Hello everyone. *evil glare* Unhappy camper over only 1 review last chapter. Where are you guys!?
Here's the new chapter. I hope you guys like it. If you don't review, I'll assume you all hate it and will probably cry because that type of thing hurts my feelings. Haha. But seriously, a little down about such little response over the last couple chapters. Stop making me angry-you won' t like me when I'm angry! Grrr!
Anyway, I hope you all like it. This chapter fast-forwards to them leaving Cliffinshire, and is mostly told through flashbacks (because we all know how much I love using flashbacks in ALL my stories). This is mainly just to save a lot of pointless writing/reading-just gets right to the important stuff, and really moves the plot forward, I think. Still haven't replied to reviews-I will get to that in the next few days. Third shift + overtime + house remodel + very little sleep = zero time for anything. Ha. Sad, but true.
Dedicated to Miss Moony because frankly they seem to be the only one that gives a damn. Haha. Thank you for your awesome review.
Disclaimer: I don't own shit. Hermione thinks about a movie she had seen once, and a line from it. The movie is The Crow, while the line is "it can't rain all the time." Everything else is JKR's of course. No money being made, only smiles from the phantom reviews I get.
Oh, when I look back now
That summer seemed to last forever
And if I had the choice
Yeah, I'd always wanna be there
Those were the best days of my life
Ain't no use in complainin'
When you've got a job to do
Spent my evening's down at the drive-in
And that's when I met you, yeah
Standin' on your mama's porch
You told me that you'd wait forever
Oh, and when you held my hand
I knew that it was now or never
Those were the best days of my life
Oh, yeah.
Back in the summer of '69, oh.
Man we were killin' time
We were young and restless
We needed to unwind
I guess nothin' can last forever, forever, no!
"Summer of `69" BRYAN ADAMS
Hermione stared out at the sun, setting slowly behind the backdrop of the ocean. Still high enough in the sky for her to feel the rays of sunshine, but not for much longer, she knew. Leaning back on her hands, she unconsciously allowed the sand to squish between her fingers. Her gaze moved to the three boys out in the ocean with surf boards, splashing and laughing.
Stolen moments. Stolen, carefree moments.
Because they were leaving soon. Today was Monday, and they were leaving Wednesday. They-mainly Harry-had been training nonstop. Training more, training harder. For a few hours, they earned a reprieve.
Swimming, surfing, laughing.
And now, Hermione was sitting in the sand, alone, letting her mind wander. These days, that could be a dangerous thing.
She thought about how much had changed this last year. Right now, life was nowhere near where she had anticipated for it to be a year ago. She hadn't expected to find acceptance at Hogwarts-but she had gotten it, on some level. She hadn't sought love back in September, but she found it with Harry, somehow. Ron, Draco, Ginny, Luna, Neville-all friends she never thought she'd have, but was lucky enough to gain. The most wonderful few weeks of summer had been a surprise as well. It's terrible conclusion…another shock.
Hermione hadn't been prepared for Voldemort either. She never considered the idea of her being in relation to a dark, evil wizard. His return, and thirst for revenge, hadn't been in the cards either.
But this is where she was. There was no changing it, nor was there much of a point to even attempt to do so. She was who she was, and this was the direction her life had turned. She accepted that-both graciously and without complaint. A line from an old favorite movie floated in her head: "It can't rain all the time."
No, it couldn't rain all the time, but it couldn't be sunshine and rainbows all the time either. She had to take one along with the other. Hermione was perfectly okay with that-appreciative that she had positive things going on in her life as well to outweigh the negative.
For now.
She contemplated what all of these changes meant-what it mean for the Wizarding world that she was a part of, what it meant for the Muggle world where her family still dwelled.
She thought of her plans, but quickly moved on. She didn't want to think about what he future held. In reality, however, she knew there was no running away from it. There was no stopping what was coming.
There was no stopping her decisions either-not when she felt they held too much logic, no matter the risk.
That's why she had given up what she had with Harry back in February. In her head, there was too much logic in her reasoning to remain nothing more than friends. Anything more was too dangerous. Perhaps she had been wrong then. Or perhaps she had been right, but couldn't hold fast to her decision because she let her heart interfere with her head.
Maybe she was wrong now. Or maybe she was right, and she would hold fast to her decision because for once, her heart and her head were unanimous on what she should do.
So much for not thinking about it.
Hermione sighed and desperately searched for something else to think about, and her mind landed on the vial tucked away safely in her top drawer in Harry's bedroom. It was filled with a potion she was able to brew with a few ingredients Sirius had in his own private stock. In her head, she didn't know if she was going to use it or not, but it seemed like something smart to have around just in case.
In her heart, she knew she wouldn't have made it if she hadn't intended on using it. She fought the grin that tried to make its way onto her face, and she failed miserably. In the midst of all that was going on, fussing over sex seemed completely trivial. However, it was the trivial things in life that gave them something to fight for, she realized, and she didn't feel as guilty then.
That was another notion for her to sit in the setting sun and wander about. Sex. Or, not so much sex, as how her attitude had changed in general about it, as well as so many other things that had changed about her. How much she had grown to care about not only magic, but the Wizarding world as a whole. How much her love had grown and branched out from not only her family, but to Harry and her other friends. How her courage had swelled so abundantly that she realized how far she would go to protect the ones she loved-there were no boundaries dangerous enough, no oaths strong enough, no enemy great enough to stop her from doing what she had to do, and she would protect because anything less would be unacceptable.
