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The Vampiress and Veelan by Nival Vixen

The Vampiress and Veelan

Nival Vixen

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, don't hurt me. Please don't let J.K.R sue me.

(a/n: Thanks to everyone who reviewed, I appreciate it!)

Chapter Twenty Two

Monday, Apr. 1

Ginevra woke up. Her mind was clear, her body was free from various aches and pains, and she couldn't even feel the dull tingling left over from Ric's spell.

Sitting up, the first thing Ginevra noticed was the other three beds in the room. The room was absent of light, and she couldn't see the occupants of the beds properly.

As Ginevra looked at them closely, trying to figure out who they were, the three people glowed slightly. They sat up in unison, and turned to face her. Ginevra scooted back to the wall, clutching the blanket to her chest.

Dean, Lavender, and Ron stayed on their beds, watching her with closed eyes.

"It is good to see that you are awake, Miss Ginevra," Miles' voice carried from across the room.

"What's wrong with them?" Ginevra asked him.

"If you will wait a moment, I will get Lord Xavier and Lady Agnes," Miles said, leaving the room before she could answer.

Xavier and Agnes arrived within seconds. They thanked Miles and waited until the door had closed before going over to Ginevra.

"Are you well, daughter?" Agnes asked, smiling at her briefly.

"I don't know. What's wrong with them?" she asked, again.

"They are fine, daughter. Relax a moment. Lie down once more," Agnes murmured to her.

Ginevra reluctantly did as she said, watching as Agnes touched Ron, Lavender and Dean's foreheads. They returned to sleep again silently.

It was very odd, considering Ron usually snored. Quite loudly, at that, Ginevra mused with a frown.

"I am going to put a spell on you, daughter. It will just relax your body to the point where you will not be able to move and harm yourself," Agnes murmured.

"Harm myself?" Ginevra asked in alarm.

"Trust us, daughter. You are safe," Xavier promised gently.

Ginevra nodded briefly and tried to relax.

She watched as both Agnes and Xavier sat beside her on the bed. Xavier weaved the spell around her body, and Ginevra felt her body slowly relax. Her heart rate slowed and her limbs grew heavy as the spell worked its way over her.

"Do you remember what happened, Ginevra?" Agnes asked.

"What happened when?" Ginevra asked, obviously confused.

Xavier and Agnes shared a quick look, but it was enough to betray their worry to Ginevra.

She struggled against the spell, but was unable to move. She couldn't sit up, couldn't move her limbs, couldn't even move her body to face them properly. This feeling would haunt her dreams for years to come.

"What did I do?"

"I apologise, daughter. I am not able to tell you what happened. It is something that you must remember yourself," Agnes said kindly.

"It has something to do with them, doesn't it?" Ginevra asked, her eyes looking to Dean, Lavender and Ron.

"We are not able to assist you, daughter; it must be done on your own," Xavier said, standing. "We will leave you to think. I hope that you remember soon," he added with a gentle smile.

Xavier offered his hand to Agnes, and they left the room silently.

The moment the door closed, the spell was released, and Ginevra sat up to look at the three beds, a frown creasing her forehead.

What on earth had she done? Why couldn't she remember it? And most important of all, why had she done it?


Arthur and Molly sat across from Draco, and he suddenly wished that he'd thought to bring the gift bag for Arthur. It might have eased the tension a little.

"Where is our daughter, Albus?" Molly asked the moment Dumbledore entered the room.

"She is safe," he replied.

"We can tell that by looking at the clock, Albus," Arthur said, his patience wearing thin. "Where is Ginny?"

"She is being housed by her vampire kin," Albus said, sighing. "Unfortunately," he added, before Arthur could say something else, "I do not know where it is, as it is Unplottable, and I am not their Secret Keeper. Only vampires and their kin may go there without permission, and I am neither."

"When will we be able to see her?" Molly asked.

"Ginevra will return when she is healed. I have not been provided with a timeframe," Albus added, sighing wearily.

"Then why bring us here? You could have said that over the fire, Albus," Molly said.

"I believe that Mr. Malfoy requires an audience with you both. I will be in the Great Hall if I am needed," Albus said, smiling now as he left, humming to himself.

Draco almost hated the Headmaster in that moment. Both Arthur and Molly turned to look at him intently, curiosity, concern, and surprise etched into their faces.

"I had intended to do this with Ginevra," Draco started, a nervous hitch in his voice.

Arthur's eyes immediately narrowed, and Draco hated how that one motion made him even more nervous than before. He reminded himself to think of Ginevra.

"I have proposed to Ginevra..." Draco began.

"What makes you think we'll let our baby girl marry you?" Arthur yelled, getting to his feet.

"Arthur, sit down," Molly said, pulling her husband down onto his seat again.

"But Molly, he's a Malfoy," Arthur hissed. "And they're too young to get married."

"Your daughter has no problems seeing past my name, sir. And I certainly do not have a problem with her name, or heritage," Draco said smoothly. "We may be young at the moment, but I did not say that we intended to get married straight away. We are somewhat immortal, and the ring that Ginevra has taken from me is a promise of my intention to marry her."

"So you're just going to string her along, are you?" Arthur said. "Give her a ring, buy her things, and keep her on the side while you go off with other women, and never actually get to the altar?"

"Arthur!" Molly yelled, stopping Draco's response. "I do apologise for him, dear. He is very overprotective with our daughter, as you can see. Do continue, I promise that Arthur will behave," she said, glaring at her husband sternly.

Draco coughed slightly, and nodded in thanks to Molly.

"As I was saying, I have proposed to Ginevra. We do not intend on marrying straight away, as we still have a lot to learn about each other. We have only truly known each other for six months, despite being at the same school for these past six years. The rings we have exchanged are an indication of our love, and if you will, of our ownership of each other. Adultery is practically a crime to the vampires, and Veelans aren't so forgiving on that matter either," Draco said with a slight grin.

Arthur didn't look impressed.

"By accepting my proposal, Ginevra has also accepted that she will not cheat on me, and I the same to her," Draco said, his tone showing that he meant his words. "We also accept that we will forgive each other if it is out of our control," he added, reminded harshly of Ric and what he had done.

"Will you tell us what happened, Draco?" Molly asked after a moment's silence. "Albus seems reluctant to give us all of the details, and it is keeping me up at night worrying over my baby. I know that she is growing into a woman, and has always been a very independent soul, but Ginny is still my daughter, and ... " she trailed off, tears glistening in her eyes.

Draco shifted in his seat uncomfortably. He hated to see women crying.

"What do you want to know?"


Neville looked at the tube in his hands, wondering how on earth he had forgotten about it. The small cylinder contained the phoenix tears Ginevra had given him all those months ago. So much had happened to him, to all of them, between then and now. Not all of it was good, but he supposed that's what life was about.

There were good and bad days in everyone's lives, even the Queen of All, he thought wryly.

"Neville?" Blaise murmured, entering the room with Seamus.

"You all righ'?" Seamus asked, as he and Blaise sat on either side of Neville.

"Don't know," he replied, feeling weary.

"What's tha' there?" Seamus asked.

"Phoenix tears. Ginevra gave them to me to help my parents. I'd forgotten about them until now," Neville said in disbelief, shaking his head.

"Do you think they'll work?" Blaise asked quietly.

"I don't know," he answered, his voice hitching slightly.

"She'll be all right, love," Blaise said, wrapping his arm around Neville.

"How do you know that?" Neville asked, shaking his head.

"We've all Seen Ginevra in th' future; she has ter survive," Seamus answered.

"The future always changes! Luna tells us that every bloody day, why would this be any different?"

"We don't know tha' it will be, we jus' have ter hope fer th' best," Seamus murmured, rubbing Neville's shoulders gently.

Neville just nodded in reply, looking at the phoenix tears again.


Ginevra watched as Dean, Lavender and Ron all breathed in unison. Ten minutes into it, it had been funny but now, after an hour and a half without a single hitch in breath, it was just scary.

She turned away from them, and looked at the wall. She was no closer to remembering what she had done, or why, and had no idea how to figure it out.

Sighing, Ginevra rested back on the mattress. Deciding to meditate - how could she remember how to do that from when she had learnt it so long ago, and then she couldn't even remember what she had done (presumably) a day ago? - Ginevra shut her eyes and concentrated on her breathing.

In, two, three, four. Hold, two, three, four. Out, two, three, four. Hold, two, three, four. In, two, three, four...

As she breathed systematically, Ginevra tried to empty her mind. It proved to be difficult, as there were so many thoughts plaguing her.

It took hours before Ginevra was able to concentrate on breathing and nothing else. It didn't feel like that much time had passed since she had nowhere else to go; time became irrelevant.

The last thing she could clearly remember was finding Easter eggs. Their colours blurred together as she tried to remember further and again, Ginevra had to concentrate on her breathing.

Ginevra let herself relax, and when no thoughts or feelings plagued her, and she was concentrating on her breathing intently, a vision came to her. It was not one of the future, but of the past.

The events from the previous day, including The Vision, hit her all at once. Ginevra gasped as all of her pain and aches returned to her body, the dull tingling from Ric's spell flaring into something monstrous that overtook her entire body. She found that she couldn't scream to release the pain, and was vaguely aware that her breathing was still continuing in the same pattern.

It took time; minutes or hours, Ginevra didn't know, for her to return her concentration to her breathing instead of the pain she was feeling. It took even longer for her to pull herself out of her trance-like state. Slowly, Ginevra's pain dulled and she became aware of her surroundings again. As she sat up, she saw that Ron, Dean, and Lavender were sitting up on their beds, their eyes open, yet completely blank as they directly stared at her.

Ginevra looked at Lavender, hate filling her entire being.


Molly watched as Draco told them everything that happened. He didn't seem very sure on a few details, but Molly doubted that anyone but Ginny would be able to tell them exactly why it had happened.

She watched him with a mother's eyes, and saw that he clenched his fist in anger, read the sadness in his eyes, and saw the absolute love for her daughter in his every motion. It was shocking to see a Malfoy in love, but she supposed that stranger things had happened.

"Why weren't you with our daughter the entire time?" Arthur asked, something that Draco hadn't mentioned.

"I went to Hogsmeade early that morning," Draco replied.

"What for?" Arthur asked, suspicion in his eyes and voice.

Molly sighed, wishing that her husband would get over this silly feud. She doubted that he even remembered why there was a feud in the first place!

"I went shopping in anticipation of this meeting," Draco said, and Molly was surprised to see that he looked embarrassed.

"What do you mean by that?" Arthur asked, glaring.

"I was nervous about this," Draco said, waving a hand between them, "and I thought that if I bought you both something that you would like, it would be easier for us to get along ... Or something along those lines."

"You were going to buy our affection?" Arthur asked indignantly.

"I don't think Draco meant it like that, dear. Do calm down. Did you buy anything?" Molly asked, smiling at Draco encouragingly.

"Yes, actually. But only for Mr. Weasley. I had to leave before I could purchase anything for you, ma'am," Draco said with an apologetic nod.

"Had to leave?"

"Yes. I felt the pain that Ginevra was in, and I couldn't exactly continue to shop while she was hurting," Draco said, anger beginning to get to him.

"What did you buy for Arthur?" Molly asked to diffuse the situation.

She could ask how he felt Ginny's pain later; perhaps when Arthur wasn't in hearing distance. Molly had a feeling he wouldn't like the answer...

