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The Vampiress and Veelan by Nival Vixen

The Vampiress and Veelan

Nival Vixen

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, don't sue me!

(a/n: Thanks to everyone for reviewing!)

Chapter Ten

Wednesday, Sept. 11

Ginevra woke up with a start, an ache in her neck and a stiff body. With a small yawn she stretched lazily on her chair and looked around, wondering what the time was. Seeing that it was only three in the morning, Ginevra dragged herself to her bed and tried to get back to sleep. After a few minutes Ginevra sighed grumpily, then got out of her bed, walking down the corridor, listening to everything around her.

Relo was snoring softly in her room and Lyra was curled up at the end of Colin's bed. Pansy, Gregory and Vincent had thankfully decided to take a night off. Millicent and Theodore were finally asleep, as were the twins. Colin and Luna had gone to sleep as soon as they'd gotten in to bed.

Ginevra frowned hearing different breathing sounds. Blaise was still awake... She stopped at the doorway and saw him simply staring at Neville's cocoon.

"Lunch time is in less than nine hours," Blaise whispered, turning to look at her.

"I know, Blaise... You're not just going to sit there and watch him, are you?" Ginevra asked softly, walking over to him. "He'll be all right... Neville's stronger than you think," she said quietly, looking at her friend's cocoon.

The self-heal plant was blackened up to Neville's neck...

"I know how strong he is, Ginevra... He already told me about it, you know," Blaise said quietly. Ginevra nodded.

"I guess I should have expected that," she said with a smile. "He really loves you, you know," she said.

"Not as much as I love him," Blaise said, his lips quirking in to a smile as he looked at Neville's cocoon.

"You try to get some sleep, all right?" Ginevra said softly, hugging Blaise comfortingly.

"Who can sleep?" he asked with a small sad laugh before he lay back on the bed, facing the cocoon. "What if Relo's wrong? What if he comes out earlier and we're all asleep?" Blaise asked. "I can't leave him to wake up alone... If I'm not here when he gets out..." Blaise trailed off, shaking his head.

"Don't worry, Blaise... I'm staying with you tomorrow. I'll stay with you from lunch onwards, though. I trust Relo's determining," she said with a smile. "Well, that and I doubt that Neville would torment any of us by getting out early," she added.

"I'll do the first two lessons... Snape wouldn't like it if I missed his lesson," Blaise said sighing.

"That works out well then... Draco can look after Neville for the first lesson and he can tell you if anything happens," Ginevra said with a smile.

"He's got the first lesson off?" Blaise asked in surprise.

"He had a meeting with Lord Garion after our meeting with Lord Xavier and Lady Agnes," Ginevra explained.

"Do you know what it was about? Lord Garion doesn't usually stay up so late, according to what Draco has said about him before," Blaise said frowning.

"No idea... Dumbledore just said that it was urgent," Ginevra said with a shrug.

"Look... I'll get some sleep if you go back to bed and get some sleep yourself, all right? You didn't get in past midnight and I doubt that three hours of sleep is very healthy for you," Blaise said looking at her, concern evident in his features.

"All right... I want to see you get to sleep first," Ginevra said smirking at him.

Blaise rolled his eyes at her then got under his covers reluctantly.

"Goodnight Neville... I'll see you in eight hours, fifty-six minutes and thirty seconds," Blaise whispered. "You watching me isn't going to make me get to sleep any faster, Ginevra," he murmured; sleep already taking its toll on him.

"It might not, but I can sure try," Ginevra said quietly with a grin.

By the time Ginevra had walked to the door, Blaise was fast asleep.

Walking down the corridor again, Ginevra went to the end room: Draco's room. She wasn't very surprised to see him on the bed and asleep already. Walking over to him quietly, Ginevra smiled seeing the moonlight illuminating his pale face. Her eyes clouded with anger as her gaze fell on his cheek. A handprint seemed to be etched in to his skin, the red mark of it causing the surrounding skin to look whiter.

"Who dared to hit my own?" Ginevra hissed, placing a cool hand on his cheek.

Her eyes closed and she was pulled in to a vision.


"Draconius..." Lord Garion greeted him.

"My Lord Garion," Draco replied with a bow.

"You've been Drinking, Draconius!" Lord Garion stated glaring at him. "Do not even think of denying it," he hissed angrily.

"I would not dare, my Lord," Draco said with a bow.

Garion stood from his chair and appeared in front of Draco instantly, slapping him with a sharp hard hand, his white-blonde hair flying around him, indicating that he had moved, not Apparated.

"Have I taught you nothing? How dare you take up with a Vampiress!" he yelled angrily. "Who was it? Was it that whore Virginia?" Garion asked, spitting out the Vampiress' name.

"Never, my Lord! I would not lower my standards to Drink from her, no matter what she promised," Draco said angrily. "I was with my own, Ginevra," he added, seeing that Garion was becoming impatient.

"Your own... Ginevra Molly Weasley, am I correct?" Garion asked, his temper dying down surprisingly quickly. He returned to his chair and looked at Draco, waiting for his answer.

"Yes, my Lord, you are correct," Draco answered.

"I apologise for hitting you, Draconius," Garion said.

"Your apology is accepted, my Lord... I understand why you were angry," Draco replied with a bow.


Ginevra pulled away from the vision, considering her options. She really shouldn't hurt Lord Garion when he had apologised and Draco had accepted his apology... But he had hit her own! Perhaps a warning would be sufficient...

With a determined nod of her head, Ginevra turned away from Draco and cupped her hands together, a bright red ball appearing within them. A soft red light illuminated the room.

"Give him a warning only... He is not to hurt my own again," Ginevra instructed softly and the ball sped through Draco's window quickly.

"Ginevra..." Draco murmured from his bed and Ginevra turned to smile at him, as she had for the past five nights...


Ginevra woke up in her bed and groaned wearily, looking at the time. Seeing that it was seven thirty, she cursed loudly and jumped out of the bed, rushing to get ready.

"Ginevra, there's no need for you to do that," Pansy commented from her doorway, smirking at her.

"But I'm late for class," Ginevra said. "And so are you," she added.

Pansy shook her head with a laugh and held out a piece of parchment to her. Ginevra stopped and took the parchment from her.

To all in Ginevra's rooms,

Your teachers have been told that you are to be excused from today's lessons. This will only be allowed in the event that you stay within Ginevra's rooms and wait for Neville to Awaken.

Albus Dumbledore.

"He could have bloody well told me last night," Ginevra muttered. "I could have slept in," she groaned, flopping back onto her bed.

"He could have, but that wouldn't have been the Dumbledore way to do things, now would it?" Pansy asked smirking at Ginevra. "Blaise has been up since the owl came with the letter. He hasn't gone to sleep since. Neville's eyes are black now," she said with a sigh.

"I hope Neville's all right," Ginevra said quietly.

"He'll be fine, Ginevra... He's your friend after all," Pansy said winking at her.

"Oh, please! Being my friend doesn't do anything to a person, except put them in danger," Ginevra muttered.

"No self-loathing or self-pity is allowed today..." Pansy said in a matter of fact tone, putting a hand out for her. "Come on, the twins are getting Padma and Parvati up... Payback for yesterday," she said grinning.

Ginevra took her offered hand and stood up, smoothing down her clothes with a smirk.

"I'm not sure I want to see that," Ginevra said, her eyebrow raised.

Pansy laughed and dragged her down to the twins' room just the same.

"I wouldn't open that door, Pansy... What they're doing should not be seen by the rest of us, especially me," Ginevra said with a wince.

"Fine..." Pansy muttered in disappointment, then banged her fist on the door. "Would you four hurry up? We want to have breakfast today!" she yelled.

"Pansy, stop yelling this early in the morning!" Draco groaned from his room, and then shut his door firmly to block out the noise. Pansy pulled a face at the closed door then continued to bang on the twins door.

Draco looked at his door for a moment with a sigh, remembering what Xavier had told him the night before.



Xavier took Draco in to the adjoining room and indicated for him to start talking.

"I... I Saw Ginevra on the edge of a cliff... She said that she didn't have anything or anyone left; not her powers; not even me. Then she jumped. I tried to grab her but I couldn't get a proper hold on her..." Draco said quietly, remembering the vision vividly.

"And? You are worried about this, why?" Xavier asked.

Draco looked at the Vampire Elder in shock, and then answered.

"I am worried about it because she's going to kill herself! Something obviously drove her to do that and if she said that she didn't have me, then maybe I was the cause of it... I don't want her to kill herself..." Draco said.

"Do not worry yourself over it, Draconius..." Xavier said soothingly. "I doubt that it will happen for a long time yet. It is not unusual for a Vampire to become depressed after living a long life over the centuries and seeing the same things happen over again with mankind," he said, his eyes darkening for a moment.

"But what about not having her powers? Is that usual?" Draco asked.

"It is a rare occurrence, but it can happen," Xavier said after a moment's thought. "The future is never certain, even if you have already Seen something. You are still able to change things that may happen, remember that Draconius... Think over the vision, perhaps you will think of something that you have not thought of that will save her," he said with a small smile before leading him back to where the two women were waiting.

End Flashback


Draco sighed and ran his hand through his hair wearily. He'd thought of little else since he'd Seen the bloody vision and he still couldn't think of something to help her!

He leaned back on his bed, trying to get back to sleep. Due to the spell that he had put on his door, he could no longer hear any noise from outside the room, but a delicious smell had wafted in underneath his door and Draco was suddenly feeling very hungry. With a sigh he put on a shirt and pair of pants before going down to the dining room.

"Why aren't you having breakfast in the Great Hall?" Draco asked everyone as he sat next to Ginevra.

"Since we get the day off to be here for Neville's Awakening, we're not allowed to leave Ginevra's rooms," Pansy replied absent-mindedly, watching every morsel of food that her boyfriends ate.

"Where's Blaise?" Draco asked looking around.

"He grabbed a piece of toast then went back to Neville," Ginevra said. "He's adamant that Neville's going to come out earlier than lunch time and won't leave his side," she said. "I should go sit in there with him," she added with a frown. "What if he's right and Neville gets out early?" Ginevra asked, doubt creeping in to her mind.

"Neville won't be out until after lunch time," Relo said from next to Theodore. "We has seen lots of nymphs Change before!" he added.

"Sorry, Relo... I trust you, I'm just nervous and worried," Ginevra said with a sigh.

"We understand, Ginevra," Relo said, smiling at her to offer some comfort.

"What are we all going to do for five and a half hours?" Millicent asked. "I can only snog Theodore for so long," she added smirking.

"Something that none of us wanted to know," Ginevra drawled. "I can hear what we're supposed to be learning in each class... We can do that so we don't fall behind," she suggested. "Then if we get bored or tired of it later on, we can all think of something else to do," she added shrugging.

Everyone reluctantly agreed and they all went to the meeting room.

"Don't talk for a moment... I need to Hear him properly," Ginevra said then closed her eyes and listened.

She listened past everyone's silent breaths, their heartbeats and blood flowing, past Neville's slowly dying cocoon, past the noise of hundreds of students, chatting, laughing, practising spells, working quietly, quills scratching parchment, teachers lecturing, yelling and teaching, and focused on Professor Flitwick's small voice.

"Today we will be learning about a very Advanced spell. It will allow you to literally see magic being performed..." Ginevra/Flitwick said.

"That's kind of weird," Pansy muttered to Millicent, who nodded in shocked agreement.

"The spell is Curo Magus," Ginevra/Flitwick said. "Mr. Weasley, can you tell me what this means?"

"To see magic," Fred and George said grinning at each other.

"Very good. Five points to Gryffindor," Ginevra/Flitwick said with a warm smile.

"Is she allowed to do that?" Parvati asked.

"Flitwick was asking Ronnie-kins so Ginevra wasn't technically asking us... At least, we don't think so," Fred and George said frowning.

"Does anyone know the wrist movement for this spell?" Ginevra/Flitwick continued on, oblivious to their conversation.

"I can just imagine Granger jumping out of her seat screaming, pick me, pick me!" Draco said with a smirk.

"Why are you thinking of Granger?" Pansy asked in disgust.

"Quiet down, all of you!" Ginevra/Flitwick said loudly causing them all to shut up fairly quickly. "Thank you... Now if we can please return to the lesson..." she/he said looking around the room. "The wrist movement is as follows... It is similar to the Wingardium Leviosa spell in the respect that you have to flick your wrist in the beginning. Wands out, everyone," Ginevra/Flitwick said sounding slightly annoyed. "I shouldn't have to tell you to get your wands out every lesson," they said under their breath. "Mr. Weasley! You will stop that foolishness this instant and get your wand out! Five points from Gryffindor for ignoring my instructions!" Ginevra/Flitwick yelled.

"Sorry..." Fred and George said, moving apart from their girlfriends and getting their wands out, still not sure if Ginevra was telling them off or not.

"Now that I have everyone's attention again, I suggest that you all listen very carefully as this is an important spell..." Ginevra/Flitwick said, calmer now. "As I was saying, you flick your wrist to the right, as you do with Wingardium Leviosa. However, instead of a swish at the end, you give your wrist a sharp flick to the left and a quick incline upwards," they instructed, demonstrating how to their students. "With each flick, you say one word of the spell... For example," they said, holding their wand properly. "Curo Magus!" They said and with the first word, flicked to the right, then to the left and upwards with the second part of the incantation. (To see magic.)

A red mist surrounded Ginevra, changing shades as it pulsed around her.

"Now, if someone will be so kind as to volunteer to do a spell at me," Ginevra/Flitwick said. "I don't think I've had so many volunteers in a long time!" They joked with a small laugh.

"I'll do it," Theodore volunteered.

"Yes, you can do it... You know the wounding spell, I presume?"

"Of course. Are you sure I can do that to you?" Theodore asked with a frown.

"Yes, I am sure. Please do the spell," Ginevra/Flitwick said.

"All right... Vulnero!" Theodore said and at first nothing happened. (Wound.)

The red mist around Ginevra stretched out and a white light appeared within it; the wounding spell that Theodore had sent to her was now visible to everyone.

"Desino!" Ginevra/Flitwick said and the spell disappeared. (Cease or stop.)

The mist surrounding her disappeared and she fell in to a chair with a small thud.

"Flitwick saw my magic there..." she muttered. "That was tiring," Ginevra said with a yawn. "Flitwick's mind is very... organised," she said grinning.

"His mind is organised?" George said in surprise.

"What do you mean by that?" Parvati asked.

"Easy... He's organised his mind so he doesn't have to deal with all of the usual everyday clutter. He has important thoughts at the front of his mind. Dangerous curses and hexes, as well as silencing, healing and protective charms right after that... He has a relatively large section of his mind for new charms that can help or hinder people... Some in there you two would love to get your hands on," Ginevra commented to her brothers, smirking at them.

"How much will it set us back?" they asked with a sigh.

"We'll discuss prices later... I'm sure you want to see what it does first," Ginevra said with a grin.

"Excellent... What do you need? A quill, Quaffle, broomstick, toffee?" they asked rummaging through their pockets for the various items.

"Actually, this spell needs a glass of water..." Ginevra said with a grin.

"Done and done," they said, producing it out of thin air with a flourish.

"Thank you..." Ginevra said, taking the glass from them.

She thought the spell and went to splash the water at her brothers, who automatically winced. When nothing came out, they looked at her with a frown.

"Is that all?" they asked, obviously disappointed.

"Not at all, dear brothers. Keep watching..." Ginevra said with a grin.

She turned the glass upside down, so the opening was facing towards the floor. As she turned it, colours swirled within the water and the glass switched around. What had been the solid bottom of the glass was now the opening, and the opening now was solid. Turning it one more time, both ends became solid and the now-coloured water was trapped, creating a lovely effect when the light shone on it.

"You're obviously going to have to ask him about it, but I'm sure if you name it after him, Flitwick will be happy," Ginevra said with a grin.

"How much for you to teach us the spell first?" Fred and George asked suspiciously.

"Well since it technically isn't mine, I will be fair and only ask for twenty Galleons," Ginevra said.

"Deal," they said immediately, holding out their hands to shake.

Taking their hands, Ginevra shook them firmly; all the while the others watched in shock.

"You're really going to give her twenty Galleons just for the spell?" Pansy asked them.

"Of course we are... We can make more than ten times that amount if we play our cards right," Fred and George said grinning broadly. "It's all just promotion, advertising, word of mouth and getting the right tricks... In this instance, for example, we go to Flitwick and offer to use his name, as Ginevra suggested. He agrees, we give him one hundred Galleons for his time then we get him to discuss the charm in his classes... That's the word of mouth aspect, and can you imagine all of these kiddies with their pocket money just bursting to find out what we're going to do to the spell? We get money; give Ginevra another thirty for being so kind; another fifty to Flitwick in case we need something from him later; and then some to various charities for good karma and because we're nice..."

Ginevra gave a small snort of disbelief, but they only grinned at her, knowing she was joking. Her brothers had both relentlessly given money from the results of their products to charities in both the wizarding and Muggle world, a fact that she was very proud of...

"Then we can use some more to bribe Mum in to making us dinner every night for the next three weeks until we make another one," Fred and George explained grinning.

"You know... That's actually quite smart," Draco said with a grin.

"Of course it is! We're geniuses... We just decided to be Sorted in to the wrong House and so we're fun-evil, not look-at-us-and-die evil!" they said laughing.

"Well, that's complete nonsense... You've looked at us hundreds of times and haven't died yet!" Theodore said.

"The emphasis, our dear boy, is on the yet part of that statement," they replied with a wink.

"All right, enough business talk, can we get started on our work now?" Ginevra asked impatiently.

Fred and George bowed out of her way to let her start teaching again. Ginevra rolled her eyes at them then looked at the others.

"Right... Get in to pairs and do the spell I showed you. Yes, Pansy you can team up with Gregory and Vincent," she added with a smirk before Pansy could say anything.

"Thank you, Professor Ginevra," Pansy said sweetly.

Ginevra poked her tongue out at her then turned to Draco.

"Since I've already done it, you can do the barrier now," she said grinning.

"Guess that's fair... Go easy on me, I'm still tired," he muttered.

With a nod, Ginevra sent a slow spell at Draco and he put up a dark green barrier around his body. The spells flew through the mist and it disappeared with a word.

"All right... Who didn't get it?" Ginevra asked looking at them. "Good... Now swap around and do it again. Draco, you can go with Pansy, Vincent or Gregory for this one... I need to see what Flitwick's got planned now..." Ginevra said.

Draco nodded and went over to the other three, quickly discussing who had to do what. After a few minutes, Ginevra was back in Flitwick's mind and they had finished doing the spells again.

"Now that you have all finished learning that spell, you will be doing work from your book for Charms... Miss Brown please take Mr. Weasley to the hospital wing," Flitwick/Ginevra said with an irritated sigh.

"I refuse to do this for Potions," Ginevra muttered shaking her head.

"Miss Weasley, please get out of my head and come see me after class," Flitwick/Ginevra said.

"Sorry, Professor... I'm not allowed to leave my rooms today because of Neville's Awakening," Ginevra replied.

"Very well, I will see you about it tomorrow instead," Flitwick/Ginevra said and the link was shut off.

"Well, that's going to be fun... He doesn't seem too happy that I can get in to his head like that," Ginevra said grinning.

"Well, it's too bad that he didn't say what work we had to do," Millicent said with a grin, going to leave.

"Flitwick may not have said it out loud, but as I said, his mind is organised... I know exactly what work we have to do, thank you, so get back here," Ginevra said and Millicent was pulled back in to the room by Pansy.

"If I have to work, then so do you," she said with a smirk.

"Fine... Spoilsport..." Millicent muttered.

"Heard that," Pansy said glaring at her.

"Good for you!" Millicent said sarcastically.

"No arguing, unless you want me to get Draco to take points off you," Ginevra said grinning at them.

"Draco wouldn't take points off us! We're in his House!" Millicent argued.

"I would not be too sure of that... If you start arguing any louder when I've had less than three hours sleep and when I have a headache, I will be very tempted to start taking points off..." Draco muttered.

"So what work do we have to do Ginevra?" Vincent asked as Gregory stood between the two girls.

"Pages thirty to fifty," Ginevra replied.

"Well, you can all get started... Wake me up when it's time for Neville to get out," Draco said with a large yawn, trudging back to his bedroom.

"Well, I'm going to do that work later..." Ginevra said, yawning too. "It's too early to be reading twenty pages about stuff that I already know," she said with a grin.

"You should go see if Blaise is all right... I don't think that he blinked once when I was there before and I stayed for about five minutes!" Pansy said shaking her head.

"All right... Trying to get rid of me, are you?" Ginevra asked with a smirk as she went down to Blaise and Neville's room.

Luna and Colin went in to the meeting room and shut the door firmly. Luna put a very strong silencing spell on the door then turned to everyone.

"We need to talk..." she said seriously.

Ginevra knocked on the door lightly, but Blaise didn't move a muscle to indicate that he had heard her. With a small sigh, she walked in and sat next to Blaise, holding his hand.

"Neville's going to be fine, you know..."

"I know that Ginevra... I can't help but be worried though. He's... different, you know? I've never felt this strongly about someone before and if... if something happens to him, I don't know what I would do. I wanted to kill them for hurting him! I wanted to just put my hands around their throats and watch the life leave their bodies..." he snarled angrily. "I was ready to fucking do it when everyone else came and then... I couldn't even get close enough to kill them," Blaise said, a hint of a smile gracing his lips. "I haven't known him that long, but I swear, if anyone does anything to hurt him again, I will kill them with my bare hands..."

"Well, once I'm through with them then you can do whatever you like... And then the others will resurrect them just to put them through even more," Ginevra said with a smirk.

Suddenly a loud bang sounded through the rooms as the meeting door slammed shut. Pansy began to storm up to Neville's room angrily, muttering incoherently.

"Petrificus Totalus!" Luna said, anger sounding in her voice.

A thud sounded as Pansy fell to the ground. Ginevra walked out to see Luna standing next to Pansy's immobile body, Luna looking angrier than Ginevra had ever seen her before. Ginevra frowned, noticing that something was different about her too, then Luna looked at her with a dreamy smile and everything was back to normal.

Luna helped Pansy to stand up and gave her a regretful smile.

"Sorry Pansy... You can not do it, you must understand that..." Luna said cryptically.

Pansy must have understood what she meant, as she gave a small nod then went back to the meeting room silently.

"Ginevra... Go back to Blaise," Luna said softly.

"What happened?" Blaise asked as Ginevra sat next to him again, still not looking away from Neville.

"I'm not too sure..." Ginevra said shaking her head.

"Okay, let me rephrase... What was that thud?" Blaise asked with a small smirk.

"Luna just did a Full Body Bind on Pansy... Then she undid it, said something that made no sense and Pansy went back in to the meeting room," Ginevra said shrugging.

"Huh... Any reason for her to do that?"

"Not that I know of, but then, this is Luna and I'm sure she has a reason for it... We just don't know it yet," she replied with a grin.

Blaise just gave a nod and huffed slightly, not looking away from Neville's cocoon.

"What time is it?" he asked after a moment.

"Almost ten thirty... Not long now," Ginevra said with a smile.

She hugged Blaise to offer him some comfort then gave his cheek a kiss.

"He'll be fine," she whispered then left, going down to the meeting room.

Ginevra knocked on the door before she opened the door partway and walked inside. She had the feeling of the conversation being stopped as soon as she walked in and a brief flash of memory of her family after her first year appeared in her mind. She forced a smile on her face and looked at them all.

"Sorry, was I interrupting?" Ginevra asked, making sure to keep her voice the same so they wouldn't suspect that she was hurt.

"We are not like them, Ginevra... You must put those months behind you," Luna said appearing beside her.

"I know Luna... I can't help it, I guess," she said with a small grin. "It was just a small flash of doubt and uncertainty, that's all. I know that you're not doing it on purpose," Ginevra said. "I'm going to see if Draco's all right, just wanted to let you know in case he's getting changed again," she said with a laugh as she walked down the corridor.

Luna watched as she left, Pansy walking over.

"What was that about, Lovegood?" Pansy asked stonily.

Luna shut the door and turned to them to give more explanations...

"Draco?" Ginevra said quietly, knocking on his door lightly.

"Come in," Draco called and she walked in to see him lying on his bed, staring out the window above the canopy.

"Aren't you tired? You've barely had three hours sleep," Ginevra said sitting beside him.

"I am sure I will live," he drawled with a smirk. "The thing is, I don't need much sleep any more... You know that Lord Garion wanted to see me last night?" Draco asked.

"Yes..." Ginevra said, not looking at him in case he knew what she'd sent to his Lord this morning...

"It was about me dying earlier that day... Apparently in order to make a halfling Full Blooded, they have to be killed and brought back to life as a Full Blood... Since I'd already died, I don't have to go through all of the formal initiations and ceremonies now, so that's one bonus of being killed," Draco said smirking.

"How can you be so calm about this? You died and now you're a Full Blooded Veelan... Wait, I can see why you're calm... You're just imagining what you can do with your new power, aren't you?" Ginevra asked, teasing him lightly.

"Of course I am... First Hogwarts, then the world!" Draco said, laughing.

"And I'll be by your side, won't I?" Ginevra asked, kissing him.

"If you think you can handle it," Draco replied.

"Carus, I was born to rule the world..." Ginevra drawled, running her tongue over her fangs. "Hmm... That's a little too close to the truth for me... Let's go to a different topic..." Ginevra began to say then stopped, clutching at her side. (Dear or beloved.)

"What's wrong?" Draco asked, sitting up immediately.

"It's Volatil Equus! She's hurt..." Ginevra said, quickly scrambling off the bed and running to her front door.

"Who and what is Volatil Equus?" Draco asked Bexley, who had remained behind.