Hermione's eyes were closed, her hand resting on top of Harry's arms. He had his hand placed high on her upper thigh, his fingers curled around the inside of her leg so that it was dangerously inappropriate. His other hand was on the steering wheel, guiding them down the road through the falling rain lashing relentlessly against the windshield. Perhaps the weather was mocking them, setting the mood for their time apart that was ahead of them. Perhaps it was just normal British weather. Personally, Hermione guessed the latter. If the weather was mocking them, she figured it would assume something more along the lines of a hurricane or a tornado. Dangerous, treacherous. Something that left destruction in its path, if it knew the truth.
No, it was just rain, nothing more, nothing less.
She opened one eye and peeked over at Harry, how was staring straight ahead. He had used an Imprevious charm on his windshield, which kept the view clear for the most part. She squeezed his arm affectionately, just to let him know he was in her thoughts. He returned the gesture on her thigh, which caused pleasure to slowly stir somewhere in her abdomen. She grinned and gently guided his hand south a few inches in the direction of her knee, just in case he got any ideas. A much-needed safe area, especially considering the night before.
It was the last night in the house, and it was just the two of them. Ron and Draco had already taken their things and left. Hermione knew Draco was staying with Ron at the Burrow while they debated whether or not to just move into Headquarters. Perhaps they would all migrate to Harry's house. Hermione had no idea.
They were lying on the couch, watching a film that they weren't really watching at all. Harry hands and lips were desperately trying to distract her, and despite her resolve, it was embarrassing how easily he was winning her over. Without even thinking or considering what she was doing, Hermione scrambled to her feet and offered Harry her hand. She must have had a passionate glint in her eye because she could see the grin immediately curve on his lips.
"Come on." Hermione simply stated, giving him a wink.
"Bedroom?" Harry asked, eagerly getting to his own feet and taking her hand.
Hermione nodded, which caused Harry's grin to widen further. "Yay! My favorite thing! Hermione Granger taking me to the bedroom!" He laughed, following her like the hormone-driven young man that he was.
Once they were inside with the curtains closed and the door shut, Hermione rummaged through her drawer and picked up the vial she had hidden. She popped the lid open, took a swig, and then offered it to Harry. Only one of them really needed to drink it, but she didn't see any harm in taking extra precautions. "Here. Take a drink of it."
Harry took the vial from her hand and took a drink without question before replacing the stopper and giving it back. "Minty. And what is that?" He asked, peering over at her.
"The mint, I believe, is to set the mood. As for the rest of the ingredients," Hermione said, wrapping him in a hug, "Those are to ensure that nobody here becomes…with child, as they put it." She said with a laugh.
Her words caused Harry to still. "Are you saying…?" He asked, trailing off softly.
Hermione waited in silence as Harry only stared at her, both bemused and excited. "If you trailing off and not finishing your question is your way of asking if that means we can have sex…then the answer is yes." She replied matter-of-factly, trying to keep her embarrassment and awkwardness to a minimum.
Hermione could see that Harry was desperately trying to not get his hopes up and was failing to do so. "Are…are you sure? I mean, I don't want you to feel like we have to, or just because summer is ending and our time here is over and with Voldemort hanging over our heads, like we have to rush into anything." He was speaking quickly with his words tumbling over each other, and Hermione could barely understand him. She put a finger to his lips to force him be quiet.
"Stop talking. I am completely sure about this. If you want to wait, and still need to figure out if you are ready to lose your virginity…well then by all means, we can wait." Hermione said with a nonchalant shrug. She meant it in a kidding fashion, but suddenly deep down she considered him rejecting her. Any time she had ever thought about this, she had never even speculated him saying no.
Her words caused Harry to chuckle. "Okay, we both know that isn't it. I would love nothing more than for this to happen, right now. I…I just don't want to be a regret is all. I love you too much for you to do something just because you think it's what I want, and you're not ready for." Harry said softly, reaching up to gently tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.
Hermione smiled, realizing how genuine he was being. She caught his hand in hers and allowed him to cradle the side of her face. "I…you could never be a regret, Harry. I mean…I can't promise that we'll be together in a year, let alone forever. That's…that's something ridiculous to promise. But I can promise that I love you right now. And I know you love me. And we have tonight. I know that sounds corny and maybe even like total rubbish but…it's true." Hermione shrugged. "I know I love you, and I want this to happen, not because it would be the perfect ending to the summer, or because I think we should or we might not have tomorrow because of Voldemort or whatever." Hermione ranted, now speaking too fast herself. She suddenly stopped, and took a deep breath. "I want to do this because…because I want to do this. I want to share this with you. I want us to be together like this. And frankly, I'm a little on the randy side, so if you don't want to be part of it, then please close the door on your way out." She finally ended with laugh, trying to ease the awkwardness.
In response, Harry drew out of her arms and was already pulling his shirt over his head and kicking his trainers off in record speed. His socks came off next. His hands were just about to unbutton his jeans when he looked up to see Hermione staring at him, trying to stifle a laugh.
"Er…I don't really know the protocol here. Did you want to undress me?" He asked, looking down at his bare chest and naked feet. "I'm not even going to try to hide it…I'm a little nervous here." He admitted, running a hand through his already messy hair.