"Some Muggle knick-knacks," Draco said, waving his wand.

A bag appeared on the table before them, and Arthur had some difficulty restraining himself from looking in the bag. It took the whole of ten seconds before he gave in and opened the bag.

"Oh, look dear. It's one of those glowing sticks! And a rubber duck! What is this?" Arthur asked curiously, looking at the computer drive.

"It stores Muggle technology and ideas, apparently. The lady at the store said it was a com-pew-der driver, or something like that. I'm not exactly sure how to work it," Draco admitted, shrugging.

"I'll soon work it out!" Arthur said happily.

"Dear, remember Ginny," Molly said, putting a hand on his arm so that he wouldn't start tinkering away on the thing now.

"Of course," he replied, then looked at Draco sternly. "You look after my daughter, or I will hurt you, Malfoy or not."

"Of course, sir. I will look after Ginevra as best as I can," Draco promised.

"We know you will, Draco," Molly said, patting his arm.

"Thank you, Mrs. Weasley," he replied.

"My name is Molly," she said, smiling.

Beside her, Arthur was already attempting to make the computer drive do something.

"Sorry, dear. We had better go before my husband blows up Albus' office trying to get that thing to work," Molly said with a sigh. "Thank you for telling us everything; I cannot imagine how hard this is for you."

"You're welcome," Draco said with a brief nod.

He didn't want to admit how hard it was just to get up in the morning, how he was constantly worried about Ginevra, always looking out of the window, searching for an owl from Xavier and Agnes. If he did admit it, then it would make it worse for Molly, he was sure of it; she hated to see anyone in pain, even if it was a Malfoy.

And while he didn't admit it, Draco could still see the understanding in Molly's eyes as she looked at him while Arthur Apparated to their home. To his surprise, she didn't follow after Arthur immediately.

"How did you know that Ginny was in pain?" Molly asked.

"I don't quite know. It could be due to the fact that we belong to each other, or that we have shared our blood with one another. I haven't thought about why it happened, I just know that it did," Draco replied, shrugging slightly.

"You've shared blood?" Molly asked, her eyes widening slightly.

Draco just nodded, not knowing what to say in response to her reaction.

"Well, I was right. Arthur would not have liked that answer at all," Molly murmured under her breath, unaware that Draco could still hear her. "Don't worry about Ginny, dear. She's always been a survivor, and now isn't any different," Molly said, then hugged Draco slightly before Apparating to the Burrow.

Draco rubbed his face; he was feeling very tired all of a sudden. Sighing, he left Albus' office and went to his room to try and get some sleep.


As Ginevra stared at Lavender in anger, the door opened. Xavier and Agnes came into the room quickly, standing beside her and holding her shoulders down. It wasn't until that moment that Ginevra realised that she was in her Vampiress form, snarling with her claws digging into her palm.

She slowly relaxed as Xavier and Agnes talked to try and calm her down. They let go of her shoulders when they were certain that she wouldn't do anything.

"You have remembered what happened, have you not, daughter?" Agnes asked softly.

Ginevra nodded, not looking at Ron, Dean or Lavender, afraid that she would lose control if she did.

"Now that you remember, you must now punish them accordingly," Xavier said.

"Not so fast, dear," Agnes said, and then turned to look at Ginevra once more. "There is always more than one side to a story, daughter. These three that are before you do not have a will of their own. The spell that you performed on them removed nearly every sense of themselves that they had. While they are like this, they are nothing more than shells with memories."

Ginevra looked at their blank eyes once more, and shivered. She had done that to them?

"You can ask them any question, and they will answer it. They will be able to perform basic duties as well, if you wish to keep them as mindless slaves," Agnes continued. "Now that you remember what has happened, you have a decision to make. You can keep them like this, and use them as slaves, or for drinking, if you prefer."

Ginevra noted the disapproving tone in Agnes' voice, and waited for the other options.

"If not, then you can either return them to their original states, or change them to become what you want," Agnes said.

"What do you mean by that?" Ginevra asked, confused.

"At the moment, you own their very souls. You can mould their souls to suit whatever purpose you desire. For example, if you wish for this one to think that he is an animal," Agnes explained, putting a hand on Dean's shoulder, "he will live the rest of his life believing that he is that animal, and no spell will be able to undo it. If you wish for their personality to be restored, but for them to completely forget about you, then you can also do that. You may punish them however you see fit," Agnes said.

"I own their souls?" Ginevra echoed, feeling sick.

"Their souls, their names, their identities, their very humanity, all of it belongs to you," Xavier said.

"How should I punish them?" she asked, looking to Xavier and Agnes.

"We cannot tell you what to do, daughter. This spell is of your own doing, and so, you must make the decision yourself. However, I suggest that you talk to them all before you make any such decision. Call us when you have made your decision," Agnes said touching Ginevra's shoulder briefly as she left the room with Xavier.

Ginevra found that she didn't want to think about it anymore. She got under the quilt, her back to the three shells, and willed herself to go to sleep.


Tuesday, Apr. 2

"Are you sure that you have to go, Nev?" Blaise murmured as he kissed Neville, attempting to cajole him into staying.

"I have to go," Neville said, sighing. "But that doesn't mean I want to," he added, grinning at his lovers briefly.

"Well, I still don't see why ye've got ter be there," Seamus muttered, pouting.

"It's the nymphs birthing time, Seamus. I've got a responsibility to be there and help them," Neville explained, yet again.

"Why can't we go?"

"Because I'll be distracted. It's hard enough being around you two here, without ... Never mind," Neville said quickly.

"Without what?" Blaise asked, pulling away to look at him.

Neville sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He seemed to find his green thumb very interesting, and didn't look at them as he explained.

"Well ... they're nymphs, and there's a lot of sexual energy in the air. If you two were there with me, I doubt that I'd let either of you wear clothing," Neville said, smirking at them now.

Seamus stared for a moment, then grinned broadly.

"Ye have ter take us there sometime," he murmured.

"Deal, just not this time," Neville said quickly.

"Done!" Seamus said, grinning still.

"As unfair it is for you to leave us with that image of you not leaving us clothed, you had better go off and help deliver the nymph babies," Blaise said, kissing Neville yet again.

Neville laughed, kissed them both, and disappeared into the Forbidden Forest.

There was a flash of light between the trees, and Neville disappeared into the nymph world.


Hermione closed her book with a disappointed sigh. She couldn't concentrate on her homework, or one of her favourite books, and it was all because of Ginny.

Or was it Ginevra now? Was it Weasley, or Malfoy? Hermione hardly seemed to know what name to call her by lately. Ron's sister had changed so much, and it probably wasn't even fair to call her that. She was always studious, had been ever since her second year after the events with Voldemort in the first, but lately, Ginny had been getting a bit too much right. Maybe Lavender was right, after all, and Ginny needed to be taken down a peg or two.

No, what was she thinking? Ginny was her friend, she was a Gryffindor, and that had to mean something. Didn't it?

But look at Ron, a small snide voice whispered. He was her friend, a Gryffindor, and Hermione loved him as much as she could hate him sometimes, and he hurt her. He had hurt her almost as much as Lavender had, just by going to be with Lavender. But if it weren't for Ginny becoming a vampire, Ron wouldn't have felt the need to prove his manliness by going to Lavender.

But she didn't know that, not for certain. And she couldn't know it for certain. She could ask Ron about it, not that she ever would; when it came to boys (and Ron especially), the infamous Gryffindor courage was awfully picky!

Besides, lately the teachers were becoming too obsessed with Miss Ginny Weasley. They were asking Ginny things they had never asked her to do before, they were asking Ginny to do assignments that they knew she could have done better, and they were even asking Neville questions before her! Neville! It was great that they were trying to include him in the lessons, and increase his confidence, but it was bordering on ridiculous now! Especially how he seemed to be getting everything right. It was suspicious, that's what it was...

Hermione began to think of every class she had with Ginny (Ginevra, vampire, whoever, whatever), and as she thought of the way the teachers were doting on Ginny instead of her, jealousy and envy began to form inside of her. And as they combined to make her see green, Hermione's two true fears began to surface.

She had a primal and instinctive fear when it came to Ginny's vampire side. It was a common fear among both wizards and mortals, but Hermione's jealousy made her fear multiply itself many times over, until all she could picture was Ginny the Vampire, attempting to Drink her dry at every possible opportunity.

Her second fear was one Hermione had borne for years, ever since receiving disapproving remarks from her parents in her first year at her Muggle primary school. She had failed a test, and due to the words from her parents, ever since then Hermione had been scared of failing and getting disapproving looks and comments. It was that in particular, that really scared Hermione. She couldn't handle failing assignments, tests, and exams, because she knew that she always put her hardest work into them. But if she received any comments from someone she respected, admired, or looked up to, that would truly devastate her. Hermione wasn't shallow, but she did like to be praised for the above average and excellent marks she received.

And ever since Ginny had been Advanced - yet another opportunity that had not been offered to her - the praise had lessened considerably, she was not first in every subject, she was not the smartest witch for her age, and she was not called upon in class. Hermione was beginning to fade into the background, and that was something that truly terrified her.

Something had to change. But not now, not while Ginny was so surrounded and protected and loved. One day she would make a mistake, and Hermione would get the chance she needed in order to shine once more. She would be the smartest witch of her age, no matter what it took.


Ginevra looked at Dean, his blank eyes staring back at her. There was no recognition, no sense of remorse, emotion or humanity in his eyes. They were as empty as he was. She had decided to start with Dean first, as he hadn't done a whole lot to her, and she wouldn't get as angry.

Of course, he had pretended to be Draco, and had tried to make her think that Draco didn't love her. And he was off screwing Lavender while she was dating Ron, even though they were friends, and had been in the same dorm together.

Okay, maybe starting with Dean isn't such a good idea... Ginevra thought to herself, sighing.

Lavender still invoked far too much rage within her, and even after all the Patil twins had done, Ric's spell caused far too much pain for her to look at her, let alone question the witch. So that left Ron, she thought, turning to face her brother.

Just don't think about what he's done, don't think about it. Just ask the questions you want to ask, and don't think about it... Ron is your brother, Ginevra told herself, then took a deep breath to steady her nerves. She looked at him, and realised that although she had seen The Vision and knew what caused it to happen, Ginevra had no idea what part her brother had in it all. Maybe he was innocent, and there was no reason to punish him?

"Ron," she said, and he turned to stare his blank stare directly at her. "What part did you play in causing The Vision to happen?"

"Question is not understood," Ron's voice said, sounding hollow.

Of course, none of them had any idea what she meant by 'The Vision'; that was the term she and her friends had given it... She wondered if her friends were all right, then shook her head. She could worry about them later, for now she had to finish this so she could work out the punishment for Dean, Lavender and Ron.

Ginevra placed a hand on Ron's forehead and showed him The Vision, then did the same for Lavender and Dean.

"What part did you play in making that happen?" Ginevra repeated, looking at Ron.

"I organised it. I have been planning this for months, and I helped get the potion ingredients," Ron replied, and for a hollow shell, he almost sounded pleased.

"What? How did you organise it? Lavender loathes me and I thought she ... " Ginevra trailed off, staring at the smug grin on her brother's face.

"I gave her the idea. It was a Suggestion Spell while she was sleeping. Lavender isn't too bright, and it was fairly easy to plant the idea in her mind. She does loathe you, which made it all that easier. Her hatred fuelled her willingness to accept the Suggestion," Ron said.

