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Give Up? by dolly_llama

Give Up?


DISCLAIMER: We own nothing but a tattered blue notebook filled with our hopes and dreams.

A/N: Please R&R… We are very proud of this story, it is our baby! ;) We've watched it grow, helped it through difficult times, and hid it from our schoolmates… That's not selfish, is it? If only they knew… Well, we are showing it to you! So give us a little credit… Oh, gosh… We're rambling! And so it begins…



As Professor Snape passed out the progress reports, Draco proudly smiled to himself. ((I've got this class aced!)) Unfortunately, Draco thought too soon as he stared, mouth open, at the results of his latest potions test. "Professor, I…" Draco started. "Stay after class, Mr. Malfoy. I'd like to have a little talk with you." Professor Snape said as he left Draco sitting there, speechless, staring at the bright red "F" on his paper.

Draco waited until everybody left the room and headed for the front desk. "Professor Snape? You wanted to see me?" Draco asked politely.

"Yes, Mr. Malfoy. I need to talk to you about the grade you have recently earned," Professor Snape answered.

"Actually, I'd like to talk to you about that, also." Draco comfortably sat on top of a desk up front. "Well, how…"

Professor Snape went through rolls of parchments until he came across what he was looking for. "Ah… Here it is." He handed a roll of parchment to Draco. Draco stared at it. It was the research paper he did on the Nocturnal Nectar potion. He was supposed to list the uses, ingredients, write down the directions, and give a sample of the potion in a mini vial. "What's this for? Didn't I do well on it?" Draco asked without looking up. He was trying to find an error in grammar or spelling. ((Nothing. There's nothing.))

Professor Snape saw Draco's darting eyes and answered, "There are no errors with your spelling or grammar." Draco exhaled in relief. He usually double-checked his work and was pretty in debt with his vocabulary. "But, you got everything completely wrong. So, this paper is useless," the potions master continued. Draco gaped at him. ((Wow. He's direct, isn't he?)) "You did worse than Longbottom," stated Professor Snape as simply as if he were stating that the world was round. Draco's mouth fell open, he slipped off the desk he was sitting on, and fell hard on the cold dungeon floor. ((OWW!)) Draco's face screwed up in pain. ((I've broken my arse!)) Professor Snape rolled his eyes and stared coldly at Draco. "Mr. Malfoy, you need to shape up. You are an embarrassment to the Slytherin house!"

"I-" Draco started.

"No! I don't want to bring your father into this, Mr. Malfoy."

"You don't-"

"I will, if you don't get your act together. Now, I will do you a favor by finding you a tutor. You have wasted too much of my time. You may leave." Professor Snape looked down and Draco knew that there was going to be no more discussion of the matter. "Yes, sir," He said as he hung his head and left the dungeons.

After dinner Draco had already forgotten about his conversation with Professor Snape as he retreated to his quarters. As he was undressing, an owl tapped on his window. He allowed it inside where it dropped a red envelope indicating its urgency. ((I'll read it after I brush my teeth.)) He was in his bathroom when his curiosity suddenly got the best of him. He ran out of the bathroom with his mouth still full of toothpaste and read the note.

Mr. Malfoy,

Miss Ginny Weasley will arrive at 8:00 PM tomorrow night in the Slytherin common room. Yes, she will be your tutor this year and no, I will not change her to someone else. Be nice and shape up or you'll be hearing from your father.
Good Day,

Professor Severus Snape


Draco plopped down into a fluffy armchair next to the blazing fire in the Slytherin common room. ((Damn…)) he thought. ((I can't believe I have to be stuck with that red-headed Weasel four days a week.)) Draco would have to tutor with Ginny on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. They had weekends and Wednesday's to themselves. ((I hope nobody finds out.)) Although Draco was Head Boy and had control over everyone in school (minus some select Gryffindors), he knew that nobody would respect him if he was caught associating with a Weasley. All of a sudden his train of thought was broken by a slimy, trying to be sweet voice.

"Hi Draco," drawled Pansy Parkinson, the biggest slut in school. "There's a party in the dungeons tonight, care to escort me?"

Draco rolled his eyes. He might have been the only guy in all the 7th year Slytherins to not get a piece of Pansy, and he knew it was eating her up inside. But, he didn't like sloppy seconds. "Parkinson, you know it burns my eyes when I see you… So, what will happen to the poor others who will see us together?" Draco said in an annoyed voice.

Pansy pouted. "Now, now Parkinson. You've asked me before and I've given you an answer. I'll never touch you. Besides," he added. "I'm busy tonight."

Pansy shot him a glare and stalked away to Blaise Zabini. Draco let out a sigh of relief. The Slytherins wouldn't be here tonight, they were all going to the party. That left him safe to study with the smallest weasel, without any fear that someone might see them.


As Ginny started for the entrance of the Slytherin common room, the portrait entrance shot open, knocking her to the floor. She looked up and saw white-blonde hair. "Watch out next time," Draco said with a scowl. Ginny waited for him to give her a hand but remembered, ((Of course, it's Malfoy.)) She got up and followed him into the common room. Draco sat down into a chair at the table and Ginny looked at him expectantly. He scowled. "What?" he asked irritably. Ginny rolled her eyes. "Let's just go and get this over with," she said.

"Go where?" Draco blinked.

"To your room! And I wondered why you needed tutoring," she said, annoyed.

He smirked. "To my room? I thought it was agreed that you were just going to tutor me, Weasel. If I wanted a girl in my room I wouldn't have to hire one. And if I did, it wouldn't be," he looked her up and down, "you."

Ginny blushed furiously and her face turned the color of her hair. "I was suggesting no such thing!" she cried. "Personally, I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot broomstick, and I wouldn't be helping you if you weren't FAILING!"

He raised one eyebrow. "And why would you care if I failed?" he asked, a look of surprise flashing across his face, before returning to a scowl.

Ginny didn't notice the surprised look. "Well, I for one am not looking forward to seeing your face around school, let alone in my classroom, for another year," she answered scornfully.

Draco scowled. "Can we just get this over with? I'm wasting money," he said, looking at the expensive watch on his wrist. When he saw that Ginny looked confused, he rolled his eyes. "I am paying you, weasel. Even though I didn't want to hire you, I'm not going to let you tutor me without any payment… The Malfoys are professionals," he added.

Ginny shook her head as if to bring herself back to reality, and sat at the table across from Draco. "So, Malfoy. What is it you were having trouble with?" she asked.

He mumbled something.

"Excuse me?"

He said it a little louder.

"You know, I'm not going to be able to help you if you don't tell me what you need help with!" Ginny exclaimed, exasperated.

"POTIONS, OKAY!? And I don't need help, especially from a weasel like you!" He was clearly about to blow his top. He got up and began to walk toward the portrait hole when Ginny stood up so suddenly she even startled herself. "Fine, just fine…" she muttered. "I'm sure Professor Snape would agree with you…" she said, raising one eyebrow as he turned around slowly, stalked back to the table and sat down, a look of disgust on his face.

"Now, tell me what I can help you with," she said sweetly, batting her eyelashes. Draco scowled and rolled his eyes.