Unofficial Portkey Archive

Stories by Snowfire

  1. Epitaph by Snowfire

    Humanity is emotion, it is what makes us unique and so very powerful. I gave that up, sacrificing my own humanity to pursue my vengeance. Remember me when you feel that, when you rail against those around you. This is Harry James Potter, signing off.

  2. Fire and Screams by Snowfire

    The screams can't leave. Not mine. Not my friend's. Not those of the innocents lost to horror every day. But they'll be free soon. And the torturers won't have time to scream. This fire burns too quickly for that. Vastly AU post-apocalyptic bittersweet.

  3. Bloodfire by Snowfire

    Voldemort has been vanquished and peace has settled back over the wizarding world. The last of His servants died long ago, hunted down relentlessly by the scarred survivors of the war. But the three who led the fight against the Dark Lord still live and twenty years after their victory, a new darkness is falling. Something new that has the capacity to eclipse forever what Voldemort did is slipping into this world. And this power is an enigma to all magicians for it wields magic without a wand. And so another struggle begins today, with consequences that will forever define this world and its place in the universe of magic. Rated R for later chapters