Author's Note: Whoo-hoo! We are so happy to finally have this chapter done! Believe us when we say that it was a long time coming. It's a little loner than usual (consider it our gift for making you wait for such a long time!).
Disclaimer: We don't own Harry Potter or anything associated with it.
* * * * *
Everything I am,
And everything in me,
Wants to be the one you wanted me to be.
I'll never let you down,
Even if I could,
Give up everything,
If only for your good,
So hold me when I'm here,
Love me when I'm wrong,
Hold me when I'm scared,
You won't always be there,
So love me when I'm gone.
-3 Doors Down, "When I'm Gone"
* * * * *
Harry and Ginny arrived upon the grounds of Ron's flat as quietly as Apparation would allow them. The gloomy clouds that had sporadically adorned the sky throughout the day began to gather above their heads once more, creating a sinister type of darkness on what should have been a crisp Sunday afternoon.
"See anything suspicious?" Harry asked Ginny quietly as they took in their surroundings. The plan they had devised so scrupulously earlier in the day was now in ruins, seeing as the pair had to take immediate action after the news about Ron.
"Bellatrix is likely to have her two brutes making the rounds somewhere near here," Ginny said quietly as the pair crept toward the back entrance of the apartment. "She may be mad, but she's not completely stupid. Ron must have already told her what he overheard earlier -- but I wonder if he heard the part about me being an Animagus."
Harry crouched down near a rose bush for cover. "My Invisibility cloak would have came in handy right about now," he mused turning to Ginny who was squatting next to him.
She did not respond however. She was staring intently at the apartment in front of her while biting her lip, obviously in deep deliberation about what exactly to do next. "I'll have to take my chances," she said finally.
"What do you mean?"
Ginny suddenly turned to Harry. "Listen -- I'm going to change into my Animagus form and give the grounds a once-over, make sure everything is all clear."
Harry didn't like the idea of leaving Bellatrix any more time alone with Hermione, but ultimately agreed with Ginny's course of action.
"Just be as quick as you can," he advised her. "And don't let them see you."
Ginny gave him a knowing glance before swiftly transforming into a scarlet fox and slinking on her way.
Harry sighed and shifted uncomfortably in his crouched position, all the while keeping his wand at the ready and eyes peeled for the slightest movement. He listened intently to the rustling of a few shady trees nearby and the rhythmic buzzing of a throng of passing insects.
He breathed a small sigh of relief a few moments later as the scarlet fox gracefully made its way toward him, its large tail bobbing steadily behind it. Its eyes remained its syrupy maple color as it changed back into the form of Ginny.
Harry peered at her anxiously. "Anything?"
She shook her head tiredly, slightly out of breath from her venture. "It's strange, Harry. I combed the entire area, including the neighbor's yards and the roof -- and nothing."
Harry scratched his head thoughtfully. "I'll admit that's not good, but we've got to get in there."
"No, it's too dangerous," Ginny said adamantly. "I told you earlier we can't afford to be careless."
"Don't you think I know that?" Harry snapped at her. "But Hermione is in there Ginny! We have to get in there, and if we don't do it soon it may be too late. And I'm not about to take that risk."
"Not so loud," Ginny shushed. "I understand what you're saying, Harry. I really do. But we don't know what we're up against. If we just go barreling in there, we'll be playing into Bellatrix's twisted little game." She gave him a stern look.
"I know what we're up against," Harry said seriously. "And I've faced worse."
Ginny looked torn. "The first rule of Auror training is never-"
Harry fingered his wand impatiently. "Screw the Aurors, Gin!" He made a move to stand, but Ginny swiftly grabbed his arm and pulled him back down next to her.
"Don't be reckless, Harry," she said to him crossly. "Remember Sirius."
His emerald eyes flashed dangerously at her comment, but he said nothing.
Ginny placed her hand on his arm in hopes of calming him down. "What would Hermione want you to do, Harry?" she asked gently. "I don't think dying in vain is what she would have in mind."
"I know what she would -- what she does want," he said eyeing her steadily. "I'm going in there Ginny, and I don't need your approval to do it."
