Once again, before schedule I believe a new chapter! I'm getting pretty good at this haha. Thanks for all the awesome reviews-I'll reply in the next day or two. Nothing is mine. Except Cliffinshire. That is mine, my very own. So bite it, JKR, haha. Kidding.
Except it really is mine. Hehe.
CHAPTER TWO: The Highlight Comes When You Kiss Me
That trying not to love you, only went so far
Trying not to need you, was tearing me apart
Now I see the silver lining, from what we're fighting for
We just keep on trying, we could be much more
'Cause trying not to love you
Oh, yeah, trying not to love you
Only makes me love you more
Only makes me love you more
"Trying Not to Love You" NICKEBLACK
Hermione stretched out lazily on her bed, shielding her eyes from the light filtering in through
the dark curtains. It took only a few seconds for Hermione's mind to catch up with her surroundings. She quickly
glanced over to the other side of the bed, but it was empty. Both relief and disappointment swept over her
simultaneously. Yes, she would have liked waking up next to Harry, but also…this was all completely new to her, and a
few private moments to calm herself wasn't a bad idea.
She was on an unsupervised vacation with her boyfriend-and two other blokes would be joining them at some point. She had told her parents it was a family vacation-as in quite a few people would be here. She didn't like to lie, but it was easier than facing the accusatory looks she knew she would have gotten. Yes, she was eighteen, almost nineteen and Harry would be eighteen in less than two weeks, but Hermione still felt as if this was a very mature thing to be doing. She slept with Harry in his bed. She had fallen asleep with him before a few times, but this was different. They had been at school. Once, it had been an accident. The other few times…well, that hadn't been an accident, but still, it was different. Now, they had a house to themselves for the time being until Ron and Draco got here. The boundaries were gone-the night before proved that much.
The previous night flashed through Hermione's mind, and a smile crossed her face. Harry had told her he loved her. H loved her. Hermione knew that she had strong feelings for Harry. She knew it could have quite possibly been love for awhile-starting out friendly but blossoming into a romantic way in a short period of time. She had known Harry for less than a year. But once they became friends, they had been completely inseparable. When you are with someone twenty-four/seven, feelings can grow and change quickly.
Yes, she loved him. She knew Harry must have loved her as well, even if neither had said it yet. When she looked back at actions, not words spoken, that much was obvious. But hearing him say it, and shyly telling in him return…it felt like a big step. Just like this vacation was a big step. The next big step swam lazily in her mind. She turned over the bold moves on both their parts the night before over in her head. Was she ready for that sort of thing? If she had to ask, then she doubted she was. There were plenty of other things they could do though, things she felt she might certainly be ready to explore, right here in the haven of Harry's bed.
Hermione felt a blush creep slowly up her neck. It was thrilling, being in Harry's actual bed, rather than some bed at school that was theirs for awhile, but ultimately, didn't belong to them. No, this was one of Harry's bedrooms. She let her eyes wander around the room: blue-gray walls, a deep brown hardwood floor with a large blue and black area rug, dark curtains covering the two windows, and simple furniture decorated the room. His dresser was black with silver knobs with a mirror behind it. A flat screen television sat on top of a chest of drawers that matched the dresser. She was lying in a sea of soft gray sheets and a matching comforter. A small leather love seat was against a wall. A lamp and alarm clock sat on the bedside table, its green digits telling her it was after nine. The room was relatively clean, no doubt the result from not being lived in often. Hermione closed her eyes and inhaled the scent of the comforter, so distinctly Harry.
Hermione slowly slid out of Harry's bed. Where was he? She grabbed her hair tie from the nightstand, pulled her bushy brown hair up, and after taking a deep breath, exited the room. She heard noises coming from the direction of the kitchen. She gradually made her way down the hall, the carpet muffling her footsteps.
Standing over the stove was Harry, clad in a pair of plaid pajama pants and a gray tank top. Hermione crept up behind him stealthily until she was inches from him. Just as she was about to wrap her arms around him, Harry spoke, "I know you're behind me. You need to work on your ninja skills." He reached around and caught her arms and pulled her so her chest was flush against his back as he wrapped her arms around his middle.
Hermione laughed and hugged him tighter. "And here I thought I was being rather stealthy."
Harry spun around in her arms. "Sorry, but you walk like an elephant." He bent down and kissed her.
Hermione quickly pulled away, self-conscious of her morning breath against Harry's minty fresh scent. "I'm going to hit to loo, if that's alright." She said, covering her mouth.
Harry grinned. "Down the hall. Hurry, breakfast is done."
In the bathroom, Hermione took in her appearance. Her hair was a mess. Her teeth unclean. Brown eyes still slightly groggy from recently waking up. "Ugh." She said to her reflection in the mirror. She grabbed her toothbrush first, taking great care to clean each individual tooth. She ran a brush through the bird nest on top of her head, then pulled it back up into a messy but smoother bun. Looking around, Hermione tried to locate a hand towel. Feeling a little uncomfortable going through the drawers, she was relieved to find a washcloth on her second attempt-good enough. She located her face wash, already put away in the shower ledge, and washed her face, rinsing with cool water. Now that she was fully awake and no longer looked like the walking dead, Hermione returned to the kitchen.
Harry already had breakfast on the bar for her, a plate full of eggs, bacon, hash browns and toast. Hermione sat down and looked over at Harry's plate: a small bowl of oatmeal porridge and a half-eaten banana Harry must have been snacking on while cooking. To top it all off, a thick protein shake sat beside his glass of water. Hermione took a sip of her orange juice and said with a laugh, "Well, doesn't that all just look appetizing?"