"Then what did you do, Lavender?" Ginevra asked, looking to her.

"I accepted the Suggestion. I created the potion for Dean to take, and chose not to tell him about the side effects. I also did a Glamour on Dean to make him look like Draco," Lavender said.

"What potion, and what side effects?" Ginevra asked, frowning.

"The Dark Potion allows any sort of physical damage, even death, to happen to a person, and then after thirty minutes, they will be restored to their same physicality as before they took the potion. The side effects of this potion is that the user will lose five years from their life," Lavender answered.

"And Dean agreed to this?"

"Dean did not know; I did not tell him of the side affects, as I knew that he would refuse," she replied.

"You gave it to him without telling him?" Ginevra asked in disbelief.


"Dean, what did you do in relation to The Vision?" she asked.

"I went along with the plan, helped get ingredients for the potion, and pretended to be Draco in order for you to kill him and get sent to Azkaban, or at least expelled."

Ginevra just stared at the three of them. She now knew what they'd done in relation to The Vision, but they had been tormenting her for far longer than that. She would have to find out every detail before she could make a proper decision. She turned to Dean, deciding to start with him.

"Dean, what have you done against me?" Ginevra asked.

"I dated you because I thought you would be an easy lay, trying to get away from the Weasley-saint image," Dean said.

Ginevra stared at him, her surprise and hurt unable to let her reply. He continued talking, a mere shell unaware of its affect on others.

" ... worked with Professor Rion and Lavender in order to get you expelled from Hogwarts. I also organised and performed the torture of Neville Longbottom after he sided with SlytherinsÕ and embarrassed me in class; he's your friend, and I knew I could get to him easier than I could get you. I also pretended to be Ron in an attempt to get information from you so that I could help Lavender hurt you."

"Lavender, what about you?"

"I tried to make you insecure by telling you about calories and fat content in food products. I told Potter that his mother possessed you, and I have a debt to gain from him, which I was planning to use against you. I have started to turn Granger against you, and will soon have one from her too," she said, sounding pleased. "I've been fucking both Ron and Dean, because I knew that you would be hurt by the adultery I committed against your brother. Like Dean, I was also working with Rion to get you expelled. I tried to expose you when you lost your memory of being a vampire. I used my credibility as a gossip in order to spread rumours about your Thirst, and after the Christmas break, I started sending letters to the Daily Prophet about there being a vampire at Hogwarts. Parents should be taking their children out of the school after Dumbledore confirms it."

"You would do that to Hogwarts, just to get back at me?" Ginevra asked.


Ginevra gritted her teeth and turned to Ron before she hurt Lavender.

"Ron, what have you done against me?"

"I wasn't there for you when you were younger, or when you started at Hogwarts. I have insulted and teased you. I have caused you both physical and mental pain. I have also hexed and cursed you, and your own, and I have lied to you. I've ignored you, your requests, demands, and questions. I was jealous that you were dating before me, and I dated Lavender because I knew how much you hated her. I have tried to kill you, and tried to get others to kill you."

"Dean, what have you done for me?"

"Nothing," he replied after a moment's silence.

"Lavender, what have you done for me?"

"Nothing," Lavender replied.

"Ron, what have you done for me?" this question she was almost afraid to ask, and couldn't look at him as he answered.

"Nothing," Ron said.

"Do any of you regret your actions?"

"No," they said.

"Why do you want to kill me?" Ginevra asked Ron, looking at him now with a mixture of sadness and pity.

"You always got the most attention from the family. Just because you're a girl, and the youngest, you got away with everything! Not even Fred and George could have gotten away with half of the stuff you got away with! And then you find out that you're a vampire! Everyone else in the family has something going for them; I'm just Harry's stupid sidekick. I'm sick of not getting attention, and if you weren't around, I know that I'd be the most-loved one in the family. Mum hates the twins' experiments, Bill and Charlie are off living their own lives, and Percy's an idiotic prat. You were the only one left. I have hated you since you were born," he hissed, hatred contorting his features.

"Go to sleep, all of you," Ginevra said.

Their eyes closed in unison, laid down on the mattresses, and were asleep in seconds.

Ginevra sighed and rested on her own bed, thinking over everything they had said, and wondering how she should punish them.


Draco hated how slow everything was going. It had already been two days since Ginevra had been taken, and he only five more before he could see her again, but the way time was going, it would be more appropriate to say five years. They had all felt that the day had been exceedingly long.

Seamus and Blaise were moping over Neville's absence, even though he'd only been gone a few hours, which was affecting everyone's moods more.

Draco's thoughts kept wandering to Ginevra, and he wondered how she was doing, and what Lavender, Ron and Dean had to do with her recovery, if they had anything to do with it at all. He had tried Seeing, but it was too hazy for him to work anything out. He was extremely frustrated at how helpless he was, and with a low growl, Draco left the rooms to do something, anything, to stop thinking about it.

He made his way out the front, to where Leo was waiting. The manticore still had to answer some questions, after all.

"My King," Leo said, bowing to him.

"Leo," Draco replied, nodding his head in return.

"Is there something I can do for you?" Leo asked after a moment of silence.

"The other day, when Ginevra did that spell... How did you know what happened, and that it wasn't me?" Draco asked.

"I am the Queen of All's servant; I know all that happens to her, and you, as a result," Leo replied.

"Then you know what happened to Ginevra?"


"Tell me," Draco said.

"I believe that it is my Queen's information to tell, not mine," Leo replied hesitantly.

"And as your King, I am telling you to tell me what happened," Draco said.

"It is all right, Leo. It will be easier for them both this way," Luna murmured, going inside the rooms with a bunch of bright flowers.

"How do you always do that?!" Draco yelled after her.

"Magic," Luna replied, laughing.

Draco muttered under his breath as he turned to look at Leo for an explanation.

Leo explained what had made The Vision happen, and watched as Draco turned into a Veelan, anger pulsing from his body. The patterns on his face were glowing fiercely, and his wings vibrated with anger.

"I'm going to kill them," he snarled.

"My Queen is dealing with them as we speak, my King. There will be no need for you to go to such extremes," Leo said.

In a moment, Draco was himself as his anger disappeared instantly.

"Show me," he said.

"You will be able to see their punishment when you have taken hold of my tail, my King," Leo said, moving his scorpion tail so that it was close to Draco. "I will never harm you, my King. Not unless the Queen has willed it, and even then I will do so regretfully and with mercy," Leo said.

Draco wasn't sure if Leo was trying to reassure him or not. He took a deep breath to steady his sudden onslaught of nerves, and then grabbed Leo's scorpion tail, hoping that Leo wouldn't release his deadly poison.


"I have decided their punishment, Lord Xavier and Lady Agnes," Ginevra said formally.

Lavender, Dean and Ron simply sat on the beds, unable to move or show any emotion in response to her statement.

"Very well, daughter. If you would care to divulge in your decisions for the three, we will be able to record their punishments for future reference," Xavier replied.

Ginevra had spent all night deciding the punishment for the three in front of them, and by three in the morning, she was finally satisfied with her reasoning and judgement. She just hoped that Xavier and Agnes would approve.

"The punishment for Dean Michael Thomas is to return him to a Muggle. He has abused his power as a wizard, and even after all of these years at Hogwarts, he still laments the loss of his Muggle lifestyle. I believe that this punishment for Dean will be the one that has the least repercussions for both him and myself. He will not remember Hogwarts, anyone from this world, or myself. A Memory Spell will allow him to have lived the past seven years at a Muggle boarding school, so that he does not lose all sense of himself," Ginevra said.

Xavier's quill copied her words, the red quill shining in the firelight.

It looked brand new, but Ginevra could tell that Xavier had had the quill for years. Perhaps it was a phoenix feather...

"The next punishment?" Agnes queried, bringing Ginevra back to her task.

"Lavender Violet Brown's punishment is to be aged fifteen years, and to live the rest of her natural life as my companion. She will not be a slave, as she will have her own free will, but she will be required to do tasks as I ask them of her. Lavender will not be able to use her free will to harm myself, or the ones I love. I will return her to her original state before ageing her, so that she will know why it is being done," Ginevra said.

"Why have you chosen to age her fifteen years?" Xavier asked, his quill stopping.

"Lavender gave Dean a Dark Potion that took five years from his life without his knowledge or consent. I cannot age her threefold, as I think an extra one-hundred and thirty-five years to her life will be too much, so instead three five's will be added: fifteen years. Besides, I think that if she has the extra age, she may be better behaved. I am hoping that her current behaviour is a teenage jealous phase."

"Very well," Xavier said with a nod. "And the last?"

"Ronald Bilius Weasley's punishment is wizard disownment," Ginevra said.

"Are you sure?" Agnes asked, seeming surprised.

Wizard disownment means that the person is no longer formally recognised as family, and it also removes any memory they have of that person. They will not remember who the person is, and would think them a complete stranger the next time they meet. They will not have any recollection of their thoughts, activities and feelings towards that person. Wizard disownment was irreversible, even for a Dark Wizard.

"Yes, I am sure. Why do you ask?" Ginevra asked, frowning slightly.

"We live very long lives, Ginevra. Once completed, a disownment cannot be undone. You will go through the rest of both Ron's life and your own, with the knowledge that you willingly disowned him. But it is your own choice, so I will say nothing further," Agnes said.

"Please continue, daughter," Xavier murmured with a slight nod.

"The punishment for Ronald Bilius Weasley is ... "


Draco was brought out of the vision abruptly, feeling someone shaking him intently.

"Draco, come on. Breathe, damn you!" he heard Pansy saying.

Then Draco realised that he was the one shaking. His friends were standing around him, looking worried. Theodore was hovering over him, sending spell after spell to his chest in an attempt to revive him. Draco sat up quickly, and then lowered himself to the ground once more, the world spinning.

"Oh, thank the gods' you're all right. Ginevra would have killed us," Millicent muttered.

"Just what the hell do you think you were doing?" Pansy yelled at him.

"Let him rest for a moment, Pansy. His body went into shock. You can yell at him later," Theodore murmured, gently moving her away from his patient.

"I'm all right, Theodore. Where's Leo?"

"I am here, my King. I apologise, I did not realise what was happening until you fainted. I lost Ginevra's decision almost five minutes ago. Do you know what happened to them?" Leo asked.

"Don't apologise, it's not your fault. I almost had all of it," Draco replied, shaking his head.

"What are you two going on about?" Pansy asked, glaring at both of them.

"I asked Leo to show me the decisions Ginevra's made on how to punish Brown, Thomas, and the Weasel-King, so he did. But then I must have stopped breathing, and fainted right before I found out what Ginevra's decision for the Weasel was," Draco muttered.

"She's awake?" Parvati asked in surprise.

"How's Ginevra's punishing them?" Padma asked, grinning.

"Let me go inside, then I'll tell you," Draco said with a sigh as he got off the ground. "Thank you for showing me that, Leo," he said. "Can you tell me if you see the third punishment?"

"Of course, my King."

Draco went inside, the others following quickly. They were seated around the meeting table in less than a second, and waiting impatiently for Draco to start talking.

"Ginevra's chosen the punishments for the three of them. Dean is to be returned to his Muggle state, and have no recollection of the wizarding world, or Ginevra. Lavender is to be aged fifteen years and become Ginevra's companion. Ron was supposed to be disowned, but Agnes said something that made Ginevra doubtful," Draco explained simply.