"Volatil Equus is an Abraxan winged horse, and so, she is one of the creatures that Ginevra has to look after as Queen. I believe that it was an arrow to her side... Ginevra feels her pain but she herself, is not wounded, so there is no need for you to worry," Bexley explained.

"How can she get outside though? Dumbledore's got this place magicked up to the brim," Draco muttered.

"It is a different kind of magic from Ginevra's magic as Queen, so she will be allowed to leave in an emergency... Yes, this is an emergency," Bexley added before he could ask.

"All right... Does that mean I can go after her?" Draco asked.

"You could try, but I would not suggest it," Bexley drawled smirking at him.

Ginevra ran through the Forbidden Forest, her speed increasing with each stab of pain that pierced her side.

I'm coming Volatil Equus! She called in her mind as she ran even faster still.

Ginevra stopped in a clearing so fast that she almost fell over.

She dropped by the side of the young winged horse and stroked her wings softly.

My Queen... I am sorry, Volatil Equus said softly, a tear running down her cheek.

No, do not be sorry my lovely one... I will heal this for you, Ginevra said looking at the arrow protruding from her side.

I hope... She added silently, seeing how far the arrow was inside of her.

This may hurt a little, but I will try to make it as painless for you as possible, all right Volatil Equus? The small horse gave a small whimper but didn't stop her.

With a deep breath, Ginevra grabbed the arrow and pulled. Volatil Equus screamed in pain, her legs bucking as she attempted to get away from the pain. The arrow came free with a small pop and blood began to seep from the horse onto the ground. Ginevra quickly put her shaking hand over the horse and a red mist covered the wound, healing it before her eyes.

I am sorry for hurting you, Volatil Equus, Ginevra said kissing her on the nose softly.

Volatil Equus licked Ginevra lightly and rubbed her nose against her cheek.

You did not hurt me that much, my Queen Ginevra. Besides, it was necessary in order for me to heal... she replied and with a grateful neigh, she flew out of the clearing.

Ginevra stood up shakily and looked at the arrow in her hand. Her eyes narrowed as she thought of whom it could belong to... She put her hand over the arrow and shut her eyes.

"Show me who you belong to," Ginevra said.

A figure appeared in her mind and she gasped as she saw who the person was.

"Alexander?" she gasped as her Protector's face appeared in her mind.

Ginevra's eyes narrowed as anger flowed through her body at the blatant mistreatment of her creatures!

"Alexander Tobias Therode!" Ginevra yelled loudly, a wind blowing through the trees with such force that birds flew out of the treetops in fear.

"My Queen?" Alexander said, appearing behind her.

Ginevra turned to see Alexander kneeling on the ground before her. She threw the blood-covered arrow in front of him.

"Who does this belong to, Alexander?" Ginevra asked in a steely tone.

"It may be one of the centaurs' arrows, my Queen," Alexander said.

"Look at me, Alexander," Ginevra demanded.

He looked up at her and the symbol on his forehead turned red and his face began to burn.

"The truth, Alexander," Ginevra said icily. "Whom does the arrow belong to?"

"The arrow is mine, my Queen," Alexander said, his anger showing on his face.

"And the blood on it belongs to whom?" she asked, her tone still icy.

"The blood belongs to..." he went to lie, but the symbol went red again. "Volatil Equus, a young winged horse of the Abraxan breed," Alexander said, the words being forced from his mouth.

"Why did you shoot her?" Ginevra asked.

"I... I... I did not mean to shoot Volatil Equus, my Queen. We were playing with the Gytrash and... The arrow just shot from my bow. I didn't react quick enough to stop it and it is my fault that Volatil Equus was hurt," Alexander said, looking down once more.

"The arrow just shot from your bow?" Ginevra repeated in disbelief.

"Yes, my Queen... I did not pull the drawstring, I swear!" Alexander said, looking up at her again.

"Very well, Alexander... I believe you," Ginevra said, some of the coldness gone from her voice. "Why did you not heal her yourself?" she asked looking at him.

"I did not think of it... The only thing I could think of was getting a message to you," Alexander said shamefully.

"Yes, well next time, please send a... less painful message," Ginevra drawled.

"I apologise, my Queen! I did not realise that spell would..." he went to say then his symbol went red again.

"You knew that spell would cause me pain, yet you still used it... Why?"

"I... You... It... I knew you were with him and I did not want you to be," Alexander said finally, unable to lie.

"You wanted to hurt me because I was with my own?" Ginevra asked in disbelief.

"N... Yes!" Alexander hissed.


"He does not deserve you! I should be your own!" Alexander hissed, his anger now transforming his normally friendly looking face in to something hideous.

"Oh Gods..." Ginevra moaned shaking her head as she looked up to the sky in disbelief.

She took in a deep breath then turned her attention back to Alexander again.

"I am not your own and you are not my own. I refuse to listen to you while you tell me that Draconius is not deserving of me!" she said angrily. "You will find your own in time but it is not me, is that understood Alexander Tobias Therode?" Ginevra asked glaring at him.

"Yes, my Queen..." Alexander said forcefully.

"Good, now return to the unicorns. One moment," she said before he could leave. "Sedo!" she said and a red beam of light shot out at him. (To settle or calm.)

Alexander's tensed figure relaxed considerably and with a shallow bow, he left the clearing calmer than before.

Ginevra picked up the arrow as she shook her head again then hurried back through the Forest to her rooms.

"Are you all right, Ginevra?" Bexley asked as soon as she came in through the entrance.

Ginevra placed the bloodied arrow on her table and sat down wearily.

"I am fine, thank you Bexley... Just slightly tired and annoyed. Volatil Equus is fine too... Alexander however, is probably not," Ginevra said sighing.

"What is wrong with him?" Draco asked as he walked in to the room.

"Who is he?" Pansy asked as she slumped on to the lounge.

"Alexander is supposed to be my Protector... As I have been Chosen and have ridden a unicorn, I need to have a Protector, as people are going to try and kill me... There's also a threat to me that no one knows anything about," Ginevra added shaking her head.

"Good lot of protecting he does," Draco muttered angrily, having seen her vision.

Ginevra shot him a warning glare then turned back to Pansy.

"Alexander is just a normal person with powers to deal with a specific part of magic... I think he's a Hunter, as would indicate from his bow and arrow, but I could be wrong..." Ginevra said with a shrug. "Luna! Do you know anything about a supposed threat that's against me?" she called out.

Luna came in to the room and sat next to Pansy, who moved her legs with a sigh then placed them on Luna's lap with a smirk as she sat down.

"Yes, I know something of it... Not much though," Luna warned.

"That's more than I know, believe me..." Ginevra drawled.

"It is not going to be nice..." Luna warned again, putting her hand out for Ginevra to take.

"I'm sure I've seen worse," Ginevra said with a sigh, taking her hand.


A monster appeared in front of her.

Red eyes glowed brightly. Angrily. Evilly.

Large thin snake-like arms stretched out towards her.

An odour drifted to her, oozing from the monster. The smell of pure evil...

A leering mouth appeared, evil words flowing out.

Evil words wrapped around her body, tightening.

Her breath caught in her throat as her lungs were squeezed by his touch.

The monster loomed over her and Ginevra let out a scream like no other as it moved towards her immobile body, threatening to devour her.

Her soul was torn to pieces as she broke down and was devoured.

Her body fell to the ground, lifeless.

The monster turned to a human and smirked at her, continuously changing shape as it laughed evilly over her broken and dead body.



She woke up to feel her face being hit lightly. She looked around to see everyone looking at her in concern.

"Thank the Gods... What in the Gods names did you show her?" Draco yelled at Luna.

"She only showed me what I asked her to, Draconius... Leave Luna be," Ginevra said quietly and he stopped yelling to look at her.

"You screamed like a banshee, Ginevra... What on Earth did you see?" Pansy asked looking at her in concern. "I'm sure even Blaise was tempted to come out and see what had happened," she said smirking.

"I saw a monster eat my soul... I died and then as it laughed, the monster turned in to everyone I've ever known..." Ginevra said with a shudder.

"Us included?" Millicent asked, obviously interested.

Ginevra nodded.

"How did I look as an evil being?" Parvati asked grinning.

"Evil pretty much sums it up," Ginevra drawled rolling her eyes.

"Well, at times like these there's only one thing we need," Padma said grinning.

"Minties?" Colin asked with a laugh.

"What are minties?" Vincent asked Gregory, who just shrugged, as confused as he was.

"Never mind..." Colin said sighing as he shook his head.

"What do we need then?" Theodore prompted Padma.

"Comfort food... Mainly chocolate and cookies," Parvati said for her twin with a grin.

"We'll get it," Fred and George said immediately.

"Oh no you will not!" Ginevra said glaring at them and they both sighed shaking their heads.

"No trust in us... None at all," they said to each other.

"I trust you... Just not around edible goods, non-edible goods, plants, ingredients, animated and non-animated objects, anything that has the first name 'Lavender' and the surname 'Brown', and in other times, people that are named 'Ronald Bilius Weasley'," Ginevra said grinning at them.

"Hmmm... That pretty much sums everything that we're banned from," Fred and George said sighing elaborately. "So you trust us with your life?" they asked grinning.

"Of course I do!" Ginevra said indignantly. "You should know that by now..." she said looking at them meaningfully.

"Why do I have the feeling that we missed out on something?" Pansy asked looking at them.

"It wasn't much... Ginevra just tried to kill herself at the end of her third year," they said with shrugs.

"Exactly how is that 'not much'?" Draco growled glaring at them.

"Please... Can we not make today about my stupid mistakes? We're supposed to be here for Neville, remember?" Ginevra said looking at them.

"Fine... Once you've told us about this, and then we've all talked about Ronnie-kins, which you promised to tell us yesterday," Millicent added, leaving no room for argument, "Then we will concentrate on waiting for Neville... Okay?"

Ginevra sighed, knowing that they wouldn't leave it alone until she'd told them.

"All right... We'll go to the meeting room... There's not enough chairs in here," Ginevra said then went to the meeting room reluctantly.

She hadn't told anyone about this... Not even her parents knew about this... The twins had only found out when Neville had run to them for help. She wasn't even sure if Colin and Luna knew about it. She might have told them, but the days after and the hours beforehand were just a blur, so she didn't remember...

Ginevra had even taken extra care to make sure that Xavier and Albus hadn't seen it during her memory test. She didn't want them to think that she would try to kill herself at the first challenge that crossed her path..

Once everyone was seated Ginevra sighed again and looked around the table, glaring at her brothers for getting her in to this.

"At the end of my third year, Voldemort returned, as you all know..." she said and they nodded. "Well... He always said that he would come back for me and when Harry said that He had returned, I got scared... My nightmares started again and I kept thinking that Voldemort was going to be waiting for me around every corner... I was extremely paranoid and jumped at the smallest things. I remember jumping at a leaf that flew across my path, I was so scared. I just expected to see Voldemort behind me everywhere I went..."

Ginevra took another breath and wrung her hands, not looking up from the table.

"I didn't go outside for days beforehand, telling everyone I was ill. My roommates must have believed me because they all left me alone... I was too afraid to sleep and stayed awake for most of the time. In the end I fell asleep and had a really horrible nightmare... I woke up with a knife in my hands. I had no idea how it got there because I knew that none of us had ever kept something like that in the room before... The nightmare scared me so much that I ended up slitting my wrist... I passed out when I saw the blood... No one found me until Neville was able to get past the wards later that day to get me for the train. He saw the blood stain on my sheets and managed to get past the spell I'd put on my bed. Then he found Fred and George... I made them swear that they wouldn't tell anyone and I wore long sleeved shirts until the scars faded..."

"What was the nightmare about?" Colin asked.

Ginevra shook her head and Fred and George frowned.

"She won't even tell us..." they said sighing. "Don't even think she's told Neville what it was about," they added, looking to her for confirmation.

"I haven't told anyone what it was about and I never will, is that understood?" Ginevra said icily, glaring at them.

"Fine!" they said putting their hands up in defeat.

"Now, what about you and Ronnie-kins?" Padma and Parvati asked.

"You heard that yesterday..." Ginevra groaned.

"You can say it again then," Millicent said cheerfully. "Why wouldn't you be able to withstand Ronnie on his own? Surely you're more powerful than him?" she asked.

"It has nothing to do with power, Millicent... You obviously don't have any siblings," Ginevra drawled.

"Nope, only child... Now talk," Millicent said smirking.

"Fine..." Ginevra said rolling her eyes. "I wouldn't have been able to taken him on his own because I don't want to accept the fact that he would rather kill me than have a sister who is a Vampiress," she said.

"You think he would really try to kill you?" Theodore asked.

"Of course... He's tried to before any of this and when this came up, it just resurrected his hate and anger... I wasn't joking when I said that he thought of ways to kill me for three weeks straight," she drawled.

"He's tried to kill you before?" Fred and George asked angrily. "Why didn't you tell us?"

"Because Ron and I were too young to know what he was doing... Just like Ron was too young to know what you two were doing by offering him an Unbreakable Vow," she said looking at them pointedly.

"That's something completely different!" they said indignantly.

"My arse still hurts from that," Fred added, muttering.

"You were there anyway, so I didn't think that I had to tell you..." she added.

"We've never seen Ron try to kill you!"

"Yes you have... I was five years old and Ron had gotten hold of Mum's wand... I think he was trying to say Abracadabra like the Muggles magicians do and he mispronounced it... I fell over when something hit my chest and woke up in St. Mungo's a few days later... You two were there, so you should know more about what happened," Ginevra said looking back to her brothers.

Fred and George looked at each other for a long time, trying to remember back to when they were eight...


The twins walked over to their youngest brother with Ginevra. They grinned as he waved the wand like the Muggle magician they'd seen earlier that week.

"Ron! Mum's not going to be happy when she finds out that you've got her wand," the twins said, grinning to each other. "We'll go tell her that you've got it, all right?" they said then went to head up to the house.

"Avabra cadabra!" Ron said and they turned to see Ginevra fall to the ground.

Fred! Get mum! George's voice rang in Fred's mind urgently, who was already running up to the house quickly, screaming for their mother.

"Quickly! Ron was playing with your wand and we think he said an Unforgivable on Ginevra!" Fred was yelling as he ran ahead of his mother.

On hearing the word 'Unforgivable' Molly paled and rushed past her energetic son to her daughter.

"Give me the wand Ronald!" Molly yelled and the white-faced boy gave her the wand wordlessly. "Revoco!" Molly said. (To call back or recover.)

Ginevra's small chest swelled then deflated again. Watching anxiously, Molly paled even further.

"Revoco!" she repeated and again the same thing happened. "Fred, George, go get your father! Right now!" Molly yelled.

They both ran off quickly to the garage, listening as Ron started crying loudly.

"Revoco, revoco, revoco! Come on Ginevra..." Molly muttered as the twins returned with a pale Arthur. "We have to get her to St. Mungo's..." Molly said immediately. "Ronald! Stop crying!" she yelled, fed up with him.

Ron sniffed some more and looked at his sister.

"Is she going to be all right?" he asked timidly.

"We don't know yet..." Molly replied in clipped tones. "Fred and George, get Charlie to look after you all until we get back," she said as she Disapparated with Ginevra and Arthur.


A few days later, Fred and George were allowed to visit Ginevra. They walked over to her bed cautiously and watched as she breathed heavily, her body covered with various healing spells.

"We will be outside for a moment, all right dears? Do not touch anything, is that understood?" Molly said in a warning tone.

"We won't touch anything Mum," they promised truthfully, not willing to risk their only sister's life for their curiosity.

"Good," Molly said seeing that they were telling the truth. "Yes doctor, we're coming," she said and left with Arthur.

"Ginevra... Please wake up... We miss you," Fred and George said sadly.

They both touched her hand and a red light covered their three clasped hands. Ginevra's eyes flew open and she looked at them in wonder and surprise, looking much older than her five years. She gave them a warm smile and was back to normal, leaving the twins to wonder if they had imagined it or not.

"Mum! Dad!" Ginevra called out loudly and Molly rushed back inside quickly, Arthur at her heels.

"Oh, Ginny! My Ginny! You're all right! Oh, don't do that again!" Molly said hugging and suffocating Ginevra.

Molly stopped hugging Ginevra then looked at the doctor sternly.

"I thought you said that she couldn't be woken up?" Molly asked glaring at him.

The twins flinched, knowing the tone that Molly was using on the doctor very well.

"Yes... Well... It wasn't expected... I... I will need to do more tests on her," the doctor stammered slightly.

"No... You will not be keeping my daughter here another moment!" Molly said and lifted Ginevra off the bed easily, carrying her to the door.

Fred and George took their father's hands and followed them out, uncharacteristically quiet.


"Well, he didn't really kill you..." they said looking at Ginevra.

"Yes he did... Well, for a moment anyway... Until Mum did that spell on me," Ginevra said with a shrug.

"So what's it like to die?" they asked grinning.

"It's... unlike anything I've ever experienced... Draco, do you remember what it's like? It has been so long since then," Ginevra said looking to him.

"I was flying..." Draco began quietly. "It wasn't like flying on a broom, because it was even faster and there was nothing holding me up... There was light everywhere, but it wasn't blinding or hurtful; it was just there... I flew over a landscape that had magic flowing through it; inside of it; over it and under it... The magic was everywhere too... It was comforting, I guess," Draco said, speaking as if to only himself and not the others. "I stopped in mid air, not anywhere in particular, like those ignorant Muggles claim..." Draco muttered shaking his head. "After I stopped, I began to fall to the earth and I fell through a red mist before waking up again," he finished.

"The Otherworld..." Luna said smiling at him.

"Apart from the red mist... I think that was my magic," Ginevra said with a grin.

Draco looked at her, slightly surprised, then nodded vaguely before looking away again.

"So Ronnie has tried to kill you as a child, currently hates you and has tried to kill you again, as well as slapping you... And you still don't want to disown him?" Millicent asked in disbelief.

"No... Because I remember the times when he was nice to me, and a good brother... I can't forget every nice thing he has done for me just because of a lot of bad things he is doing... He's just scared of what he doesn't know. Ron's also scared that he's going to lose me so he's pushing me away in an effort to make me stay," Ginevra said.

"What? That makes no sense..." Colin said shaking his head.

"That's what I told him, but I don't think he sees it that way," Ginevra said with a grin. "Where's Lyra?" she asked looking around, realising that she hadn't seen the dragon in a while.

"She's with Neville, Blaise and Relo," Colin said grinning. "She said that Neville makes her feel happy," he added with a confused shrug.

"Relo said that too..." Ginevra said with a small frown. "All right... Is that enough explaining now?" she asked.

"It's enough," Draco said, giving everyone warning glares.

"Enough," Millicent said, unfazed by Draco's glares.

"All right... I'll be with Neville and the others... It's almost lunch time," Ginevra said as her stomach rumbled. "I missed out on recess," she muttered frowning as she went down to her kitchen.

"Blaise didn't eat either! Try to convince him to eat something," Draco called after her.

"All right!" Ginevra called back, putting some biscuits, cake and fruit on a plate before heading down to Neville's room.

Sitting beside Blaise, Ginevra handed him an apple and glared as he tried to refuse.

"Apples are good for you. Plus they make you feel full, so I won't have to sit here listening to your stomach grumbling at you," she said smirking.

"My stomach isn't grumbling at me..." Blaise went to protest, but at that moment his stomach rumbled loudly. "Fine," he muttered, taking a bite of the apple. "Happy?" he asked rolling his eyes.

"Yes... I would be much happier if you didn't talk with your mouth full of half-chewed apple," Ginevra drawled.

Blaise pulled a face at her, biting in to the apple again. He sighed softly, looking at Neville's cocoon.

"Not long now, Blaise..." Ginevra said hugging him.

"I know..." he said with another sigh. "This has sure taught me to be patient," he joked with a watery grin.

Ginevra just hugged him again and didn't say anything.

"Ginevra! It is happening now! Look!" Relo said excitedly as the last of the flowers and leaves died and turned black.

"Everyone get in here!" Ginevra yelled out the door.

In less than half a minute, everyone was crowded inside the room and watching Neville's cocoon eagerly and anxiously.

"Now, now!" Relo said quickly, pointing at the bottom of the cocoon.

A black mist began to cover the cocoon, travelling up it at a fast pace, reaching Neville's shoulders in almost five minutes. The mist then covered his head, turning from a cloud in to a bright black light. As they watched, the light grew brighter and exploded to fill all of Ginevra's rooms, spilling out of the corridor and the tapestries, out of the windows and under the cracks in the doors. The black light then disappeared and a loud CRACK was heard.

Neville's cocoon fell away from him, broken in two identical pieces. They looked at him intently, but Neville just lay there peacefully, a smile on his face.

He had changed slightly, yet in quite a noticeable way. His brown hair was now curling and a slightly fairer colour, as if he'd spent all of his time in the sun. His teeth had straightened and his lips were a darker shade of red. His skin was a bronze colour. Even his clothes had changed. In place of his school uniform, Neville was now wearing a light green tunic and a pair of brown pants. The one thing that hadn't changed was his nose. It still looked slightly crooked, giving him a mischievous look to his face.

"Boo!" Neville said, scaring them.

Ginevra jumped and would have cursed him for scaring her half to death, but he was awake, so she forgave him quickly, hugging him instead.

"I missed you Neville!" she said.

Neville grinned broadly, his teeth sparkling white.

"I know... It was hard hearing all of your thoughts and not being able to comfort you in any way..." he said sadly.

Ginevra pulled away and looked at him, noticing that his eyes were now a brighter shade of green. He grinned at her again and scratched his shoulder with a small yawn.

"Your thumb..." Ginevra stated, her eyes doubling back to look at it again.

Neville grinned and held out both of his hands for everyone to look at. His nails were perfectly rounded and sharper, and both of his thumbs had a green tinge to them.

"It indicates that I'm a Grower... I also help with Birth, Death and Rebirth now," he said proudly.

"What does that mean? You're going to go around delivering babies?" Vincent asked frowning.

Neville laughed as he shook his head, his curls flying around his head as music surrounded them with his laughter.

"No... Apparently, the nymphs have not had someone of my power for quite a while and I volunteered to help them with Birth, Death and Rebirth... It just means that whenever someone extremely magical or special is born or dies with even a gram of nymph blood in them, then I have to attend the occasion," he said with a shrug. "And since it's nearly mating season for the nymphs, I'll probably be gone some time next term," Neville said with a chuckle. "Only one or two days probably, since they all tend to have their babies within a matter of hours of each other," he added.

"It's good to see you're okay, Neville," Draco said grinning at him. "You can have Ginevra as a fighting partner again... My bruises are getting bruises," he said smirking.

"Well, when those bruises get bruises, then you can have Lupin and see how I felt last week," Neville replied smirking back at him.

"Neville... I trust you enjoyed your time," Luna said with a knowing smile.

"Of course I did, my Lady... Thank you for helping me," Neville said bowing his head to her.

They all looked at Luna for an explanation, but she didn't say anything, so Colin moved forward and grinned at Neville, holding his camera hopefully.

"Can I get two or three photos?" Colin asked eagerly.

"Turn the flash down and then you can... I haven't seen what I look like for days..." Neville said grinning.

Colin nodded eagerly and turned the flash down slightly then started to take photos of Neville, going over the 'two or three' promised photos in a matter of seconds.

"All right, Colin... I think his eyes are ruined enough now," Pansy drawled smirking at him.

"Two or three more and I'd agree," Colin said with a grin, stepping back.

Pansy walked over to Neville and hugged him, kissing his cheek.

"If you make Blaise miserable again, I'm going to be very pissed off... It's good to see you Neville," Pansy said grinning.

"I'll be pissed off too, don't worry," Neville said hugging her back.

"Good to see you're out again Neville," Vincent and Gregory said nodding their heads as they practically dragged Pansy out of the room.

"Thanks... Can you please silence your rooms again?" Neville called with a wince.

"I'll do it for you... They use weak spells," Ginevra muttered as she followed them, Draco going after her.

"Hey Neville... Nice to see that you're okay..." Parvati and Padma said smiling at him.

"So, what training did you have to do?" Fred and George asked grinning.

"Too much to go in to a lot of detail at the moment... It wore me out to be honest, and I'm kind of tired," Neville said with a yawn. "Heard that you got some new victims for your classes," he said with a grin.

"Yeah, but we're being nice and letting them pay afterwards..." Fred and George said winking at him.

"How very generous of you," Neville said smirking.

"We're always generous! We're nice in generous amounts and we're evil in generous amounts too," they said darkly.

"I understand completely... Hex him for me," Neville said.

Fred and George saluted him and gave bows.

"Your wish is our command," they said then left quickly, the Patil twins following to help... and to make sure that they didn't get in to trouble.

"Hi Neville... I know you're tired so I'll let you get some rest, ok? I'm glad you're out of that cocoon," Theodore said genuinely, shaking his hand.

"So am I..." Neville said grinning.

"We all missed you Neville," Millicent said giving him a hug before leaving with her boyfriend.

"Hello Neville! I misses you lots! But you made me happy and I gived you good thoughts!" Relo said happily.

"I know, Relo... Thank you very much... They helped me a lot. Thank you too Lyra and Bexley," Neville said looking at the three creatures.

Bexley bowed, Relo hugged Neville's legs and Lyra flew on to his shoulder, giving him a lick with her tongue before flying out of the room, the other two following her.

Colin stopped taking photos and Luna guided him outside, closing the door behind them.

Blaise looked at Neville shyly, not very confident now that he was awake. Neville pulled Blaise to him and kissed him, locking and silencing the door with a lazy wave of his hand.

"I thought... you were... tired?" Blaise asked between breaths, smirking at him.

"You honestly think I'm going to sleep when you're here? I know you've been waiting for me, love... I'm sorry for keeping you waiting for so long," Neville said kissing him again.


Ginevra smirked at Draco and Pansy, watching them as they fought each other with ease. Colin was beside her, clicking away on his camera.

