Unofficial Portkey Archive

Pride and Prejudice by magpie_igraine

Pride and Prejudice



New Chapter: Tiff for Tat

Author Notes: Well, things have gone from bad to worse…or have they?

Disclaimer: I own nothing


Hermione sat on her bed, absorbed in an ancient textbook. As she turned the page, her unruly curls fell over her eyes. Instead of pulling them back wrestling them into a bun, she let them curtain either side of her face. Although it was the sort of thing that used to drive her crazy, she didn't mind so much now. It didn't seem to matter...nothing seemed to matter since that horrible scene with Harry at Septima's Party. She was in mourning, although she hardly knew for what. For days now, an acute feeling of loss had been eating away at her and she often found herself dwelling on it like some injured cat licking its wounds.

Deep down she knew that this sorrow had limits, that she'd move on, flourish even, a stronger person, a better person for having loved and lost. She hated those women in literature who suffered and moaned and mourned their love until they were sick shells of their former selves. All of her favorite heroines in literature had suffered so. Jane Eyre, Elinor Dashwood, or Anne Elliot... They'd all overcome their sorrow and found a life without love, beyond love, or a better love than before. This sorrow of hers had limits just like there was a limit to how messy she'll let her curls get or how much dust she'd allow to pile upon her potion-making things.

But she had to admit that forgetting about Harry would've been much easier with a family crisis staring her in the face. In the early days of their separation, her concern for Lavender managed to monopolize every second of her attention. Now with her sister happily settled, Harry was never far from her thoughts, and all she could do was stare at the stark black and white pages of her books until she was in danger of becoming cross-eyed.

Little did she know there was a thoroughly distracting family crisis unfolding that very instant downstairs in one of the drawing rooms…


Not fifteen minutes later, her not-thinking-about-Harry efforts were interrupted by the sounds of shouting. Tossing her book aside, she hurried downstairs towards the noise.

"Remus!" Hermione exclaimed as she nearly collided with the tall quivering man at the foot of the stairs. Her smile faded however when she saw how pale and unhappy Remus looked. "I didn't know you were here," she added.

Tonks suddenly appeared beside him. "That's because I didn't want you to get eaten."

Hermione's mouth fell open. "Tonks!"

"I'd…I'd better be going," Remus stammered, backing towards the front door.

Hermione tried to stop him from leaving. "No…no Remus, Tonks is just…it's all so silly. You know how imaginative she is."

"That's right, I am imaginative!" Tonks exclaimed. "And very clever, and very very bright! So why on earth did you think you could hide something like this from me?"

"I didn't think…I haven't…" Remus trailed off, his voice full of despair.

Tonks seethed, jabbing Remus in the shoulder with an accusing finger. "Or is that the reason you married me in the first place? Because if I ever found out, people would just say, "Oh, silly Tonks, whatever is she thinking? Calling her husband a werewolf? Tut tut tut.' "

"Darling I really don't…."

"You don't what? You don't want Hermione to know about this? Well too late. I've told her everything, so if you think you can convince her to convince me about convincing things like how werewolves don't exist, you're sadly mistaken."

He looked helplessly at Hermione. "I…I didn't think that…"

Hermione stepped in, anxious to keep Tonks from destroying what was left of her marriage. "Remus, I think Tonks isn't quite ready to go back to Grimmauld Place with you..."

"Ha. No kidding!" Tonks laughed harshly.

"…Perhaps she could stay here for a few more weeks," Hermione suggested through gritted teeth.

Tonks glared at Remus. "Or perhaps a certain resident werewolf could stop lying to me for a change."

"Tonks stop it!" Hermione cried.

"Stop what? I'll call a spade a spade and a werewolf a werewolf and Remus is definitely a werewolf. Just look at him. Standing there all tall and wolf-like."

"Remus…" Hermione turned to him, but he'd already grabbed his cloak and was hurrying out the front door. "Remus!" Hermione called after him as he quickly took to the steps outside and raced down the sidewalk. He disappeared around the corner and Hermione reeled on Tonks, her eyes blazing.

