Chapter 7
`I would call Miss Hermione Granger.'
Silence greeted these words; a silence that seemed to stretch into eternity. `Impossible,' the Judge finally replied. `She is still alive; we cannot call her here!'
`Technically I am still alive,' said Harry. `Or has my fate already been decided?' he asked caustically. He left the confines of the witness stand and approached the bench. `Since I have arrived here I have been told that this is the Other World; that anything is possible. I call Hermione as a witness for the defence. I am not interested in how you arrange it. I need to prove we are in love; I can only do this if my Counsel can question her. You speak of upholding the Law; in that case I am entitled to a fair hearing. If this indeed is a Court of Law then you will not refuse me. I call Hermione to the stand.'
`I object, Your Honour,' cut in Snape. `Potter may be used to having rules changed to suit him, but surely here, of all places, the rules must be applied without fear or favour? The life of Miss Granger is not in question. Her survival is assured regardless of the outcome of this appeal. As she is very much alive, I do not believe she is permitted to visit this place. I also believe that her presence is futile; how can she prove that she has fallen in love any more than Potter can?'
The Judge looked grave at these words and Harry could tell that Snape had struck a chord. It was all so unfair. Surely Hermione could be taken at her word! For the first time in this appeal hearing, he began to feel real fear. It was at this moment that Lupin intervened.
`Without fear or favour, Severus?' he began. `I wholeheartedly agree. And if Harry is to be treated without fear or favour then he is entitled to the same protection of the Law as any man or woman, living or dead. He has the right to call any witness he sees fit; would you deny him this right?' Remus turned to face the Judge. `Would you, sir, deny him this right?'
Harry noticed how uncomfortable the Judge looked when asked this question. He licked his lips before replying. `I would see the law upheld, Mr Lupin; in all things I would see the law upheld. And therein lies the problem; it is forbidden for the living to visit the Other World. Mr Potter's unique situation is all that has allowed him to be here in person. No matter what I decide, I will be breaking the law. It seems to me that denying his request is the lesser of the two evils.'
`That depends on one's point of view, Your Honour,' replied Lupin. `I am sure Harry would take issue with your choice of what is the lesser evil.' He paused for a moment, deep in thought. `I did not know it was forbidden for the living to visit the Other World. Is this your only objection to the calling of Miss Granger?'
`It is,' replied the Judge. All eyes turned to Snape.
`It is my only objection,' he confirmed quietly.
`Then I believe I have the solution,' continued Remus. `From my short time in this place, I have learned that it is quite common for people from the Other World to visit Earth. If Miss Granger cannot come to us, we must go to her.'
`Do not be absurd, Lupin,' began Snape. `The idea is preposter…'
`Why, that is an excellent idea, Monsieur Lupin!' exclaimed Celeste. All eyes turned on him, including the Judge who had a look on his face that suggested Celeste had better be careful lest he end up in the dock. Celeste at least had to good grace to look sheepish as he bobbed his head in apology. The Judge turned to Snape and Lupin.
`Actually, that is rather a good idea,' he began. `Is Miss Granger available?'
Celeste quickly pulled an hour glass from under his cloak and peered at it intently. `She sleeps, Your Honour,' he replied.
`Ah! She sleeps! This simplifies things, somewhat,' said the Judge. He leaned back in his chair and moved his arm in a sweeping gesture. `If Miss Granger cannot come here, then we must go to her.' He clicked his fingers together and Harry felt the oddest sensation as the vast amphitheatre seemed to dissolve around him and he found himself standing once again on the vast, red-carpeted staircase. The only difference was that this time, the staircase was moving downwards. A blue dot in the distance indicated where his destination lay and his heart felt full in his chest as he realised that he would soon see Hermione again. However this appeal hearing played out, he would at least get to speak to her one more time.
Satisfied, he turned to see who else was with him and realised with relief that Remus was standing immediately behind him. Glancing round his friend, he saw too that Snape, the Judge, Celeste, his parents, Sirius and Dumbledore also accompanied him along with a few others he did not recognise but figured must be important to proceedings. He turned back around and was once again caught out as he found himself in the infirmary at Hogwarts, the staircase coming to a gentle halt just yards from his "usual" bed. He recognised Ron gently dozing in the chair next to it and with some consternation, realised that he was looking at himself lying unconscious within it. Of all the many things he had experienced in his short life, this definitely classed as the strangest, he thought.
