Hello all. Here is the next chapter. It's longer than I thought, and I actually cut it off before I was planning, but I figured this was enough, plus it leaves a pretty good cliffy. Hope you all enjoy!
Thanks for the reviews for the last chapter.
Disclaimer: Nothing is mine except Cliffinshire.
CHAPTER FIVE: Reality Check
This time it's like
The two of us should probably start to fight
'Cause something's gotta go wrong
'Cause I'm feelin' way too damn good
Feelin' way too damn good
Sometimes life ain't best if left in the memory
It's better kept inside than left for good
Lookin' back each time they tried to tell me
Well something's gotta go wrong
'Cause I'm feelin' way too damn good
"Feelin' Way Too Damn Good" NICKELBACK
"Are you sure this is wise, my lord?" Lucius Malfoy asked, his head bowed in respect. "With the Ministry denying your return so resolutely…such an event could ruin that-unless, of course, we are ready for such a…coming out party?"
Voldemort laughed as the chamber filled with his Death Eater's screams. After only a few seconds, the Dark Lord ceased his torture. "Lucius…let me worry about what is wise and unwise for us. I have told you, we are not ready for full disclosure to the Wizarding World. We are simply sending a small reminder to the boy-let him know that while he is not in my immediate sights, he is certainly on the list. I have no need to kill him at the moment. Simply killing him…well, that would just not do. I want him destroyed. We must be patient. It will all come together-I am sure of this." Voldemort's small speech fell on Lucius's ears, though the Dark Lord was not necessarily reassuring the man before him as much as himself. Yes, he had a plan. However, it was not ready. Several components were still missing, and it would be unwise to take Dumbledore on at the present time. For his follower's wavering trust in his plan, Voldemort resumed his torture.
He had not revealed his plan to anyone-only that it had been set in motion and they had to wait patiently. Voldemort was patient. He could wait. He caught glimpses of Harry Potter's mind from this strange connection they shared through his scar. With his new body, Voldemort could only guess empowering himself further had strengthened this connection. He saw the love Harry had for those around him, the complete adoration he held for Hermione Granger. It was laughable. The boy should not trust the girl, and yet he did. Voldemort smirked. He had kept her alive for a reason. The evil call in her blood would be too great, he was sure. She had already be an asset to his plan without even realizing it. She thought she could deny her ancestors…she would soon realize things did not work that way. No one denied their pedigree-it was already coursing through her veins, silently waiting for the opportunity to strike.
Hermione had her eyes closed contently and her head leaned back towards the headrest with Harry's hand in hers while he drove down the road. They had dropped off Dudley and Cassie and were almost to London, where Hermione had set up a quick afternoon of tea with Clarence. She hadn't seen the woman in months, and felt guilty for not returning her last letter. With everything going on, Hermione had completely forgotten. She asked if they could have tea today before dinner with her parents later on, and her old friend had been just as taken with the idea as Hermione.
Harry, on the other hand, was slightly nervous, she knew. He had confided in her about the guilt that had accumulated in his chest about being responsible for Clarence's husband's death. Hermione tried to convince him it wasn't his fault and she knew Clarence harbored no ill feelings toward him, but Harry was still skeptical. She hoped this visit would remedy that.
They pulled up to her library in London, and Hermione felt a sense of peace overcome here. How many hours had she spent here? This had been a second home to her at one point in her life. She intertwined her hand with Harry's and gave him a small smile. "This place is really special to me. I'm glad I can share it with you." She gave an encouraging squeeze of his hand.
Harry returned it with an affectionate one of his own as they started up the walkway and entered her old safe haven. The lobby looked magnificent, as always with its deep brown hardwood floors and stained glass, cone-shaped ceiling. Their footsteps echoed loudly in the open space. Hermione pulled Harry along excitedly, feeling a rush from the familiar scent of books lining walls just beyond the door ahead.
"Hermione!" A voice greeted as Clarence, her gray and brown hair tied back into a bun. Small but not frail-looking, she rushed forward to give Hermione a hug.
"I've miss you, dear. Please, come in, come in! I've just put the tea on." She ushered them forward. "And you must be Harry Potter. Oh look at how much you've grown!" The older woman gushed, pulling Harry into a hug. "Your parents are doing well, I hope? I haven't had a chance to speak with them yet, then again I've only made it to headquarters once." Before he could reply, she shepherded them into a small room right off the lobby with a large table and cozy chairs surrounding it. A teapot levitated in the air on by the counter above a floating flame. On the table in fine china, place settings for three were already put out. A few covered dishes sat on the table.
"Please, sit, sit. I'll get the tea." She reached into her robes and produced her wand. The teapot floated over to the table and poured into three teacups before lightly dropping onto a tray on the table. "I don't know how you want it-there's sugar and milk and-oh, I've also made some snacks." The lids levitated off each dish, reveals biscuits, crumpets, butter and jellies, and a few other items. "Help yourselves! I know you said you had dinner with your parents later, Hermione, but surely you both can fit in a little snack!"
Once they were all seated and had their small places full, Clarence turned her whole attention on them. She smiled at Harry. "Harry Potter…my, I still can't believe it. You're so handsome-just like your father with your mother's wonderful eyes. It's been so long since I've seen you last, well, really seen you, anyway." She corrected herself, taking a sip of her tea. "Now tell me, I want to know everything you've been up to!"
For the next two hours, Hermione-with a little help from Harry-recounted her last few months at Hogwarts, focusing on the good parts. She told her how magical the school had been and everything she had learned. She talked about how she was still awaiting the results for her N.E.W.T.S., as was Harry. Harry went on about his career options and his plans to become an Auror. When Hermione was asked of her plans, she simply told Clarence that she didn't have anything yet, and for once she was okay with not knowing. She laughed and said she didn't know what she was going to do once Harry started his training.
"You will come here and help me!" Clarence said with a grin. "I'm not taking `no' for an answer! I could use some help running the library, and you will be able to continue your studies while you figure out what you want to do. A stagnant mind-"
"Limits oneself, dreams, and their future." Hermione finished with a smile at the motto the woman before her had drilled into her head for the last five years.
"Exactly. We will work together to better you, as well as prepare for this war against Voldemort. What do you say?"
Hermione grinned. "I'll think about it, but honestly, that sounds pretty damn good to me." She found herself saying with a laugh. The idea certainly had merit. She was going to need to do something, and with this opportunity offered to her, she saw no reason to turn it down.
"Good. It's settled. You will come here and work for me once your vacation is over. When will that be, just curious?" Clarence asked conversationally.
Hermione looked at Harry, who shrugged. "We haven't really talked about it, to be honest." She admitted.
Clarence nodded. "Training for you starts in September, Harry? As well as your trip to Greece with your parents, Hermione?" She asked, and they both nodded. "After that, then. Once you return from Greece, you can start. I want you to enjoy your summer. It's settled." She said with a smile.
They talked for another hour, and Hermione could see that Harry was warming up to her friend, and possibly the idea that he wasn't responsible for anything. Maybe.
Dinner with her parents went very much the same way. Hermione had created a slideshow of pictures to show her parents from her vacation so far-from cliffs and surfing to silly photos and Harry's birthday party. She told them of Clarence's offer, and they surprised her by fully supporting her decision. They knew how hard she had worked over her academic career thus far, juggling both her magical and Muggle education. She deserved a well-earned break.
Her mother completely adored Harry, which made Hermione slightly jealous because she wished his mother felt the same about her. `She will,' Hermione said to herself as she watched Harry interact flawlessly with her parents.
Lying in bed that night against Harry's naked chest, Hermione confided her fears in Harry about the possibility that his parents and her may never get along properly.
Harry laughed and shook his head. "Trust me, she will come around. My father doesn't seem to care. My mother…I mean, with the whole your great-great-relative trying to kill me when I was one…that takes some times getting used to, Hermione." He said with a mock-pained expression. "Not to mention you are taking away her baby boy, corrupting him with blowjobs in the shower and your delicious, naked body." He said, nuzzling her neck while his hand caressed her thigh.
