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Secrets From the Past by Green_Eye_Sparkle16

Secrets From the Past


A/N: I hope you all enjoy this chapter. It's slowly drifting away from the fluff...there's still some there though...don't worry! :) Let me know what you think!!

Terri, you know this is for you! Thanks for being so great! Here's to you and your Fairy Tale! **raises milkshake and bowl of popcorn**

The Rising Tension

Harry walked towards the library feeling extremely happy. He couldn't recall one time in all his years at Hogwarts when he felt happy about going to the library. But his feeling of happiness had nothing to do with the library, rather who was waiting for him inside.

As Harry walked in, he instantly began to comb the room for Hermione. To his immense disappointment, he hadn't spotted her anywhere. He strode down the aisles, checking between each one to see if she had been looking for something. He was nearing the back of the library and was going down what must have been the seventh aisle of checking, when someone came from behind and wrapped their arms around his stomach. "Good morning." a voice whispered in his ear. Harry turned to see Hermione. Her unmistakable, beautiful voice had sent him into shivers up and down his spine.

"A very good morning." he said kissing her on the cheek and then softly on the lips. "It's a good thing we're in the back of the library. No one can see us, and I definitely don't think Madame Pince would approve."

"I don't think so either." Hermione said laughing and taking his hand in hers. "Come on, let's get your homework done and then we can continue this later."

"Augh, alright." Harry whined. "Homework it is."

Hermione led him deeper into the library until they were shut up in a corner where she had put down her things, a corner where no one would bother them. Harry pulled out a chair for Hermione to sit and then sat down next to her.

They worked on their homework - Hermione revising her Defense Against the Dark Arts assignment that Professor Bri - Liz had given them; while Harry worked on a Charms Essay. On occasion, the two of them would stop for a moment just to hold hands under the table and smile at one another. Finally an hour later Harry slammed his book shut.

"There, all done." he announced quietly and looked over at Hermione.

"Me too." she said smiling brightly. "Now what do you want to do?"

"Oh I don't know." Harry said smirking. "We could always go to the Room of Requirement...Ron and Luna occupy it way too much. It'll be happy to see some new faces."

Hermione laughed.

"Or, since it's stopped raining," Harry said. "We could just go for a walk around the lake and talk some more."

Hermione gave him another one of her breathtaking smiles. "Well, as much as I'd love to do the first one, I think I'll take the latter."

"What? You don't like kissing me?" Harry said in a mock-hurt voice. "You'd rather walk around the mushy shores of the lake?"

"No!" Hermione said immediately. "I mean, yes, Harry I love kissing you. But you know, we have been shut up in that room of yours for quite some time now. I think the Room of Requirement would mimic the surroundings of the Head Boy chambers."

"Yeah, you're right." Harry said, sounding slightly put out. "Actually, I was kind of hoping you wanted the walk, it'll give us a chance to just talk."

"Oh, so you don't like kissing me either?" Hermione teased. "Harry, we talked all last night."

"I know, but there are some other things that I want to talk to you about. And, I absolutely LOVE kissing you Hermione."

Hermione flashed him as smile and pecked him on the cheek. "Alright, let's go put our things away and head outside."

They both made there way out of the library, Harry laughing lightly at the occasional poke in the ribs Hermione gave him, and Madame Pince shushing them out the doors. They turned the corner after leaving the library to go to their rooms when the one person they did not expect to see showed up.

"Oh, don't tell me!" they heard. It was Draco Malfoy. Malfoy was staring with a look of disgust on his face at their entangled hands. "The scarhead and the Mudblood together? How disgusting!" Harry had pulled out his wand so quickly, Malfoy hadn't even seen him reach for it.

"Harry don't!" Hermione said pushing aside his wand, but Harry resisted.

"No, Hermione! I'm sick of this rubbish he throws at us all the time! He's got to learn when to quit!"

"Harry just leave it." Hermione pleaded. "Let's just go." Harry glared at Malfoy for a moment then lowered his wand. Malfoy snickered with a smug grin on his face.

