Chapter 2
Give me my scallop-shell of quiet,
My staff of faith to walk upon,
My scrip of joy, immortal diet,
My bottle of salvation,
My gown of glory, hope's true gauge,
And thus I'll make my pilgrimage.
Sir Walter Raleigh
Remus Lupin was confused. He was also dead but this was not what was confusing him. What was causing him such bafflement was the fact that he had been waiting for some time for Harry to arrive but as yet he had not appeared. Remus had sat patiently on a bench in what could only be described as a vast waiting room and watched with interest as a multitude of people had passed through one by one, each giving their name to a - for want of a better word - clerk who ticked them off on a list as they passed. He had been struck by the variety of cultures and nationalities that moved through and had even recognised one or two faces that had recently fought in the battle for Hogwarts.
But there had been no sign of Harry.
`C'mon, Moony,' said Tonks, more than a hint of impatience in her voice. `We must have missed him. He probably passed through hours ago. I'm getting bored sitting here.' She sighed. `Whenever I considered what I might experience if I ever reached this place, boredom didn't appear on my list. Besides,' she added, playing her final card, `we will be able to keep an eye on Teddy once we go through.'
Lupin turned to her and smiled. `I know,' he replied, `but it shouldn't be too much longer. It has been a while since Harry walked into the forest. He's probably been held up in the crowd. We'll see Teddy soon.'
It was strange, but since arriving here he had been filled with the certainty that Teddy was going to be fine. It was a weird feeling; he had not been a father for long but had bonded fully with his son. It was the only thing he regretted about his death; that he wouldn't be there for his child when he was growing up. But something inside of him told him that everything would be OK; that he would be able to watch Teddy live his life from here and that he would be reunited with him again. He knew that Tonks had experienced the same feeling and it was uncanny to consider how this place made one feel so at ease.
He glanced up to the desk as his attention was caught by the arrival of another "clerk" and it was apparent that some kind of shift change was going on. He noticed with curiosity that the new arrival had a pair of wings and he wondered at that; he had seen no one else similarly bedecked. He sighed. Just what I need right now; more bloody bureaucracy! He decided to take a more pro-active role in discovering the whereabouts of Harry and stood up before making his way towards the desk. When he arrived, it became apparent that some kind of argument was going on.
`For goodness sake, Celeste!' exclaimed the taller of the two clerks. `It was your responsibility! You never leave something like this to another; especially to someone who has a personal involvement.'
The clerk called Celeste merely shrugged in a very Gallic manner, his wings rising and falling with his shoulders. `I had merely assumed that the deceased would have been collected by the one who was sent to grant the extension. I will speak to Dumbledore as soon as he gets here.'
`Dumbledore?' asked Lupin, suddenly interested. `You know Dumbledore?'
Both clerks turned to regard him. The one without the wings consulted his list. `You are Remus Lupin?'
Lupin didn't bother to wonder how he knew. He supposed they knew everything here. `Yes. Now why are you talking about Dumbledore?'
The tall clerk considered the question before indicating with a nod towards the other. `Celeste here was supposed to collect someone but thought that Dumbledore was to perform the duty. Unfortunately, Dumbledore left it to Celeste. A most unfortunate error, Celeste! You should have come to me immediately! Your inexperience has found you out.'
`I am sincerely sorry. I was not thinking straight. I lost my head.'
`You haven't been doing this for long?' asked Lupin, amused.
`No; not long. About 200 years. I have only been here since I joined in the so-called Second Germinal of the so-called glorious French Revolution.'
`I see,' replied Lupin. `Did you die a natural death then?'
Celeste shrugged. `As I said; I lost my head.' He made a slicing motion with his hand as he said this.
Lupin laughed outright at this remark. He was curious about something else though. `Why the wings?' he asked. `I haven't seen anyone else wear them.'
Celeste slapped his forehead with his hand. `Forgive me!' he replied. `I forgot I was still wearing them,' he added as he waved his hand and made them disappear.
`So why did you have them on in the first place?'
Celeste smiled. `I was visiting some Catholics.* They have certain preconceived notions as to what this place should be like. The Boss says we should indulge them.'
Lupin smiled broadly at the explanation, then laughed loudly once again. `Tell me,' he said, once he had recovered his composure. `This person you were supposed to collect? It wouldn't be Harry Potter, would it?'
Both men turned on him. `How do you know that?' asked Celeste.
It was Lupin's turn to shrug. `An educated guess. I have been waiting for him. He was due some time ago, I think, but I haven't seen him yet. Now I know why.'
