Harry glanced at his watch and sighed with impatience. He was sitting at the kitchen table in the Burrow and although he was accompanied by Ron, neither man spoke a word to each other. Both were on tenterhooks.
Hermione was late.
It was very unlike her to be tardy and he was feeling a touch anxious about her safety. It had been nearly three weeks since he had last seen her and in those weeks he had spent a lot of time thinking about his friend and what she was dealing with. It seemed strange to not have her beside him after living in each others pockets for so long and he had struggled to adjust to her absence. Quite simply, he missed her.
Two days after she had returned from Hogwarts she had announced her intention to depart for Australia in order to contact her parents and bring them home. He understood fully. While Molly and Arthur treated her as one of their own, he knew that she would be deeply missing her mum and dad and that she probably needed them now more than ever. Knowing his friend, she would be harbouring feelings of guilt about having to send them away, not to mention the small detail of having performed a memory charm on them. He understood fully why she had done this and he would be grateful to her until the day he died but he was deeply concerned about how her parents would react when the truth was revealed. Hermione needed her family but would they be able to forgive and forget so easily?
Or in this case, forgive and remember.
He had wanted to go with her. So had Ron but she had absolutely insisted that she go alone. He understood this too but had not been happy with her decision. He knew that she needed some time alone to process everything that had happened to her and that the trip to Australia would grant her this time but he had still wanted to go with her and had been unable to hide his disappointment when she had refused.
`I need to do this on my own, Harry. I need to be on my own. Can you understand this?'
He could and he did understand and he accepted her decision without further comment even though he was not happy about it.
Ron hadn't been quite so…accommodating.
He thought he was used to the bickering of his two closest friends but the argument they'd had over Hermione's decision made all previous fights seem like mere skirmishes in comparison. Ron had hit the roof and the repercussions of the argument were still being felt. Ron had tried to drag him into the argument in order to persuade Hermione to accept her boyfriend's company on the trip but he had flatly refused to be drawn into the dispute. He had said his piece; had said that he would not take sides in the argument; that he would prefer it if Hermione did not go alone but that the decision was hers to make and he would respect that decision - whatever it turned out to be.
The smile she had bestowed on him when he had said this had been breathtaking. Unfortunately; Ron's countenance had not been quite so benevolent. To put it mildly, "Mount Ron" had erupted and the aftershocks were still being felt.
Ron had initially directed his ire towards Hermione and Harry had left them to it. The new dynamic to their relationship had made the ensuing argument none of his business and so he had beaten a hasty retreat in order to stay well out of it. He had not heard much of what was said but had managed to pick out a few words when the voices had been raised in anger.
"Boyfriend," "good enough" and "Harry" had been just a few of the words he had heard Ron say on more than one occasion and he had wondered at the time why he was being dragged into it. "Selfish," "insensitive" and "thoughtless" were just three of the words he could remember Hermione responding with. When the door to the living room had finally swung open, Hermione had hastened past him with tears of frustration smarting in her eyes. Ron's face had been like thunder and his red-haired friend had then turned his anger on the nearest available target.
Which just happened to be me, he thought ruefully.
As a result, the parting with Hermione the next day had been a fraught affair. She had decided to see him alone and it had occurred to him that this was to prevent Ron from marring their farewells with an ugly scene
`You take care of yourself. Just get in touch if you need me for anything - anything at all.' He noticed the emotion in her eyes at these words before he continued. `I'm not going to take sides between you and Ron - you need to sort that out amongst yourselves. But I want you to know that I'm here whenever you need me - and even when you don't.'
`Thanks, Harry. For everything,' she replied, drawing him into an embrace. When they parted she hesitated before continuing `I was worried that you would be angry with me and take Ron's side. I thought Ron would try to use you to gang up on me.'
`I won't lie to you, Hermione. I'd rather I or Ron was going with you but I respect your decision and I'm not angry with you - just concerned. And don't worry about "taking sides." If Ron had asked me to gang up on you I'd have hexed him. No matter what, I'll be here for you when you get back.'
She smiled at his words and embraced him again and it was just at that moment that Ron had entered the room. The scowl that was already on his face deepened further but he said nothing. Harry ignored him and gently prised himself away from Hermione.
`Take care. I'll miss you' had been his last words to her before she left.
Once she'd gone he'd had a few words for Ron too. A few choice words that had needed to be said.
"Don't ever ask me to take sides when you two are fighting. If you ever do then I'll immediately take her side; do you understand me?'
Ron had flared at these words. `Bloody typical! I might have known you'd pick her! The two of you are…"
`Don't say another word. I'm sick of this, Ron and I'm sick of you. It's about time you grew up. Hermione needs your support more than anyone and the sooner you realise this, the better! For what it's worth, if she ever asked me to take sides against you then I would have said the same to her. If she had asked that I would have taken your side."
