Hey everyone. Here's the new chapter! Thanks for all the awesome birthday wishes and reviews! Much appreciated! Disclaimer: I own nothing except Cliffinshire. Hehe.
I will reply to reviews tomorrow, gotta get ready for work!
CHAPTER THREE: Trouble In Paradise
You make me feel like I'm living a teenage dream
The way you turn me on, I can't sleep
Let's runaway and don't ever look back
Don't ever look back
My heart stops when you look at me
Just one touch, now baby I believe
This is real, so take a chance
And don't ever look back, don't ever look back
We drove to Cali and got drunk on the beach
Got a motel and built a fort out of sheets
I finally found you, my missing puzzle piece
I'm complete
"Teenage Dream" KATY PERRY
"No." Hermione said matter-of-factly as she stood ten feet from Harry, who was leaning casually against a black motorcycle-its roar vibrating in her ears.
Harry gave her an impish grin, but said nothing.
Hermione shook her head. "I'm not getting on that death-trap with you, Potter, end of story. Moving on. New activity." She said with a shrug, holding fast to her defiance.
Still grinning, Harry casually strode forward and began placing the helmet on her head and fastening it under her chin. Next, he held out a thick, black padded ridding jacket for her to put on.
"NO!" She repeated, stepping back.
Harry rolled his eyes. "Oh come on now, you know you are going to. How is this much different than taking a ride of my Firebolt? At least here you don't have to worry about falling!" Harry argued strategically.
Hermione shook her head. "No, but in the air you don't have to worry about hitting passing cars either, now do you?! Plus, you're an excellent flyer." She added defensively, glaring at the offending motorbike doubtfully.
Harry threw his head back and laughed. "I'm an excellent rider too. I told you before I've been messing around on Sirius's bike since I was fourteen. Please, just trust me? You'll love it." He guaranteed, smiling.
Hermione was still apprehensive, though her resolve was slowly crumbling. The idea did sound alluring in a dangerous, sexy way. Riding on the back of a motorcycle…that was something she never thought she would do.
Harry could tell her determination to stay away from the bike was waning, so he took his chance to slowly help her put on the riding jacket. Once he had her zipped in safely, he stood back to admire his handy work. "You look smashing!" He chuckled.
Hermione felt bulky and weighted down. "Where's yours?" She asked accusingly.
"On you. That's my helmet and jacket. I'll be fine. It's you I'm worried about." Harry replied nonchalantly. "I rarely wear it anyway."
Hermione looked like she was going to argue, but Harry silenced her with a quick kiss and whispered, "Please, let me have my way just this once?"
Huffing indignantly, Hermione stomped over to the motorcycle. "Well get on with it then. And you had better go slow. And be careful. And you should really be wearing a helmet and protection." She eyed his jeans and black t-shirt dubiously.
Harry ignored her and hopped on the bike, revving it up for good measure as he put on his sunglasses. Hermione almost turned around and ran.
The new, daring side of her, however, was practically giddy with excitement. With Harry's assistance, she climbed on behind him and wrapped her arms in a death grip around his middle. She could feel the vibrations under her bottom, warning her of the sheer power of this engine she was practically riding on. An engine with a seat atop and handle bars.
But she trusted Harry. He loved her, and she knew he would not intentionally endanger her life.
She felt Harry give her hand a squeeze for encouragement before kicking it in first gear and slowly-for her benefit, she was sure-easing forward. Just as she was about to relax her grip just the tiniest bit, Harry went into second and jerked forward. Hermione held on tighter and let out a small scream, which only caused Harry to snicker with laughter and speed up. Hermione closed her eyes, holding on for dear life. "I'm going to kill you, Potter!" She yelled over the motorcycle's roar.
Harry seemed to get the idea that Hermione was completely terrified, so he let off the gas and slowed down some, and eased into the gears instead of popping the clutch. "Calm down, I'm sorry." He called behind him, though Hermione could hear the mirth in his voice.
Taking a deep breath, Hermione opened one eye, and then the other. They were cruising easily down one of the roads in Cliffinshire. They came to a stop, and Harry balanced the bike perfectly as his feet touched the ground. Then they were off again. As Harry leaned into a turn, Hermione shut her eyes again, sure they were going to fall over. But no, Harry's technique was smooth and very much in control.
"So what do you think?" He asked, turning onto another street Hermione recognized.
What did she think? The wind whipped her air all around her, even in the ponytail she had it in. She wished she had plaited it or something. The riding jacket kept her warm but not overly toasted. Her eyes watered a little bit from the wind. And the view…
Wow. Hermione fear was still very much there, but it was quickly being stomped into the ground by the enjoyment it was to ride like this. She was reminded very much of her rides on his Firebolt. Just as easily as he navigated his broomstick, Harry controlled the bike as well. The passing wind, the adrenaline from ride itself…Hermione couldn't believe how much she loved this.
"I wish I had brought my sunglasses." She responded with a laugh.
"Oh shit!" Harry cursed. "I knew I was forgetting something. Here, we'll stop real quick." Harry effortlessly turned onto a road that Hermione knew led to a small row of different merchants and tents that sold various items. It reminded Hermione of gypsies. Harry pulled to a stop, cut the engine, and allowed for Hermione to find her way back to the ground before hopping off the bike himself.
As soon as Harry was off the motorcycle, Hermione let him have it. She had her hands balled up into fists and began half-heartedly punching his chest. "What were you thinking?! Taking off like that! Were you trying to get us killed?!" She asked, eyes slightly bugged.
Harry grabbed her wrists to stop her from hitting him anymore as he laughed at her reaction. "I'm sorry. I couldn't help it. I'll do better, I promise. I want you to feel safe with me." He said with a grin. "Besides that unfortunate bit, what did you think?"
A smile of her own fought its way onto her face. She couldn't hide it. "It was bloody amazing!" She admitted, hugging herself.