Celeste made to reply but his attention was distracted by the arrival of Albus Dumbledore who approached the group, a beaming smile on his face.
`My dear Remus!' he exclaimed. `How good it is to see you again. And you too Nymphadora,' he added as Tonks' curiosity finally got the better of her and she made her way over to join the discussion. She winced.
`I thought that bloody name would have remained on Earth.'
Lupin smiled but turned as Celeste spoke. `Did you get him?' he asked, looking around the vast room. `Where is he?'
Dumbledore's look sobered but Lupin could detect a twinkle in his eye. `I am afraid there has been a complication.'
`A complication?' asked both clerks simultaneously.
`Yes. Mr Potter refuses to co-operate. He says we have made a mistake.'
`A mistake?' said the tall clerk. `Impossible! There has been no mistake made here for thousands of years!'
`So mistakes do happen then?' asked Lupin. `It's not impossible?'
The clerks looked uncomfortable. `Sometimes,' the taller one replied. `But no mistake has been made in this instance. Mr Potter actually benefited. He was granted an extra two hours. He should be grateful.'
`He is,' replied Dumbledore. `But something has occurred.'
`What?' asked Celeste.
`He has fallen in love.'
Celeste closed his eyes for a moment. `This does indeed complicate things. The Boss is not going to be very impressed by this. She will already know, of course.'
`This does not matter!' exclaimed the tall clerk. `Mr Potter's time is up. He must leave Earth. By force if necessary!'
`He refuses,' replied Dumbledore. `He will resist all attempts to remove him.'
`He cannot refuse! This is The Law! There is no power greater than The Law!'
`Is The Law so callous that it would claim Harry just as he has discovered love?' asked Dumbledore. `He says that in the extra time mistakenly allotted to him a young woman has told him that she loves him. He returns this love. This would not have happened had it not been for our mistake. Can we in good conscience punish them both for this?'
`Who is it, Albus?' asked Lupin. `The young woman I mean.'
Albus smiled. `It is Miss Granger,' he replied.
Tonks squealed. `Excellent! I knew they were made for each other. I'm so pleased for them!'
`I am afraid that your joy will be short lived, madam,' said Celeste. `As will Mr Potter's and Miss Granger's. He must leave Earth.'
A sudden thought occurred to Lupin at that point. `You say that there is no power greater than The Law?' he asked.
`That is correct.'
`Then surely The Law must allow for such an eventuality? Surely Harry has the right of appeal? Or is it tyrannical law that we are dealing with?'
A long silence greeted this question. Finally Celeste answered. `I believe Mr Lupin may be correct. I believe The Boss will grant such an appeal. I shall endeavour to find out.'
`Is it possible?' asked Tonks.
Celeste regarded her with a smile. `Madame; this is the Other World. Anything is possible,' he replied.
Hermione sat at the side of Harry's hospital bed and worried as Madame Pomfrey conducted a scan with her wand. Ron sat next to her and Minerva McGonagall stood over the bed but no one had spoken since they had arrived. No one seemed to know what was wrong with him and the lack of information was deeply disconcerting. The hospital wing was still crowded; still contained a number of those wounded in the battle but Harry had been placed in his usual bed before the curtains were hastily closed around him.
She'd been unable to react at first. She'd just told him that she loved him when he had suddenly collapsed in front of her. She hadn't known what to think; one moment they had been talking, the next he was lying unconscious on the floor. She'd thought that he'd perhaps fainted but after a few seconds of trying unsuccessfully to wake him she quickly realised that it was something more serious. The only problem was, no one seemed to know what it was. Finally, Poppy finished her scan and looked at Minerva gravely.
`I cannot find anything wrong with him. My best guess is that there may be something wrong with his head,' she said quietly.
`What?' asked Hermione. `What could be wrong with his head?'
Poppy regarded her solemnly. `I think he may have sustained some kind of brain injury. This is just a guess, however. There are no outward symptoms.'
Hermione was appalled. `But he never hurt his head!' she exclaimed. `He wasn't hit on his head!'
Poppy shrugged. `It might not be a recent injury, Hermione. Or it might be as a result of his clash with Voldemort. It's too early to tell. I'm sorry.'
Hermione looked at her hands, fighting the tears. `No; I'm sorry. I know you are doing your best.' She did not see Poppy and Minerva exchange a look.
`I must go and see to the others,' said Poppy. `Will you keep an eye on him for me?' she asked.
