Chapter 5
The Prosecution…
Severus Snape sat calmly in his seat as he awaited the arrival of Potter into the courtroom - although "courtroom" was hardly a fair description of the vast amphitheatre that he currently found himself in. He ignored the massive audience as he patiently awaited the hearing to commence. Potter was currently closeted away with Remus Lupin as the two of them hastily tried to build a case. Snape had to admit that he was currently enjoying himself; the reaction of Potter when he had realised who was conducting the Prosecution case had been a joy to behold. Snape was aware that he had not enjoyed much pleasure in life and he was discovering to his delight that his death was providing him with new opportunities for enjoyment.
But pleasure was not the only reason for accepting the role as Prosecutor, although he had to admit that it played a part in his decision. No; the real reason he had accepted when approached was because he believed in order. As he had explained to Lily Evans when she had accosted him, her son was challenging the very Law that governed all of existence. He actually believed that if Potter and Granger had fallen in love in the mistakenly granted extra time then it would be deeply unfair to remove Potter from Earth. He should be allowed to return and enjoy life with Granger.
If they had fallen in love.
But he wanted proof. This was not some mere technicality; this was a question about order and law and he reckoned that Potter might just be spinning a tale merely to postpone the inevitable. The little whelp had a penchant for rule breaking and while he had to acknowledge Potter's achievement in defeating the Dark Lord he could not stand idly by while the very Law of the Universe was challenged. Snape was a logical man and a natural cynic; he needed proof and he was damned if he was going to allow Potter an easy time. This was why he had accepted the role. He did not believe Harry Potter; did not believe that he had fallen in love with Hermione Granger and refused to believe that yet another talented Muggle-born witch had fallen for the Potter "charm."
His lips pursed as he remembered the conversation with Lily Evans - he still could not bring himself to call her by her married name; even here. It was strange; for much of his life his sole motivation for everything he did was her memory. He had been haunted by her when alive and the sight of her beautiful green eyes in the face of Potter had been like a knife in his heart every time he looked upon her son. But here, those feelings had dissipated; had disappeared. It was weird, but he did not feel the obsession here; did not feel the longing or the desire or the bitterness. He understood that it was because of what this place was - he was supposed to be happy here and this would not have been possible if he had still harboured these feelings. But it was strange to look upon her and not feel the old pull. He didn't understand why, but he knew that he was happy here even though Evans was with Potter. He didn't even feel the old hatred for his former enemy and this was the most puzzling thing of all.
His musings were interrupted by a sudden murmur from the crowd and he looked up and realised that Potter had finally arrived. He noticed the boy's astonishment at his surroundings and suppressed a smile at his discomfort. He watched Potter share an exchange with the Recorder Celeste, until finally, their eyes met and he noticed Potter's features harden in recognition.
Snape smiled as he felt what was for him a new sensation.
This was going to!
Harry nearly collapsed when he first entered the courtroom. For some strange reason he had expected the room to resemble the chamber where he had been tried by the Wizengamot in his fifth year and as a result he was completely blown away by the sight in front of him. He was faced with a vast amphitheatre; one that seemingly stretched into infinity. As far as the eye could see was row after row of people who had come to witness his appeal. He recognised many faces at the front of the multitude but he was astonished at all of the anonymous people who had also decided to watch. He had never seen anything on this scale and was completely taken aback.
`Why are there so many people here?' he whispered to Celeste.
The Recorder looked amused. `Your case has attracted a lot of interest Monsieur; a great question will be settled here today. What rules the Universe? It is not a small matter, I'm sure you will agree. Many, many people are eagerly awaiting the result.'
`But I just want to go back to Hermione. I don't care what rules the Universe!' exclaimed Harry. `This is complicated enough!'
Celeste's smile broadened. `I am afraid that "complicated" does not begin to do it justice. Trust me; you will understand soon enough.'
Harry hid his frustration at the enigmatic reply and wondered to himself if this man was somehow related to Dumbledore. He turned back to the throng and his eyes locked with those of Severus Snape. He felt a sudden determination as he regarded his former professor and it was with a firm tread that he headed towards his seat. He sat and refused to look at the man leading the prosecution. Remus sat down next to him.
