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The Dragon by jardyn39

The Dragon


The Dragon

by Jardyn39

Part Three of "The Apprentice Piece"

Chapter 3: Story Time

Hermione waved her wand and conjured a comfortable armchair for herself. She sat down and opened her notes.

Ron gasped and whispered, "How long has she been able to do that?"

"If you'd like to move closer so you can hear, please do so," she said gently. "If you have any questions, just raise your hand."

A few of the children moved closer, not wanting to miss anything.

"Now the story I'm going to tell you hasn't really got a name," Hermione began, "because it is a true story, not something that has been made up. This story is about a wand and a dragon. But there's a twist. You see, the wand isn't really a wand and the dragon isn't really a dragon."

Hermione paused, allowing her young audience a moment to be intrigued. They weren't quite as intrigued as Harry, though, who slipped off his seat and joined the children sitting on the floor. Luna sidled casually around the tent and sat in Harry's vacated chair next to Ron.

"Is everyone sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin," said Hermione smiling. Harry realised they were probably the only ones in the tent who knew she was repeating words from a story time radio programme.

"Our story begins many hundreds of years ago when a young boy, who was destined to grow up into one of the greatest wizards of his time, was eleven years old. Now very little accurate information survives about him when he was younger, but I like to think of him as rather scruffy, with patched too big second-hand clothes and quite a knack for getting into trouble. He had scruffy short black hair. We know him today by the name of Merlin.

"One day in the middle of winter, Merlin was travelling through a forest. In those days the forests would extend for miles in all directions. It was said that a person would travel their entire lives and never leave the forest canopy. Now some parts of the forest were very dangerous, and poor Merlin was travelling through an area of forest he knew might be dangerous. He would normally have tried to avoid it, but Merlin had played a trick on a neighbour in the forest and he was still upset with Merlin."

A small girl put up her hand, and Hermione asked, "Yes?"

"Please Miss," she said tentatively, "What trick did Merlin play?"

"Well, we don't really know," said Hermione, "but Merlin did once make a farmer's pigs to 'cluck' and his chickens go 'oink', and I suspect it might have been something similar."

The children laughed and Hermione waited patiently for them to quieten down again.

"Although Merlin could do magic, he wasn't yet old enough to do anything very advanced. Most of the magic he did, he didn't even know himself how he did it. Merlin was also very poor and had hardly any possessions. The only toys he ever had were ones he made for himself and his friends. He became quite skilful at simple woodworking and his adopted family hoped he would make a living in the forest. In those days, of course, young people were expected to work rather than go to school.

"Then, as now, most people wanted more money, better clothes, and better living conditions. Merlin had no money, but the record suggests the only thing he really wanted was a wand. Merlin knew about Wizards and magic, and like most people at that time, he thought if only he had a wand he'd be able to do anything! What kinds of things do you think he wanted to do?"

Hermione listened as the children volunteered ideas and then smiling said, "Those are very good. You might like to draw some of those ideas later."

She opened her notes again and continued.

"On this particular day, Merlin came across an old man in the forest. He was standing in resplendent multi-coloured robes that looked quite out of place in the green forest. Merlin knew at once he was a wizard because he held a wand.

"Merlin, who wasn't at all shy, introduced himself at once saying he too was a wizard even though he didn't yet have a wand and didn't actually know how to do magic yet. The old man conjured a fire and a meal and invited Merlin to join him. We do not know the old wizard's name, Merlin never recorded it, but he did record that Merlin saw and heard many wonders that evening.

"The next morning Merlin awoke to find the wizard cooking a fine breakfast. Merlin had slept better than he ever had before thanks to the bed and tent the wizard had conjured for him. Over breakfast, the wizard made Merlin a proposition. Merlin could, if he wished, become an apprentice to the wizard so he could learn magic and assist the old man who travelled the land helping people.

"Merlin agreed at once but the old wizard said there was one condition to his offer. Merlin must have a wand first.

"Poor Merlin. He had no wand nor did he have any idea where he could get one. Wands were incredibly expensive and rare in those days. What was he to do?

"The old man appeared to take pity on Merlin, and told him about how wands are made, what particular wood species they are made from and what kinds of core that can be used. He also told Merlin of an extraordinary bush nearby. Wands made from this particular tree, according to legend, don't require a core provided they are made according to special instructions and find their way to the true bearer."

Harry put his hand up, not wishing to appear rude.

"Yes, Harry?"