Hermione nodded. `Of course. I'm not going anywhere.' She didn't look up as Poppy and Minerva removed themselves and she was oblivious when Ron moved form his seat to crouch beside her.
`He'll be fine, Hermione,' he said as he gently began to rub her back. `He always is.'
She stiffened at his touch and immediately stood, not seeing the distress on his face as she did so. She leaned over Harry and gently stroked his hair, ignoring Ron completely.
`What's the matter with you?' asked Ron, a hint of anger in his voice. She turned on him in fury.
`What do you think is the matter? Harry's sick!' she exclaimed. She was about to launch into a withering attack when she was distracted by a low murmur.
She turned, quick as a flash to see Harry slowly blink open his eyes. `Oh, Harry!' she cried before smothering him with a hug. After a few moments she realised that she might be causing him discomfort and reluctantly released him. `How are you feeling?' she asked, not realising that Ron had slipped away to fetch Poppy and Minerva.
Harry considered the question. `Very well,' he replied. He looked up as the curtains were parted and Poppy, Minerva and Ron appeared.
`Mr Potter,' began Poppy sternly. `We should be naming this wing after you considering the number of times you have been here. How are you feeling?'
`I just told Hermione. I'm fine,' he replied.
`Can you remember what happened?' Poppy asked. Hermione flushed as his eyes fell on her for a moment and she knew he remembered some things anyway.
`Yes, but it's hard to explain.'
`Try us,' said Minerva.
Harry paused. `I saw Albus,' he finally replied. The reaction to these words was predictable; a stunned silence.
`Harry,' began Hermione, carefully. `Albus is dead.'
He rolled his eyes. `I know that, Hermione. But I'm supposed to be dead too. He told me that he had come to collect me; that I was supposed to have died when I destroyed Voldemort. There was a cock-up in the Other World; they forgot to collect me.'
More silence.
`I know you don't believe me,' he continued, `but it's true.'
`When did you speak to Albus?' asked Hermione. `When you were unconscious?'
`I was unconscious?' he asked in surprise. `Is that why I am here?'
The four people round his bed shared a look. `Harry; Albus wasn't here. No one else saw him.'
`He was here, Hermione. He froze time to speak to me - or at least; time was frozen. It was…weird. One minute we were talking and then the next you were like a statue.' He frowned. `I could smell some treacle tart too for some reason.' He shook his head. `Anyway; you were standing as if petrified while we discussed things. Albus told me that the entire universe had been stopped. That we were frozen in a moment in time.'
Hermione felt the alarm grow within her but she decided to pretend every thing was normal. `What did you discuss?' she tentatively asked.
`My death. Like I said; he told me he was there to collect me. That I had been living on borrowed time.' He looked directly at her. `He told me that I received an extra two hours by mistake and that I was to go with him.'
She considered his words carefully. `So what did you say to him?' she finally asked.
`I refused to go.'
`And he accepted this?' she asked.
`He did for the moment.'
He cast a quick glance at Ron before turning back to her and replying. `Because I told him that I had fallen in love. That I had just discovered that someone loved me and that I returned that love. As this had happened in the time granted to me as a result of their cock-up; I said that I wasn't going anywhere. It wouldn't be fair to take me away when something so profound had happened in my extra time.'
A long silence greeted these words. Hermione fought back the tears as she realised the implications of what he had said. While his story about Albus seemed fantastic she recognised the one simple truth he had uttered.
Harry loves me!
She reached for his hand, giving it a soft squeeze before opening her mouth to reply. She was beaten to the punch by Ron.
`Mate? This is mental. Absolutely mental.'
`I know. But it is true. Every part of it is true.'
Ron considered this. `So who do you love?' he asked with a hint of amusement in his voice. His scepticism was obvious.
Harry stared straight at him. `Hermione,' he replied.
Ron looked even more amused. `Hermione?' he asked. `Now we know for sure that it's all mental. You don't love Hermione.'
`Yes I do. I love her more than life itself. I have always loved her.'
Ron started to look angry. `This is bollocks, Harry. I know you are not well but this is going too far. You love Ginny! You told me that you only loved Hermione like a sister!' he said accusingly.
`I lied.'
`WHAT?' Why would you lie?'
`Because I thought I was going to die. Because I thought she loved you and I knew you loved her. That's why I lied.'
Ron was speechless for a moment before something occurred to him. `Wait a minute,' he began. `This is nonsense; total nonsense and I can prove it. You said that you had discovered that someone loves you. Hermione doesn't love you; she loves me.'