His words brought the disturbing memory from the day before back to her mind and she let out a groan. "I forgot to tell you…your mother really hates me now."
"She doesn't hate you." He countered, pulling his hand away and rolling his head back to relieve a pain in his neck. He hated for her to feel like this.
Hermione raised an eyebrow and rolled to her side so she could see him in the lamp light. "Care to make a wager on that one, Potter?"
Harry grinned. "There's no way to tell the truth, so that's a bit pointless, isn't it?"
"Yesterday, Ginny and I were talking in the kitchen. She was trying to pump me for details on our…sexual trysts over the last few weeks. She said something about knowing something had to have happened, and I said that plenty of things have definitely happened…only to be interrupted by Mummy Dearest coming out of the pantry, smacking the table with a spoon!"
Harry's jaw dropped and he started laughed. "Oh, no…really?! I would have loved to see your face! Maybe she didn't hear you though." He said, knowing it was probably highly unlikely.
Hermione shrugged. "That's what I had thought until she said, and I quote, `I'm sorry to interrupt you, but perhaps you should check your surroundings before you sit here and gossip about how you are defiling my son.' Hermione mimicked.
Harry lost it. He doubled over in laughter. "Wow. I don't even know what to say. I lied-I would have loved to see your face after that remark from her."
Hermione's smiled tightened. "Oh, it gets better. She walked out the door, and I thought she was out of earshot, but no, so she got to hear me say rather huffily, `And how does she know her son isn't the one defiling me?!' So yes, she called back that she had heard that. I'm awaiting my death now. Feel a bit like a sitting duck, to be honest." She admitted with a grin, glad that she could laugh about this now, here in the dark with Harry.
"Hermione…you are…completely fucking brilliant. That was perfect. I'm glad she heard you. Serves her right, in a way for making you miserable." Harry confessed, pulling her into a congratulatory snog.
Hermione giggled against his lips. "I'm not! Do you know how mortifying that was!?"
"Which was worse," Harry asked, moving down her neck, "Ron catching us in the shower, or my dear mum hearing you gossip about how you are `defiling' her son?"
Hermione chuckled. "I at least got my revenge on Ron, and I'd take that any day. Your mum probably thinks I'm a slag or something."
Harry smiled into hair. "I doubt that. I know for a fact-unfortunately and not because I wanted this information-that my mum wasn't a virgin at your age. Her and my father shagged while they were still at Hogwarts-Sirius walked on them all the time, apparently." Harry visibility cringed at the thought of his parents shagging.
"Do you think I can use that against her?" Hermione asked, snorting at the very idea.
"I think you need to worry a little less about what Lily Potter thinks…and a little more about further defiling her son." Harry advised, letting his hands wander under their blanket along her skin, idly wondering if he was ever going to get enough of her.
Hermione woke up to the sound of Harry's hand smacking lightly against her back. She was about to shrug it off when she heard him mutter softly, "No, no." in his sleep. Curious, she rolled over to look at him. Instead of the peaceful expression he normally wore when he slept, he was creasing his forehead and looked troubled.
Hermione shook him away, wanting to relieve him of whatever nightmare was haunting him.
Harry awoke with a start and was breathing heavy. Hermione was hovering over him, obvious concerned etched over her features. "It's okay, it was just a nightmare." She tried to sooth him by pulling his head to her chest. "Just a stupid nightmare."
Harry calmed his breathing as he tried to rid his mind of the images in his head-which was growing increasingly difficult. The few fleeting memories triggered by senses of déjà vu that had been plaguing his mind the last few weeks-usually forgotten or forced from his mind-were solidifying. Instead of waiting for something to trigger the scenes from his dreams, he was starting to remember them when he woke up. Like now, in his mind's eye, he could still picture the dark room with a long table in it, several faceless figures looking up at him while laughing at the body sitting on the table before them. Bloody and covered in dirt with brown hair stringy and unkempt, Hermione's face had looked up, meeting his eyes. The voice coming from his mouth, however, was higher pitched and cold. The same voice Harry heard in the back of his mind on his birthday-Voldemort's.
The other matter was his scar still throbbing painfully. Harry did not let his expression betray the pain he was going through. Hermione cradled his head against her chest and asked if he wanted to talk about his nightmare.
"I can't remember what it was." Harry lied, grasping a handle over his shaking. "It was bad, something happened to you." This part was true, and it seemed to be enough to satisfy her.
"Don't be silly, Harry. I'm right here." She whispered.
Silence overcame both of them, and Harry pulled closer to Hermione. He allowed her to hold onto him tightly as he tried to clear his head. For hours, neither said a word. Harry wasn't sure if Hermione had drifted off to sleep or not, but he stayed wide awake, afraid to fall back asleep. He was slowly realizing he was getting glimpses into Voldemort's mind-what he didn't know was if they were being fed to him, or if he was seeing things simply from the Dark Lord's perspective. Why would the Dark Lord let him see into his mind, unless the Dark Lord had no control over it himself?
Why did he see Hermione bound on that table? That wasn't real. Even while he wondered, he knew the answer was right there, staring at him. The Dark Lord had a vendetta against Harry-that much he knew. The stupid prophecy had made him a target. To make matters worse, Voldemort would never forgive or forget that Harry had been the one to strip him of his powers as a baby, even while Harry had nothing to do with it.
He wanted Harry dead at some point. Harry felt Voldemort didn't particularly care about it at this moment, seeing as how if he wanted him dead, Harry would probably be dead. In the meantime, he was going to torture him with images-Hermione helpless and at the Dark Lord's mercy-that would happen if he failed, and Voldemort knew Harry would be unsuccessful.
Lying there in Hermione's arms, Harry vowed to train harder. He couldn't leave Hermione to that fate.
"I would worry less about her fate, and more about yours, Harry Potter." The cold voice taunted in the back of his head.
"Why aren't we just Apparating" Hermione asked as she and Harry walked down some random Muggle street in London.
"Because, you have to go through this way at least once in your life, so may as well make it your first. I can't believe you've never been to Diagon Alley." Harry said, pulling her along. They needed to buy merchandise for the match the next day, seeing as how neither one of them had any clothing supporting the teams. Also, Harry was excited to show Hermione Diagon Alley in general.
"When exactly was I supposed to go?" Hermione asked, raising an eyebrow. "I figured going into a community that is sure to hate me…probably not the best move, yeah?"
Harry ignored her and finally came to a stop. He gestured dramatically in front of him. "I give you, the Leaky Cauldron."
Hermione looked at the small hole-in-the-wall looking pub before her taking up a small corner on a busy block in London. There was a large wooden sign that looked like it may fall down at any given moment with the words THE LEAKING CAULDRON printed on it with a black cauldron threatening to bubble over beside the words. Peeling paint that was fading to gray from black and dirty windows caked in decades' worth of grime stared back at her. Compared to the many Muggle building surrounding it, the place looked like a complete eye-sore. She noticed the Muggles on the street didn't even spare the shop a glance. Could they even see it? She doubted it.
"It has a certain…charm." Hermione said uneasily, hoping they had gotten the wrong place.
"I know, right?" Harry replied happily before towing her forward. Inside was only a little better. An old bar keep was behind a long bar, cleaning glasses. A bus boy of sorts was clearing off a table, though Hermione noticed it was cleaning itself for the most part, and the bloke was really reading the Daily Prophet.
The man behind the bar looked up and suddenly let go of his glass and rag, which continued to levitate in the air and the rag carried on cleaning the glass. "Great Scott-it's Harry Potter!"
"Er…hello, Tom." Harry greeted with an uncomfortable nod. The few patrons that were in the small pub all stopped what they were doing and stared at the newcomers. "Just…passing through." Harry said, and he pulled Hermione through the pub before anyone could stop them.
