Unofficial Portkey Archive

14 Days and 14 Nights by Harrys Mistress

14 Days and 14 Nights

Harrys Mistress

Chapter 16

"You ran into the door?"

Ron paused from sipping his freshly popped bottle of beer long enough to scowl at Harry. "I didn't do it on purpose," he said before taking a long gulp.

"I should hope not," Draco pointed out before taking his own pull of his beer to hide his smirk.

"Like I said, I was caught off guard and…" He trailed off when he noticed both of them trying extremely hard not to laugh. "Oh, why don't you two just go ahead and laugh? I would if the roles were reversed."

"Thank Merlin," Harry managed to say before both him and Draco erupted into uncontrollable laughter. "Sorry. Sorry, Ron-I just can't get it out of my mind."

"Me, too. Me, too." Draco actually had to wipe a tear away from his cheek. He couldn't recall him ever laughing this hard in his life. "It's like a continuous Muggle movie going over and over in my mind. Bang….bang….bang."

"All right, that's enough," Ron said as he gave Malfoy a small shove.

"What's so funny?"

"Oh, let me tell it!" Harry said as he held up his hand like an eager student while Hermione breezed into the parlor room.

"Go ahead," Ron muttered as he took another sip of his beer. "I'm never going to live it down."

After Harry finished telling Hermione, with only a few erupted cackles in between, Hermione immediately presses her lips tightly together to keep her own giggles from escaping. "Oh. Well…hmm." She gives a look of sympathy at Ron but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't stop the giggle that tumbled out of her. "I'm sorry, Ron-truly, I…"

Ron just rolled his eyes as she continued to laugh. "Go ahead, laugh…let it allll out."

"I'm sorry-and the bump looks like it hurts-but, I just don't know why you got all flustered?" She laughed again as she accepted the glass of wine that Harry had poured for her. "It was just a towel-need I remind you she was in a lot less this afternoon."

"It's different," both Ron and Draco said at the same time.

Ron blinked at Draco for a moment, before giving him a quick nod of approval. "Yeah, it's different-it's more intimate and…"

"Sexy," Draco added when Ron had trailed off.

"Well, I don't know about that," Ron balked as he felt himself start to fluster.

"I'd have to agree with Malfoy on this one," Harry said as he toasted his beer to him.

"Exactly." Draco clinked the neck of his bottle with Harry's. "A woman who just stepped out of the bath or shower? Her skin all slick and damp? And let's not forget the fragrant crap they lather all over themselves."

"Stop." Harry placed a hand on his heart. "You're killing me."

"Okay, you're right," Ron said after a moment. "It's sexy. Sexy as hell."

Hermione snorted out a laugh. "You guys are pathetic," she said before sipping his wine.

"Oh, please," Harry said as he pointed an accusing finger at her. "Don't even think that we don't realize your breed lathers that fragrant crap-as Draco put it-just to drive us crazy."

Hermione gave him a soft, sultry, smirk. "Well-maybe we do, but it's not the only reason. We do it for ourselves, too-it makes us feel more feminine and empowering."

"Not to mention it makes our skin feel all soft and smooth as silk," Ginny added as she waltzed into the room. "Caught the tail end of the conversation, but want to know how it got started."

"It all started with hearing about Weaslebee's one on one encounter with Luna's door."

"Yes, I've heard all about it," Ginny said with a soft laugh.

"Really?" Hermione asked "How?"

Ginny glanced over at Ron and knew by the look on his face he hadn't shared the part when she walked in on them tangled together on the bed. "I happened to run into Ron on my way to see Luna myself," she finally said.

Ron let out a quiet breath of relief. Merlin knew the guys would rag on him even more if they knew that part of the story. He knew Ginny didn't tell for him, she was his little sister after all, and she always said it was her duty to tease him whenever possible. Ginny didn't tell them what happen to save Luna any embarrassment, and honestly, Ron didn't really care what the reason was, he was grateful to his baby sister. "Why don't I pour you a glass of wine, sis?"

Ginny's lips quivered up in a smirk. "Yes, why don't you?" she replied, fully knowing he owed her.

As Ginny breezed by him, Draco only had a moment to breath in the flowery scent, only had a moment to curse her for smelling so damn good, because he was distracted when he looked up to see Luna strolling in. "Hey, Luna," Draco said with a full out grin. "Welcome to the party. Don't worry, Weaslebee-you can look. She's fully dressed."