Harry threw his head back and let out a hoot of laughter. "I knew you'd love it. I knew it!" He picked her up and spun her around, his lips somehow finding hers in the dizziness. After almost tripping over his own feet, Harry finally put her back down and righted her. He clasped their hands together and tugged Hermione in the direction of the small sales tent. "Let's get you some sunglasses."
They looked around each small tent, seeing if anything tickled their fancies. They had already gone through here twice before, so by this time there weren't a whole lot of new things to look at. They found a tent that sold sunglasses, and after trying on several ones, Hermione settled on brown tinted ones with larges lens and a wire frame with zebra stripes on the sides.
Getting back on the bike with less apprehension this time, Hermione secured her arms around Harry's middle and held tight. They rode mostly in silence around Cliffinshire before exiting the city limits. As their speed increased, Hermione silently wished Harry would have worn a helmet. Harry didn't seem to mind, however. Hermione watched as his tanned, muscled arms maneuvered each and every curve perfectly. Despite the speed, Hermione somehow felt safe in a dangerous way.
They climbed higher and higher up a slightly inclined road that Hermione figured led to the top of the cliffs. She was surprised at how fast they had reached the top. Once they reached a small landing with a fence that kept people from getting too close to the edge, Harry stopped and helped her off the bike again. Hermione went to the fence and took a death breath before looking as far down as she could.
They were high up, but not as high as Hermione had thought. The tide pulled the waves against the rock, crashing mercilessly on the stone. "This is really pretty." Hermione said, taking a deep breath to inhale the salt in the air. She had grown accustom to it, but sometimes it still took her by surprise. She welcomed the odd scent, simply fusing it to Harry as one more thing that reminded her of him.
"It's okay. We're still going up." He said with a grin.
Hermione looked around. "The road ended. I don't think we're driving any further, at least." She remarked, figuring Apparation was the plan.
Harry led her back to the motorbike. "No, we're still getting there by the bike. Hop back on. I just wanted you to see it from here first."
Slightly leery now, Hermione got back on behind her boyfriend. The biked roared to life. Harry looked around to the emptiness around them then opened a secret compartment Hermione hadn't noticed under the speedometer that held two buttons. He hit the first switch. "Invisibility booster." Harry called, knowing she must be wondering. Hermione looked around them, but everything still seemed normal. "Hold on." Harry warned before hitting a second button.
The bike shook slightly even more than usual and began to rise first five then ten and soon twenty feet in the air. Hermione felt her breath catch somewhere in her throat. He had never told her that the bike did this. Careful not to lurch forward too quickly, Harry barely touched the gas and propelled them forward. They gained speed and were soon flying around in a big circle, rising higher and higher.
Hermione's stomach was still on the ground. Now she was really reminded of Harry's Firebolt. She could hear her heart hammering in her ears, and she was surprised Harry wasn't crying out from her fingernails digging into him through his t-shirt.
Harry circled around another cliff, the highest one in sight before making a smooth landing in the middle on a flat rock. Turning the bike off once again, they got to their feet. Harry had to practically drag Hermione to the edge. "I'm not going to let you fall." He assured her, pointing out over the cliff.
Hermione took a deep breath before stepping out as far as she dared.
Then she gasped. She could literally see everything. The entire town was at her feet, bustling about on their day-to-day, no idea Hermione's eyes were watching. Cars and bikes droves down the streets as children played with each other, their laughter too soft to reach Hermione this high up. She watched the growing-familiar town with a serene expression on her face, despite her fear of heights.
"Now look out over here. It's even better." Harry said, gesturing towards the water. Hermione followed him, excited for the new view.
Breathtaking. Hermione watched the water, no longer gray in the sunlight, dance along the sand and rocks. It looked like small diamonds on the surface. People were out in the ocean, swimming and surfing. Children ran along the beach with sand pails in their hands, splashing in the water. Hermione moved her vision to the other side, and saw a scene similar to the one from last cliff-rocks jutting out from the water and waves rolling over them as they stood solemn and unmoving.
As her words failed to articulate the beauty before her eyes, Harry seemed to understand. He wrapped his arms around her from behind and planted a soft kiss on her cheek. "This used to be my favorite view in Cliffinshire." He said, and Hermione could hear the playfulness in his voice.
Already knowing his answer, she asked anyway, "Used to be?"
Harry kissed her cheek again. "Now it's you."
His words were simple, and Hermione almost smiled and blushed like she normally would have.
Instead, turned to face him with a laugh and rolled her eyes. "That was cheesy, Potter. Very bleeding corny."
Harry nodded. "I know. I can't get away with saying stuff like that, can I?" He asked, taking each of her hands in his own and pulling her away from the edge.
Hermione hugged him gently. "I dunno. Maybe sometimes, I guess. We'll just have to see."
Harry laughed, pulling out his beeping phone. He replied to a text from Draco before looking back up at his girlfriend. "Okay, we'll play it by ear. In the meantime…" Harry went over to the bike, reached into one of the saddle bags and pulled out Hermione's camera. "Thought you might want to document this."
Hermione took several pictures at every angle she could. Some with her, some with Harry, some with both of them. "Thanks for bringing me here." Hermione said as they climbed back on the bike.
"No problem. I knew you'd love it. We'll come back, no worries." He promised as he lifted them back in the air. "Ron and Draco will be meeting us soon, by the way." He called over his shoulder.
Half an hour later, the two could be found at a small local restaurant, eating lunch and waiting for their companions to join them. Hermione was looking at the pictures on her camera, choosing a few she wanted to send to her parents. As they talked over their food, Ron's voice interrupted them.
"Ah, `ello, `ello, `ello." He greeted, pulling up a chair next to Hermione. He picked up her chocolate shake and began to guzzle it down. Once it was gone, he shook his head with his eyes squeeze shut. "Brain freeeeze. Could have warned me, couldn't you have?" He whined, looking accusingly at Hermione.
Hermione raised her eyebrows. "I don't remember you asking to have any." She snatched the cup from his grasp, looking to see if there was any left.