"That was awkward." Hermione said as he pulled her out into a very small courtyard that was empty save an overflowing dustbin that's contents were moving and a few broken chairs. The courtyard ended in a brick wall.
"I haven't really been out in public. That was…interesting." Harry responded, feeling uneasy. After being practically marooned with Hermione and his friends over at Sirius's house, he had forgotten about what was going on in the Wizarding World, and that he was suddenly becoming very well known for something he didn't even remember. How bad was this going to be? "I've forgotten all about that."
"Exactly how drastic does this go?" Hermione asked, looking up at Harry. "We should have had the Daily Prophet delivered to us, just so we could have stayed in the loop."
Harry shook his head. "The Prophet in complete rubbish. Last I saw of that it was deeming me The-Boy-Who-Lived or something like that. Best to steer clear of their lies, I say."
Hermione gave him a look as if to she already knew that. "Haven't you heard the phrase, `keep your friends close, and your enemies closer?'" She asked as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Harry shrugged. "I'd rather just keep you close." He leaned down and kissed the tip of her nose. "Now forget them. Forget them all for a bit. I don't want your first trip to Diagon Alley ruined by a bunch of people that don't really matter in the first place."
Hermione grinned. "Fine. Forgotten. Now how do we get in?"
"Pull out your wand, and tap this brick right here three times." Harry said, pointing at the centermost brick in the wall-three up and two across from the dustbin.
Hermione did as she was told, and the brick suddenly began to shake before each row of bricks collapsed into itself, one by one until a large archway appeared the lead into a bustling street. Hermione's mouth fell open surprise. Shops lined each side of the small cobblestone alley before them. It was busy, but not overly crowded.
"Well, let's go!" Harry said, towing Hermione forward. "I think I know a few places you might want to take a look at." He winked. "Luckily, we're coming here right before Hogwarts letters are sent out. This place gets very crowded once everyone has their school lists. Think we made it just in time."
Heart pounding in excitement, Hermione rushed forward-ready to explore this new place. She had always wanted to come here, but was always too scared and let Clarence buy her supplies and books. Now, braver than ever, Hermione was ready to make up for lost time.
Hermione was reminded of Hogsmeade, with more shops and no housing. She pulled Harry along with her as she let her eyes take in the various shops. There were shops for inks, robes, books, animals, and several other things. Restaurants broke up the shops every so often, some with tables out in front of the shop under large, colorful umbrellas. Pasted on some windows were WANTED posters of witches and wizards that had recently broken out of Azkaban several weeks ago. Hermione walked over to one of them featuring an angrily, mad-looking witch with mounds of black curly hair and a thin, sallow face. She glared at Hermione through heavily-lidded eyes. Bellatrix Lestrange. "Draco's aunt." Harry said from behind her. Hermione looked closer at the picture before her. The woman looked fiercely terrifying.
She turned back around and plastered a smile on her face, resolute to not let Voldemort or his Death Eaters ruin her first trip to this magical place. "Let's go."
There were shops with spell book displays in their windows, while others had cauldrons or owls. Harry showed her Eeylops Owl Emporium, where they both purchased treats for Miguel and Hedwig. They stumbled into Flourish and Blotts, and Harry had to drag Hermione from the premises, but not before she bought two new books. Her excitement was catching, and Harry couldn't remember having a better time in Diagon Alley. They stopped for ice cream cones at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor for a frozen treat that changed flavors every minute. Harry got several looks, and even a few shout outs by random strangers that recognized him from his name being splashed across the Daily Prophet every day, but the two ignored them for the most part-he even had to threaten some shady-looking bloke who kept following them with a camera.
"And this is Ollivander's, of course. Always a bit nerve-racking to go in there at eleven." Harry said, gesturing to an old shop with a dusty purple cushion holding a solitary wand in the dirty window.
"Ollivander's Wand Shop. Why is it nerve-racking?" Hermione asked as she read on the sign.
"Well, you know, in case you can't find a wand. I was there forever, going through wands. Didn't think I'd every get one. `The wand chooses the wizard, Mr. Potter.'" Harry laughed, remembering the unsettling experience and mimicking the old man's mysterious words.
"What do you mean?" Hermione asked, confused and looking down at her own wand.
"You know, when you go through all the wands until one feels right? Or…how did you get your wand, exactly?" Harry asked, peering at her wand as well.
Hermione shrugged. "Clarence bought it for me. She came here and bought it, I suppose. What do you mean when you said the wand chooses you?" She asked.
Harry frowned. "That's odd. I mean, I've heard of people using others' wands-Ron didn't get his own wand until he was thirteen. He had used his brother, Charlie's, old wand. But anyway, when you actually go in and get your own…it's weird. He goes through all these wands and has your perform magic with it, and tries to find the one that's perfect for you-the wand that chooses you. It's actually an incredible process, and I'm sorry you never got to do it." He said softly, as he could see the hurt in her brown eyes that she had missed out on such a milestone in the Wizarding World.
Hermione gave him a tight smile. "I still got a good wand, yeah? It's fine. I don't need a wand to choose me or whatever. Shall we continue?" Her voice was even, but Harry could see she was a little bothered.
A birthday idea churned slowly in his head as he cast one last look at the wand shop before letting Hermione tow him forward, and he met the light blue eyes of Ollivander himself staring back through the grimy window. He winked and bowed his head slightly at Harry, causing the younger man to walk faster.
"This is Gringotts Bank, but I think we'll skip that place. It always gives me the creeps. Ran by goblins. Vicious little fuckers. Never get mixed up with them. They keep your gold deep underground, and you've got to get on these carts and ride through these caves." Harry said, and felt Hermione shudder at his side. "Plus, I think it's about time to catch up with Ron and Draco over at the twins' shop anyway. Then we can go to Quality Quidditch Supplies and head home, I suppose. Maybe we can hit somewhere in London for dinner." He said, glancing at his watch.
They met up with Ron and Draco at Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. Ron and Draco had worked that day to make some extra cash-mainly being guinea pigs for new products. When Harry and Hermione caught up with them, Draco had blue hair and Ron's face was covered in purple spots.
"What's going on?" Harry asked, grinning.
"They're getting the antidotes. New products." Draco explained. Hermione raised her camera and snapped a picture of the two of them. "Thanks, because this is something I want to remember." Draco said sarcastically.
"We're going to go look around." Hermione said, sticking her tongue out at Draco.
The shop was by far the most crowded one yet. Kids of all ages were bustling around, yelling and shouting at each other, even a few adults. Hermione browsed the shelves, impressed. "They're geniuses." She acknowledged as Harry picked a few things up from a table.
"Pretty much. Completely brilliant."
"Why thank you, Potter." A voice said cheekily behind them, and the two turned to see one of the redheaded twins standing there.
"Hey Fred." Harry greeted, shaking the ginger's hand.
"Harry, always a pleasure. And it's Hermione, right?" He asked, looking over at Hermione.
"Yes, it's nice to see you again. This shop…it's downright amazing." Hermione said in honestly, letting her eyes wander around at the different clouds of colored smoke and colorful products promising uninterrupted daydreams, free afternoon after skiving off classes, hats that made your head disappear and several other products.
"Aw, thank you. And I hear you're a bit of a goody-goody, so it's always nice to hear from the opposite end of the spectrum-here, take a free Ten-Second Pimple Vanisher. Not that you need it, but hey, it cures everything from boils to blackheads. Might come in handy!" He said, handing her a small pink pot.
Hermione took the offered product and pocketed it. "Thanks, I appreciate it."
He brought his hand up and talked behind it as if they were sharing a secret. "But if you want a love potion, feel free to swipe one. I won't tell him." He said with a wink, pointing over at Harry. Hermione laughed.
"And of course, Harry, your offer stands as always: anything you want. We haven't forgotten that your start up loan." He said, referring to Harry emptying his bank account-the funds he and his parents had been saving up for his future or "possible Muggle education" as his mother put it-and handing it over to the twins to start their business because he believed it them and their money had been taken from them by a gamble with a shady Ludo Bagman at the Quidditch World Cup just a few years before. By the time Harry's parents found out about it-almost a year later-there wasn't much they could do, and had agreed that while they didn't approve of his actions, they were proud of him for using the money to help out someone in need of it.