Harry grinned. "Believe it or not, it tastes even worse than it looks." He filled a large spoonful and took a bite hungrily.
Hermione cut up her eggs and started to spread the yolky-deliciousness on her toast. "Well, perhaps if you weren't so fat…" She trailed off playfully, feeling her uneasiness melt away as their morning banter continued. Even in the most uncomfortable situation, Harry had a way of easing her mind without even trying to. She felt completely safe with him.
Harry laughed and continued to eat his poor excuse for breakfast, finishing quickly and washing it down with his shake.
Watching him wolf down his breakfast, Hermione couldn't help but giggle. "If you devour it fast, I'm guessing you taste less?"
Harry nodded, tapping his temple. "I never knew you were so smart." He winked.
Hermione rolled her eyes and scooped a large bite of eggs on her fork. Hovering her left hand under the fork-load so she wouldn't drop it, she brought the bite to Harry's lips. "One bite won't kill you."
Harry opened his mouth and let her feed him her eggs. "Delicious." He said, his eyes twinkling behind his glasses.
Hermione smiled and felt her face heat up under his gaze. She turned her focus back to her food. "Did you go for a run this morning? I was surprised you weren't there when I woke up." She said slowly, taking another bite.
Harry nodded. "Sorry. I needed to get a run and work out in. Keep my eye on the prize. I figure if I do it early, then you'll never miss me." He replied, stealing a sip of her juice.
Hermione broke off a small piece of bacon and brought it to Harry's lips, "You love food almost as much Ron. This must be torture." As Harry moved to take the bite, Hermione pulled it away and popped the piece of meat into her own mouth. "Delicious." She repeated his word from earlier, her expression full of mirth.
"Just for your teasing, I'm going to let you clean up." He said, eyeing the small pile of dishes and spattered grease on the stove.
Hermione shrugged, grabbed Harry's wand from the counter and casually flicked it in the direction of the mess. Immediately, bubbles formed over the dishes and they began washing themselves. Another wave, and the mess on the stove vanished. "So what's on the agenda today?" Hermione asked, using her toast to wipe the remaining yolk from her eggs from her plate.
Harry smiled. "You'll see. Get dressed."
Hermione drained the last of her juice. "Okay. Do you mind if I take a shower?" Hermione asked, feeling both stupid for asking but rude for just assuming she could. This wasn't her house.
Harry made a gesture of victory. "Oh thank Merlin, I was hoping you would. I didn't want to say anything, but damn, your smell is a little offensive to my nose." Harry said, wrinkling said feature in mock disgust.
Hermione shoved him playfully. "And you can finish cleaning yourself for that one."
Harry grinned and simply mimicked her earlier movement with his wand. "If only if was as easy as waving a wand and mumbling some sort of hocus-pocus!"
Hermione rolled her eyes and hopped off her stool. Harry grabbed her hand and led her to the bathroom. "Here are the towels." He said opening a cupboard. "Wash clothes are over in that drawer. All your stuff is already in the shower. Um…you've obviously found your toothbrush and all that. Under the sink is where extra toilet paper is. If you need anything, maybe a hand to wash your back or whatever, just yell." Harry said cheekily. Hermione promptly pushed him from the room and locked the door. She quickly got undressed and started the shower. Harry had all of her things lined neatly on two of the shower ledges. On the other two were his own things. Hermione reached over and opened his shampoo and inhaled the bloke scent of it that Harry's hair always smelled like. She couldn't help but smile.
Hermione tried to rush through her shower, but was slowed down by annoying things like shaving and trying to get all the shampoo from her massive amount of hair. Finally, she turned off the water and stepped out onto the mat on the floor. She realized she hadn't brought in any clothes. "Dammit." Hermione wrapped the large, fluffy towel around her body and eased the bathroom door open. Praying Harry wasn't in his bedroom, Hermione tiptoed down the hall and peeked inside the room.
Empty. Relieved, Hermione rushed inside and locked the door. Leaning against the door, Hermione laughed. She was in a boy's bedroom, naked. Snickering still, Hermione went over to the drawers and began to pulling out fresh clothes.
What should she wear? She knew they were on the ocean, but she didn't know if they were going to be going swimming or not. It was still early in the day, Hermione decided, so she just opted for a t-shirt and capris. Finally donning on her flip flops and grabbing her camera, Hermione headed for the living room. She could hear Harry talking to someone. Had Ron and Draco already come?
To her surprise, Harry was alone. He was lounging on the couch, Xbox controller in his hand and his attention on the screen. "Did your baby sister teach you how to shoot like that? Bleeding pansy…….Oh yeah? What are you, twelve? Do you kiss your mum with that mouth?" Hermione noticed he had on a headset of sorts, talking into the mic on it. He was wearing a pair of tan shorts and black t-shirt. Standing behind him, unnoticed, Hermione powered on her camera and took a picture of the scene. Hearing the camera, Harry turned his attention behind him.
"What are you playing?" Hermione asked, coming around and sitting on the edge of the couch. "And who are you talking to?" She asked, eyeing his headset.
"Black Ops. And some idiot that keeps getting himself killed, Gunnman14. Just a little friendly trash talk." Harry said with a wink.
Hermione raised an eyebrow. "And he's twelve?" She asked slowly. "Playing…violent shooting games?" Hermione watched as Harry threw some sort of bomb or grenade or something and blew up someone with the gamertag Destr0yer187.
Harry shrugged. "Could be. Not very talented, that's for sure."
Hermione nodded. "So…"
"How was your shower?" Harry asked, turning back to the screen.
"Fine." Hermione replied.