"Ron." Harry nodded. "Always a pleasure." Harry pushed his water towards Hermione with a smile, offering it to her.
"Don't worry," Draco said as he sat down beside Harry, "I think Ron was just about to offer to buy you a new one-along with another order of chips." He said, nodding towards Ron's mouthful of Hermione chips.
Ron chewed and swallowed his stolen food before giving a nod. "Of course. Where is the lady? Anything you want, Hermione!" Ron looked around for the waitress.
Hermione pushed her plate in front of Ron, allowing him to finish her food. "A new shake would be nice."
"So how have you blokes been? How's the shop? How's Quidditch?" Harry asked, leaning back in his chair and looking at his two best mates.
"Training hard as ever. Ready for a little vacation." Draco said, looking through the menu.
Through a mouthful of food, Ron replied, "Shops good. Thought it would be a little easier, seeing as how I'm their brother. But nope-I get all the nasty work. If I let them test new products on me, though, I get a bonus. Had three-inch pink nails for a week, but the pay was brilliant." Ron shared, finishing the rest of Hermione's food.
Hermione shook her head. "Do you have no shame? You let them do that to you? For money?" She clarified.
Ron nodded. "Easiest money I ever made-better than actually working. Do you know how many wankers there are out there? Smartass little buggers, the lot of them. We were never that annoying!" Ron assured them.
Hermione laughed. "Knowing you now…somehow it wouldn't surprise me if you were worse."
Ron responded to her remark by putting his hand up between them. "Oh please." He retorted. "I can only imagine the nightmare you were as a child. Too smart for your own good, toeing the line…what a fantastic bore." He teased.
Hermione shrugged. "Better than a felon, I'd say."
Draco intervened. "Hey, hey, hey, I resent that remark. We were never felons."
"Resent or resemble?" Hermione taunted with a smirk.
Bantering back and forth between Ron and Draco was refreshing, Hermione realized. While she loved Harry, it was nice to talk to someone else sometimes too. Being cooped up together for so long, Ron and Draco's presence was welcomed-for the moment anyway, until Ron started annoying the hell out of her.
"I was a little surprised to get your text. I was under the impression you blokes wouldn't be joining us until my birthday." Harry said, polishing off the rest of his pathetic salad and washing it down with water.
Ron shrugged. "Draco wanted to come today. Fred and George were fine with me taking a few days off."
Everyone looked at Draco for a response, but he was looking at the key he was fiddling with in his hand. Finally, after a few beats of silence, he looked to see three sets of eyes on him. "Oh, you know…house getting a little unbearable. Plus, couldn't resist the call of the beach, of course. And stealing Harry's car." He held up the key in his hand.
Harry made to grab the key from his mate, but Draco was too fast. "Hey, you're driving the bike. Your car isn't needed." Draco said defensively.
Harry rolled his eyes. "So how's the great and fancy Malfoy Manor becoming unbearable?" Harry asked, settling back into his seat.
Hermione noticed a hint of uneasiness pass through Draco's gray eyes before he opened his mouth to answer, but was saved from replying when an Australian-accented voice interrupted him from behind. "Hiya, Harry-Ron, Draco!" A boy of maybe fourteen greeted them, coming up to the table. He had blonde hair styled into a fohawk and a tan face. A bright smile shone on his face.
"Graham. How are you doing, mate?" Ron asked with a grin.
"Fit as ever, as usual." He said cockily, gesturing towards his toned and tanned arms and legs in his tank top and shorts. Confidence and cockiness pulsed from him.
"I see you've managed to find some sun in all this rain." Harry laughed. "Enjoying the summer?"
"Of course. Been living on the beach when I can. You know my style. Someone has to oil up all the girls out there." He winked, causing the three older blokes to laugh.
"Graham, this is Hermione, Hermione, this is Graham. He moved here from Australia a few years ago. We've gotten to know the arrogant little wanker over the couple summers. He's a surfer. Actually…we might be hitting the waves today," Harry looked over at Ron and Draco to make sure they were okay with it, and they shrugged and nodded in response. "You going to be out there? Hermione here is a surfing virgin so she'll need a few pointers. Who better to help than the best surfer on the beach?" Harry laughed, gesturing towards his young friend.
Eyes bright with excitement, Graham nodded. "Yeah, yeah. When will you be out? Usual spot?"
"Probably a little father down-less crowd so Hermione will have more space to learn. Let's say…an hour?" Harry replied, looking at the clock on the wall.
"Sounds great, mate. See you out there!" The blonde turned around and rushed out the door, clearly excited.
"This should be fun." Ron said, taking a swig of Hermione's new chocolate shake, causing her to kick him under the table in the shin. "Dammit woman! I'm paying for the bleeding thing!" Ron said, shoving the drink back towards Hermione.
Half an hour later, the four of them were back at Sirius's garage. "We'll get the boards loaded up, do you want to pack some food in this cooler?" Harry asked, wheeling a blue cooler towards Hermione.
"Okay." She agreed, taking the handle from him. "We're going to need to go grocery shopping here maybe tonight or tomorrow." Hermione said, remembering they were running low on a few things.
Harry nodded in acknowledgement as he pulled out his wand. Using a Summoning Charm, he pulled down a black surf board with green flames from the loft up top, which Draco caught easily. Hermione followed Draco from the garage. Draco leaned the board up against the outside then headed back into the garage to help with the others while Hermione turned for the house.
She changed into her swim suit first. As she started at her reflection in the mirror, Hermione felt a growing sense of uneasiness. Being in front of Harry in a swim suit was nothing now-she had been in less even. On the beach, she didn't know anyone and knew no one was paying any attention to her anyway, so it didn't bother her too much either. Now with Ron and Draco here…Hermione felt awkward. She knew they obviously wouldn't be ogling her or anything, but there was still a slight feeling of apprehension. "Oh, get over it, Granger." Hermione told her reflection. Even as she said it, however, she changed from her modest two-piece to her even more modest two-piece tankini swim suit instead. She pulled on a tank top and shorts, grabbed flip flops, and headed for the kitchen.