"What in God's name happened!? I leave you alone for half an hour and you've managed to ruin your marriage!"

"I didn't ruin anything!"

"I can't believe this is happening," Hemrione muttered, rubbing her head. "Tonks… you're … you're absolutely insane."

"Me? He's the one running around disemboweling peasants!"

"You're crazy! Look what you've done to the poor man!"

"Look what he's done to a million poor defenseless sheep!"

"For the last time He Is Not A Werewolf!"

"He is so! He didn't even deny it."

"Why would he deny it? The idea is deranged."

Tonks stomped her foot. "You're the one who's deranged!"

"Ugh!" Hermione threw up her hands. Whatever her problems with Harry, at least she never accused him of being a werewolf or a Crumple Horned Snorkack or whatever other beasties were a regular fixture in The Quibbler.

"Tonks," she said, forcing a few calming breaths. "Has it ever occurred to you that what you're feeling right now has nothing to do with Remus?"


Hermione nodded sternly. "You rushed into marriage with a man you hardly knew, and now that you're sick of the idea you've invented this crazy werewolf theory just so you can abandon him without feeling guilty."

"Now that's ridiculous."

"No it isn't. What's ridiculous is your hiding in Meriton, thinking that avoiding Remus will help solve the problems in your marriage."



"That's right: Ha! Why don't you take your own advice and apply it to Harry."

"What!" Hermione's mouth fell open. She sputtered a bit before she could muster a coherent answer. "First of all, that is none of your business. And secondly, I'm not pretending that Harry is a werewolf!"

"You might as well."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

Tonks looked at her spitefully. "It means that suddenly Harry's this horrible monster that you're running away from. I saw you at Septima's party, sprinting out the door like you'd accidentally set the house on fire. The man might as well be a three-headed dog or an ogre from the way you treat him. So before you lecture me about hiding from Remus, you'd better take a good long look at yourself first. You think running away won't solve anything? Well that's exactly what you're doing. Only you," she jabbed Hermione in the shoulder, "don't know the first thing about love."

"Me! What about you? Look what you've done to Remus!"

Tonks made a waving gesture with her hand. "Oh he'll get over that. I was angry and told him exactly what I thought of him and what he needs to do to make things right, which is more than I can say for you. You've turned Harry into this horrible kind of monster. Harry only hid that stupid letter because he wanted to protect you and take care of you, although I can't imagine why. Ungrateful little thing you are."

Hermione's eyes widened with surprise. "How…how did you know about the letter?"

"Harry told Remus and Remus told…well…he didn't tell me. I was eavesdropping on them when I heard it."

"I can't believe you did that!"

"How I heard about it isn't the point! The point is how utterly utterly wrong you are and how stupidly stubborn you're being. And now you have the nerve to stand there all righteous-like and tell me how ridiculous and deranged I am about love. Ha! I'm not the one fighting myself every step of the way. I haven't declared war on my messy emotions. I followed my heart and married the man I love. And yes, I still think things will work out between us, werewolf or not, because I believe that he's special and our marriage is special and maybe I'm still working through the finer points of that, but I believe everything will be all right. You've just given up…which makes you the one who's deranged and ridiculous, not me."

Hermione scowled at her cousin as silence fell over the room. The two girls stared at each other until Tonks turned on her heel and raced upstairs. Cursing Tonks under her breath, Hermione hurried into the study and slammed the door shut behind her. Pacing around the room, she told herself over and and over how utterly crazy her cousin was.

"Unbelievable…Tonks is just…ugh!"

Hermione kicked at a chair leg. "And I haven't turned Harry into a monster…that's silly…ridiculous …why would I do that? Why would anyone do that? Anyone besides Tonks that is? She's the only one in this family who could imagine she's married to a creature out of The Quibbler."

Luna's knitting things were on the armchair by the window and Hermione angrily tossed them aside and fell into the seat in a huff.

