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A Different Universe by dunuelos

A Different Universe


Harry woke again in the early morning hours. Once again, Hermione had turned over in the night. Once again, her bum was firmly planted against his morning glory. And once again, he found his hand had a hold of a pleasant portion of Hermione's anatomy. However, instead of tensing up as he had the night before, he decided to revel in the sensation.

He realized that the night before was the most refreshing sleep he had gotten, probably ever. Whether it was the result of what had happened the day before or the companionship he had had the night before, he didn't know. But whatever it was, he knew that Hermione had been instrumental.

Having showered the night before, Harry decided that he was clean enough to be going on with, and he slowly left the bed to dress in the quiet morning atmosphere. After his morning absolutions in the bathroom, he slowly made his way down to the first floor followed quietly by Crookshanks. He listened for any movement. Sensing that no one else was about yet, he made his way down to the kitchen on the ground floor.

He looked around and saw that one of the things in the kitchen was a clock. It was now 6:10 AM. That meant that he had slept, about 8 hours, outside of the time that he and Hermione had woken in the middle of the night.

He thought about it, and decided that he didn't know what time everyone awoke in the Granger household. If Hermione's school routine was anything to go by, Hermione would be waking up within the next half an hour or so. Then again, he couldn't assume. He decided to make his way back up to his room, and see about a morning wakeup for the pretty girl he had shared his bed with the night before.

Hermione woke up to the sensation of someone sitting on the bed next to her. She opened her eyes slowly and saw Harry sitting in front of her smiling. He leaned over and kissed her on her forehead. "Good morning."

She sighed happily and stretched a bit as she asked, "Good morning. What time is it?"

"It's around 6:20. What time does the house normally wake up, by the way?"

Harry saw her take a moment to get her mental processes under control. "Usually around 7 o'clock. My parents' office opens at 9, so they leave around 8:15 or so. What time did you wake up?"

"Around 6. Think your parents would appreciate breakfast?"

Hermione blushed lightly as she said, "I don't know. I tried before when I was younger, but was told to not try it again after I made a complete disaster of it." Harry chuckled as she smiled in embarrassment.

"Well, how about you get ready, and you can show me where everything is. I can even teach you the tricks of the trade."

Hermione looked at Harry's expression. He seemed quite eager to get on with it, so she got up, kissed him on the cheek and made her way back to her own room to get ready for the day.

Emma made her way down towards the first floor. Either her or Robert made breakfast while the other one dressed. After, the one dressed did the dishes while the other one prepared. It was an old routine which they had gotten used to over the years. Emma cooked better, while Robert tended to be more elaborate. Both tended to cheat when Hermione was home as she often helped with the dishes which meant that the one who was dressed got out of some of the work. Normally, they flipped an old one-pence piece for it. It was a fun game for them.

Emma made her way toward the kitchen door, but paused as she heard voices.

"Yeah, that's it. That's what you look for to know when to turn the it." "Like this?" "Yeah, that's just right. Now, watch this?" "Why do you do that?" "Let's me see hot it is -- too hot and it gets burned." "That makes sense. How is it supposed to look?"

Emma smiled at the cheerful voices coming through the door. Obviously Hermione was learning something -- she like learning anything and everything -- and Harry was happy to teach. She shook her head as she remembered her attempts at teaching Hermione to cook. Words sprung to mind like "disaster", "fire-hazard", and other less pleasant ones.

Well, as breakfast seemed well in hand, she decided she'd get ready. Maybe Robert would appreciate some company in the shower.

After a breakfast that both of the Granger parents complimented the teens on thoroughly, the two dentists made their way out to their office. Shortly after they left, the Daily Prophet showed up.


It has come to this reporter's attention, that the late Sirius Black, subject of the most massive hunt in decades by the Ministry of Magic, died recently without ever receiving a trial. According to records obtained ....


Has Harry Potter been being played for a fool by the very wizard who was supposed to be protecting him? Sources close to the Boy-Who-Lived have turned over information that shows that he never was made aware of his true position in our society. According the reports received ....