Harry grinned. "Thanks, but I think the birthday package should last me awhile. And, my parents told me that you two really helped out with the bike…honestly, consider us above and beyond even-please?" He asked his best mate's older brother with a smile.
Fred only smirked in response. "How's the bike treating you, now that you've mentioned it?"
"Fantastic. And the shop looks…looks like it's thriving." Harry said, looking around at the crowd.
"Aye, that's only because it is. Thinking about putting up a branch in Hogsmeade-just something small so the student can refill throughout the school year. Hopefully it will lower the owl orders-it's ridiculous, mate, could barely keep up last year. I'd feel bad for taking Zonko's business but…well, business is business. We need more employees, and for that, we're going to need a bigger payroll budget. It's business-one-oh-one, really." Fred said with a shrug.
Harry nodded in agreement. "Sounds good to me. You'll get business from the villagers as well, I'm sure."
"That's what we're counting on. But enough about this boring business talk-did you see Malfoy and my brother?!"
Harry laughed. "Yeah, caught them at the door. Do I even want to know?"
Fred shook his head. "No, product isn't ready yet. Didn't expect those results, but what the hell-that's why we pay them!"
The two blokes laughed before they were joined by George, Ron, and Draco, who looked like they were back to normal.
After another twenty minutes at the Weasleys' shop, the four of them made their way to Quality Quidditch Supplies. One step in, and Hermione knew they were going to be awhile. The boys' eyes lit up like Christmas trees as they walked deeper into the shop. While none of the boys were particular fans of the Wasps or the Arrows, the seats were in Wasp territory, and apparently it would be dangerous to wear anything supporting the Arrows around the fans. Hermione found a black top with the team's mascot on the chest and "Wimbourne" written across the back between the shoulders in yellow. She shrugged, found her size, and grabbed it from the hanger. The boys, however, had to look at all the new merchandise first, salivated over the new Firebolt Ultimate world-class broomstick, and even priced new sets of Quidditch balls before even thinking about taking a look at the team sportswear.
Hermione paid for her shirt and walked over to Harry, who was reading aloud the new broomstick's specifications. "Harry, I'm just going to take a look next door, okay?"
Harry looked up. "What?"
"Next door. I'll be right back." Hermione repeated.
Harry shook his head. "That's not a good idea. Here, I'll go with you." He said after looking longingly at the broom.
"Harry, I'll be fine. Calm down. I'm a big girl-I tie my own sandals and everything , remember?" She joked, alluding her a very short and early conversation between the two what seem liked years ago.
Harry didn't look like he liked the idea. "Hermione…"
"I'll be fine! I'll be right back! Find your new shirt!" She exclaimed before turning around and heading for the door.
Once she was out of the shop, Hermione scanned the shops before her. She had a hard time ignoring all the posters glaring at her from every shop, different gaunt-looking faces, however. Three members of the Lestrange family. Dolohov. Rookwood. Mulciber. Travers. The names and faces kept flashing before her. Ignoring the chills going down her spine, especially now that she was alone, Hermione turned left and entered the first shop on her path.
The shop was Madam Primpernelle's Beautifying Potions. She was in there for about thirty seconds before swiftly walking out, but not before the sales lady encouraged her to buy a large bottle of Pretty Face Quik Fixe, as she was in "dire need" of it. Too much pink, too much perfume in the air, and too much offense in the sales lady's eyes. She wandered over to the shop that was on the right of Quality Quidditch Supplies, Magical Menagerie.
The shop was small and cramped, and was odoriferous with the scent of animals and their dung. Hermione tried to ignore the unpleasant smell, and walked further into the small, noisy shop. She saw an array of animals, from a giant jewel-encrusted tortoise and poisonous orange snails to Puffskeins and owls. There was a sign for intelligent black rats and another pointing to caged ravens. Hermione examined all of the creatures in delight, her curiosity getting the best of her. By the time she made her way halfway around the shop, she noticed the large, orange furry creature following her. Once she reached the sales counter, it leapt forward, onto the counter, and stared at her fiercely. It had a squashed face, bandy legs, ginger-colored fur, and large brown eyes. Hermione reached out and pet his head, and the large cat purred under her attention.
"Aren't you just a gorgeous little thing, or big thing maybe?" Hermione laughed, scratching him behind his ears.
"His name is Crookshanks." An old woman said, coming up behind the counter. "Been here quite a while. Hasn't taken to anyone. I'm surprised he's even letting you touch him." She laughed, nodding in the direction of the cat, who was now on his back and allowing Hermione to scratch his belly.
"Crookshanks? That's an interesting name. Why don't you like anyone, Crookshanks?" She asked, enjoying the soft fur between her fingers. "He's very large for a cat, isn't he?" Hermione observed.
"Crossbreed between cat and kneazle. Most intelligent cat you'll ever meet. Was abandoned but found his way here, and been here ever since. No one wants him, and he has no interest in anyone anyway. Well, except you!" The woman told her. "Half price for you, if you'd like, only because I've never seen him like this!"
Hermione studied the ginger cat in front of her, his large eyes staring at her like he understood everything the woman was saying. He lazily stretched one leg, then the next, making a show of it before leaping straight into Hermione's arms. Hermione laughed. "Well, I guess I don't have much of a choice, now do I? I'll take him!" She decided on a whim.
"Hermione, there you are! What happened to five minutes?!" A voice spoke behind her. Hermione turned to see Ron making his way into the shop. "Harry was going to come after you, but I already had my shirt, so I said I would. And what in the bloody hell is that?" He asked, eyeing Crookshanks uneasily.
Crookshanks swiped at Ron threateningly, as if daring him to come any closer to his Hermione. "This is Crookshanks-isn't he beautiful?" She asked, holding him up for Ron to see. "I've just bought him. Can you hold him while I grab some food and a basket?" She asked, handing him over to Ron.
Ron gingerly took the cat from Hermione, but Crookshanks was having none of it and scratched Ron on his arm and jumped down to the floor.
"Bloody hell! Fuck you, you stupid cat!" Ron raged, inspecting his bleeding wound. "You honestly bought that monster?!" He looked over at Hermione, eyes wide.
Hermione giggled. "Must not like gingers. Come here, Crookshanks." Hermione cooed, and the cat came straight up to her, and Hermione could have sworn the cat was glaring at her, as if to say `You aren't handing me to that idiot again, are you?'
Hermione looked over at Ron, "Can you get his food and basket, please?"
Ron glared at her, but went ahead and did as she asked. Once everything was paid for, and with Hermione carrying Crookshanks and Ron carrying a bag of food and his basket, they returned to Quality Quidditch Supplies just as Draco and Harry were heading for the door.
"What is that?" Draco asked, his eyes on Crookshanks.
"It looks like either a very big cat or quite a small tiger…" Harry said slowly with dread in his voice.
"He is a monster." Ron sputtered. "And your woman bought the damn thing. Tried to kill me just a few minutes ago!"
"I like him already." Draco smirked.
"Oh, Ron, hush. He heard you insult him-of course he doesn't like you. You don't like the red-haired mean man, now do you, Crookshanks? I don't like him myself half the time." She said with a wink at Ron.
"Here. She's snogging you, you can be her butler." Ron said, shoving the food and basket into Harry's arms.
"Can I bring him with me, or should I drop him off at my parents' house?" Hermione asked, looking over at Harry.
"Er…Sirius won't mind. You can bring him." Harry said, not liking the look the cat was giving him.
"Brilliant. Shall we Apparate home, drop out stuff off, then maybe hit somewhere in London for dinner then?" She asked, repeating Harry's plan from earlier.
"Home or Hell, to give them back their devil?" Ron muttered, giving Crookshanks a wide berth. "I swear he's plotting my demise right now! I can't sleep with this thing in the house! He'll scalp me!"
