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Close Your Eyes by gypsybaby21

Close Your Eyes


"A few grammatical problems but other than that very god so far. Since I am sure that your wiccan knowledge comes from Charmed mainly, (which I must admit, I love the show too) the scene in which you described Lily and James' wedding was not actually a 'wedding', but a wiccan ceremony called handfasting, which is techinically the same as a wedding, according to marriage laws, but I feel is more intune with the deities. I am very happy to see a handfasting instead of a wedding though! Please update soon!" ~Gemma

About the grammatical problems...please keep in mind that I don't have a beta reader, which means I type it, read it over once or twice myself, and then post it up, only because I'm a very impatient person and once I get it done I want to get it out. It's only on rare occasions do I actually ask for one. I started studying the Wiccan religion WAY before Charmed ever came out! Eight years to be exact, Charmed has only been out for five years. I actually started studying when someone pointed out that my birthday was on the Fall Equinox…I didn't know what that meant, so I looked it up.

For those of you who don't know much about handfasting: It IS a wedding, a different form than what is from the traditional 'til death do us part, yes, but it is still a wedding! A wedding until the year and a day ends. It's an ancient Celtic custom where a man and woman's wrist are tied together, which symbolizes 'tying the knot', as in getting married. The difference between a traditional wedding and a handfasting wedding is that the handfasting wedding lasts for a year and a day, so if the couple doesn't work out they can go their separate ways, have another handfasting, or make their vows, which they said in the handfasting, be permanent with a marriage contract (government registration). I'm guessing a good percentage of people consider a 'real' marriage to be witnessed by a church or a priest of some sort, but technically that wasn't even required until 1537 when the Council of Trent made it a requirement. A handfasting is a trial marriage, meaning the man and woman take all the vows, all the commitments (aside from the 'til death do us part'), and so forth just as they would in a traditional wedding, the only difference is handfasting is a real live trial that ends after a year. (Also for those of you who don't know 'deities' are gods and goddesses such as Athena Goddess of Wisdom, Aphrodite Goddess of Love, Apollo God of Archery and Water, Eurynome (not the character in the Odyssey), who is said to be the goddess who danced the universe into being, the creator of all the planets, stars, sky, sea, animals and the earth itself and so forth! Another well-known goddess is Hecate goddess of death and the night.

I'll be glad to provide more information…if you'd like to e-mail me then go right ahead and request more information.

Sneak Peak for Chapter Two:

~No more reading of the Diary until chapter three

~Ron gets stood up

~Harry and Hermione talk a lot and something of a soft fluff happens (a sweet, innocent kiss)

~An old girlfriend of Harry's shows up at his house while he and Hermione were just finishing with the kiss.

~Hermione gets ticked (of course she doesn't show it) and says she'll give them some time. So she goes to the library.