"After all, I didn't make Harry hide the letter from me. I didn't turn him into a monster… it was his own doing…

…And just because I don't throw myself in his arms doesn't mean I overanalyze everything and think the worst of people and push people away. Harry pushed me away! He's the one who lied to me and hid things from me and went to London and forgot about me for months and months…"

The room was silent except for her heavy breathing. Only the rustle of the curtains answered her. They didn't sound very sympathetic.


A few afternoons later, Luna found herself sitting alone in the study after a lonely lunch. The skies were dark and gray and the wind had carried a dreary chill down from the north. It wasn't a very nice day outside, but come to think on it, it wasn't a very nice day inside either. Humming a sad song, she took out her knitting and carefully threaded the needles. Although she usually found knitting relaxing, the tap-tap sounds of her needles only reminded her how silent and somber the house had become-Tonks and Hermione hadn't spoken to each other for days now, and to make matters worse, Luna found herself caught in the middle of it. Literally in the middle of it. At meals they would sit on either side of her, making sure Luna was very much aware their ignoring each other…

"Luna, please ask whats-her-name there to pass the butter" (Tonks stiffly motioned to Hermione).

Shaking her head, Luna asked Hermione for the butter.

Her nose buried in a book, Hermione acknowledged neither of them as she wordlessly slid the dish down the table.

"And if you have any inclination to talk to Miss Bookworm down there, tell her I'm not planning on giving it back anytime soon," Tonks added, smearing the yellowy butter over her bread.

Luna sighed and repeated what Tonks said.

Hermione made a ladylike snort and turned the page of her book.

Luna didn't bother repeating Hermione's snort. She couldn't anyway. Luna didn't know how a "lady-like snort" was even possible…

Try as she may, no amount of humming or knitting could help her mood. Neither could sunshine or birds chirping or children laughing…not that there was much of that anyway today.

And since Luna's thoughts were already drifting, they drifted to the window and beyond, to the unhappy-looking gray skies and then to the cheerful patches of pink wildflowers on the hillsides and to the cocoa-colored cobblestones on the streets and then to the black carriage with drawn curtains waiting outside their front stoop. It was dark and forbidding and fairly ominous-looking. It was obviously waiting for something…or someone. It was just sitting there…waiting…but waiting for what?

"It has to be a sign," Luna muttered thoughtfully. The carriage itself didn't mean much. It was just an ordinary black chaise, but the family crest on the side, now that had to be important. A bright red shield with three ravens on it. She'd learned all about that sort of thing in school. Divination had been her best subject. According to volume three of The World According to Augur, ravens were a sign of knowledge, and the number three was a sign of change-So if Luna had to guess, she'd say whoever was in the carriage was bringing knowledge that would change something or someone…or a three someones…as in herself, Hermione and Tonks.

Luna was puzzling over just what that change might be when Hermione came through the study door holding a heavy textbook. Lost in her thoughts, Luna looked up from her knitting and smiled faintly.

"What's is it Luna?" Hermione asked as she put her book away.

"Oh nothing…I was just thinking."

"About what?"

"About a lot of things," Luna said dreamily. "Like how quiet the house has been lately. And why you and Tonks aren't talking to each other. And why there's a mysterious carriage waiting outside our front door."

"Yes… I was wondering that too." Hermione looked outside, ignoring Luna's first two points. Neither the carriage nor the livery of the servant who preceded it were familiar. But the family crest on the door was famous enough: a red shield with three ravens perched under a drawn sword. It was unmistakably the seal of the House of Black.

Hermione said as much to Luna, who just smiled and said something about how nice it was for Sir Sirius to send Tonks some of her things. Hermione agreed, but couldn't help think how odd it was that the carriage was just sitting there, its curtains drawn and no luggage anywhere on it.