"Look at you Potter!" Malfory sneered. "You're pathetic! Taking orders from your Mudblood girlfriend!" Harry's wand was once again inches from Malfoys nose. "Malfoy, if you EVER insult her again...I will kill you." Harry's eyes was dark and threatening. Hermione didn't care for them.

"Harry!" Hermione screeched. "Come on, he's not worth it an you know it! Let's just go."

Harry glared at Malfoy once more. "Watch yourself Malfoy." he said as Hermione pulled him away.

"And you do the same!" Malfoy called after them! "You'd better do the same! You and the Mudblood." he whispered vindictively.

Harry and Hermione rounded the nearest corner and Harry stopped to kick the wall. Luckily the corridor was empty, saving anyone from witnessing Harry's furious temper rise.

"Harry calm down." Hermione said tentatively. "Look, you know he's just trying to get back at you for putting his father in jail."

"I know." Harry said, running his hands through his hair. "But his stupid dad escaped last year and is on the move now. What's he whining for?"

"Old wounds leave deep scars, Harry." Hermione said pulling him into a hug. "You know that."

"I do, but I swear Hermione, if he ever insults you or even comes near you ever again...I'm gonna kill him."

"No you won't Harry!" Hermione said firmly as she pulled away to look at him. "You save that hate and anger for one person and one person only." She had tears in her eyes and was stroking his face with her hands. Harry's hands found hers and he gave them a gentle squeeze then pulled her back to him.

"You're right." he said. "I just can't stand Malfoy, you know."

"I know. Listen, let's just forget this whole thing and go do what we were going to do, okay?"

"Okay." Harry said kissing her softly on the lips.


Colin Creevey had appeared out of nowhere and taken their picture. "Congrats you two!" he said and ran off to tell everyone the news.

"Well, so much for keeping it a secret." Harry said. "Now what? Should we try and stop him?"

"I don't think it would do any good. Malfoy's bound to tell everyone anyway. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if the whole school knows already."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

Let's just hurry up and get ready to go for that walk so we can avoid confrontation." Hermione said.

"Good idea." Harry agreed.

They walked up to their rooms and dropped off their things and put on their scarves and cloaks. September weather was speaking for itself with the storm the other day. Once dressed for a chilly walk by the lake, Harry and Hermione headed downstairs towards the courtyard. On there way, they met Liz.

"Hi you two." she said. "You going for a walk?"

"Er...yeah." Harry said quickly pushing Hermione along. He was still in a bit of a huffy mood, due to Malfoy.

"Well, you'd better hurry up. You know, there's a rumor floating around the school that you two are a couple."

"It spread that quickly?" Hermione said surprised.

Liz nodded. "Yep. And judging by your hand holding, I'd say it was true." Liz said winking at Hermione. Harry looked confused. "Hurry up and I'll tell everyone you're snogging in the greenhouses." Liz said. The three of them laughed and Harry's mood was somewhat lightened.

"Thanks." Harry said to her.

"No problem." she said smiling as Harry and Hermione walked out into the courtyard. "No problem at all little bro." she whispered to herself.

Harry and Hermione were a little way into the courtyard when Hermione stopped and turned around. "Harry, I'll be right back." she said kissing him on the cheek.

"Okay." he said.

Hermione ran back into the castle and turned the corner and found Liz and gave her a hug. "Thank you." she said.

"For what?" Liz asked as Hermione let go of her.

"For helping me realize it's okay to love him." Hermione said. Liz smiled at her. "You're welcome. Now go!"

Hermione ran back out to the courtyard to Harry and slipped her hand in his. "Let's go." she said.

"What was that all about?" Harry asked as they walked towards the lake.

"Oh nothing." Hermione said, resting her head on his shoulder. "Just thanking her for a little `insight'."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Hermione giggled. "I'll tell you someday. Come on, let's get moving before someone else sees us."

They walked quickly towards the lake and began to encircle it, holding each other's hands and every so often pecking each other with chaste kisses.