`Harry?' he heard, the most beautiful sound in the world to his ears. He turned and saw Hermione sitting up in another bed, rubbing her eyes as she tried to move from sleep to wakefulness.
`Harry?' For her part, Hermione had woken up to find herself looking at a staircase so vast that it took her breath away. It was approaching slowly and she was so overwhelmed by it that it was some moments before she recognised the familiar form of Harry standing on the bottom step and even in her current, vulnerable, predicament, she found her intellect questioning what her senses were telling her. She tore her eyes from the vision and cast them over towards the still form of the Harry Potter that lay unconscious in a hospital bed, mere feet from where she lay. She turned back to the staircase and rubbed her eyes at the Harry Potter that stood before her. Am I awake or is this merely a dream? Is this really happening or is this only happening inside my head?
Then she remembered the words the Dumbledore's portrait had uttered earlier; about how one did not necessarily preclude the other. Turning back to the hospital bed, she realised that it now lay empty.
`Harry is that really you?' she asked as she cast her gaze back to the vision and as if in a dream she received her answer as the Harry on the staircase leapt towards her and gathered her in an embrace so encompassing, so real, she felt as if it would never end. She felt her last reserves finally give out as she allowed herself to be comforted in his embrace. All the stress, the worry and the heartache she had endured since the nightmare began was released as she held onto him as if her life depended on it. She had no idea how long they stood in each other's arms before Harry finally released his grip somewhat and stepped back to look at her.
`You've been called as a witness,' he said gently. `As my witness,' he added. She made to reply but a voice richer than any she had ever heard before spoke before she did.
`You are in the High Court of the Other World; you have been called as a witness for the defence in the Appeal Hearing of Harry Potter. You are required to tell the court nothing but the truth. Do you understand what is required of you?' added the Judge, not unkindly.
Hermione took a long moment before replying. `I think so, sir,' she finally managed. `I understand that I must be truthful.'
The Judge smiled. `That will be sufficient, Miss Granger. These gentleman here, I believe you already know,' he added, indicating towards Lupin and Snape. `I suggest you answer their questions as truthfully as you can.'
It was at that moment Hermione nearly succumbed to the sheer strangeness of the moment and she reeled back in shock, saved from falling only by the steadying hold of Harry beside her. She looked upon two men she knew to be dead and after a few moments she also recognised Sirius and Dumbledore on the stairs standing next to a young couple that she instinctively knew, despite never having met them. The beautiful, red-haired lady she knew to be Harry's mother bestowed a smile on her that was breath-taking in its sheer beauty and she realised without knowing how that she had passed at least one test already. She offered a tremulous smile in return and gripped Harry's hand tightly before turning to face Snape.
`Miss Granger,' acknowledged Snape in his familiar drawl. `Please consider my questions carefully before replying,' he continued. Hermione merely nodded. `How long have you known Potter?' Snape finally asked.
Hermione took a moment before replying, knowing that Snape already knew the answer. `I've known Harry for nearly seven years.'
`And you have always been close to him?'
`Yes.' She sidled closer to Harry as she spoke and felt him grip her hand tighter.
`You have always loved him?'
Hermione paused as she considered the question. `Near enough. I did not love him immediately, of course, but it was not long before I did.'
`And you have always been in love with him?' asked Snape, an eyebrow arched.
`You know I have not,' replied Hermione, a touch of asperity in her tone. `If I had always been in love with him, we would not be here, would we?' she added.
`You are in love with him now?'
`Yes,' she replied, turning quickly to see a broad smile on Harry's face at her words.
Snape smirked. `So how long have you been in love with him? How long have you known?'
She whipped her head back around to face Snape. `Not long. I guess you could measure the time in hours rather than in days.'
`So how can you possibly know that you are in love with Potter?' sneered Snape. `You are but a child and you have a child's delusions in such matters.'
`I'm in love with Harry,' she exclaimed defiantly. She could feel Harry struggling to restrain himself beside her.