Hermione had sandwiches and fruit packed in the cooler with various drinks. A simple Cooling Charm kept everything chilled. Towels, sun screen, and-despite knowing she wouldn't need it but taking it away-a book were packed in her beach back. The three boys were changing into their own bathing suits while Hermione waited.
"Where's the money jar?" Ron asked, looking atop the fridge where it normally sat. Hermione opened a cupboard and produced a clear jar with wads of Muggle money in it Hermione and Harry had adding to for various things: food, toilet paper, and all the necessities they needed. Harry had bought the first round of everything, so Hermione had been stubborn about making sure she had bought the next round. Now, they were splitting the cost and just added money to the jar-something the boys always did when they stayed at Sirius's house despite Sirius's insistence on it not being necessary. Harry told Hermione that Sirius would insist on buying the necessities and if the boys wanted something extra special, then they could use their money from the jar. Ron opened the money jar and tossed in another couple rolls of money. Draco walked in and handed Ron a handful of notes to add for himself. "When we go shopping, we definitely need to pick up some ice cream. And candy. Maybe some cake too. Can you bake cookies?" Ron asked with an inquisitive eyebrow raised.
Hermione took the jar from his hands and replaced it in the cupboard. "Harry is on a diet. How about a fruit salad?"
Ron looked outraged. "What is this fruit you speak of?! I'm not on a diet!" He pulled out a small bottle and tucked it in Hermione's bag.
Hermione laughed. "We'll see how it goes."
"Ready?" Harry asked from the door way, and they all nodded. Hermione grabbed her beach bag while Draco pulled the cooler along.
Outside was one of the funniest things Hermione had ever seen. Strapped to the top of Harry small car were four long surf boards. "Where did you get the luggage rack?" Hermione asked, noticing the new addition.
Harry winked. "Not sure. Must have been magic."
They drove down the beach, to a spot where Draco told Hermione was the best for surfing in these waters. Hermione looked over her shoulder to Ron and Draco in the back seat, lounging comfortably despite the space that shouldn't be there. For the thousandth time in her life, Hermione marveled at being so lucky as to have magic a part of her life. Harry squeezed her hand that was interlaced with his. "What are you thinking?"
Hermione smiled. "Sometimes, I feel like magic is just cheating, you know?" She replied, looking back at the extra space in the back seat again.
Harry laughed. "My mum feels the same way-that's why she always made me do chores and other things without it. I never really realized why. I mean, why make me do it when she could just wave her wand and be done with it? But it's made me appreciate having magic in my life, so yeah, I understand." Harry grinned.
Hermione nodded silently in response. Lilly sounded so smart and practical. Harry always talked highly of her. She would be here soon, Hermione knew. She mentally crossed her fingers that she would make a better impression this time around with Harry's mother.
Hermione carried their beach bag as each boy got their own surf board, Ron and Harry carrying a second one between the two while Draco pulled the cooler along. Graham was already there in the water. He waved before hopping back on his board to paddle out into the ocean.
Once their towels were out, Hermione told them all to line up so she could spray them with sunscreen. Ron pulled out the bottle he had put in her bag in the kitchen. "Could you get my back?" He asked, holding the bottle to her.
Hermione smiled. "Have your own special blend, Weasley?" She teased.
Ron laughed. "I'm a ginger. I've got to protect this alabaster skin of mine! This potion does the trick." He winked. Hermione quickly rubbed his back down with the potion before handing him the bottle to finish the rest of him.
"Need me to rub something on you now?" Ron asked innocently, a playful look in his eyes.
Harry coughed and wrapped his arms around his girlfriend possessively from behind. He nuzzled his nose against her neck. "Back up there, mate. I think I've got that one covered." Harry laughed, biting her earlobe.
Blushing at his blatant display of affection, Hermione regretfully shrugged him off. "I just need sprayed, Potter. Don't get too excited." She laughed.
Harry watched as Hermione shed her tank top and shimmied out of her shorts, obvious desire dancing in his eyes. "Can I rub you anyway?" He breathed, pulling her back into his embrace.
Still red-faced, Hermione pulled away again and snatched up the can of sun screen. "Hey Draco, do you mind?" She called, offering him the can.
"Hey!" Harry chuckled, making a grab for the sunscreen but Draco already had it in his hand.
"Sorry mate. Too slow. Maybe Ron needs help with rubbing that potion of his on his nips or something." The blonde said with a shrug, motioning for Hermione to extend her arms.
Both Ron and Harry pulled a disgusted face at Draco's suggestion.
"Let's just hit the water, if that's alright?" Harry said with a raised eyebrow.
Crashed on the floor when I moved in
This little bungalow with some strange new friends
Stay up too late, and I'm too thin
We promise each other it's 'til the end
Now we're spinning empty bottles
It's the five of us
With pretty eyed boys girls die to trust
I can't resist the day
No, I can't resist the day
Jenny screams out and it's no pose
'Cause when she dances she goes and goes
Beer through the nose on an inside joke
And I'm so excited, I haven't spoken
And she's so pretty, and she's so sure
Maybe I'm more clever than a girl like her
Summer's all in bloom
Summer is ending soon
Hermione was a right terrible at this. She had been in the water for over an hour, and despite instructions being given to her by four different people, she wasn't getting the hang of it at all. She climbed back up on Harry's blue surf board and let Graham and Harry pushed her back out to ocean, as she hadn't mastered the art of paddling out yet. Keeping her in the shallow area still, Graham instructed her to just lie still on the board and try to keep her balance so the board didn't nosedive. Catching white water while laying on her belly, she rode the small wave into the shore again.
"Do you want to try standing again?" Harry asked, to which Hermione nodded. "Try paddling out. We'll be here to guide you."
Hermione did as Harry instructed, and felt her arms grow tired. The churning current kept veering her into Harry, who guided her out into the ocean. Catching a lull in the waves, Hermione turned over on her board, Harry and Graham keeping it from flipping as she ungracefully shifted her weight into a kneeling position.