Ginny stared into the hypnotizing depths of the eyes of Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived, the Boy-Who-Conquered -- and knew there was to be no more disagreement.
"Fine," she said, obviously defeated. She pointed a small finger at Harry and waved it precariously. "But if I end up dead, I will make it my personal mission to become the new Peeves and haunt you until every last strand of that ridiculous hair of yours falls out."
* * * * *
"Well…I can tell that there are plenty of protective charms on this place," Ginny said while eyeing Ron's flat carefully. "Not to mention a heavy sound-proof enchantment…"
"A little faster there, Gin," Harry whispered behind her while surveying the area, trying to keep their cover from being blown.
"No comments from the peanut gallery, please," she replied warily moving toward the back door. "Alohomora!"
The door didn't open.
Harry stared at her incredulously. "Alohomora?"
Ginny glared at him defensively. "You always have to start with the basics," she argued. "Then you work your way up to the more complex enchantments." She continued muttering various spells in attempts to enter the building, but all resulted in no avail.
A bitter chill swept through Harry as he searched the grounds for any sign of movement. The clouds suddenly released a thunderous roar as tiny droplets of rain began falling from the sky.
"That's not good," Harry said in an undertone.
Finally, after an utterance of "Evanesco!" the white painted door disappeared and the pair stepped through the threshold and onto the blue tile floor of Ron's kitchen.
"Careful," Ginny warned. "This has definitely been too easy. Something is bound to-"
Harry quickly grabbed her arm and motioned her to be quiet. The pair stood as still as statues in the middle of Ron's den as a slightly muffled but very real scream echoed though the room. Harry's heart began beating wildly in his chest. Ginny's eyes had widened slightly as if in realization of something, but her face was otherwise unreadable.
Another muffled cry, slightly weaker than the first, but accompanied now by a hollow banging sent a surge of adrenaline racing though Harry's veins. Without a word, he tore through the house (still as quietly as possible) with Ginny at his heels.
* * * * *
Ron hung his head tiredly, wiping away the rapid amount of sweat that had appeared on his brow. He had been beating on the thick door that was the entrance to Hermione's chamber for what seemed like hours, though in reality it had only been a few precious minutes. With each fresh cry of pain that escaped through his friend's lips, a large surge of guilt would wash quickly through Ron, only to be replaced seconds later by an even mightier rush of anger and frustration.
"Damn you, Bellatrix," he growled. "If I only had my wand…" He thought of the evening Bellatrix had attacked him, and although he had a terrible headache, distinctly remembered the Death Eater wrestling it from his tight grasp and pocketing it in her robes. Uneasiness abruptly swept over Ron as he lifted his gaze from the floor -- Hermione's cries were becoming quieter and less and less frequent.
"Hermione!" he cried feverishly hitting the metal door. "Don't you dare give up! You hear me?!" His throat muscles burned in pain from his loud cries. "Don't you dare give up!"
"Ron?" a husky voice called out from somewhere behind him.
Ron swerved around precariously, a tiny feeling of hope rising in his chest. "Harry?"
"Ron is that really you?" sounded Harry's skeptical voice as he swiftly came into view, dark cloak fluttering after him and wand at the ready.
"Careful," Ginny hissed rounding the corner closely behind him. "Imperious." Her wand was pointed threateningly at Ron as well.
"I'm not under Imperious anymore!" he said rapidly, hands in front of him to show he meant no harm. "I broke free!"
"Broke free?" Ginny questioned with one thin eyebrow raised.
"Yes, but that's not important!"
She took a step forward. "I beg to differ."
"How do we know it's really you?" Harry asked, his face shadowed in the dark hallway.
"I have no wand, so even if I was under Imperious, I wouldn't be able to do anything." he said reasonably. Harry and Ginny exchanged skeptical looks while Ron gave a concerned glance at the barrier behind him.
"Listen to me!" he said fiercely as another faint scream reached their ears. "Hermione's on the other side of that door with Bellatrix. She's being tortured --murdered-- this very minute.
Harry's brilliant eyes flickered momentarily, and then turned his head toward Ginny, as if asking her silently whether they should believe him.