"Cool. Nice playing with you mate, but it's about to get x-rated over here on my end, so I'm going to let you go." Harry reached over and turned the television off.
"You did not just tell that to a twelve year old!" Hermione said, her jaw dropping.
Harry shrugged. "He might have been fourteen, who knows? More importantly…" Harry grabbed Hermione's hand pulled her so she was lying on top of him. "I can kiss you now, right? No more hygiene excuses?" He asked, bringing his hand up to cup the side of her face.
Hermione let herself be pulled down into a heated kiss, but pulled away after a minute or so as Harry's hands were getting friendly with her bum. "As fun as snogging with my boyfriend on a couch is…" Hermione said, moving to her feet and offering Harry a hand, "I think I'd like to see more of Cliffinshire. I was promised beautiful sights."
Harry moved to pull Hermione back down, but she danced out of his reach. "Come on, Potter." She called, heading for the door. Harry rolled off the couch, grabbed his wand that he wasn't going to keep too far from his reach, and followed her out of the door. He shoved his wand in his deep pockets and reached out to take Hermione's hand.
They walked silently down the pathway and cut across the yard, heading for the beach. The sky was gray, along with the waters. Waves rolled in the shore, white sea foam crashing against the sand. The beach was mostly deserted, only a handful of people jogging or throwing a Frisbee back and forth. "Here's the beach. The sunlight isn't coming out today, but don't worry, it will sometime this week." Harry said, point to the water.
The smell of the ocean air assaulted Hermione's senses, a mixture of sea and salt. She liked it. She squeezed Harry's hand, and felt him do the same. "This is beautiful." She said, reaching suddenly into her pocket for her camera.
"Yeah, but the best view is up on the cliffs. Don't worry, I'll show you." He assured her mischievously, looking over a ways towards a set of cliffs that lined part of the sea. Their large, gray faces stood solemnly against the relentless attack from the mutinous waves.
"Do you surf?" Hermione asked, eyeing a few people attempting to ride the waves.
Harry chuckled. "A little, but not very well. Draco can tear the waves up pretty decently. Ron is about as same as me-took him awhile to understand why a Muggle would attempt to ride a board on water. But we can go surfing, if you'd like. Might want to wait for a better day-less wind, more sun. Could be fun." Harry replied, looking out at the water.
Hermione shook her head. "Trust me when I say that's not a good idea. Have you seen me…well, try to do anything even remotely athletic?" She laughed.
Harry smirked. "We'll give it a try. Let's go on the boardwalk."
Harry took Hermione down the boardwalk, pointing out different points of interest, assuring her they would do most of them during their time in Cliffinshire. Hermione noticed how laid back most of the people around here were. She could understand why Sirius would thrive in a place like this, and it was easily understandable why Harry loved it here as well.
They spent most of the morning and early afternoon exploring the town on foot. Harry showed her some of his favorite spots, promising to take her to the top of the cliffs later, said he had special plans for that one with that impish look he so often got that told Hermione he was going to show her one more time just how lucky she was.
"So when are Ron and Draco going to come here?" Hermione asked, asking about their mutual friends.
Harry shrugged. "I'm not entirely sure. I know Ron picked up a job at his brothers' joke shop for the time being. And Draco…I haven't talked to him much. I know he's after a spot on Puddlemere's reserved team, so he's been training like mad. Try-outs are at the end of September." Harry answered, relaying all the information he's gotten so far.
"Do you think he'll make it?" Hermione asked.
Harry nodded. "Yeah. He's a really good Quidditch player. He won't be on the reserve team too long before being put in the games. I'd say less than a year."
They had circled back to the house. "Let's find some lunch." Harry said, opening the door for her. Hermione moved to go through the door, but Harry's arm suddenly barred her entrance. He lifted her chin and placed a soft kiss on her lips. "I love you." He said, his eyes suddenly serious.
Hermione smiled. "I love you too."
The next few days were a blur. Harry and Hermione spent most of the day just being lazy and enjoying each other's company. Movies, food, and games took up most of their time. Harry was now caught up on the first two seasons of Friends, and Hermione could navigate her way around the Der Riese map and get a solid four rounds by herself in his Black Ops game. It was pretty poor, but she was proud nonetheless.
It was quite possibly the laziest vacation in the world, but Hermione didn't care. She was having a great time.
"Sorry! Oh goodness! I'm so sorry!" Hermione apologized for the tenth time to the headset on her head. She was playing Zombie mode with two other people via internet, and Z0mbieHead1989 had to revive her for the sixth time so far. "I just can't get anywhere with this gun!" She tried to tell them, but at the moment, he was using a few well choice words that were rather offensive. "Well, that's a little on the foul side, don't you think? Hey, I'm sorry! I'm a beginner over here. Yeah? Well that's just fine, you jerk!" Hermione said, ripping the headset off and tossing it on the couch. "That was just a little rude. He's so lucky I can't hex him through the headset." She mumbled as she watched her screen go red before gray again, as she had been once again taken down.
A chuckle behind her made Hermione turn around. Harry, sweating from head to toe, was standing in the door way, worn out from his run.
Hermione felt her face redden. "What? He was being mean!"
Harry picked up her controller and looked at the stats thus far. "I told you, Hermione, people can be prats on this game. He's probably some loser pro with nothing better to do than make girls cry over the internet because girls make him cry in real life." He said with a chuckle. "And babe, you truly are awful at this game. You can't blame them for getting a little upset." He said with a laugh.
"I am not awful!" Hermione said indignantly.
"You're new. You're awful. And that's fine. I don't mind sucking at all." Harry explained with a grin.