Gathering her knitting things, Luna said she'd tell Tonks about it. Just as she was hurrying up the stairs, a cloaked figure emerged from the carriage. His face was concealed by a black hat with a wide brim and his lean frame was cloaked with an expensive-looking black cape. He studied the house for a moment before taking a few long determined strides towards the front steps.

Turning away from the window, Hermione stood in uneasy silence until she heard the front door open and the visitor enter. She heard Hil direct him to the study and the sound of heavy footsteps soon followed. Only after the study door was violently thrown open was Hermione able to see him for the first time. He was a tall thin man with raven hair and coal-black eyes. He had a strong jaw, long aristocratic cheekbones, and a commanding, arrogant air about him. Startled as she was, it only took her a moment to recognize him from his family portrait…she was standing in front of Sir Sirius Black himself.

If Sir Sirius has intended for his visit to take her completely by surprise, he'd succeeded. He was the last man she ever thought would turn up on her doorstep. But even with the added drama of a billowing cape and his piercing stare, Hermione still had enough presence of mind to greet him politely and offer him a seat.

Other than a slight inclination of his head, he made no attempt to acknowledge Hermione's greeting. Shedding his cloak and hat, he sat down without saying a word. After sitting for a moment in silence, he said very stiffly to Hermione:

"You are Hermione Granger I suppose."

Hermione said she was.

"And that girl at the window, I gather, was one of your sisters?"

Hermione nodded and forced a friendly smile, but Sir Sirius didn't seem the least interested in returning it. Nervously wringing her hands, she waited for him to ask to see Tonks-or at the very least produce a letter from Remus-it was the only possible reason for his being there. But he said nothing. Instead he silently studied the room with a grim expression, leaving her completely puzzled.

Hermione cleared her throat. "I suppose you'll want to speak to Tonks. I can go fetch her…"

"You don't need to fetch Tonks," Sir Sirius answered in a brisk, business-like manner. "You don't need to fetch anyone. I came here to speak to you."

"Me?" Hermione asked, astonished. "Um…very well. Shall I ring for some tea?"

"No. I don't want to waste your time, and I certainly don't want you to waste mine."

"Oh … that's…just fine," Hermione muttered, not really know how to politely reply to that.

"You seem to be at a loss as to the reason for my coming here."

Hermione nodded and said she was.

"You're expecting my blessing no doubt."


"For your engagement of course."

"My engagement!?" Now she really was confused.

"Oh yes," Sir Sirius sneered, unamused by the banter. "I've heard several rumors that you and my godson will very soon be married."

"Harry? But I…I have no idea what you're talking about…"

"And I know Harry has given you his mother's ring. There's no use denying it. I've heard so from Harry himself."

"Well yes…he did…he did give it to me about four months ago. But we haven't…"

Sirius didn't let her finish. "And you still have it?"

Hermione didn't answer him. Sirius waited a few moments, but it was clear his patience was running out. "I know you still have the ring. Harry told me as much. But are you engaged?"

"Um…no…but I…"

"And yet you kept the ring."

"He…he hasn't asked for it back."

"Well that's why I'm here."

"So Harry sent you?" Hermione asked quietly.

Sir Sirius studied her a moment before answering in his slow, refined drawl. "No…as a matter of fact he hasn't."

"Then I don't understand. Why are you here?"

"Because I know the value of that ring. Oh I don't mean simply its material worth, but its sentimental value. That ring is to be kept in the Potter family, and I mean to ask for it back."

"But I still don't understand. Why hasn't Harry come here himself?"

Sirius laughed harshly. "Because you've made him forget himself…in fact, you've caused trouble for nearly every man you've met."

"I'm sorry?" She seethed. You must have me mistaken with Tonks, she thought. But judging from the way Sir Sirius was looking at her, he certainly did not mean Tonks. She tried to muster her most indignant, icy stare, but Sirius wasn't the least impressed as he ticked off his prepared list of the many men she'd ruined:

"Remus is miserable because his wife is holed up in your house; Harry's disappeared; and even Ron's acting more idiotic than usual because of your sister. All because you've set your cap on marrying above your station."