"So you're in then?" James asked, staring out at the morning sky with Harry, sipping his morning coffee.
Harry laughed. "Yeah, looks like it. Made the marks." He said, referring to his results for his N.E.W.T.S. that he had gotten the evening before that had been waiting on them once they returned from Diagon Alley. He had done it. Top grades in all his courses-all the ones that mattered anyway. Hermione had top grades in everything; Ron and Draco had done decent enough as well. They had returned to London for dinner, as planned, but with reasons to celebrate now. He told his parents, and his father had showed up here first thing in the morning and caught Harry just after his shower.
"And how's your training going?" James asked, looking over at his son.
Harry shrugged. "I feel good about it. I'm working harder than ever. My birthday last week was a bit of a setback in the diet department, but I've made sure to get in more than enough runs to make up for it. I'm ready for September." Harry replied, thinking over the last week and his work out plan. He had stuck to his word. With every nightmare he had, he ran twice more than he was supposed to. He practiced more difficult spells. He practiced complex scenarios that tests his stealth and problem solving with the help of his friends. He ran longer. He ran faster. He could feel the soreness in his body from working out harder. His muscles were stronger. Even Draco, who had always been in top notch fitness when it came to running, couldn't stay with Harry in their recent runs together in preparation for Quidditch trails a month away. With his extreme training over these last several weeks, there was no denying the change his body had undergone. He had gone from being already in decent shape to being thoroughly well-conditioned.
His father nodded approvingly. "It shows. I'm proud of you, son. So is your mother."
Harry took his in father's words with a grin.
"And how are things between the two of you?" James asked, looking back towards the house where Hermione was still sleeping in Harry's bed.
A grin caught Harry's lips, just like it always did when Hermione was mentioned. "Really well. I love her a lot, Dad." Harry admitted, dropping his gaze and kicking a rock on the patio.
"I can see that. Must be someone special to get even your attention." The older man said with a laugh.
Grin still in place, Harry nodded. "She is special."
"Your mother…er…I'm supposed to tell you to not make any stupid decisions. Apparently she overheard a bit of conversation, and so now she's all, `she's going to get pregnant' and `he's going to ruin his future.' Oh, or my personal favorite, `You tell him, James, you tell him he better be smart or I'll cut his penis off, I swear I will.'" James chuckled heartily with his son as he mimicked the woman they both loved dearly.
"Er…now I know to steer clear from her if I value my penis at all, thanks for the heads up." Harry said, feeling slightly awkward. It was worse talking about this with his father than it was Sirius.
He readied himself for the lecture he knew was going to come, but James just continued to laugh. "You know your mother-dramatic little witch, she is. All I'm going to say it…be safe. I know you aren't stupid. And it's obvious you love the hell of out this girl. I can understand falling in love with someone you have no business loving, trust me."
Surprised, Harry raised his eyebrows. "Really? You don't want to disown me? You like her?"
James drained the last of his coffee. "I trust your judgment. I trust Sirius's judgment. I trust Dumbledore's judgment. If all three of you agree on something, it would a bit stupid on my part to go against you. Your mother…you know she hates the family more than my family does, that's just her motherly instincts. Sirius has told me she's a lovely girl. Bright. Kind. Beautiful. Says she too good for you, to be honest." He chortled, giving his son an affectionate shove.
"She is. She's way too good for me. Beautiful person inside-and-out." Harry described, though it didn't seem like enough praise. He couldn't stop himself from going on, "Completely gorgeous. Nicer to people than they deserve. Bleeding annoying know-it-all. You think Mum pushed me in school…" Harry shook his head back in forth, "This girl was nuts. But she's smart as hell-knows everything, I swear. You should see her on a surf board; that was a laugh. Doesn't have an athletic bone in her body-she'd trip over her own feet just trying to run.
"And in an argument, the little witch has always got to be right. Most stubborn person I've ever met. Scared of taking risks, so naturally I've got to force her into any sort of adventure. She secretly loves it though, I think. Sometimes I wish I didn't have to push so hard, but I guess it wouldn't be her if she just went along with what I wanted, yeah?" He laughed, rolling his eyes. "That would just make things too easy on me. It's definitely a battle with her half the time, but that's love, right? Fighting whatever you have to to keep together because that's what you want more than anything? I'd do anything for that girl, I swear." Harry confessed, his gaze on the sun slowly rising in the pink sky.
James was silent for a moment, and Harry turned to see a silly grin on his father's face. "What?" He asked, a smile slowly spreading on his own face.
"You've got it bad, mate. This girl…she's got you more than you even know. I can tell."
Harry shrugged, wondering if he said too much. He just wanted his parents to know Hermione like he did-well, not exactly like he did-and be able to approve of her. He didn't honestly care if they did one way or another, but it was important to Hermione. It would also be easier if Hermione didn't feel like she had to walk on pins and needles in front of his mother all the time.
"I was obsessed with your mother since…well, as long as I can remember. Similar situation-she was way too good for me. Luckily, you're smart. You didn't act like a prat that proved you didn't deserve Hermione. I was terrible. Too immature. Too mean. Your mother…she was a goody-goody. I fought so hard to get her attention-never really occurred to me until our Seventh Year that I was getting bad attention from her. But once I straightened out…well, you know the rest." James recounted his own years at Hogwarts, going after a girl he had no business falling in love with.
Harry listened to his father's words with a grin. "Mum makes you happy. You make her happy. I wish she would see that Hermione makes me just as happy as Mum makes you."
"She will. Don't worry about her, Harry. Your mother has a weakness or two, and I know all about them." He said knowingly, and Harry shook his head with a laugh. James looked down at his watch. "Great Scott-I've got to get going. Enjoy the match today; be careful son. Let us know when you get home, if it's not too much to ask. You know how your mother worries. And don't do anything that's going to get your penis hacked off!" He clapped Harry on the shoulder and gave him one last meaningful look.
Harry watched as his father was about to Disapparate, but stopped suddenly, as if a thought occurred to him. "By the way, give yourself some credit. You say Hermione is too good for you…don't sell yourself short. I think you're more evenly matched than you think. You've grown into a fine young man-we are all very proud of you."
Harry's throat was suddenly too tight to speak. His father seemed to understand his dilemma. He winked and said easily, "Enjoy the match!" Before spinning and Disapparating on the spot.
Harry walked back inside the house, where a freshly-showered Draco was lying on the couch. "Hey mate." He greeted Harry, who was leaning in the doorway.
"Hey." Harry replied with a half-smile.
"Figured we should leave by noon. Thought about taking a nap beforehand, just in case the match runs late." Draco said, moving and trying to find a comfortable position. His body was sore from their run.
"Good idea. Think I'll go wake up Hermione to see if she wants to take a nap too." Harry replied, turning around to head in the direction of his room.
"You aren't really taking a nap, are you?" Draco snickered as he got up from the couch and followed, but heading for Sirius's room instead.
"Nope." Harry called behind him. He winked at Draco as he passed by before opening his bedroom door and closing it quietly. The curtains blocked out most of the gray morning from his room. In the darkness, Harry saw that Hermione was asleep, tangled up in sheets and a blanket twisted somewhere in the mess on his bed.
Harry removed his shirt as he strode over to foot of his bed. He pulled the blankets and sheets free from the imprisonment that was Hermione's legs. She was lying on her side, one hand stretched across the bed while the over was coiled around one of his pillows. Her shorts had ridden up high enough to make Harry's thought take a perverse turn. He licked his lips, imaging her face if he woke her up with his mouth on her…there. Did he dare? Since his birthday shower the week before, oral pleasure hadn't been revisited, despite being on his mind quite a few times. He didn't know if she suddenly felt like they weren't ready, or if she was just too embarrassed to bring it back about.