With an evil glint in Hermione's eye, she stood and pulled him down for a sultry kiss and trailed her lips up his sweaty neck to his ear before saying huskily, "Something tells me you wouldn't mind me sucking one bit." She bit his ear lobe playfully as her hand bravely ventured down his stomach and grazed the front of his shorts lightly. Before Harry could respond, she turned around and walked towards his bedroom to hide her blushing face.
Harry stood there, goosebumps still on his shoulders and arms, and his blood quickly draining south. "Damn you woman." He breathed, feeling even hotter than before, but it had nothing to do with his run.
After giving himself a few seconds to calm down, Harry played with the idea of calling her bluff. As he walked down the hall, he turned into the bathroom for a shower instead of his bedroom where he so desperately wanted to go.
I still hear your voice when you sleep next to me
I still feel your touch in my dreams
Forgive me my weakness, but I don't know why
Without you it's hard to survive
'Cause every time we touch, I get this feeling
And every time we kiss I swear I could fly
Can't you feel my heart beat fast,
I want this to last
Need you by my side
'Cause every time we touch, I feel the static
And every time we kiss I reach for the sky
Can't you hear my heart beat so
I can't let you go
Want you in my life
Your arms are my castle
Your heart is my sky
They wipe away tears that I cry
The good and the bad times
We've been through them all
You make me rise when I fall
"Every Time We Touch" CASCADA
Ready to enact his own revenge on the minx in his bedroom, he walked into his room in a towel, whistling carelessly. Hermione was standing at the window, her gaze out into the dimming light. She turned around at his intrusion and quickly returned her eyes to the window. Harry comfortably made his way over to his top drawer and pulled out a pair of boxers to put on. He toweled his dripping hair, making sure to shake his head in her direction to rain tiny droplets on her. He slipped his pajama pants on before slowly coming up behind her.
He placed his lips at the crook of her neck, and could feel the warmth radiating from her face. He knew he had embarrassed her, and that made him smile against her skin. Feeling his own body heat up, Harry's hands found the hem of her tank top and slowly eased it over her head. He couldn't believe how much he craved her skin. Harry could feel his heart beat pick up at the sight of her naked back. He allowed his hands to trace the straps of her bra before meeting at the clip in the middle. He easily opened the back of the bra and slid the garment down her arms until she was completely naked from the waste up, like he was.
He heard her breath hitch and watched as goosebumps erupted over her shoulders and arms in the wake of his hands sliding unhurriedly across her skin. He rubbed small, leisure circles on her back. Satisfied that she wasn't going to stop him, Harry stepped closer and drug his lips across the skin on her shoulder as his roaming hands left her back and ventured to her stomach, then finally, up to her breasts. Hermione let out a gentle moan, her hands reaching up to grab the back of his neck to pull his lips closer to her. Encouraged by her reaction, Harry brought his body flush against her, skin to skin. He pressed his growing hard-on against her bum, and involuntarily began to grind against her.
Hermione's hands began to wander as well. Reaching behind her, Hermione's daring hands slipped beneath the waistband of his pajama pants. Harry groan in response, his hands dropping and catching on the window sill. Emboldened by his response, Hermione's hands continued to explore-experimenting what sort of touch elicited the delicious sounds in her ear.
Harry was losing his head. He was supposed to be in control and getting back at Hermione. Suddenly, he didn't care anymore who was in control. "Fuck it." He muttered before forcefully spinning Hermione around and trapping her against the wall, her hands pinned above her head in one of his as his mouth attacked hers. Hermione fought to free her hands, and somehow managed to gain use of her limbs. Harry reached down and picked her up, her legs wrapping around his waist. Harry stumbled backwards until they crashed onto his bed and fell into a sea of blankets.
Harry's mouth slid from Hermione's lips to her neck and collarbone, then he trailed her chest. Hermione moaned and bucked involuntarily beneath him at the unfamiliar sensations he brought her, her hands gripping his hair. He kissed down her stomach until he reached the button on her jeans. Old conversations with Ron and Draco over the last few months popped into mind-what to expect, what to do, technique-meaningless advice or toe-curling pointers?
He decided to just go with his instincts and journeyed his lips back to hers while his fingers inched below the front of her jeans and his thumb flicked open the top button. His tongue twirled with Hermione's in a victory dance as her zipper slid down and his hands gripped her jeans to shimmy them at a painfully deliberate pace down her legs. Oh bloody hell what were they getting in to?! He found himself not giving a fuck as her jeans hit his bedroom floor.
I've got no regret right now (I'm feelin' this)
The air is so cold and null (I'm feelin' this)
Let me go in her room (I'm feelin' this)
I wanna take off your clothes(I'm feelin' this)
Show me the way to bed (I'm feelin' this)
Show me the way you move (I'm feelin' this)
Fuck it it's such a blur (I'm feelin' this)
I love all the things you do (I'm feelin' this)
Fate fell short this time
Your smile fades in the summer
Place your hand in mine
I'll leave when I wanna
Where do we go from here
Turn all the lights down now
Smiling from ear to ear (I'm feelin' this)
Our breathing has got too loud (I'm feelin' this)
Show me the bedroom floor (I'm feelin' this)
Show me the bathroom mirror (I'm feelin' this)
We're taking this way too slow (I'm feelin' this)
Take me away from here (I'm feelin' this)
"Action" BLINK 182
Harry jerked awake, a sharp pain searing through his scar. Harry almost fell off the bed in surprise. He was breathing hard, as if he had just run a long distance. Pulling up to a sitting position, Harry reached over for his glasses on his bedside table. His sheet fell away from his chest, exposing his bare chest to the cool air. He shivered as goosebumps erupted over his skin. Harry slowly got out of bed, rubbing his scar, and turned the fan on low.