"Are you two just going to leave Ginevra out all night?" Colin asked with a grin as they both stopped fighting to look at him in surprise.

"Leave them alone, Colin... I'm sure I can have one night off..." Ginevra said shaking her head at him. "Continue fighting," she said with a wave.

"Of course, my Queen," Draco said mockingly with a bow.

"Morsus mihi," Ginevra said smirking at him. (Bite me.)

"Quippe," he replied in a drawl. (Certainly or of course.)

"Pugna!" Pansy hissed and kicked at his head. (Fight!)

Draco ducked quickly, laughing at her. He kicked at her chest. Pansy bent backwards so her hands were on the floor and her body was in an upside down 'u'. With a small smirk, she kicked up, her foot connecting with Draco's chin. With a move of ease, Pansy flipped back to an upright stand. She looked down at Draco, who was on the floor, rubbing his chin.

"Where'd you learn that?" he asked.

"From somersaulting in the water as a mermaid... It's far easier due to the lack of gravity and the tails are more flexible, but when you do something over and over enough, you can practically do it anywhere," Pansy replied with a grin.

"That was great... You used your upper arm muscles to flip backwards, didn't you?" Ginevra asked coming over to them.

"It was actually in the kick off the floor. The arms aren't really necessary," she said shrugging.

"So it was back like this..." Ginevra said putting her body in the same way. "Then a kick and small push..." she said, attempting to do it.

Pansy quickly grabbed Ginevra's legs and helped her through the flip.

"You're not supposed to do it without someone to help you on the first few tries..." she said grinning at her.

"It's time for dinner!" Luna called from further down the corridor.

"We're coming!" Colin called then went out, the others following quickly.

"Should we tell them that it's time for dinner?" Pansy asked Ginevra smirking at the door that had been shut for more than seven hours.

"I'm sure they'll come out when they're hungry," Ginevra said with a grin.

"I doubt Blaise is even still awake after the complete lack of sleep he's had these past few days..." Draco drawled.

The door opened and Neville walked out in a green bathrobe, shutting the door behind him softly.

"Oh, he's still awake. Thanks for getting him to sleep for a while at least though... I worried about him. He's lost some weight too," Neville said with a frown.

"Well now that you're awake you can get him to eat and sleep again properly," Theodore said grinning.

"I hope so... I'll just see if he's awake enough to come eat in the Great Hall," Neville said going back in to the room, shutting the door again.

A few seconds later, Neville popped his head out and gave them a guilty grin.

"Looks like I wore him out... I'll stay with him; I'm not up to having everyone in the Great Hall stare at me while I eat..."

"All right... We'll see you later, okay?" Ginevra said.

"Sounds great, lovely," Neville said with a wink.

Ginevra shook her head, laughing as he shut the door again. She led everyone down the corridor to a door near to the Great Hall. Ginevra tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge.

"What's wrong?" Millicent asked, walking over.

"The door isn't opening," Ginevra said with a grunt as she tried to open the door again.

"Can't you just use your magic on it?" Draco asked.

"I could, but it would take a lot out of me to cancel Albus' magic... That and it won't be good to rely on my magic for every little thing... I could end up exhausting it and losing all of my powers... What's wrong?" Ginevra asked, seeing Draco pale.

"Nothing... Just not very fond of having to stay here without any food," Draco drawled.

"Yeah, well I'm sure we can find some way of getting out... I'm going to see if I can find a corridor that's near Fred and George's tunnel," Ginevra said then ran off in one direction quickly.

She turned after about ten seconds, arriving at a dead end. Pointing her wand at the wall, Ginevra moved her head to the side and closed her eyes tightly.

"Diruo!" (To demolish, destroy or ruin.)

The wall exploded around her, small pieces of dirt and stone flying past her.

"Stop!" she said, seeing Albus' white magic attempting to cover the hole.

It stopped slowly and she ran back to the others quickly.

"You're going to have to run... We don't have much time before it closes up," she said, taking hold of Colin, Luna, Pansy, Gregory and Vincent.

"I'll take the others," Draco offered with a smirk, taking hold of the four twins, Millicent and Theodore. "You better hold on," he said and they gripped him tightly.

Ginevra nodded and ran in the direction of the newly created tunnel, Draco following her, keeping up easily. They stopped in front of the hole, letting the others through first. Draco and Ginny went after them, both literally hearing the hole close up behind them.

"So how are we getting back?" Draco asked quietly.

"I'll ask Albus to take the spell off..." Ginevra replied.

"What if he's not there?" Draco asked.

"Thanks for jinxing it..." Ginevra drawled smirking at him.

"You're welcome... I seem to remember this part of the wall," Draco whispered in her ear, seeing part of the crumbled wall that was the same size as his body.

"That's funny, I do too..." Ginevra said raising her eyebrow at him.

"Want to do it again?" he asked huskily.

"No... I don't want to hurt the wall again," she replied smirking.

"There's a lot of wall... I'm sure it'll be fine," he murmured.

"Would you two hurry up?" Fred and Padma called.

Ginevra laughed as Draco's face fell and she ran to catch up with the others.

"So what were you doing back there?" George and Parvati asked smirking at them.

"Talking," Ginevra replied. "I'll go up first... I'll be able to get Filch away fastest if he catches me," she said loud enough for everyone to hear. "And make sure that Draco doesn't follow me until he's gone please," she said shaking her head.

"I don't think I want to know..." Pansy said with a shudder.

"You're right, you don't," Draco said smirking at her.

"Okay, that is far too much information!" Fred and George said shaking their heads at him.

"All right, we're here... Everyone be quiet until I know that the coast is clear," Ginevra said in a hushed tone.

The others moved away from the trapdoor in case Filch was there and nodded to confirm that they would be silent. Ginevra opened the trapdoor and climbed out quickly. She looked around and listened carefully, but didn't see or hear anyone nearby.

"All right, you can come out now," Ginevra said and helped them out of the tunnel.

They all brushed themselves down then went to the Great Hall quickly, hungry after walking so much.

Ginevra sat with everyone at the Slytherin table, smirking as she saw Pansy put spells on her boyfriends' plates. They started to complain, but went silent as she glared at them warningly.

Luna and Colin were talking too quietly for Ginevra to hear anything over the noises of the rest of the students, but she decided not to pry.

Millicent started talking with Pansy about a new article in The Quibbler and Luna joined in the talk. Soon enough, the three of them were talking about the latest discovery of the albino Niffler lair in Russia.

Fred and Padma were talking in quiet tones, looking over at Ron every so often, while George and Padma were looking at Lavender and talking in hushed tones. The four of them then started up another conversation about the Gryffindor couple, smirking evilly every so often. Ginerva just shook her head, hoping that whatever they did, it wouldn't get them in to too much trouble.

Theodore started to talk about the Quidditch tryouts with Draco and Colin.

"I'll be back in a minute... I've got to talk to Albus," Ginevra said then went up to the teachers' table.

"Hello Ginevra... I did not expect to see you out of your rooms so soon," Albus said smiling at her.

"I figured as much when we found that your spells were still up," Ginevra said grinning at him.

"I apologise... I will take them down immediately," he said giving her a nod.

"Thank you, Professor," Ginevra said.

"Before you leave, Miss Weasley... Lord Garion was both very impressed and annoyed at what you did to him this morning," Albus said, an amused twinkle in his eye.

"He dared to hit my own," she said angrily. "Besides, it was only a warning..." she said with a shrug.

"That was only a 'warning'? Then I would hate to see what you would send as the actual spell," he said with a chuckle.

"What do you mean?" Ginevra asked in confusion.

"You sent a spell to Lord Garion that was much like a Howler, but a physical one... It hit him until he apologised for hitting Draco," Albus said, trying not to laugh again. "I do believe that he was knocked unconscious before his apology was genuine enough for the spell," he said, now laughing heartily.

"Oh... Maybe I should send an I'm sorry spell," Ginevra said with a smirk.

"I don't think that would be advisable, Miss Weasley... Garion now has his entire grounds set up to warn him in advance if one of your spells gets in," Albus said seriously. "On another matter, how is young Mr. Longbottom?"

"He's fine... He didn't want everyone to stare at him while he was eating dinner, so he decided to stay behind with Blaise... He's changed physically though and for some reason, I don't think he's going to be very clumsy anymore," she said with a smile.

Ginevra was one of very few that knew that Neville only pretended to be clumsy. Neville was clumsy around people that didn't know him; almost all of Hogwarts. He was a very different and more confident person when it was only himself with Professor Sprout, or Luna, Colin and Ginevra, as they practically knew him inside out. He had also begun to lose his facade around the Slytherins. Now that he was a Full Blooded Nymph, Neville would not be afraid to show the rest of the school and world how he really was.

"That is a very good thing... Are the physical changes enough that no one would be able to recognise him? His teachers will need to be informed if this is the case," Albus said with a smile.

"They'll recognise him after doing a double take," Ginevra said confidently. "His teeth have straightened and his hair is curly and a lighter shade of brown. He's also tanned and his eyes are a darker shade of green, but I doubt anyone but us will notice that," she said.

"Anything else?" Albus asked.

"His thumbs are green," Ginevra said. "Apart from that, I think that you'll have to see him for yourself to see any other changes," Ginevra said, smiling at his enthusiasm and excitement at Neville's transformation.

"Excellent, excellent! I had a hunch that Neville would be a Grower!" Albus said cheerfully, smiling broadly. "Now, I do believe that Professor Snape would like your attention," he said indicating down to Severus, who had been waiting patiently for a few minutes.

"Thank you Professor," Ginevra said and headed down to Professor Snape. "You wanted to talk to me?" she asked.

"Yes," Snape said with a curt nod. "I heard that Mr. Longbottom is now out of his cocoon..." he said.

"Yes, Neville's out of the cocoon... He's perfectly fine, just energetic, I believe," Ginevra said with a grin.

"Good... Do tell Blaise to start eating and sleeping again. I do not wish for him to fail," Snape said curtly.

"Yes Professor," Ginevra said with a grin. "Neville worried about him too... Apparently, Blaise has lost some weight since Neville went in the cocoon... I had better go finish my dinner... Excuse me, Professor," she said giving him a small bow.

"One moment, Miss Weasley... I would appreciate that you tell Mr. Longbottom to be careful in deciding how to punish Mr. Thomas and Mr. Finnigan. I would rather not waste time at the Ministry giving a statement on why two of our students were killed..." Snape drawled.

"Indeed..." Ginevra replied raising her eyebrow at him. "I am sure that Neville would not do that anyway... I'm sure he has better places to be than Azkaban," she said smirking as she went back to her seat.

"What was all of that about?" Draco asked as she sat beside him.

"Albus wanted to know about Neville... Severus wanted to make sure that Neville didn't go to Azkaban," she replied.

"Why would Neville go to Azkaban?" Millicent asked in surprise.

"He gets to decide on the punishment for Dean and Seamus," Ginevra said.

"Where are those little shits?" Gregory asked looking around the Great Hall, as he and Vincent cracked their knuckles.

"Most likely hiding away in the Gryffindor Tower, afraid to come out in fear of seeing one of us," Pansy said with a smirk, when she saw that they weren't there.

"I doubt that. Their Gryffindor stupidity would get in the way..." Draco drawled. "No offence to the Gryffindors present at this table," he added as Colin, Parvati and the three Weasley's glared at him.

"Well someone's going to get a goodnight kick instead of a kiss," Fred and George said smirking at him.

"Thanks for the idea," Ginevra said grinning evilly.

Draco glowered at them.

"Yes... Thank you for the idea..." he growled.

"You're welcome!" they replied brightly.

"They're leaving," Parvati said quietly and everyone turned to see Ron and Lavender leaving the Gryffindor table.

The pair walked past without so much as a glance in their direction and Ginevra tried not to laugh at the snobbish expression on Lavender's face.

"Did you see the look on Brown's face?" Pansy said laughing as Millicent mimicked the expression almost perfectly.

"She was acting like she was wearing a one million Galleon dress at a children's party," Parvati said laughing.

"It's scary how you can do that Millicent," Ginevra said with a frown.

"I prefer to think of it as talented, if you do not mind!" Millicent replied with a sniff, still pretending to be Lavender.

"No... I think 'scary' sums it up," Colin said laughing as she glared at him. "Be nice or I won't do the present for you-know-who," he said with a wink.

The Great Hall filled with silence at his last few words.

"Oh, for the Gods sakes! I meant her boyfriend, not that You-Know-Who!" Colin called out, disgruntled.

Noise started again and Colin shook his head, muttering about 'nosy people who listen to wrong parts of conversations'...

"So what are you getting me?" Theodore asked grinning at Millicent, who was bright red and still glaring at Colin.

"I am going to dismember you..." she hissed angrily.

"Sounds great... Just let me move out of your reach..." Colin said, quickly moving next to Draco. "Lucky I got her to pay me first," Colin muttered to Draco with a wink.

"What's it for?" Ginevra asked Theodore. "Or at least, what do you think it's for?" she added with a grin.

"Well, my birthday is next week, so I'm hoping it's for that," Theodore said looking at Millicent for an indication of if he was right or not.

Millicent, still glaring at Colin, was now attempting to hex his food.

"Millicent don't play with food, dear... Especially when it doesn't belong to you and you're boyfriend's a healer," Ginevra said absent-mindedly.

Colin poked his tongue out at Millicent then smirked as she went red again. Millicent bent her spoon in half with one hand and his eyes widened in fear and excitement.

"Can you do that again? That was awesome!" Colin said holding his camera up.

"How about this... You pretend to be the spoon and I'll do it again," Millicent snarled.

"Lighten up! It's not like he knows what it is! And if you're that upset I'll just erase his memory," Colin said with a shrug.

"Or I could just spontaneously forget what you're talking about... I happen to like my memory the way it is!" Theodore said quickly.

"Fine... You're not to ask me one more thing about it, is that understood?" Millicent asked sternly glaring at him.

"Understood... Just as long as you remember that I am nothing like that spoon," Theodore said brightly smirking at her.

"So when is it your birthday?" Ginevra asked him curiously.

"It's on the sixteenth of September... This Monday coming up," Theodore said with a grin. "And, in case you're wondering what kind of birthday card to get me, I'm turning eighteen," he said with a wink.

"Who said I'm getting you anything?" Ginevra asked, feigning shock.

"Well if you don't give me a birthday present, then you won't get one from me... House rules," he stated matter-of-factly.

"But I'm not a Slytherin," Ginevra countered, smirking at him.

"Doesn't matter... All House rules," Theodore replied.

"You forced me in to it... I'll get you a present," she said with an elaborated sigh.

"Yay! More presents for me... Now, who else do you think I can convince to get me a present?" Theodore asked as he looked around the Great Hall with a smirk.

"How about the others?" Ginevra drawled raising an eyebrow at him.

"They're givens... They have to get me presents," he said waving her idea off. "Although, I should really make sure..." he mused rubbing his chin with a frown. "You all have to get me presents for me birthday on Monday or else!" Theodore said cheerfully smirking at them.

"Or else what?" Pansy asked glaring at him.

"Or else I won't heal you or buy you birthday presents on your birthday..." Theodore said evilly.

"He's got a good argument, Pans," Vincent said.

"I agree... If we don't get presents on our birthdays from you then we have every right to break your bones," Gregory said smirking at him.

"I will agree to that as long as you exclude me being in the hospital wing, a war or something of the sort is happening, I'm dead or really, really sick..." Theodore said.

Gregory and Vincent muttered incomprehensible words to each other, looking at Theodore a few times.

"Agreed," they said in unison, all three shaking hands.

"They do this every year..." Pansy muttered to Ginevra shaking her head. "You watch... When Theo's birthday comes, either Greg or Vince will be in the hospital and "completely forget" about his birthday," she said smirking.

"You sound so proud of them..." Ginevra drawled.

"Oh, I am... You should see what they do to Draco. They got him a stripper last year... Though I suppose there's no need for that again," she said smirking at her.

"And why is that exactly?" Ginevra asked sweetly, glaring at Pansy.

"Because if they even so much as think of getting him a stripper, you'll probably put them in the hospital wing. If they do get the stripper, then you'll put that poor girl in the hospital wing and then put Draco in St. Mungo's for looking at her," Pansy replied laughing evilly.

"How come everyone ends up in hospital? I am not jealous or insane enough to put four people in the hospital because of one event... Well... I wouldn't hurt the girl. She's just trying to make a living and they'd be the ones who hired her, so it's not her fault..." Ginevra said glaring at Pansy's boyfriends.

"Did we do something wrong?" Vincent asked Gregory quietly, uneasy at the looks Ginevra was giving them.

"I have no idea... You better not try and eat that third chicken leg, just in case..." Gregory muttered in response. "Just smile and push your plate away slowly so you don't get them suspicious..." he said, smiling at the two girls and pushing his own plate away.

Vincent pushed his plate away too, smiling at the girls. Needless to say, both boys were slightly confused when Ginevra and Pansy started laughing hysterically.

"Why do I have the feeling we missed out on something important?" Vincent asked with a sigh.


"We're back!" Pansy called through Blaise and Neville's door when they returned from dinner.

There was no answer, but no one had really expected one anyway and so, they all went their separate ways.

"What on earth were you and Pansy talking about at dinner? I don't think that I've ever seen her laugh so much," Draco said smirking at Ginevra.

"Birthdays and strippers..." she replied smirking as Draco's cheeks went a very light shade of pink.

"I did not ask them to do that!" he said quickly.

"I know..." Ginevra said patting his cheek. "Do you mind if we have a talk?" she asked.

"What about?" Draco asked warily.

"I need to talk about what Xavier and Agnes said..."

"All right then," he replied, obviously relieved.

Ginevra led him to her room and shut the door behind them. She waited until he was seated on her chair to sit across from him on the bed. She stood up again, then began to pace, talking at the same time.

"It's actually about the tea leaves... I had a cup of tea at dinner, and it said that I have to erase everyone's memories again... I know that Xavier and Agnes said that I didn't have to erase everyone's memories, but..." Ginevra said with a sigh, stopping her pacing.

"But?" Draco prompted, waiting.

Ginevra wrung her hands, then began to pace again.

"But I have this weird feeling... It's like I... I don't know... It's almost as if something inside me is telling me that I have to erase the memories, even though I know I don't have to... Am I making any sense?" she asked nervously with a sigh.

"Some..." Draco said with a small smirk.

"I keep thinking how things could be different if I did erase everyone's memories... Ron might not hate me, Lavender wouldn't be so jealous, and Alexander wouldn't do something stupid every time we're together... And our relationship continued on the same path before, so why wouldn't it now? I just know that this is going to eat at me until I do it," Ginevra finished talking with a sigh and looked to Draco again, no longer pacing.

"So you feel guilty for not doing something that a bunch of slime in the bottom of a cup is telling you to do, is that right?" Draco drawled smirking at her.

"Say something constructive about it Draco or I will punch you in the gut," Ginevra snarled.

"Resorting to violence won't solve anything Weasley," Draco drawled, raising an eyebrow as he smirked at her.

"Jerk," she said in a huff, realising that he was teasing her. "So what do you think? Am I being stupid or should I do it?"

"I don't think that you're stupid, Ginevra... But then I also think that you shouldn't do it... In the end it is just slime at the bottom of a cup. However..." he added when she went to say something. "However, if you think that it's the right thing to do, then you should do it..."

"But that's just it, Draco! I don't know if it's right or not... I don't know what anything is anymore..." Ginevra said sighing as she slumped on to her bed. "I want to go back to when I was a kid and my parents were telling me what was good and bad and what I can and can't do... Everything was so much easier then," she said with another sigh.

"It might have been easier, but then you would be caged for your entire life and not know anything for yourself," Draco said quietly, moving beside her and taking her hand in his own. "And besides, if you were still a child I couldn't very well kiss you, now could I?" he asked smirking as he kissed her lightly.

"I would hope that you wouldn't... That would be weird," Ginevra replied. "So should I do it or not?" she asked again.

"I'm not going to tell you what to do Ginevra... It is your own choice whether you do the spell or not. If you think that you will live with regret knowing that you didn't do it, then do the spell... But if you think that you will eventually regret doing the spell again, then don't..."

"You make it seem so simple... How am I supposed to know if I will regret something that I haven't done yet?"

"It's called Seeing, carus," Draco drawled. (Dear or beloved.)

"I can't depend on Seeing to solve all of my problems..."

"But you can depend on me to solve them?" he asked sarcastically, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Damn you and your ability to twist my words," Ginevra muttered.

She took her bowl from her shelf and put it on her desk, filling it with water from her wand. Concentrating her mind on what she wanted to See, Ginevra looked in to the bowl.

"What's wrong?" Draco asked when he saw her frowning.

"Nothing happened..." Ginevra muttered.

"Are you concentrating properly?" Draco asked, but quickly shut up when she glared at him.

"Of course I am..."

Ginevra looked back to the bowl and concentrated again.

"Show me," she muttered fiercely.

A cloudy figure appeared that didn't even look like either of them, but Ginevra concentrated with all of her energy on that one image...


"Just because you think that we went out some time last week, it does not mean that I will 'get back together' with you! You can not 'get back' with someone that you have never been with before!"


Clouds covered the already cloudy images and nothing else appeared. The clouds disappeared and then it was just water inside of a wooden bowl.

"What did you See?" Draco asked.

"I have no idea... It didn't even look like a person, let alone either of us... And the voice didn't sound right either. It was all clouded, almost like not even the future knows what's going to happen," Ginevra muttered shaking her head.

"Are you going to go through with it then?" Draco asked.

"I know I will regret it if I don't do it.." Ginevra said, sighing as she looked over at him. "I will do it tomorrow night," she said decisively.

"We should tell Xavier and Agnes this time... I would rather not have him angry at me again," Draco said with a smirk.

Ginevra nodded then took out a piece of parchment, an inkbottle and a quill. She wrote a quick note explaining that she was going to do the spell again and when. After blowing on the wet ink to dry it quickly, Ginevra rolled the parchment up and tied it with a ribbon.

"Do you have anything that needs to be sent? I might as well send everything at once," Ginevra said grinning.

"No, but I'll go with you anyway," Draco said.

"All right... I'll see if the others need anything sent and you can get the thicker robes," she said quickly leaving the room before he could protest.

Ginevra knocked on Luna and Colin's door, waiting patiently for them to answer. In a matter of seconds the door was open and Luna looked at Ginevra.

"I think Colin has a letter for his father," she said with a knowing smile.

"Thanks, Luna. Nothing for you then?" Ginevra asked.

"I already sent Father a letter last night... Do you mind if I borrow your Vampire book, Ginevra?" Luna asked.

"Not at all... How long do you need it for?" Ginevra asked, slightly surprised.

"I need it for a few days actually... It has information about house-elves in it and I'm doing an assignment on them for Hagrid," Luna explained.

"That's all right... I have a book specifically on the House-Elf Uprise if you would like that too," Ginevra offered.

"Yes please, if you don't mind lending it to me," Luna said with a smile.

"It's perfectly fine... I know that you won't damage it," Ginevra said grinning.

"Here's my letter... Can you get one of the school owls to send it to Dad for me, please Ginevra?" Colin asked, handing her an envelope.

"Sure... See you tomorrow," she said as she headed to the next door.

Luna and Colin closed the door, Ginevra's magic blocking out their whispers.

Ginevra knocked and Millicent opened the door, moving out in to the corridor, and quickly shutting the door behind her.

"Hi Millicent... Do you and Theodore have any mail that needs to be owled out?" Ginevra asked, trying not to laugh at the half-naked Theodore that Millicent had unsuccessfully tried to hide.

"I don't think so..." Millicent said with a frown.

She opened the door a small way and talked through it.

"You got any mail to be owled?" she asked her boyfriend.

"Not that I know of," Theodore said cheerfully. "Good night Ginevra!" he called as Millicent slipped back inside.

"Good night Theodore! 'Night Millicent," Ginevra said with a smile as she went to the next door, knocking loudly.

Fred and Parvati opened the door, small explosions coming from the interior.

"Hi Ginevra!" Fred said grinning at her.

"Would you two hurry up? You've got the Alihotsy leaves!" George called.

"You're not doing what I think you're doing, are you?" Ginevra asked with a groan.

"Not at all!" Fred replied chirpily, then he saw the envelope and scroll in her hand. "You need any mail owled?" he called back inside.

"I've got a letter for Mother and Father," Padma called back and a letter floated to them. "Thanks Ginevra!"

"You're welcome!" Ginevra called back over another small explosion. "You should put those leaves in soon or else the potion's going to boil over and burn everything in the room... You have ten seconds left... Do not destroy anything that you can't repair!" she yelled as they ran inside again quickly.

Muttering and shaking her head, Ginevra went to the next room, knocking on the door. Gregory answered the door and looked at her quickly.

"Pansy where's that letter for your parents? Ginevra's going to the Owlery," Gregory called.

"I've got a letter too Greg," Vincent said grumpily, handing him the two envelopes.

"Forgot about that one... Sorry," Gregory said with a guilty grin. "Thanks Ginevra," he said winking at her before shutting the door again.

"You're welcome..." Ginevra muttered, going to the last door and knocking lightly in case one of the boys was asleep.

Blaise answered the door, grinning brightly.

"Hi lovely! You're going to the Owlery obviously... I've got a letter for Mother dearest and Neville should have a letter for his gran but I don't think I've let him have enough time to write it..." Blaise said smirking.

"I do not hear any guilt in that statement whatsoever, Blaise," Neville said kissing him as he handed Ginevra the two envelopes. "And you did give me enough time when you slept for two hours this afternoon..." he added.

Blaise shrugged in response with another grin.

"Thanks for owling everything Ginevra," Neville said. "See you tomorrow, all right?"