"So what is it that you wanted to talk about?" Hermione finally asked.

"Oh, that." Harry said, stopping abruptly and turning toward her.

"What is it?"

"Well, I just wanted to talk to you about...Voldemort."

"Harry, I thought we'd already talked about this." Hermione said resting a hand on Harry arm.

"I know." Harry said. " It's just, there's something else."

"What else is there Harry?"

"Well, it was just this morning, when I was watching you..."

"Yes?" Hermione looked very concerned.

"Well, I was just thinking...I mean, I've really got the hang of Occlumency now, but I'm no master - "

"And you're worried that Voldemort will do what he did with Sirius?" Hermione suggested.

"Yeah." Harry said. "I just - nothing can happen to you Hermione. You're, well, you know you're really all I have. You're my family." Harry turned his head to look out at the lake. Hermione simply stared at him for a moment, then brought his attention back to her by taking his face in her hands.

"Harry, nothing will happen to me." she said reassuringly. "I'm not off by myself, I'm here with you...I'm safe. Voldemort can't just put a thought in your head that he's got me, and if he does, it'll be easy for you to check, I'm right next door."

"You're not necessarily safe with me Hermione, you know that."

Hermione was looking at him with small tears escaping out the corners of her eyes. She knew what he meant. He was concerned for her safety; being associated with Harry meant Voldemort knew about you. But Hermione didn't care. She would risk her life for him any day.

"Harry," she said taking his hands in hers. "I know what you mean, but I'll be by your side until the end of all things."

Harry pulled her into a hug. "I love you Hermione. I promise you I won't let anything happen to you."

"I know you won't." Hermione said rubbing his back. "I love you too. And we are family Harry, forever."


They returned to the castle around 4 o'clock. "I think we missed lunch." Harry said as they entered the near empty Great Hall.

"I think we need to stop missing meals all together." Hermione said chuckling.

"Yeah," said Harry. "Why don't we go and find Ron. We haven't really seen him all weekend...well with the exception of this morning."

"Yeah, he's probably in the Room of Requirement with Luna." Hermione said laughing.

So, they went off to find him. To their surprise, he wasn't in the Room of Requirement. Although, both Harry and Hermione were both extremely thankful that they hadn't walked in to find Ron and Luna snogging...they had walked in on that before and it was something they were desperately trying to forget. They decided to try the Gryffindor common room. When they got there, they didn't find Ron, but found Liz and Ginny talking.

"Hi there!" Ginny said grinning. "How's your day been?"

"Good." Hermione said. Ginny just sat there smiling at them. Then, out of nowhere she was jumping up and down and giving them both hugs. "Congratulations! I can't believe you two are finally together! Hermione why didn't you tell me? I can't believe this! It's so great! Oh you two are going to be so happy together, and - "

"GINNY!" Hermione shouted. Ginny stopped rambling on and stepped back to look at them both. "What?" she asked.

"Will you calm down." Hermione said. "Thanks for the congratulations though." Ginny calmed down and went to sit back down next to Liz.

"Hey," Liz said. "How was your walk?"

"Good." Hermione said sitting down in an armchair. "Where is everyone?" The common room was completely void of students other than the four of them.

"They're all in the Great Hall, talking about the two of you." Liz said.


"Ginny, when, where and how did you find out?" Harry asked, sitting on the arm of Hermione's chair. "Was it Malfoy? Colin? Liz?" he said smirking over at Liz.

Liz noticed his stare and her eyes widened. "I didn't say anything!" she said to him. "I swear! She already knew!"

Harry and Hermione looked back over at Ginny. "How?" Hermione asked at once.

"Well..." Ginny started shying away. "I sort of saw you both last night."

"Last night?!" Harry and Hermione said in unison. "Where?"

"Erm...over in the changing rooms. You see, I forgot my scarf and I went back to go and get it, and well, you both were on the benches and - "

"Okay, okay!" Hermione said putting up a hand. "You don't need to go into detail...we were there." Ginny and Liz were laughing as Ron entered the room.