"That's not fair!"

"It doesn't matter if it's fair. It's true enough."

"No it isn't! Whatever Tonks and Remus are quarreling about has nothing to do with me!"

"I don't care about Remus and Tonks. I want that ring back. And I mean to leave here with it." His eyes looked black against the firelight, and his cheeks were heavily flushed. "Do you really expect Harry to marry you now? An in-law of Viktor Krum's?"

Hermione started. She opened her mouth to reply but quickly closed it. Though a dozen equally cruel retorts flashed through her mind, she would not stoop to insulting him. After a moment's deliberation she curtly answered: "I don't expect anything from him. Except, maybe, never to see him again."

"If I could be sure of that I wouldn't be here now. But after his behavior in London I can't be sure of anything anymore."

"London? What do you mean?"

"His pathetic 'hunt' for Krum. His arranging of that infernal marriage. You can't imagine what I went through, knowing he was wandering the backstreets and alleyways looking for that idiot Krum. You think he would've learned after last time to leave well enough alone."

Hermione's eyes widened in surprise as silence fell over the room.

"What are you talking about?" she managed to choke out.

"I'm talking about how you've willfully compromised our family. How you've made Harry forget his duty to his family and his prospects…"

"No not that," Hermione shook her head and checked the impulse to roll her eyes. "I mean…Harry's searching for Viktor Krum. Did Harry have something to do with my sister's marriage?"

Sirius leveled a haughty gaze at her. "You don't know then?"

Hermione shook her head and urged him to explain.

"Harry has spent these last few months in London, searching out every seedy inn and boardinghouse until he found your sister and Viktor Krum." Sirius spat out the name "Viktor Krum" with distain.

"And then?" Hermione asked in a trembling voice, already knowing the answer.

"Harry offered him a settlement and purchased a commission for him. The condition was that he marry your sister immediately."

Hermione opened her mouth to reply but nothing came out. She felt as though all the air had been sucked out of the room.

"Harry didn't have to do that," she said in a strangled voice.

Sir Sirius laughed harshly. "That's exactly what I told him. But of course Harry wouldn't listen to me. He went against my express wishes, which has happened repeatedly since he's taken up with you…"

Stunned, Hermione sat silently as Sir Sirius went on and on about how Harry's valiant efforts were wasted on such a sordid cause. Fortunately, she didn't hear a word he said. Her head was spinning and she couldn't breathe. Barely able to hold her body up, she leaned against the armrest on her chair. Had Harry really done all that? Gone to London, found Lavender, and arranged the marriage?

Looking back, it all made sense. Harry had been in London, she knew that much. And then there was the mysterious "inheritance" that had so conveniently come to Viktor… It didn't take much for her to believe that Harry had been its source.

She shook her head sadly. It was just the sort of thing Harry would do. Harry had always been principled, caring, and above all protective. Why hadn't she thought of it before?

Probably because I'm a hateful cynic who thinks the worst of people, she muttered. But that wasn't the only explanation. For her, reasoning had always been done with a careful, calm mind, but for the last few months, that same head had been bombarded by all sorts of odd, unfamiliar thoughts: desire, disappointment, passion, longing, regret, rage, disappointment… she felt as though she'd given way, she'd become a mess, a jumbled, muddled mess…and now this…

"…and I expect that will disappoint you," Sir Sirius said triumphantly.

"I'm sorry, what?" Hermione asked in a distant voice, her mind still occupied with thoughts of Harry. "I didn't hear you."

Sir Sirius leveled his most intimating gaze at her. "It may interest you to know that I am the sole trustee of his family's estate. I can strip him of his fortune at any time. And if he decides to marry you, I assure you I will. I've told Harry so repeatedly. Much good it does," Sirius added bitterly.

"Is that true?" she gasped.

"Why would I lie about it?"