He knew he definitely wanted it brought back about. He was more than willing to return the favor; in fact he was happy to give it a shot without her doing anything to him at all. He had no idea what he was doing, however, and was a little nervous to try in case he was complete rubbish at it. Nervousness hadn't stopped Hermione, however, he realized. Harry had learned quite a lot since they started dating-most of which had been learnt these last three weeks. Practicing was the only way to get good at things. He felt a smirk tug at his lips.
He could feel his body responding to his thoughts. His jeans were becoming a little uncomfortable, and Harry had half a mind to remove those too. Harry slowly walked over to his side of bed and let himself sink into the space beside her. He lightly traced along her skin from her knee to the hem of her shorts, fantasizing easing them off of her and picking up his tracing with his tongue.
"Fuck." He cursed wistfully, readjusting his jeans. He grabbed the sheet from the floor and covered himself and Hermione up before he rolled over, his back to Hermione. As if sensing his return, Hermione moved to her back and propped up her smooth, warm legs and draped across his side. The contact of skin on skin made him smile as he closed his eyes, one hand curling around her ankle.
He laid there for several minutes, content with a little down time on his own, stewing in his thoughts. He wondered how much longer they were going to stay here on the beach. He thought about what all these dreams about Voldemort meant, and why he remembered half of them while the others seemed to disappear in smoke when he woke up. He figured it had something to do with his psych. He didn't want to have these images in his head. He didn't want this intrusion. Sometimes, however, simply willing the memories away wasn't enough. If he guessed correctly, these were the thoughts Voldemort wanted him to see. The others, he figured, were just freak accidents that slipped between the two due to this weird connection with his scar. Maybe. Who knows?
He let his mind continue on to the next random subject in his head, which was-surprise surprise-Hermione. She was his go-to distraction in his head. He closed his eyes and let images of her chase away even the worst Voldemort could torment him with. Hermione, warm and soft and safe in his arms. Hermione, his awkward and sexy girlfriend, who blushed at the word "blowjob" but that's hadn't stopped her from sneaking into his shower and giving him one, and not only that, but took Ron's teasing like a champ. Hermione, his annoying little know-it-all who would probably have a fit if she knew what he was really dreaming about. The way he saw it, he'd just have to get incentive to dream about other things that weren't Voldemort-related. With these thoughts in his head, Harry craned his neck back to looking at his slumbering girlfriend.
He glanced at the clock. It was almost eight. Desire tugged just below his stomach. Harry licked his lips as he allowed his mind to run wild with fantasies about this woman beside him. He slowly turned around so he was facing her, careful not to jostle the bed too much with his movement. He played with the idea of waking her up. Should he? Would she be mad? Did this make his a selfish, horny git?
Or would she appreciate it? Maybe she wouldn't mind being woken up. Knowing Hermione, she would want to get a good head start on the day, with the match this afternoon and all. Hermione hated being unprepared. Harry looked back at the clock and tried to calm his nerves and desire. Snape . Snape in a dress. Filch in a dress. Snape and Filch in dresses, doing the tango.
That image was almost enough to make him forget about it.
Grinning to himself, Harry maneuvered so he was at the foot of the bed. It was still quite dark in his room, but there was enough light for him to see without trouble. He pulled the sheet aside to reveal Hermione's legs. He allowed his hands to gently caress her from her ankles up to the middle of her thighs. Needing only a little courage, Harry ducked his head between her thighs. His thumb stopped just short of the hem of her shorts. He pressed his lips to her inner thigh, jetting his tongue out to taste her soft skin. He easily pushed the hem of her shorts higher until finally her cotton knickers were in view. His thumb caught the side of the crotch of her knickers, and he slowly eased it to the side to give himself access to her.
Harry took a deep breath before picking up his kisses on her thigh, but slowly moving them up her leg until he was there on her. Her taste was new to him, but he decided immediately that he liked it. He liked the idea of her taste being on his tongue. Unsure of what to do, he just went for it. Licking and kissing and sucking everything and anything he could reach. He felt her legs jerk and immediately he pinned her hips to the bed as she woke up from his tongue attacking her naughty bits.
"What? Who-Harry! What are you...doing?" She asked weakly, attempting to sit up and catching him between her legs with a guilty smirk.
He leaned forward and kissed her chastely on the mouth before returning to his previous spot. Silently, he reached for the waistband of her shorts and knickers and gave them a soft tug. In response, Hermione lifted her hips and allowed for Harry to pull the offensive clothing down her legs. Harry gave her a small push, and Hermione eased back down to her pillows while Harry's lips found the inside of her thigh again teasingly. Her fingers threaded through his hair, twisting the ends slightly. Harry maneuvered her legs to drape over his shoulders to give him better access.
He had no idea if what he was doing felt good or not. Hermione's legs were trembling slightly against his neck, so he took that as a good sign. With his tongue busy on her clit, he used two fingers to pump slowly inside of her. He had gone down on her for several minutes if seemed like, enjoying every whimper that fell from her lips before she finally let out a loud moan. Her hands fell away from his hair-one tangled in his headboard while the other gripped his sheets. Her hips bucked slightly, and Harry grinned against her. He used on free hand to keep her hips pinned to the bed while he used the fingers on his other to continue to thrust in and out of her. He looked up to see that she had put a pillow over her face in embarrassment, but Harry would have none of it. He released her hips for a second to grab the pillow and toss it away. No, he was definitely going to watch this the best he could.
When he was about to pull away because he thought his tongue was going to just cramp up and fall off, he felt the familiar signs in his girlfriend that she was about to climax. She was biting her lips and her curled toes dug painfully into his sides as her hand left the headboard and twisted in a death grip in his hair, but he didn't care. He forced himself to keep going, using her loud cries of satisfaction as fuel. He pressed harder against her, thrusting his fingers faster. And just a few seconds later, his dedication was rewarded with a very long, very loud, very sexy, and very satisfied sound coming from Hermione's lips-a cross between a moan and cry of his name.
Harry lazily used to tongue to aid her in prolonging her pleasure as she slowly came back to the ground. After a few seconds, he finally pulled away and crawled in his spot beside her, licking his lips. She looked completely disheveled in the weak light; her hair was a mess, her eyes bright and cheeks flushed. She looked freshly fucked, in his opinion, and he couldn't stop himself from grabbing her by the back on her head roughly and crashing her lips to his.
Hermione pulled away after a few minutes, still pink in the face. She rested her forehead against his. "That was…bleeding fucking brilliant, Potter. Good work." She grinned. "Best alarm clock ever."
Harry grinned and kissed her. "Are you sure? That very loud moan of pleasure and you screaming my name wasn't hint enough." He winked as his cocky smirk found its way on his lips.
Hermione shoved him playfully. "I did not scream."
Harry shrugged. "I think you did." He closed his eyes and pulled a face full of pleasure, "Oh-oh…yes…Oh Merlin Harry…right there…oh, oh, oh, oh God yes…oh HARRY!" He mimicked in a high voice. He was exaggerating, but it still felt nice on his ego, knowing he made her half-shout his name all by using his tongue. He grinned as Hermione rolled her eyes at his immaturity. "I hope that was okay. I mean, we haven't talked about…er…you know…" He trailed off.
"Oral sex?" Hermione supplied helpfully, raising an eyebrow.
Harry laughed. "Yeah, oral sex. I know we haven't talked about it since…well, since you surprised me in the shower on my birthday, and let's face it, no real talking there…But yeah, I hope it was okay that I just went for it." He grinned.
Hermione smiled and her cheeks tinged scarlet-not from pleasure this time, but embarrassment. "It's fine. It's not that I don't want to try again, it's more…I'm nervous, and almost feel like I forget how to, if that makes any sense. I mean, not that I knew how to to begin with, I just feel like…I'd end up missing and getting poked in the eye or something. I'm frightened of messing up." She joked, shaking from giggling slightly.
Harry pulled her into a kiss. "I promise not to poke you in the eye. Don't be nervous. In the shower…it felt really really good. I'm sure it will again. But if you want to wait until you're more comfortable…that's fine. We can wait. No rush. I can always do you again." He winked. "Probably have to use my fingers because I don't think my tongue can take it twice in a row like that, but I suppose we could always find out." He let his fingers trail up her inner thigh persuasively.
