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What I Always Wanted by Searcy

What I Always Wanted


What I Always Wanted

Chapter 13: Isolde

Harry was thunderstruck. He could hardly believe what he'd just heard. The witch whose face he had been trying to place for days was the daughter of his superior! It explained perfectly why he'd remembered seeing the face at headquarters. All the times he'd been in Melbourne's office getting reprimanded over something he'd done or hadn't done; her smiling, happy face had been staring up at him from the desk. And it all made perfect sense now. No wonder Melbourne had been so keen to keep him off this case. As his thoughts raced around his brain, Harry quickly walked back down the main corridor of the Magical Law Enforcement department and headed straight for the lifts. He clambered into the first lift and paid not attention to the calls of "Good Morning", "How was the honeymoon" and "Welcome Back" that he received from his coworkers as he made his way down to the Department of Mysteries. Without preamble Harry strode into Hermione's office where she and Daphne were sat at separate corners of the desk pouring over stacks and stacks of parchment and texts. Unable to contain himself Harry blurted out.


A waterfall of parchment rained down onto the floor around Hermione's desk. Taken aback by Harry's abrupt and unexpected exclamation Daphne had upset two stacks of parchment that were precariously balanced on her knees when she'd jumped a bit in her seat. Without missing a beat Hermione fired off several quick spells that collected, sorted and restacked the parchment. Before Hermione could say a word Daphne stated.

"If it's alright with you Mrs. Granger I'll just finish up my transcriptions at my desk…and when I'm done would I'll pop down to the archives and begin the cross referencing."

Hermione nodded in her assistant's direction and replied.

"Thank you Daphne…when I'm done here I'll join you."

The younger brunette nodded her head in ascent and stood to her feet. She then waved her wand and collected the materials she'd been working with before disappearing through the side door of Hermione's office into the slightly noisier main office of the Unspeakables. As the door shut behind her Hermione directed her attention to her husband as she spoke.

"You know if you keep charging into my office bellowing like some sort of nutter you're going to give that poor girl a heart attack."

Harry elected to ignore his wife's sarcasm and instead of replying magically locked and silenced the room. As an extra measure he Muffliatoed the room as well. Hermione raised an eye at Harry's odd behavior but this too he ignored as he repeated his earlier words.

"I know who she is!"

Momentarily bemused by Harry's behavior Hermione questioned.

"What are you on about Harry? What she are you talking about?"

Harry stared at Hermione as if he couldn't believe how thick she'd suddenly become.

"What she am I talking about? What she have we been trying to suss out for the past three weeks!"

Hermione's eyes widened in shock as she suddenly made the connection.

"You know who the witch in the photograph is!"

Harry nodded. Unable to sit still Hermione hopped out of her seat and hurried around the desk to where Harry was standing in the middle of the room and asked in a rushing overflow of words.

"How'd you suss out who she was…did you remember the case you first saw the picture in…was it one of the other auror's…did one of them recognize her…who is she?!"

Harry held up his hands in a gesture that looked as if he was attempting to hold back the tide of Hermione's questions.

"I didn't remember her face from case…and it wasn't another auror that recognized her either… she was never a part of any case as far as I know…but that'd be worth a look considering…"

Hermione interrupted Harry's thought process as she once again asked?

"Oh for Merlin's sake Harry who is she!!"

Harry turned to look at Hermione as he answered back.

"Her name is Isolde…Isolde Melbourne…and she's Agamennous Melbourne's daughter!"

Hermione's face composed itself into a mask of shock. Walking over and grabbing her elbow Harry deposited Hermione into the chair that Daphne had vacated earlier and pacing back and forth began to recount his discovery.

"Not long after you left for the Ministry I was trying to have a bit of breakfast and read the Prophet but I was going mad sitting there with nothing to do so I got up and got dressed and headed down to headquarters. I'd planned to ask Melbourne to set me on desk duty at least for the next three days if that's what it took to get me out of that blasted house."