"What are you all laughing about?" he asked.

"Oh, nothing." Liz said. "Ginny just caught Harry and Hermione kissing last night."

"Oh well that's nothing," said Ron, happy the cat was out of the bag. "I caught them in bed together this morning."

"RON!" Hermione yelled, hitting him on the head.

"Ouch!" Ron yelped. "Well I did."

"Yes, but you're making it seem like Harry's some hormonal teenager and I'm a...a - "

"Scarlet woman." said Harry.

"Yes, thank you Harry." Hermione said looking at him a patting him on the leg. "A scarl - WHAT?! HARRY!"

Harry and Ron both laughed.

"Sorry! Sorry!" Harry said as he took a smack in the arm from Hermione. He looked like he was trying with everything in him not to laugh even harder. "I just couldn't resist. You left it wide open Hermione."

"Yeah Hermione, you did." said Ron - who was still laughing.

Hermione glared at the both of them for a moment. The laughing stopped.

"Hermione, please don't look at us like that." said Harry looking over at Ron and then back at Hermione. "It's really terrifying you know."

"Wow," Hermione said sardonically. "One minute with Ron, and you're back to normal are you?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" asked Harry.

"You know what I mean." she said to him now in a hurt, yet seemingly angry voice. "You're back to seeing the brainy, bossy Hermione aren't you."

Harry was really terrified now, he'd only just started this relationship and he was screwing it up already. "Hermione, I'm sorry." Looking down on her from the arm of the chair, Hermione looked like she was about to cry. "Come here." he said standing up and moving in front of her with open arms.

She stood and looked at him with a sad sort of face. Just then, a smug grin began to form on her face until it was an all out smile!

"Ha!" she said, pointing a finger at him. Harry jumped back in surprise.

"What?" he asked very confused.

He could hear Liz and Ginny behind him laughing. Ron stood next to him, quite confused himself.

"You thought I was mad at you." Hermione said chuckling heartily. "You should have seen your face." Harry could do nothing but stare at her. Ron was now laughing with Ginny and Liz.

"Yeah mate," he said. "Your face was pretty classic when you thought you did something wrong!"

"Well how can you blame me, when she gave us that stare?" he said looking at Ron and then around to Ginny and Liz. Hermione came towards him and wrapped him in a hug. She pulled back after a couple of seconds and kissed him sweetly on the cheek.

"Harry I'm just left it wide open. And with this new "power" I have over you, I just couldn't resist."

Harry laughed lightly, relieved that everything was okay.


The five of them had sat in the common room talking for a little over an hour, when the room began to fill with students. Harry and Hermione quickly left, followed by Liz and Ron, while Ginny stayed behind to talk with her boyfriend, Dean Thomas.

"Hey, where were you earlier?" Harry asked Ron as the four of them walked down a corridor.

"I was in the Owlery with Luna." Ron said. "We were sending a letter to mum about Christmas. Are you coming this year?"

"Er...I dunno." Harry said looking in front of him at Hermione - who was walking with Liz and talking about...something. Harry wondered if Hermione would want him to spend Christmas with her. Would he be welcome at her home? He'd never really met her parents. Well, he'd met them, but he didn't know either of them nearly as well as he knew Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. In fact, would Hermione even want him there? Or was she planning on spending Christmas at Hogwarts? Or at the Burrow?

"Hello!" Harry heard Ron say. "Earth to Harry." Harry snapped out of his thoughts to see Ron waving his hand in front of his face. "What's up mate? You sort of went in a daze."

"Oh, nothing. I was just thinking about - "

"Hermione?" Ron said.


"Harry, she's right in front of you!"

"I know. I just - "

"I know what you mean. When me and Luna first started going out, I couldn't stop staring at her or thinking about her every minute of the day."

"Ron," Harry said. "You still do that." Ron shrugged.

"Yeah, but it's great." he said.