They had hastily tried to construct a case for the defence but both had quickly realised how difficult it was going to be. How did one prove love? This was the question he had to answer and they had yet to come up with a solution. He was going to have to wing it once again and the only thing in his favour was that Snape would speak first. At least he would know what he was up against.
`All rise!'
Harry was shaken out of his reverie at the solemn intonation and hastily stood as he watched the Presiding Judge enter and take his seat. He did not recognise the man but acknowledged that he was a formidable looking individual. He was tall and thin and his face suggested that he carried a great wisdom. He waited until the man was seated before sitting down himself.
`This Court of Appeal meets to consider the case of Harry James Potter,' began the Judge. `Potter complains that he is being punished for an error that occurred due to the negligence of the Department of Recorders and that his rights and responsibilities that have arisen as a result of this negligence should take precedence over the Law. Leading for the Prosecution is Severus Snape; for the Defence, Remus Lupin. You may proceed, Mr Snape.'
Snape stood and slowly began to pace the brilliant white floor in front of the judge's bench. He looked deep in thought and some time passed before he finally spoke.
`Your Honour, this case presents three aspects,' began Snape, still pacing. `Under normal circumstances, Harry James Potter would have died after being cursed by the Dark Wizard Lord Voldemort. Owing to the protection given to him by his mother's sacrifice, he remained tethered to Earth by the presence of his - and ultimately his mother's - blood that resided in the person of Lord Voldemort. He was given the opportunity to return in order to defeat the Dark Lord. Having destroyed his enemy - and with it the lingering protection - he should himself have died too as that which had tethered him was no more. Because of a mere oversight, he did not die at his proscribed time. This leads me to ask; who is responsible? Of course; the initial error occurred here but when Albus Dumbledore was sent to collect Mr Potter two hours later he refused to leave Earth. Thus some of the blame for our current predicament must lie with Mr Potter. He claims that in this illegal time granted to him, he fell in love with a Miss Hermione Granger. This leads us to point two; are we to believe him?'
Snape paused for effect as he laid this question before the court. He turned to the audience. `Moreover; Mr Potter asserts that in this stolen time…'
`Objection, Your Honour!' exclaimed Lupin. Snape raised an eyebrow at the interruption and the judge regarded Lupin balefully. Lupin wilted under the stare but persevered.
`Your Honour, I object to the use of the words "stolen" and "illegal" in the Prosecutor's opening remarks. By definition, "stolen" means that something has been taken by someone who is not the real owner. My client did not take anything; he neither sought nor asked for the extra time. It was given to him as a result of an error. He is the true owner of this time.'
The judge looked thoughtful for a moment. `I agree, Mr Lupin. Prosecution will refrain from using such prejudicial terms in future. Please continue.'
Snape curtly nodded his acknowledgment of the instruction and continued his pacing. `We now must consider the third aspect of this case; does Miss Granger love Harry Potter? This is as important as the claim of love made by Mr Potter. What is at stake here is the Law of the Universe itself. Mr Potter seeks to evade that which must visit us all and I seek to demonstrate that he is not telling the truth; that he is not in love with Miss Granger and that Miss Granger is not in love with him. Accordingly; I call Mr Potter to the stand.'
Harry had been expecting this. Both he and Lupin had been aware that Snape would want to cross-examine him. He made to rise but felt Lupin's restraining hand on his arm.
`Remember, Harry; be careful. Snape is as slippery as an eel and he'll try to trip you up. Don't lose your temper.'
Harry nodded his acknowledgement at the advice and proceeded to the witness box, taking his seat slowly. He looked up and noticed Snape regarding him with a glint in his eye.
`Your name?' asked Snape, consulting a piece of parchment as he did so.
Harry looked confused for a moment. `You know my name,' he replied. `Why are you asking me that?'
Snape rolled his eyes. `This is a Court of Law; the correct procedures will be followed!' he snapped at Harry. `Now; I ask you again. Name?'
`Harry James Potter,' he replied, feeling mutinous. This was absurd.
`Date of birth?'
`Thirty first of July 1980,' he replied with resignation. He decided that Snape needed taken down a peg or two. His former teacher was swelling with self-importance and his attitude was really beginning to annoy him.
`Your education?'