Hermione smiled at the idea of Harry asking for desk duty of all things. It was common knowledge that he absolutely abhorred paper work. And she didn't doubt that if Harry had asked Melbourne for a desk assignment he'd have been there until hell froze over before Melbourne let him off again. Harry's voice brought Hermione back from her musings to the present moment.

"But when I got to Melbourne's office his secretary wasn't there but his door was open…I stepped in to see if he was there and if we could chat for a bit but he wasn't in either. I was heading out the door when I saw it…"

Impulsively Hermione interjected.

"Saw what?"

Harry continued smoothly.

"I saw a photograph sitting on Melbourne's desk of two witches and a wizard. The wizard in the picture was a tall, good-looking sort of bloke with broad shoulders, dark brown eyes and a warm, friendly smile. He had his arms wrapped around these two witches. The witch on his right was much older than he was and she had long blond hair that was beginning to go gray and even though eyes were hazel instead of dark brown there was enough of a resemblance there to know that they were mother and son. The other witch, the one on the left was even younger than the bloke. By two or three years I reckon. And Hermione she was beautiful…fair skinned with long blond hair that fell in deep waves around her shoulders…and her smile seemed to light up the room…and she had these eyes…hazel just like the older witch…but hers twinkled like stars. I was staring at those eyes when it hit me that they were the exact same eyes I'd been staring at for the past three weeks…there was no mistaking it! That was the reason she looked so bloody familiar to me! All those times I was in Melbourne's office getting my arse chewed out she was sitting there on the desk staring up at me the whole bleeding time!!"

As Harry paused to catch his breath Hermione made several inquiries.

"You're certain it's her? And how did you find out her name?"

Harry answered quickly.

"Melbourne's secretary…Mrs. Satterfield…came back and caught me in his office…"

Hermione cut in.

"His secretary caught you in his office! Harry Melbourne will know…and he'll be in a right state when he hears…"

Harry cut in.

"It's fine Hermione. I told her I fancied a word with Melbourne, I made it sound of no consequence and that satisfied her well enough. She told me that Melbourne was gone for the day and asked if I wanted to leave a message and I told her I'd try back tomorrow. I was on my way out of the office when I looked back at the photograph. Mrs. Satterfield caught me looking and mentioned what a nice family Agamennous, Hecuba, Priam and Isolde had been."

"Had been?"

Harry nodded at Hermione's question and went on.

"Yes…had been…according to Mrs. Satterfield Melbourne lost his whole family, wife and children all in one go. The way she said it I took it to mean they all died."

Hermione frowned.

"But that can't be… if the woman in the picture is actually Melbourne's daughter…then she can not possibly be dead."

Harry nodded and seeing the look on Hermione's face said.

"You're exactly right she's not dead and I am completely certain it's her Hermione…there's no question in my mind."

Hermione nodded absently as she rose from her seat and took up pacing the length of the room from the chair to the couch and back again.

"Your instincts are usually right about these things so if you say it's the same person then I believe you. And it wouldn't be the first time we've run into a parent faking the death of their own child…"

Harry's thoughts briefly flickered back to their fourth year at Hogwarts and the entire fiasco with Bartemius Crouch and his supposedly deceased death eater son Barty Crouch Jr. Harry shook his head to clear it before thoughts of the graveyard in Little Hangleton and Cedric Diggory's murder entered his mind. When he regained his focus Hermione was still pacing and speaking.

"Although it makes perfect sense now all the things that Melbourne has done to keep anyone from really working on this case…he's trying to protect his child…"

Hermione stopped and placed her hands gently atop her expanding middle and whispered fiercely.

"Its no more than any other parent would do."

Seeing his wife caressing her abdomen where their unborn child was still safely nestled inside her womb Harry was suddenly reminded of his own parents and what love of a child could make one capable of. As he thought of his own parents and what they had sacrificed for him Harry wondered what he wouldn't sacrifice for his own child. Harry's thoughts drifted to the time he and Hermione had spent in Greece and the missing bits about the case they had uncovered. When he'd first realized exactly how much information Melbourne had been hiding he'd wondered what Melbourne was so bent on keeping secret that he'd jeopardize innocent lives. He wondered what was more important than the oath he'd taken to protect the wizarding world…now looking at his pregnant wife and thinking of us own parents sacrifice he knew exactly what was had been so important. And although one question had been answered another now stood in its place…what had happened to Isolde Melbourne. What had changed her from the beautiful young woman he seen in the picture on Melbourne's desk to the haunted and disturbed woman she was now?