"Where are we going anyway?" Harry asked.

"Dunno, they're leading" Ron said pointing forward at Liz and Hermione. "Hey, have you gotten to know Liz any better?"

"No, not really. But Hermione obviously has. The other day, we were escaping from confrontation...Colin snapped a shot of us kissing and Malfoy..." Harry's fists were now clenching. "He saw me and Hermione holding hands. Anyway, Liz helped us escape and then Hermione gave her a hug and thanked her for some sort of "insight" or something. I dunno what that was all about."

"Weird." Ron said, then called up to Hermione and Liz. "Hey, where are we going?"

The two girls stopped so Harry and Ron could catch up. "Well Liz and I were just talking and we need to go and see Professor McGonagal about something."

"Oh, okay." Harry said. "Ron and I will just go and play some chess."

"Alright, I'll see you later tonight." Hermione said kissing Harry firmly on the lips.

"Ho Ho!" Ron chuckled. "What are you two going to - "

"Shut up Ron." Hermione said after pulling away from Harry. Ron backed away and leaned up against the wall as they said their temporary goodbye's.

"Honestly, you two are going to see each other in a couple of hours." Ron said, checking his imaginary watch. "Come on Harry, they need to go and talk about homework." Harry and Hermione ignored him. Liz however, shot a suspicious look at him. "You're thinking of going to meet Luna on your way back aren't you?" she asked.

"No." Ron said a little to quickly. Liz raised an eyebrow at him. "Alright, so what?" Ron said.

Liz only smiled. Finally, Harry and Hermione unlocked their lips once more and went their separate ways.

Liz and Hermione made their way to the Transfiguration classroom. As they walked, Hermione was telling Liz how frustrated she still was over the whole situation. "Liz, I nearly lost it last night. I wish you would just tell him the truth."

"Hermione, I KNOW how frustrated you are...but you can't tell him. I can't tell him...not yet anyway. Trust me, it will all be out in the open soon. But away from that subject. I'm so happy for you and Harry."

Hermione couldn't help but smile. "Thank you." she said. "I're brother a lot." Liz chuckled at Hermione's words. "Thanks for saying it like that. I know you love him...I can feel it in my heart. Literally."

They soon arrived at Professor McGonagal's classroom and went inside to find the Professor seated behind her desk, quill in hand, grading papers. "Watch this" Liz whispered to Hermione and elbowing her in the arm.

"Hello Minnie!" she said. Professor McGonagal looked up and gave Liz a face of exasperation.

"Elizabeth, stop it! You know I can't stand that!" she said. Hermione was taken aback for a moment at the sound of Professor McGonagal speaking so blatantly. "Oh, hello Miss Granger." she said in her normal tone.

"Hello Professor."

"I take it you and Miss..."

"Potter." Hermione offered as she had done with Professor Dumbledore.

"Yes. Miss...Potter have become well acquainted?" Professor McGonagal continued.

"Yes." Hermione answered as Liz took a seat in front of the desk. Hermione felt so nervous as Professor McGonagal motioned for her to sit as well.

"I thought Hermione could talk to you Minerva." Liz said. "About how with this. I mean you've known Harry just as long as she has and you might be better able to help her deal with this whole situation."

Professor McGonagal smiled and nodded then turned to Hermione. "I thought so. Miss Granger, why don't you and I have a talk." she said warm heartedly. Hermione nodded as Professor McGonagal rose from her chair to take Hermione to her office. Hermione stood up and looked at Liz.

"It'll all be fine." Liz said to her reassuringly. Hermione could see small tears in her eyes, the eyes that looked so much like Harry's.

"While we're talking Liz, you should go and have a chat with your husband." Professor McGonagal said. "He floo'd me about an hour ago.

"Oh thanks Minerva." Liz said, jumping from her seat and giving Professor McGonagal a hug and then looked back at Hermione. "I'll see you in class tomorrow...Miss Granger." she added with a grin.