"Keep your knees close to your chest and remember to stay low. Keeping your center of gravity low-it will help with your balance." Graham advised, looking up at Hermione.
Hermione nodded and clumsily popped up on her feet. The board shook carelessly under her, and she knew the only reason why she didn't go under was because Harry and Graham were supporting the board's balance.
"Stay low." Graham repeated. "And extend your arms to keep your balance."
Hermione did as she was told, wobbling unsteadily. The wave caught her board, and losing her balance, Hermione crashed into the water. She resurfaced a few moments later, sputtering salt water from her mouth. "This has got to be the most ridiculous thing in the world!" She cried indigently.
Harry gave her a half-smile. "Want a break?"
Hermione nodded and allowed the current to tug her back to shore. She unstrapped the stupid board from her ankle, muttering to herself.
"Calm down, it takes practice." Harry said, picking up his board to walk back to the towels.
"No, go ahead. I know you're dying to go out there." Hermione said, gesturing out to where Ron, Draco, and Graham were sitting on their boards, chatting. Harry grinned and kissed her on the cheek before strapping the board to his own ankle and paddling out to his mates. Hermione watched with jealousy at how eased and practiced his movements were, then huffed all the way back to her towel.
Surfers were stupid.
"Hey mate. How's she doing?" Draco asked, looking out at the shore where Hermione was lying on a towel.
Harry grinned. "You know her. If she can't master something in five minutes, well then piss on it!" He laughed. "She isn't doing terrible. Her balance is off. She isn't giving herself enough credit-this takes practice!"
The boys all nodded, then Draco smirked wickedly. "Think Graham fell in love, mate. Been admiring from here." He chuckled, his eyes looking over in Hermione's direction again.
Harry chuckled. "Can't really blame him, now can I? Guilty of that one myself."
Graham grinned. "She has a nice looking set, that's for sure." He said, gesturing to his chest.
Draco howled with laughter. "How old are you, like thirteen?"
"Fifteen." Graham said defensively.
"Mate…you wouldn't even know what to do with them if you had the chance for it. Better keep to things you should be doing at your age, like coloring books and nap time. Hell, I don't think even Harry here knows what to do with them." Draco taunted his mate.
With a look of mysterious mischief, Harry winked. "I know plenty. I've gotten no complaints."
His comments roused interest from them all.
"So what have you two been doing then?!" Ron asked, clear approval ringing in his voice.
Knowing Hermione would have his head if he divulged too many details, Harry shrugged, but his grin said it all.
"You son of a bitch! You two shagged!" Draco said, eyes wide.
Harry shook his head. "No, nothing like that. Let's just say I've been educated on parts of the female anatomy that I hadn't been so familiar with say…last month." He said vaguely, his smile still in place.
Graham laughed. "I'd like to get acquainted with her female anatomy too, looking all sexy over there in the sun. Oh, and hers. And that blonde way down there. Can't see her face, but look at those-" His words were cut short from Harry pushing him from his board and into the ocean.
"Are we going to sit here all day or are we going to ride some waves?" Harry asked, smirking as Graham's head broke the surface, blonde hair plastered to his head.
Hermione watched as the four blokes had their fun on their boards. Graham was by far the best surfer of the four, with Draco trailing behind him. Sipping her juice, she turned her gaze back down to her book and continued to read.
Hours later, exhausted from the water and a quick shopping trip, the four finally poured back into Sirius's house carrying bags of groceries and such. Hermione asked Ron and Draco to put everything away as she made her way to Harry's bedroom. She tried to brush her still-wet head, the tangles were a nightmare. She felt gross, covered in residues of salt, sunscreen, sand, and sweat.
Harry joined her and closed the door behind him. Hermione heard the lock click into place, and couldn't help the grin that fought its way onto her face. Next, the lights were cut, and Hermione could barely see anything. "Harry…" She said with warning in her voice, but it didn't stop his hands from coming up to her hips and slowly turning her around.
"Shhhh." Harry whispered against her ear his hands crawling up her sides and taking her tank top with it. His lips found hers in the dark, kissing her forcefully, baring his unsatisfied lust.
Hermione tried to pull away, and was successful for long enough for Harry to ease her shirt and his own over their heads. She broke his kiss again. "Harry, I'm all gross. I need a shower. I stink like the ocean and am sweaty and…and Ron and Draco are in the other room." She rambled on, but her words had no affect on him. Instead, he yanked her shorts down her legs and picked her up over his shoulder. Hermione let out a gasp and giggled as Harry swatted her bum playfully. Harry pulled her on top of him on the bed so she was straddling his hips, his hands rubbing her bare thighs.
Caught in another rough kiss, Hermione fought to try to keep her head while Harry's hand grabbed hers and guided it down his stomach to the waistband of his trunks, silently asking for her to touch him. To his disappointment, however, Hermione pushed herself off of him. "Harry, please stop. I want to take a shower." She insisted, his hands still pawing at her.
"Take one later." Harry suggested, fumbling for her ties on the back of her swimsuit.
Getting a little peeved at his insistence, Hermione finally said with clear irritancy in her voice, "Harry, stop!"
Harry's movements stilled immediately and his hands dropped from her body. He looked at her, his expression unreadable. "You really want me to stop?" He asked, his voice low.
"Yes!" Hermione said, exasperated. "I want to get a shower. And Ron and Draco are right in there and-" Her excuses tumbled from her lips but fell silent when she saw his expression.
Harry easily untangled his body from hers at once and got to his feet. "Okay. Go take a shower. I'll make food." Without saying another word, he left the room, leaving Hermione feeling guilty in his bed.
Hermione took a long shower, drawing it out because she didn't want to see Harry. His expression had been one of guilt and irritation. She felt bad for getting aggravated with him, but he wasn't listening to her. `Not like you were really sticking to your guns, Granger.' She mentally said to herself. She shouldn't have gotten so annoyed, as Harry could have easily interpreted her words as a half-hearted beg off that they both knew was going to end with them under the blankets-exactly as they both wanted.