"Oh, kiss my ass," Ron blurted out.

Draco grimaced. "No, thanks."

Luna just giggled as she shuffled to the group, still decked out in her sparkly pink pants and white shirt. When Harry had told everyone that tonight was going to be super casual, she decided to take that to heart. With a quick glance around the group, she noticed she hadn't been the only one. The guys were all in jeans and a shirt, while her girlfriends were in stretchy pants and tops.

"I see-as Ronald predicted-you guys have been giving him a hard time."

"We sure have," Harry said with a grin and then gave Ron a friendly punch in the arm. "He's been taking it like a man."

"All teasing aside? I guess I don't blame him." Draco took Luna's hand and brushed her knuckles with his lips. "I'm sure you were a vision."

Luna blushed. How could she not? "Well. Golly."

Draco just grinned and when he saw the glare that Ronald was giving him, he thought: Mission accomplished. "Potter? Pour Lovegood a drink."

"Happy to," Harry said as he chuckled to himself.

"Just when I think I have you figured out," Ginny murmured to Draco, moments later when everyone else had scattered about the room. "You go ahead and manage to surprise me."

"Oh? And how did I manage that this time?"

"You're more observant than I thought. You realize how Luna feels about Ron and since you like her-you do like her, don't you?"

"Luna? Well, yeah-who wouldn't like a girl who wears sparkling pink pants?"

Ginny's lips twitched. "Right. So, because you like her, you're trying to help her by making my clueless brother realize how he might feel if you flirted with her."

"Hmm." He pondered a moment as he studied her. "You're also observant. Very good."

"Not that observant, I just found out how she feels about him tonight." With a slight frown she glanced over at Luna, who was sitting next to Hermione on the couch. "I love my brother, but if he hurts her, I'll punch him in the gonads."

"So violent, Red."

She gave him a poke. "And don't you forget it," she warned before walking off to join the others.

Draco took a moment to watch her walk away-she really did have a nice backside-before strolling over to the bar for a fresh beer. He was just fishing one out of the mini fridge when Hermione bellied up to the bar. "What's up, Granger?"

She lifted her wine glass, gave it a little jiggle. "Out of wine." She set the glass down and grabbed the already open bottle of red and finished it off. "Need to open another soon."

"I didn't know you were such a lush, Granger."

"Neither did I," she said with a grin before taking a sip. "You know what I've noticed about you, Malfoy?"

Draco popped the top of his beer, took a swig. "That I'm insanely good-looking?"

"Besides that."

"Oh." He leaned over and rested his forearms on the marbled surface. "Then no-I don't."

"As long as we've known each other, you've always called me, Granger-well, at least when you weren't calling me a mudblood."

"I'm sorry," he blurted out as he felt a twinge of shame twist painfully in his belly. "I know I can't go back and change that, but I want you to know that I don't use that word any more."

Hermione smiled as she placed a hand on his wrist. "I'm glad-that means a lot, Draco. I didn't bring this up to make you feel bad. I wanted to point out that it's different now. In the past, when you called me Granger, it was with such hatred and resentment-no, let me finish," she added quickly when he tried to talk.

"You still call me, Granger, but it's different. Your tone is softer, and friendly. Even when you call Harry, Potter or Ron, Weaslebee-it's the same thing. Ron hated when you called him that in school, but earlier, when you called him that, he didn't blink an eye. Even when you were teasing him-Ron could tell the difference, I can tell a difference and I'm sure Harry can tell a difference."

"I didn't even think about that," Draco finally said when he let everything she said sink in. "I did hate you guys-so much, because my father-it always goes back to him, doesn't it?" He sighed as he shook his head. "I'm not going to blame my father on this, it was all me. I was a messed up, angry and seriously disturbed person back than and-this past year has really changed me."

"I know," Hermione said and then let out a laugh. "I could tell the moment I laid eyes on you, Draco, and I guess I wanted you to know."


She laughed. "Please, call me Granger-I think I prefer it." She held out her glass to him in a toast. "Friends?"

"I'll be damned, I guess we are," he said as he clinked his bottle with her glass.

"Hey guys." Harry slid up next to Hermione. "What's going on?"

"Just having a sentimental moment…right, Granger?"

