Chapter 4
Harry was nervous.
There were a number of reasons for this, he knew. He hadn't said a word to either of his companions as they travelled towards their destination, preferring instead to remain alone with his thoughts. He realised that he probably wouldn't have been in the mood for idle chat anyway, even if his mind had not been churning over the imminent appeal. He would not have been inclined to talk because he was also pre-occupied with the fact that he was travelling on an endless staircase that seemed to transcend time and space as he - admittedly vaguely - knew it.
The staircase was vast - and even then that word did not begin to encompass it. It was only about thirty feet wide, richly carpeted in red velvet, but it was the length that boggled the mind. It just went on and on - or rather; up and up. He could not even begin to see the top of it and it suddenly occurred to him that it was going to take some considerable time to get to where they were going judging by the slow rate that they were travelling. He finally turned to the others and both men seemed to guess what he was thinking about.
`Don't concern yourself with it, Harry,' said Dumbledore with a smile. `Time has no meaning here; you will find that we will have arrived before you know it.'
Harry looked deeply sceptical at this piece of information but when he turned forwards again he realised with astonishment that they had reached the top. He flashed back round to face the others and noticed the amused expressions on their faces.
`I told you not to concern yourself, Harry. It does take some getting used to but one does adjust eventually,' explained Dumbledore.
Harry had no reply to this. He knew that he had seen some pretty improbable things in his life but this was so far beyond his understanding that he couldn't even begin to comprehend what was going on. He decided that the best thing to do would be to just go along with the flow. Looking down at his feet, he carefully timed his step so as to avoid the gap where the staircase seemed to disappear into the floor.
Except; I can't see the floor.
Everything was white. A brilliant, pure white that dazzled the eyes. There was no way of knowing where the ground ended and the walls began. He turned back to Dumbledore, confused.
`Is this it?' he asked. `This is the other world?' He scanned the blankness. `It's a bit dull, isn't it?' he finally observed.
Dumbledore and Celeste laughed before his former headmaster finally replied. `Oh, do not fret, Harry. This place can be anything you want it to be. However, I am not the one to explain. Come; there are some others who will be only too glad to show you around.'
Harry had an idea what was meant by this and he could feel the increase in his heart rate within him. He allowed Dumbledore to place a hand on his shoulder and turn him and when he was facing the other way he noticed with astonishment that a massive pair of double doors stood in front of him.
Where the hell did they come from? They weren't there a minute ago! He realised at that moment that there was no use in being surprised anymore. This place was just different; he had to accept what he encountered for there was nothing else he could do.
He watched with feelings of apprehension mixed with anticipation as the great doors slowly swung open and he felt Dumbledore give him a soft nudge in order for him to go through. Slowly, his hand on his forehead to shield his eyes against the brightness, he made his way through the entrance and was immediately taken unawares as a great cheer rent the air. He could even here a piercing whistle. He blinked sharply, as he suddenly realised that he could see properly; that the light didn't hurt his eyes anymore. Removing his hand from his forehead, he looked across and saw a host of familiar faces. Mooney and Tonks; Fred and Mad-Eye; Sirius and a host of others who he had once known. He smiled broadly at the reception until his eyes fell on a young couple who stood at the front of the crowd, just off to the side. They were of the group, but they were not quite in it.
My parents.
He found himself running; running towards the tall man with the shock of unruly black hair and glasses; and the slim woman with the long, thick, dark red hair and the startlingly green almond shaped eyes.
My parents!
Within a few seconds he found himself within the all encompassing embrace of his mother while his father leaned over them and gripped them both within his arms. He had never experienced anything like it; didn't have anything to compare it with.
It was the first occasion in his life that he understood how time could have no meaning. He had no idea how long he stood in the arms of his parents. He was oblivious to everything else. He was unaware of the tears that streamed down his face; of the watching audience - some of whom also were looking distinctly misty-eyed. He only knew that he had never felt such a sense of belonging in his entire life. He instinctively sensed the love from his mother and father and it occurred to him that only one other person loved him in such an unconditional way. His parents and Hermione were the only people who truly loved him for the person he was - faults and all - and who did not demand anything from him in return.