"All right... You're welcome," Ginevra said. "By the way, Neville, Severus asked me to deliver a message for you..." she said. "He said for you to be careful in deciding your punishment for Dean and Seamus because he doesn't want to waste time at the Ministry making statements on why two students are dead..." she said smirking.

"Nice to know that he cares..." Blaise muttered rolling his eyes.

"He does... By saying that he doesn't want to waste his time at the Ministry means that he doesn't want me to go to Azkaban..." Neville said.

"It could just mean what he said though," Blaise replied.

"Good night boys," Ginevra said over them, shutting their door and going to the corridor entry.

"Took you long enough, Ginevra," Draco drawled smirking at her, leaning against the wardrobe, two robes over his arm.

"Next time you can interrupt everyone," Ginevra said sweetly, taking a robe from him and putting it on. "This isn't mine," she said with a frown.

"It was easier to just get them both from my room... Besides, I think it would be inappropriate for me to be going through your wardrobe at such an early stage in our relationship," Draco said smirking again.

Ginevra rolled her eyes and walked down the corridor, not waiting for him.

"We're going to have to hurry if we don't want to get caught by Argus... Should have done this earlier," she muttered, her footsteps quickening.

"This time I'll wait until the coast is clear to follow you out," Draco said.

"Please do. As unhygienic as the man is, I just can not hate him enough to let you give him a heart attack," Ginevra said with a grin.

"Why is that? Everyone in this school hates Filch."

"Yet I am not everyone, am I?" she teased smiling back at him.

Draco rolled his eyes and shook his head slightly, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Argus can not be that bad a man when he has a cat that absolutely adores him like Mrs. Norris does. Sometimes I feel guilty for having Petrified her and think that's why I like him; because I feel obliged to. But at other times I just think that he's just misunderstood and everyone's too hard on the poor man..."

Draco scoffed but didn't say anything as Ginevra narrowed her eyes at him warningly.

"He just wants to do his job and do it right. Then he has to deal with every kid in the school that hates him and who try to make his life miserable by ruining what he has already done," Ginevra said shaking her head. "We cleaned Professor McGonagall's classroom for just an hour and you saw how Millicent was when Ron and Lavender ruined it... Imagine having to deal with that, and more, every single day... Argus has to deal with hundreds of students ruining the corridors that he's just cleaned, not including all of the damage that Peeves does..."

"Well I can see your point... Now this gives me another reason to take House points off people," he said chuckling as Ginevra shook her head at him in disbelief.

She stopped in front of the next door and climbed out cautiously, looking around for the caretaker. Not seeing him or hearing anyone else, she called Draco out and they went up to the Owlery quickly and quietly.

"You can give these ones out because I don't know their owls," Ginevra said, handing the four envelopes to him.

Draco sighed and started going along the perches. Ginevra went over to the school owls and gave one Colin's letter and gave Neville's letter to the other. Then she went along the perches and found Parvati and Padma's owl, giving the envelope to him, watching as the owls flew out of the opening.

Ginevra rubbed her arms in the cool air, thankful that she had Draco's robe. It was definitely thick and it also had warming charms sewn in to the fabric.

"Are you warm enough?" Draco asked looking at her.

"I'm fine... I just want to get back before Argus comes up here on his rounds," Ginevra said.

"Filch has to come up here to check for students?" Draco asked in surprise.

He hadn't heard anything about it as Head Boy!

"Oh, no... He cleans out the Owlery every night, then he goes to check for students," she replied smirking.

"And Filch does this willingly?" Draco asked looking at the feathers and dried owl droppings around them.

"At the prefect meetings last year Argus said that he doesn't do it willingly, but I've heard him whistling while he's been sweeping up here before, so I think that he's just joking," Ginevra said with a small smile.

She looked around quickly and grabbed Draco's hand, pulling him to the very back of the Owlery where not even the moonlight could reach. When they were completely hidden, Draco went to question her, but Ginevra put a finger to her lips so he remained silent. They both watched the Owlery entry quietly.

Footsteps sounded and Filch appeared, a broom in his hand. He headed as far back as he could see and began to sweep steadily. After a few minutes, he started to whistle a tune in time with his sweeping. Mrs. Norris appeared soon after, padding over to her master silently and rubbing her cheek against his leg affectionately.

Ginevra silently took the outer robe off and quickly turned in to a cat. Mrs. Norris came over, as if stalking a mouse, so as not to make Filch suspicious and find them.

"Hello young queen," Mrs. Norris said quietly.

"Hello Mrs. Norris... Would you mind getting Argus to leave so that Draco and I may leave? We were just here to send a letter to my mentor," Ginevra explained softly.

"You were both here to send one letter? Perhaps my master's assumptions were correct after all," Mrs. Norris said smugly.

"We had more than one letter and Draco only came because I didn't know the others' owls," Ginevra said curtly.

"Of course... I will help you, young queen," Mrs. Norris said then went back to Filch.

Her back arched upwards and she let out a hiss, running to the door and looking back to her master.

"They're at it already, eh? Go on Mrs. Norris love, I'll catch you up," Argus said.

Mrs. Norris sprinted out the door. Argus sighed wearily and leant the broom against the doorframe before leaving quickly after her.

Ginevra turned back in to her human self and went over to Draco, still listening cautiously.

"We've got to hurry... I don't know how long she can hold him off for," she said quietly.

Draco nodded and they rushed downstairs silently, going through the first tapestry they came to, not seeing Argus once. They both stayed silent as they walked through the corridor to Ginevra's room.

"Can you tell me when you're going to do the spell? I want to be there..." Draco said.

"I don't want you to be there again... If you're there I might change my mind," Ginevra replied.

"I doubt you would... You're stubborn," he said smirking.

"I'm as stubborn as you are conceited," she taunted.

"Well then I suppose you're the most stubborn person in the world..." Draco said.

"Must be," Ginevra said as she opened the wardrobe door. "All right, who in the Gods names doesn't have the silencing spell on their room?" she yelled wincing.

"Gods, that is wrong... I completely sympathise," Draco muttered covering his soiled ears.

"You can hear it?" Ginevra asked in surprise.

Draco nodded, still wincing and looking disgusted.

"It's Millicent and Theodore..." he said going a light shade of green.

Ginevra shook her head and went to their room, reapplying the spell and sighing in relief as silence followed.

"I need a shower... I feel dirty," Draco muttered, brushing off his robes quickly.

"Thanks for coming to the Owlery with me, Draco," Ginevra said giving him back his robe.

"It was nothing," Draco said shrugging.

He sauntered over to Ginevra and kissed her soundly.

"Good night Draconius," she whispered and slipped away quickly.

"Good night Ginevra," Draco said with a sigh as he headed to his room.


Thursday, Sept. 12

Ginevra woke up, stretching lazily. Seeing the time and knowing that no one would be awake, she headed to the bathroom to have a shower.

After drying her body and getting changed into her school uniform, Ginevra left the bathroom to see that a few of them were awake.

Pansy waved to her with a yawn, resting her head against Vincent and Gregory tiredly. Theodore was awake and looking far too cheerful for Ginevra's likes. She shook her head as he started whistling and watched as Fred and George hit him, looking tired. Ginevra noticed that their hair was singed and shook her head.

"I don't even want to know why you're all so tired..." Ginevra muttered shaking her head. "And I already know why you're so happy Theodore! The next time you take off the silencing spell, put it back on!" she yelled as she went back to her room.

"Sorry!" Theodore called down to her cheekily.

Grabbing her bag, Ginevra looked around the room for Relo and Bexley. She grinned when she saw Relo's foot poking out from underneath her bed and heard him snoring softly.

"Good morning, Ginevra," Bexley said floating in to the room.

"Hello Bexley... Where were you?" Ginevra asked.

"I was talking with the others," Bexley said as he returned to her body.

Padma knocked on the door and looked at her.

"Do you mind if we borrow Bexley tonight, Ginevra?" Padma asked smirking evilly.

"As long as I don't get into trouble for whatever you're going to do, then yes..." Ginevra replied with a grin.

"Don't worry... We'll be as good as Galleons," she drawled winking as she left.

"Yeah, and I'm going to magically turn in to a pumpkin at the next full moon," Ginevra muttered shaking her head.

"Well thanks for telling me... At least I know how much time you have left as a witch," Draco drawled appearing at her door. "So, why are you turning in to a pumpkin?" he asked, smirking at her.

"Because the twins think that they're going to be as good as Galleons," she replied.

"Well, I can definitely see how that would make you turn in to a pumpkin... Perhaps there's a counter curse for it," Draco said softly, kissing her.

"That might do it," Ginevra said smiling at him.

"Gods... You're making lovey-dovey faces at each other... I feel nauseous," Pansy said, fanning herself as she fell back into Vincent's arms dramatically.

"Would you rather I made lovey-dovey faces with your boyfriends then?" Ginevra asked raising an eyebrow at her with a broad smirk.

"Look at them and you will die a very slow and painful death, my dear... Can you two hurry it up? The Great Hall will be open for breakfast soon," Pansy said, leaving with Gregory and Vincent.

"Hold on to your broomstick, we're coming," Draco muttered going after them with Ginevra.

"Is everyone up and ready to go, or are they going to miss breakfast?" Ginevra asked Pansy.

"They're all waiting in the corridor..." Pansy replied. "Well except for Luna, Colin, Blaise and Neville," she added as she went through the wardrobe.

"I should go see if they're getting ready," Ginevra said.

"Luna will get them, I'm sure. She always knows when someone's going to be late," Millicent muttered shaking her head.

"I guess you're right..." she said and they headed down along the corridor. "I thought I told you not to burn my room?" Ginevra glared at her brothers, who both blushed slightly.

"To be technical about it..." Fred began.

"You actually said for us not to destroy," George continued.

"Anything that we couldn't repair," the Patil twins finished with identical smirks.

"And your eyebrows don't count?" Ginevra asked raising her own eyebrow at them.

"They're not yours, now are they?" Fred and George countered matter-of-factly.

"True... But they were in my rooms," Ginevra replied.

"Hmm... I believe that Ginevra has us there, Fred," George said frowning at his twin.

"Indeed, I think she does..." Fred replied nodding his head.

"Congratulations," they said in unison, shaking her hands from either side of them.

"Would you guys hurry up? I'm starving!" Pansy groaned, almost on their heels.

"Gets like that after a good romp, doesn't she Vince?" Theodore said, mimicking his words from earlier in the week.

"You bet..." Vincent said nudging Gregory, both of them laughing as Theodore went red.

"Now, now... Don't be mean to the poor boy. He's going to be one of the few who have the ability to heal you properly and if you're not nice, I'm sure Theodore will take great pleasure in watching you cry from a stab wound," Pansy said, patting her boyfriends' shoulders lightly.

"True... Sorry Theo," Gregory said winking at him.

"Sorry mate," Vincent said hitting him on the shoulder.

"You will be if that bruises," Theodore warned, rubbing his shoulder.

"Are you threatening to hex me?" Vincent asked smirking at him.

"No... I am," Millicent growled. "Stop your fooling around and move it! Or else Pansy and I will be forced to hex you in order to get to our food!"

"Agreed," Pansy said warningly when Vincent went to say something to Millicent.

The three boys quickly moved out of their way and everyone hurried to the open tapestry that the four twins, Ginevra and Draco were waiting in front of.

"Finally! I thought we were going to have to go back and get you..." Ginevra muttered, going through the doorway.


"Ginevra is going to erase everyone's memories tonight..." Luna informed Blaise and Neville.

"That was why you hexed Pansy, wasn't it?" Blaise asked quietly. "You didn't want her to come in and tell Ginevra not to do it..."

"It was necessary to stop her... I could not allow her to ruin everything that has been Planned because of her anger and pain," Luna said. "There are two ways to stop it from happening however," she added before Blaise or Neville could say anything. "The first and easiest way is to have a net spelled to resist or hold harmful or suspicious charms..."

"But..." Blaise went to say but Luna shot him a glance and he shut up quickly.

"As you do not have one of these, you will have to use the second way. You will both have to become emotional. Not just a tear escaping emotional, I mean so emotional that you will not feel anything for hours afterwards. The easiest way to achieve that is to sexually climax at the same time as Ginevra's spell enters your mind," Luna said, not a hint of embarrassment in her voice or showing on her face.

"You know the time it will happen then?" Neville asked only slightly surprised.

Luna nodded the affirmative and smiled at him.

"Ginevra's spell will enter her rooms at eleven o'clock exactly," she informed them.

"Well, it looks like our night's planned," Neville said grinning at Blaise.

"Who said I wasn't going to do that with you anyway?" Blaise murmured in his ear.

Luna smiled at them, then shaking her head lightly, she went and opened their door. Colin grinned at her then looked into the room and saw Blaise and Neville kissing.

"All right you two... Not before breakfast," Colin said shaking his head at them.

Blaise and Neville pulled apart and followed them through the wardrobe and down the corridor.

"So how do you know all of that exactly?" Blaise asked Luna in interest.

"I See a lot more than other people do," Luna replied vaguely, shrugging delicately.


"There you four are! Ginevra's been worried sick about you," Pansy said nodding her head at the redhead.

"I have not been worried sick," Ginevra muttered glaring at her. "I was just wondering when you'd turn up, that's all," she said smiling at them. "What took you so long?"

"We just lost track of the time and Luna and Colin were kind enough to get us," Neville said, a small blush forming on his face. "Why is everyone staring at us?" he asked, looking at more than half of the students who were staring at them intently.

"They're not staring at us, my little nymph..." Ginevra replied smirking at him. "They're staring at you, wondering who on Earth you are, and why they haven't seen you before and how could they have overlooked someone so handsome?" she said, mimicking their thoughts dramatically, laughing as Neville blushed again.

"Damn, and here I thought I was the handsome one," Draco drawled, seeing that most of the looks were directed at Neville. Giving an almost bored shrug, he went back to eating his breakfast.

"Don't worry, they'll stop staring soon enough," Parvati said smiling at Neville reassuringly.

"Maybe not Ronnie-kins and Brown though..." George added, glancing at his brother and his girlfriend.

"I think they're staring at Ginevra rather than Neville," Fred noted, squinting comically as he tried to determine exactly who they were looking at.

"They're alternating between them... Ron's staring at Neville in shock, then glaring at Ginevra..." Padma said.

"And Lavender's staring at Neville in surprise and lust, then she goes to glaring at Ginevra too," Parvati said with a nod.

"She's staring at my boyfriend with lust? Can I kill her now?" Blaise growled to Ginevra and Luna, both of whom shook their heads firmly.

"If she keeps looking at me like that I'm going to have to go take a shower... I feel dirty," Neville said shuddering.

"Well you better make it a quick one because it's time for Charms," Ginevra said hearing the school clock ticking in her mind loudly. The bell rang after her words, as if on cue and they stood to leave.

"I don't know if I should be scared that you can hear that well or not," Millicent commented as she walked past Ginevra.

"Scared, of course," Ginevra muttered smirking at her.

"See you at recess," Colin called as he left with Luna.

"See you later," Parvati called back, waving to them.

"Ginevra, we're going to have to get Bexley from you after classes today..." Padma said as they walked down to the Charms classroom.

"All right... Can I ask why?" Ginevra replied.

"Fred and George invited us to their shop tonight..." Parvati said smiling.

"We wouldn't want to risk destroying something of yours that we can't repair, after all," Fred and George said winking as they came up behind them.

"You don't have to leave you know..." Ginevra said frowning at them.

"Well the silencing spells are wearing off and we doubt you're going to want to put them back on in the early hours of the morning, now are you?" her brothers said grinning.

"I don't know whether to be sick or happy that you're serious enough about your relationship with them to be doing that already..." she muttered shaking her head.

"Well, we'll leave you to ponder over that during your lovely Charms lesson," Fred and George said giving her a brief hug before going to a side corridor and opening a tapestry, disappearing from sight as they spoke in hushed tones.

"What was all that about?" Pansy asked coming over to them. "Why aren't they coming to class?"

"I have no idea..." Ginevra replied shaking her head.

Ginevra sat next to Neville and watched as Blaise and Draco sat in front of them, while the other seven sat further down the rows next to them.

Pansy muttered something to Vincent and Gregory, and Ginevra looked to the classroom entrance. Seamus and Dean walked in, Dean favouring his right leg. Silence fell through their group as the eleven of them all glared at the two boys. Seamus went red and averted his gaze, but Dean pretended not to see them. Both of them decided to sit on the other side of the classroom.

Scars showed on their faces plainly and Ginevra could almost see the outline of Blaise's hooves on them. She shivered unwillingly and Neville looked at her for a moment, clasping her hand in his own. His green thumb glowed for a moment and a calm feeling flowed through her, relaxing Ginevra considerably.

"Remember that it is my decision. Calm down, lovely..." Neville said with a wink.

"Thank you Neville," Ginevra whispered.

Flitwick looked at the class and was about to start the attendance when Lavender called for him.

"Professor Flitwick?" Lavender called putting her hand up.

"Yes Miss Brown?" Flitwick asked kindly.

"I believe that some punishment is due for the people who so rudely skipped class yesterday," Lavender said looking at Ginevra pointedly.

"They were excused from class by Professor Dumbledore, Miss Brown... No punishment is needed for them," Flitwick said.

"But... They skipped all of their classes, not just this one!" Lavender said.

"Yes, and they were excused from those lessons as well... May I take attendance now, or is there something else you would like to say, Miss Brown?" Flitwick asked, slightly annoyed.

Lavender didn't say anything and Flitwick started taking attendance, not seeing Lavender glaring at Ginevra.

"Blaise Zabini," Flitwick finished.

"Present," Blaise said.

"It is excellent to see that everyone is here today," Flitwick said genuinely, smiling at the class. "I will be teaching you the Sleeping Charm... Does anyone know the incantation for this spell?" he asked looking at everyone.

Hermione's hand shot up in to the air. Neville and Ginevra put their hands up, as did Blaise and the Patil twins.

"Miss Patil," Flitwick said smiling at the twins.

"The incantation is dormio," Padma and Parvati answered in unison. (To sleep.)

"Excellent work, girls! Five points to Slytherin and Gryffindor," he said beaming. "Now, the counter-spell is the Awakening Charm... What is the incantation for this spell?" he asked looking around the room as the same and a few more hands went up. "Mr. Longbottom," Flitwick said smiling at him.

"Vigilo," Neville replied. (To be awake.)

"Very good! Five points awarded to Gryffindor. Now... Besides putting a person to sleep, how else does the Sleeping Charm affect the person it is put upon?" he asked watching with some disappointment as some hands went down.

Only Hermione and Ginevra had their hands up after a few seconds; Hermione was off her seat, stretching as far as she could in an effort to be noticed.

"Hermione, I'm sure that Professor Flitwick can see your arm waving about... I don't think there's a reason for you to be standing up to get his attention! He's not that short," Ginevra said grinning at him.

Flitwick gave a chuckle and Hermione sat in her seat, her hand still raised.

"I had hoped for a Slytherin to answer this question in order to even out the points awarded this lesson," Flitwick said with a sigh. "Are you all quite certain that you cannot answer the question?" he asked looking at the Slytherins around the room.

Rolling his eyes, Draco raised his hand. Flitwick beamed at him encouragingly and nodded for him to answer.

"The Sleeping Charm affects the dreams that a person has, depending on the person's soul. If a person's soul is bad then they will have nightmares, but if their soul is good then they will have pleasant dreams about things that make them happy... So watch out for Potter dreaming about fluffy bunny rabbits," Draco muttered the last part to Blaise, who smirked at him.

"Correct, Mr. Malfoy! Five points to Slytherin. Clear your tables, quickly please," Flitwick said.

Everyone did as he instructed. Flitwick then told them to move to one side of the room and flicked his wand. All of the tables on the opposite side of the room turned in to long beds.

"Now, I want you to all get into pairs and stand behind a bed. One person is to lie down on the bed, while the other is to perform the spell," Flitwick instructed.

"Can we be in a group of three, Professor?" Pansy asked, standing with Vincent and Gregory.

"I am sorry, Miss Parkinson, but one of you will have to go with Mr. Finnigan, as he does not have a partner," Flitwick said, motioning to Seamus, who had paled dramatically.

Seamus looked to Dean, who was partnered with Sally-Anne for help but the boy didn't even look in his direction.

"I'll go with him, Professor," Pansy said sweetly as she went over to Seamus, glaring at him with hate.

Seamus avoided her gaze, and looked anywhere but her.

"Now, who is with who here?" Flitwick asked as he floated over to Ginevra, Draco, Blaise and Neville.

"I'm with Draco," Ginevra said smiling as Neville and Blaise grinned at her gratefully.

"Very well... Go to a bed then," Flitwick said.

Ginevra went red as she heard Draco's thoughts and hit his shoulder.

"Don't think about me like that in class Draconius!" she hissed at him. "I'm putting that spell on you first," she said as they went to the last empty bed next to Blaise and Neville's.

Draco just smirked at her and lay down on the bed, closing his eyes.

"These beds are comfortable..." Ginevra heard Blaise mutter with a yawn. "Bugger the spell, I'll just fall asleep without it," he joked grinning at Neville.

"Settle down now class... Do the spell," Flitwick said and shouts of dormio went through the room.

"Why are they all shouting?" Draco muttered shaking his head at their stupidity.

"They yell because they think that will increase their chances of getting the spell to actually work," Ginevra replied with a smirk. "Now shut up and open your eyes so I can see if the spell works or not," she instructed.

Draco sighed and reluctantly did as he was told.

"Dormio," Ginevra muttered, watching as his eyes fluttered shut.

She looked at the rest of the class, seeing some people attempting the spell again. In less than five minutes, half of the class was asleep. Ginevra turned back to Draco, wondering if he was having a dream or a nightmare...


Draco looked around at the complete nothingness that he was surrounded by, wondering the same thing as Ginevra was... Was this a nightmare or a dream?

Ginevra appeared by his side and she smiled at him.

"Is this a dream or a nightmare?" Draco asked her, seeing the knowing look on her face.

"It is both and it is neither... I am here, indicating that it is a dream," Ginevra said confidently. "Yet, the fact that we are surrounded by Nothing, that means it is also part nightmare," she said.

"So a nightmare is Nothing then?" he asked raising an eyebrow in disbelief.

"When you wake up, then yes, a nightmare becomes Nothing; a mere memory of some unexplainable and forgotten fear. The Nothing is what comes before the nightmare actually begins... So though this is neither a dream nor a nightmare, it has the ability to be both. Perhaps you should return in a year's time and see what is here, that may be a better solution," Ginevra said with a smile.


Ginevra watched as Dean thrashed on the bed wildly, one of the signs of having a nightmare. Then he started to scream: loudly. She winced and watched as Sally-Anne attempted to wake him up, without much success. His screams got louder and Ginevra's head started to throb.

Ron began to thrash too, and soon his own loud screams joined in with Dean's.

"For the Gods sakes! Would you wake them up so we don't get headaches from their screaming?!" she yelled over both Ron's and Dean's screams at Sally-Anne and Lavender.

"For once I agree with you, Weasley," Lavender muttered, glaring down at her boyfriend. "Vigilo," Lavender said and Ron's screams ceased immediately.

"The spell isn't working..." Sally-Anne said, attempting the spell yet again.

Ginevra muttered about stupid witches who can't even do the simplest charm, then stalked over to her. She pointed her wand at Dean.

"You should actually practise magic before attempting it, Perks... Vigilo!" Ginevra said, leaving with another mutter.

Dean's screams stopped as he woke up and looked around, his face pale.

"All right, class... Wake up your partners," Flitwick said, quite glad that someone had taken the initiative to stop Dean's screams while he was on the other side of the room. "Ask if they had a dream or nightmare and what it was about."

"Vigilo," Ginevra said.

Draco opened his eyes and he sat up, looking slightly confused and annoyed.

"Dream or nightmare and what was it about?" she asked.

"Both... Neither," Draco muttered, shaking his head. "It was about you so that's why it was a dream, but then we were surrounded by Nothing which means it was a nightmare too," he said.

Ginevra regarded him for a moment, then nodded and wrote down his answer.

"Miss Parkinson, I said for you to wake up your partner," Flitwick said, floating over, seeing that Seamus was still lying on the bed sleeping peacefully.

"I'm waiting for him to have a nightmare first," Pansy growled, glaring down at Seamus.

"Miss Parkinson. Wake your partner up or else I will have to fail you for this section of work," Flitwick said stonily.

"Vigilo," Pansy muttered and Seamus woke up.

He sat up looking slightly happy, but he still would not look at Pansy.

"Well? Was it a dream or nightmare? What was it about?" she asked the mandatory questions, glaring at him again.

"I had a dream..." Seamus said quietly, looking down at his feet as he swung his legs back and forth. "It was my eleventh birthday when I got the letter for Hogwarts..." he said.

Pansy rolled her eyes and wrote down his answers.

"Dream or nightmare? What was it about?" Neville asked Blaise.

"Dream and I don't think the class should know what I dreamt..." he said, pulling him close and whispering in his ear.

Neville went bright red as Blaise's words registered in his mind.

"I think you're right... I don't think it would have been appropriate for them to hear that," he said with a grin. "I guess dream and personal will just have to do for answers," he muttered, writing it on the parchment.

"Did you have a dream or a nightmare?" Sally-Anne asked Dean, who glared at her.

"I think that answer is obvious since you all heard my screams," he said angrily.

"Don't get all prissy with me! I'm only asking the questions that Professor Flitwick told us to ask! Now, what was your nightmare about?" she asked, quill poised.

"Hell... There was fire and all I could feel was pain," he answered quietly, shuddering at the memory.

"What did you dream about?" Parvati asked her sister with a knowing grin. "Or should I say, who?"

"Fred, who else? We were hexing Ronnie-kins in to oblivion... I wonder if Flitwick will let me go to sleep again? I want to know if he ended up begging for his miserable pathetic life or not," she snarled, glaring across the room at Ron.