"Why's Lavender being aged fifteen years for?" Parvati asked.

"Yeah, it's not like she'll be any better when she's older," Padma muttered.

"The Dark Potion she gave to Dean stole five years from his life. She did it without his knowledge, and so she's being aged fifteen years in retribution," Draco replied.

"What did Agnes say to make Ginevra doubt her decision about Ron?" Colin asked.

"Agnes told her that vampires live a long time, and that it may be difficult for her to go through the years knowing that she willingly disowned her brother," Draco replied.

"It's nothing less than what he deserves," Pansy growled.

"Ron deserves it, but does Ginevra?" Luna asked quietly.


Saturday, Apr. 13

Draco was getting impatient. Ginevra had been at the mansion for almost two weeks now, and he still hadn't heard a word from Agnes and Xavier.

Draco had tried Seeing Ginevra numerous of times, but it was always cloudy, and he could hardly make out her shape, let alone See what she was doing. It was decidedly frustrating, and Draco was getting short tempered with everyone. He'd locked himself in his room late Friday night, and had decided not to leave until he heard word about Ginevra.

His actions could have been misconstrued as sulking, and by Pansy, were. She'd had enough of his behaviour, and was more than ready to tell him to grow up and act like a man, instead of a sulky child.

"He'll be better in an hour, Pansy. Have patience," Luna said warmly, smiling at her.

"He'd better be, I'm getting pissed off at his attitude," Pansy muttered, scowling.

"You might want to try and get Neville to leave his room. It'll be important," Luna said, vague once more, leaving the room humming to herself happily.

Neville had returned from the nymph world last weekend, and since then, no one had caught more than a glimpse of Blaise, Seamus and Neville. Everyone had started betting on how long they would last, cooped up in their room, and so far, everyone had lost. Luna hadn't betted with the others, saying that it wasn't fair, as she would just be taking their money from them.

Pansy grinned, a little happier now that she had some sort of purpose. She went down the hallway to start banging on Neville's door.


Draco hadn't been sleeping well since Ginevra had left to heal. As a Full Blooded Veelan, he was used to getting minimal hours of sleep, but at least when he did sleep, he had slept for the entire time. Now however, it seemed that all he could do was toss and turn in his sleep. He was barely getting two hours of sleep, but since it was always an interrupted sleep, Draco could hardly be aware of the proper amount.

He was sleeping, fitfully as was becoming usual, when he heard something tapping at his window. It wasn't an owl, or else it would have hooted at him impatiently within seconds.

Draco sat up, muttering under his breath. He hadn't slept properly in weeks, and now when he was trying to sleep, he was interrupted! Typical...

His muttering stopped short when Draco saw that it was a pure black owl at the window, silent as it stared at him patiently. It flapped its charcoal black wings evenly, and didn't lose its rhythm once. Draco hurried to open the window, seeing the scroll tied to the owl's leg. The owl landed on the windowsill, held its leg out and waited, watching as Draco opened the scroll and read its contents.

Dear Draco Malfoy,

You are cordially invited to attend the Blooding Ceremony of Miss Ginevra Weasley, which will occur on the 26th of this month, in order to coincide with the full moon.

If you do not wish to attend, please return the scroll and owl. If you would like to return, please send a RSVP with the owl.

We look forward to seeing you, and hope that you will be a part of this historic Vampire night.


Agnes and Xavier Torleni

Vampire Council Elders

Draco immediately replied saying that he would attend, and watched as the black owl flew away silently.

He had no idea if Garion would allow him to go to a Vampire Turning, but Ginevra had gone to his, so he supposed that Garion would be fine with it. If he wasn't, Julianne would definitely be able to change his mind- she had always been able to do that, which amazed the rest of them, considering how stubborn Garion could be- and not only that, but she was Xavier's sister, and would probably have her own agenda regarding Ginevra's change to a Full Blooded Vampiress.

Draco already knew that Albus would let him go, as Dumbledore had said as much only two days ago. He just needed to tell Dumbledore when it was taking place, and Albus had promised to organise transport for him. Draco had noticed that Albus looked a little down, and some of the sparkle was fading from his eyes, but didn't have the time to question it as he was between classes.

"Would you tell us what's going on? Luna hasn't stopped grinning for the past ten minutes!" Pansy yelled, banging on Draco's door and bringing him out of his thoughts abruptly.

"Hold onto your broomstick," he muttered, going to open his door.

Everyone spilled inside Draco's room, Fred and George included. Luna had owled them an hour ago, and they'd spent almost forty minutes shutting up before running to Hogwarts in the tunnel under their shop.

"I just got an invitation to attend Ginevra's Turning. It's in two weeks on the 26th, to coincide with the full moon, apparently."

"But the full moon's on the 27th, not the 26th," Parvati said, frowning.

"Well, that's what their invitation says," Draco said as he looked at the parchment again.

"There's something written on the back," Fred and George said, sitting on the floor so that they could look directly up at the words. "For those who are unaware of Vampire traditions, a Blooding Ceremony takes three days to complete, during which, most rules regarding foreigners are not taken into account," they read, then frowned. "What on earth does that mean?"

"It means that because Ginevra is getting Turned into a Full Blooded Vampiress, Draco can attend the ceremony as he is her fiancŽ. And as such, he can stay there for the full three days without having to worry about the other rule stating that non-vampires can only stay at the vampire's place of residence for seven days of their entire life," Luna said, too excited to let them work it out.

"How's that good?" Padma asked.

"It's good because then Draco will be able to stay there if there's an emergency of some kind, and won't have these three days already taken off. It's absolutely horrific to see a house full of vampires left with one person who is not protected," Luna said, shivering slightly.

"What emergency?" Draco asked, frowning.

"Oh, nothing, just a generalisation of something that will most likely happen. There are emergencies in everyone's life, after all," Luna said with a brief smile that didn't reach her eyes.

"Nice to see you out of your room, Neville," Millicent said, smirking at him.

"And clothed," Gregory said, shuddering.

"Don't remind me," Vincent muttered.

"Ah, yer just jealous," Seamus said, laughing as he put an arm around Neville's shoulders.

"I don't want to know what of, I'm leaving!" Colin said, covering his ears and leaving quickly, humming loudly.

With an evil laugh, Seamus bounded after him, pulling Neville and Blaise along with him.

"I'm happy that you accepted the invitation, Draco. Ginevra will appreciate it, I'm sure," Luna said with a smile. "And don't worry about Garion and Julianne, they're curious about it too. You are, after all, the first Veelan to be invited to such a ceremony since the first Vampire-Veela war," she said, patting his shoulder gently before leaving to help Colin.

"It still scares me how she does that," Vincent muttered, shaking his head.

"Same," Greg said. "I hope she'll be all right when it goes away," he said after a moment.

"What do you mean by that?" Pansy asked, frowning.

"Well, she's been Seeing intensely every day for months now. It might go on for years, and then when the Sight fades, Luna will have to readjust herself to seeing everything that is happening, and not Seeing what could happen. It's enough to drive a man crazy," Gregory replied.

They all looked at Luna as she stunned the three boys that were teasing her boyfriend.

"I think she's strong enough to handle it," Draco said with a slight grin.

He pushed them out of his room, and went back to bed. Draco had a feeling that he would get a good night's sleep now.


Tuesday, Apr. 16

"Ginevra? I have brought you something to read," Agnes said, knocking on the door.

"Come in," Ginevra called.

She didn't go to open the door; the last time Ginevra had gone to do that, Agnes had already entered the room by the time Ginevra was standing.

Agnes seemed to appear beside Ginevra, and smiled at her. She offered Ginevra the book, then sat across from her on one of the empty beds.

Dean and Lavender had been removed from Ginevra's room after their punishments had been officially decided and instilled. Agnes and Xavier were still waiting on Ginevra's decision regarding Ron, but he had been taken with the other two as well. Ginevra hadn't seen them since.

"The book relays all of the information you will need to know about your Blooding Ceremony," Agnes said, smiling again.

"I've read the entry in the Vampire book, but that was short compared to this," Ginevra murmured, looking at the book in surprise.

Agnes laughed sweetly. "Of course it is, daughter. The man was a historian looking for a story. He chose vampires for the sexual rumours we were producing at that time, with the Muggle Dracula's going around seducing women and whatnot. The man was simply hoping for fame by using us, and unfortunately for him, we vampires are a very secretive race. That man knows little more about vampires than any other mortal. The Ceremonies he attended were real, but we did not allow him entry to all of it due to tradition. And, as he wrote, he had to attend more than one Ceremony in order to get those facts alone as he was so affected by the atmosphere they produced. The facts he wrote were real, we would not disillusion a guest, nor the world, with lies, but there is so much more to the Ceremony that only vampires know," Agnes said.

Ginevra nodded, looking at the book in her hands. She sighed softly.

"Is something the matter, daughter?" Agnes asked, concern in her voice.

"Are you sure that I'm ready for this?" Ginevra asked Agnes, frowning.

"Of course I am sure, daughter. We cannot keep you a halfling much longer. Your power is too great, and your halfling state will not be able to handle its intensity for long. You are ready for this, Ginevra," Agnes replied, smiling at her kindly.

"Thank you," Ginevra said softly.

"You are most welcome, daughter. I will leave you to become acquainted with the book," Agnes said, rising and leaving within the space of a single heartbeat.

Ginevra sighed and opened the book.


Official Blooding Ceremonies take place over three nights. The first night involves the formal Choosing of the Elders. The second night is when the halfling is Changed into a Full Blooded Vampire. The third night is the Naming of the new Vampire.

The first night, the Choosing, is the shortest of the three nights. The halfling meets with each of the Vampire Council Elders, and is given two hours think about their decision. Once the halfling has chosen two Vampires, they will then leave to a private room, and prepare for the following night's events. The halfling will bathe and detox their bodies so that they are cleansed of the mortal world. They will then cleanse their minds, and their Chosen two will explain about the trials and benefits that come of longevity.

The second night is usually the longest of the three, and is chosen in order to coincide with the full moon. The Changing begins at the first star's appearance, and ends when the last star has taken leave from the sky. The sky-clad halfling, who has bathed again that day, sits with their Chosen in a ring of fire, signifying the complete cycle of life, death and rebirth. Sitting in four corners on the outside of the ring are four drummers, who have the ability to manipulate and control fire. Surrounding them are those personally called to attend the halfling's Blooding Ceremony, while the rest of entire of the vampire race wait around them. Over the course of the night, the halfling is drained and filled with blood from the Chosen, giving the halfling access to their memories and emotions, and them to the halflings'. During this time, the drummers increase and decrease the drums and flames coinciding with the halfling's heartbeat. The sexual tension increases steadily throughout the night, and by the time the halfling is completely Turned, no one notices as they leave the circle, despite the symbolic importance it holds. By leaving the circle, it shows that the newly Turned vampire accepts their life to no longer be of the norm. They know that they will not be part of the natural circle of mortal life, and by stepping outside of it, they embrace their new life as an immortal.

The third night can be one of the longest nights, or the shortest of the three nights in the Blooding Ceremony. It truly depends on the Vampire. The Naming of a Vampire consists of the newly Turned vampire, and their Chosen. As the Changing is tiring, the newly turned will have slept for some time in order to prepare for their Naming. In order to prepare, the Turned vampire will bathe once more, and then go into a meditative trance with their Chosen. They are required to stay in this combined state until the True Name for the new vampire is revealed. As such, it may take anywhere from minutes to hours for a vampire's True Name to be discovered. Despite meditating with their Chosen, it is only the Changed Vampire who will know their True Name. It is their decision to trust it to others, or not.