Finally, he felt the loosening of the arms around him and he looked on the faces of his parents.
`I've waited sixteen years to do that,' said Lily as she wiped at her eyes. She smiled. `It was worth the wait,' she added.
Harry was at a loss for words and could only nod dumbly.
`We are both so proud of you, Harry,' said his father. `Proud of the fine young man you have become. We have watched you closely over the years; we want you to know that.'
`You saw everything?' he finally managed to ask.
`Everything that mattered,' replied James. `We do give you some privacy,' he added with a knowing smile. `I'm glad to see you kept up the Marauder tradition anyway. You, Ron and Hermione certainly got yourselves involved in a few scrapes over the years. I would have been disappointed had you not.'
Lily swatted her husband on the arm. `Enough of that, James! Harry isn't here to listen about us prying!' She turned to her son, taking his hand as she did so. `So; tell us about Hermione. We have known for some time just what a remarkable young woman she is, but we wondered if you would ever have the wit to realise this for yourself,' she said impishly.
Harry flushed. `She's the most amazing person I've ever known,' he said quietly.
`Worth dying for?' asked his father.
Harry considered the question. `Worth living for,' he replied with a smile. James and Lily laughed at this remark.
`I suppose so. That's why you're here, isn't it? To make sure you return to her?'
Harry felt vaguely guilty about this. He had finally got to meet his parents in the flesh and yet he knew he did not want to remain here with them. `That's why I'm here,' he finally replied. `I hope you don't mind?'
Lily's eyes softened at the question. `Oh, Harry. Of course we don't mind. We defended you to the death so you could live. So you could love and laugh and enjoy the benefits of a peaceful life. You will end up here again someday. I can wait a little longer for that. You need Hermione and she is not here. I understand why you are fighting this.'
Harry could only nod his gratitude. `Thank you,' he finally managed. `Thank you for…allowing me to live.'
Lily reached over and hugged him again and he could feel her tears on his cheek. `It was nothing, son. What else could we have done? We have both loved you from the moment you were born. We will always love you. Don't forget that when you go back,' she added as she released him.
`You think I will win?' he asked.
James laughed again. `We know you will win! When have you never achieved what you set out to do? Your stubborn streak will see you through this. You get that from your mother,' he added.
`He does not!' exclaimed Lily as she swatted his arm again.
`You must get your gentle nature from me though,' added James. `This one is a tyrant.'
`That's true enough!' exclaimed Sirius. `She's a devil, that one,' he added as he approached before gathering Harry into a huge bear hug. The others took that a their cue to intrude on the family reunion and the next few minutes were spent by a delighted Harry in accepting hugs and handshakes from a number of people he'd never thought to see again.
Finally, the joyful reunion was interrupted by Celeste who cleared his throat with the loudest stage cough any of them had ever heard.
The Recorder waited until all eyes were turned upon him. `I hate to intrude on such a joyful reunion,' he began, `but Harry's hearing will start soon and he is yet to appoint someone to conduct his defence.'
Harry's eyes narrowed as he regarded the Frenchman and he hated him at that moment. `So soon?' he finally asked. `It begins so soon?'
Celeste nodded sympathetically. `I'm afraid so, Harry. We are pressed for time.'
`Time?' he asked. `I thought you said time has no meaning here? Can't I take as long as I want?'
`No, you cannot. Time doesn't matter here, but I was not referring to this place.'
Harry looked confused. `So what are you talking about then?' he asked.
`Earth,' replied Celeste.
`Earth? But I thought you had frozen time?'
`We did; but only to get you here. Things are moving as normal now.'
Harry felt himself getting angry. `But what about Hermione? She was talking to me and I will have disappeared!'