"If you leave out why you want to go to sleep again, then he might," Parvati said smiling.

"Did you have a dream or a nightmare?" Hermione asked Harry, who looked confused after having woken up.

"I... I don't know... I dreamt that I was fighting Death Eaters, but when I got to Voldemort he told me that I wasn't the One he had to worry about," Harry said shaking his head. "Is that good or bad?"

"Was there anything else in it?" Hermione asked with a frown.

"I was wearing a ring on my wedding finger..." he said, rubbing the finger as if he could still see the ring on it. "It was a dream, not a nightmare," Harry said decisively. "I think..." he added with a frown.

"What did you dream about?" Millicent asked Theodore.

"I was Head Healer... We were happily married and we had two children... Twins," he said with a grin.

"Oh good... That means twice the labour pains," Millicent muttered. "And twice the amount of times I'll have to get up in the middle of the night when one is crying and wakes up the other one... The amount of diapers is doubled too..."

"Twice the love," Theodore said with a wink as he kissed her lightly.

"Once you have finished asking the questions, swap around so the person who just did the spell is now on the bed," Flitwick said.

"You know the questions," Vincent said to Gregory with a smirk.

"Dream... We were both married to Pansy by law and I think it was our honeymoon," Gregory said smirking broadly as the dream surfaced in his mind again.

"It's impossible for all three of us to marry by law though," Vincent said in surprise.

"Just telling you what I dreamt," Gregory said with a shrug.

"We both know it was a nightmare..." Lavender muttered glaring at Ron again. "What was it about?" she asked.

"Ginevra had spiders that could control people and she let them in to my room. They made me tap dance..." Ron replied with a shudder. "Then the spiders took me outside and made me lie down in a grave. They covered me and Ginevra only laughed evilly as she made them kill me..." he said paling considerably.

Ginevra and Draco swapped and she smirked up at him.

"Maybe I should get Ronald a man-eating spider for his birthday," she muttered and Draco chuckled softly. "Blaise was right, this bed is comfortable..." Ginevra said yawning slightly.

"You may all do the spell now," Flitwick said.

"Dormio," Draco said, watching as Ginevra's eyes closed.


Ginevra looked around, but she was surrounded by Nothingness. She sighed.

"This is going to be like Draco's dream, isn't it?" she muttered.

"That all depends on what you would like me to do," Draco whispered in her ear huskily.

"I would like you to stop thinking about me like that when we're in class! I already told you not to!" Ginevra said with a half-hearted glare.

Draco laughed and kissed her as she went to talk again.

"You know you love the attention, carus..." he whispered. (Dear or beloved.)

"Morsus mihi," Ginevra drawled with a smile. "So this is a nightmare and a dream, right?" she asked, seeing the Nothingness that still surrounded them. (Bite me.)

Draco nodded. "It is a dream because I am here... If I was not here then I would be very annoyed," he drawled, smirking at her. "Yet because there is also Nothingness here that means that this is also a nightmare," Draco explained.

"So Nothing is a nightmare?" Ginevra asked.

"When you wake up, then yes, a nightmare becomes Nothing; a mere memory of some unexplainable and forgotten fear. The Nothing is what comes before the nightmare actually begins... So though this is neither a dream nor a nightmare, it has the ability to be both. Perhaps you should return in a year's time and see what is here, that may be a better solution," Draco said.

He kissed her again, smirking.

"This is supposed to be my dream and you still can't keep your bad thoughts or lips to yourself," Ginevra sighed shaking her head as she kissed him back.

"This is your dream so you're the one that doesn't want me to..." Draco replied, kissing her again.


Draco looked around the room at the sleeping students. Lavender began to thrash wildly in her bed and just as her ear-piercing screams began to give everyone headaches, Weasley woke her up.

"Wake up your partners," Flitwick called. "Ask them the same questions," he instructed.

"Vigilo," Draco said watching Ginevra's eyes open.

She sat up and looked at him.

"You just can't keep your lips to yourself, can you?" Ginevra muttered shaking her head.

"I will assume that you had a dream and I was in it then?" Draco asked smirking at her.

"No... It was a dream and a nightmare... The same as you, except mine involved a lot more kissing than yours did..."

"How come you didn't kiss me?" Draco asked pouting slightly.

"Because I'm smart enough not to, even in your dream..." Ginevra replied with a smirk.

"Did you have a dream or nightmare and what was it about?" Seamus asked Pansy, still not looking at her.

"I had a dream and it was personal... That is all you need to know, Finnigan," she hissed.

Seamus nodded quickly and wrote down her answer.

"You're lucky that we decided Neville would be deciding your punishment, or you would still be in that bloody hospital wing," Pansy snarled at him.

"I know..." Seamus said quietly, tears springing to his eyes. "I didn't mean for it to get that far, you know... Dean..." he went to say, then his mouth shut quickly.

"He put a spell on you, didn't he?" Pansy asked.

Seamus looked at her and she saw the shame and regret in his eyes as a few tears escaped from his eyes. He nodded.

"Dream or nightmare, and what was it about?" Blaise asked Neville.

"Dream... I was with the nymphs again and you were with me this time... We were..." Neville went to say, then pulled him close and whispered the rest quietly.

"Really? Haven't done that before..." Blaise said smirking as his boyfriend blushed again.

"Not that I care, but did you have a dream or nightmare and what was it about?" Dean asked in a bored tone.

Sally-Anne glared at him and folded her arms across her chest.

"I'm regretting taking you as a partner, Dean! The least you could do is act interested for goodness sakes!" she said indignantly.

"Fine... Don't get your knickers in a knot..." he muttered. "Dearest one of mine, did you have a dream or a nightmare? Please do tell me what it was about!" he said sarcastically. "Better?" Dean asked.

"You're a right prick, you know that Dean?" Sally-Anne said glaring at him.

"Just answer the question Perks," he drawled.

"I had a dream... I was lying in a field of flowers looking at the different shapes of the clouds," she said.

"That's it?" Dean asked in disbelief.

"Yes, that was it! Oh, just write down the answer and leave me alone," Sally-Anne said turning away from him in a huff.

"Who and what did you dream about?" Padma asked smirking at her twin.

"I dreamt about George and we were making new jokes for the shop while you were out with Fred hexing Ron into oblivion," Parvati said smiling. "He did beg in the end," she added.

"I knew he would! Stupid spineless git... It was because of the spiders, wasn't it?" Padma asked eagerly.

"I worry about you sometimes, sister dearest... Yes, it was because of the spiders," Parvati said when Padma just shrugged in response.

"There's no need for you to worry about me, dearest sister... Mother does that enough... Which reminds me. I should be getting a letter from her soon... I told her about the twins and us. She'll be ordering the wedding robes within the week," Padma drawled rolling her eyes.

"Mother wouldn't order them just because we've got boyfriends..." Parvati said, but Padma only looked at her pointedly.

"You remember when we went to the Yule Ball with Potter and Weasley? I still can not believe you dragged me into that, by the way," she said glaring at her. "I was teased for weeks on end..." Padma growled.

"I already apologised for that... And yes, I do remember what Mother was like... Perhaps we should go to Madam Malkin's on the weekend and cancel any order she's had from her," Parvati said shaking her head.

"I'll write to Father to see if he can make Mother see sense... I know that if he doesn't stop her, then we're going to be stuck with robes that have blow-up sleeves," Padma said in disgust and Parvati shuddered at the thought.

"Did you have a dream or nightmare and what was it about?" Harry asked Hermione as she woke up after his second attempt at the Awakening Charm.

"I don't know... I was in the wizarding world's largest library, but I couldn't find the book I wanted," Hermione said with a frown. "I just kept looking and looking... Then I found it... There was a wedding ring in front of the book and I couldn't take the book without taking the ring too..." she remembered, still frowning.

"Did you take the ring?" Harry asked.

"I think I did..." Hermione said, then she shook her head. "It was a dream about the wizarding world's largest library, just write that," she said.

Harry nodded and wrote her answer down, smiling.

"What was your dream about?" Theodore asked Millicent.

"How do you even know it was a dream?" she asked with a grin.

"You didn't thrash about in your bed and you didn't scream like a banshee, so I thought it would be safe to assume it was a dream," Theodore said.

"It was a dream. It was like yours, but from my perspective. We were married and had two kids. I was working on something that was titled 'Government' but it wasn't anything to do for the Ministry, so I have no idea what that was about," Millicent said with a shrug.

Theodore shrugged, not knowing either, then wrote down her answer.

"What was your dream about?" Gregory asked Vincent.

"Same as yours, except we were in the dining room instead... That sure put a new meaning to dessert," Vincent said smirking as he explained in quiet tones what he was talking about.

"That sure does... Reckon she'll try it?" Gregory asked looking over to their girlfriend.

"If we ask nicely and eat all of our vegetables, then she might," Vincent replied with another smirk.

"What was your nightmare about?" Ron asked Lavender.

"Ginevra turned me in to a monster and tortured me... Then she made me her slave for the rest of time," Lavender said with a horrified shudder.

"I would like all of your answers put in a neat pile on my desk as you leave in an orderly file," Flitwick instructed as the bell went for their next lesson.

"Do you think that the dreams were real?" Padma asked everyone as they left.

"It will be..." Blaise said smirking at Neville.

"Gods, I'm buying you both mind shields! Honestly, you just can't keep those thoughts to yourself, can you?" Ginevra muttered, blushing as their thoughts entered her unwillingly mind.

"I wouldn't want you to miss out on the fun..." Blaise said with a wink.

Ginevra shook her head and they walked down in to the dungeons silently.


"You are all to be seated in you new seating arrangements, as you were supposed to be yesterday..." Snape drawled as he entered the classroom. "Miss Weasley and Mr. Longbottom, you are to be seated with Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Zabini over there," Snape instructed, indicating to the empty table at the back of the classroom. "Miss and Miss Patil, you are to be seated with Miss Perks and Mr. Weasley," he said nodding to where the latter two were seated. "Miss Parkinson, Mr. Goyle and Mr. Crabbe, you are to be seated with Mr. Finnigan as there were more Slytherins than Gryffindors, which is not very surprising," Snape drawled, smirking at the class. "Miss Bulstrode and Mr. Nott you are to be seated with Mr. Potter and Miss Granger," he instructed.

They all went to their seats and waited for Snape to continue talking.

"As yesterday's lesson was a complete disaster, all of you will copy chapters three and four from your Potions books. There is to be no talking and I do not want to hear one single complaint, is that understood?" Snape asked glaring at everyone full-heartedly.

Not one of the students said a word and everyone turned to the third chapter and began to copy out the potions and information.


The bell rang and everyone gratefully put their things away, leaving the Potions classroom as quickly and quietly as possible, only daring to complain once they were outside.

"Do we even want to know what happened yesterday?" Pansy asked smirking at Severus.

"I am shocked that you didn't hear the explosion," Snape drawled shaking his head. "The entire classroom was that colour," he growled, pointing to a new scorch mark on the ground. "Not even the house elves could get that out," he said angrily.

"An explosion, the entire classroom full of soot and scorch marks and not one person was in the hospital wing?" Ginevra asked in surprise.

"I realised what they were doing and managed to put a shield up to stop anyone from getting hurt... Unfortunately, the shield didn't stop my classroom from getting damaged," Severus replied. "However, everyone did have to leave so they could get changed into a clean uniform. Except for the two that caused it, of course," he said wryly, smirking.

"Who were they?" Millicent asked.

"Wait, I know this... Let me guess, it was Ronnie-kins and Lavender?" Ginevra asked him shaking her head.

Severus nodded, waiting for her response.

"I guess the twins were right then... Ronald really is an idiot," she said shaking her head.

"Can we go now? We're starving Pans!" Vincent complained.

"All right, we're going now... Honestly, it should be possible for you two to not think about food for longer than ten minutes!" Pansy muttered leaving the dungeons, everyone following her.


Seeing Colin and Luna at the Ravenclaw table, Ginevra went over to them as the others went to the Slytherin table.

"Hi Colin... Hi Luna. What's wrong?" Ginevra asked seeing how pale Luna was.

"It is nothing. I am fine, thank you Ginevra," Luna said with a brief smile.

"Liar... What's wrong?" Ginevra repeated, sitting beside her.

"I have worn myself out, that is all... I am just tired," Luna said. "I have not been sleeping well lately and I think my body is finally telling me that it is time to have a rest," she said sighing.

"Do you want me to get you a sleeping potion?" Ginevra asked in concern.

"No, thank you. I will sleep well tonight," Luna said smiling.

"Are you sure?" she asked.

"I am sure, Ginevra... Eat your recess before it is time to go," she said passing her an apple.

"All right, I'll leave it for now... You know you can tell me if there's something wrong, right?" Ginevra asked.

Luna turned to her and gave her a genuine smile, hugging her.

"I know that Ginevra, just as you know that you can tell me if there is something wrong," she said. "Now eat..."

"Yes Mother," Ginevra drawled and took a bite of her apple.


"See you two at lunch, okay?" Ginevra said to Luna and Colin.

"Okay... Bye!" Colin said leaving with Luna quickly.

Ginevra went over to the Slytherin table and left with the others. They went to Hagrid's hut quickly, all eager, but most never admitting, that they were eager to see what Hagrid had in for store for them this lesson.

"All right, all of yer settle down now..." Hagrid's voice boomed over the students chatter.

Silence fell surprisingly quickly and everyone waited expectantly for him to take them in to the Forbidden Forest.

"Now, since yer've mostly all been so good, Albus has agreed ter le' me take you ter see a very rare beast..." Hagrid announced, smiling broadly at them all; chatter starting up immediately. "This way!" he said, too excited himself to get them to quieten down again.

Instead of leading them in to the Forbidden Forest, as the students had expected, Hagrid led them along the tree line and stopped at the lake. Looking past him, they all saw the boats that they had used in their first year to arrive on the magical school's grounds.

"What are we going to see exactly, Hagrid?" Ginevra asked raising an eyebrow at him.

"Yer'll see soon enough... Come on, in ter the boats, all of yer. Yer migh' have ter get in ter pairs though. Yer've all grown since yer first year," Hagrid said with a laugh.

Ginevra climbed in to a boat with Pansy, both talking of what they could be going to see. Padma and Parvati went in one boat with Blaise and Neville in another, while Gregory and Vincent sat together. Millicent sat with Theodore and Draco was forced to choose between sitting in a boat with Sally-Anne or Hagrid. He sat with Hagrid grudgingly, not willing to sit next to Little-Miss-Far-Too-Cheerful-And-Nice. To him, she was just a misplaced Hufflepuff and he hated that House more than he disliked Hagrid...

Once all of the class was seated in the small boats, they started moving out to the middle of the lake.

"It migh' take a while ter get there, so yer might as well do something ter occupy yer time; homework an' the such," Hagrid added quickly.

Ginevra shook her head as he turned to the front, then reached in to her bag and took out her Vampire book.


The following words can only be read by a Vampire, Vampiress or their own... This is per the agreement made by the Vampire Council Elders and myself. If you have a problem with it, then by all means, you can see them about it! Just inform your family first so they can organise the inevitable events that will follow your meeting!


The Blooding Ceremony takes place over two nights... The first night involves the Changing. The following day is a time for the Vampire or Vampiress halfling in question to rest, relax and meditate, preparing themselves for the even longer night ahead. That night is the Naming.

The Changing Ceremony takes place with every Vampire and Vampiress in attendance. As the number has increased somewhat over the years, this Ceremony is more often than not, performed outside. A circle is drawn by the two Chosen Elders with magic. Once the halfling is inside, a fire is lit along the edge of the Circle, engulfing the three inside.

The fire dies down and we are able to see the three inside. The two Elders begin to Drink from the halfling and the drums start to beat. With each strong beat of the halfling's heart, the drum beats slowly and the fire can barely be seen. As the night progresses and the halfling becomes weaker with each passing minute, the drums beat louder and the fire seems to reach the skies above.

Suddenly the drums stop and the flames die. The moon shines on the halfling, illuminating their naked beauty to the heavens.


I have to be naked? That is not happening! Ginevra thought to herself in shock. She shuddered, then after a moment, continued to read.


The two Elders then offer their own blood to the halfling and the drums start up again. This time the drums beat in tune with the halfling's heartbeat, drumming faster and louder with each pulse.

(Note: The drums may have magical properties as everyone gets sexually aroused at this point. I, myself had to watch five separate Blooding Ceremonies in order to record the entire ceremony.)

Again the fire moves in time with the drums and it seems to completely consume the three within the Circle before they die completely, not even a trace of hot coals visible.

The two Elders carry the halfling to a room where they can prepare for the following night.

As I am not a Vampire, I was not allowed to attend the Naming Ceremony, but I was allowed to ask a few questions so as to better inform those with Vampiric blood or magic. The Naming Ceremony is again, performed by the two Chosen Elders, but this time it is in private. The halfling's True Name is revealed and they are added to the Vampire Tapestry.


Ginevra winced at the author's note and gingerly put the book back in her bag with a small shudder.

"All right everyone... Quiet now," Hagrid called as the boats came to a stop in the middle of the lake.

Everyone waited, most of them expecting to see the merpeople rise out of the lake.

"What is that?" Tom asked pointing down at a dark shape in the lake.

"Don't point," Hagrid warned and Tom immediately put his hand down.

A hippocampus rose out from the lake and a girl squealed; in fright or delight, no one was very sure. Looking at the hippocampus, Ginevra saw that it was blue in colour with white hairs speckling it. She remembered reading about the "superb blue roan specimen" caught in 1949 and wondered if this was it.

"Is that a kelpie?" Sally-Anne asked.

"Of course not! A kelpie has bulrushes fer a mane... This hippocampus doesn't," Hagrid said. "And it's got a fish tail fer its hindquarters... Haven't yer been readin' yer book?" he asked with a frown.

"Yes," she said with a blush.

Hagrid just looked at her for a moment, then turned back to the hippocampus that was waiting patiently.

"The hippocampus is a great creature... Yer book only has a short entry on it as they're really shy creatures. And since they're mainly found in the Mediterranean, the hippocampi were even harder to find. They live even longer than most wizards and the oldest one was found to be over four hundreds years old," Hagrid said proudly. "Cimroan here was found and caught by the merpeople in 1949. They were very kind to let us see him," he added giving Pansy a smile.

She gave him a brief nod of acknowledgement.

"Can we get in the lake?" Ginevra asked looking at the hippocampus longingly.

"Yer had better not... It's cold in there," Hagrid said with a frown.

Ginevra and Pansy both looked disappointed and sulked as Hagrid continued to talk about the hippocampus. Ginevra put her hand in the water, testing it experimentally. Pansy looked at her for a moment, a smirk forming on her face.

"Should we?" Ginevra asked quietly.

"Of course we should! How's the water?" Pansy asked softly, putting her own hand in the lake. "I've been in colder..." she muttered. "You can change in to an animal, right?" she asked Ginevra, who nodded. "Give yourself just a pair of gills and a tail then... You don't need to become an entire fish for it to work," she said softly, smiling at Hagrid innocently when he looked to them.

His eyes narrowed for a moment, then he looked back to the rest of the class, continuing to talk about the semi-transparent eggs that hippocampus lay.

"We'll probably need a diversion... Or a reason to get in to the lake," Ginevra muttered. "Would you like to go for an involuntary swim?" she asked Pansy with a smirk.

"I normally would, but Hagrid knows I'm a mermaid... And he knows that you already want to get in. So we'd have to get someone else to fall in," Pansy said softly.

"I can take care of that..." Ginevra said looking around.

Seeing that there was a boat with one person in it, she pointed her wand at Sally-Anne's boat.

"Cado," she said quietly. (To fall or topple.)

Sally-Anne gave a shriek as her boat capsized and she fell in to the lake with a splash. Others began to panic and some tried to reach out for her. Grinning, Ginevra and Pansy jumped in to the lake and swam over to her quickly. Ginevra turned the boat over as Pansy held Sally-Anne up above the water.

They both helped her back in to the boat and when they were sure that everyone was occupied with her, changed their forms. Pansy turned in to a mermaid and Ginevra's legs turned in to a fish tail as gills forced their way out of her neck. She breathed in relief and swam lazily to get used to her new body structure.

Water Pansy... New Queen... It is an honour and a pleasure to see you both, Cimroan said in their minds. I must return to the merpeople now. Would you like to accompany me? the hippocampus asked, his fish tail moving from side to side.

"We'd love to!" Pansy replied quickly.

"I'll tell Hagrid so he doesn't think we've been eaten," Ginevra said, going back up to the surface. "Hagrid... Cimroan invited Pansy and I to accompany him to the mermaids..." she informed him.

Hagrid glared at her.

"I said fer yer not to get in the water Ginevra!" he said angrily.

"I couldn't just see him and then leave without saying hello!" Ginevra retorted with an innocent pout and smile.

"All right... I want yer both ter come back in ten minutes!" Hagrid said forcefully. "And I'll have ter give you both detention fer disobeyin' me," he added, not sounding like he really wanted to.

"Great! Thanks Hagrid! We'll be back in ten minutes!" Ginevra said, duck-diving down to the hippocampus and Pansy. "He's given us ten minutes and detention," she told Pansy.

"It's worth it," Pansy said with a shrug.

We must hurry if you are to return in ten minutes, Cimroan said, swimming off with a speed that seemed far too fast for a creature of his size.

Pansy and Ginevra swam after him, quickly catching him up.

"Did you let yourself get captured?" Ginevra asked Cimroan.

The answer is both yes and no... I was not "captured", but I did allow the merpeople to take me with them. I had lost the rest of my school-herd during our migration and could not find them again. They have not been this way since they took me so I have been helping the merpeople in return for them letting me stay with them, Cimroan said. We are here... he said, indicating ahead of them.

Ginevra looked and almost stopped in shock at seeing the city before them. Buildings were designed out of rocks and boulders. Coral and seaweed houses, each as unique as Muggle houses, were strewn across the ocean floor. Mermaids swam about, talking with each other.

"Don't stare Ginevra; it is impolite," Pansy said as she swam past.

Ginerva quickly regained her composure and swam after them, looking at a few mermaids occasionally.

"What are the bands around their arms?" Ginevra asked Pansy quietly.

"They show what each merperson is within the community. The gold bands are the highest and it means that the person is either a Royal or an Elder. White means someone of importance in the community; Teachers, Musicians, Singers and Bards. Brown indicates that you are a student of one of those four studies. That's what the vertical lines on the brown bands mean. The purple lines are to show that you are a Singer; the white lines are for those studying to be Teachers; green lines are for Bards; and Musicians have orange lines... The blue bands indicate that you are a child and not yet of age," Pansy explained.

"What are the bands around their wrist then?" Ginevra asked.

"Those are to indicate that you are Bound to another merperson. The design on each band is unique and only those Bound to each other know what it means... The two that are Bound have the same design on their bands so they can be found quickly if there is an emergency," she explained.

I apologise to you both for interrupting, but you must leave now if you are to return before ten minutes are up, Cimroan said apologetically.

"Thank you very much for allowing us to accompany you Cimroan. I hope to see you again," Ginevra said bowing to him.

It would be a pleasure, Ginevra. If you ever have need of me, just call my name, Cimroan said returning her bow before turning to Pansy and bowing to her too. Goodbye Water Pansy. I am sorry that you could not stay longer...

"It's not your fault, Cimroan," Pansy said smiling. "It was good to see you again," she said fondly, bowing.

It was good to see you too... Farewell, Cimroan said then swam off quickly.

Ginevra and Pansy quickly swam up to the surface, discussing the merpeople animatedly.

"There yer are! Yer've been gone for fifteen minutes!" Hagrid admonished as soon as they surfaced.

"No we have not! We've only been gone for twelve minutes and we hauled tail to get back here!" Ginevra said angrily.

"Get in the boats so we can get back, would you?" Blaise called.

Ginevra rolled her eyes and climbed back in to the boat, the tail and gills disappearing. She helped Pansy in and the boats quickly turned to return to land again.

"Do you think I'll be able to go back there again?" Ginevra asked Pansy, as she did some heating, drying and warming spells on her clothes.

"You will if I have anything to say about it... I think the Royals will be annoyed they didn't get to meet their new Queen," Pansy said with a grin.

"I didn't get to ask you before... What colour is your band?" Ginevra asked.

"Gold," Pansy replied, smirking broadly.

"You're a Royal?" she asked in surprise.

"My Grandfather is a Royal and an Elder... He was a student under all four studies and he's now Teaching me," she said.

"Wow... What's he like?" Ginevra asked.

"He's one of the nicest, friendliest, sarcastic, stubborn and harsh people I know," Pansy replied.

"Sounds like you take after him," Ginevra joked smirking at her.

"Funny, Ginevra..." Pansy drawled rolling her eyes.

Ginevra yawned widely, massaging her tender neck.

"The gills do that to you," Pansy noted. "I'm surprised you're not complaining about your legs. They must be killing you," she said.

"They've gone numb so I probably won't feel anything until lunch time..." Ginevra said, yawning again. "I'm going to sleep, okay? Wake me when we get back," she said tiredly, curling on the seat.


"Ginevra!" Pansy said for the third time, shaking her again.

Ginevra woke up and yawned, stretching lazily.

"We're back already?" she asked, feeling even more exhausted than before she had slept.

"All right all of yer get ou' carefully now!" Hagrid called.

They got out of the boats and walked up to the castle quickly.

"I lied... The numbness has worn off and now my legs are killing me," Ginevra groaned.

"Your legs are killing you? That's a new concept," Blaise said smirking at her.

"Don't tease her, Blaise. It really does hurt the first few times... After the third time you're body will be used to the transition and your legs won't kill you," Pansy said grinning.

"I will see you at lunch, all right?" Neville said, hugging Ginevra quickly before he headed over to the Greenhouses for Herbology.