Ginevra closed the book, despite there being more information to read. There was plenty of time to read it over, and that had been a lot to take in at once.

She closed her eyes and hoped that sleep would claim her quickly.


Saturday, Apr. 20

Ron sat on the bed, not comprehending anything that was happening around him. He didn't recognise the only other person in the room as Lavender Brown; he didn't hear the knock at the door; and he didn't see the two vampires enter the room. They stood in front of him, but Ron didn't even look at them.

"Your punishment has been decided, Ronald Bilius Weasley. Come with us," Xavier said.

Like a puppet on a string, Ron stood up stiffly, and followed Agnes and Xavier from the room.

Xavier walked in front of Ron, Agnes coming up from behind. They didn't want anyone to lure Ron away, which would be far too easy to do while he was in his current state.

Agnes was just thankful that Dean was no longer in the mansion. After he had been returned to his human and Muggle state, there had been quite a frenzy to get at his fresh blood. Agnes had been forced to stun the crowding vampires just so that she could return him to his Muggle house. He was now a mortal, and a Muggle at that. He would have nothing more to do with this world, or Ginevra.

Lavender had been aged fifteen years as Ginevra had originally decided, and one of the newer vampires had thought it funny to give the girl a mirror. She hadn't stopped crying for two days straight, after which she had become dehydrated from the loss of bodily fluids. They had only taken the IV drip out of her a few days ago, concerned for her well-being. She was on the mend, and seemed to be eating at last. Agnes just hoped that she would feel some remorse for her previous actions, behaviours and deeds. It would be a shame for her to waste her life without the prospect of redemption.

And now, the final punishment was being bestowed. Agnes looked at Ron, sighing softly. It was difficult to believe that one of her descendants was so capable of hurting, and so intent on destroying his sibling.

Agnes loved every one of her sons, daughters, and following offspring, and had watched them all mature and live their lives, but she was not able to pinpoint the exact moment that Ron had turned hostile towards Ginevra, and without combing his mind she doubted that she would ever be able to. It was both a regret and a joy to know that she would never know the true answer.

"Ginevra? We have arrived with Ronald," Xavier informed her, knocking on the door gently.

"Come in," Ginevra called.

They entered the room, and Agnes was struck by the royal air that surrounded Ginevra today. Agnes now saw that Ginevra was not making this decision as a sister: she was making the decision as a Queen of the world, and even if she regretted the decision, it would have been made in order to help the world, not to spare her own feelings.

"Ronald Bilius Weasley. You have attempted to hurt me, planned to kill me on more than one occasion, and have no regret for your actions. Therefore, I have two choices left. The first I can choose is to kill you, in response to what you have tried to do with me. The second is to disown you, so that you will never remember me, or the life we have lived together. As I have no will to kill you, especially in cold blood, you will be punished with the latter; no matter how much it may grieve me to lose a brother, there is no other option that would be safe for either of us. What do you have to say in response to your punishment?" Ginevra asked, a queen regarding her subject.

"I would prefer to live without knowing you than have my life taken from me," Ron replied, his voice dead.

"So be it," Ginevra murmured.

Ron kneeled before Ginevra, and she placed a hand on top of his head. Her eyes closed, and Agnes watched with a morbid fascination as Ginevra proceeded to disown her own brother, removing his every memory of her and their life.

Ginevra would probably fill the blanks with something generic from his childhood with his other brothers, but it would most likely leave Ronald with a lot of questions, especially when he saw Ginevra at the Burrow.

As Agnes watched Ron's disownment from Ginevra, she noticed that more memories than should be normal were leaving Ron. It was then that she realised Fred and George were present, and they too, were disowning their brother. They were not there in a physical sense, of course- the wards were still erected, and if they had tried, they would not be alive- but they were there, and they were disowning Ron just as Ginevra was.

As they were family, they would have been able to feel the fact that Ginevra disowned Ron, as would their brothers and parents, but this was just inexplicable!

They should not have been able to do this... But these three were something different to anything she had seen before; she should not make assumptions about what they could and could not do...

Agnes sighed in some defeat. She would just watch them for now, and question them later.

It took almost an hour for the disownment to be complete, due to Fred and George's added presences. As soon as it had finished, the twins disappeared as quickly and silently as they had arrived, leaving Ginevra and Ronald alone. The former was looking pale and tired, and the latter was on the ground, shaking.

"I promised them," Ginevra said quietly, obviously seeing the question in their eyes. "I promised Fred and George that when I disowned Ron, they could as well," she said, her eyes closing as exhaustion claimed her.

Agnes gently moved Ginevra to her bed as Xavier picked Ronald up easily, then they left the room quietly.


Monday, Apr. 22

Draco grumbled under his breath as he headed to his afternoon classes.

He didn't know why he still had to attend classes, it wasn't like he didn't already know the content of them - not being able to sleep had made him an even better student, it seemed.

But that wasn't why Draco was grumbling. It was because of Leo and Luna that he was muttering and complaining under his breath.

Leo still hadn't told him what Ginevra's punishment for Ron was, despite telling him that he had seen it. Luna had told Leo not to tell him what the punishment was, and the manticore was obeying her instead of him. He was King, he should have ranked over Luna in some way, Draco thought with a frown.

Fred and George were looking extremely happy about something though, and they too, refused to tell him what it was. Draco supposed that he would have to wait until he saw Ginevra so that he could ask her what she had done.

His Sight regarding Ginevra was still blurry, as if the future was still considering whether she should be allowed to live through this weekend or not. Draco didn't allow himself to think of this very often, as his heart stopped at the prospect of Ginevra dying.

No matter what happened this weekend, Draco wouldn't allow Ginevra to die. She couldn't leave him. Not when he loved her like this, not now.


"Ronnie-kins, dear? Are you awake now?"

Ron mumbled something incoherent from underneath his quilt, and opened a bleary eye to look at his mother.

"Wha? Where's am I?" he asked sleepily, unable to make a proper sentence in his current state.

"You're at home, dear. You fell from your broom while playing Quidditch at Hogwarts. You hit your head," Molly said, brushing his messy hair back from his face. "You've been in and out of consciousness for a while now, and the doctors let us bring you home when it seemed you were getting better," she said, smiling slightly.

Ron just looked at his mother, attempting to comprehend what she was saying. It was too early in the morning for him to make sense of her words, but it sounded like he'd fallen off his broom while playing Quidditch. He didn't even remember playing Quidditch at Hogwarts this year!

"I don't 'member playin' Quidditch," he mumbled. "How long have I been out for?" Ron asked, frowning.

"Almost a month," Molly replied, seeming hesitant.

"How's Harry and 'Mione taking it?" Ron asked, more awake now.

"They're sending letters, asking about you. They've asked Dumbledore to come over this weekend to see you," Molly said. "Now, you look thin as a broom! What do you want to eat? I've made your favourites," she said, smiling broadly when Ron sat up immediately, looking eager.

"Everything," he said, grinning.


Lavender hated needles. It was one of the few reasons she had taken the IV drip out and started eating and drinking what the vampires were giving her. They'd initially given her a room with Ronald, but then he'd gone and still hadn't returned yet. She wasn't sure if she considered that a loss or not, since he hadn't done anything while he'd been here.

The room was nice, with plain but soft colours on the walls, and well kept furniture. There was also a large full-length mirror, something that Lavender would have usually spent hours in front of, but not any more, especially not with this face. She had been pleased to receive the small mirror from the vampire at first, but then she had actually seen her reflection.

It had shaken Lavender to her core to realise that she didn't recognise her own face. She touched her face, watching with fear as the person reflected in the mirror did the same thing. She had broken down, crying for two whole days.

Now, as Lavender was gradually getting used to her face, she could start to see parts of her younger self in her face. Her eyes were still the same, and they were what she focused on when she had to look into a mirror.

In less than a day, Lavender's body had transformed from a seventeen-year old girl, to a thirty-two year old woman. It would take some time for her mind to catch up, but some things were already starting to change. Her clothing style, manner of speech, temperament; they were such gradual changes that not even Lavender truly noticed them.


Dean woke up to find his younger brother on his bed, laughing and giggling.

"What are you doing, Lou?" he muttered, rolling over.

"It's your first day back from that silly boarding school! We wanted to see you!" Marty, Lou's twin said impatiently, shaking Dean.

Boarding school? Oh yes, that's right. His stepmother and father had sent him off to a boarding school that gave the students the best possible chance of being accepted into Eton. It was hard work, but he was managing. It would be nice to finally relax, even with the rug-rats that were his step -brothers and -sisters.

"Is Lucy around?" Dean asked as he sat up with a yawn.

The twins immediately jumped on him, grinning broadly.

"You've lost your teeth," Dean said in surprise.

"We got a whole pound from the tooth fairy!" they said in excitement, Marty taking it out of his pocket.

"Mummy's having breakfast with everyone downstairs. They're making a surprise for you," Lou said, grinning again.

"But we weren't supposed to tell," Marty said, nudging his twin.

They both looked at Dean, eyes wide.

"It's all right, I'll still be surprised. Come on, let's go get something to eat," Dean said, tickling them off the bed.

Dean spent the entire weekend with his family, and not a thing was out of place. He didn't remember the wizarding world, what magic was, or what he had done. He lived out the rest of his life without one magical incident, and he was better for it.


Wednesday, Apr. 24 to Friday, Apr. 26

Three days left, three days left, three days left. Draco repeated the mantra constantly over the course of the day. He only had three days left before he could see Ginevra again, and he couldn't wait for those damned days to be over already.

He tapped and fidgeted impatiently, rushing from one class to the next in an attempt to make them pass faster by arriving earlier.

Draco didn't even slow down at meal times, and it looked like he was trying to inhale his food rather than eat and digest it. Neville had to hit him with a calming spell just so he wouldn't choke.

Thursday and Friday passed in the same manner, and both the students and teachers were surprised at the sudden anticipation Draco held for his classes and studies. Only Dumbledore and Snape knew of Ginevra's Changing Ceremony, and neither bothered to tell the teachers why Draco was suddenly so interested in his classes.

If it werenÕt for Pansy, Draco would have left for the vampire mansion the moment his Friday classes ended. She grabbed him by the shirt, almost expecting his feet to continue walking comically, and waited until he had taken a breath to start talking.

"We all know that you're looking forward to seeing Ginevra, Draco. But we haven't seen her either, and we want you to take messages to her for us. Not to mention the fact that you haven't had a shower in the last two days, and you're really beginning to smell," she added, crinkling her nose in disgust.

Draco growled and muttered under his breath.

"Fine, I'll go have a shower. Get your messages organised by the time I'm out," he said, shrugging out of Pansy's grip and heading to the bathroom.

Despite his initial intention to shower and clean himself in a minute, Draco found that the water was actually quite soothing. He stayed beneath the water for ten whole minutes before realising that he had to go, and was probably wasting water by just standing there.

Pansy just grinned at him knowingly when he came out of the bathroom, clean, dry and dressed.

"Don't say it," Draco muttered, glaring at her.

She laughed, and then went to the meeting room where the others were waiting.