"Harry…what's wrong?"

Harry looked up and realized that Hermione had ended her pacing and rambling and was now standing at his side gazing up at him with a worried expression on her face. He patted her hand reassuringly and said.

"Sorry got lost in my thoughts there for a bit…where do we start?"

Hermione nodded and answered.

"We find out what happened to Agamennous Melbourne's family."

Harry tapped a finger to his chin thoughtfully.

"As a matter of course a profile of pertinent information is kept on every witch and wizard employed by the Magical Law Enforcement Department. It covers all the particulars of family history and the like…I reckon I could pop up to the MLE records room and chat my way into getting a copy of Melbourne's file."

Hermione rolled her eyes and retorted.

"No doubt Romilda Vane would be more than willing to help you with that request but that file would only give you a cursory overview when what you really need is detail."

Harry noted the glint in Hermione's eye and asked.

"Hermione…what are you…"

Hermione waved him off.

"Never mind that now…I've got to get down to the archives…"

Hermione paused as she raised her gaze to Harry's and said.

"You should really get back upstairs to work before you're missed."

Hermione turned and disappeared through the door that Daphne had exited through earlier before Harry had the chance to remind her that he was technically still on holiday.


It was half past nine when Harry arrived at number twelve Grimmauld Place that night filthy, exhausted and in need of a hot meal. It seemed that Hermione's shooing him off to work had been somehow farsighted, for no sooner than Harry had made his way up from the Department of Mysteries he ran into Kingsley Shacklebolt who was pleased beyond words to see him. It seemed that a small riot had broken out in Knockturn Alley over a collection of questionably produced potions and an assortment of items normally used for dark magic. With Tonks' squad on assignment and most of Harry's Horntails scattered to the winds the department was rather markedly shorthanded. Kingsley assumed that Harry had heard of their distress and come to lend a hand despite still having a few days of his month long holiday left. Harry elected not to disavow the Kingsley of his erroneous belief and instead had happily joined in helping to resolve the fray.

Deciding to forego food until he'd cleaned up a bit Harry tromped up the stairs towards the bedroom. As he passed the second landing he noticed light pouring out of Hermione's office he altered his course and strode in that direction. Harry stepped quietly into Hermione's inner sanctum to find her surrounded by about twenty large dusty volumes the each looked to be three times thicker than Hermione's beloved Hogwarts A History. In addition to the books Harry saw four towering stacks of newspapers and a very precarious looking mound of scrolled parchment that looked in danger of toppling over at any moment. Harry stopped just short of the desk, not wanting to be the cause of one of the stacks tumbling to the floor.

"Hermione what's all this?"

Without looking up Hermione replied.


Harry replied wryly.

"I gathered as much…more to the point I was asking what you're researching."

"I...what in the name of Merlin is that ghastly smell?"

Hermione raised her gaze to meet Harry's making a disgusted face as she did so. As her eyes travel over her husband she sees that Harry's clothes and shoes are covered in a wet-looking, foul smelling, greenish brown sort of slime. Jumping up from her seat while simultaneously snatching up her wand Hermione cried.

"My God Harry…what in Morganna's name happened to you and what have you tracked across my carpet!"

Harry having completely forgotten his bedraggled state cursed under his breath.

"Shite…bit of a ruckus in Knockturn Alley. Some questionable potions and items were in play…when we showed up one of the idiots tried to get rid of the evidence by dumping the potions into a cauldron of what turned out to be stinksap…made quite a mess."

Hermione glared at Harry as if his words were the biggest understatement she'd ever heard. With a wave of her wand the large bay windows lining the left wall swung open; with her free hand she pointed towards the door and admonished.

"It's off to the bath with you for a good long soak…I'll clear up this muck and see about some supper for you."