"Right," she said with a grin, then turned to Harry. "What's for dinner?"

"Pizza," he said after sharing a puzzled look between the two of them. "I'm about to go check and see if it's ready."

"We should eat outside." Hermione suggested as she glanced at the open doors leading to the terrace. "We can watch the sun go down."

"We can do that," Harry said as he casually reached up and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I'll go tell Claudia to set up outside. Be right back."

"Okay," she said and couldn't help the sigh that escaped her as she watched him walk out. She then turned to Draco and found him studying her with a smirk on his face. "What?"

"I saw that."

Hermione immediately put her back up. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Sure you don't," he said to her as she walked away and just chuckled when she sent him a death glare over his shoulder. "I definitely remember that look."

Later, they found themselves munching on delicious, greasy, pepperoni pizza on the terrace as the sun slowly began to sink beneath the water. Wine was consumed, and quickly poured when a glass became dangerously close to empty. Laughter rang out every once in awhile as conversations were exchanged within the six of them. The guys talked about Quidditch and which team they thought would end up on top.

"Chuddley Cannons all the way," Ron said with a mouthful of pizza.

Draco snorted. "You're delusional."

"No, he's just biased," Harry said as he washed down some pizza with some red wine he had switched to from beer. "He can't help it."

"Just wait," Ron said as he finished off his slice and since it was there, snagged another one. "Grubbs is our secret weapon. He's a hell of a Keeper. Bryans is a decent Seeker-not as good as you, Harry-if the Cannons had you on their team they'd be unstoppable."

"There's an idea," Ginny said as she set down her wine. "Ever think about going pro, Harry?"

"Pro?" He frowned slightly. "No, I…I haven't given it any thought, I always thought I'd be an Auror."

"That's what I'm going to be." Draco's eager chewing slowed as he looked around to see everyone staring at him. "What? Is that surprising?"

"Do Weasley's have red hair?" Harry asked with a short laugh. "Hell yeah, it's surprising. No offense, Draco-I know you've changed but-you were never really the…"

"Brave type?" he finished for him when Harry had trailed off. "Yeah, I know. One of the many things I hoped to change about me." No longer hungry, he tossed down is half eaten slice. "It's just something I want-need-to try and do. Make up for all the crap I've done in the past."

"I think it's great."

He looked at Ginny. "Really?"

She nodded, smiling softly. "Yeah, I do. And not to mention it'll give your father a good kick in the ass."

Draco grinned. "There is that."

"What about you, Gin?" Harry asked. "Any plans on working at the joke shop?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. I worked there for a few months after I graduated, but I don't think that's what I want to do. Ron has more of a knack for it then I do."

"I do?" Ron asked, stunned.

"Sure," she said giving him a confident punch in the arm. "You're good with the customers, I'll admit it surprised me, but you really have a way with working with them and knowing what they want. It's a good quality to have."

"Well," he said, slightly pleased. "I do love it and I've been thinking about asking George if maybe I could get more involved. I had wanted to wait awhile-after Fred's death."

"I think he'd love that," Luna said as she pushed aside her plate. "Both Fred and George."

"Well," he said again, this time a bit embarrassed. "We'll see."

"If you don't want the joke shop, what do you want to do?" Draco asked Ginny as he tipped back in his chair.

"Oh. Well." Slightly flustered, Ginny began fiddling with her paper napkin. "I've always-I mean, when I was younger, I had always imagined starting a new clothing line. I-I've always been into fashion and this and that-I have ideas and-I think I'd be good at it. I know it sounds stupid, but…"

"Why would it sound stupid?" Draco asked cocking his head to the side. "If it's what you want…go for it."

She lifted an uneasy shoulder. "I don't know. It's a lot of work and…financially, I don't think I can handle it right now."

"Save up," Luna suggested. "Work at the store, maybe even find some sort of job in fashion to help you get into the business."

"Lovegood's right," Draco said. "You're young enough to get it done and you have to start somewhere."

"Yeah," she said as she let out a breath. "Wow, now I'm all nervous about it. It was something I always planned to do, but never thought I'd get to do."

"I think you'll be brilliant," Hermione said, putting her two cents in. "You were the one who always tried to help me with my, Fashion Crisis, as you put it."

Ginny laughed. "It was all out of love, Hermione."