"Right, what do you want me to tell Ginevra?" he asked, looking at them. "What are those?" Draco asked, frowning at the small bottles on the table.

Each one was full of blood, and as he realised this, Draco also found that there was a copper and salt smell in the room.

"What did you do?"

"Well, we know you don't want to try and remember all of our messages, and you'll most likely forget the moment you see Ginevra," Neville added.

"We read somewhere that vampires can read messages transferred through blood," Padma said.

"So we thought we'd try it out," Parvati finished.

"And even if it doesn't work, she'll at least know us by taste," Blaise said, smirking.

"Are you sure you didn't read that in a Muggle book?" Draco asked the Patil twins, shaking his head when they looked at each other quickly. "Great, now I've got to carry around fourteen bottles of blood in a house full of vampires. Good thinking, everyone," Draco drawled sarcastically. "I'm surprised you let them do this, Luna," he muttered.

Luna just smiled and gently picked up the bottles one by one, putting them into a soft bag.

"They have unbreakable charms on them, and the bag is spelled to ensure no one will smell the blood inside. They will work, don't worry," she said, handing him the bag.

Draco shrank the bag down a few sizes and put it in his pocket, hoping that the spells were enough to get past vampire senses.

"Mr. Malfoy, are you ready?" Dumbledore called from the front door, knocking loudly.

"Say hi to Ginevra for me," Neville said.

"From all of us," Seamus amended, putting an arm around Neville comfortingly.

Draco nodded, then left to the front door. Dumbledore smiled at him, then started towards the Forbidden Forest.

"Madam Maxime returned to Beaubaxtons yesterday, as her long service leave had ended, and as such there is no carriage to take you to the vampires. An alternate form of transport has been offered," Albus said as they went between the trees.

"The unicorns?" Draco asked hopefully.

"Unicorns cannot fly, and even Volatil Equus will not be able to take you, as unicorns cannot allow men to ride them," Dumbledore replied.

"Then how am I getting there?"

"Witherwings," Dumbledore said, coughing slightly as if to cover a laugh.

Draco was going to question him, but then Dumbledore stopped and Draco saw his transportation for himself. Witherwings was a Hippogriff; one that looked exactly like Buckbeak, in fact. His arm started to ache.

"Excellent," Draco muttered under his breath.


Miles had been instructed by Xavier and Agnes to keep a look out for Draconius, and had stayed beside the window for the past three hours to do so. He had no idea how Draconius intended to arrive, and was suitably shocked when a Hippogriff landed in the mansion's front yard, Draconius seated on its back.

Taking a parasol from the stand, Miles hurried to assist him.

"All right, you can let me off now, Wither...things," Draco muttered. "I don't know why I have to call you by that absurd name, I know you're Buckbeak," he added. "And Buckbeak suits you better," Draco said quickly when the Hippogriff started to rise again.

He had spent the entire trip feeding the damned creature's ego, just to make up for the incident in third year. Even though this Hippogriff "wasn't" Buckbeak, it sure had the misgivings of a jilted Hippogriff.

Witherwings...Buckbeak lowered his wings and allowed Draco to get off his back.

"Welcome to Ginevra Weasley's Blooding Ceremony, Draconius," Miles said, bowing to him.

"Thank you Miles," Draco replied.

"If you would care to follow me inside, I will then be able to tend to your ... transportation," Miles said, lowering his voice so the Hippogriff wouldn't be insulted by the title.

Draco nodded and followed Miles inside quickly.

"I must admit that I have not had to deal with a Hippogriff before. How am I to tend to it?" Miles asked, looking out the window to the creature.

"Give it some raw meat, keep it away from animals that are smaller than it, and for the gods' sakes, don't insult the thing," Draco muttered.

Miles bowed, breathing properly once more.

"I will take you to Lady Agnes now," Miles said as he led Draco through the hallways.

Inside the mansion, he was more confident in himself. He knew the mansion better than any other vampire, and heard things that no one else could hear. To most vampires, Miles was simply the mansions' doorman and the vampire's butler, but Agnes and Xavier knew that Miles was so much more than that. He was one of their descendants, after all...

"Lady Agnes, Draconius is here," Miles said, knocking on the door.

"Thank you, Miles. Come in, both of you," Agnes said.

Miles opened the door and followed Draconius inside.

"Good afternoon, Draconius. I trust that your ride here was pleasant," Agnes said.

"As much as it could have been, concerning the type of transport I was forced to ride on," Draco replied with a slight grin as he bowed to her.

"Draconius arrived on a Hippogriff, my Lady," Miles added when Agnes looked to him in confusion.

"Oh, that explains a lot," Agnes said smiling at Draco. "Thank you for bringing him to me promptly, Miles. I will see you tonight, my son," Agnes said, hugging him briefly.

Miles smiled and bowed in return, leaving the room silently.

"I am sure you are impatient to see Ginevra. Please, come with me and I will take you to her room," she said, offering Draco her hand.

He took it quickly, eager to see Ginevra. Xavier met them as they walked through the mansion, and took his wife's arm.

"Now, Draconius. The Blooding Ceremony is extremely important for every halfling, and also for the vampires that attend. The night is extremely sensual, and in recognition of that, Ginevra will be sky-clad tomorrow during her Changing. I expect that you will not attempt to see her after her Changing is complete. Ginevra will be quite exhausted, and will need her rest for the next night," Agnes said.

"Of course, my Lady," Draco replied with a bow.

"This is Ginevra's room," Xavier announced, giving his wife a look that betrayed his confusion at her words.

Draco missed the look, staring at the door as if he could make it invisible by staring at it long enough.

"Ginevra? Draconius is here to see you," Agnes said, knocking on the door.

The door was opened almost immediately, but Draco didn't recognise the person who had opened it at first. Then, as he truly looked at her, Draco's jaw almost dropped.

"Lavender Brown?" he said, staring at her.

"Good afternoon, sir. My Lady awaits you," Lavender said, curtsying briefly.

She was pleased that he had at least recognised her. Maybe she didn't look so altered, after all.

"Your Lady? Ginevra, of course," Draco murmured. "Thank you for your company, and for bringing me here. I sincerely doubt that I would have been able to find the room on my own," he said to Agnes and Xavier, bowing.

"You are most welcome, Draconius. We will leave you and Ginevra alone. Lavender, you may come with us," Agnes said, holding her hand out for her.

"Yes, Lady," Lavender said and took her hand immediately.

Draco went inside and the door closed behind him firmly.

"What was all of that about, dear?" Xavier asked as they started to leave.

"All of what?" Agnes asked, a slight grin on her face.

"That rubbish about Draconius not being allowed to see her after her Changing. You know it's all they'll both think about and need," Xavier said. "We all do on a night such as that," he added.

"Oh, I am aware of that, love. He thinks that I was serious, and it will be interesting to see how long he can last apart from her," Agnes said with a light laugh. "Now, why don't we have some tea, Lavender, and you can tell me what you think of your new life," she said, smiling at Lavender.


Draco closed the door firmly behind him, and looked at Ginevra. She was standing directly in front of him, and smiling broadly. He moved to her in the blink of an eye, and held her tightly.

"I missed you, Draco," Ginevra murmured, kissing him.

"Missed you too, love," Draco said, returning the kiss eagerly.

They didn't talk for another ten minutes; they simply held each other in contentment.

"What's that in your pocket?" Ginevra asked, laughing as she pulled away.

"Bottled blood," Draco said, pulling the small bag out.

"What?" Ginevra asked, frowning at him in surprise.

"Everyone decided that I'm not capable enough to remember messages, so they put their blood into bottles for you... Something the Patil twins suggested, and Luna said it would work," Draco said with a shrug as he returned the bag to its original size.

"I haven't had blood like this before," Ginevra murmured, looking at the bottles with a frown. "I much prefer to get it from the source," she added, grinning at him as she licked her lips.

"As do I, but I doubt that Hippogriff would have been able to carry everyone," Draco muttered.

"You rode here on a Hippogriff?" Ginevra asked, laughing again.

"I swear the damned thing is Buckbeak. My arm started hurting the moment I went near it," he said.

Ginevra just laughed, and kissed Draco to console him.

"It probably was Buckbeak," she said, grinning.

"You'd better drink the blood, they'll want a report the moment I get back," Draco said, smirking.

Ginevra nodded and opened the first bottle carefully. Keeping her eyes closed, she drank the contents quickly.

"Wow, that's not too bad. I think this is Gregory's blood ... Oh," Ginevra said, her eyes glazing over briefly.

Draco watched Ginevra as she came out of her trance-like state.

"That was different," she said, looking at the empty bottle in surprise.

"What happened?" Draco asked, frowning.

"He gave me a message through his blood. But he thought about other things too, and I'm surprised at how smart he really is. I mean, I know a lot of it was for show, but his mind is intelligent," Ginevra said, shaking her head.

Ginevra went through the rest of the bottles, managing to save Luna and Neville's until last. Fred and George had said something to make her laugh, and Draco wanted to know what they'd said. When Ginevra came out of Pansy's message, she looked slightly guilty, but wouldn't tell Draco what Pansy had said. She drank Luna's next, and came out looking slightly appeased, before drinking Neville's. Ginevra wiped away the tear that had formed, and put the empty bottle next to the rest.

"Everyone misses me. And Seamus had a really good time when Neville got back from the nymph world. Neville showed me one of the new-born nymphs, he was beautiful," Ginevra said, smiling briefly. "And now I'm starting to feel a bit sick. So many types of blood, and none the one I want," she murmured, moving towards Draco quickly.

Draco felt smug as Ginevra bit into his neck. She wanted his blood, not someone else's. She wanted his, and his alone.

He took her offered wrist, and watched her intently as he drank from her slowly. He was hers, but gods' be damned if it was any different for her in regards to him...


Ginevra waited for the first of the Council Elders to arrive. The book Agnes had given to her had told Ginevra the names of all seven Council Elders. Four Ginevra already knew: Xavier, Agnes, Virginia, and her husband, Maverick. Over the course of the night, she would meet the other three Elders: Everett, Thayne, and Annabelle.

There was a knock at the door, and it opened without waiting for a response. Ginevra wasn't surprised to see Virginia standing there.

"Good afternoon, Ginevra. I am the first Elder you will be meeting with. May I enter?" Virginia asked.

"Of course, Council Elder Virginia," Ginevra replied formally.

Virginia entered the room and shut the door in less than a second.

"Let's get this over with, shall we?" Virginia drawled.

"Gladly, Virginia. What do we need to say to each other?" Ginevra asked.

"You may ask me any question regarding Blooding Ceremonies, and I have to answer. It is done in an attempt to bond, so that you will hopefully Choose me," Virginia said sarcastically.

"Very well, Virginia. I would like to know who the first person you Turned was," Ginevra asked.

"The first person was my husband, Maverick," Virginia replied.

"Did your mother tell you about the vampire that had bit her during pregnancy, or did you just become a Vampiress without prior knowledge?" Ginevra asked curiously.

"My mother did not tell me about the vampire until after I became a halfling. She did not think that the vampire venom had done anything, especially after so long," Virginia replied.

Ginevra was surprised to hear the loving tone in VirginiaÕs voice when she spoke of her mother. She did not think that Virginia could truly love anyone beside from herself.

"Do not look so surprised, the expression does not become you," Virginia said.

"I do not see how my expressions should affect you, ancestor," Ginevra replied.