His scar had woken up him up. A quick flash of pain. As the bed creaked under his weight, Harry turned on his side to look at the sleeping form next to him. Hermione had her back to him, hunched in a ball with her hair in wild tangles behind her. She was wearing a large bed shirt and pajama bottoms. Very little skin was exposed. Had she rubbed her arm against him?
No. This wasn't from Hermione. Harry refused to believe it as his blood began to pump wildly in his ears. Was he shaking? Taking a deep breath, Harry slowly reached out and hovered his finger inches from her arm. For a few seconds, he was motionless before gently brushing his fingers up the length of her arm.
Nothing more than the soft, warm skin he had been exploring the night before. Harry let out the breath he had been holding. His scar had nothing to do with Hermione. Which meant it had everything to do with Voldemort.
Harry gently planted a kiss on Hermione's arm and hugged her close to him. He closed his eyes as he inhaled her scent, wiling it to wash away the uneasiness he was feeling from his scar. Had he been dreaming about something? An afternoon on the lake in a small rowboat came to Harry's mind. Once he had been rudely woken up by Hermione's prank, he had this similar troubled feeling. Red eyes had haunted him then. Now, Harry wasn't sure when haunted him-something was brewing, that he knew.
Harry closed his eyes again, once again wishing these problems would vanish in the warmth of Hermione's body next to him. He didn't want to face this. He didn't want to be mixed up with Voldemort.
He wanted to be young and just enjoy a vacation with his girlfriend without his scar bothering him or feeling guilty about running away from his problems.
He wasn't running away. He was running away. He was taking a well-deserved break. He was leaving the fight for others.
Harry had a hard time swallowing that logic. Didn't he train every day? Wasn't he working his ass off to better himself, so he could protect Hermione, his mother and father, and everyone else he cared about?
No, he couldn't accept that he was running away from anything. Wanting some distance, but still very much in the fight. It wasn't like Voldemort was knocking on their door at the moment. He had sat in on the meetings. He had listened to the routine information. Right now, they were experiencing the calm before the storm. No time was promised to him, and no future either.
Harry recalled the words of Hagrid before they had left the school at the end of term. He had told Harry there wasn't any use in getting all bent out of shape. It wouldn't change anything. What was going to come, was going to come, and either way, they would all have to meet it when it got there.
Voldemort was coming. If there was anything Harry knew, he knew that. Voldemort was coming for all of them, and he was going to fight hard.
But he wasn't here now. Right now, Harry was wrapped around the girl he loved with the knowledge that everyone he loved-family and friends alike-were safe, for the moment anyway.
And he would do everything he could to keep it that way. Harry looked over at the time, and saw that it was just after five in the morning. He eased out of bed, grabbed his workout clothes, and headed out of the room for his run.
Despite knowing Hermione was safe, Harry kept his run close to Sirius's house. He put up every ward he could think of. He ran harder than he ever had, wanting to get his miles in and be done, just so Hermione wouldn't be alone in the house. To ease his distress, Harry tried to let his mind wander back to the previous night.
Heat crept in his cheeks as a huge smile fought its way onto his face. Last night had been amazing. Being novices didn't stop them from exploring each other in an awkward but rewarding way. Harry could still hear the embarrassing sounds Hermione couldn't hold back that she pulled a pillow over her blushing face as his hands discovered what she did and didn't like, with her own hand shyly teaching him what felt good to her. After a long but satisfying experience, Harry had felt like a champ. Having her trembling thighs impulsively snap together over forearm, taking his hand hostage as her body jerked forward and some of the sexiest sounds he'd ever heard tumble from her lips in soft moans-yes, he was definitely a victor.
Hermione needed little guidance on her part, as it was simple to please him-after all, wanking off is a pretty straight forward act. Pushing past her embarrassment, Hermione had gotten him off easily. Harry smiled as he remembered the sexy but determined look in her eyes in the moonlight. Merlin, it had felt good. He had his own inhibitions of being that vulnerable in front of her for the first time: naked, vocal, and inexperienced, but together, they pushed boundary lines back just a little bit further. And Harry couldn't wait to test those waters as well.
Getting a little too turned on and uncomfortable while trying to run with his growing hard-on, Harry quickly switched his thoughts to focus more on the music in his ears, and less about Hermione getting him off. Or her naked. Or her mouth. Or anything about her at the moment, really.
Finally satisfied he had completed his run, Harry leaned against a tree that was between Sirius's house and the ocean to catch his breath and nurse a stitch in his side. As he stared out at the dark gray water in the budding sunlight where the ocean crashed onto the sand, a vision of dark water emitting an eerie emerald color from below the surface flashed before his eyes. A rocky shoreline met the unnatural water, and the lake had been encased in a room formulated from rock. The ceiling was endless and disappeared into blackness. Harry reached back and grabbed the tree for support as his knees buckled from the strange intrusion.
What was that? He tried to recall the image, but it was gone. What room had a lake in it? It had been huge. The quick flash had reminded Harry of the dungeons at Hogwarts, with the strange glow from the lake and wet, rocky walls. Except it had been a different glow, threatening and dangerous. And coarse, jagged walls.
Perhaps a cave? It looked very much like a cave, from Harry could remember. However, the image was growing darker by the second. A sense of déjà vu overcame him. He had experienced the same thing that vey morning, trying to catch a phantom dream that just wouldn't come back. Even as he thought it, he knew suddenly that the-cave?-had been in his dream. He was sure of it. He had definitely dreamt of those green waters, and looking out on a similar scene of the shoreline before him now had triggered the memory.