Hogwarts is supposed to be the safest place in wizarding Britain. However, according to reliable sources, there have been several instances that prove this to be a false claim. A Defense professor possessed by he-who-must-not-be-named, a basilisk that petrified students ....


According to reports by several parents and students, Dolores Umbridge, Senior Undersecretary to Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge, spent her last year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry using illegal methods to torture several students, including Harry Potter. One student, speaking on the condition of anonymity ....

The two teens read over the stories and found that, unlike the Prophet's campaign of the year before, actually got most of the details right. There was nothing there that was particularly shocking, as the two had lived through most of it. But they were intrigued by the statement that more would be coming in the following days. Harry felt absolutely no desire to defend Dumbledore in the press. He looked forward to fanning the flames himself.

Harry and Hermione spent the morning relaxing and chatting about what was in the newspaper and a number of other things. After lunch, the two teens worked in their summer assignments, taking occasional breaks for a bit of snogging. Hermione decided on a new reward system which seemed to be most effective.

The next morning, the two teens once again got out of the same bed in the early hours, getting up to make breakfast for the adults. Harry was both anticipating and dreading the morning. The night before, after dinner, the four residents of the house talked and made plans for Saturday. Harry had plans to invite Amelia Bones over for dinner, as she had sent an owl asking for the interview she had mentioned. The Granger women had convinced Harry that it was time to shop for a new wardrobe. The gleaming eyes of both Emma and Hermione frankly scared him, no matter how much he longed to be rid of the cast offs from his obese cousin.

Before the group left for Harrods, the morning paper arrived. This time, all four sat around reading the news. Once again, the headlines were very interesting. One of them made Harry think back to the meeting with Sharpclaw before the will reading.

Sharpclaw, after thanking Harry for his generosity, continued with the instructions left by Sirius Black. "Now, there are a few more steps to be taken before the reading. First, after having a medical check and removing all potions and monitoring charms, I have been directed to read you the following:"

Hello, pup. You're probably either confused or upset right about now. I know you haven't been exactly told everything that's been happening, but the nature of the checks should have clued you in.

After spending several months with the Order of the Phoenix, several things that I learned and was previously not aware of started to make sense. I wondered at the stories of what you had been through since you were a kid. It got me to thinking about what happened after Peter betrayed your family and the Marauders; how I got chucked into Azkaban without a trial; how you ended up with your magic-hating muggle relatives; how, despite the wards at Hogwarts you ended up with several Defense teachers trying to kill you. After working out in my mind everything that happened, I came to one conclusion:

Dumbledore is using you.

For some reason, Dumbledore has made your life far more miserable than it should have been. I remembered how eager you were to move in with me and decided that there were things about how you grew up that were just wrong. I noticed how you never wanted to tell stories about what you did as a child and sussed out that it wasn't the most pleasant environment.

After talking to Moony about what you had experienced at Hogwarts, I decided to scout out what I could learn from the other Order members. Tonks told me of how she was forbidden from contacting her boss when she mentioned seeing things at your summer residence. Sorry to say, I played along a bit too much with Dumbledore's decisions. At first, it was because I thought that he was trustworthy, and then I did because I didn't want to end up obliviated or worse if I started questioning too loudly.

At various times, I had occasion to chat with the Weasleys. I have to say, Molly and Arthur seemed a bit too much in Dumbledore's camp. I noticed how they never mentioned some of the more unpleasant facts that I learned from chatting with the twins. When I mentioned that I had heard they had to rescue you from behind bars during the summer after first year, Molly scoffed at the "exaggeration" and Arthur laughed it off as the twins' prankster nature. I acted as though I accepted what she said, but a Marauder learns to play with a poker face. Never let them see what you know.

At Christmas time, you might have noticed that I seemed rather eager for you to be at Grimmauld with me, although I probably came off as a nutter yearning to recapture my youth with my best friend. That was deliberate. Yes, I would have much preferred you being at Grimmauld with me, but mostly because I began not trusting that you wouldn't be more manipulated when you went back to Hogwarts with the youngest spawn of Molly's.