"If we are quite done here, I do have other business to attend to," Virginia said haughtily, standing up.

"You are welcome to leave. I thank you for your hospitality in answering my questions,Ó she replied.

"A pleasure," Virginia spat, and then left the room without another word.


Throughout the rest of the day, Ginevra met with the other six Council Elders, Agnes, Xavier, and Maverick, VirginiaÕs husband, three of them. The other three Vampires were polite, but seemed to know that Ginevra would not choose them. They answered her questions with more enthusiasm than Virginia, and made her look forward to the Changing Ceremony the next night.

However, it was Agnes that made Ginevra doubt her initial decision regarding who should Change her.

"You are aware of the saying, keep your friends close, but your enemies closer, I presume?" Agnes asked.

Agnes had just recounted how she Changed Xavier during the time of the plague. He had been sick, and his sister Julianne had risked leaving their house to come fetch her. Julianne had also witnessed XavierÕs Changing, one of the few mortals to have ever done so. Fortunately, Agnes had done this long before laws were passed that ensured no mortals could ever see a vampire being Changed, and Julianne was no longer a mortal, so there was no need for a trial.

"Yes, I know the saying," Ginevra replied, frowning slightly.

"Then you may understand why I suggest this option for you. I am aware that your intent is to Choose Xavier and myself to be the two to Change you, and I am honoured that you would offer me the opportunity to do so. However, while a Changing occurs, you will have access to every thought, feeling and emotion that the Changer has ever felt, both while mortal and as a Vampire. They can hide nothing from you, and you will remember everything that you have seen and felt from their memories," Agnes said, looking at Ginevra pointedly.

"If I can see everything from them, then does that mean that they can see everything from myself?" Ginevra asked, frowning.

"It does. But if you think that you can risk them seeing it, then this could be extremely advantageous for you, my daughter,Ó Agnes said.

Ginevra simply nodded, thanked her and watched as Agnes left.

Now, five hours later, Ginevra still had no idea who to choose. She did want to Choose Agnes and Xavier, as she felt that they would be able to help her handle the transition smoothly. But the prospect of seeing VirginiaÕs every memory and thought was quite tempting...

"I choose Council Elder Agnes Torleni and Council Elder Virginia Malfoy," Ginevra said clearly.

"I, Agnes Torleni, accept Ginevra's choice, and will Change her into a Vampiress," Agnes said formally.

"I, Virginia Malfoy, accept Ginevra's choice, and will Change her into a Vampiress," Virginia echoed.

The look of surprise on VirginiaÕs face almost made Ginevra laugh out loud, but due to the formal atmosphere, she bit her tongue and looked at the floor intently. When she looked up again, Ginevra saw that Agnes was smiling at her. Ginevra smiled back at her, suddenly hoping that Xavier would not be offended she had not Chosen him.

"The Council recognises the choice made and the answer given. Ginevra Weasley will be Changed into a Vampiress by Agnes Torleni and Virginia Malfoy tomorrow night, in order to coincide with the full moon," the Council Elders said.

Ginevra bowed her head, and by the time she lifted it again, all seven Elders had left the room.


"You're letting Virginia inside your mind?" Draco asked in disbelief, staring at her. "You're willingly let her see everything?"

"Yes, Draco, I am letting her in my mind. But don't you see that I can do the same to her? She will not be able to stop me, and I will see everything. If she's Seen anything of the future, then I will be able to See it as well, and I can counter it when it happens!"

"The future always changes! How do you know that she won't just go and change everything?" Draco argued.

Ginevra's response was silenced, and she tried to think of the reasoning that had made so much sense earlier. Draco sighed, redirecting her attention to him. He looked at her, moving to pull her into his arms.

"Never mind, Ginevra. You have already Chosen, and there will most likely be advantages from this. I sincerely doubt that Agnes would tell you something that will harm you. I am simply jealous that Virginia will be able to see your every thought and emotion, especially when they concern me. She will know how much I matter to you then, and that will change the vision where she attempts to kidnap me from you," Draco muttered.

"I'd forgotten about that," Ginevra murmured. "I should probably see Ollivander when this is over. I want one of those bags, just in case she does still try to take you."

Draco kissed Ginevra, stopping her worry-filled words in a moment.

There was a knock at the door, and Draco sighed heavily as he pulled away from Ginevra.

"It is just Lavender. I need to prepare for tomorrow," Ginevra explained.

"How do you know that it's Lavender?" Draco asked.

"She belongs to me, so I know everything that happens to her," Ginevra replied simply, shrugging as she opened the door.

"Hello, my Lady. I apologise for interrupting, but Agnes and I have come to prepare you for tomorrow," Lavender said.

"It is quite all right, Lavender. Lady Agnes, a pleasure to see you. Draco was just leaving," Ginevra said, grinning at him.

"I wouldn't mind staying," Draco replied.

"That is not allowed, Draconius. Now I believe that Xavier is waiting for you in your room. He has been waiting for a rival in wizard's chess for some time, and since Ronald needed to leave earlier this week, Xavier has been impatient for your arrival," Agnes said, smiling.

Draco looked at Ginevra when Ron was mentioned, and saw the slight hardening of her jaw. He wondered exactly what his punishment had been, but figured that he had already kept them waiting long enough. He could ask Ginevra later.

With a bow to Agnes, a kiss on the hand for Ginevra, and a brief smile for Lavender, Draco left the room. It was only after the door had closed that Draco had no idea how to get to his room from here.

As if he could hear his thoughts, Miles appeared suddenly.

"Good afternoon, Draconius. Would you like me to escort you to your room? Xavier has been looking forward to a game of chess for quite some time, as Agnes does not care for the game very much," Miles said with a smile.

"That would be excellent, thank you, Miles," Draco said with a sigh of relief.

Miles just smiled once more and then led Draconius to Xavier.


Ginevra undressed quickly, clutching the towel around her body. It was only Lavender and Agnes present, but undressing in front of them now gave her a cruel reminder that she would have to be naked tomorrow. She still didn't see why she couldn't be clothed for the Blooding Ceremony...

Ginevra sniffed the aroma drifting from the bath water, and wondered exactly what was in it. There were small stones at the bottom of the bath, making Ginevra hesitate to step inside. Small vases filled with different flowers surrounded the bath, and fragranced candles were scattered along the floor.

"They are to help you detox," Agnes said, smiling. "That smell is lavender oil. Lavender stimulates the immune system, detoxes the body, and also works as an anti-depressant and sedative, to relax your nerves."

"And the stones in the bath?" Ginevra asked, frowning.

"Gemstones to assist with the detoxifying," Agnes said. "Lavender, do you remember what each gem is for?" she asked.

ÒRed Jasper detoxes the circulatory system, blood and liver. Copper not only helps detoxify, but it also influences the flood of blood, and is an aid for sexual imbalance, both of which are necessary for tomorrow's Changing Ceremony. Citrine increases tissue regeneration, which helps to strengthen halflingÕs into vampires, as well as detoxifying physical, emotional and mental bodies. It also enhances the bodyÕs healing energy, which gives the newly Turned vampire energy for the night following their Changing. And the golden topaz detoxifies the body, and also helps with tissue regeneration, as well as strengthening the liver, gallbladder, spleen and nervous system," Lavender said, smiling with pride as she remembered everything.

"Excellent work, Lavender. You have a very intelligent mind," Agnes said kindly, smiling at her.

"Thank you, Lady Agnes," Lavender replied quietly, looking away.

"The bath is safe for you to enter, daughter. The gems, as you have just heard, are there to aid you. They will not hurt you if you step or sit on one," Agnes added with a slight grin.

Ginevra sighed in defeat, dropped her towel and stepped into the bath, more relieved when nothing pierced her skin than her nakedness. She relaxed in the water, her eyes closed.

"Isn't Virginia supposed to be here too?" she asked, not opening her eyes.

"Virginia likes to arrive unfashionably late," Agnes replied coolly. "And on this occasion, I do believe she will only come here in order to do the mind detoxifying," she murmured.

"What does that involve, exactly?" Ginevra asked.

"Meditation, meditation, and more meditation," Virginia's bored drawl answered.

Ginevra's eyes flew open as she heard her voice, and looked to see Virginia leaning on the door. She hadn't heard her come in!

"Virginia, you know that it is not polite to enter a room without announcing yourself first. You've scared them both now," Agnes said, frowning as she saw Lavender's pale face and Ginevra's wide eyes.

"If little old me can scare her this easily, perhaps Ginevra should choose a new slave. They are of no use to you if they cannot hear another vampire coming upon you. You will not always be liked, you know," Agnes said, sneering at Ginevra.

"Lavender is not a slave! I would never take her free will away from her like that," Ginevra said, glaring.

"Of course not. You only take away the free will of your brother, do you not?" Virginia replied.

"Virginia, that is quite enough!" Agnes yelled.

Virginia looked at the ground, but Ginevra knew that she didn't feel remorseful.

"Ronald's free will was not taken from him, his mind was simply altered. You know this, having done it to countless others over the years yourself," Agnes said, glaring at Virginia. "You have had the honour of being Chosen, Virginia. Do not cause problems. There will not be a re-Choosing, no matter how much you attempt to sabotage this in order for it to be so. Now cease your foolishness, and do what you have been Chosen to do. If you do not do this duty, then I will call upon the Council to question your authority as an Elder," Agnes snarled at her.

Virginia paled slightly, but her features were composed by the time she looked at Agnes again.

"Very well, sister. I will do my duty, as is required of me," she said.

The moment the mind cleansing had finished, Virginia left. Her duty had been completed, after all.

Agnes spent the night telling both Ginevra and Lavender about her life as a Vampiress. How she had met her lover, Valentine, as a child, and how she had found him years later, reincarnated as Xavier. She told them about her journey around the world with Xavier. Julianne had found them, over two hundred years after her death, and had explained how Artemis had saved her, and she was really a Veela. Xavier, who had gone temporarily insane after his sisterÕs death, had needed to be sedated with herbs in order to process the information properly. Julianne had stayed with them for some time, both to reassure her brother she was alive, but also to learn from them. They had both lived such different lives over the years, that it took almost twenty years to fully recount every detail.

"But then, there is also the downside for living for as long as we do," Agnes said, sadness filling her voice. "I have made many friends over the course of my life, and as such, I have lost as many. I have lost close friends, who knew of what I was, but did not want the life for themselves, and I have lost mere acquaintances, who turned out to provide me with important life lessons. It is regretful to live for so long and not have anyone around to share the memories with you. That is why you must always be grateful for your own, Ginevra. You must not lose him- yes, it is possible, even though you are soul mates- and you must never forget how important he is to you. To lose friends is hard enough, but to lose oneÕs soul mate, that is what will truly break you. That is why I could not go through it a second time with Xavier. I could not watch as my soul mate died, again. I was selfish, but as Xavier has never regretted this life, I am glad that I do not need to regret my decision to keep him with me," Agnes said with a small smile.

"Of course, it is because of this downside that a lot of our kind decide to live their lives away from the mortal world. There are some vampires who refuse to leave the mansion, simply because they do not want to risk forming an attachment only to have that person die. Eighty years can seem like nothing, especially when you can live for as long as we do."

"I do suggest one thing, however. It seems that Muggles are beginning to show a lack in creativity and originality. I do not suggest that you follow their fashions, or their cinemas. All they are doing is attempting to remake things in order to conceal the fact that they do not know what else to do. It can be disheartening, and I was quite fond of the cinemas when they first started," Agnes said with a small sigh.