The ominous feeling growing inside of him, Harry cast one last quick glance at the water, perhaps to trigger the memory again, but got nothing. Then he turned around and sprinted for the house to check on Hermione.
Harry quietly eased his bedroom door open and tip toed inside. Hermione was just as he had left her, slumbering peacefully with a small smile on her face. She had taken up part of his side of the bed, her arm curled around his pillow. Relief swept over him. He stood there for several minutes, watching her sleep but not really seeing her. Instead he was wondering just how much danger he had put the both of them in, insisting on this vacation. He attempted to push away the guilty feelings and went for a shower. "We're fine." Harry reassured himself in a mutter that didn't exactly diminish his worries.
After his shower, he called his mother. He asked how things were going and let her know everything was fine on his end. He had no intention of telling her of his dream, or scar. He knew she would freak out and insist on him coming home immediately, even if she had to come here and put him in full body bind herself.
Harry kept his tone light and asked about work and everything else he could think of. He knew she was still unhappy with him, but she seemed over it for the most part. He talked to her until she had to get ready for work, and hung up with the promise to call her later. Still quite early and knowing Hermione was bound to sleep for at least another hour or two, Harry found his way to Sirius's study. A book shelf lined part of one of the walls, filled with books mostly concerning defense against dark arts. Harry read most of the titles, pausing to pull a few volumes out. He left the study with two books on advanced defense spells and another one an account of Voldemort's reign of terror entitled Most Evil Dark Lord in Britain.
Harry thumbed through the advanced spell books for a few minutes before propping up the book on Voldemort against an appliance and began reading as he slowly started making breakfast.
The book did not go into Voldemort's childhood, and instead picked up a few years after Hogwarts. Harry read about how Voldemort slowly gained the loyalty of like-minded followers in a reign against Muggles and those in the Wizarding World that were Muggleborns. The Dark Lord, while somewhat tame at first, quickly snowballed into a psychopath, the power accelerating his desire for control the Wizarding World. Those that stood in his way were quickly and maliciously defeated in the worst of ways.
It was like reading a book he had already read, but with fresh eyes now that it applied to him personally. Voldemort's story was widely known, but Harry only knew the basics. As he continued to read just how evil this wizard had truly been, he found it difficult to swallow that he had "defeated" him at one time. How could he? He wasn't anything special. Dumbledore's explanation about Clarence's husband's love for him-very much like a grandfather-had saved his life seemed…lacking. It caused a lump in Harry's throat that this man he never knew had died for him. He thought about Clarence-Hermione's very own mentor he had never really met. The lady must hate him, Harry thought. He had essentially taken her husband from him.
Harry wondered why if that was why he didn't know the woman. His parents had obviously been close to this woman at one time. However, she had disappeared from their lives, and Harry knew it was his fault. The lady may not blame him, but he had a feeling that on some level, she must have found it difficult to continue a friendship with the Potters. Harry couldn't blame her.
Harry berated himself as he jogged out to his car and searched under the seat. He knew it was there. He had seen it a few days before, surprised to find it but instead of tossing it out, he simply shoved it deeper out of sight. Just in case. As in, just as his thoughts became too overwhelming, just as the prophecy slowly began to suffocate him as he turned the words over in his head again and again, and just as he began an internal battle with his unwanted demons; Harry found his way to the back patio, a cigarette between his thumb and forefinger, the remainder of the pack stashed under his seat still.
I'm gettin' edgy
All the time
There's someone around me
Just a step behind
It's kinda scary
The shape I'm in
The walls are shakin'
And they're closing in
Too fast or
A bit too slow
I'm paranoid of people
And it's starting to show
One guy that
I can't shake
Over my shoulder
Is a big mistake
Sitting on the bed
And I'm lying wide awake
There's demons in my head
And it's more than I can take
I think I'm on a roll
But I think it's kinda weak
Sayin' all I know is
I gotta get away from me
"Gotta Get Away" THE OFFSPRING
A few drags in, he heard an alarm go off, but it was quickly cut short. Harry jumped, almost dropping his cigarette. Harry stepped inside the patio door and listened carefully with his wand trained the front door. He stood at the entrance to the living room, blood pounding in his ears. Very few people knew the password he had set to turn the alarm off, which meant this was most likely a friend rather than foe. Still, his hand shook as he waited while the door knob turned slowly. Heart somewhere in his throat, Harry didn't move.
It was Sirius. "Dammit, Harry, lower your wand!" He said, eyes wide. "It's just me!"
Harry instantly lowered his wand and relief washed over him. "Fuck, Sirius, you almost gave me a heart attack!"
Sirius quickly crossed the living room and joined Harry in the kitchen. His eyes automatically went to the cigarette in Harry's hand, an eyebrow raised.
Harry strode over to the patio door and went back outside, his godfather in toe.
"I don't need a lecture." Harry said automatically. Harry turned to see Sirius behind him, the book he had been reading in his hand.
"A bit of light reading?" He asked sarcastically.
Harry shrugged. "Just browsing. Everyone tells me I don't know what I'm up against, thought I'd educate myself." He took a long drag.
"And smoking?" Sirius pressed, despite Harry's earlier words.