Hermione stepped closer and snaked her arms around his neck. "How about you let me be nervous enough for the both of us-not out of doubt, just out of, well, I am losing my virginity here. It is a bit of a milestone. So let me be nervous, and you be calm and take the lead. We can do this however you want." Hermione said slowly, feeling her own nervousness creep into her stomach.
Harry grinned. "Sounds like a plan. And if we are doing this my way, well, Miss Granger…I'm not so sorry to tell you that you are wearing way too many articles of clothing." He said smoothly, picking her up and tossing her gently on the bed before quickly following.
Breathe in for luck,
breathe in so deep,
this air is blessed,
you share with me.
This night is wild,
so calm and dull,
these hearts they race,
from self control.
Your legs are smooth,
as they graze mine,
we're doing fine,
we're doing nothing at all.
My hopes are so high,
that your kiss might kill me.
So won't you kill me,
so I die happy.
My heart is yours to fill or burst,
to break or bury,
or wear as jewelery,
which ever you prefer.
"What are you smiling about?" Harry's voice interrupted Hermione's thoughts, and the sound only caused her to smile more.
"Nothing. Just thinking about the summer. It was pretty great, wouldn't you say?" Hermione asked, keeping her eyes closed.
She felt Harry squeeze her leg in response. "Yeah, overall, I'd say it was actually quite amazing." He said, his voice light.
Hermione nodded her head in agreement. "I thought so. Thank you for taking me there." Hermione replied quietly.
"No problem, babe. Thanks for coming with me." He responded with another squeeze.
Hermione finally opened her eyes and watched out of the window as the rain fell down all around them. Music played quietly through the speakers, a song Hermione wasn't familiar with, but she knew she had heard it over the weekend at the bowling alley when they had all gone out on Saturday night. It was designed to be a fun activity to end the summer with, despite all the hell that surrounded them. Hermione had suggested it-a safe setting for her real plan.
Inviting Blaise had been easy. Harry had questioned her intentions at first, but Hermione had played it off nonchalantly enough-she had enjoyed the girl's company at Harry party and if she wasn't mistaken, Draco and Blaise appeared to have had a good time together as well. The old Slytherin had accepted Hermione's invitation happily enough. The invite may have seemed a little random, but the girl showed anyhow. Hermione had been able to see she was slightly apprehensive, as if she wasn't entirely sure why she had come-very much like she had been at Harry's birthday party.
But she had showed, and that was what mattered. Getting the girl alone, however, had been the challenge. Hermione had watched, waited for the girl to separate from the group. Finally, when Blaise said something about going up to the counter to get something to eat, Hermione volunteered to go with her.
Hermione finally saw her opening. "Dinner is on me," she called to the other four sitting in their seats. "I'll pick out something delicious and completely horrible for us." Hermione laughed, gesturing for Blaise to lead the way. The girl-so naïve to what Hermione was about to ask of her-blindly led the way without a second thought.
Waiting on food would buy her a few minutes, and for that, Hermione was grateful. Once she placed her large order, she sat down and motioned for Blaise to join her. "I think the others can play a few frames without us." Hermione joked lightly, though she could sense Blaise's uneasiness.
"I suppose. Thanks for inviting me out tonight. It's been fun. With Healer training just around the corner, my social life is about to become nonexistent…a night out…well, I've needed that." Blaise said with a small grin on her face, which Hermione returned with a tight smile of her own.
"No problem." She had no idea how to ask. No idea how to bring it up. Hermione figured Blaise's opening was just as good as any. "Healing training…I bet that's going to be brutal." She said, taking a sip of her drink.
The girl nodded. "Yeah, I know it's not going to be easy. I'm stuck between not looking forward to it and not being able to wait for it to start. Sounds a little mental, I suppose?" Blaise laughed warmly.
Hermione tried not to let her jealously of the normal path Blaise was taking-something she would love to do. Blaise's plans contrasted so much compared to Hermione's. "No, not at all. I'm sure it will be fun."
Blaise shrugged.
"I imagine you won't have much of a break once you get started." Hermione said slowly, fishing for her own opening.
Blaise shook her head. "No, once I get started…well, let's just say I won't be able to come up for air any time soon. They don't really give their students much of a break."
It was possibly all she was going to get, so Hermione took her chance. "You should do something…something big then, before it starts. Something for you to think about while you're wasting away behind all your course books." Hermione laughed, though the thought of such rigorous studying sounded like Heaven to her.
Blaise raised an eyebrow, "Maybe…but I doubt it. Not a lot of time to plan anything." She replied, slightly confused by Hermione's words.
"Have you ever been to Greece?" Hermione asked bluntly, knowing beating it around the bush wasn't something they had time for.
"No." Blaise replied.
Hermione smiled. "Would you like to go?"
Blaise shrugged. "I suppose sometime, when I could. I've heard it's amazing. I've always been a bit of a mythology nut, to be honest." She admitted with a laugh.
"We are going there on a family vacation-my parents, my cousin, and myself. Sort of a graduation celebration for my cousin and me." Hermione said slowly.
"Lucky you!" Blaise grinned. "Way to rub my nose it in by the way, cheers to that you spoiled brat!" She raised her glass to Hermione before taking a drink.
"I was thinking…I was thinking…that maybe…maybe you would like to go…in my place." Hermione said slowly, bit by bit.
Blaise's expression turned dubious. "Oh, alright. I'll just do that." She agreed sarcastically.
"I'm being completely serious, Blaise." Hermione stated with a straight face.
Her words caused Blaise to still. "What are you on about?"