I had chance to chat with the two said spawn, and I noticed that Ginny couldn't help herself and talked about how she was looking forward to dating you after she showed you that she was a girl by dating other boys in front of you. To her, you're a knight-in-shining armor which should be under the willing command of a princess such as herself. The romantic nature of her speech seemed feigned, but the "under the command" portion seemed anything but. Truth be told, she scared me a bit on you behalf.

The red-headed menace that called himself your best friend seemed quite jealous of the attention you receive, although he tried to hide the fact. When Hermione's name came up, the boy scoffed at the relationship that I saw between you and Hermione and basically said that she would end up as his. Once again, I was scared on behalf of both you and Hermione.

Finally, I ducked the house on a day where all of the other Order members were distracted with other things, and decided that I would prepare for the worst. I planned on talking to you about these things during the summer, but realized that things happen. Since you're hearing this, things HAVE happened. Don't grieve too much. If I went out the way I want to, I was protecting you and Hermione and nothing would please me more except spending more time with you personally. I'm sorry it's not possible, but I think you will be able to move on with your life knowing that, though it grieves me to not be there for you, I know that you can find happiness with the pretty girl who seems so important to you.

Before my will can be read, the following must be met: 1) You have to have been checked and cleared by a Gringott's certified healer for any potions used to control you. Hermione can be checked after the will, but it must be scheduled already and she has to agree to it. If she's with you, it's already been done. 2) This must be read to you at Gringott's. 3) Sharpclaw will perform a blood adoption ritual. He has the vial of my blood that's needed. In order for you to be properly protected, this must be done. If it's not, the Black estate will fall under the control of Lucius Malfoy and that must be avoided at all cost. I'm not trying to take the place of your parents -- I'm just making you my son as well, in addition to already being the son of my heart.

Now, you will learn a number of things I have planned with the Will, but trust me: I think you'll love it. When it's done, you'll know who you can trust. If the Weasley's prove trustworthy -- and you'll know by the end of it -- the instructions I have for Sharpclaw will take it into account. If they prove untrustworthy, just sit back and watch the show. Once a Marauder, always a Marauder.

Now, one more thing: I had a copy of your parents' wills in my vault for backup. The one that they had mysteriously disappeared and I have since learned that Dumbledore had obtained it as the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot. So, as I know it hasn't been followed, we know who is to blame for it. After my Will, you will get a copy. I leave it to you to use the information as you see fit. It's not my place as it's not my Will. But my Will will set it up. Trust me. You'll like it.

Okay, the next bit is coming in the reading.

I solemnly swear I am up to no good. And I love you, pup.

Your soon-to-be blood-father,


Harry thought about what Sirius had said as he read the headlines:

POTTER RELATIVES KEPT HIM BEHIND BARS: What the Weasleys Knew About and Never Reported

Per reports by two of the children of Arthur Weasley, Harry Potter was rescued from behind bars after his first year at Hogwarts. In August of 1992 ....


It is well known that the Boy-Who-Lived befriended Ronald Weasley on the train to Hogwarts upon his return to the magical world. What isn't known, apparently, is why. According to ....

WHY SIRIUS BLACK ESCAPED AZKABAN: Death Eater Lived in Hiding at Ministry Worker's Home

In a tell all letter from beyond the grave, Sirius Black explained in detail the impetus for his famous breakout from Azkaban Prison. In 1993, Cornelius Fudge visited Azkaban for an annual review. Black, a then-prisoner ....


According to several interviews, one of Albus Dumbledore's oldest friends is Alastor Moody, famed former-Auror. Moody was hired by Dumbledore in 1994 to take up the oft-vacant post of Defense Against the Dark Arts instructor at Hogwarts School ....

A/N: Sorry of this seemed a bit forced. My must got away from me for a bit, but I refuse to wait too long between updates. I am trying to get away from recounting EVERY detail of EVERY day - makes for a very slow story. So, I decided to at least get the ball rolling on the Headlines that I promised and set up what happens with Amelia and the Weasleys. It isn't HHr, but it's necessary for the plot. The next update will be longer and have much more detail that is relevant.