…I'm glad that's all cleared up. You're here for Hermione and Remus is off somewhere eating sheep. It's all so nice and domestic, don't you think?"

"Hmmm," Harry muttered distractedly. Saying a quick good-bye, he looked around the room one last time before heading towards the front door.

"You weren't very nice to him," Luna shook her head.

"So? He wasn't very nice to me! He hardly said anything at all. And he didn't even laugh when I made that joke about Remus eating sheep. That was funny!"

"Maybe he didn't hear you."

"Or maybe he's a werewolf too."

Luna stared thoughtfully into space. "You know…I never thought of that…"

"Of course you didn't. You wouldn't know a werewolf if you were sitting on one. Just look at Harry's hair. It's all black and spiky and deliciously werewolf-like."

"But Harry didn't disappear during the full moon, did he?"

"Maybe he's half-werewolf."

"Maybe he just needs a new comb."

"That too."