Ron turned to his sister, who was at the moment staring most intensely at his own eyes, as if searching his very soul for the answer. His China-blue eyes were silently pleading with her, willing her to believe the truth through the special bond only a brother-and-sister shared. After several moments of study, Ginny slowly lowered her wand and embraced her big brother. "I was so scared that we'd lost you," she whispered over his shoulder.
"You nearly did," he said quietly as they released each other.
"Alohomora!" Harry shouted at the door.
Ginny paced behind him now, arms folded across her chest. "Alohomora? Really now…"
Harry rolled his eyes. "How old are we?"
Ginny did not respond, but instead turned to Ron as Harry continued muttering spells at the barrier. "How long have they been down there?"
"I'm not sure," he said truthfully. "It was all so weird. Hermione -- she was calling to me. Then I was shoved up here -- and I heard her again. Only this time, it was like she was standing right next to me. And my head…felt like it was being torn apart…" Ron trailed off as another raspy painful squeal echoed through the door, accompanied by Bellatrix's sickening cackle.
Harry froze as effectively as if he'd been hit by an Immobilus charm.
Ron's face drained of all color, which was rather difficult as he was already quite pale.
Ginny's stern face fought hard to conceal the trepidation set in her eyes. "Crucio," she commented quietly.
It felt like a knife had cut into Harry's heart at the sound of Hermione's voice -- filled with so much fear -- so much anguish -- and so much pain. A sudden flame erupted inside Harry, and determination filled him as never before.
"Bombarda!" he roared with a firm arm movement. All three shielded their faces as the barrier burst open, spewing broken metal fragments and dust in toward them at an alarming rate.
"Brilliant Harry," Ginny coughed as they all thundered down the adjacent staircase, Harry in the lead. "And here Ron," she said him while thrusting a wand into his hand. "I always keep a spare."
* * * * *
Bellatrix was waiting for them as the three entered the chamber. The air in the room was thick and humid. The normally black walls where now lit by fat green torches flaming an unusually vibrant red.
"Welcome," Bellatrix said serenely, a horrible grin spreading on her unusually flushed face. "I was so hoping you would join us."
The trio stationed themselves directly across from her, wands out.
Bellatrix raised her eyebrows at them. "Such animosity." She twirled her wand between her long fingers, still grinning wildly. "I expect you came here to collect your pet?"
"Where is she?" Harry said evenly, his eyes never leaving her perverse face.
"Ah." she drawled. "The million dollar question…"
Harry took a step forward with wand raised. "Listen to me-"
"Ah-ah-ah," said the Death Eater wagging a slim finger in front of her. "Careful. We wouldn't want anything happening to the dirty Mudblood, now would we?"
Harry silently fumed as Ron stirred beside Ginny.
"Calm down," Ginny whispered faintly to him. "Be ready…"
"For what?" he growled.
"Anything," she replied through clenched teeth.
"You're pathetic," Harry spat at Bellatrix.
"Not to mention delusional," Ron muttered loudly.
Bellatrix eyed Ron fixedly. "I see you've rejoined St. Potter and his gang of misfits."
Ron opened his mouth to respond, but Ginny cut him off before he could start.
"Just give us Hermione," she said steadily, "and we won't kill you."
Bellatrix guffawed. "You wouldn't be able to do so otherwise."
Hermione's frightful screams echoed through Harry's mind. "Me then," he said suddenly. "You can have me. Just let Hermione go."
Ron shot a sharp look at his friend.
Ginny let out a small groan. "Harrrry…"
"That is a tantalizing proposition," Bellatrix mused. "I thought you would be fool enough to offer your own life for that filthy creature."
Anger bubbled in Harry's veins. "What are you waiting for then? If you're going to kill us, then do it!"
Bellatrix's heavy lidded eyes twinkled with delight.
"If not then let Hermione go so we can properly kick your ass!" he finished.
"I seem to have struck a chord," she said coolly. "Well, far be it for me to come between true love. If you care for the--" she paused, "witch so much, then by all means…" She swept away her long black cloak from behind her and stepped aside, revealing the mangled body of Hermione.