Hermione looked over to the group they were with, and knew there wasn't much time before Harry would come over here. Or perhaps Ron would come and check for an ETA on the food. She bit her lip, hunched closer to Blaise, and began to speak in hushed tones very quickly, "I mean exactly what I'm saying. I…I need a favor. It's a win-win for you. No risk. You'll get a free vacation that you would absolutely love-all expenses paid. You don't have to worry about planning or anything. Everything is taken care of already. You would leave not this Wednesday, but the next and come back a week and a half later on that Saturday. All you have to do is go and have fun in Greece…as me."
Blaise looked at Hermione as if she had gone mad. "You are mental, Granger, you know that? You want me to pretend to be you, and go on some family vacation? Do you realize just how insane you sound?" She asked, moving to get up but Hermione grabbed her arm and pulled her back down.
"I know I'm asking a lot here, but…but I didn't know who else to ask." Hermione confessed, giving the girl before her a pleading looking.
"Why don't you want to go?" Blaise asked, pulling her arm away.
Hermione had prepared for this question and cleared her throat purposefully. "Harry is going to a training camp for two weeks. I have something planned for him, and I have a lot of Muggle universities I'm looking at…this trip is just coming at the worst of times. I can't back out because my parents have been looking forward to it for months. It would break their hearts. However…I just can't go right now. They might understand about the university part, but with Harry and the Wizarding world…they aren't as understanding. They're Muggles and all, you know that. I…I just really need you to do this for me. Consider me forever in your debt." Hermione finished her short speech with another begging look.
Blaise, however, remained skeptical. "You're insane." She repeated. "I'm supposed to just drop everything, no warning, and do you a solid that's not only taking me to a different country, but is going to cause me to be gone a week and a half?! Do you even hear yourself?" Blaise's eyes were bugging slightly at this point.
Hermione shrugged as the insult rolled off her. "I know what I'm asking." She stated, giving Blaise a look full of meaning. "And you can't tell anyone about this-not even Harry. It's a surprise for him. No one is to know. And…and you don't have to answer now even. Just keep it to yourself and think about it while we're here, and I'll just need to know by the end of the night. Is that okay?" Hermione asked.
Blaise didn't look convinced, and Hermione could tell she thought she didn't need any time to think about anything. "Please." Hermione repeated, "Please, just…just think about it." Hermione begged, her voice pleading.
"I'll…I'll think about it." Blaise replied, looking down at the table. Hermione wasn't sure if she was actually going to consider this madness, or if she was just humoring Hermione.
"Do you want anything to eat or drink?" Harry asked as they pulled into a fuel station.
"I'll take a water." Hermione replied softly, looking over at her boyfriend.
"One water coming right up." Harry said with a grin before leaning in for a quick kiss. "Not like there isn't enough of that falling from the sky now, is there?" He chuckled before opening the door and getting out of the car.
Hermione turned her attention back to the window and continued to watch the storm as her thoughts pressed on.
Hermione had been restless all evening. During their last few frames, she kept throwing Blaise anxious looks, trying to catch her eye. She was only able to finally corner her when Blaise went to the loo. When Hermione followed her, she was surprised to see the girl leaning causally against the wall. She realized Blaise had gone to the restroom to simply to give Hermione a chance to follow her.
"Well?" Hermione asked, looking around to ensure they were, in fact, alone.
"I'm not buying it. I don't think you'd give up going to Greece over…over such stupid reasons-especially when the trip is for you. And if you`re going to lie to me…well, my answer is no. Find someone else to help you." She said coldly before moving to push passed Hermione towards the door.
"Wait!" Hermione called after her. Speaking to Blaise's back, Hermione continued, "If…if I tell you the truth, would you consider changing your answer, or are you just completely against it?" Hermione asked slowly.
Blaise turned around to face her. "I would definitely consider changing my answer."
Hermione nodded. "Then why does it matter so much? Whether you know the real reason why or not…why?" Hermione asked.
Blaise shrugged. "It just does."
"Then come over to Sirius's house with us and…and I'll explain it there. They are going to get suspicious if we don't get back out there." Hermione said with a sigh.
Once they returned to the group, Hermione grinned at Harry and greeted him with a kiss. "We were just talking, and thought it would be nice to have another bonfire on the beach, maybe sit in the sand close enough so the waves can freeze our toes or something. What do you think?" Hermione asked, looking up at her boyfriend with her eyes wide with innocence.
"I think that sounds brilliant. Ron, Draco, Luna-what do you guys think?" He asked with a shrug.
"I've got to be getting home, but you lot have fun. It was nice seeing you all again." Luna said, her trademark dreamy expression in place.
"I'll take her home then meet up with you lot later then." Ron said, taking her hand and leading her to a secluded place safe for Apparation.
"Alright then, let's go party." Draco said with a smirk.
"A boring water for you, and a boring water for me. And because I feel like getting a little crazy…a banana for us to split. See, it's kind of like a banana split…except it's nothing like one, really." Harry said with a frown, eyeing the browning banana with distaste.
Hermione smiled. "You can have my half-I think you need it more than I do to fill the banana split-shaped hole in your heart from having to eat healthy all summer." She said, taking her offered water.
"I think I'm going to need about three banana splits to even make a dent in that hole." Harry replied, downing half of his bottle of water in one gulp.
Hermione rolled her eyes. "No sense of moderation in anything."