Harry considered the question for a moment. `Interrupted,' he finally replied. `Frequently and violently interrupted.' This brought a few sniggers from the audience. Snape's eyes narrowed dangerously.
`No thank you. My life is complicated enough as it is.' More laughter. He noticed that Celeste had a huge grin on his face but that Remus was shaking his head in warning.
`See "religion,"' replied Harry. `Is this really necessary?' he asked.
Snape regarded him for a long moment before he spoke again. `Your attitude is typical, Potter, and demonstrates your immaturity and your arrogance. I find this revealing; it tells me that you have not yet developed emotionally enough to know what love is.'
`I know what love is,' Harry replied evenly. `Do you, Severus?' he asked, his tone barbed.
Snape flushed at the question but did not reply. Instead, he started his pacing once again. `I do not believe that you are in love with Miss Granger. I do believe that you may have tricked her into falling for you, however.' Snape looked thoughtful for a moment. `You are a famous Wizard, Mr Potter. You are also considered to be something of a hero to many people and this brings with it its own benefits, does it not? I suppose that under most criteria, you could not be considered ugly. I will even admit that your smile is not unattractive. Did you use this smile and your fame to enamour Miss Granger once you realised your death was imminent?'
`I love her!' Harry exclaimed angrily.
`So you say. Now; answer the question!'
Harry thought about this for a moment. `Would you repeat the question please? It, erm, had the word "enamour" in it.' He could hear more chuckles from the audience. The audience were enjoying this. He knew, however, that Snape was getting angry. Good.
Snape rolled his eyes. `Idiot boy!' he hissed. `You claim you love her?'
`I do love her.'
`Can you prove it?'
Harry smiled. `I reckon I could. I just need time.'
`Yeah. One hundred years ought to do it.' Once again he could hear a few sniggers from the audience. He was aware that he might be coming across as flippant but Snape's questioning was needling him. Besides; he never could resist the opportunity to twist the tail of Severus Snape.
`This is no laughing matter, Mr Potter,' snarled Snape. `I will ask you again; can you prove it?'
Harry considered the question. `Can a starving man prove he is hungry except by eating?' he asked pointedly.
Snape was surprised at the counter question. He decided to change tack slightly. `Would you die for her?' he asked quietly.
`I would. I already have died for her - isn't that why I am here?' he asked bitterly. `I'd rather live for her though.'
Snape looked thoughtful for a moment before he turned to the bench. `Need I remind the court that it was not only Miss Granger that Mr Potter was willing to die for? He sacrificed himself for a number of people; not just her.' He turned back to Harry. `I do not dispute that Mr Potter has strong feelings for Miss Granger. Indeed; I am even prepared to accept that he loves her. But I am not willing to accept that he is in love with her. I intend to prove this to the court.'
`And how do you intend to do that?' sneered Harry. `Who can possibly reveal how I feel about Hermione?'
Snape smiled at the question and Harry did not like this smile. It was very calculating.
`Why; you of course, Mr Potter. You forget where you are. Anything is possible in this place. I shall prove to the court that you are not in love with Miss Granger and that she is not in love with you. I shall do so by using your own knowledge. As you correctly pointed out; who else would know?'
Snape turned and flicked his wrist vaguely and Harry was astonished when a giant image of Hermione appeared in front of the court. It was like a giant projector screen and Harry had a sudden sense of foreboding as he realised what Snape was up to.
`I cannot prove to this court that you are not in love with Miss Granger,' said Snape. `But you can, Mr Potter. You can and you will.'
Harry turned to the screen as images from his life began to flash before his eyes. Oh, shit…
There was an eleven year old Hermione as she entered his compartment on the Hogwarts Express.
`Has anyone seen a toad? Neville's lost one,' and the bossiness in her voice was clear for all to hear. What was also clear was his and Ron's unfavourable first impression of the bushy haired girl. The image faded and a new one emerged, this time from third year.
`First the Firebolt and now Scabbers; everything is my fault, isn't it?' snapped a tearful Hermione. `Just leave me alone, Harry!'
This image also faded, to be replaced by one from fourth year. He was talking to Viktor Krum near the forest edge.
`Hermy-own-ninny talks about you very often,' said Krum. `Yeah; because we're friends,' he heard himself replying, denying that he loved Hermione with the words.