Harry nodded and throwing an apologetic smile over his shoulder carefully retraced his steps back across the room and out the door. As Harry's footfalls sounded down the hall Hermione called after him.

"Harry get those boots off before you track this mess all over the bloody house!!"

Harry's reply was too jumbled to decipher, Hermione simply hoped he hadn't gotten up to the third landing before she'd spoken. Shaking her head Hermione stepped from behind the desk and set about cleaning up.


It was a full hour later that Harry ambled back into Hermione's spotless study freshly scrubbed, wearing a white t-shirt and a pair of green plaid sleep pants. As he entered the room Harry caught the scent of beef and vegetable stew. His step quickened as he made his way to the couch to the left of Hermione's desk and gratefully collapsed into its firm comfort and began to shovel the stew into his mouth. He had nearly devoured the bowl when Hermione came up the stairs.

"Hungry are we?"

Harry looked up as Hermione came across the room carrying a half loaf of bread resting on a cutting board. Harry reached for the bread and tore a chunk off.

"Haven't eaten a thing since that bit of toast at breakfast."

As the words rolled off his tongue Harry spooned the last of the stew into his mouth. Hermione added.

"In that case I suppose it's a good thing I charmed the bowl to refill itself until you'd had your fill."

Harry mumbled his thanks around a mouthful of bread. Hermione sat in silence and watched her husband consume a third helping of stew and the remainder of the loaf of bread before he pushed aside the bowl and leaned back into cushions of the couch clearly sated.

"Thanks love, excellent nosh."

Hermione nodded as she summoned a large file folder.

"Now that you've eaten I think you'll want to have a shifty at this."

Harry took the proffered file and asked.

"What is it?"

At the same time that Harry flipped open the file Hermione answered.

"Everything I could find about Isolde Melbourne."

Harry stared back wide-eyed at his wife.

"How did you…when did you…"

Hermione cut across Harry's incomplete ramblings.

"One of the wonderful things about being an Unspeakable is the archives. Did you know that nearly every bit of information concerning wizarding society here in the UK can be found down there? It's truly amazing some of the data you can find there."

Harry looked over at Hermione's desk, his gaze came to rest on the scrolls and newspapers, and the twenty tomes heaped atop it. His gaze then drifted back to the rather thick file on his lap and looking back at his wife said.

"This is all the information you collected on Isolde Melbourne in roughly eight hours."

Hermione sighed and answered back.

"Yes I know it isn't very much but I didn't want to bring attention to the fact that I was looking her up as I'm certain it would've raised questions. So I had to finish off the assignment Moore had handed me and get Daphne to writing up the report to hand in to him before end of day to keep her from under foot. Which really meant I only had about five hours, give or take a half an hour. Then I had to invent a new assignment that gave me a good enough excuse to go back into the archives to began searching. Moreover, I had to make certain that I did not take anything that pointed exclusively at Melbourne and his family. So yes it's a bit thin on the details but I've managed to cover the major points all the same."

Hermione finished her explanation and found Harry staring at her in utter astonishment. Harry spoke, his voice full of incredulousness, as he pointed at the file covering his lap.

"Only you could put together something like this and think it thin…"

Harry paused and flipped through the massive pile of parchment then asked.

"How about you give me the condensed oral version…not sure I could make it through this thin bit of rubbish you've got here."

Hermione rolled her eyes at Harry's cheek and clearing her throat said.

"Well you already know the basics I suppose…Isolde is the second of Agamennous and Hecuba Melbourne's two children. Her brother Priam was two years older…and as near as I can tell he's the key in all of this."

Harry made an inquiry.

"Her brother's the key…how do you reckon?"

"Well as it was only the two of them and they were so close in age they were very devoted to one another…but that getting a bit ahead of things…listen…"

Hermione paused for a moment then began telling her tale.