`Miss Granger,' continued Snape in a more conciliatory tone, `I have always respected your logical and reasoned approach to problems. Where, pray, is your reason now?'
`There is no reason in love,' she responded softly.
Snape smiled sadly. `I will concede you that point, Miss Granger. However, I remain to be convinced. Can you prove that you love him?'
It was Hermione's turn to smile sadly. `How can I prove such a thing? How does one prove how one feels?'
Snape nodded, satisfied. `It is as I thought, Your Honour. Miss Granger has provided the court with no new evidence. No further questions,' he added, before turning and taking his place on the staircase. The Judge followed his progress before turning to Remus.
`Your witness, Mr Lupin.'
Harry watched as Lupin nodded his acknowledgement and turned to face both he and Hermione, smiling broadly as he did so. He thought back to their hurried, whispered conference earlier in the court. Harry had thought it a great idea when Remus had suggested calling Hermione as a witness but he had no idea what his actual plan was. As Snape had just demonstrated, Hermione could offer no new evidence and it was with a feeling of trepidation that Harry watched his friend's approach.
`Hermione,' began Remus with a smile. `Are you in love with Harry?'
Despite the seriousness of the situation, Hermione could not help but smile. `Yes,' she replied simply. `But I don't know how to prove it to you.'
`Would you do anything for him?' Remus asked.
`Of course.'
`Would you die for him?'
Too late, Harry saw where this was going. `Now wait a minute, Remus…' he began.
`Be quiet, Harry,' interrupted Lupin. `Don't say another word. Trust me,' he added and there was a severity to his tone that Harry did not like at all. He bit his tongue as Lupin turned his attention back to Hermione.
`So would you be willing to take his place? Take his place here in the Other World so that he might live?' he asked.
`Yes!' replied Hermione without hesitation.
`Enough!' yelled Harry, stepping between Hermione and Lupin. `What the hell do you think you are playing at, Remus? I wouldn't have allowed you to call her if I knew you were going to pull this little stunt.' He turned to Hermione. `Don't listen to him. Don't answer another question!' he said, beseechingly.
Hermione shook her head, oblivious to the tears that started to run down her cheeks. `I have to tell the truth, Harry.'
`Hermione?' interjected Lupin. `If you are willing to take Harry's place then join me now on the staircase. Come!'
`NO!' roared Harry. `I forbid it!'
`You have no power here, Mr Potter!' exclaimed the Judge. `Do not say another word or I will hold you in contempt!'
`Fine! Hold me in contempt! Do what you want! I will withdraw my appeal if I have to but you are not getting her! Take me back! I withdraw my appeal! You are nothing but a bunch of charlatans!' He grabbed Hermione by the arm and pulled her round to face him. `Don't do this. Please. I couldn't live here without you,' he implored.
`ENOUGH!' exclaimed the Judge. `You have gone too far, Mr Potter.' He clicked his fingers and Harry found himself rooted to the spot, unable to move or speak. He could only watch helplessly as Hermione gently stroked his face, the tears streaming down her cheeks.
`I'm sorry, Harry,' she choked. `But it is better this way. You have more to live for; more to offer than I do.' She leaned forward and with exquisite tenderness, kissed him on the lips as she wrestled her arm out of his grip. `Goodbye, my love. I'll be waiting for you,' she added before turning away and walking towards the staircase. Lupin put his arm around her shoulder and joined her on the bottom step before both turned to face Harry.
Who had never felt worse in his entire life. His heart was breaking as he watched helplessly as the staircase slowly started to rise. No matter how hard he strained, he could not break the ties that bound him in place and he to wept openly as Hermione was lifted with agonising slowness out of his life. He closed his eyes as he saw her lift her hand in silent farewell, her tears flowing freely. He found himself wishing that Voldemort had killed him in the forest for the torture he was feeling right now was more than he could bear.
And then the applause began.
Harry thought that he had finally lost his mind; had finally become unhinged by events. Still unable to move, he opened his eyes and could see everyone on the staircase - save Hermione, Snape and the Judge - clapping and cheering. He noticed that the staircase had stopped rising and was in fact returning to the ground. He took no comfort from the look of bewilderment on Hermione's face that told him she was as perplexed as he. Finally Snape's voice broke through the applause.