Dressed in pajama pants and one of Harry's hoodies, Hermione joined her three friends in the living room in front of the television. A bowl of food sat on the coffee table in front of an empty spot beside Harry on the couch. Hermione took her place beside him silently, and Draco flipped the television input over and a DVD menu for Law Abiding Citizen came on the screen. Curled up on the couch with her legs tucked under her, Hermione speared a piece of broccoli from the stir-fry in her bowl as the opening credit began.
Hermione cast a look over in Harry's direction, but he was staring resolutely at the television screen. Was he angry with her? By the time she had her food gone, Harry's distance was killing her. He hadn't looked her way once. Feeling fearful, Hermione moved so she had her head on lying on his lap. He didn't pull away, and draped the blanket from the back of the couch over her. "Thanks." Hermione whispered, offering him a smile. He nodded and smiled a tight smile that didn't meet his eyes, even here in the dark she could see that.
Hermione stared at the screen, unseeing whatever was going on in the film. She could feel her heart hammering in her head. What did this mean? She and Harry had gotten into arguments-that was nothing new. But this sudden distance was scaring her. Hermione reached over for Harry's hand that was casually draped across the back of the couch and pulled it under the blankets with her. She rested his palm on against her breast over the hoodie she was wearing. She squeezed his hand against her, trying to silently tell him it was okay. She wasn't mad. And she hoped he wasn't either.
After a few seconds, Harry moved his hand away and replaced it on the back of the couch. Hurt, Hermione fixed her gaze on the screen, forcing herself not to cry even though she felt the urge to all of a sudden.
By the middle of the film, both Ron and Harry had fallen asleep. Hermione was lulling herself when Draco's movements of getting out of the chair he was reclined in snapped her out of it. Hermione raised her head from Harry's lap, and watched Draco head for the direction of the loo. A few minutes later, he returned only to go to the door and head outside.
Hermione slowly got up and looked out the window. He was sitting on the porch, staring out at the darkness.
Hermione eased the door open, "Something wrong?" She whispered, joining him on the porch.
"I thought you were asleep too." Draco replied with a small chuckle.
Hermione shook her head. "What are you doing?"
Draco shrugged. "Nothing. Just…nothing." He responded softly.
Tentatively , Hermione reached out and placed her hand on his. "Something's wrong. If you want to talk about it…" She trailed off, leaving her offer hanging in the darkness between them.
Draco squeezed her hand. "It's nothing. Just…stuff at home."
Hermione waiting silently for him to continue, her hand still in his. Hermione looked down and wondered if she should feel guilty. Was it wrong to hold hands like this with him? Her hand hesitantly drew back. She remembered the possible attraction she had felt fleetingly towards him the night he rescued her from the boathouse. He was still as gorgeous as ever. She still felt like he was too good for all the girls that liked to surround him. However, at the moment, his usual suave demeanor was tinged with the slight hint of vulnerability-something Draco Malfoy never showed. Hermione felt concern pump through her.
As she took all this in, her hand involuntarily found his again. "Tell me." She told him simply. "You can trust me with whatever demons you're fighting." She assured him, knowing it must be something big if he was showing weakness.
Draco looked down at their clasped hands, and Hermione could tell he was thinking along the same lines as she had, considering the morality of this innocent touch between two friends. He didn't draw his hand away, however.
"He's…" Draco began, but stopped. Starting again, he cleared his throat. "My parents…they're back into it. I mean, I've always known that they were with Voldemort the first time, but they begged off on bewitchment. I believed them when they told me that. I really did. But over the years...well, I realized it had been lies. Just with their actions-mostly my father's. My mother…she just does whatever he wants her to. They let them into our house. I never saw Voldemort, but others…well-known Death Eaters. Even my Aunt Bellatrix who was in Azkaban. She tried to convert me, like…like it was going to happen anyway. I just walked into the kitchen and met the aunt I've only heard stories about, casually leaning up against the counter with a dagger in her hand." Draco sighed.
"And for weeks, my parents never acknowledged this...change, I guess. I just pretended to not notice these extra people in the manor. My parents and everyone talked of him. He may have even been in the house a few times, but I tried to stay away the most I could. My aunt, she told me…she told me I was wasting my time with my training. `There are other things you should be learning, Draco. More important things than this silly game.'" He said, mimicking a high-pitched voice. "She and my mother got into it. My mum…she's trying to protect me. Finally…she talked about it. She told me she told the Dark Lord that I'm not ready yet. She's stalling. So…I just…left. I'm not going back. He can't punish them if I'm not there anymore, right? If I just left…he can't hurt them for me not joining him like it's their fault. It's mine." Was he trying to convince Hermione, or himself?
Hermione could hear the guilt in his voice. She felt her heart go out to him. Hermione pulled him into a reassuring hug. She felt him wrap his arms around her, and if she wasn't mistaken, he was shaking a little in her arms.
"I can't save them, Hermione." He choked out. "I can't do anything. I begged my mother to come with me, but she wouldn't. She just…just stared at me, like it was breaking her heart that I was leaving, but she didn't try to stop me. I…I feel like she's trapped…trapped in this twisted game, and if she tried to get out…he'll kill her, Hermione. He'll kill her." Hermione felt his tears on her neck, and her own eyes began to sting. She felt completely helpless, so she just clutched him tighter.
"This isn't your fault, Draco. They…they made their choice a long time ago." She drew away and held his tear-streaked face in her hands. "You're good, Draco. You're so good. You aren't like them, I don't care what your aunt told you. It isn't going to happen-I won't let it." She kissed his forehead roughly as she pulled him back in her arms. His parents had a good chance of dying. And he left them there to die, to save himself -not in a sense of his life, but in the aspect of not letting their evilness corrupt him.
"I don't know what to do, Hermione." He cried into her chest. "I…" His voice caught in his throat. "I…I've never felt so helpless. I can't save them." He repeated his earlier words in a whisper as his tears stopped.