"We better hurry or you can forget about your legs killing you... Yepir will do that good enough to all of us," Theodore said.

They hurried to the Runes classroom, arriving mere seconds before Yepir herself did.

"Put away your books. There is no need for them today. Put your wands away too," Yepir instructed as she came in to the room, carrying a large bag.

Everyone did so, curious as to what they were going to be learning.

"For the next few lessons you will be making equipment for Runes that you will be making. Today you will choose the material for the bag that will store the Runes and your white divining cloth," Yepir said, reaching in to the bag and pulling out various items that looked like cotton reels. "I have every colour imaginable, but if there is a colour that you feel drawn to that isn't here, tell me as I may have it elsewhere," she said. "Yes Miss Granger?"

"What do you mean by drawn to?" Hermione asked with a frown, putting her hand down.

"I mean that whatever colour, or even colours, catches your attention, then those are the ones that you should choose to make your Rune bag out of," Yepir explained.

With a wave of her wand, all of the small cotton reels extended and the people at the front of the classroom moved back to avoid being hit by the rolls of material.

"You will come up to the front in pairs to choose your materials. While the others are choosing, you may talk quietly amongst yourselves," Yepir said.

Ginevra looked at the colours carefully, almost immediately spotting a rich deep red material roll near the bottom of the pile. A maroon one caught her attention, this one near the middle.

"You know yours?" Blaise asked with a smile.

"That dark red one at the bottom and the maroon one in the middle there," Ginevra replied, pointing out the two material rolls.

"We're probably going to have to sew it ourselves, if those cotton reels and needles are anything to go by," Pansy said indicating to the overlooked reels on Professor Yepir's desk. "That pale green-blue material looks good... And with dark blue cotton it'd look really nice," she said.

"How am I supposed to sew it? I can't sew for a Knut..." Millicent moaned. "Damn my father for giving me his thick fingers," she muttered.

"You might be able to sew it with magic," Theodore said. "It might increase the magical properties of the Runes bag if you include your magic in it," he said soothingly.

"Good idea...Professor Yepir?" Millicent called. "Are we going to sew the bag together by hand or with magic?" she asked when Yepir looked up at her.

"You will sew it by magic, as I am sure that you all have more important things to do than to sew it by hand," she replied with a smile.

"Are we allowed to sew it by hand if we want to?" Ginevra and Padma asked at the same time.

"Yes, you can," Yepir said. "You two can come up now if you'd like," she added as the first two people sat down with their materials and cotton.

"All right..." they replied, going to the materials.

"I'll get yours too Parvati," Padma said.

"Thank you," Parvati said smiling at her twin.

Padma just gave her a grin, then cut four pieces of material out of the yellow roll, taking the white cotton back to their desk. Ginevra cut a piece out of the red roll and another out of the maroon roll, getting a long length of the black cotton before returning to her own desk; the next two people going up.

Ginevra threaded the needle carefully, putting the two pieces of material together before starting to sew her Rune bag. She was so involved in her task that she didn't hear Yepir addressing the class.

"If you would like to stay here during lunch to finish making your bag, then you may," Yepir said.

Draco looked at the rolls of material for a moment. Two rolls caught his attention; a turquoise and a bright blue roll. Looking at the cotton, he saw a green reel near the edge.

"Draco and Vincent, you may choose your rolls now," Yepir said.

Draco got his quickly sitting down with Vincent. He looked over to see what he had chosen, seeing a pale pink and a dark green piece with pale blue cotton. He looked over at Ginevra and doubled back in surprise. Looking at her sewing closely, he saw that Ginevra was actually sewing her magic in to it, not just sewing the two pieces together. He turned back to his own pieces and started to sew them carefully with his wand, also incorporating his magic in to it.

The bell rang loudly but most of the class didn't hear it. Those that did chose to ignore it and Yepir smiled at their enthusiasm for the project. After fifteen minutes, Yepir made her wand make a loud banging noise and everyone looked up quickly and sharply; some confused and scared at the sudden noise.

"Although I do appreciate your enthusiasm for your project, you will have to finish it in the next lesson. It is already fifteen minutes in to lunch and I am sure that you are all hungry," she announced with a smile.

"I'm surprised you two lasted so long without food," Millicent said smirking at Vincent and Gregory.

"Thanks for reminding them..." Pansy drawled, rolling her eyes as she watched her boyfriends pack their things with lightning fast speed.

Their enthusiasm for food caught on and soon everyone was rushing to get out of the door and down to the Great Hall.

"Miss Weasley! A moment if you please!" Yepir called as she headed for the door.

Ginevra sighed and turned around, going over to Yepir quickly, her stomach protesting along the way.

"In private, if you do not mind," she added, seeing Blaise and Draco at the door. She waited for them to leave before continuing. "Next week we will be collecting the wood for everyone's individual Runes and then we will be carving the Runic symbols in to them," Yepir said. "I would like you to stay away from the class until the others have finished carving their Runic symbols. We can organise another time for you to carve your Runes under my supervision..." she added. "I have taught this class a lot in the past and I know for a fact that there are at least five people who end up cutting themselves while they are carving. I hope you understand why I am asking you this, Ginevra," Yepir said.

"I understand... You can't risk putting the other students in danger in case they cut themselves then I bleed them dry, is that right?" Ginevra asked raising an eyebrow at her.

"For lack of any other better words, quite frankly the answer is yes," she replied truthfully.

"Thank you for being honest about it," Ginevra said genuinely. "What time do you suggest we meet so I can do my Runes?"

"Is Friday from three to five all right with you? I know you have a lot of homework and taking up your study time probably isn't good, but it is early in the year and your Professors have all agreed that you would be able to catch up on any work," Yepir said. "If it is the two hours then I will only take up two of your Friday's instead of four as I will with the other students," she added.

"That's fine... Thank you Professor Yepir," Ginevra said.

"You're welcome. Thank you for being so understanding... Now you had better go get some lunch in to your body or else Moody and Lupin will kill me when you faint in the middle of their class from lack of food," she replied smiling.

Ginevra nodded and left. She saw Draco waiting outside for her and cocked her head to the side for a second.

"Blaise paid you to stay behind, did he?" she teased smirking at him.

"Shut up and hurry up. My stomach is starting to complain," Draco muttered and they hurried down to the Great Hall.


Luna walked up to the teachers' table and smiled at Dumbledore, patiently waiting for him to finish his conversation with Flitwick.

"Hello Miss Lovegood... Is there something I can help you with?" he asked smiling at her kindly.

"Yes, actually Professor Dumbledore, there is... May we talk in your office? It is a private matter involving Ginevra," Luna said.

"Of course," Albus said, somewhat baffled; at the topic, or the privacy of the matter, not even Luna knew.

He led the way to the teacher's side door and they went to his office.

Ginevra and Draco walked in to the Great Hall and sat at the Slytherin table. She started to eat, looking around.

"Where's Luna?" Ginevra asked.

"I don't know..." Colin replied with a shrug.

"She was here a minute ago," Neville said frowning.

"How was Herbology? Did your thumb do anything?" Blaise asked Neville.

"It just started glowing green and all of the plants grew... Madam Sprout let us out early because the Devil's Snare was trying to kill the ear-muffs," Neville said shrugging. "I managed to get everything back to normal, but I was too late to save the pink ear-muffs and they're now lost to the Herbology class forever," he said with a dramatic sniff. "What about the rest of you? How was Runes?" Neville asked looking at them.

"It was very quiet... We're making bags to keep our Runes in," Pansy replied.

"Really? That does sound quiet," Neville said grinning.

"Did you get to choose the colours you wanted or were they mandatory?" Colin asked.

"We got to choose the colours," Ginevra replied.

"So are you going to try out for Quidditch this weekend?" Gregory asked Vincent.

"'Course I am," he replied, his mouth full.

Pansy winced and hit his shoulder.

"Don't talk with your mouth full! Honestly, sometimes I really wonder exactly what your mother taught you when you were younger," she drawled shaking her head.

"She gave up after the third lesson, didn't you know that?" Gregory said laughing.

"Unlike your mother who didn't even attempt to teach you anything after the first lesson!" Vincent growled glaring at him.

"No fighting at the table," Ginevra said quickly grinning when they both glared at her.

"I think you're right Pansy..." Millicent said smirking at the two boys.

"Shuddup," they muttered in response, going back to their food.

The bell rang a few minutes later and they left the Great Hall, going to the Defence Against the Dark Arts Classroom.


When Pansy opened the classroom door she stopped in shock, everyone crashing behind her.

"What did you stop for?" Millicent grumbled at her, rubbing her sore forehead.

"Come in quickly now," Lupin said from inside the room.

They all filed in, immediately seeing what had caused Pansy to stop in shock. The classroom had apparently disappeared and there was a staircase in the middle of the classroom. The staircase opened up on to a landing that had various traps and household items strewn across it. The ground floor looked to be grass and dirt, traps also included. All of the walls were black and the candles were emitting a black-purple light that made every piece of white clothing stand out brightly.

"What's going on Professor?" Ginevra asked Alastar, looking around at everything in shock and amazement.

"Once everyone has arrived, then we will tell you," Moody replied gruffly.

In minutes all of the class was crowded inside, the rumour and truth having spread through the school quicker than anyone could say Quidditch.

"For today's lesson you will all be working in groups of four... The classroom is set on the outside and inside of a house. There are traps everywhere and you have to get past them. Do not worry if you do not pass today as it is very unlikely that any of you will," Lupin said with a kind smile. "If it helps, you can treat this as a game, but you have to take it very seriously as you can get hurt. You can not get killed as that would be too much paperwork for us, but you can still get hurt..." he said, trying to lighten the mood.

"All of you outside and get in to realistic groups of four," Moody said, looking at everyone with both of his eyes.

Everyone rushed outside quickly, Lupin and Moody following them.

Ginevra stood with Draco, Blaise and Neville. Theodore went with Millicent, Parvati and Padma. Pansy stood with Gregory and Vincent and after talking to them for a moment, she looked around, spotting the person she was looking for.

"Finnigan. Get in our group," she said.

Seamus looked at them nervously.

"Are... Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yes, now get over here," Pansy said with an impatient sigh.

Seamus hurried over to their group and he was not the only one wondering why Pansy had chosen him to go with them.

Ron stood with Hermione and Harry quickly. Lavender went over to them, but Sally-Anne was already standing there, talking animatedly with Ron. Disgruntled and more than slightly annoyed, Lavender went over to Dean's group, muttering things about her boyfriend.

"Now that you are all in your groups, Professor Moody will take the first group in and instruct them on what they have to do," Lupin said turning to Moody.

"Right. You lot, follow me," he said, pointing to Theodore's group.

The Patil twins looked at each other nervously before following Theodore, Millicent and Moody through the black door in to the black room. The door shut after them with a bang and after a few minutes, Moody came back out of the room, his eye looking through the back of his skull in to the room.

"Sorry I'm late! There was a first year flying accident," Poppy said puffing, her cheeks red from running.

"That's all right, Madam Pomfrey... The first group just went in," Remus said smiling at her reassuringly.

"If Pomfrey's here that means there are going to be a lot of accidents..." Blaise muttered to Draco, who nodded curtly.

"Also means that there's things that will cause the accidents that they can't fix..." he replied quietly. "Keep both your eyes open," Draco muttered.

"Same for you," Blaise said smirking at him.

"Think we'll be allowed to use our powers?" Ginevra muttered to them.

Blaise looked over to the two Professors' with a frown.

"I don't know... We might be able to. It's supposed to be realistic..." he said shrugging.

"We'll ask Moody when it's our turn..." Neville said quietly. "Why do you think Pansy got Seamus in her group?"

"Let's just say that he's lucky Pomfrey's here," Blaise replied smirking.

Ginevra shook her head looking over at Pansy.

"I don't think her intention is to hurt him... She did agree to let Neville punish him, so she may have something else planned," Ginevra said shrugging when they just looked at her. "Just saying what I think..."

Suddenly a bright red light flashed from the door and they turned to see that the door had changed from black to a bright red colour. Moody was inside within half a second, Pomfrey following him just as quickly. Every student craned their necks to see inside of the room but all of them were unable to see anything, the black-purple light having turned off.

"Clear the way!" Moody yelled and they all formed a pathway quickly, eager to see what had happened.

Madam Pomfrey backed out of the room slowly, levitating Theodore out of the room gently. Millicent, Parvati and Padma were following her, Moody coming up the back, his magical eye looking every way possible in to the room for any lasting danger. As he went through the doorway, the now-black door shut abruptly behind them.

Students paled and went green as Theodore passed them and they were able to see what had happened to him. Lavender fainted in to Dean's arms dramatically.

"Move out of the way... Miss Brown stop with your hysterics!" Pomfrey said harshly.

Lavender stood up again, glaring at her full-heartedly. Pomfrey ignored her, gently putting Theodore on the ground and getting to work.

Millicent watched intensely, her face as white as a ghost. Ginevra and Pansy went over to her.

"What happened to him?" Pansy asked, having seen the cuts and blue tinge on Theodore's skin.

Millicent just shook her head, her eyes filling with tears as she watched Poppy do more spells on her boyfriend. Parvati hugged Millicent comfortingly, Padma resting a hand on her shoulder.

"You should get back to your groups now," Lupin said to Pansy and Ginevra quietly, guiding them away. "Miss Bulstrode, Theodore will be fine... His body isn't used to this much pain and he's just gone in to shock," he explained.

"Get the fuck away from me Lupin," she hissed, not looking away from Theodore. "If he doesn't wake up then by the Gods as my witnesses, neither will you," Millicent promised.

"Of course," Lupin said with a nod, going back over to Moody.

Neville went over to Poppy and Theodore, looking at them for a moment. He crouched beside them but before Poppy could say anything, Neville's hand was on Theodore's forehead.

"Reduco," Neville said, his entire hand glowing green. (To lead back, bring back or return.)

Theodore's forehead glowed green for a moment then it faded away and his eyes opened slowly.

"What did you just do?" Poppy asked Neville frowning at him.

"Theo!" Millicent said, practically pushing her out of the way to hug Theodore tightly. "Gods, I was so worried..." she muttered, kissing him. "Don't ever do that to me again!" she said.

"All right, you two... Cut it out now... The four of you can go to the hospital wing for shock treatment," Lupin said and Poppy nodded, leading Millicent, Theodore and the Patil twins away. "The next group will go in now... Unless, of course, you're all scared now," he said looking at the students.

"And if we are scared does that mean we don't have to do it?" Sally-Anne asked nervously.

"So much for Gryffindor bravery," Draco muttered loud enough for everyone to hear.

His statement was replied with nervous laughter that went on for longer than it should have.

"Right... You're in now," Moody said pointing to Draco.

He nodded and followed Moody through the door. Ginevra muttered about loudmouths then followed, shaking her head. Neville and Blaise followed them quickly, Neville's thumb still glowing green as they entered the black-purple lit room. The door shut behind them loudly and Moody looked at them.

"There are two kinds of creatures in this room. The first kind is the kind that you know about. The second kind are ones that you should know about if you've read ahead, or even if you've read some other works. This kind is far more developed than the usual one-X rated creature in your Fantastic Beasts book... You will be up against four-X rated creatures in here... You are allowed to use your wands and any other powers that you have that you think may assist you. Just because this room is dark it does not mean that you can rely on the creatures being afraid of the light... There are also traps and spells that will deter you or confuse you. If you get trapped or hurt, just scream loudly and we will be here in an instant, as you saw with the last group... You are to work together as a group and not individually. You have one minute to discuss any type of attack methods you think you will need or use while in here. The light will disappear after that and you will begin. The purpose of this is for all of you to get up the staircase and in to the end room. Good luck," Moody said, then left the room, the door shutting behind him.

"Back to back and side to side so we cover all directions?" Blaise suggested.

"Sounds good. You can keep your wands lit if you want. But keep it to a minimum light because we don't want to attract attention," Ginevra said.

"Ginevra, you should be able to take on the animals because you're their Queen..." Neville said.

"Except for centaurs... But Blaise can take them," Ginevra added grinning at him.

"Sure I can..." he muttered.

"I'll take any plants, nymphs, pixies or elves we see," Neville finished.

"So that leaves the spells and traps to me," Draco said.

"Wait. Moody didn't say anything about Muggle animals, did he? So that means there could be Muggle traps too," Ginevra said then the light disappeared and they were plunged into darkness.

Blaise lit his wand to the lowest-level light and they stood around each other, each of them facing in the four directions.

"Where was the staircase when we first came in? To the left, right or straight ahead?" Draco asked quietly.

"It was straight ahead from the door and since I'm facing the door that means I have to go backwards," Neville replied.

"I'm going to the right then," Ginevra muttered, diverting her eyes to the right for a second to be sure.

"And I'm to the left..." Draco said.

"Everyone ready to move then?" Blaise whispered and they began to shuffle in the appropriate directions, looking around for anything.

"Something coming at me... Might be a Doxy... Anyone have Doxycide?" he muttered as the black, and therefore, seemingly invisible, Biting Fairy flew at him quickly.

"Just try to stun it," Ginevra hissed.

There was a small flash of light, a high-pitched sound and a tiny thud as the Doxy fell to the ground, stunned.

"Keep moving," Neville whispered, his voice being drowned out by a low growl.

"Yeti," Blaise and Ginevra muttered, recognising it from their Runes trip in to the Forbidden Forest.

"Which way's it coming from?" Draco whispered.

"Don't know yet... Use fire, but use it sparingly. We'll attract too much attention," Ginevra replied softly.

"It's me," Blaise said and shot a quick beam of fire at the yeti.

It whimpered and left quickly, the fire chasing it down the room.

They continued to move cautiously across the room, listening carefully for any noises other than their slow breaths and fast heartbeats. There was a loud snap and they all stopped quickly as Draco cursed.

"Gods..." Draco went to curse loudly, but Ginevra clamped her hand over his mouth, Neville quickly moving slightly so he could watch both of their directions.

"Shut up unless you want to be hurt. And I promise that it will be me doing the hurting, not the animals in this game," Ginevra hissed. "Now what happened?" she asked.

Draco clenched his jaw and pointed downwards. She followed his finger, looking down at his foot. A Muggle bear trap had been the loud snap and Draco's foot had been the thing to set it off...

"Probably broken bones or your entire foot is snapped in half. I won't be able to fix anything like that but I can do a numbing spell," Ginevra said quietly.

"Just take the fucking trap off," Draco hissed, his eyes now watering with pain.

"Can you hurry it up?" Blaise said, not looking away from his direction. "That trap going off has attracted attention," he muttered, seeing glowing eyes looking at him from in the darkness ahead.

"Torpeo," Ginevra said and a red light covered Draco's foot. (Numb.)

She managed to take the trap off quickly and pointed her wand at him again.

"Fascia," she said quietly and returned to her position quickly. (Bandage.)

A loud mournful cry echoed through the room, making them shiver. The cry sounded again and Neville frowned.

"That sounds like an Augurey," he said softly. "Since it's crying that means it is going to rain," he said and with another mournful cry from the bird, rain started to pour down on them.

Ginevra heard the flapping of wings and looked up quickly, trying to spot the green-black bird unsuccessfully.

"It's flying around now so we can make it leave with Draco's power or mine... Unless you think it can help us further along," she added.

"It might... Better leave it for now," Neville muttered.

"Was there a tree anywhere in the room before?" Blaise asked.

"No... Why?" Ginevra asked.

"Because we're about to hit something that's either a tree or a pole," Blaise muttered and they all stopped.

He raised his wand a bit higher, the light growing brighter a shade and he looked up at the tree.

"If there's now a tree here that mean the entire room could have changed," Blaise said shaking his head with a sigh.

"There's something in the tree," Draco said frowning.

A blue-black snake shot out from the tree, biting Blaise's outstretched hand. He shook it off with a small yelp, biting his lip to stop the noise and brought his hand to his body, seeing two puncture marks on it clearly. The snake hit the ground and died on impact.

"Gods damned thing bit me," he muttered angrily.

Ginevra picked up the dead snake and looked at it in the minimal amount of light.

"It's a Boomslang snake..." she muttered, seeing how large the eyes were in proportion to its head.

"That's not good," Neville said.

"Think you can hold out for a few minutes before we get out of here?" Ginevra muttered to Blaise, who gave a brief nod. "Then bandage it tightly and put a splint on it," she instructed.

Blaise nodded and pointed his wand at his arm, the bandage and splint appearing immediately.

"Something's coming from my direction... It's big and pissed off about something," Draco said suddenly.

"We'll keep moving past the tree," Neville said and they began to shuffle in Blaise's direction, their footsteps moving quicker as they heard the creature moving to them faster.

"Can you see what it is?" Blaise muttered to Draco as they continued walking.

"I think it's a Demiguise..." he said with a frown.

"Aren't they supposed to be peaceful?" Neville asked.

"Supposed to being the key words... Something or someone has made this one as angry as a dragon having its eggs stolen," Draco muttered.

"Well if anyone sees a baby Demiguise send it back to its mother," Ginevra muttered.

"Can you three shut up and hurry up? We've got to find that bloody staircase," Blaise hissed at them quietly.

"Fine... Keep a bloody good look out and I'll find the staircase... Blaise, give me your wand," Ginevra hissed back, taking the offered wand from him.

The light went out for a second and returned as Ginevra said 'Lumos' quietly, the light glowing red softly. She made it a shade brighter, looking around them quickly. Looking for a second time, she saw the large circular staircase about twenty metres away, accompanied by eight Dementors.

"I found it, but I sure hope that you three know how to do a Patronus," Ginevra said, returning Blaise's wand to him.

"I can do it but it isn't very big," Neville said softly.

"That's fine... As long as you can get it up and keep it there long enough to take down one Dementor," Ginevra replied. "It's in my direction so you're going to have to move this way now," she whispered and they began to shuffle along slowly.

After about five metres, all sounds from the other beings stopped and with another five, they all started to get a cold clammy feeling inside. Ginevra heard Neville give a small whimper beside her and reached for his hand, trying to block out the cold and dark memories and feelings that were crowding her own mind. Neville held her hand tightly. Blaise took in a sharp breath and Draco's face became haunted with past memories as they continued to walk towards the Dementors. Ginevra didn't even feel the tears that were running down her face, her hand now clutching Neville's as tight as he was holding hers.

"We... We're almost... there..." she stammered quietly, seeing the eight Dementors turn to them.

Cold wave after cold wave washed over them, all of them shivering and trembling but barely noticing it as they all tried to fight off the fears and memories that were trying to force themselves up to the surface of their minds. Nearly every happy thought seemed to disappear in to thin air as they came closer to the black robed creatures.

"Now..." Ginevra said quietly, her mind unable to produce any other words.

They all turned to face the eight Dementors.

"Expecto..." Blaise said, his entire body shaking with the inner cold.

"Expecto Pa..." Neville said, clutching Ginevra's hand in a death grip.

"Expec..." Draco tried to say.

Ginevra couldn't even attempt saying the spell out loud. She managed to lift her arm that felt ten times heavier and pointed it at the Dementors.

Expecto Patronum! she thought but only a small wisp came out of the wand.

"Expecto Patronum!" Draco said and a dragon flew out from his wand, immediately attacking one of the Dementors.

"Expecto Patronum!" Neville said, a large toad jumping out of his wand, hopping on to a Dementor quickly.

"Expecto Patronum!" Blaise said and a centaur galloped out, shooting a Dementor with an assault of arrows, kicking it with its hooves.

Ginevra watched it happen as if she wasn't in her own body. She could hear the others trying to talk to her but she found it beyond her capability to reply.

Echoes of past insults, memories and Tom played through her mind, Ginevra going deeper within her mind in an attempt to escape their words and her hurt.

Draco appeared in front of her and talked, seeming without any sound accompanying his lips movements.

"Her mind's probably frozen with all of her past memories... You have to do something," Neville said to Draco as he and Blaise fought with the Demiguise that had come up behind them.

"What am I supposed to do?" Draco muttered, tempted to just hex her out of her present state of mind. "Well even if this doesn't work, I still get something out of it," he muttered, kissing her.

Ginevra blinked as she realised that she was in her body again and the echoes had died down. She pulled away from Draco, still holding his hand and pointed her wand at the Dementors, glaring at them.

Expecto Patronum! she thought angrily, and this time her Patronus flew out of her wand, all five of the creatures attacking the remaining Dementors quickly and efficiently.

Ginevra turned and helped Blaise and Neville, sending a large calming spell at the Demiguise.

Once her Patronus had finished, the animals returned to her wand, knowing that their light would attract more animals now that the Dementors had gone.

"Sorry..." Ginevra said quietly to the others.

"Never mind that now... We've got to get up the staircase," Blaise said.

As he went up the staircase, Blaise took care not to touch the rail in case it had poison on it. As he reached the tenth step, he let out an ear-piercing scream, the poison in his body beginning to work. The others rushed up to him, their combined weight causing a hidden trap to work and for them all to get trapped in a Muggle net.

The door opened and the illusion disappeared, leaving them swinging next to the staircase in the net.

"Well this sucks..." Draco muttered.

Moody and Pomfrey were beside them in a second, the net disappearing. Pomfrey saw Blaise's hand bandaged and the sweat on his face.

"He's got a fever... I'm surprised he lasted so long with that poison in his system," she said, removing the bandage to look at his now-swollen hand.

With a few wisely chosen spells, the poison left Blaise's blood system, but Pomfrey wouldn't let him get up yet.

"The poison I just took out also removed some of your blood cells, so you will need a replenishing potion before you go anywhere... You will also need to sweat out that fever on your own. There's nothing I can do for that," she instructed, giving him a replenishing potion.

"Fine by me..." Blaise muttered, drinking the awful-smelling and awful-tasting concoction in one horrified gulp.

"So you got past the Dementor's then?" Moody asked looking at their pale faces.