Hecuba Melbourne was the youngest daughter of Maximus and Honoraria Cornfoot. She and Agamennous Melbourne had known each other since childhood and had been sweethearts since their third year at Hogwarts. Thus it was no surprise when the married one week after finishing school. Melbourne headed off to Auror's training while Hecuba set about establishing their home. Melbourne finished at the top of his Auror class and rose quickly through the ranks, no other Auror had risen as quickly or been as highly decorated in their service than Agamennous Melbourne until the legendary Harry Potter had joined their ranks. Hermione openly speculated that this was part of the reason for Melbourne's strong dislike of Harry.

Agamennous Melbourne spent the next twenty years rising to prominence in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement with Hecuba at his side playing the part of the adoring wife. All accounts of the couple showed them to be upstanding pillars of the community who loved each other deeply. It was said that the only time Agamennous was known to drop his hard-edged demeanor was in the company of wife. Everything seemed perfect for the Melbournes with the exception of their have been unable to conceive. It seemed that Hecuba desperately wanted children but had not managed to do so despite availing herself of all the techniques known to wizarding medicine. Thus it was a very pleasant shock for the Melbournes when after years of trying Hecuba found she was pregnant with Priam, Isolde followed two years later.

Priam and Isolde Melbourne were much beloved by their parents. Having waited so long and having wanted so badly to have them the Melbourne children were provided every possible advantage. Priam was a kind-hearted fun loving soul who excelled at all manner of athletic endeavors. He was also rather brilliant in his studies and was among the top in all his Hogwarts classes. Isolde was also of a warm and friendly nature. Though she was not athletically talented like her brother Isolde was Priam's equal in intellect and was prized as one of the most beautiful witches of her age. Intelligent, attractive and generally well thought of the Melbourne children were much sought after as companions and though their friends and acquaintances were numerous it appeared as though they much rather preferred each others company to anyone else's. They were the closest of friends and each other's greatest champion and confidante. Despite the differences in their age the siblings remained as close as if they were identical twins until Priam Melbourne finished Hogwarts and went on a yearlong sabbatical.

Priam had planned to travel around the world for a year learning all he could about foreign wizards before returning home and taking a post in the Ministry of Magic's International Wizarding Affairs Department. What was supposed to be a year's educational experience turned into a year's disappearance. After only six weeks all correspondence between Priam and his family stopped. Agamennous immediately sent out inquiries but found nothing. After six months of inquiries and using his Auror connection to track his son, which resulted in no less than disappoint, Melbourne took an indefinite leave of absence to search for his eldest child himself. He searched for the remainder of the year before returning alone and disheartened.

By then the term at Hogwarts had ended and Isolde was back with her parents after having been forced to remain in school throughout the duration of her brother's disappearance. She'd only been home overnight when news came that Priam had turned up at St. Mungos. The family rushed to the hospital where they found Priam barely hanging on ravaged by some unknown illness. The healers exhausted every avenue available to them but found no answer to what was ailing the young wizard. Once they had him stabilized the Melbournes were allowed to take Priam home for whatever time he had left. Whispers of Dark Magic abounded as soon as the nature of Priam's case became public knowledge though none of these allegations were ever confirmed as no one ever spoke to Priam aside from his parents and his sister.

Priam Melbourne died a month after returning home. His family was devastated by the loss. Hecuba, who'd been sick with worry over her son for months had grown weak in both body and spirit, caught dragon pox and died a week before Isolde was to begin her final year at Hogwarts. According to the papers the lost of her mother so soon after the death of her brother was too much for the young Isolde Melbourne and a fortnight after her mother's funeral and a scant two days before she was due to return to Hogwarts the young witch took her own life.

Harry and Hermione sat in silence for some time following Hermione's recounting of the life and alleged death of Isolde Melbourne. Finally Harry turned to Hermione and spoke.

"So that's the story that's been circulating all this time."

Hermione nodded mutely. Harry continued.

"But clearly that's not the case as we've got a picture that shows a very much alive Isolde Melbourne."

Again Hermione wordlessly nodded. Harry sighed and running a hand through his hair tossed open the file that Hermione had created. Looking down he saw the two versions of Isolde Melbourne looking back at him. Sighing again he wondered aloud.

"What happened to you Isolde Melbourne…what happened to you?"