Hermione caught his fingers just before they reached their target. "Thanks, but how about I take another shot?" She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively and pushed him roughly against the pillows. She maneuvered herself so she was straddling his hips. Harry moved to take her shirt off, but Hermione batted his hands away. Harry held his hands up in surrender before threading his fingers comfortably behind his head. Hermione tongue ventured from his neck to his torso, swirling deliciously on his skin.
Hermione felt her nerves melt away as she felt Harry's excitement against her leg. Even if she was rubbish at it, she knew it would still please him. After what he had just done for her, she was eager to try again to see if she could make him moan like that. She undid his belt buckle and flipped open the button on his jeans. She looked up at his face, his eyes closed in contentment. She tugged his jeans off, then his boxers. Hermione took him in her hands, enclosing her hand around him. She glanced once more up at his face and saw him watching her this time, his eyes begging for her to keep going. "This isn't a free show, Potter." She grinned wickedly at him before pulling the sheet over her head.
Screamin' no!
We're never gonna quit, ain't nothing wrong with it
Just acting like we're animals
No, no matter where we go `cause everybody knows
We're just a couple animals
So come on baby, get in
Get in, just get in
Check out the trouble we're in
You're beside me on the seat, got your hand between my knees
And you control how fast we go by just how hard you wanna squeeze
It's hard to steer when you're breathing in my ear
But I got both hands on the wheel while you got both hands on my gears
By now, no doubt that we were heading south
I guess nobody ever taught her not to speak with a full mouth
Hermione examined her reflection in the mirror in front of her, turning to see herself from all angles. Her makeup was done. She was dressed in a pair of denim Bermuda shorts that were cuffed at her knee, and she wore a black top with a large yellow wasp splashed across her chest to show her Wimbourne pride-which did not exist. Her hair was pinned up in a mess on top of her head, so she tied a yellow and black bandana up in her hair to hide her horrible hairstyling job. Her fringe fell just above her eyes. Hermione put in her small silver hoop earrings last, letting them dangle freely without the mess of her hair to hinder them. She inspected herself once more, looking back at her butt in her jeans, then realized she had no idea if it looked good or not. With that silly thought in mind, Hermione rolled her eyes and grabbed her plain white trainers and sat on Harry's bed. Once she was finished, she decided, as she stared in the mirror for the tenth time, that she actually looked very cute. Her skin was lightly tanned as she had soaked up what she could of the sun between all the rain. Her eyes were bright with excitement, or perhaps she was in a good mood from her activities with Harry earlier that morning. Maybe her brilliant N.E.W.T.S. marks had something to do with it, opening up several opportunities for her. With a shrug, she gave herself a few squirts of perfume before heading for the kitchen where the boys were already gathered.
"Hermione." Ron welcomed, a smirk on his lips.
"Ron. Draco…Harry." She greeted, leaning over to kiss Harry chastely.
"Thought you were dying this morning, by the sound of it. Woke me up, even." Ron said, trying to keep a straight face.
Hermione rolled her eyes. She looked over at Harry, "Did you put him up to this?"
Harry shook his head as he hid his guilty grin behind his hand. "I told you you were loud."
Grinning pleasantly, Hermione advanced on Ron. "Sorry for waking you. Your best mate has quite the devil tongue." She winked over at her boyfriend. "But don't worry. It won't happen again-didn't realize we were interrupting anyone's sleep."
Ron looked over at Harry before fixing his previous statement. "It didn't wake me up. Barely heard you. Actually, might have even been the telly." He suggested innocently. "You know how I fall asleep watching the romantic comedies."
Hermione nodded. "The telly? You sure?" She asked.
Ron tapped his head thoughtfully. "Yes, I'm sure of it. Don't go cutting my best mate off over nothing now. Take it from someone who's been a little hard up since he got with Luna-and I'm fine with it by the way-but I don't want to wish it on my best mate now. So yeah…probably the telly, or Harry telling me to say that…really, does it matter?" Ron chuckled uneasily.
Hermione gave Harry a mock pointed look, who was suddenly very interested in his protein shake while fighting a grin. She returned her gaze to her redheaded friend in front of her. She leaned over and pressed a quick kiss to his temple. "You're lucky your offensive charm in slightly endearing to some people, Ronald Weasley." She laughed before going to Harry. He leaned in for another kiss, but Hermione smacked him lightly on the back of his head. "You've always got to involve everyone, don't you!" She laughed.
"What!?" Harry asked, his eyes widened in innocence. "Just…making morning conversation. Draco brought up Australia-"
"When did I bring up Australia, mate?" Draco interrupted.
"And I figured I'd contribute to the conversation in telling them of my recent adventures down under." He finished, keeping his voice naïve.
Hermione stared at her boyfriend silently for several seconds before bursting out in laughter. She grabbed a piece of toast and headed out of the room, but not before calling behind her, "It's okay. Share with your mates. Just wait until I tell Ginny all about your particularly small penis!"
Harry stood there with Draco's and Ron's eyes on his, eyebrows raised. Harry rolled his eyes. "We've lived together for seven years and been in the locker room together- you blokes have seen it. You know I don't have a small penis! Not saying I'm gifted but I'm normal!"
"Haven't seen it as much as Hermione, mate. Can't be sure." Ron replied cheerfully. "Wow…some call you The-Boy-Who-Lived…those closer know your real name-Small-Penis-Man!"
This is going to be completely, bloody fucking brilliant!" Ron exclaimed, almost tripping over his own feet in excitement as they finally made it to their row of seats. Their tickets were surprisingly good considering their price. They were almost eye-level with the game, or where the game would be taking place anyway.
Harry sat on the end seat, with Hermione next then Draco and Ron. Even Hermione, who was not a fan of Quidditch, had a grin on her face. "This is fascinating! Look at all the people!" She said, looking over the stands.
Harry laughed. "Wait until you go to a Quidditch World Cup…it's…there are no words to describe that experience. Just…just brilliant." He said, unable to find the correct words to convey how amazing it was.
Hermione shrugged. "Maybe next time." She squeezed his hand and turned towards the game. One their side, yellow and black blanketed the crowd. On the opposing side, it was pale blue. Hermione had already seen five fights break out between the fans where some participates needed medical attention due to the nasty curses thrown between the rivals, and had witnessed several threats. Someone in blue had made a remark to her while standing in line for a drink, but shrunk away when Harry, Ron, and Draco all towered over the middle-aged man threateningly. These fans were mad.
"It's starting!" Ron said excitedly, pointing at the field as a referee flew to the center of the pitch, a chest under his arm.
"Witches and Wizards, welcome! The Wimbourne Wasps versus the Appleby Arrows!" A voice roared from somewhere, catching everyone's attention. Hermione watched as the flashing billboard-advertising the very shop where she had purchased her shirt, Quality Quidditch Supplies-changed to show an enormous wasp. The announcer had stopped talking, and Hermione heard a buzzing noise. Suddenly, she saw a dark cloud approaching. As it drew closer, the buzzing noise grew louder. She realized it was thousands of angry wasps once it entered the pitch. The cloud of wasps-giant wasps the size of a dogs, she'd reckon-separated into a large W. Half of them shifted into the shape of an arrow, while the other half came together to make bow, and shot the arrow straight to the ground and caused it to be destroyed. The wasps all flew back to eyelevel for a second, before swarming over the Arrows fans furiously.
All of a sudden, silver arrows shot from the stands at the angry wasps, forcing the swarm to back off. Centaur s made of something that looked like pale blue smoke materialized from the ground, over a hundred of them, all with bows and quivers stocked with silvers arrows on their backs. They weren't real centaurs, but a smoke form of the creature. They shot arrow after arrow up at the wasps, angering them further. They swarmed down on the centaurs, but the creatures simply disappeared into the ground and materialized again somewhere else.