He'd stormed away after delivering this verdict and had been uncomfortably aware that his last statement was most certainly a lie. He couldn't imagine taking anyone's side against Hermione.
For a few hours things had been cool between Ron and himself before they finally resolved the issue. Harry smiled to himself. Resolved indeed. They had dealt with it much as any two teenage boys would have dealt with it. They had pretended that it never happened.
Now as they both awaited Hermione's arrival it seemed that they were both too preoccupied for conversation. Harry found himself quite content with this state of affairs as he had a lot on his mind at the moment and was wondering when he would have an opportunity to speak to Hermione in private. For one thing, he had in his possession something that she might find extremely useful.
With these thoughts, he placed his hand into his pocket and felt reassured as he ran his hand along the binding of the small pocket book that had come into his possession. He had received it with some trepidation from Kingsley when he and Andromeda had finally answered the Minster's request for a meeting.
It was Remus' diary.
A diary that he'd started at a young age after being cursed by the bite from Feynir Greyback. A
diary that explained in great detail everything his teacher and friend had to deal with as a result of that curse. He
had pored over it since receiving it and had felt his excitement grow as he had come to realise just how useful this
little book would be to Hermione as she struggled to come to terms with her condition.
He could not wait to give it to her.
It had saddened him though; saddened him on two counts. The first was that it was practically the only material
possession that Remus Lupin had left as a legacy to the world. When Kingsley had explained that he and Andromeda were
appointed trustees Harry had not realised just how little Remus had left in trust. A few pieces of jewellery; some
books; some financially worthless family heirlooms. As Kingsley had explained, anything of material value had been sold
a long time ago in order to enable Remus to live. The key request from his departed friend - the real meaning of
"trustee" - was the request that Harry and Andromeda bring up Teddy as if he was their own.
It was not really a request. To a person of honour it was a demand; an obligation. Harry was glad he had already made
up his mind about Teddy before hearing Remus' request from beyond the grave. He was Teddy's Godfather; Remus
had trusted him with that honour when both men knew that there was a good chance the role would prove to be more than
the mere ceremonial role it was for most people. Just as Sirius had eventually been able to mentor Harry, so too would
he be there to mentor Teddy. To do otherwise would be to spit on the memory of a dear friend.
It was after this announcement that Kingsley had mentioned the diary. For some reason, he had stipulated that Harry
hold it in trust until Teddy came of age. Obviously Moony had wanted his son to know something of his father and this
diary just might prove to be a window into Remus' life. Harry believed that it had been entrusted to him in the
meantime because of the frequent mentions of his parents and of Sirius. Remus would have known just how much he yearned
for information about his lost family and this diary had gone a long way to slaking this thirst. His old friend could
not have foreseen how much of a Godsend it would be to both him and to Hermione. It was almost as if it were fated to
He shook himself free of these thoughts as he heard a sudden roaring from the fireplace. Someone was flooing in to the
He got to his feet and it was with a feeling of joy that he watched his best friend materialise in the flames and step
out of the grate onto the rug in front of the fire. He thought he caught a troubled look in her eye before her
countenance broke into a beaming smile. He returned this with a smile of his own. No matter what was troubling her,
they would soon sort it out. For the moment, everything was all right once again.
Hermione was back.
So how are they, dear?' asked Minerva McGonagall as she took a sip of her tea and regarded the young woman sitting in the comfy armchair across the desk from her.
Hermione also enjoyed a sip of tea as she took a moment to consider the question. `Confused. Muddled.' She paused
for a second as she placed her cup and saucer on the desk. `Angry.'
`Angry?' asked Minerva. `With you?'
Hermione nodded. `Yes; with me.' She sighed. `They can't remember very much. It was the first time I had
ever Obliviated anyone and I don't know how effective it was. I'm amazed that they can remember
anything; I always thought that memory charms were irreversible.'
Minerva nodded. `They are irreversible but you didn't entirely wipe their memories, did you?'
`No; I just tried to remove all traces of the magical world. And of me. It took me weeks to find out how to do that. When I showed up in their surgery in Australia I could tell that my face was familiar to them. It hurt to see them like that; they were looking at me as if I was some distant acquaintance. It took me some time to explain who I was - I had taken loads of pictures and letters and stuff to prove I was telling the truth. Then they started to remember snippets; my presence seemed to act like a trigger.'
`How much do they remember?' asked Minerva.
`More than I thought they would. They remember that they had a previous life and they can remember most things about it but they are still a bit vague about me and my magic.'