Hermione pulled away to look at him in his gray eyes, searching for the words he needed to hear.
She had nothing. Nothing to help him. Nothing to save his parents. She had her own battles with the darkness that tried to corrupt her, so she knew how scary it was. She knew how shameful it felt to question your own integrity in that aspect.
Draco just stared at her, looking for answers she couldn't give. Hermione opened her mouth, but nothing came out.
"Draco…I know it's hard to hear but…Draco, they picked their side. And you've picked yours. Everything else…you just have to have Hope that things will work out in the end." She said, filling the air with an empty promise they both knew couldn't be delivered on.
Draco leaned forward and pressed his lips against Hermione's cheek, lingering for a few seconds too long, perhaps. Still close with his hand on the side of her face, he smiled one of his special smiles for her that told Hermione that she was different than all the other girls in his life. "You're amazing, Hermione. Harry is…so incredibility lucky to have you." Draco said wistfully.
"I know."
Hermione jerked back suddenly that she almost fell off the porch. Harry opened the screen door and stepped out on the porch. His expression was hard and his eyes blazed with anger.
He reached down and helped Hermione to her feet. As soon as she was steady, he released her. His eyes were trained on Draco, who got to his own feet slowly. "Hey mate." Draco greeted, measuring Harry's anger with calculating eyes.
Hermione wanted to blurt out that it wasn't what it looked like, but found no words. Draco wasn't denying anything either. There was nothing to admit to. They hadn't done anything wrong.
The look on Harry's face said otherwise, however.
"It's late." Harry responded, his voice even. "Thinking about going to bed soon, Hermione?" He asked, though his gaze was still on Draco.
Full of trepidation, Hermione nodded silently. She wanted to get her boyfriend away from Draco right away. Harry opened the screen door for Hermione. She stepped into the house, and after a few edgy seconds of Harry and Draco measuring each other with expressions full of tension, Harry followed.
Hermione led the way into the bedroom without saying a word. She crawled into bed and under the blankets, still feeling fearful. Was he going to yell at her? Accuse her of doing something inappropriate with his best mate? She wished he would say something! She remembered him going off in the Entrance Hall back at Hogwarts when he thought something had happened between her and Draco back then. Add this didn't exactly look good on her part.
Instead, he got into bed beside her and rolled over so his back was to her. Trembling slightly, Hermione scooted over so she was spooned up against him in the dark. She let her hand gently caress his bare back before moving over his hip to his taunt stomach. She could feel the muscles contract under her feather-light touch. Her lips found his shoulder and kissed across his back while her hand first rubbed circles on his chest then ventured south. She could feel his arousal, and just as she was beginning to feel like everything might be okay, his hand covered hers and pushed her away.
Irritation flared inside Hermione. "Nothing happened." She said, her voice already defensive.
Harry didn't reply. Hermione reached out touch his shoulder again, but Harry shrugged her off.
"Stop it." He said, his voice holding a warning.
"Harry, will you please just listen for a second?" Hermione asked, not bothering to keep the annoyance from her voice. She tried to turn him around.
"Stop touching me." Harry growled, his own anger filtering into his tone.
"Why are you acting like this?" Hermione felt an urge to hex the hell out of him. She grabbed her wand, but instead of turning in on her boyfriend, she put a Silencing Charm on the room, knowing it might get loud. She was not going to let him go to sleep angry.
Throwing all hesitation out the window, Hermione scrambled over his body so she was on top of him. She wrestled for position and had his hands on either side of his face. "Stop ignoring me." She said angrily.
Harry didn't put up a fight, and let Hermione trap him beneath her.
For a second, anyway.
"I wanted to go to bed." He said, wrenching his hands free. He sat up and Hermione almost toppled backward. Harry pushed her off him and went to turn on the light. "Seeing as how you are going to harp on this, then okay, what do you want to talk about? Huh? What?" Harry huffed, crossing his arms across his chest.
Hermione ungracefully got to her feet. "Why are you angry-we can start there!" She responded indignantly.
Harry let out a cold laugh. "Oh, I dunno. First you blow me off earlier, which is fine. Do you understand how terrible I felt, like I was pressuring myself on you? Then I wake up to you out in the dark getting cozy with my best mate. Trying to give you the benefit of the doubt here, but I'm not going to lie and say I'm not curious as to exactly what in the hell you two were out there doing." His voice was low and dangerous.
Hermione was silent for a minute before saying, "You couldn't possibly think anything happened. You have to have more trust in me that than."
Harry was silent. Even while he stood there, angry, he knew nothing happened. In his gut, he knew neither Hermione nor Draco would do that to him. Still, he didn't like the scene he walked in on. He didn't like that his best mate was confiding in his girlfriend because he had been obviously upset, instead of he himself. He shouldn't get this jealous, but after feeling so guilty prior to the whole thing, he got pissed off instantly.
Instead of saying any or all of this, however, Harry just stayed silent. Hermione also kept quiet, refusing to break eye contact. Finally, Harry threw his hands up in the air. "Well, what the fuck, Hermione? How is it supposed to make me feel? It's not that I don't trust you-you know I do. Same goes for Draco. But are you saying you wouldn't be a little upset if you walked in on me and Ginny all over each other, alone out in the dark?"
Hermione rolled her eyes. "We weren't all over each other, Harry. We were talking, and he was upset so I gave him a hug. That's not a crime." Hermione huffed. Harry's word still stung, however. Had she and Draco been inappropriate? As much as she hated to admit it, had she known that Ginny and Harry had been in those roles, she'd be lying if she said she wouldn't have been upset. No, she hadn't done anything wrong, and of course she didn't feel that way about Draco. Instead, she felt protective over him in a weird way.
"I'm sorry." Hermione finally admitted. "I…maybe it was a little inappropriate-but it was completely innocent. Nothing happened. Nothing will ever happen. He's like a brother. He's having a bad way, dealing with Voldemort and his parents…you can understand that. I just so happened to be there when he needed to talk." Hermione said softly, taking a hesitate step forward.