Alone in the kitchen with Blaise, while the boys were all out getting the fire ready and tossing a ball around, Hermione felt her vulnerability slowly start to take hold. Blaise was sitting at the small bar, eyes expectant and waiting for a justifiable reason for Hermione to ask her of such a favor.
"When I first started Hogwarts," Hermione began slowly, forcing herself to relive memories she had kept locked away. "…I was walking down a corridor after classes. Happy, excited for an upcoming trip to Hogsmeade. Out of nowhere, I spotted some older students hazing a couple of Second Years. Slytherins-Avery's gang. You know the lot." Hermione said, looking down at the counter as she spoke in a monotone voice. "I stopped them, and when I turned around to leave…they wouldn't let me. Before I knew what was happening, I was being shoved up against the wall-hard enough to hurt my head. Avery pulled my hair and I was thrown to the ground. I was kicked. Thrown against the cold, stone walls some more. Cut and bleeding-in quite a bit of pain." Hermione felt tears form at the corners of her eyes as she finally looked up and over at Blaise, who mirrored her expression with a look of sadness. "Everyone knew. Everyone knew what had happened to me, yet nothing was done about it. Nothing was said to anyone of authority. Everyone said I had it coming…I had it coming because I took the beating for a couple of young kids that I didn't even know, but stuck my neck out for.
"Then things got better, down the road. Harry and I were dancing around the idea of friendship between the two of us. It was rocky-it was difficult. I was in the Common Room alone, and he was out doing his Head Boy rounds. Two boys-a blonde and a ginger-attacked me. Tried to convince me that a friendship with Harry Potter would never last. I would never be accepted. Then they threatened me-had this deadly spider, the Internecivus Araneus. They put this thing…on my neck." Hermione said, her voice breaking slightly. "Just touching it caused a rash on my skin. They threatened my life."
Blaise shook her head. "No, no, Weasley and Malfoy…no, it couldn't possibly have been…no." Blaise spoke, refusing to believe Hermione's words.
Hermione nodded. "You're right. It couldn't have been them. Ron is desperately afraid of spiders. But it was someone pretending to be them. That night, I didn't sleep. The next night, however, began the torment of nightmares I had been subjected to. Night terrors that centered around a promise a persuasive Slytherin made to me after seeing me turn my wand on my fellow classmates. I was no longer a leper to Avery-now, I was a new candidate for following in the Dark Lord's footsteps. It had been him, that night in the Common Room. He had bewitched me then, I think. Took control of my dreams, and made me dream terrible things. Horrible things that, back then…I almost wanted." Hermione breathed, baring her confession.
"Fast forward to the end of the year. I was lying in my bed. Harry had fallen asleep with me, and he was in the loo. Avery must have thought I was alone-why wouldn't I be? He crept into my dorm," Hermione spoke, her voice raising a little now, "Crawled into my bed, touched my body-no, I don't think he was going to rape me, that's not what I mean, but he…he crossed boundaries, nonetheless. And he took a dagger…and…and…" Hermione choked on her emotions before forcing herself to remain strong, "And he almost took my life, right there. He sedated me, and tortured me some more in my dreams." Hermione swallowed hard. "You already know this story." She said quietly.
Blaise nodded, numb and with her eyes brimming with tears from hearing Hermione's tales.
Hermione wiped the corner of her eyes. "Avery. I think you can understand my hatred for him." Hermione stated quietly. "Harry told me about your sister fancying him. Told me he saved someone from being raped-thinks it was either you, or someone close to you." Hermione pried, wanting to know where her loyalty lied.
Blaise bit her lip before speaking softly. "I was fifteen, and my boyfriend was seventeen. Some stupid Hufflepuff bloke. He always got too handsie. One time, it got too far, and he wouldn't stop. Avery…Avery walked in just in time. He beat the shit out of my boyfriend, even though he was smaller in size. When he was done, he looked at me, and he said `that's why you should stick to Slytherins, Zabini,' and we never spoke of it again." Blaise told her, trying to appear detached. "I took up training with my mum that summer because I promised myself I would never be handled like that again."
Hermione nodded. "I can see how you might feel indebted to him."
Blaise's demeanor changed instantly. "Let's get this straight-I don't feel indebted to him at all. He's a slimeball and I can't stand him. He helped me once-he's done enough bad things to tip the scales in the other direction. I owe him nothing." She spit out.
Hermione smirked. "I'm glad you feel that way. What I'm planning on doing for that week and a half, Blaise, is track him down. I want to do it alone because I think…I think I deserve to be the one to find him. Harry…he'll take matters in to his own hands, even if he says he won't. Dumbledore, everyone-me finding him on my terms is the only way I'll get to do this the way I want to do this. Whether you believe the Dark Lord has returned or not is on you-but we know the truth, and in case you haven't noticed, Harry barely gives me a moment alone. With him gone at camp-this is my only chance. I think he's only going to get worse as this war goes on. I need this, for my own peace of mind." Hermione voice was soft and still pleading.
Blaise no longer looked skeptical, but more so indecisive. "I…don't you think it's too dangerous? I mean…I dunno if I believe everything about You-Know-Who being back, I think I do, even though I really don't want to…but what I mean is…if Avery is connected to him, then Hermione, this isn't safe." Blaise pointed out.
"I know. I'm not being thick about this, Blaise. I'm not looking for trouble. I'm going to keep a safe distance and just…just see if I can find him." Hermione replied.