`That is understandable,' replied Minerva. `For all of your talents, dear, this was your first attempt at a memory charm. I'm surprised it worked as well as it did.'
Hermione grimaced. `I wish it hadn't worked quite so well. Then they might have remembered more about the danger they were in. I'm not sure they fully appreciate how great the threat was. That's why they are so angry.'
`Because they think you wiped their memories unnecessarily?'
Hermione shook her head. `No; because I cursed them without asking them. I made the decision for them. They are angry because I took away their choice.'
Minerva placed her own cup carefully on the desk in front of her. `You had to decide for them. There was no
`I know! And If I had let them decide then they wouldn't have left!' exclaimed Hermione. `They would have
stayed and they would have been targets for Voldemort. I couldn't take the chance on their stubbornness. They are
stubborn, you know.'
Minerva raised an eyebrow at this remark and hid a smile. `Really?' she asked innocently, her eyes wide. `The
parents of Hermione Granger are stubborn? I wouldn't have credited that.'
Despite the situation, Hermione smiled at the remark. `Fair comment,' she replied ruefully. `Do you understand
why I did it though?'
`I do, Hermione; perhaps better than you realise. But you must try to understand them too. It will take time but
they are your parents and they will remember everything about you eventually and I am sure they still love you. So do
not lose heart. Where are they now?'
`At home,' she replied quietly, wondering if she would ever be able to fully reconcile with her parents. She
picked up her cup again and glanced out of the window, oblivious of the sympathy and concern with which Minerva was
regarding her.
It had been a near impossible three weeks. Having travelled to the other side of the world she hadn't been
entirely sure what to expect but the look in the eyes of her parents when they saw her - that expression of recognising
but not being able to place the name - had hurt her more than she'd thought possible. It had taken her hours to
convince them of the truth and even when she had made a breakthrough; when she had seen the faint spark of recognition
and memory in their eyes, the shutters had quickly come down and the anger and outrage at her actions had burst
It had not been a pleasant trip. And once her parents had learned something of their old life they had decided that
they wanted to return to Britain. They remembered just enough about her to be angry yet not quite enough to fully
understand why she'd acted as she did.
All in all, things could have gone better.
Now that they were back in Britain she felt as if she was making some progress with them. She had explained as best
she could just about everything that had happened and had tried her best to make them understand why it had been
necessary to curse them in the first place. She was getting through to them. When she had explained what
Voldemort had done and what he would have done had they remained unprotected, they had accepted - to an extent - that
she was not entirely to blame.
Now they blamed Harry instead.
`So what now, dear? Have you told them of your…condition?'
Hermione shook her head and turned her attention back to the woman sitting across from her. Despite her concerns,
she smiled warmly. The regard and affection she had for Minerva McGonagall was too great to quantify. Her teacher was
everything she hoped to be; independent, intelligent, brave, resourceful and decisive. It did not occur to her that
Minerva saw these qualities within her already.
`No. I didn't tell them. I figured things would be hard enough without telling them I was a
`You are not a monster, dear.'
`I am for three days a month.'
`Aren't we all?' Minerva replied with a mischievous smile. Her expression sobered. 'It was wise not to
tell them for now but you will have to inform them sooner or later. You know this?'
Hermione nodded her head. `I know this. I just need to wait until the opportunity presents itself.'
Minerva nodded her understanding. `So, where to next?'
`Back to the Burrow. I will be going there as soon as I finish this cuppa.' She glanced at her watch. 'In fact, I'm late as it is. I really should get going.' She got to her feet, slightly on edge. If she was honest with herself, she was worried about seeing Ron and Harry again. It was why she had elected to see Minerva first. For her part, Professor McGonagall seemed to sense her discomfort.
`Is everything all right, Hermione? There are no problems between you and your friends are there?'
Hermione smiled ruefully. `I hope not. Ron wasn't too pleased when I announced I would be going to Australia on
my own.'
`You and Mr Weasley…you are an item?' asked Minerva, tentatively.
Hermione nodded absently. `We are...at least we were before I left. I'm not sure anymore. I just hope Ron
isn't still angry.'
`I'm sure he won't be,' replied Minerva quietly. Hermione detected an…oddness in her tone but
couldn't quite place what it was.
`And what of Harry?' asked Minerva. `Was he angry with you too?'
Hermione smiled at the question. `No; Harry was never angry. He wasn't happy I was going alone but he understood
why I needed to go myself. He always understands.'
Minerva nodded at the remark. `He does. I am glad you appreciate it. When you see him, pass on my regards. I have
not seen too much of him lately. No one has. I understand he is trying to keep a low profile until the hype surrounding
him finally disappears.' Her grim expression revealed what she thought of Harry's chance of success in this:
none whatsoever.