Hermione's hand flew to her mouth. "Good god…No I didn't know that…" she managed to stammer. "I can't believe it. I just…I just can't believe it…" Hermione couldn't put it into words what she felt…and for a witch who prided herself on her ability to analyze, or at the very least, put what she was feeling into specific objective terms, it was incredibly frustrating. Later, she'd think back and realize she'd made some kind of "oh" sound.

Much to her surprise, and Sir Sirius's, she was unable to conceal her smile. She was thrilled, ecstatic, she couldn't hide her elation. He could lose everything and he loved me anyway… He'd give up all he had to marry me…he loved me that much… She smiled a dreamy smile that would put Luna's to shame.

"Thank you. Thank you so much for telling me," Hermione cried as she leapt to her feet. She wanted to hug him, but she stopped herself. Judging from Sir Sirius's expression, this wasn't the reaction he'd expected. He obviously thought that revealing his hold over Harry's fortune would persuade her to forget him. However, it had just the opposite effect, and Hermione couldn't hide the look of rapture from her face.

Never one to take disappointment in his stride, Sirius stood up impatiently. His black cape flapping behind him as he paced around the room. He reeled on her, his expression dark and his face twisted with anger. "You are resolved to have him then?"

"I never said so," Hermione said with a dazzling grin. "I am only resolved to act in a way which will constitute my own happiness, and his."

"So you also refuse to oblige me in giving back the ring?"

"Of course," she replied with what she knew to be a sickeningly cheerful smile.

"Very well," he said poisonously as he bowed. Without another word, he turned on his heel and stormed out of the room.

"Good day Sir Sirius, and thank you again," she said in a sing-song voice as she followed him out of the room. It was her custom to see all the guests to the door, but she didn't make much of an effort this time. Her head was spinning and she felt faint and she needed to speak to Harry. But where was he?


Sir Sirius stormed back to his carriage. His cape swirled around his knees with a dramatic flourish as both man and cape disappeared through the carriage door. He pushed aside the curtain and glared back at the house. Hermione's shadow fell against the study's champagne-colored curtains. Throwing off his hat and gloves, Sirius settled into his seat, his eyes following her silhouette as she paced around the room. After a minute of watching her in silence, the stern line of his mouth slowly curled upwards into a smile, and the steely glint in his eyes melted into a soft fondness.

"She reminds me of your mother," Sirius said thoughtfully, watching the curtains ripple as her shadow passed.

"Does she?" Harry asked miserably from across the carriage. He was nervously plucking at the wilting bundle of winter jasmine in his hand.

Sirius nodded. "Oh yes. She's a lovely little thing, but she's stubborn." Sirius gave Harry a sympathetic pat on the shoulder. "Very stubborn. And that's a good thing m'boy. At least she'll stand up to you, which is what you bloody well need. You turn everything into a one-man crusade. It was an amusing trait when you were a youngster, but now it's just pathetic."

"So I've heard," Harry said with a sigh. "So will she see me?"

Sirius shrugged. "I didn't ask."

Harry's eyes widened. "You didn't ask! Then what the hell were you doing in there? You were supposed to ask Hermione if I could see her. That's the reason you're here…that's the reason you went to see her. How could you forget!"

"Oh right." Embarrassed, Sirius chuckled a bit and shifted in his seat. "See Harry…about all that, well…here, you'd better just go ahead and do it."

Harry angrily stared at him. "Oh, I see. I'm supposed to go and see her so I can ask if I can see her."


"For God's sake Sirius… what were you two talking about for so long?"

"Well…you, for the most part."

"Oh dear Merlin," Harry rubbed his head, annoyed. "What did you say to her?"

"Several things. I wanted to find out who this young lady was."

Harry sighed. "Really? Well, that's just…grand."

Sirius smiled. "Well, you'll be happy to know she's not after your money. I had to play a bit of a villain to find that out though. I told her I could strip you of your fortune and…" he trailed off with a sigh.


"…And she refused to be the least bit impressed."

"There, you see."