"Dumbledore hasn't been able to track him down, what makes you think you can?" Blaise asked, skeptical.
Hermione shrugged in response. "I'm not saying I'm going to find him. I've just got a really good feeling about this, like maybe…maybe I'll be on the underground, and I'll just so happen to be in the same car as him, or I'll pass him on the street. I dunno, and I can't explain it. I asked you to help me because…well, because I thought we might have a common enemy. What if he goes after your sister? I've just told you what he's capable of-I'm not going to say he's going to, I'm just saying…I know I wouldn't leave that to chance. Maybe he gets desperate. Maybe he remembers Blaise Zabini's little sister had a thing for him. Maybe he doesn't. I can't predict the future, Blaise, but I do know that he is dangerous, and I want my chance at him first." Hermione said passionately, getting to her feet.
Hermione watched as her words registered in Blaise's head. Nothing more sacred than a younger sibling. "I would kill him."
Hermione nodded. "I know we aren't good friends or anything, and I realize you shouldn't really give a damn about what I've been through with this creep, but…but have compassion, I beg you. I want my chance here, and I hate that this is what I'm going to have to give up because family means the world to me. But this needs settled, and I need to be the one to do so. I need to do it before Harry goes after him himself. With summer over…I can see that happening. So I'm asking you to please, reconsider you answer. Give me this chance to face my attacker because I know you would want the same chance, now, against that slimeball Hufflepuff-and if you need someone to have your back with that, I swear I will be there. Just…just think it over-again-and let me know before you leave." Hermione requested before walking out of the kitchen and heading for the beach, Blaise trailing behind her.
At the bowling alley, Hermione had been anxious, constantly looking at Blaise for her answer. Here, in the firelight, after sharing her horrors with this stranger, Hermione felt emotionally drained. She had pushed those memories somewhere deep inside her, buried far from the surface. She knew they were still there, but she had moved passed them. Reliving them tonight had proved one thing to her: they may be gone, but they certainly were not forgotten. Being suppressed did not dull the pain they caused.
Lounging in the sand with the fire to keep her warm, Harry on her right and Ron on her left, Hermione felt at peace in a way. She had done what she could, and now the proverbial ball was no longer in her court. Some while later, as the times passed and the clock told her it was after two in the morning, Hermione glanced up, across the flames where Draco and Blaise sat together laughing. Blaise happened to look her way at the same time, and Hermione caught her eye. For a few seconds that felt like hours, the two girls locked eyes. Finally, with a solemn look, the girl-really not much more than an acquaintance to Hermione-gave the smallest of nods. The private exchange between the two girls went unnoticed by the three boys surrounding them, all laughing about something that Hermione was sure only the three of them would understand. In response, Hermione gave Blaise the hint of a smile in thanks, a promise that it would all work out-it had to.
Hermione didn't know why exactly she had gone after Blaise of all people. Maybe it was because they weren't friends, and the girl wouldn't care as much as say Ginny or Luna-both Hermione did not trust with this. She knew they would run to Harry. Hermione didn't necessarily trust Blaise either, but for this, she had to. She felt like she could trust her with this, at least. She was far enough away to be indifferent, her loyalty not bound to Harry at all. She was getting the trip of a lifetime. If Hermione had to guess, she figured the only reason Blaise may have harbored distressed feelings and needed to know the reason behind it all was simply because if Hermione had gotten herself hurt, and Harry found out Blaise's role in helping Hermione…well, he may push part of the blame on the Slytherin girl.
It was a chance Hermione was willing to risk, she realized. Plan A, Plan B-Plans C, D, and E. Nothing was guaranteed. If Hermione found herself in trouble, then she would just have to deal with it. If her trouble, in turn, caused difficulty for Blaise…that was an unfortunate casualty. She was trying her best to keep the girl from getting any backlash. If her plans went right, then nobody would be any wiser to the fact that Hermione Granger never left for Greece in the first place.
"I'm thinking about telling Jenna about…well, about me being a witch." Hermione said out of the blue, looking over at Harry to gauge his reaction.
"Wow, that's…I dunno, are you sure that's a good idea?" He asked, slightly concerned.
Hermione shrugged. "It is something I have always thought about sharing with her, but it never felt right. I think…I think this is sort of like a now-or-never moment, and I think I want to. I think she'll be cool about it-I hope so anyway. It should bring us closer together." Hermione reasoned lightly.
Of course, that bit was all only half true. Yes, she had wanted to share it with her cousin but never felt she had been mature enough to handle it-they had always been too young. Now, both starting adulthood, Hermione felt it was a good time. The bigger part, however, was that she was going to need her cooperation with Blaise. Blaise didn't know a thing about Hermione. It would be easier if there was someone there to guide her and help her pull it off. Jenna would be the perfect candidate.
Hermione knew her cousin would no doubt be angry that Hermione was backing out of the trip, but she hoped her cousin would find some understanding.
Harry shrugged. "I suppose. I know my cousin would be better off in the dark, but then again, my mum's family hate magic. If you think she can handle it, and keep it secret, then sounds good to me." He finished with a grin.
Hermione smiled back. "If it doesn't work out, I suppose I could always Obliviate her." Hermione joked, sniggering slightly.
Harry nodded with a chuckle. "There you go. We'll call that Plan B."
His choice of words made Hermione's grin falter ever so slightly. Please, please not Plan B.