Ginny gave a sharp intake of breath at the sight before them.
She was still dressed in her pajamas, although they were torn in some parts and covered in dirt. Her beautiful hair, once busy and full of life, was matted with sweat and blood; her sparkling eyes were shut tight, bruised and beaten. Along her long slim figure where various bumps, scrapes, and bruises. Markings were prominently etched in along her arms.
The sight of her alone wrenched Harry's stomach with an intense pain. He was instantly flooded with a mixture of grief and rage.
Bellatrix looked as is Christmas had come early. "Your precious Mudblood," she said in a mockingly sad tone. "Awfully susceptible little thing, wouldn't you agree Potter?" She looked at Harry excitedly. "Quite clever, I had heard..."
Harry wanted to cry out -- scream-- wipe the idiotic smirk off of Bellatrix's face.
"Harrrry…" cautioned Ginny at the sight of his face filling to the brim with hatred.
Ron looked as if he were about to burp up a few slugs. "Is she-?"
"Dead?" Bellatrix supplied. "Not quite. One would think a dozen Crucio's would have done it…but no…" a look of disappointment was on her face, "not dead -- yet."
At that moment, Hermione began to stir on the chamber floor.
"You'll pay for this," Harry snarled as he charged toward the Death Eater, his wand held firmly and pointed directly at her cold heart.
The Death Eater, much quicker than anyone would have though possible, swiftly leaned down and pulled a barely awake Hermione from the floor. The green in her own hazel eyes flashed vividly as she held her own wand against Hermione's throat. She hung limply in Bellatrix's arm, her head lolled to one side, eyes still shut tight.
Harry stopped his advancement.
"Take one more step, any of you, and you'll never see her again," she said dangerously, pressing her wand further into Hermione's neck while glaring sadistically at the trio. "Alive that is."
Ron reluctantly pulled Harry back toward where he and Ginny where standing, shooting daggers at Bellatrix with every movement. Hermione was slowly opening her eyes in Bellatrix's arms, blinking steadily in the bright light of the chamber after so many hours of perpetual darkness.
"Just hand her over," Ginny spoke up, her voice filled with calm anger. "Then let us cart you off to Azkaban where you belong." Her face was stern and serious. "It will save us all quite a bit of time if you surrender now."
"Awfully big talk for such a small girl," she goaded. Ginny narrowed her eyes severely.
"You've got to realize that you can't win," Ron said assertively. "It's the three of us versus you." Bellatrix sniggered knowingly, as if she knew something that they didn't.
Hermione had opened her eyes fully now and was staring back and forth wildly between Harry, Ron, and Ginny. She gave a fearful glance at Bellatrix. "Watch out!" she managed to sputter in a weak, hoarse voice to the trio.
Ron and Ginny spun around simultaneously and came face to face with Dolohov and Rookwood, who had crept down into the chamber in their Disillusioned forms moments ago. As quickly as their fist spin they repeated the same motion in the opposite direction as the Death Eaters raised their wands in attack.
"Tarantallegra," yelled Ginny at Rookwood. Instantly his limbs began to twitch. It was Ron who fired next as he cried "Rictusempra." Dolohov began to roar with laughter at the tickling charm. Somehow the two managed to perform the counter-curses on each other, and the fighting went on.
Harry, who had turned instinctively to the commotion behind him, found himself suddenly thrown against the far stone wall and his wand flung across the room. Bellatrix had seized her moment of opportunity and immediately rounded on him, laughing like mad. She muttered another spell, launching Harry once again across to the opposite wall. His head hit the stone with a sickening crack. His body slumped dejectedly onto the floor, and for a few moments all consciousness was lost.
Hermione, now free from Bellatrix's grasp, watched horrified as the scene before her unfolded. "Harry…wake up…hurry" she shouted urgently to his crumpled form.
Her voice once again triggered something in Harry's mind, forcing him to awake and focus on his surroundings.
At the sound of her cry, Bellatrix turned her attention to Hermione. "You," she sniggered cruelly as she kicked her violently in the ribs. "You stupid girl. You are of no more use to me now." Hermione gave a small moan of pain as Bellatrix seized her by her wrists and slammed her back down hard to the floor. "Filthy Mudblood," she spat viciously as she turned away from Hermione, leaving her crumpled and in agony on the rock floor.