They nodded wearily.

"We were just climbing the staircase when that net got us," Neville said.

"I screamed though," Blaise said looking down.

"And I'm the one that almost didn't get us past the Dementors, so we're even," Ginevra said smirking at him.

"All right... That's enough for now... You can all go out now and let the next group have their turn," Moody said, leading them out of the room.

"That bloody tree's not there," Draco said.

"Of course not... It is a room that gives different landscapes per group that enters it. You just saw the basic outlay in there, that's all," Moody said and he went silent as they left the room and joined the other classmates.

"Next group!" Moody called and Pansy's group followed him inside quickly.

"Next Monday's lesson will be the same as we're not going to finish it all today, so there is no need for you to turn up now that you've done it," Lupin informed them with a smile.

"Fine with me," Blaise muttered.

Moody came back out, the door shutting behind him firmly. They all waited and watched the door anxiously, hoping that they wouldn't get hurt. Within ten minutes, the door turned bright red and Moody and Pomfrey ran inside quickly. Pansy, Gregory, Vincent and Seamus came out, Vincent and Gregory sporting broken arms and Seamus with a black eye.

Pomfrey fixed their arms and tended to the bruising around Seamus' eye before turning back to watch the door.

"The first three groups may leave now as they have finished their assessments," Lupin announced as Moody went in to the room with Harry's group.

"Thank you Professor," Ginevra said and they rushed off, Pansy pulling Seamus along with them.

"So what happened to you? I don't remember seeing anything that could cause Seamus to get a black eye," Neville said.

"That was me so he could scream and we could get out," Vincent said.

"We'll talk in a more private setting if you do not mind," Pansy said. "Tell anyone about this place and what happened to you after the Room of Requirement will be a picnic, understood?" she threatened glaring at Seamus.

He nodded quickly.

"Understood..." he said, wondering why they were just standing around a tapestry.

Ginevra pulled the tapestry aside and opened a door in the wall, going down in to the tunnel. Pansy made Seamus go next, following after him. Everyone crowded in to the tunnel and started following Ginevra, who seemed to miss every rock, hole and branch that managed to find Seamus' feet. He tried to look around them, but couldn't see a thing for the lack of light and just decided to look ahead at Ginevra so he wouldn't get lost.

After a minute or two of walking, a door opened and they all walked inside a small room, Ginevra continuing to walk out and down a hallway with rooms on either side, the others all following her. Seamus stared in shock as the door opened revealing a large and beautiful meeting room inside. He followed Ginevra in awe, looking all around them.

"You can look later, Finnigan... Sit down and talk," Pansy said, pushing him to a seat.

"You're all back so soon? We weren't in there that long, were we?" George asked Fred with a frown.

"Not that I remember, brother dearest," he replied shaking his head.

"We're back early... Come in and sit down. Apparently, Mr. Finnigan has some information to tell us," Ginevra said, sitting down at her usual seat, Neville to one side and Draco on the other.

They all sat down and looked to Seamus expectantly.

"Start at when you woke up in the hospital wing," Pansy said.

Seamus nodded and swallowed briefly, trying not to sound nervous or scared.

"I woke up and talked with Ginny... Ginevra, sorry," he corrected himself quickly.

"You are to call her Ginny until you have earned her respect and she allowed you to call her Ginevra, is that understood Finnigan?" Pansy hissed, Ginevra smirking at her display of protectiveness.

"Sorry!" he squeaked. "I was in the hospital wing and talked with Ginny then Madam Pomfrey gave me a potion and I fell asleep again. When I woke up I heard Dean talking to Lavender. They didn't see me because I pretended to be asleep still and I heard her talking about getting revenge on Ginevra by hurting Neville and it was disappointing how he wasn't in the hospital wing anymore. Then Madam Pomfrey came and they both went back to their beds pretending to be asleep too..." Seamus said. "I eventually fell asleep again but they didn't get up again. When I woke up, pretending that I was asleep again, Dean was standing over me with his wand drawn. I must have made a movement as he put his hand over my mouth and said the silencing spell quietly and I fell asleep again..."

"Was that spell to make sure that you couldn't talk about what happened in the Room of Requirement or what he was talking about with Lavender?" Millicent asked.

"It was only for the Room of Requirement... Either he didn't know that I had heard, or he didn't think it was important enough to silence me about," Seamus said bitterly.

"And what exactly happened in the Room of Requirement, Seamus? You say that you didn't want to do it, yet you were there helping Dean hurt Neville. Why?" Ginevra asked coldly.

"I... I..." Seamus stammered, nervous under her gaze.

"Answer the question, Finnigan," Draco said coldly, glaring at him.

Seamus nodded and opened his mouth to talk, only succeeding in wasting oxygen.

"We do not have time for this, Seamus! Sedo!" Ginevra said, the calming spell shooting at him.

"S... Sorry..." he said. "I didn't want to do it, but Dean threatened me to help him. He blackmailed me; taunted me about being scared and he promised that we wouldn't get caught... He said that we weren't going to hurt him too bad, just teach him a lesson for siding with Slytherins, that's all he said," Seamus said, looking down in shame.

"You think that him threatening and blackmailing you is going to make us forgive you for what you did?" Fred and George asked glaring at him.

"You believed him when he said that you weren't going to hurt him?" Padma and Parvati asked in shock.

"No, I don't think you'll forgive me for that... At the time I thought I believed him... This is Dean we're talking about. He's never been anything but nice to Neville and I guess I didn't think him capable of doing something like that," Seamus said, his voice beginning to crack as he got teary.

"Appearances can be deceiving, Seamus and you had to learn that lesson the hard way..." Neville said. "Dean has never been nice to me. He always laughed at me behind me back and gossiped about my "fear" of Snape when he thought I couldn't hear... You did not think that I could hear him talking with the others in the Common Room after a particularly bad day in Potions?" Neville asked looking at Seamus.

"I... I didn't think about it like that..." Seamus stammered.

"Well, that's obvious," Theodore said glaring at him. "You're lucky I convinced them to get you two both to the hospital wing, or else you wouldn't be here talking to us," he said angrily.

"I know... Thank you," Seamus said quietly.

"Neville... I think it is time for you to decide how Seamus should be punished..." Ginevra said looking to her friend.

He nodded curtly, looking at Seamus for a moment.

"With the permission of Ginevra, the punishment that I choose to give to Seamus is for him to move in here and spend the rest of the year with us. He is to not go near Dean or Lavender at any time for the rest of the school year," Neville said finally, looking to Ginevra for her permission.

"My permission is given. Seamus Finnigan, do you agree to your punishment?" Ginevra asked, looking at him sternly.

"I agree," Seamus said.

"Good... Hold out your palm," Neville said and Seamus did as he was told.

Neville pressed his green thumb against Seamus' palm and their hands glowed green.

"It is just a spell to make sure that you stay true to the punishment that you agreed to... I will know if you do not do as you promised and any threat that Dean made to you will be three-fold," Neville said glaring at him.

"Now... Since there are about five minutes before the next class, we want you to answer us one last question," Parvati and Padma said together.

"All right," Seamus said warily.

"What did Dean blackmail you with that made you succumb to him?" Fred and George asked seriously, no hint of a smile on their sombre faces.

"He said that if I did not help him then he would kill me family and make it look like I'd done it..." he told them quietly, his tears falling to the ground.

A black flower sprung up from the moist stone and Seamus moved back in shock and surprise.

"How did that happen?" he asked in shock, looking at them all.

"A small side-benefit of my magic... I can pass a small part over to those that I feel may need it," Neville said. "I'll teach you how to use it after the last class... You're to stay with us and stay away from Dean, understood?" he said, the bell ringing after he'd finished talking, as if on cue.

"I understand," Seamus said and followed them out of the meeting room.

Neville stopped beside the black flower, touching it lightly and watching as it withered and turned to ash quickly, putting the flower out of its misery.

"Are you two coming to our Astronomy class?" Ginevra asked her brothers as they put on their black cloaks.

"We have a special present for your Professor," they said smiling evilly.

"I don't want to know," Ginevra muttered shaking her head. "Where'd Seamus go?" she asked looking around frowning.

"Would you all hurry up? We're already late!" Pansy called.

"Is Seamus out there with you?" Ginevra called back.

"No... Why, isn't he there?" Pansy asked coming out.

"Seamus!" Ginevra called and he came out of a side door, looking slightly guilty.

"I'm sorry... I thought I saw my trunk in here. Apparently, this is now my room," Seamus said, indicating to the door behind him.

"Fine... We're late... Hurry up," Ginevra said, ushering him and the twins in to the wardrobe corridor.


They arrived at the Astronomy classroom a minute late exactly.

"You're late... Ten points from Gryffindor and Slytherin," Rion said as soon as they entered the classroom.

Refraining themselves from replying and losing more House points, they all sat down quietly. Seamus sat as far away from Dean as possible, in between Neville and Ginevra. Dean looked at him for a moment, then glared and returned his attention to Rion.

"Today's lesson you will be doing the work from chapters four to ten. There is to be no talking and I want you all to have finished at least chapter seven before you leave," Rion said looking at them all to make sure that they understood her.

Everyone started their work immediately, not wanting to stay behind with her any longer than necessary.

"Excuse me, Professor Rion," Professor Vector said coming in to the classroom. "Sorry to interrupt your students studying, but I need to talk with you for a moment," she said with a smile.

"All right... Continue working. I do not want to hear a word out of you!" she said with a glare, leaving with Vector.

"Seamus!" Dean hissed from over at his table. "Seamus! Why are you sitting over there?" he hissed quietly.

"Am I allowed to talk to him?" Seamus whispered to Neville.

"No... You are not supposed to be talking at all. So be quiet and do your work like Rion said for us to," Neville replied, not looking up from his textbook.

Seamus looked surprised for a moment, then looked back down at his textbook, continuing to work in silence.

"Seamus!" Dean hissed again, unaware of what Neville and Seamus had said to each other.

"Mr. Thomas... I believe that I said there was to be no talking while I was gone," Rion said coming back in to the classroom and glaring at him. "Ten points from Gryffindor for failing to follow simple instructions," she said stonily. "Now continue your work!"

Dean suppressed a glare then looked down at his book again, choosing to glare at Seamus instead.

The bell rang and most of the class let out a sigh of relief, having finished chapter seven already.

"I want to see your work as you leave," Rion called as they started to pack up.

She stood at the door and looked at each student's work as they left the room.

"Fine... Good..." she muttered without much enthusiasm as each student passed. "Stay behind, Mr. Thomas... You too, Miss Brown," Rion added. "You lot can go... You've finished your work," she said glaring at Ginevra and her friends.

Seamus hesitated for a second, then left quickly with Neville and the others, not looking back. The door shut behind him with a loud bang.

"You do it?" Pansy asked Vincent quietly.

"Do what?" Seamus asked frowning.

"Shut up until we're out of earshot," Pansy muttered, going around the corner, the others following quickly.

Pansy looked around for a moment, making sure there was no one around. Ginevra nodded to confirm and Vincent held out an Extendable Ear.

"I thought I told you to make her life as miserable as possible?" Rion questioned.

"We're trying for the Gods sakes! You think it's easy when she's always surrounded by those paranoid jerks?" Lavender muttered.

"Hey... Pansy's the only paranoid one! Well, and Draco at times," Millicent said smirking at him.

"Shut up," Pansy muttered, turning her attention back to the Ear.

"You have to stop her from getting me fired too... You shouldn't have done that to Longbottom, no matter how much he deserved it... She no longer trusts you," Rion said to Dean.

"I did shit all to that fucking pouf! It was bloody Seamus, the scared little shit! He stopped me from doing half of the stuff I was going to do! If he hadn't been there then it would have just looked like Longbottom died in the Forbidden Forest..." Dean snarled.

"No matter that. You should have stuck to what you were told to do. If you don't then the same thing will happen to you over and over," Rion said angrily.

"Hey! I am not doing this shit for you! I couldn't care less if you got fired! I wouldn't even give a shit if you up and died! I am doing this for me and me only! Got that?" Dean said glaring at her.

"Yet I am the one who is supplying you with the things you need, aren't I, Mr. Thomas?" Rion said icily. "Fifteen points from Gryffindor for not finishing your work. Get out of my sight," she said opening the door.

"They're coming this way," Seamus whispered urgently.

"No shit, Merlin," Padma drawled softly.

Ginevra turned and opened the tapestry at the end of the corridor, all of them silently slipping inside. Pansy put her hand over Seamus' mouth so he wouldn't say anything to get them caught and everyone went quiet.

"Stupid bitch," they heard Dean mutter angrily.

"Dean, just get over yourself already! At least you're not the one who has to date that stupid idiot!" Lavender muttered.

"True... But it is pissing Ginny off no end and you weren't in the hospital wing for two days straight and have scars that no fucking Medic can heal!" Dean snarled.

"Honestly! If you didn't look so cute when you get angry I would be kicking your miserable arse down the staircase," Lavender said, laughing at him.

They heard footsteps run past, Lavender still laughing at him.

"What? Wait up Lav!" Dean called, running after her, his footsteps fading with her laughter.

A loud scream sounded from the Astronomy classroom and Ginevra turned to her brothers, glaring.

"Looks like she got our present... Time to leave," they said, hurrying down the corridor.

"Walk quietly," Ginevra hissed softly.

Everyone followed Fred and George along the corridor, down the stairs and in to Ginevra's tunnel, hurrying to her rooms.


"What present did you give her?" Ginevra asked as soon as they were inside.

"We left a cute little teddy bear on her desk... It's charmed to change in to different kinds of beings whenever she's alone. And whenever anyone else looks at it, it's just a cute little teddy bear," they said, smirking evilly. "We were going to get one for Umbridge that changes in to a centaur..."

"You two are positively evil, you know that?" Pansy asked, shaking her head at them as they bowed deeply.

"Are you all right after what you heard?" Millicent asked Neville as they went in to the meeting room.

"I'll live, I'm sure," he replied smiling.

"You can let go of the Ear now, Vincent," Fred and George said, seeing his hand still gripping the invisible ear.

He let go of it, the Ear disappearing in to thin air.

"You changed the potion again?" Ginevra asked her brothers exasperatedly.

"Only a bit!" they said quickly.

"If you change it again then you're going to cancel out all of the other ingredients, for the Gods sakes!" Ginevra said glaring at them.

"What are you talking about?" Blaise asked in confusion.

"I gave them the potion for the Ears. They were originally meant for listening to other's conversations. You leave one Ear in a room, hidden of course, and then you use the other one to listen with... Then they changed it to the Extendable Ears. And now they've changed it back to my original idea, adding the Invisible and Disappearing ingredients for a different potion all together! That's why you had the Alihosty leaves, isn't it?" she asked glaring at them full heartedly.

"Maybe..." they muttered. "Don't you lot have homework to do?" Fred and George asked, leaving the room quickly.

"Get back here!" Ginevra said, running after them.

"Are they always like this?" Seamus asked in surprise.

"You get used to it," Neville replied with a shrug.

"Hello Frederick, George... Ginevra," Luna said with a smile as they ran past her, Ginevra's wand now drawn.

"Hi Luna!" Fred and George called over their shoulders. "Hi Colin!"

Colin smirked and took a picture of them running from their sister then followed Luna in to the meeting room.

The room went still and Seamus could practically see the tension flowing through them all.

"Did I miss something important?" he asked Neville quietly.

"It is nothing for you to worry about," Neville replied.

Luna looked at Seamus, her head to one side, her bottle cap necklace swaying as she scrutinised him without reserve.

"Actually, it is," Luna said after a moment. "Ginevra... You need to let them go now!" she called out the door.

Fred and George were stuck back-to-back on the floor, both attempting to get up without much success.

"Oh, fine..." Ginevra muttered, releasing her brothers from the spell.

"Where'd you learn that spell?" the twins asked, getting up properly now.

"I'm not telling you... You'll just go change it and then go back to my original idea!" she said with a glare.

"We'll give you credit for it," the twins coaxed, grinning at her.

"I'll think about it," Ginevra said, going back in to the meeting room.

"We should go get everything ready now. We'll be back for you two later, all right?" Fred and George said, kissing Padma and Parvati.

"All right... See you later," they replied, Parvati blushing brightly.

"Now that you've finished your exercise, can we at least start our homework?" Millicent drawled smirking.

"It's somehow become impossible for you to start working without me?" Ginevra responded, one eyebrow raised.

"How about you all just shut up and get on with your homework?" Colin said cheekily grinning at them.

"Yes Professor..." Pansy drawled, sitting in her seat and getting her work out.

The others followed suit quickly and as she sat down, Ginevra looked around, frowning.

"Where's Seamus gone?" she asked.

"With Luna for a minute..." Colin said shrugging.

"All right... Then where's Draco?" she asked.

Blaise looked around in surprise.

"Where is he?" he muttered, quickly leaving the meeting room to find him.

They heard a thud and Ginevra went out to see Blaise standing over Draco, his wand drawn.

"What in the Gods names did you do to him?" she asked, quickly going over.

"Go back to the meeting room, Ginevra," Blaise said quietly.

"Why did you hex Draco?" Ginevra asked, glaring at him.

"Ginevra... Do as Blaise tells you..." Luna said coming up behind her.

Seamus came out, looked at Ginevra warily then quickly went in to the meeting room.

"What's going on? There's something you're not telling me and I want to know what it is!" Ginevra said glaring at Luna and Blaise. "Why did you hex Pansy yesterday? And why did you hex Draco?" she asked looking at them both.

"I hexed Pansy because of something she was going to do, and Blaise hexed Draco because of something that he was going to hear," Luna replied.

Ginevra glared again, then turned and took the spell off of Draco, helping him to stand up.

"Give the Ear to me, Draconius," Luna instructed softly.

He glared at her and stood up straighter, pushing Ginevra away gently.

"I don't have to give you anything Lovegood," he snarled. "Tell me what the fuck you were talking to Finnigan about!"

"I do not have to tell you anything Draconius," Luna said glaring at him, her blue eyes hard and stern. "Why do you think you need to know?"

"Because it's about me Gods damn it!" Draco said angrily.

"It involves you but what I was telling Seamus about has nothing to do with you, Draconius... And if you wanted to know about every little thing that involved you then you would demand to know what everyone whispers about you when you walk past," Luna said matter-of-factly.

"That's different!" Draco protested.

"How? Because you think you know what they're saying about you?" Luna questioned, looking at him pointedly.

"Would you all stop fighting? It's giving me a headache!" Pansy yelled from the meeting room, coming out to them.

"And would you hurry up so we can get our bloody work done!" Millicent added.

"Draco, Luna... You two probably won't talk to each other until Draco knows whatever it is that you've been telling everybody, right?" Pansy asked.

"Most likely," Luna said with a confirming nod.

"Fine... Any idea when you can tell him?" Pansy asked Luna.

"Next week sometime," she replied vaguely.

"All right... Then how about this... You stay away from Luna until whenever she gets you to talk, and you do the same, but with Draco... Sometimes it's better to avoid people until it's easier for them to talk on their own," Pansy said shrugging at Ginevra's look.

"Fine by me," Draco said glaring at Luna.

"Very well... I will do my homework in my room with Colin and I will eat at the Gryffindor table," Luna said smiling at Draco. "Talk to you next week," she said then went to her room, Colin coming out of the meeting room to follow her, waving goodbye to the others.

Ginevra frowned and shook her head.

"You know, I had a question too..." she muttered, going back to the meeting room with a sigh.


"We've been working for an hour and a half straight... When are we going to get something to eat?" Gregory asked, his stomach rumbling in agreement.

"We didn't even get a snack when we came back," Vincent added when Pansy glared at them, his stomach rumbling too.

"Fine... You want a snack? Then you can eat celery and carrot sticks... Or an apple. Healthy food, not the junk that you consider to be edible," she said smirking at them.

"All right..." Gregory said with a sigh. going down to the kitchen, Vincent following.

"They must be really hungry to agree to that," Blaise said in surprise.

"I better go make sure that they aren't covering everything in sugar," Pansy muttered, quickly going after them.

"Do you want me to show you how to use your new powers now?" Neville asked Seamus.

"All right..." he said with a nod.

"Yes, you can watch," Neville said to Ginevra, who just grinned at him.

Fred and George came in to the meeting room.

"Back already?" Ginevra asked grinning at them.

"Obviously..." they drawled, smirking.

"We'll see you all tomorrow, ok?" Padma and Parvati said, quickly packing their things up.

"You're not staying for dinner?" Ginevra asked the four of them in surprise.

"We've got dinner set up for them already," Fred and George said.

"All right... See you tomorrow," Ginevra said, hugging the Patil twins.

"Bye everyone!" they called, going to leave.

"Do you have Bexley?" Luna asked.

"Yes," Bexley said flying out of Ginevra and in to Fred and George.

"Goodbye to you too..." Ginevra said feigning hurt.

"Goodbye Ginevra!" Bexley said, flying back out and bowing to her, then flying back in to them.

Ginevra watched as the four twins left quickly, going down the corridor to the entry to their own tunnel.

"I'm going to help Theo at the hospital wing, all right? See you at dinner," Millicent called, leaving with her boyfriend.

"Are you coming to watch?" Neville asked Blaise.

"Of course..." he said, then started whispering in Neville's ear, making Ginevra go red.

"Honestly, Blaise! Can you not say that where I can hear you?" she asked, wincing. "And don't think about it either... I do not need to be educated about that," Ginevra said glaring.

"All right... I'll stop," Blaise said with a disappointed sigh. "I'm only stopping so your boyfriend doesn't go Veelan on me and kill me in a jealous rage," he said smirking at Draco over her shoulder.

"I'd tell you to get fucked but I wouldn't want you to spoil Ginevra's innocent mind," Draco said smirking at him.

"I'd willingly agree but for the same reason," Blaise replied.

"Stop talking about me like I'm not here!" Ginevra said angrily, glaring at the both of them.

"We should leave them to it... It might get ugly," Neville said grinning as he led Seamus to one of the empty rooms.

"Why did you give me some of your power?" Seamus asked quietly when they were inside the room.

"For a few reasons... It can help you if you're in danger if you learn to use it properly. You need the power to keep up with the rest of us. By using my power it will help bring out your own powers, if you have them... I also gave it to you so you would have some idea of what we're going on about if we're talking about our own things... You can't be a part of this group if you're not a being," Neville said with a shrug. "Glad to see that you've finished arguing," he said looking over Seamus' shoulder.

"We haven't finished yet... We just decided to postpone it for a different time..." Blaise said smirking. "They only wanted to postpone because I was winning," he added winking at his boyfriend.

"You're the one that said we should postpone the arguments!" Draco said glaring at him, still heated up.

"And you're the one that just took the bait, Draco... Calm down will you?" Ginevra muttered shaking her head at him.

"Fine," Draco said with a sigh.

"You done now?" Neville asked smirking at them.

The three of them nodded and sat on a lounge that Ginevra conjured. She grinned as Draco put his arm around her and leant in to him.

"Thanks for making me feel lonely, lovely," Blaise said smirking.

Ginevra rolled her eyes and put her head on Draco's lap, her feet resting on Blaise's lap.

"Happy now?" she drawled.

"Yes... I can only feel happy when I have your feet on my lap," Blaise replied, an eyebrow raised at her.

"Either shut up and watch or bugger off if you're just going to talk," Neville said with a half-hearted glare at them. "Now, hold out your palm," Neville instructed Seamus.

Seamus held out his palm and tried not to say anything when Neville pulled a dagger out of his robe pocket.

"Calm down... It will only hurt for a second," Neville said kindly, holding his hand so he couldn't pull away.

He sliced along the heart line going across the middle of Seamus' palm. Seamus bit his lip as his skin curled slightly, the blood oozing out of the wound.

Ginevra sat up instantly, the smell of the blood attracting her attention. Her eyes went red as the smell and taste of blood filled her mouth.

Neville looked over at her for a moment then gave a nod to Blaise who held her tightly around the waist.

"Oh... You're mean to tease me like this Neville!" Ginevra cried, struggling lightly against Blaise's grip, not wanting to hurt him.

"It's only for a moment longer and then you can go Drink Draco dry, okay?" Neville said with a smile, as he cut his own palm along the same line. "Now hold your palm against mine... There is no need to look so worried," he said, smiling still.

Seamus gulped, nodded and pressed his hand against Neville's. A green light exploded around their hands and Seamus shuddered violently as his eyes were forced shut. Neville calmly closed his eyes.

After a few minutes of watching and still restraining Ginevra, Seamus and Neville pulled apart. Seamus looked dazed, but somehow wiser and looking at him closely, they noticed that his blue eyes had changed to green.

"Tha' was amazing," Seamus muttered, his Irish accent thick with awe.

"You understand now?" Neville asked him, seemingly unaffected by what had just happened.

Seamus nodded, still awed and shocked. He looked slightly intoxicated.

"Can you heal your hands now? Ginevra is getting really Thirsty," Draco muttered, holding Ginevra with all of his strength.

Neville gave a curt nod and in seconds, both of their hands were healed, the blood gone. Ginevra slumped against Blaise and Draco's arms with a sigh.

"You're a right prick to have done that without any warning Neville!" she muttered, her eyes still red with longing.

"I'm sure Draco will be more than obliging," Blaise said, having seen the look on Draco's face when her eyes turned red.

Ginevra smirked at Draco, then pulled him out of the room and down to her room. She'd barely closed the door before she kissed him hungrily.

"I swear, if you say you don't want me to, I'm going to find out what my own blood tastes like..." she muttered.

"If I did say no I doubt you'd listen," Draco replied, holding her up steadily.

He felt her smirk against his neck, kissing it once before letting her fangs pierce the skin. He gave a small cry and then she was licking the wounds, his blood flowing in to her open and eager mouth.

"Don't Drink too much or you won't have enough appetite for dinner!" Neville said, banging on the door.