"See you...Professor Bright." Hermione said snickering. Liz left the room to go and have a chat with Charlie. Hermione couldn't imagine being away from Harry as long as Liz had been away from Charlie, and she still had nearly eight months to go. After Liz left, Hermione and Professor McGonagal went to her office to have a much need chat. Well, for Hermione anyway.

Meanwhile, while the two girls were off talking. Harry and Ron had indeed went to see Luna on the way. Harry somehow knew that he and Ron weren't going to get to the Great Hall to play chess, so he excused himself and decided to go up to his room.

He walked up the staircases and into the Head Boy chambers. He threw off his cloak and slipped off his shoes and slumped down on the sofa in the front room. Knowing that he might fall asleep, he cleared his mind as he had become accustomed to doing every night so Voldemort could not somehow slip into his mind. A few minutes later, as he expected, Harry soon dozed off into sleep.


Harry woke up to the prodding of Hermione. "Harry." he heard her whisper. "Harry, wake up." He resisted the urge to open his eyes for a moment while Hermione ran her hands through his hair. Then suddenly he felt her lips on his and his eyes shot open. Hermione let out a little laugh. "I knew you were awake." she said softly as she sat down beside him.

Harry stretched out his arms and then lowered them to take Hermione's hand in his. "I was having a dream about you." he said.

"Really?" Hermione asked amused. "What about me?"

"Just your face." Harry said turning towards her.

"My face?"

"Yeah, just you smiling at me." Harry couldn't help but smile himself.

"Harry, you don't need a dream." Hermione said placing a hand on his cheek. "I'm right here. I'm right in front of you...and I have food." she added happily.

"What?" Harry asked, thoroughly bewildered by the change of mood.

"I brought you dinner." Hermione said leaning forward to pick up a plate of chicken that was sitting on the table. "I came to check on you earlier and you were fast asleep. I didn't want to wake you, so I just brought you this."

She handed him the plate and kissed him on the cheek. Harry was extremely grateful that she'd brought him dinner. He hadn't eaten since this morning.

After he finished with his meal he and Hermione sat on the sofa for a while listening to the rain that had started to tap on the window once more. "Hermione?" Harry whispered in her ear.

"Hmm?" Hermione's eyes were drooping as she lay in his arms.

"Can I tell you a secret?"


"I love you."

"Harry, that's no secret." Hermione said smiling, her eyes now shut.

"Alright, it's not. But, I don't have any other `secrets' to tell you." Harry said as he ran his fingers up and down her arm. "What about you? Do you have any secrets?"

Hermione's eyes shot open, luckily Harry couldn't see them. She felt panicky for a moment, then calmed herself down by thinking about the conversation she had with Professor McGonagal earlier that day. She HAD to keep this matter what, the truth would be revealed in time.

"No." Hermione said softly and calmly, yet, she felt an enormous shot of guilt run through her body and break her heart. "No Harry, I have no secrets whatsoever." She didn't want to think about it, then she finally stopped thinking altogether. The feeling of Harry stroking her arm was extremely soothing, and she finally surrendered to sleep.


She woke an hour later, still in Harry's arms. She looked up at the clock to see that it was 1 o'clock in the morning. She eased herself away from Harry and sent him to bed. She couldn't help but smile at the whiney sounds he made as he trudged into his bedroom then collapsed onto the four poster.

Hermione left his room and returned to her own. She was still smiling about Harry and couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was going on, when suddenly she remembered. "Duh Hermione!" she thought to herself irritably. "That stupid secret." She mocked Harry's movements and trudged into her room as he had and flopped on the bed. She pulled a pillow over her face and screamed into it. This had to end soon.

A/N: As you can tell from the title of this chapter, this was a tension's going to get worse!! :'( Gosh, aren't you starting to hate this `Secret' stuff?

I seriously thought about adding more to this chapter, but when I looked it over it really didn't seem to fit. So I put it in the next one, (which I'm working on now, I might add) so that one should be up fairly soon.

I hope you liked this one. Please review and let me know what you think