`Is he all right?' Hermione asked, the concern evident.
`He's fine. Kreacher assures me he is fine. Apparently he has a new project that is keeping him
`He does? Any ideas what it is?' Hermione asked.
Minerva smiled. `A few,' she replied cryptically. `A few. In the meantime, you had best depart and see your friends again. They will be worried.' She stood and approached Hermione and surprised them both by embracing the younger woman.
`My door is always open to you. Always,' she repeated.
Hermione returned the embrace. `I know. And thank you.' She stood back from her friend and gave her a warm smile before stepping into the fireplace. Taking a pinch of Floo powder from a small pot she raised her hand. She glanced at Minerva.
`I'll be in touch. Thanks for everything.'
Minerva acknowledged these words with a nod. Before she could reply, Hermione acted and in one smooth motion
scattered the powder into the flames.
`The Burrow!'
Harry held back as Hermione stepped out of the fireplace and he watched as her expression changed to one of joy. He wasn't entirely sure what he had seen on her face before she had smiled but he felt a niggling sensation that it did not bode well for the future. He was almost certain she had looked worried. Now as he stood and gazed upon her, he became aware of a sudden awkwardness in the room. He glanced across at Ron and noticed that his red-haired friend was hanging back too. Harry closed his eyes and grimaced.
`Did I do something wrong?' asked Hermione and Harry could detect a hint of mischief in her voice. She was glancing from one friend to the other with an amused expression on her face. It was not long however, before he noticed the corners of her mouth begin to turn down as her question went unanswered. He glanced over at Ron once again and wondered how anyone could be so thick.
For Merlin's sake, Ron. Say something! Do something! Anything!
His unspoken plea was finally answered as Ron seemed to waken from a trance. He glanced furtively at Harry before awkwardly stepping forward.
`Hi, Hermione,' Ron mumbled. `It's...er…great to have you back. Did you have a nice trip?'
Harry rolled his eyes and it took all of his willpower not to hold his head in his hands. The word "teaspoon" suddenly leapt unbidden into his mind. He was beginning to wonder how this would play out but had his curiosity satisfied before it had time to take shape. Hermione had obviously decided to go easy on Ron. For the moment, anyway.
`Thanks, Ron!' she gushed as she launched herself at him and embraced him tight. Harry noticed Ron look surprised by the gesture before an expression of relief flashed across his face. Ron tentatively placed his arms around Hermione and held her, patting her back as if she were a dog, Harry thought to himself. He suppressed a grin and waited for his friends to separate. When they did and Hermione turned to face him he surprised them both by suddenly wrapping himself around her and lifting her off her feet.
`Do you have any idea how good it is to see you?' he asked her, his voice hoarse, his breath hot in her ear. `I have never been so happy to see anyone in my entire life,' he added as he squeezed her tight before placing her feet back on the floor. It occurred to him as soon as he said this that it was an absolute truth. He really couldn't recall being happier to see anyone. He stepped back from her with a grin on his face and took her hands in his own and saw her face light up in a smile.
`Me too!' she gasped. `Me too! It's so good to see you again,' she added with a look of sheer delight. Then her features changed slightly as something suddenly occurred to her. `To see both of you,' she added hastily, turning to Ron. `I missed you both.'
An awkward silence followed this statement and Harry found himself wondering why they were all so uncomfortable with one another when he noticed Ron staring at his hands - the hands that were still holding Hermione's tightly. He hastily released his grip and stepped back, flushing as he did so.
`Well…I think I had best leave you two to it. I'm sure you have a lot to catch up on. It should just have been Ron here waiting to greet you - I could have caught up with you later. I'll let you two have some time to yourselves to catch up.'
`There's no need, Harry!' Hermione exclaimed and she reached out and grabbed his hand as if trying to stop him from leaving. He glanced down at her fingers and suddenly became really aware of everything that was passing between the three of them. Aware of his own racing heartbeat; aware of Ron awkwardly shuffling his feet as he looked at the ground; and finally, he was aware of Hermione's quick breathing. He noticed that her face had reddened and noticed too that Ron's face had also flushed but he suspected this was not out of embarrassment.
`Yes there is,' he finally replied. `There is every need. You two have…a lot of catching up to do. I'll just get in the way.' He smiled before continuing. `Don't worry; I'll see you both later - I have a few things to tell you. But for now I think it best if I just leave,' he added hastily as he gently released her grip on him and quickly headed for the door. He had been aware of an elephant in the room from the moment Hermione had stepped out of the fireplace.
It was only now that he realised that he was the elephant.