They made it to Hermione's house around eight `o'clock that evening. Sitting out in the car upon arriving, neither made a move to get out of Harry's car.
"I guess this means summer is really over." Hermione said quietly, looking out into the dark night.
She felt Harry squeeze her hand. "Yeah." His voice was rough. "Now…now we go be adults."
Hermione felt her stomach twist painfully in response. "Yeah."
"I…this time with you had been amazing, Hermione. I…I just want you to know that." Harry said, turning to face her in the car.
Hermione smiled back at him. "Ditto. Best summer ever. But we should get inside. My parents are expecting me. You can stay for a few minutes, yeah?" She asked, her hand searching the door for the handle and propping open the door.
Harry eased out of the car and grabbed Hermione's bag from the trunk. Wrapping his arm around her shoulders, he replied with a smirk, "Of course. We've got to tell you r parents all about our trip, and I'm sure they'll want to know all about the madly inappropriate things I did to their daughter." He laughed in her ear, planting a sloppy kiss on her cheek.
"Oh, hush you." Hermione responded, shoving Harry playfully away.
She opened the door and walked inside. "Mum! Dad! I'm home!" She called, and followed the sounds of voice in the kitchen. Her mother met her in the doorway.
"Hermione! Dear, we've missed you!" She said, pulling Hermione into a crushing hug. Next, she approached her father, hugging his as well.
Jenna was sitting at the table, a smile on her face. "About bleeding time, cousin!" She said, jumping up and pulling Hermione into a hug.
"Well-how was your trip?!" Hermione's mother asked, ushering for Hermione and Harry to sit down. "Sit, sit. I'll grab some tea. Harry, dear, you can put her bag down, just right behind you if you don't mind." Once everyone was sitting around the table, Hermione and Harry were bombarded with questions about how the summer had gone.
After half an hour of dissecting the beach, there was finally a small break in the conversation.
"I should probably get going. My parents are waiting up for me." Harry said, looking at Hermione wistfully. "It was really nice seeing you again, Mr. and Mrs. Granger. Jenna." He bid them farewell, shaking Hermione's father's hand and hugging her mother.
"I'll walk you out." Hermione said, getting to her feet as well.
The walk to his car was a quiet one. "How far are you going to drive?" Hermione asked, once they reached his car.
"Probably until I reach a dark and deserted street corner." Harry laughed. "Are you telling your cousin tonight?"
Hermione shrugged. "I think so. I know she'll want to stay up half the night talking about it. I imagine we will be going shopping tomorrow to pick up a few things for the trip."
Harry sighed. "I'm going to have to get used to not watching over you all the time."
Hermione smiled. "I'll be fine. I'm more worried about getting used to sleeping alone at night." She laughed. "And besides," she joked, "We all know I'm the one that's been watching over you!"
Harry laced his fingers with hers. "I could come back, later, if you'd like. I know I'd like that." He told her softly.
The idea did sound tempting. "I wasn't joking when I said my cousin was going to want to stay up half the night. Maybe…maybe tomorrow, if that's okay?" She offered.
Harry leaned forward and kissed her softly. "Sounds brilliant. Please…please, just…be careful. You know I'm going to be worried-whether you like it or not. So just…watch out. Keep in contact. When I'm gone, maybe Sirius can keep tabs or something with you, just to make sure nothing happens."
Hermione rolled her eyes. "I'll be fine, Harry. We'll talk about it tomorrow. Right now, go home, get some rest-see your family. You'll need the rest for your physical tomorrow. Don't worry about me. You're going to go gray before you're thirty at this rate."
Harry shrugged and silently pulled her into a hug in response. "I love you."
Hermione inhaled the scent of him-something that simply felt home to her now. "I know. I love you too."
To this day when I hear that song, I see you standing there on that lawn
Discount shades, store bought tan, flip-flops and cut off jeans
Somewhere between that setting sun, I'm On Fire and Born To Run
You looked at me and I was done, we were just getting started
I was singing to you, you were singing to me
I was so alive, never been more free
Fired up my daddy's lighter and we sang oh
Stayed there 'til they forced us out
We took the long way to your house
And I can still hear the sound
Of you saying, "Don't go"
When I think about you
I think about 17
I think about my old Jeep
I think about the stars in the sky
Funny how a melody sounds like a memory
Like a soundtrack to a July Saturday night
"Springsteen" ERIC CHURCH
Hermione paced her room, heart beating a little faster than normal. She had already told her parents good night and Jenna was finishing up in the shower. Hermione stopped in front of her school trunk beside her bed. The large trunk held all of her magical possessions in it, save her wand that was sitting on her desk. She popped it open and searched for a long, thin box tucked away in one of the corners. She opened the empty box, placed her wand in the velvet wrappings, and then slowly replaced the lid. She slid the thin box under her pillow, a safe place until the great reveal.
Hermione closed her trunk then took a seat on her bed next to the large, ginger-colored fluff ball in the center of her bed. "Do you like your new home, Crookshanks?" She cooed to the cat, reaching over to scratching him between his ears. He purred and nuzzled into her hand, eyes closed. She sat there for a few minutes, petting Crookshanks, until finally the door opened and her cousin stepped in. Jenna ran and jumped onto Hermione's bed.
"I can't believe how big this cat is-it's ridiculous. But he's so cute!" She gushed, reaching over and stroking Crookshanks, who rolled to his stomach and lavished the attention from the two girls.
"Yeah, he is something special." Hermione replied, smiling down at his orange face.
