As things come to a head during 7th year, Hermione explains her feelings to Harry. Chapter 2 is a fix plus a bonus scene.
Hermione quietly wages a battle with herself. WARNING: Nothing but angst.
Harry copes with yet another loss.
In the fall of his sixth year, Harry has a hard time dealing with what happened at the end of his fifth year.
Lying in the Hospital Wing after the defeat of Voldemort, Harry and Hermione have a conversation. Complete and utter fluff. Pointless. I swear.
Ron is holding a grudge. What does it take to bring him back from the edge? WARNING: Major character death. If you don't enjoy angst, this isn't for you.
What does it take to make you understand the meaning of it all? Harry finally figures out the answer to the question 'why'.
Ron is finally facing his feelings, scary though it may be. The Christmas Hogsmeade visit presents an opportunity he cannot pass up. His adventure leads him to turn a corner. A look at an R/Hr date from a confirmed H/Hr shipper.
Following the defeat of Voldemort, Hermione seeks peace and Harry has other demons to face.
PWP Smutlet - Harry's annual retreat. Is he being naughty?
In the spring of her seventh year at Hogwarts, Hermione loses one dream while another comes true.