Eyes watering some from the smoke, Harry ocne again raised his shoulders and let them drop in defeat. "This is the first one I've had. I…I dunno why." Harry looked down at the cigarette that was half gone. He flicked it away and used his vanishing trick again. "I was fine." Harry admitted. "But…this morning, I…" Harry stopped. He didn't want to disclose his dream to Sirius either. He tried to piece the words together that would make enough sense without giving too much away. "I woke up early and had too much time to think. Like…everything sort of crashed down, the whole weight of the situation. The prophecy. The man that died for me that didn't have it coming. The…the fact that I'm putting Hermione in danger because I'm a selfish ass. She needs proper protection, but at the same time, I feel like we're just fine. I can protect her…I think…" Harry's words hung in the morning air between the two men, sinking in both their brains.
Choosing his words carefully, Sirius slowly responded, "Perhaps it's a good thing. You need a little more fear in you about this. But…don't feel helpless, Harry. I've always been worried about how all this would…affect you. Everything. For years, I've watched you grow into a great young man. James and I…we've talked at length about how you would handle this, if you ever even had to. We always hoped you wouldn't. Your parents wanted to protect you, I wanted to protect you. This prophecy…I…" Sirius trailed off, his own words failing him.
Harry looked over at the man before him, as clueless as he was but wised by experience. "I just don't understand…why me?" Harry whispered, his eyes begging for an answer.
Sirius shook his head, a sardonic smile on his face. "Harry…no one knows. You…dammit, I can't give you any answers because I don't know them myself. Your parents don't. Hell, Dumbledore doesn't even know. You may be the `Chosen One' or whatever as they are calling it in the Prophet these days, but what's most important is for you to know, and accept that this is not your fight alone. Everyone is a part of this. You. Are. Not. Alone." He said, emphasizing each word individually.
His words didn't make Harry feel any better or worse. Weighing his own words now, Harry said carefully, "It's not that I don't want him gone…I do…I just don't feel the…necessity or…desire I guess, to…end it myself, if that makes any sense." Harry spoke little by little, trying not to come off as a coward, as that wasn't his intent. "I'm not trying to say I'm scared, I just mean…killing someone…Sirius…that's big. Even someone as inhuman as Voldemort." Harry confessed, feeling the shame of weakness in his words.
"You are scared. Everyone is, so don't feel ashamed, Harry. And I know. Believe it, I know. But killing Voldemort…you can't think of it that way. And if there was-or even is a way-for me to take that burden from your shoulders, Harry, I will. I don't want you to have to go through that, even killing someone like him. Trust me when I say I will do everything in my power to keep you out of that position of doing it yourself. It's traumatic. And don't feel like a coward because you aren't, Harry. You aren't by any means." Sirius said sternly, forcing Harry to believe him.
Harry felt guilty. He didn't want to put this burden on anyone else. "Sirius…I'm not trying to push this off on you, or anyone else for that matter. I just want…understanding." Harry said, running a hand through his hair.
Sirius smiled and pulled Harry into a one-armed hug. "I know. But don't worry about that right now. I'm no expert on this type of thing. I'm not going to pretend to understand what the prophecy means or promise you things I can't keep. The best we can do right now is prepare. And that's what you've been doing, and that's more than anyone can ask of you. Just remember what I said-you are not alone in this."
Sirius's words, while still not making him feel great about the situation, finally eased some of his distress on the matter. He felt that Sirius understood his torn emotions. "Thanks for the talk." Harry said with a genuine smile.
Sirius nodded and clapped his hand on his godson's shoulder. "That's what I'm here for. Now go make me breakfast." He said, pushing Harry back towards the kitchen.
His mood effectively lightened from his chat with Sirius, Harry picked up from where he left off and turned the half-cooked bacon back on.
"Where's Hermione?" Sirius asked, pouring himself some juice.
"Still asleep. She should be awake soon. Breakfast is almost done so I'll go ahead and wake her up now. She hates when I let her sleep in." Harry laughed, knowing Hermione would appreciate the heads up that Sirius was here anyway.
Harry walked down the small corridor to his bedroom. He crawled into bed beside her and kissed her awake.
"Mmhmm." Hermione responded, a small smile playing on her lips as she blinked a few times in the sunlight.
"Good morning." Harry whispered, kissing her again. He had the sudden urge to pick up where he had left off the night before, but had to remind himself that Sirius was just down the hall, waiting on him no less!
Hermione seemed to have similar ideas in mind, as her hands pulled his lips away from hers-always self-conscious of her morning breath-but guided them to her neck. She let out a small moan. She tugged at his belt loops, effectively pulling him on top of her. Harry grinned at her response to him as the bed creaked beneath the weight of his knees sinking into the mattress. Harry pushed her shirt up to reveal her bare breasts to his greedy eyes and lips. However, as her hands made to pull his own black t-shirt over his head, Harry dragged his lips away and back to her neck before finally giving her a chaste kiss on the lips. "As amazing as this feels and how much I really really want to continue-you have no idea, trust me-" Harry said with a look of regret, "Sirius is in the kitchen. I just wanted to let you know so you didn't come in here naked or anything." He said with a mischievous grin.
Hermione's eyes widened and she abruptly pushed him away, pulling her shirt back down. "Why didn't you
say something!?" She hissed. "Here I am, attempting to have my wicked way with you, "She said with
heated cheeks, "And he's probably at the door, listening!"
Harry laughed. "He doesn't strike me as someone interested in voyeurism." Harry said with a cocked eyebrow. "But I'm sorry. When Hermione Granger attempts to `have her wicked way with me,' well…I am merely a hot blood bloke, Hermione. Resistance isn't exactly my trademark quality, especially when it comes to you and your yummy skin everywhere."