"Er, what species was this tree?"

Hermione smiled and picked up a bag from her feet. She reached in and drew out a small branch which still had leaves on.

"I brought this for everyone to see. Here pass it around but be careful not to prick yourselves on the sharp bits. There is a smooth part at the end you can hold. Who can tell Harry what type of bush this branch came from?"

A small boy put his hand up uncertainly. "Yes?" asked Hermione smiling at him.

Hermione's disarming smile appeared to dissolve the boy's nervousness, and he replied, "Holly."

"Excellent! You're quite right. Harry, put it on the table if everyone's finished looking. Perhaps you could draw a picture of part of this later."

Harry welcomed the opportunity to stretch a little. When Harry was seated again, Hermione continued.

"Even as long ago as when Merlin was a boy, this particular Holly bush was ancient. It was situated in a small clearing and many magical creatures came just to gaze upon it and feel the magical energy that seemed to radiate from its branches.

"Under close supervision, Merlin set about making his wand. It took several hours as no magic could be used and they had few tools. Eventually, though, it was finished and a rather proud and very tired Merlin went to sleep dreaming about the future he would have as a wizard's apprentice. He was happier that night than he'd ever been.

"Unfortunately, Merlin was awoken at dawn. At first he thought he was dreaming he was nice and warm. Then be dreamt he was rather hot. Then he dreamt he was on fire. Then he woke up and realised he really was on fire!

"Merlin rolled around the ground and put the flames out. He tried to get up but found himself staring up at an enormous, angry dragon. He looked around, hoping the wizard would help him. There was no wizard and all his things were gone, including the new wand Merlin had made.

"Merlin was absolutely sure he was about to be stomped on, burnt or eaten by the dragon. Probably all three!"

The children gasped.

"But Merlin, who had never seen anything like a dragon before, decided that wizards probably encounter such creatures every day. He decided he would talk to the dragon and try to bluff his way out. Merlin had no idea that dragons were ferocious creatures but even he was surprised when it spoke to him.

"Did you make a wand from this enchanted tree? asked the dragon, sounding quite angry," said Hermione in her deepest voice to the wide eyed children.

Before she could continue, they became aware of indistinct shouting from outside the tent. Most of the children looked around, obviously annoyed that the story was being interrupted but at the same time curious to know what the shouting was about.

Several of the adults at the back of the tent had gone outside to see what was going on.

Harry felt a growing unease. He got to his feet and took out his wand, trying to make out what the shouting was.

From almost directly outside the tent, they heard a loud chilling voice cry out, "The Dark Lord is coming. Nowhere is safe. No-one is safe. By seeking protection at Hogwarts you will just anger him. Leave and he may be merciful. Stay and he will punish you for your insolence. Accept the inevitable, he is strong and you are weak. See, not even your children are safe!"

The tent flaps at the entrance opened and three masked figures entered bearing wands.

Facing them and blocking their path was Harry, closely followed by Neville, Ginny and Luna. Hermione and Ron were back kneeling in front of the huddled children.

Harry could hear Ron continuing to chat and distract the children. He was pleased that he sounded relaxed and calm.

The three intruders fired stunning spells immediately.

"Protego!" whispered Harry and all three stunners bounced back. They dodged them easily but before they could fire again Harry swiped his wand in a wide arc past their legs. The bones in their legs cracked audibly and all three collapsed screaming in agony. Neville rushed forward and collected their wands, not troubling to be careful where he trod.

With a glance back at Ginny and Luna, who looked momentarily stunned at what he'd just done, Harry rushed forward. Before he got to the entrance, soldiers from the Regiment stormed in to collect the intruders. After unmasking and binding them they were removed for questioning.

"Are there any more?" asked Harry.

"Yes. One was killed but two more escaped into the crowd. They probably had help," a corporal said darkly. "We came as soon as possible but I think the others were sent to distract us from what these three were up to."

Ginny came over to Harry while Hermione, Ron and Luna comforted the children. Ron, in particular, was still doing a good job at distracting them from what just happened. Joking, complaining that the story wasn't finished and demanding to be shown exactly how to do some drawings was working for most of the children while Hermione whispered individual words of comfort to those that were more upset.

"They are fine," said Ginny, "just a little shaken. Hermione will be mad at you later, though."

"Why on earth did nobody try to stop them getting in here?" asked Harry, only half listening. "Would they have just watched their children being killed?"

"Why don't you ask them Harry?"