The scene changed again, this time to just before the Third Task. They were sitting in the great hall and he was addressing Molly.
`Mrs Weasley; you didn't believe all that rubbish Rita Skeeter wrote in Witch Weekly did you? Because Hermione's not my girlfriend.'
The scene shifted again; this time to a gloomy high-ceilinged room in Grimmauld Place where he was tearing strips off Ron and a seriously upset Hermione for not contacting him during the summer. The images appeared and reappeared faster and faster, snippets of conversation being picked up here and there.
"Been having a nice little chat with her about whether or not I'm a lying, attention-seeking prat, have
you?" He found himself surprised at hearing the scorn in his own voice. He couldn't remember speaking to
her in such a hostile tone.
"No," said Hermione calmly, "I told her to keep her big fat mouth shut about you, actually. And it would be quite a nice if you stopped jumping down Ron's and my throats, Harry, because if you haven't noticed, we're on your side."
And there was more to come….
"This isn't a criticism, Harry! But you do ... sort of ... I mean -- don't you think you've got a bit of a -- a -- saving people thing?"
Harry closed his eyes, aware that these snippets of memory did not bode well. He also knew that what had been shown so far was just the merest sip - a brief foretaste of what lay ahead. Worse was to come, he knew. A lot worse.
He opened his eyes and was not surprised to see Hermione sitting teary eyed alone in a classroom, a flock of birds gently circling her. He remembered his own feelings of inadequacy at her distress and watched as Ron burst in with Lavender. Hermione's reaction - almost that of a scorned lover - told the watching audience much about where her true feelings lay.
Then he was watching Ginny with Dean again and he remembered his own feelings of irrational jealousy as he saw them together. That it did not bother him now mattered not, he knew. It had mattered then. Next it was an image of him kissing Ginny surrounded by cheering classmates; Ron nodding his approval and Hermione looking delighted - delighted - at the event.
But Snape still wasn't finished. Now it was the image of him kissing Ginny again at the Burrow prior to setting out on the Horcrux hunt. Then it was the argument with Ron in the tent; the abrupt departure of his red haired friend followed by images of Hermione in distress. Night after night she sobbed in her camp bed and night after night he avoided her like the plague and ignored her completely, preferring instead to watch for Ginny's name on the Marauders Map. Watching these scenes again made him realise just how callous he had been. These were not the actions of a man in love.
And still it got worse. The scene shifted to a small pool in a forest where he listened to his own, damning words as he spoke to a visibly distressed Ron.
`I love her like a sister and I reckon she feels the same way about me. It has always been like that. I thought you knew.'
He closed his eyes again, knowing that there was no defence to Snape's case. His love for Hermione had been weighed in the balance and had been found wanting. It did not matter that he had suppressed any feelings of love; that he had believed that she loved Ron and that he was not willing to breach two friendships by declaring his own feelings. He'd thought he was going to die and had wanted his two friends to be happy. It did not matter that he had feared to go near Hermione in the tent lest his control crack and he drive her away too. His words and actions were not those of a man in love with a woman. What was worse was the fact that Snape had also demonstrated that Hermione did not - could not - love him as it was quite evident that Ron was the true object of her affections.
He opened his eyes, knowing what would be next and watched as his two best friends sealed their love with a kiss as all hell was breaking loose around them in the final battle. No one in the audience was laughing now; no one was making any noise at all as the vast audience watched these scenes from his life play out in front of them. He realised that many of them were regarding him with accusing glances.
Snape had done his work well.
Harry felt crushed. He felt like the wind had been knocked out of him and he turned to Lupin who had a despairing look on his face. This evidence was damning; it was all his own memories - all his own words and actions. He glanced up and noticed that Snape had a look of triumph on his face.
`It is quite plain that Mr Potter is not in love with Miss Granger. Are these the actions of a man in love? It is equally evident that Miss Granger's heart belongs to another.' He paused and licked his lips; a slow smile forming on his face.
`I don't think I need to add anything else,' continued his former Potions Professor. `The Prosecution rests.'
Not a sound could be heard now save for Snape's footsteps as he returned to his seat. Each clack on the floor was like a death knell to Harry.
He had been damned by his own deeds.
How can I possibly counter this?