She walked across the room to Harry, who was struggling to raise himself off the ground. "And you," the Death Eater drawled menacingly. "You have managed to wriggle free from the hands of death one time to many." She towered over him, eyes hard and filled with excitement. "I daresay tonight your blessed streak will be over."
He tried righting himself again, but got immediately light headed. His head was throbbing sharply, and he was sure he was bleeding from somewhere. Harry glanced anxiously at Ron and Ginny, who were both intensely involved with their duels. Hermione was still where Bellatrix had left her, her face contorting in pain as she desperately willed herself to crawl toward Harry's discarded wand.
"Brilliant plan Bellatrix," Harry said roughly. "Too bad Ginny Weasley was on to you the entire time."
"Duly noted."
Hermione was getting closer…
"The legendary Harry Potter," Bellatrix scoffed. "If your wretched parents could see you now…wasn't your mother a Mudblood as well?" She reached out and touched a long streak of ruby blood that had trickled down the side of his face.
Harry glared up at her.
"Of course they got themselves killed years ago -- cowardly, meddlesome fools the Dark Lord always said."
A little further…
"And I'd say it's past time you joined them." She stepped back. "Goodbye Harry Potter." Her eyes flashed victoriously, lips set into a triumphant grin, wand arm raised high as she began to speak the Killing Curse.
Harry was preparing himself to make a giant leap aside when Hermione unexpectedly cried "Expelliarmus!" from across the room. Bellatrix's look of euphoria was replaced with a look of surprise as her wand flew out of her hand and landed near the stairway. With a flustered glance at Harry, she quickly turned on her heel and lunged toward it.
Harry dizzily sprang to his feet after her.
Hermione had managed pull herself onto her knees, Harry's wand still in her hand, and was watching Bellatrix and Harry race to the fallen wand. With a sinking sensation of dread, she quickly realized Bellatrix would get their first. "Ferula!" she shouted at the Death Eater. In an instant, thick white ropes sprang from thin air and entangled themselves around Bellatrix. She came crashing to the floor with a hard thud, the momentum from her desperate sprint dragging her along the floor for several feet.
Another dull thud grabbed both Harry and Hermione's attention. They turned in time to witness Rookwood's body unceremoniously slouch to the ground. A triumphant Ginny then moved to help her brother, who was still engaged with Dolohov near the far corner of the room.
Bellatrix writhed and wriggled in her bindings. Harry peered over her, shaking his head slightly. "Rotten luck," he said seriously.
"Shameful half-blood!" she spat glaring fiercely at him. "The Dark Lord--"
"Is dead," he cut her off.
Bellatrix gave a mighty shriek of frustration.
Harry ignored her. "Can you manage her?" he asked Ron, who had just stepped beside him. His face was blood streaked and caked with spots of dirt, but otherwise looked unharmed.
"My pleasure," he replied grimly. "Ginny's already secured the other two." He motioned toward Dolohov and Rookwood, who were each lying unconscious against a wall, bound with thick ropes of their own. "She just went upstairs to contact the other Aurors."
Bellatrix continued shouting obstinacies. "Brainless blood traitors! All of you! I will destroy each and every one of you! I'll--"
"You know Bellatrix," Harry interrupted. "If you're going to kill someone you should just do it--not stand around talking about it all day."
Bellatrix shrieked again and struggled in her ropes. Her frantic screams subsided and instead turned into manic laughter. "The Dark Lord will rise again, greater and more powerful than ever before! Mark my words!"
"Yeah yeah," Ron said rolling his eyes. "And Severus Snape will run starkers down Diagon Alley." He shook his head. "Mental…"
Harry turned away from the scene. As if finally released from a strong hold, Harry rushed to Hermione.
"Hey," Harry said tenderly as he crouched down to her side.
She was on all fours, her breaths coming in short, shallow wheezes.
Her face looked drained and pale, but her eyes still lit up warmly at the sound of his voice. "Hey," she said weakly before she began coughing violently.