Hermione's blush deepened and she pushed him towards the door. "He probably thinks we're having sex! Get back out there. Can I get a shower? Merlin, I'm a mess!" Hermione said, dragging a hand through her long mane of messy brown hair. Harry couldn't help but smile at how adorable she looked, all frantic in front of him. She caught him staring with a silly grin on his face and her eyes bugged slightly. "Go!"
Harry was halfway pushed through the door before Hermione suddenly jerked him back. She roughly pulled his lips down to hers in a quick, hard kiss before sending him back on his way. Harry laughed loudly as he walked back to the kitchen.
Sirius was sitting at the bar, thumbing through a Quidditch magazine sitting in front of him. He eyed Harry with a knowing smile, taking in the goofy grin and slightly messier-than-usual hair. "So how's the not having sex thing working out, mate?" He asked conversationally, looking back down at his magazine.
Hermione rushed through her shower, a grin playing on her lips. Last night she had been sexy. She had been daring. She giggled quietly to herself at the reaction she had brought out in her boyfriend.
And she loved it. She had never felt so shy and confident at the same time. It had been scary, doing these new things she didn't know how to do. It had been nerve-wracking, letting Harry do things to her that evoked embarrassing responses from her that she had no control over. It had felt naughty and kind of dirty, actually doing those things and getting them done to her.
Hermione never thought of herself as sexy, but the way Harry's eyes darkened while staring her with obvious lust, the way he had gotten a…the way she had felt…it…through his pants, then actually the real thing…Hermione knew her face was beet red, even here alone in the shower. She loved that awkward but gratifying response she got from him. It was because of her.
Hermione wasn't a complete dunce to sex, or even sexual things. She was a normal, curious teenage girl. She had done her own self-exploration in that area. But having Harry do those things to her, it made it feel so much…better. Her reaction the night before-all but jumping out of her skin when she had orgasmed from his fingers doing wonderful things down south-had surprised her just as much as it had surprised him. It had never been like that before.
While it was awkward and embarrassing in a shy way, Hermione could tell Harry had been extremely pleased with himself. Hell, she would have faked it if it made him feel that good because she loved that he felt confident and slightly amazed by his own abilities. Had he really made her do that? `Um, yes.' Hermione thought to herself with a wicked smirk, `And please, please do it again!'
Hermione threw her head back and laughed under the water at her bold thoughts. Where were her boundaries? Harry melted them with just one look. It wasn't exactly inappropriate for her to explore this new territory, she convinced herself. They had been together for around three months now. And even before they had gotten together, they had wanted each other, maybe even been in love then. No, this was completely normal, right?
She was quickly discovering the thrills of sex-or sexual things, so far. The two of them were learning fast, making up for being such novices in this type of thing. But she was eighteen, almost nineteen. And Harry would be eighteen in a matter of a few days. They were old enough for this type of thing. As Hermione made one final turn under the hot water, a smile formed on her lips. Here almost on the brink of Harry's birthday, Hermione's mind fantasized mischievously as she wondered just how far her boldness could go.
Once she got dressed and made her way to the kitchen, Harry and Sirius were talking-surprise surprise-Quidditch over breakfast. Hermione sat down at her plate beside Harry.
"Ah, there she is! Good morning, Hermione!" Sirius said with a big smile.
Hermione grinned back, trying to keep her blushing to a minimum as she could only guess what assumptions Sirius had made about their vacation so far. Lucky for her, after a few questions about how she had been liking the scenery and the water, Hermione was off the hook to enjoy her breakfast while the two blokes continued their Quidditch talk.
Once Sirius left, saying he'd be back in a few days because they would be celebrating Harry's birthday here as per Lily's decision, it was a little after one in the afternoon. Hermione had finished cleaning up while the two boys had played a few rounds of video games. The interaction between Harry and Sirius made Hermione smile as she had spied on them from the doorway. She was glad Harry had someone like him in his life, and there was no doubt there was love between the two. It made Hermione a little jealous, but in a wistful way and not altogether negative.
"So what do you want to do?" Harry asked, stretching and getting off the couch, though he already knew what they were going to do.
Hermione shrugged. "Is it warm enough to swim?"
Harry nodded, "Yeah, but we'll get to that. Go change into jeans and trainers." Harry instructed, looking around for his own shoes.
Hermione looked down at her dark carpis and flip flops with a frown. "What's wrong with this?"
Harry winked. "Trust me. Sirius gave me a good idea for the day. I told you I've been planning a surprise. We'll go look off the top of the cliffs."
Wordlessly, Hermione returned to Harry's bedroom and changed as he had asked-or more demanded. Once she walked back into the living room, it was empty. Suddenly, a loud roar came from the direction of the front of the property. Then again, as if someone was revving an engine up. After looking around again to ensure her boyfriend was no longer in the house, Hermione had the suspicion that it was Harry making that racket. She opened the door, a feeling of slight apprehension snaking into her stomach. That certainly didn't sound like Harry's car.
And we're driving just as fast as we can
and we're racing to outrun the wind
It's just me and you and you and me
so wild eyed, so young, bright eyed and free
And we're trying to get out of here
and a small town romance draws ever near
And I swear we're in a movie
the highlight comes when you kiss me
And the stereo sings our song
We don't hesitate to sing along
Drive to dream to live, we could see the world tonight
Here to hope tomorrow we could see the world
"Autobahn" ANBERLIN
So what did you guys think!? My birthday is next week so *cough cough* review for my birthday present to me! Haha. I hope you guys all loved it. For those who don't like the…intimate scenes haha, don't worry they aren't going to be in every chapter. Right now, they are just being, well, their age haha and trying to be normal. Plus, they are making memories. They are going to need them later!!!!
Until next time-less than two weeks, I promise!