"Hey." Harry leaned forward and gave Hermione's arm a nudge. "What about you? Since we're all sharing our future goals and dreams, care to share?"

Hermione let out a breathless laugh as she shook her head. "I have nothing to share because I have no idea. After this, I'm going back to Australia, just until I know for sure they're all right."

"What's wrong with them?"

"I took away their memory," she told Draco. "Before the war and moved them down to Australia. I knew they'd be safer that way."

Draco nodded. "That was smart. Real smart. I know Voldemort had tried to find them. Don't worry," he said quickly when he saw the look of horror in her eyes. "He was no where close. He gave up on it almost as soon as he started looking. I'm only telling you so you'll know that whatever you're going through to get their memories back-both you and your parents-that it was worth it."

Hermione's shoulders slummed in relief as she felt Harry's comforting hand rub her back. "Thank you. That does help-knowing that it made a difference-that what I did was right. A part of me had always felt guilty. Now I feel relieved."

Harry gave Draco a quick nod of appreciation as he gently pulled Hermione to his side. Like Hermione, he too had felt guilty for what Hermione had chosen to do and for what she had to go through to get their memory back. It was good to know that it had all been worth it. "Well. Luna? I believe you're next."

"I want to write a book," she stated simply and confidently as she reached over to snag a piece of pepperoni from an uneaten piece and plopped it in her mouth.

"Really?" Ron asked turning towards her. "About what?"

"Anything and everything. About all the myths and legends my parents taught me, about the travels we made together. I also would like to write a book about the war-about my part of it and what it was like to be accepted by such an amazing group of friends. I, of course, was going to get your approval first, Harry, of everyone's approval actually, since he wouldn't be the only one in it. And I just want to…" She trailed off when everyone had said nothing and just stared at her with their mouths open. "It's stupid, isn't it? I knew it…It was just an idea and…"

"It's brilliant."

Luna's big blue eyes widened at Ron. "Really?"

"Yeah…I think so at least. It'll be fantastic."

"I agree," Draco said as he sat back up in his chair. "And if I'm lucky enough to make it in your book, don't soften me. I was a real asshole to you and these guys during that time, so don't sugarcoat me."

Luna smiled. "Wasn't planning on it."

"Good," he said with a nod. "Go for it, then."

"Harry?" Luna asked. "I wouldn't even think about it without…"

"Like Draco said, go for it." He smiled at her. "I better get the first copy though."

She laughed. "That's a deal."

"Well, why don't we clear the table and bring it to the kitchen?" Harry suggested after a moment as he reluctantly slipped off his arm that he had kept around Hermione's shoulders and stood up. "I thought we'd have a movie night. There were a lot of videos left behind."

"That sounds like a great idea," Hermione said as she and everyone else got up as well and started clearing. "I love movies."

"I've only seen a few," Draco said as he picked up his plate, along with one of the platters that held the pizza. "It was an action movie. Lots of blood and explosion. I was pretty impressed."

"I've never seen a Muggle movie," Ron said. "Could be fun."

"I vote for something without blood and explosion."

"I second that, Ginny," Hermione said as she lifted a hand.


"Suck it up, Malfoy," both Hermione and Ginny said as they walked back inside.

"I'll watch a movie with blood and explosion with you sometime, Draco."

Draco grinned. "Thanks, Luna…you're the only girl around here that's nice to me."

Ginny snorted. "Please."

"See? She's mean."

"Right, and you're a ray of sunshine," Ginny pointed out as they walked into the kitchen. "Thanks for dinner, Claudia. It was great."

"You are welcome, Miss Weasley. Everyone just set plates down and I'll clean. Everyone out and have fun."

"Don't offer her to help with the dishes," Harry warned. "She'll just bite your head off."

"That is right," Claudia said as she playfully slapped him with a dishtowel. "Now, out of my kitchen."

"All right, we're going." Harry led them into the den with the large telly. "How bout girls pick the movies tonight and the guys will have a say the next time we do this?"

"I guess that's fair," Ginny said and then gestured to Luna and Hermione. "Come on girls, let's pick a fluffy romantic movie."

Draco groaned. "Gee, thanks, Potter. Great idea."

"We'll pay them back with blood and explosions," Harry promised before plopping down on the couch. "Might as well get comfortable, guys. This might be a rough night."