"I'll admit I was wrong about that." Sirius shrugged. "But I couldn't trust your judgment so I had to see for myself. And pretty girl or not, you certainly didn't make things easy for yourself. She's a willful little creature all right. Almost frighteningly so. She nearly told me to go to hell when I asked for your mother's ring back."

"You did what!"

Sirius shivered. "She'd put your father to shame with that icy stare of hers."

Harry's mouth fell open. "Why did you…? Why did you do that!?"

"Do what?"

"Ask for the ring back! I never told you to do that!"

"I know."

"So…what the Hell were you thinking…of all the stupid…good God Sirius, you said you wanted to help me!"

"I did help you m'boy, or don't you realize?"

"Realize what!?"

Sirius ticked off his fingers: "She's refused to refuse to marry you. She won't give the ring back, she doesn't care that I can strip you of your fortune, and she actually thanked me as I stormed out of her house. It can only mean one thing."

"She thinks my godfather's an interfering jackass?"

"No. She's in love."

"Right." Harry grumbled and sank down in his chair. "How could she not be? I have such charming relatives."

"Yes you do. And it's about time you admitted it."

Harry cringed. "She's going to turn me into a farm animal."

"Well… there's only one way to find out. And it doesn't involve sitting in a carriage, staring at her front door."

"I should've asked Draco along instead," Harry muttered, rubbing his head. "He actually goes out of his way to charm women."

"I didn't say I wasn't charming."

"Believe me, you didn't have to."


Although Sir Sirius made sure to unceremoniously slam the door shut behind him, Hermione hardly heard it. She was too busy pacing around the room, wringing her hands and nibbling her bottom lip. Although she occasionally paused to peer out the window at the carriage (which was oddly enough still sitting in front of the house), her thoughts were centered on finding Harry.

Oh why didn't Harry tell me…I have to hear these things from Sir Sirius of all people… I don't…I still don't understand… Why didn't Harry just tell me?

Her shoulders stooped miserably as the realization dawned on her:

Probably because I never gave him the chance…

She had to speak to him, to tell him everything. About how sorry she was, and how grateful she felt and how she'd misjudged him. But where was he? He must have left Meriton by now. Sir Sirius said he'd disappeared…did he go back to London? Remus might know where he is. Tonks could write to him and ask him…or she could ask Remus herself. Either way, it didn't matter. All that mattered was finding Harry...

She ran towards the sevant's entrance to the hallway, calling Tonks' name. She opened the door and nearly fell over Tonks and Luna who were kneeling on the floor, apparently using an upside-down jam jar to eavesdrop on her conversation with Sir Sirius.

Tonks stood up and pointed at Luna. "It was her idea."

Luna calmly dusted herself off as she got off the floor. "I have to disagree with that."

"I can't believe you two!" Hermione cried.

"I can't believe you!" Tonks shouted back, waving the jar around. "Sirius is my husband's employer. He should be yelling at me, not you! What's so special about you anyway? Why do you get to be the one making all the men in his family crazy? I'm much better at that than you are!"

Hermione started to argue with her, but found she couldn't. On that point, Tonks was absolutely right. In any case it didn't matter. Hermione had more important things on her mind.

"Tonks I don't want to fight about it…" Hermione hushed her cousin. "I don't care about any of that…I want you to write a letter to Remus."

"But why?" Tonks' mouth fell open. "Dear goddess! You're sending me back to him, aren't you?! All because I listened to your stupid conversation with stupid Sir Sirius! Oh come on Mione! I've done loads worse than that. And I couldn't hear much anyway…"

"I don't care about the eavesdropping. I want to find out where Harry is."

"Harry?" Tonks snuck a glance at Luna, who looked just as puzzled as she was.

"Um… I don't know where Harry is."

"But Remus might. Oh Tonks…you have to write to him. You have to ask him."

"I don't have to do anything! Especially that!"

"Please Tonks," Hermione begged.