`No. You are still there, Harry.'
He really was confused now. `How can I be here and on Earth at the same time?'
`You're body remains on Earth, Harry. It is your soul I am looking at.'
`So what's happened to my body? Is it dead? Have you lied to me?'
`No! Your body is merely…unconscious at the moment. Should you fail up here it will expire. Should you succeed, you will be able to return to it. But we should make haste for those below are deeply concerned for your welfare. I would have liked to keep them frozen but it takes a lot of effort,' he added with a smile. `Now; you must pick someone to represent you,' he added. `I should tell you; you can have anyone who ever lived.'
`Anyone at all,' confirmed Celeste. `You could have Rousseau; Victor Hugo; Voltaire, Descartes…' he paused, realising that Harry looked nonplussed. `What is wrong, Monsieur; these are great names; giants of intellect!'
`Too French,' replied Harry.
Celeste did not look too happy at this reply. `But you need a Frenchman! This is a case about love! Who understands such matters better than a Frenchman?' He could see that this argument cut no ice with Harry. `Ok, then,' he continued. `You could have Socrates, or Plato! Very capable men. They both have deep insights into human nature.' He looked at Harry hopefully. `No? What about Hume? Or Locke? Both British and both extremely insightful men. John Locke might be a good choice. He believes that all knowledge is based on experience. Would you like to use his knowledge of love? I understand he has plenty of experience,' he added slyly.
`Not really.'
Celeste sighed then his face brightened. `I have just the fellow! William Shakespeare! One could almost believe he was French such is his understanding of human nature. Surely he is perfect for you?'
`I want Remus Lupin,' replied Harry with determination.
`What?' cried Lupin. `Why would you want me?' he asked incredulously.
`Because I want someone I know and trust and someone who knows me and Hermione too,' replied Harry. `I need someone who will be objective about this.' He turned to his parents. `Mum and Dad will say black is white to make me happy.' He pointed to Dumbledore. `Albus is too bloody clever for his own good; I won't have a clue what he is talking about half the time.' He turned to Sirius and despite his situation, he smiled. `Padfoot will be of no use at all. He'll upset everyone so much that I'll probably end up in the ninth level of hell by the time he finishes insulting everyone. No offence, Sirius.'
`None taken,' replied his Godfather with a smile.
`So that leaves you, Mooney. `I want someone I trust and you are the only one I can rely on. Will you do this for me? For us?'
`Of course I will, Harry,' Lupin replied after a long moment. `I would be honoured. Do you have any idea as to how we should proceed?'
`A few, he replied. `But first I need to know what form this appeal is to take.' He turned to Celeste, his eyebrow raised in question.
`Ah,' began Celeste. `Well; it is a straightforward hearing. `The prosecution will present a case to the Judge and then you will have the opportunity to present your defence. The Judge will rule after hearing all of the evidence and I must stress that any ruling will be immediate and binding.'
`Do we know anything of the prosecution case?' asked Lupin. `Are we not entitled to know?'
`You are not,' replied Celeste. `You must form your own case just as the Prosecution is forming theirs. I believe the man appointed to lead the prosecution is even now gathering his evidence.'
`Who is the prosecutor?' asked Harry, curious.
`I guess that's my cue,' said a drawling voice that chilled Harry to the bone. `I guess that would be me,' the voice continued.
Harry closed his eyes and cursed before turning slowly to face the prosecution lawyer. His eyes took in the black clothes; the hooked nose and the greasy black hair.
Severus Snape was the man tasked with keeping him and Hermione apart.
Hermione was worried.
She had been berating Harry for his pessimistic attitude when he had suddenly passed out in front of her and now she fretted helplessly at his complete and utter failure to respond to any medical attention. Poppy was at her wits end as she had no idea what was wrong with him despite her best efforts to diagnose the problem. The Hogwarts nurse insisted that there was nothing medically wrong with Harry - save for the fact that he was completely unconscious. It was enough to make one think.