"It'll be alright," Harry said gathering her in his arms and holding her close. "Just breathe…it'll be okay." He smoothed her back in small circles.
Her eyes gently closed.
Panic swept through him. "Hermione! Stay with me! Come on…"
Another fit of brutal coughs forced her chocolate eyes open. Her body stiffened in his arms as she thrashed about fighting to breathe.
"You're strong… I know you can do this…" Harry urged. Her eyes closed again.
Her eyes closed again and a groan rose from her lips. "Harry?" a tiny whisper-like voice answered. "I--love-- you…"
Harry looked around wildly, tears stinging in his own eyes now, and noticing that Ginny had returned and Ron had now gone away. She straightened Bellatrix against a wall and rushed over to the couple.
"She's having trouble breathing," Harry said quickly. Hermione covered her mouth with her hands as she began coughing once more.
"The Aurors are on their way. How did this happen?"
Harry thought for a moment. "Bellatrix kicked her in the ribs..."
"One's probably broken and pierced her lung," she said as she tugged Hermione's hands away from her mouth. She gasped: Hermione's hands were glistening with blood. She twisted and turned in Harry's arms as spasms of pain shot through her.
"I don't know if I can stop the seizures," Ginny said thoughtfully. "But I think I know something for the broken rib…hold her still Harry."
Harry did just that, holding her firmly yet gently in his own aching arms. Ginny pointed to Hermione's ribs and muttered words that Harry had never heard of, along with a few complicated wand movements.
Hermione's eye lids shot open as her rib was magically set in place. She blinked several times, her breathing now regular. A small, genuine smile played at her lips before she buried her head in Harry's shoulder, tears beginning to pool in her eyes. Harry hugged her fiercely, as if he were afraid she would break if he ever let her go. Ginny smiled knowingly at the pair and excused herself from the room.
They held each other for several minutes in silence, forgetting the past and simply living in the present.
"Damned Filthy Mudblood!"
Harry's eyes grew wide with panic and he suddenly retracted himself from Hermione. He stood up quickly and pushed her behind him as Bellatrix, inexplicably free from her ropes, came lunging at them. Hermione screamed loudly as Harry raced forward to meet the Death Eater. Her wild eyes where bright with insanity as she raised a long blade in her right hand, crashing it in his flesh somewhere slightly below Harry's left shoulder.
She twisted it around gleefully. "This was not meant for you," she said menacingly in his ear as she pushed the knife deeper into his body, gazing over his shoulder at Hermione. "Love--conquers--all," she drawled menacingly.
"Petrificus Totalus!" a voice shouted from the stairway.
An icy chill swept through Bellatrix as her body froze stiff as a board and hit the chamber floor, her eyes glazed over with a look a triumph.
Harry stepped away from the body and torpidly touched his shoulder, inadvertently drenching his right hand in blood. It registered somewhere in his mind that the blade was still protruding from his body -- and he numbly pulled it out without a sound.
He was feeling insatiably tired. Hermione and Ron where there in front of him, each wearing identical faces of panic and fright.
He looked down at his right hand, which was moistened and sticky with, what he finally realized, was his own blood. He was suddenly lying on the floor. When did he get on the floor?
Ron was above him now. His eyes were wide and fearful.
"Thanks mate," he slurred weakly to him. Somehow he knew it had been Ron who had stopped Bellatrix.
Ron said something in response, but Harry couldn't make it out. His eyelids suddenly felt extremely heavy.
He vaguely heard Hermione's voice.
"…Harry…please…tell you something…."
It sounded as if she were a million miles away.
"…the Burrow…wrong….Bellatrix ….love you…"
Ron spoke again, muttering something about Aurors. He fought to keeps his eyes open, which became increasingly difficult with every shallow breath.
His eyes moved lazily to Hermione, who had tears streaming freely down her cheeks. Then to Ron, whose own eyes were glassy and red as he struggled to comfort her.
As his eyes finally shut, he opened his mouth slightly. "Love…you…guys," he finally managed to murmur in an undertone.
Darkness then became prominent, and his body fell limp as he lost all awareness.