Hermione was immediately aware that all eyes turned to her. All save for Harry who never took his eyes off Ron. She turned to face her red-haired friend.
`Well?' asked Ron.
`It's true, Ron,' she replied. She noticed him smile triumphantly and realised he had failed to understand. `It's true that I'm in love with Harry,' she added softly.
Ron stood looking at her for a few moments, his face like thunder. He cast his eyes over Poppy and Minerva, witnesses to his humiliation. He turned back to Hermione and the pain and contempt in his eyes wounded her deeply. Then he turned to Harry.
`It's always about you, isn't it? You get to have everything,' he said bitterly before turning on his heels and storming away, the curtain billowing as be passed.
Hermione felt the tears begin to fall for her friend but felt a sudden reassuring grip on her hand. She turned to see Harry looking on her with such love that her heart felt as if it was going to burst.
`Thank you,' he whispered.
Remus Lupin smiled brightly but inwardly he cursed as he gripped tightly on his wife's hand. `The sods!' he hissed under his breath as he approached his friends - friends he had not seen in some time.
He and Tonks had eventually left the waiting room and had accompanied Albus through the great double doors that led into the heart of these halls. He'd hardly taken a moment to appreciate the scale and splendour of his surroundings when a great cheer had rent the air. When he turned, confused, his eyes fell on a small gathering of familiar faces. James and Lily stood clapping and cheering while Sirius had his fingers in his mouth and was letting forth an ear piercing whistle that he reckoned might be heard back on Earth. He recognised Tonks' father and spotted a few more familiar faces - Fred Weasley and Mad Eye being the most prominent among them. He'd flushed, not expecting a welcoming committee, before making his way towards them.
`Moony!' exclaimed James who enveloped him in a huge bear hug. Despite his embarrassment, Lupin held tight to his dear friend who he had missed so much over the years. Finally he let go and turned to Lily who also gave him a huge hug. When they broke apart he looked up and cast his eyes on Sirius, who looked stern.
`Don't expect anything from me, old friend. I'm part dog, remember, and we all know how they like to greet their friends.' He held an aloof posture for a moment before finally breaking into a grin. `It's good to see you again. Really good,' he added as he hugged his friend.
Remus was overwhelmed at seeing those he loved again and realised he had never felt happier in his entire…well; death, he supposed. Sirius seemed to sense his feelings.
`Don't think this was all set up for you,' he began with a mischievous grin. We were expecting Harry but we understand that he has been somewhat delayed?'
`You know about Harry?' asked Remus in surprise.
`Oh, yes; we know,' replied Lily. `You'll find out son enough that a secret doesn't remain a secret for long here. We noticed a lot of the clerks running hither and thither so Sirius here,' she indicated to him with a jerk of her thumb, `accosted one of the prettier ones and asked what all the fuss was about. He charmed the secret out of her. He's a silver tongued devil, that one.'
Sirius sketched a mock bow at her words.
`So you know that Harry has refused to co-operate?' asked Remus.
`Yeah,' replied Fred Weasley with a laugh. `Trust Harry; too bloody stubborn to die!' There was more than a hint of admiration in his tone. `He's got the knickers of these clerks in a twist anyway. No one seems to know what's going to happen. Good old Harry,' he added, evidently pleased at such a fine prank.
Remus laughed loudly, the image of angels with a celestial wedgie stark in his mind. He turned to James. `He must get that stubborn streak from you. It will get him into trouble one of these days.'
James laughed and made to reply but his attention was diverted by the arrival of Celeste who looked like a man that had just lost a Sickle but found a Galleon. `What is it?' he asked.
`The Boss has agreed! Harry is to have his appeal!' he exclaimed.
Silence greeted these words for a few seconds before everyone began to cheer. Celeste turned to Dumbledore.
`We have to fetch him, you and I. We cocked this up together so The Boss says we are to fix it together.'
`You've to bring him here?' asked Lily, her eyes shining.
Celeste turned to her. `Yes, dear lady. We are to bring him here. If he is successful he will be allowed to return. If not?' He shrugged, leaving the rest unsaid.
Lily turned to her husband, bouncing with excitement as she did so. `Oh, James!' she exclaimed. `We're going to see our little boy!'
James Potter didn't reply. Instead he smiled broadly and enveloped his wife in a hug.
Harry was coming here!
*a/n A couple of things…one; I'm not having a go at Catholics (I am one!) so if anyone takes offence; tough!
Also, I'm not trying to be pretentious by quoting these poems - they all appear in the film so it's just my little homage to that fine piece of work.