Harry's resolve and anger began to crumble. He couldn't stay mad at her. He loved her so goddamn much. Feeling his anger evaporate, Harry suddenly strode forward and engulfed Hermione in a hug. "No, I'm sorry. I dunno why I can be such a jealous prat sometimes. I…I I know nothing happened. I know. I was being stupid. I trust you and Draco completely. I just know how he's been with girls in the past, and…seeing him with you, he's different, and sometimes it scares me because I don't really understand this…friendship you guys have. But it's okay." He said meaningfully, looking half-ashamed for his actions. "And about earlier…I'm sorry. I hadn't realized you were serious. You know I'd never…I mean…if you wanted me to stop…I wasn't…I wouldn't…" Harry couldn't get his words out.
Hermione raised a single finger to his lips. "I know. And I don't blame you, I wasn't exactly…well, I mean I wasn't trying very hard to stop you. I know if you knew I wanted you to stop…you would." Hermione confessed with a wiry smile. Hermione leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his lips. "I love you." She reassured him, her hand tangling in his midnight hair.
"I love you too." Harry whispered, resting his forehead against hers.
Hermione eased out of his arms and sat down on the bed. "Get the lights?" She asked with a smile.
Harry turned them off and crawled back into bed. Hermione pulled him into a kiss. Harry kissed her back fervently, and let out a moan of approval as Hermione's hands found the front of his pajamas again.
"We don't have to do this." Harry said, drawing away. "Go to bed." He told her with a grin, gently shoving her hand away.
Hermione gave him a mischievous smile. "I'm suddenly not very tired anymore, Mr. Potter." Hermione's hands caught both sides of Harry's pants and eased them down his hips at an agonizingly slow pace.
Harry closed his eyes, enjoying the sensations her hands trailing slowly across his bare skin caused him. Her hands made their way back to his stomach, and without warning, Hermione's sexy caress turned into a merciless tickle on his belly. Harry's eyes instantly opened and he bent over to stop her. He growled and caught her hands. "Bad move, Granger. Very bad move." He warned in a low, dangerous voice full of playfulness, and Hermione knew she was in trouble.
Harry pulled on his pajama pants, commando, and quietly walked towards his bedroom door.
"Where you going?" Hermione mumbled, half-asleep.
"Just getting water. Go back to sleep." Harry whispered, walking back make sure she was tucked in and he dropped a kiss on her forehead. Hermione instantly drifted off, allowing Harry to continue on his way to the kitchen.
He was surprised to see Draco sitting at the bar, eating a granola bar and drinking a soda.
"What are you doing up?" Harry asked, his voice not as friendly as he would have liked for it to be.
Draco shrugged. "Can't sleep. You?"
"Getting ready to go to sleep…thought I'd get some water." Harry said, grabbing a bottle of water from the refrigerator and sitting across from his best mate. They sat in a tense silence for a few minutes.
Finally, Draco cleared his throat. "I know how it looked, mate, but you have to know-"
Harry cut him off. "I know. I trust both of you. I know that you're having your own issues with Voldemort." He said softly, looking over at his friend.
Draco was silent, a brooding expression on his face.
Harry pressed on, "But I'm not stupid. I know how you are with girls, and with her…you're different. You're my best mate. I don't like the way you look at her sometimes." He kept his voice even, expressing his concern.
"I remember when you first told us about Hermione. You talked about how beautiful you thought she was." Draco laughed. "And when we saw her, Ron and I said, yeah, she's cute, you know? Nothing special, but attractive enough. Then when we got to know her…when I got to know her…I can see it too. I see what a beautiful person she is."
Harry listened to his mate's words, unsure where he was going-but knowing Draco wasn't making her feel any better. He felt his hand ball into a fist behind the counter.
"We were wrong. She is special. As weird as it sounds, I feel like I have a connection to her that I've never had with another girl. But it's not like that-and obviously nothing compared to you two. I just feel like we have a good understanding of each other. I mean…if you two weren't bloody perfect for each other and I actually had a shot, well, mate," Draco joked with a laugh. "No, not even then. She's all yours. I just want a small part of her life too. She's like the sister I never had." The blonde chuckled.
Harry raised an eyebrow. "Maybe you can keep your lips off your sister then." He gave a small smile to let his mate know he was at least half-joking.
Draco nodded. "Noted. I'm really sorry about that. It was all friendly, I swear. But in the future, it won't happen again. She's all yours."
Harry knew Draco's words were sincere. He knew his friend had been vulnerable and was reaching out for comfort. He also knew if he happened again, he may have to hex the fuck out of him. Maybe. Harry laughed silently at that idea. He really was a jealous prat.
"We're good. Hermione made sure of that." Harry chuckled with a wink, his gaze dropping to the countertop as a wiry grin plastered itself on his face.
Draco laughed, clearly catching Harry's meaning. The two shared a look full of perverted undertones, and Draco offered his fist to his best mate as a congratulations. Harry bumped his fist, feeling better everything was out in the open and resolved.
As their snickered quieted, Harry asked slowly, "So…do you want to talk about it?"
Well what did you think? I hope you liked it! Please review and let me know what you think!
And just to clarify…Harry was NOT trying to force himself on Hermione-she wasn't putting up a fight really, and he thought she was just flirting so in case you thought that…he isn't a scumbag!
Draco and Hermione are NOT flirting or attracted to each other, either. Draco realizes how great she is, and if Harry wasn't in the picture, then he might be interested, but he wouldn't do that to Harry so she is completely off limits in his mind. They just have a special relationship is all, which Harry is obviously having some trouble dealing with while Hermione is questioning what the boundaries are with Draco because it's new to her and feels inappropriate in some ways, especially with her relationship with Harry. Hopefully I'm conveying that well, or enough to make sense, anyway.
Stay Tuned for the next chapter-Harry's birthday!
Please review so I can come back from work with lots to read!