Tonks shifted from one foot to the other. "But…but…but if I write to him, I'll have to apologize or something, won't I? I can't just ask him all that without saying 'Sorry I called you a cannibal' or something like that."

"Tonks…" Hermione said warningly.

"Besides there's no guarantee Remus would know where Harry is."

"But who else would know better than Remus?" Hermione asked despairingly.

"I know where Harry is," Luna spoke up in her soft voice.

Hermione reeled on her, desperate to know. "Where is he? Tell me!"

Luna motioned to the study window. "He's coming up our front walkway."

Hermione turned around to find she was right. The carriage was gone and Harry Potter was purposely striding towards their front door holding a bouquet of white jasmine.

They heard a knock, and the three girls all froze. After more knocking, Luna elbowed Hermione.

"Answer it," Luna whispered to Hermione as they all craned their necks to get a better look down the corridor.

"I…I can't," Hermione stammered, shaking her head.

"I'll do it," Tonks said with an evil grin.

"You most certainly will not!" Hermione grabbed her arm. "You are going straight upstairs to your room."

"But why? I really really want to hear what Harry going to say."

"Absolutely not!"

Tonks stomped her foot. "But I want to!"

Luna shook her head pityingly. "It's cold outside. Somebody should really answer the door."

"Oh Luna, you do it," Hermione begged.

"But I thought you wanted to see Harry," Luna said, puzzled. "You wanted Tonks to write to Remus who'd write to Harry who'd write to Remus who'd…"

"I know," Hermione stopped her. "I know. But I wanted to write to Harry; I didn't want to see him…not like this. I treated him so badly…I wouldn't know what to say to him. Oh Luna, please answer the door. Just give me a few minutes to think this through…"

Luna shook her head. "Oh, I don't know… It's all so terribly exciting. I wouldn't know what to say to Harry either."

"I know what to say!" Tonks offered merrily. "It'll be hilarious."

Just then Hildegard materialized out of nowhere. Looking at the three girls like they were crazy, she opened the door and the raven-haired wizard entered. That's when Hermione got her first look at him and her breath caught in her throat. Thinking and speaking suddenly became that much more impossible: his dark, unruly hair was messier than usual; the wispy strands stopped just above his eyes, making them seem all the more green and lovely…

"Come on Mione…go get him," Tonks hissed, shoving Hermione down the hallway towards the front door.

"Tonks stop it!" Hermione protested, trying to push her away.

"Go throw yourself in his arms. That's the way they do it in novels. Happy endings and all. Go on, do it. He'll like it. I promise."

"Stop shoving me!"

"Stop being stupid! Come on Mione. Think about it. Cakes! Presents! Pirates!"

"What are you talking about!?"

"Your wedding! It'll be fantastically, pirate-y fun!"

While Hil was greeting their visitor, Hermione shook off Tonks and shot an appealing glance to Luna.

"Luna, do something…please…" Hermione begged under her breath. Harry was staring at them now, and with Tonks shoving her, Luna gazing off into nowhere, and herself silently panicking, Hermione was sure Harry was going to sprint out the door at any second.

"Hi Harry!" Tonks cried, breaking away from Hermione and leaping towards him.

"Um…hello Tonks," Harry sighed uncomfortably.

"I didn't think you'd be back so soon. Couldn't keep away could you? Mione usually has the opposite effect on men."

"Luna!" Hermione cried as she hid her face in her hands. Luna shot Tonks a stern look and told her to hush.

Tonks waved them away. "Say Harry, did you know Sir Sirius was just here? He gave Mione an earful. I mean, I think he did. Luna and I couldn't hear much through the door. Well…whatever he said, it probably won't do much good. Whenever I yell at Mione, she just ignores me."

"Oh…well…all right…" Harry muttered faintly, eyeing the door.

Hermione began muttering curses under her breath. Her head was spinning and she felt dizzy. Barely able to keep upright, she could only imagine how it would all end. She only hoped it involved Harry's forgiving her and Tonks being thrown off a bridge.