Hermione watched the show before her with wide eyes as the mascots battled it out on the pitch. Cheers from both sides rang out. Finally, after several minutes and a disgruntled ref later, the mascots were separated to their respected sides of the pitch, and the starting line-up was called out, shooting across the pitch so fast they were a blur to Hermione.
"They're all riding the Firebolt Ultimate!" Ron gushed, peering through his special omnioculars. He offered them to Hermione, and she saw, once they were slowed down, the broom that had her three boys salivating the night before.
Hermione toyed with her own omnioculars that allowed her to magically slow things down, rewind, get the play-by-play, and even flashed the name of the players involved and any special Quidditch maneuver going on in their perspective. The knobs and dials confused her, so Hermione tried watching the match the normal way. She didn't know the people playing anyhow, so why did it matter if she knew who was doing what.
The match was, apparently, very exciting. She watched as Harry, Ron, and Draco roared together about bad calls, excellent goals, and brilliant strategy. There were a lot of wistful comments as well, about how "they should have tried that" or "that's what was missing from their Quidditch season." Hermione had no idea how they could even see what was going on in the game half the time. Still, it was a good time, just watching how excited they got. Seeing Harry this rallied only confirmed her thoughts on how perfect of a gift this was, and she was certainly grateful that Ron and Draco had purchased tickets to go along with them because she knew she certainly wouldn't have been able to interact with Harry the way they were.
The match lasted for almost five hours, and Hermione was done by the time they came up on hour number three. She was glad to see it end, even if the Wasps lost. Neither she nor the boys really cared that much. Ron was only concerned about what this meant for the Cannons.
Getting out of there was going to be impossible. Somehow, they made it to the ground and followed the milling crowd towards the Apparation area that wasn't restricted with charms. Harry kept her hand tight in his own, careful not to lose her in the crowd or the growing darkness. He was still discussing the match with Ron, Draco, and a few others that were walking with them.
They passed a few fights, which seemed to multiply now that the match was over. Wasp fans were not happy. Shouting and cursing was the norm, so when Hermione heard someone scream, she didn't think anything of it.
Then she saw the fire on the campgrounds that some people were utilizing-the die-hard fans that had to come here days before and were planning on partying their win or nursing their loss with other like-minded fans. However, tents were on fire and people were screaming in panic. Harry had a death grip on Hermione's hand. She reached back and grabbed Ron's hand, who in turn grabbed onto Draco's arm as Harry pulled them forward and over to the side to see what was going on.
Ministry wizards were rushing forward, trying to control the unknown panic. "Return to the pitch! Return to the pitch!" They urged, demanding the crowd to turn around.
"Harry! They said turn around!" Hermione cried, trying to pull Harry back. Harry stopped and looked at her, then Draco and Ron as if he was trying to figure out what do to.
"Ah, Death Eaters!" A woman cried, tears in her eyes.
Harry looked back at the calamity before them. "Take Hermione-no, wait…fuck!" He cursed as he tried to make the right decision. He didn't want Hermione from his sight, but he didn't want Hermione around the danger.
"Mate, you aren't going up there alone." Ron said, looking at Harry like he was mad. "Either come with us…or we're with you."
"No one is taking me anywhere." Hermione said defiantly, glaring at her boyfriend.
The four stood there, at the edge of the crowd as people pushed into them and past them. With the crowd in front of them thinning, Harry was able to catch a glimpse of what was ahead of them. A group of men with cloth masks on and black robes were levitating a family-Muggles who ran the campground-in the air while setting fire to tents and the trees, blocking off the Apparation point.
Several Ministry wizards were on the ground, stunned or possibly worse. Harry had no idea what to do, but his strongest instinct was to get Hermione to safety. "Fuck!" He cursed again, before pulling Hermione as well as the rest of the group off the path, through a thick row of tall hedges with thorns. By the time they made it to the other side, they were all scratched and bleeding. "Come on!" Harry said, running forward towards a tree that overlooked the campsite. It was dark by now, and Harry didn't dare light his wand. Once he was at the tree, he turned around and grabbed Hermione. "Up you go." He said, and within seconds he had her levitating up in safely into the tree.
"What are you doing!?" He heard her hiss; he could just make out her face from the light of the fire.
Harry took a few steps back, then ran forward and grabbed the lowest limb, mid-jump. Soon, all four of them were in the large tree, safe from view. Harry climbed farther than them all to the branches over the campsite to get a better look. He saw a few of the Death Eaters had been taken down, but the destruction was getting worse, and the Muggles were still screaming in terror. Nothing in his life had prepared him for this situation.
He looked back at Hermione, who look more horrified than he had ever seen her, and Ron and Draco didn't look much better. They were both pale and scared, and he figured he mirrored them. They were trapped. He had a feeling the Death Eaters were after him-it was too much of a coincidence for them to show up at the exact Quidditch match that he was at by mistake. An event that Voldemort could have easily picked from his mind, if his other theories were correct.
"Fuck." Harry whispered, leaning back on the branch behind him. "I think they're here for me." He confessed, looking over at his friends.
"What? That's insane!" Ron said. "Just…the Ministry will handle it. We just need to wait it out. They're more qualified than we are." He said, looking over at the many fires blazing beside them. "Maybe treeing ourselves wasn't the best of ideas."
"Why do you think that?" Draco asked, his voice serious.
Hermione was silent and just started at Harry, as if she could see that he hadn't been completely truthful towards her, given his sudden admission.
Harry didn't answer, and only stared back at Hermione, guilt etched all over his face. A familiar voice suddenly reached his ears, causing him to jerk his head over to the campsite. Sirius was conversing wildly with Mad-Eye Moody, devising a plan of sorts. "Be right back!" Harry whispered before deftly climbing down most of the tree before jumping to his feet silently. He rushed over to Sirius.
"Harry!" He pulled his godson into a hug. "You need to get out of here."
"Sirius! How did you know they were here? What's going on?" Harry hissed, looking over as he heard another explosion.
"No time. Where are the others?" He asked, ignoring Harry's inquires.
"In the tree, hiding. I saw you so I rushed over here. What do we need to do? I can't just leave!" Harry insisted.
"Tree…that's smart. Stay out of sight." Sirius said, pushing Harry back in the direction of the tree.
"But Sirius-I can fight. I've been training. Just let me-" Harry began, but was cut off.
"Harry, get back in the tree and stay there. Do as I say, now!" The authority in Sirius's voice surprised Harry enough for him to take a step back and he momentarily forgot the danger that was surrounding them. "Go!"
Harry turned around and ran back to the others and joined them in the tree.
"What did he say?" They all asked in unison.
"He said…he said to stay where he we are." Harry said, slightly defeated.
"Haaarrrrrrrryyyyy Pooootttttttttttttteeerrrrrrr." A voice cooed from the crowd, confirming Harry's fears of their target. However, hearing his name coming from their lips, it still caught him off guard. He looked over and saw Sirius staring in his direction, a warning on his face.
"Are you going to?" Hermione asked, her voice hard, but her grip on him even harder.
Harry thought for a second, and watched as the group of men turned the Muggle woman upside down, flashing her knickers to the crowd. They laughed, and called his name again. "Haarrrrrryyyyyyyy. We just want to talk." It was a woman's voice, and Harry noticed Draco's eyes harden. Most likely his aunt.
"No." Harry said, wrenching his arm from Hermione and jumping straight for the ground. "Don't move, any of you. I'll be right back!" Harry called up to them, and before they could say anything, the sound of his footsteps disappeared in the darkness.
I gotta fight today
To live another day
Speakin' my mind today
(My voice will be heard today)
I've gotta make a stand
But I am just a man
(I'm not superhuman)
My voice will be heard today
It's just another war
Just another family torn
(My voice will be heard today)
It's just another kill
The countdown begins to destroy ourselves
As always, please review, and I'll see you all next weekend (?).
Thanks for reading.