"So…how was your summer? I see that you and Harry got together-big surprise there." Jenna said with a knowing look.
Hermione grinned. "Yes, yes we did."
"And even went on vacation with his family. Nice. And what do they think of you?" Her cousin asked, propping herself up on her bent elbow.
Hermione shrugged. "His father doesn't seem to have much of a problem with me. His mother, however…well, I think she is getting used to me, or that might just be wishful thinking on my part." She admitted.
Jenna nodded. "Yeah, you can get that from mums sometimes. No one wants to see their little boy grow up-especially when they can't give their little boys what other girls can. Well, not without it being a little demented." Jenna said suggestively, wagging her eyebrows. "Speaking of which…where would you put you and Harry on the bar of…ahem…sordid affairs." She asked, a Cheshire cat grin in place.
Hermione could feel herself go red in response. "That's none of your business, so butt out!"
With a knowing grin, Jenna giggled. "Okay so definitely passed snogging then…just how far passed, cousin?" She asked with a wink. "Give out any handy-dandies?"
"I'm not talking to you about this!" Hermione said, shaking her head.
"No denial. Is that all then? Did either of you go down?!" She kept on, her grin wider than ever.
Hermione rolled her eyes and tried to ignore her embarrassment. "I'm not talking about it!" She repeated.
"You did! You went down! You sucked his co-" Jenna exclaimed before Hermione clapped her hand over her cousin's mouth.
"Be quiet! Do you realize how loud you are being?!" Hermione said, eyes wide.
Jenna giggled. "I'm sorry, I just can't get over it. My little cousin-giving head. Think you'll be shagging soon now?" She joked, still giggling.
Hermione remained silent and looked down at her comforter, face still heated. She looked up in time to see the large grin on her cousin's face suddenly slacken. "Oh my…holy fuck!" She whispered excitedly, quickly sitting up so she was level with Hermione. "Did…did you have it off with him, Hermione!?"
Hermione knew her face said it all, and she could only smirk in response.
"You two shagged! This is huge. Last time I saw you, you were…you were practically the Virgin Mary. Now, you're out getting your rocks off with sexy hunks like Harry Potter, and you won't even tell me about it! You little slag!" Jenna accused, still smiling. "At least tell me if it was good or not."
She knew her cousin was not going to stop until Hermione gave her some details, and Hermione needed to move them on to the next subject. Finally, she sighed. "When I say I went on a family vacation…I mean Harry and I spent the summer with his two best mates at his Godfather's beach house…practically alone. So naturally…things happened-really really fantastic things. And to answer your question…yes…yes we did. And it was just brilliant." Hermione offered.
Jenna grabbed her hand and squeezed excitedly. "I can't believe it! Wow. Please tell me I'm getting more details than that." She pressed.
Hermione shook her head. "Not right now, because right now, there's something else I want to talk about, something…something important I want to share with you. I need you to be completely open-minded too." Hermione warned.
"Way to put a damper on my excitement." Jenna accused.
Hermione grinned. "Oh, trust me, this is way more exciting than my sex life. It's something I've been wanting to tell you for a very long time, but it hasn't been the right time. Now…now I think you can handle it."
"Alright, cousin, lay it on me." Jenna replied, crossing her legs Indian style in front of Hermione and pulling Crookshanks in her lap.
Hermione shook her head. "You aren't going to believe me, but what I'm telling you is the truth-Gospel as Paul. Just…just keep an open-mind." Hermione reminded her.
Jenna nodded mockingly. "Yes, yes. Any more open-minded and I'd become a lesbian. Now, please, the suspense is killing me!" She said dramatically.
Hermione chuckled. "Okay. In this world," Hermione began, "There are…different types of people. People…you don't realize not only exist, but you interact with them all the time, and never even suspect anything." Hermione paused, and Jenna stared at her blankly and remained silent. "What I'm trying to say is…there is such thing as…as…magic."
Hermione stopped again, gauging her cousin's reaction. Jenna raised an eyebrow in response. "Magic…?" She repeated slowly. "And how…do you know?"
Her question hung in the air.
Hermione took a deep breath and reached for the thin box behind her pillow. "I know this because…well, because I'm part of that world." She said slowly, pulling the lid off her wand box and showing her cousin the contents. "Don't faint."
"And that makes you….?"
"A witch, with real magical powers." Hermione answered, freeing her wand from its box so her cousin could take a closer look.
Hermione sighed. "I told you not to faint."
Got a secret
Can you keep it?
Swear this one you'll save
Better lock it, in your pocket
Taking this one to the grave
If I show you then I know you
Won't tell what I said
Cause two can keep a secret
Well, what did you guys think? Not really where I wanted to end it-I actually have several more pages written because I didn't know where I wanted to break it off, but it just seemed like too much in this chapter. I didn't want to take away from any other revelations that happened in this chapter.
Once again…please please please leave me a review. 1 review last chapter makes Archie very sad (though the review was awesome). Honestly beginning to think no one is even reading this!
I should have the next chapter out by next weekend-I've gone over what it is going to be several times in my head. That should make it easy to write. I am SUPPOSED to be a little farther along in this story by this chapter, but oh well, shit happens. That might cause another chapter or two tacked on at the end, who knows.
Anyway. Review. Keep an eye out for a new chapter soon or something completely new-I've got a few ideas churning for some kickass one-shots (and new chapters to my other stories).
See you all next time.