What she was thinking was that Harry might actually have been telling the truth. She didn't doubt for one second the veracity of his tale; what she had questioned was whether or not things had occurred as he had related or were in fact all in his mind. Now as she sat on his hospital bed and gently stroked his head she began to realise that Harry was indeed fighting for his life; that Dumbledore had appeared to him and that - even now - Harry was arguing his case before some sort of Celestial court. She had been sitting by his side all night and now, as the sun began to climb into the eastern sky, she began to feel the pull of sleep herself. She wondered if Harry would wake up to see this glorious new dawn.
Hermione was a naturally sceptical person despite the fact that she was a witch. She knew that magic was something that defied Muggle physical laws but she was also aware that magic had its own laws. She was a practical person and did not have time for the more fanciful aspects of the magical world that Luna was so fond of espousing. She still believed in evidence; in hard practical facts and she was having considerable difficulty in accepting that Harry was involved in something so far beyond her knowledge and understanding.
She gazed on his face and was struck by how peaceful he looked at the moment. Harry had not had an easy life and the stresses of the past year in particular had taken their toll on the man she knew she loved. He had shouldered a burden that would have crushed most men and he had finally fulfilled his destiny by defeating Voldemort last night. It seemed so unfair to her that he was being asked to pay yet another price despite everything he had done for them all and inwardly she raged at the unknown forces that were demanding so much from him. She recalled their brief discussion in the common room; remembered the moment when she had told him of her love. She hadn't known how he would react but she certainly had not expected him to collapse at her feet. And now that she knew that he loved her in return she felt her heart almost break at the thought that they might never have the opportunity to share and enjoy that love.
She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand as she heard the door to the hospital wing swing open and when she looked up she realised without surprise that it was Ron who had entered. He had been very subdued since Harry had passed out again and as she remembered his sincere apology from earlier she wondered what had caused the sudden change in her friend. Something had affected him anyway.
`How is he?' Ron asked in a whisper as he approached the bed.
`No change,' she replied quietly. `He hasn't stirred all night. It's almost as if it's a shell I'm looking at.'
Ron slumped into a nearby chair and regarded his friend. `Don't take this the wrong way, Hermione, but you look bloody terrible.' He ignored the sudden flash of anger in her eyes. `Do you think he is telling the truth?'
She considered the question for a moment. `Yes'' she finally replied in a small voice.
`And do you think he loves you?' asked Ron.
She nodded.
`And do you really love him?' asked Ron and she could detect from his voice just how much this question was costing him.
She nodded again.
`Then you are going to have to sort yourself out, Hermione,' Ron said softly. `You need to sleep; you need to eat. You will be of no use whatsoever to him when he wakes up if you carry on like this.'
`I can't,' she replied and the tears threatened to fall again. `I'm worried that if I go to sleep then Harry might…he might…' she couldn't bring herself to say that which she feared the most. That he might not ever wake up. That he might die when she wasn't at his side.
Ron moved towards her and gripped her by the shoulders. `He will wake up, Hermione. I believe him too and I believe in him. If he has to argue for his life then he will win. He's Harry Potter! When has Harry ever let anything beat him?' Ron paused and licked his lips before continuing. `If he loves you, Hermione, nothing will keep him from you. Nothing,' he repeated.
Hermione let go at these words; she let the fear and the sorrow pour out of her and allowed herself to be held in the arms of her friend. She allowed herself to be guided to a nearby bed and did not resist when Ron lay her down and put a blanket over her.
`Go to sleep, Hermione. I'll stand watch. I'll wake you if anything changes.'
She nodded her agreement, too tired to resist anymore. She had drawn some comfort from the embrace and was grateful to Ron for being there for her.
But he wasn't Harry. It was Harry's embrace she wanted - no needed - right now. She glanced over to his still form on the other bed and felt the tears on her cheek once again.
Wake up, love. Wake up, she thought as she finally allowed sleep to claim her.