`Well, Your Honour. It seems that they are in love with one another after all,' he said, a hint of disapproval in his tone.
`Yes!' exclaimed Lupin as he leapt down from the staircase and headed towards Harry. `Yes indeed! There can be no doubt, Your Honour. By their willingness to sacrifice themselves for the other, both Mr Potter and Miss Granger have demonstrated this beyond doubt. They have fallen in love and as this occurred in the time erroneously granted to Mr Potter he now has obligations to her that did not exist at the time he was supposed to die! The court must grant his appeal!' He turned to face the Judge and Snape. `You both believe that nothing in the Other World is stronger than the Law. Well I believe that we have demonstrated here today that nothing on Earth is stronger than love. And I further contend that it is the love here on Earth that binds Mr Potter rather than the Law in the Other World. Miss Granger's claim on him is greater than that of Death itself! The defence rests!' he finally exclaimed.
The Judge considered him with a broad smile. `I am minded of some words of wisdom, written by one of the more celebrated inhabitants of our world.
In peace, Love tunes the shepherd's reed;
In war, he mounts the warrior's steed;
In halls, in gay attire is seen;
In hamlets, dances on the green.
Love rules the court, the camp, the grove,
And men below and saints above;
For love is heaven, and heaven is love.
Yes indeed, Mr Potter, Miss Granger. Sir Walter Scott was correct. For love is heaven and heaven is love.' He turned to Hermione. `You may go, my child. You may return to where you belong. Appeal granted.' He clicked his fingers once again and Harry immediately felt his bonds release. Neither he nor Hermione needed to be told twice; he raced towards her and caught her as she leapt from the staircase into his arms. They stood locked in an embrace as the cheering began again. They remained like that for an interminable amount of time before finally breaking apart, both crying freely but for a different reason. They turned as the Judge had begun speaking again.
`Celeste? I would have Mr Potter's glass, if you please?' he held out his hand as the little French recorder struggled with his cloak before finally pulling out an hourglass and handing it to the Judge. The latter examined it carefully before tapping it with his finger. A rush of sand could be heard filling the glass.
`Mr Lupin? Mr Snape? Are we agreed on the new timeline for Mr Potter? Are we agreed on his new date? Is it acceptable to you both?'
`Very generous, Your Honour!' replied Lupin with a broad smile. `I find no fault.'
Snape peered at the glass. `Is that not a bit too much, Your Honour?' he enquired. He looked up at the Judge whose benevolent expression had suddenly turned somewhat sterner at the question. Snape suddenly felt very isolated. `Yes! Yes; it's fine!' Snape hastily corrected. `I find no fault!'
With these words the staircase started to slowly rise and everyone on it turned to face the young couple left behind.
`Goodbye, Harry! Goodbye Hermione!' shouted Lily Potter. `We will see you again; never fear!' she added, her hand raised in farewell.
`Live and love, both of you!' added James Potter as he too raised his arm in salute. Harry pulled Hermione in tight to his chest and they both raised their arms in farewell as they watched the staircase rising out of sight. Farewell to Lily and James; Remus and Sirius; Dumbledore and Tonks. Even Snape, for that matter. All had died that he might live and it was a bittersweet moment for Harry as he realised that a chapter of his life was ending. The people he watched disappear into the heavens had shaped that chapter; had guided him and loved him and sustained him through it and it was with real sadness that he finally let them go as they disappeared from view.
When they had finally gone he turned to the woman by his side. She too had sustained him; had guided him and loved him. She too was a part of the chapter that had just ended. But she was also the key to the next chapter. She was the reason he had a next chapter and he felt his heart swell in his chest as he finally came to terms with himself. He was Harry Potter and he had a life to live. He pulled Hermione in close to his chest.
`So what now?' he asked, gently.
Hermione leaned in and kissed him softly before looking up at his face, her eyes shining.
`Now? Now we live. Now we love, Harry.'
He smiled broadly at her words and leaned in to seal their love with a kiss. In the moment before their lips met, it occurred to him that in the great matter of life and death, it was Hermione Granger who was all that mattered.