"Don't care," Ginevra muttered, biting and Drinking from Draco again.

She bit her own wrist, offering it to Draco. He licked the two puncture wounds softly, smirking as she purred in his arms.

"Is she really drinking his blood?" Seamus asked, trying not to feel sickened at the thought.

"Yes... It's natural for Vampires to do so... We drink liquids other than blood to survive... They just drink blood. As you've never seen it being done before, to you that makes it wrong, barbaric and sick. To Vampires it's necessary to survive, so they mostly think nothing of it. Ginevra however, probably won't Drink from anyone other than Draco, or us if the need arises," Neville said. "She doesn't like to hurt people when it isn't necessary to do so."

"What about what she does to Ron and Lavender?" Seamus pointed out.

Neville sighed and shook his head, putting a hand to Seamus' forehead. The Vision played in Seamus' mind and he paled as he Saw what was to happen. As it ended, Seamus fainted. Blaise caught him quickly and gently rested him on the ground.

"Are you sure about this Nev?" Blaise asked him softly.

"Yes, I am sure about it... I know what I Saw, Blaise," he replied.

"I don't doubt that, but honestly... Him?" Blaise said sighing heavily.

"You will be fine with it soon enough," Neville said smiling.

"What aren't you telling me?" he asked looking at his boyfriend suspiciously.

"I am not telling you a lot of things, Blaise... You will have to be more specific than that next time," he responded smirking, waking Seamus up with a muttered spell.


"All right you two! Your time is officially up! You have to do your exercises now!" Neville called banging on the door.

"I didn't know our time had officially started," Ginevra muttered, opening the door, fully clothed to Seamus' surprise. "What? You think that just because we've been in there for half an hour that we fucked each other?" she asked him, seeing his surprised look.

"Not really..." Seamus muttered, going red.

Draco came out of the room, smirking broadly, his clothes and hair messier than Seamus had ever seen them before. Seamus was startled to see that his lips were crimson, as were Ginevra's.

"You drank her blood too?" he asked in surprise.

"Of course... It isn't fair if she doesn't share now, is it?" Draco asked smirking still.

Ginevra licked her lips slightly, most of the crimson colour disappeared, the rest staying, having stained her lips.

"Albus is going to be pissed... I still haven't told him about me Drinking," she muttered.

"No one cares except Albus, so can you hurry up and get ready for your exercises and training now?" Neville asked, smirking at her.

"Yes Professor," Ginevra said sarcastically, bowing to him.

"Good... Now get your arse in the training room," Neville said, pushing her down the corridor.

"You sure you want to fight me after I've been Drinking?" Ginevra asked when they were inside.

Draco, Blaise, Seamus and Pansy followed them inside quickly. Colin came out of his room and joined them, patiently waiting for them to start.

"Yes, I am sure... Now stop stalling and hurry up with your exercises," he said, already starting his.

Ginevra grinned at the subtly implied challenge, then did her exercises, warming up and stretching her body.

"Ready?" Neville asked impatiently.

Colin got his camera ready eagerly and Ginevra nodded, putting her fists up.

"Want to go all out?" he asked smirking at her.

"All right," Ginevra said grinning.

"Good," Neville said and kicked at her head.

Ginevra ducked, punching at his leg. Neville moved back a step and punched at her face, Ginevra barely managing to avoid his fist. Neville punched with his other fist, this time it connected with her nose, a crunch sounding.

Colin clicked away on his camera eagerly, taking photos of not only Ginevra and Neville, but also Draco and Pansy, who had also started fighting.

Her eyes watered but in a few seconds the pain subsided and her nose was back to normal. Ginevra glared at Neville, punching at him, feigning then kicking him in the chest so he fell back. Or was supposed to...

Neville flipped over, landing nimbly on his feet and kicked her shoulder, making her fall over.

"Stop holding back Ginevra," he said with a glare, holding out a hand for her.

"You're holding back too," she muttered, standing up on her own.

"Only because you are and I do not want to hurt you if you are not prepared and fighting to your full potential," he replied with a shrug.

"Fine... I'll go to my full potential... Sure you can handle it?" Ginevra said smirking at him.

"You will be lying on the ground when I am finished with you, lovely," Neville replied smirking.

Ginevra punched at him, moving forwards so that he had to move further back with each punch she threw at him. She cornered him and punched again, hitting nothing but air. Neville appeared behind her, kicking her behind so she moved forward a few steps. Ginevra turned sharply, kicking him in the chest hard. Neville just smirked and kicked at her. She grabbed his leg and made him fall on to his back. Neville made her flip over him with his foot and Ginevra landed on her feet, attempting to keep her balance.

Colin grinned as Blaise and Seamus finished doing the exercises and began fighting. He started taking photos of them quickly, noticing that Seamus and Blaise fought well together...

Ginevra glared at Neville, who just smirked and held his palm out, facing her. Without a word, whisper or even a blink, his hand glowed green and a beam shot out at her, Ginevra barely managing to move out of the way. The light hit the wall behind her that was immediately covered in various vines and plants.

Ginevra smirked and flicked her wrist a few times, two red lights shooting out at Neville. A barrier formed around him and the lights disappeared in to it. Another flick of her wrist and his barrier disappeared, a light hitting him directly in the chest. She frowned when nothing happened to him, but shot out another two more lights. Neville let them flow in to him and as he cupped his hands, Ginevra realised that she had made a mistake...

Five red lights drifted out of his skin and a light green mist covered them as they stopped within the confines of his cupped hands. With a smirk, he blew on each one softly. They grew larger and the green mist dissolved the red lights easily; too easily in Ginevra's opinion.

Ginevra just watched him curiously, knowing that he had put up an invisible barrier and so it would be futile for her to send more balls and just increase his power... Her dagger appeared in her hands. Ginevra barely had time to wonder how she could deflect them without having the lights fly around the room, when Neville shot the lights at her.

Her dagger pulsed red for a moment and a barrier formed around Ginevra, all five of the lights flying in to it. As they went through, the green lights disappeared and returned to their original red colour. All five halted then resumed their original missions and flew back at Neville quickly.

Ginevra followed the lights towards Neville and kicked at him as he attempted to dodge the lights. Neville managed to miss her foot but four of the lights entered him as a result. He stopped for a second, getting a fist in the cheek for it, and red light seemed to escape from every pore in his body. Ginevra moved back quickly, wondering what was happening. She called for the lights to return to her, but the light continued to pour from him.

"Get in there and stop them!" Ginevra commanded the remaining light and it flew in to Neville at top speed.

A second later, the red light was replaced with a soft green light and a calm feeling flowed through everyone in Ginevra's rooms. Draco and Pansy stopped their own fighting and looked over to them curiously. Blaise and Seamus stopped as well, looking over at them. The green light disappeared and Neville slumped to the ground with a sigh. The five lights flew out of him, small and apologetic. They stopped in front of Ginevra, bobbing up and down for a moment.

"You should be sorry! You could have killed him!" she snarled at them.

The four lights grew smaller quickly; the fifth one obviously agreeing with Ginevra as it stayed the same size and bobbed at them vigorously.

"Get back in and do not kill anyone without instruction!" Ginevra commanded and they all flew in to her body quickly. "Are you all right, Neville? I'm sorry about that... I did not mean for it to happen," she said apologetically, helping him up.

"It is fine, Ginevra... I have experienced worse and it was not that painful anyway. It just felt like my entire body had pins and needles," Neville replied, rubbing his arm for a moment.

"Are you sure?" Ginevra asked, concerned.

"Of course! If it hurt me then I would say so... We have time for another round if you are game," Neville said grinning.

"So soon? All right... You four can go back to your own fighting now," Ginevra said to the others.

"Of course, my Queen," Draco replied smirking at her.

"Should I even ask what that's about?" Seamus asked Blaise, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"It's Ginevra's information to tell, not mine," Blaise said with a shrug, punching at his face.

Seamus moved out of the way quickly but was hit by an upper punch with Blaise's other fist.


"It is time for dinner," Luna announced from the doorway.

They stopped fighting and did some exercises that cooled their bodies slowly and didn't shock them because of the sudden change in temperature.

Colin flicked his wand and all of the photos that he had taken flew on to his hand. He clutched them, grinning broadly and quickly went to his room to put them away in a safe spot before going to meet the others at the wardrobe, sans camera and photographs.

Ginevra was talking with Draco and Neville while Blaise talked to Seamus and Luna. Pansy was down the corridor, banging on the door to get her boyfriends out of their room.

"Would you two hurry up? It's time for dinner!" she called.

In the whole of ten seconds, both Gregory and Vincent were out of the room. Pansy rolled her eyes at them.

"Sometimes I wonder if you'll ever answer if I call for help... I'm going to call out for dinner if I need you two to help me," she muttered shaking her head.

Pansy hurried to the others, all of them going down the corridor quickly, their stomachs rumbling loudly after all of the exercise. Gregory and Vincent caught up to her quickly.

"That's not fair, Pans... You know we'd be out even quicker if you called for help," Gregory said seriously.

"Although it depends what food there is for dinner..." Vincent said smirking, kissing her.

Ginevra opened the door and looked out quickly to make sure no one was around, then climbed out quickly.

"Jerk," Pansy muttered to Vincent.

He just laughed and put an arm around her waist, helping her out of the tapestry door. Gregory climbed out, helping Vincent out after him.

They all went to the Great Hall. Luna, Colin, Ginevra and Seamus went to the Gryffindor table and the other six joined Theodore at the Slytherin table.

Ginevra filled her plate and started eating her dinner, looking at the other students.

"Where's Millicent?" she asked Luna.

"It is a full moon tonight, Ginevra... She is part-werewolf remember," Luna said quietly. "You should eat now. I can hear your stomach complaining from here," she said smiling at her.

Ginevra grinned, rolled her eyes and ate her dinner, turning to Colin after a while.

"Did you see anything wrong when Neville and I were fighting?" she asked.

"There were a few openings that both of you missed, but other than that I don't remember seeing anything," Colin said.

"That's good... Are you all right about your mother now?" she asked quietly.

"Yes and no... I'm all right with it because she couldn't really stop giving birth to me. But I'm still annoyed that they didn't tell me sooner," he muttered.

"I know how you feel... Mum and Dad only told me about this two weeks ago..." Ginevra said with a shrug. "But they had their reasons not to tell me sooner, and they supported me so I forgave them pretty quickly," she said grinning.

"How could they not support you?" Colin asked in surprise.

"They could have done what the rest of my family did and not talk to me... It was like my first and second years all over again with my brothers," Ginevra said shaking her head.

Colin nodded, knowing what she meant by that.

"I'm surprised that they weren't more accepting of it and you..." he said.

Ginevra just shrugged in response and looked around. She saw Tom sitting across from her and waved to him, getting his attention.

"Hi Tom... Did we miss any announcements from Dumbledore?" she asked.

"Nothing much... Apparently three certain people were caught in the Forbidden Forest and he repeated the fact that a forest that has the word forbidden in it is actually forbidden," Tom said with a laugh.

"I'm surprised that they got Ronald away from Lavender long enough to get him to go to a forest that's crawling with Acromantula..." Ginevra drawled smirking.

Colin frowned for a moment.

"Where are they anyway?" he asked looking around.

"No idea... Ron's down there with Lavender," Ginevra said indicating a few seats down.

"They both look pissed off," Colin said, Tom nodding in agreement.

They all went quiet, trying to hear what they were arguing about.

"Why did you put her in the hospital wing? She was just talking to me, for the Gods sakes!" Ron said angrily, glaring at his girlfriend.

"You didn't even tell her that I was in your group, Ron! I'm your girlfriend, you're supposed to do things with me!" Lavender said glaring right back at him.

"It was just Defence Against the Dark Arts, Lavender! Sally-Anne just got to our group before you did! There was no need for you to hurt her just because you're jealous!" Ron said.

"Mr. Weasley and Miss Brown... Stop your bickering and follow me," McGonagall said sternly, coming up behind them.

Lavender crossed her arms in a huff, looked away from Ron and followed McGonagall out of the Great Hall.

"Don't do anything without me," Ron whispered to Harry and Hermione, quickly going after them.

"I think I'm proud of Ron..." Ginevra said in surprise.

Hermione turned and glared at her.

"How can you be proud of him? I know exactly how Lavender feels... Ron should have told Sally-Anne to go to a different group when he saw that Lavender was standing there!" Hermione said angrily.

"Yet you didn't say a thing to Ronald... Even though you think Lavender was right, your own jealousy prevented you from saying anything," Ginevra retorted glaring at her.

"I am not jealous of that little cow!" Hermione said, going red.

"You're not jealous but every time they're together, you keep staring at them... Every time you're near them you think of ways to make Ron yours. You should wake up and see what's right in front of you Granger!" she hissed.

"And what's right in front of me?" Hermione asked sarcastically. "A bitter future with no one and nothing but my books, like Trewlaney says?" she jeered.

"No, Granger... Potter is right in front of you, for the Gods sakes! And if you can't see that he's head over heels in love with you, then you fucking deserve your bitter and bleak future," Ginevra said angrily.

Hermione looked at Harry, who had gone bright red.

"I'll see you later, all right?" she muttered to Colin, Seamus and Luna, who all nodded.

Shaking her head, Ginevra left the Great Hall quickly. She went to the Hogwarts entrance and slipped out the side door quietly. She looked up at the full moon and heard a loud howl from the Forbidden Forest.

Ginevra sighed and turned in to an owl, flying up in to the night sky, the feeling of freedom enveloping her.


Draco watched as Ginevra left the Great Hall. He turned to see Hermione and Harry talking animatedly, smirking at how blind the Mudblood was for someone who was supposed to be so smart...

"I'm going to go find her, all right?" Draco said to Blaise, standing up.

"Stay," Luna said appearing behind him.

She put a hand on his shoulder and he sat down unwillingly.

"You cannot go find Ginevra yet... She needs this time alone to think about everything," Luna said with a smile.

"You cannot keep me here, Lovegood," Draco growled, glaring at her.

He tried to stand up, but found that he couldn't.

"Take this spell off me!" he said angrily.

"I cannot... It is for you to undo yourself," Luna said with a smile before returning to her seat next to Colin and Seamus.


"We're going back to the room, all right Draco?" Pansy said looking at her friend, trying to sound concerned and not laugh at his situation.

"Can you stand up yet?" Blaise asked.

Draco tried but failed, yet again. No spell he had done had allowed him to stand up.

"For the Gods sakes, Lovegood... If I say that I won't go find Ginevra will you let me off this bloody chair?" Draco muttered with a sigh.

"You can say it but that does not mean that you will mean it," she replied.

Draco refrained from glaring and hexing her. Instead he gave a sigh and looked at her seriously.

"Fine... I promise that I will not go find Ginevra tonight," he said.

"Very well. I will hold you to that promise, Draconius," Luna said sternly. "You can stand up now," she said smiling.

Draco stood up gratefully and they all returned to Ginevra's room, wondering where she was.


Ginevra watched as the full moon slowly made its way across the sky, as silent as always. It never made a sound as it moved through the world, through time, yet it had such an affect on people that they never questioned it. Why was she any different? Simply because she could make sounds, everyone thought that gave them the right to question her. Ginevra sighed once more and looked down at the Hogwarts ground beneath her. She saw a figure dancing on the ground and as the moon touched the creature, she saw that it was a Mooncalf. Intrigued, Ginevra stepped off of the roof and flew down to the ground, silently as an owl. The shy creature hadn't noticed her and Ginevra watched the Mooncalf dancing. Curiosity taking over, Ginevra began to change her shape to that of a Mooncalf. Her body began to become smoother and turned pale grey. Her eyes rounded out and bulged on the top of her head. Her arms changed in to four long spindly legs and Ginevra's hands and feet became four large flat feet. She stood up on her hind legs, as the Mooncalf before her was and walked over to the silent creature. The Mooncalf saw her coming over and stopped in shock. The creature awkwardly bowed to her. Hello, New Queen. Would you care for this dance to honour the Lady of the Night? The Mooncalf asked in her mind, then looked up to the full moon. I would be honoured, Ginevra replied and bowed back to the Mooncalf. Almost as if she already knew what to do, Ginevra began to dance with the Mooncalf. They danced to honour the moon's presence, but it was nothing like human dancing. They did not touch each other at all and danced in circles around each other, some broad, others small. Beneath their large feet, the grass bent almost perfectly, creating what the Muggles called crop circles. After about half an hour, they both stopped and the Mooncalf bowed to Ginevra. It was a pleasure and an honour to dance with you, New Queen... It would please me if we did this again, he said in her mind and then dropped to all four legs and left quickly, his feet no longer making any imprints on the soft grass. Ginevra sighed and turned back to her human self, returning to her rooms quietly, knowing that it was almost eleven o'clock and the others would be asleep. She listened half-heartedly but couldn't hear the others at all. She closed her bedroom door firmly and sat on her bed with a weary sigh, wondering if she should do the spell or not. Sighing again, she stood up and after making sure that the door was shut, she began to say the spell. "Those who know, now forget... Make the past not happen yet... Their memories caught in a net... Those who knew, now forget..." she said clearly. A non-existent wind blew her door open and hundreds of red balls flew out of Ginevra. They left the room quickly, leaving her alone with a single red ball. It bobbed in front of her, its light coating the room in a soft red glow. After a few minutes, the lights flew back in to her room and waited in front of her for further instructions. "The task is completed, memories wiped clean... Go to the earth, make sure to be unseen. Before you go, wipe the memory of your Queen," Ginevra said. The light that had waited flew in to her forehead and as Ginevra fell to the ground, the lights all flew outside to join the lights that had gone underground after the first memory spell. Two lights remained behind, their glows dimming so they would not be noticed...


A few hours later Ginevra stood up and left her room silently, sleepwalking. She walked down to Draco's room and opened his door. As she stopped next to his bed, Ginevra smiled at Draco's sleeping form. He woke up almost instantly and looked at her.

"I'm sorry, my love," she whispered so softly that not even he could hear her, and kissed him.

Draco stared at her in shock, yet he still managed to fall asleep after a few minutes. Ginevra left, a single tear falling from her eyes.

Ginevra slumped on to her bed with an exhausted sigh. She changed in to her pyjamas wearily, then crawled under the covers, her eyes closing immediately.

The two red balls appeared again, their lights brighter now. One entered Ginevra's mind and the other one flew down the hall to Draco's room. As they both finished the task assigned by their Queen, the two red balls left to join the others and Ginevra's bedroom door shut behind them firmly.

Luna heard Ginevra's door close and looked down to the two red balls in the spelled net next to her bed. She looked up at Colin seriously.

"We are to do nothing, do you understand Colin? If they find out before the due time, then it could mean the total disaster of everything that has been Planned so far... No meaningful looks, stares or suggestions, all right? Act as surprised as they do," Luna said.

"Of course... I won't do anything to hurt them, Luna," Colin said. "If it all becomes too much, I'll just take some photos like the good little camera boy I am," he said with a small laugh.

"Yes, you are good," she said smiling at him. "I have to get Albus to hurry... If we do not get Advanced soon, They will not be very happy," Luna said softly, shaking her head.

"They?" Colin asked intrigued.

"Just the proverbial they," Luna said with a smile. "You should go to sleep now, dear Colin," she whispered.

Luna kissed his forehead and watched as he fell asleep instantly. She sighed and looked in the mirror sadly.

"You almost gave it away again..." she murmured, shaking her head as she left the room silently.


Xavier and Agnes waited for Ginevra's spell to reach them, the spelled net between them on the bed. Agnes sighed in annoyance as yet again, her husband looked towards the window.

"Xavier, love, calm down... You are making me nervous," Agnes said with a smile.

"I apologise, dear... Her powers have grown even over the last few days and I just worry that the net will not be able to hold the spell," Xavier confessed with a weary sigh, running his hand through his hair.

Agnes took his hand and caressed it lightly.

"That net has over one hundred protective spells on it... Do not worry about its ability to hold her spell, Xavier. It has reflected a spell from the Chief of Wizengamot after all," she said with a smile.

"I know, dear... But Ginevra is not the Chief of Wizengamot, now is she? She is much more..." he muttered softly.

"I am aware of what she is, love, but I also remember who she is, a fact that you seem to be forgetting... Ginevra is a sixteen-year-old girl who does not know the full extent of her powers. Even if she did know, I doubt with great extremity that she would allow the spell to hurt us, love," Agnes said calmly, in turn calming her tensed husband.

Xavier sighed again and kissed her lightly.

"Thank you, dear..." he said with a smile.

"You are most welcome, love... The spell is coming," she responded.

Xavier turned to see a bright red ball flying towards their window. He jumped up and caught the spell in the net. It struggled against the barrier and the net flew out of his hands, flying around the room before directing itself to Agnes.

"STOP!" Xavier bellowed loudly.

The net and ball stilled immediately. Agnes calmly grabbed the net and looked at it as Xavier calmed himself down.

"Xavier, this is different," Agnes said in shock, looking at the colours on the net.

"What? How?" he asked in surprise, looking at the net too.

It changed colours at his question and they both paled in shock.

"It has erased her memory of being a Vampiress... Gods, this is not good," Xavier muttered, running a hand through his hair wearily.

"Should we tell Albus?" Agnes asked.

Suddenly their fireplace lit up with green flames and Albus' head appeared, smiling at them. He noticed the net that Agnes was holding and their shocked looks.

"Oh good, so you do know about the spell then," he said in obvious relief.

"You knew of this?" Xavier asked in surprise.

Albus nodded, his amusement showing clearly.

"Yes, I have known of it since lunch time... It is sad to lose such power over a message from tea leaves," he said with a sad sigh.

A voice sounded from beside him and Albus turned his head to look at the person, giving them a brief nod.

"Of course, my Lady..." he said quietly. "I apologise," Albus said to Xavier and Agnes as he turned back to them. "My reason for calling so unexpectedly was to introduce you both to someone very important. She is the one who informed me about Ginevra's spell... With your permission, I will send her through to you now," he said.

Agnes and Xavier nodded, intrigued. Albus moved back and a figure jumped through the fireplaces, landing on their bedroom floor softly. The person bowed to them.

"Good evening Lady Agnes and Lord Xavier... I apologise for arriving on such short notice. Thank you Albus," she said turning back to the man in the fireplace.

"Of course, Lady... Good night Lord Xavier, Lady Agnes," he said with a bow and the flames disappeared.

The woman turned back to her two hosts and smiled at them.

"My name is Luna Lovegood, Head of the Seer Division for the Order of the Phoenix... You however, may know me better as Cassandra," Luna said smiling at them as her shape changed subtly, yet distinctly.

Her blonde hair changed into small curls and grew longer. Her eyes changed from blue to opalescent and became a few shades brighter. In seconds Luna had changed from pretty to breath-takingly beautiful. She had become Cassandra from Greek mythology; the beauty who had been given the gift of foresight by the infatuated god Apollo, only to turn him down and have him curse her so that no one would believe her.

Agnes and Xavier just stared at her, the shock of having someone who had met a god standing in front of them too much to handle.

Luna/Cassandra smiled at them, hearing their shocked and surprised thoughts clearly.

"I can give you the chance to ask your questions out loud, or I can just answer them if you would prefer that," she offered.

"You may just answer our questions... I think we are too shocked to ask them, Lady Cassandra," Agnes replied, the first to recover from her shock.

Luna/Cassandra nodded briefly smiling at her.

"Very well... I turned down Apollo's gift because of his gift... He gave me the gift of Sight and I Saw everything that had yet to happen. I Saw two different alternatives... The first was what would happen if I accepted Apollo's love. I Watched as I lived in luxury that even the rich can only dream of and I was forced to Watch as he grew out of love with me. After only ten thousand years, I Saw Apollo throw me back to the mortal world where I died shortly after, having lost his love and thus, any chance I had to survive in the mortal world... It was then that I Saw the Alternative..." Luna/Cassandra paused for a moment.

"Please, continue..." Agnes said, rapt by the tale she was telling.

"I Saw myself refuse him and I Watched as he cursed the gift he had given me. I Saw all of the hardships I would face. I Watched Troy fall to the Greeks and I could do nothing as my hometown was burnt to ashes over the love of a woman," Luna/Cassandra said, sadness filling her voice. "I watched as Ajax the Lesser dragged me from the sanctuary I had sought within Athena's temple and I became a spoil of their war, to become a slave and mistress to King Agamemnon. I Watched as Athena sought revenge for their lack of respect to her temple with the help of Poseidon and I Watched as he destroyed most of the Greeks ships. I watched as Agamemnon's wife and Queen, Clytemnestra, killed us both on our arrival to Mycenae..."

"If you Saw your own death then why did you turn down Apollo?" Xavier asked in surprise.

"After I Saw my death, I Saw my reincarnation, the one that stands before you now... I knew that if I accepted Apollo's love then this one would not be in existence. In Seeing her I also Saw her love, Apollo's own incarnate... He seems to have calmed and become less arrogant and conceited after all of these years thankfully," Luna/Cassandra said smiling. "Now I must ask for your attention again, as I talk to you of Ginevra and her future," she said apologetically.

"You know of her future? But... how? None of our Seers have been able to See one thing of her future since she decided to do the spell," Xavier said.

"I am aware of that, Lord Xavier... I am able to See her future, as Apollo's gift is still with me and the Gods know of Ginevra, even if the Fates of the Future do not," Luna/Cassandra said.

"Of course, Lady Cassandra... I apologise," Xavier said with a small bow.

"Your apology is accepted, Lord Xavier..."

Halfway across Europe, Ginny slept soundly through out the night, blissfully unaware of the discussions about her...


(a/n: Please don't hate me! This is the first cliff-hanger I've done for this story (in my opinion) so you aren't allowed to complain that much! :-)

This chapter was sixty-seven pages long!

Thank you for reading!)