Ginevra offered Agnes a small bunch of lavender.

"Anti-depressant," she said at AgnesÕ curious look, grinning when Agnes started laughing.


Saturday, Apr. 27

Ginevra watched as Lavender collected the burnt-out candles. She seemed happy enough, and there hadn't been a harsh word between them since she had aged Lavender, but it did seem a bit too smooth.

"Is something the matter, my Lady?" Lavender asked, noticing GinevraÕs absent-minded stare.

"I was just wondering if I made the right choice with you," Ginevra replied.

"You mean to retract my punishment?" Lavender asked, her face paling drastically.

Not the reaction Ginevra had expected.

"No. What I meant was, I just wasn't sure if you were happy. I'm not making you a slave, am I?" she asked, frowning.

"I am quite happy, thank you, my Lady," Lavender said quickly. "Lady Agnes has been extremely kind to me, all of the vampires have, in fact, and I think that my view towards them has changed. You did not just age my body, but also my mind. I am not the immature schoolgirl I was a few months ago. I would say that I am ashamed of what I did, but I probably have not had enough time as this mature person to truly realise the repercussions of my actions. I am a woman of thirty-two years of age, but I have only had the experiences of a seventeen-year old girl. For now I am content with my lot, as I know that I have to pay penance for what I have done, but I suppose that I would eventually like to see some of the world. Agnes has assured me that I will see more of it than I ever wished, while in your service, and I believe her. I am paying for what I have done, and I am doing it of my own free will, as well. I am not a slave," Lavender said forcefully.

"I am glad that you feel that way, Lavender," Ginevra said, smiling at her briefly.

"If I may add something, my Lady?" Lavender asked after a moment's hesitation, and then continued at Ginevra's nod. "I think that it is a very brave thing you are doing, Choosing Virginia to be one of the ones to Change you. I am not sure that I would have had the courage to do it myself, with or without the supposed Gryffindor traits. I also believe that you will gain far more from tonight than she will," Lavender said, smiling.

"I hope so, Lavender," Ginevra murmured.


Draco wasn't quite sure who had won the last game of chess. It had seemed like Xavier was moving the pieces, but any time that Draco looked at him properly, Xavier seemed to be at a complete standstill. It was very off-putting, and despite having made check twice, Draco couldn't remember who's king had fallen by the end of the game.

He was exhausted, and intended on sleeping for the entire day. Xavier had agreed for him to leave, albeit reluctantly when Agnes told him off for keeping Draco awake for so long on such limited sleep as it was. Draco didn't bother asking how she knew about his sleeping habits, but instead bowed and stumbled his way out of the room.

Miles had guided him to his room on Agnes' instructions, and again, Draco was more than glad for it. He barely was able to close the door behind him before collapsing on the bed and falling to sleep.

Agnes glared at her husband after Miles and Draco had left, and Xavier had the decency to look ashamed.

"Time got away from me, dear. I was so caught up in the game that I quite forgot Draconius needed sleep," Xavier murmured.

"How many did you end up playing?" Agnes asked, relenting.

"I stopped counting after the sixth game. I had to concentrate more then; Draconius is quite an excellent chess player. Within a few years, he may even beat me more than twice in a row," Xavier said.

"And just how many times did you cheat so that you did win?" Agnes asked as she left the room.

"Not that often. It was much easier as the night went on, though. I should have noticed how tired he was when he did not even realise that I had been checked, but I knocked over his king," Xavier murmured, following her.

"If he falls asleep during Ginevra's Changing Ceremony tonight, I am going to hold you personally responsible," Agnes said sternly.

"There will be so much energy in the air tonight, that not even the gods will sleep," Xavier replied.


Ginevra was nervous. She was also naked, and covered in a silk robe that she was sure could be seen through. Agnes had reassured Ginevra that the flames would cover most of her body to the others outside of the ring. It wasn't overly comforting, but Ginevra's nerves for the night were fast overtaking any shyness she felt.

She had bathed for almost two hours earlier, and could feel the wrinkles on her skin from the water. Ginevra rubbed her hand on her leg, attempting to smooth the skin in vain.

Virginia and Agnes both took her hands, and they walked into the circle. Ginevra could see nothing but vampireÕs faces all around them, and held her breath as she sat on the ground. She wanted the fire to start, and not just to hide her body from everyone; the night was very cold.

From where she was, Ginevra only had to turn her head in order to see everyone. They were all watching her, and ... why was Draco at the very front of the vampires?! He was staring at her, his eyes dark.

Agnes and Virginia sat on either side of Ginevra, and the moment they were seated, the drummers started a slow roll. It redirected everyone's attention, something that Ginevra was grateful for. As one, the drums stopped with a loud bang. In that same moment, the fire sprang up, completely engulfing the three inside.

Through the flames, Ginevra looked up at the sky. The sun had set on the other side of the mansion, throwing everyone at the Blooding Ceremony into shadows, and now all they had to do was wait for the first star to appear. Not even five minutes later, the first star appeared, and the fire died abruptly.

With an encouraging smile, Agnes moved towards Ginevra. She tilted her head back and moved her mouth to GinevraÕs neck. As Agnes bit Ginevra, the drums started pounding fiercely in time with her heartbeat.

"You could become like me, Agnes," a silky voice murmured.

GinevraÕs eyes opened, and she watched as a tall, handsome, dark-haired man walked towards her.

"You will be able to travel the world with me, love, and we will be together," Valentine said, stroking her cheek.

"I have only ever wanted to be with you, Valentine," Agnes replied softly.

The scene changed, and Ginevra watched intently, almost oblivious to the fact that Agnes was still Drinking from her.

Agnes hid from the hunters pursuing them. Valentine had been by her side only a moment before, but now he was turning to face them.

The Vampyre hunters had been pursuing them for some time, despite Agnes and Valentine's best efforts to escape them. They were not like the usual hunters; these ones held sticks and used barbaric magic to corner and capture them: Wizards.

Agnes kept watch as Valentine attempted to fight off the wizards. They would not allow him to get close, and she watched helplessly as each Wizard pointed their sticks at him, making poor Valentine writhe in pain. He had done nothing wrong to them, or anyone else! Why was he being hurt? Agnes cried out a silent sound of pain, and Valentine seemed to look straight at her. His eyes said for her to not move, and she could do nothing but obey.

Valentine was left to die, and the moment the Wizards had left, Agnes was by his side.

"I will return, love. Not in this form, but you will recognise me. Our journey is not yet finished," Valentine murmured.

"We will be together once more, I promise," Agnes said softly.

Agnes kissed him, wishing that she could cry her sorrow.

The scene was cut short abruptly, and another one appeared, more terrifying than anything Ginevra had seen.

Agnes snarled at the Wizards, anger pulsating throughout her body. She had spent months tracking them, and now that she had found them, they would be punished for what they had done to her beloved. Before any of the Wizards had time to react, Agnes had already ripped the head from one, bit into the neck of another, and had her hands around the throat of the third.

A small cry startled Agnes, and she looked to the wooden doorway to see a small child standing there, eyes wide and hands gripping a stick - wand - that was much too large for its size. AgnesÕ red eyes faltered, and she dropped the man she was choking.

Agnes ran towards a forest, away from the house, the Wizards, and the child. She had killed before the eyes of a child. If she had not been damned before now, she surely would be now. Agnes stumbled through the forest, crumbling to the floor as she hit a tree. Well, maybe she would see Valentine earlier than she had thought, Agnes thought to herself, blackness taking her.

Agnes woke up, to neither Heaven nor Hell, and was filled with disappointment. Then she saw a horned horse nearby, and stared. The unicorn - was a unicorn not a mythical creature? - looked at her, almost as if it could hear her thoughts, and was telling her that the creature she was, was a mythical creature as well.

Ginevra could barely hear the drums any more. Did that mean her heart was slowing, and she was dying? Or was she just so intent on AgnesÕ memories that she didn't bother listening to them?

Agnes stared as she watched the young man pass her. His complexion was fairly average, compared to some of the men that she had seen over the years, but his looks did not matter to her. Agnes recognised him, his soul, and knew in her heart that it was Valentine's reincarnation. She hurried after the man, ignoring the shocked gasps from others around her.

She could not bear it. Not again. She would not sit by and watch as her beloved Valentine, Romulus, Jean-Pierre, Xavier, died again. Even if it were not for JulianneÕs cries of help, Agnes would have Turned him. With or without XavierÕs permission, she would not lose him again. The loneliness was too much to bear, and she could not survive without him again. She bade Julianne to get her mother to leave the house, and when Julianne had gone, Agnes started the Turning process.

Ginevra felt a sharp pain, and was vaguely aware that Virginia had bit her wrist. She was not as gentle as Agnes, but Ginevra hadn't really expected her to be.

"What is wrong with me, Mother? I do not understand why I thirst so," Virginia cried.

She was only thirteen years old, and her body was changing. Her mother said that it was normal, but there was nothing normal about the changes she was going through, Virginia knew that instinctively.

Emelia looked to Edward, and that look scared Virginia.

She did not want to thirst so much, but they all smelled so delicious. And she was ever so thirsty.

"Do you think it is because of the Vampyre?" Emelia murmured quietly, the words clear as a bell to Virginia.

She chose not to tell her parents that she could hear their quiet whispers, and continued to listen.

"It should not be possible," Edward said in reply, a frown burrowing on his forehead. "Eddie," he said, his face paling.

VirginiaÕs face twisted briefly. Her father had always loved Edward more than her that much was clear. Even though she was better at magic than he was, her father refused to acknowledge her accomplishments.

Draco smirked at Ginevra, her heart skipping a beat as he moved towards her.

GinevraÕs eyes opened in surprise. Virginia was taking memories from her!

Draco kissed her intently, his arms wrapping around her.

Maverick kissed Virginia deeply, and all she could think about was Drinking him dry. She wanted his blood more than anyone elseÕs, and that constituted as love for now. She would find her true love later in her life, Virginia knew that, but for now, Maverick would be a loving and adoring alternative.

Butterflies flew around them, and Draco proposed to her. The ring shimmered as she played in the sunlight, laughing.

Xavier kissed her round stomach, listening as their first child kicked inside AgnesÕ stomach. She smiled at him, running a hand through his tousled hair. She could not have wished for a better partner, and was so grateful that he was open to being a father.

Virginia looked down at her stomach. Maverick had gotten her pregnant, and now she would have to endure nine months of being fat before she would be able to return to her former beauty. She would be able to twist everyoneÕs minds to make them think that she was beautiful, of course, but that took quite a lot of energy, and the child inside of her would be using more of it than she liked to begin with.

Ginevra screamed as she began her labour. She cursed everyone in the room, her beloved husband included. He just smiled at her as she felt her body ripping in half, and she could have killed him. Squeezing her eyes shut, Ginevra made sure that she didnÕt listen to her husband or look at him, for fear of the consequences.

Virginia swore intently at Maverick. He was the bastard who had done this to her, and he was smiling at her! He was smiling at her, and then he was smiling at something else. Someone else. Jealousy tore through Virginia.

"You have a beautiful, healthy baby girl. Congratulations," the doctor announced, handing the tiny and fragile baby to Maverick.

"She's beautiful, just like her mother," Maverick murmured, moving beside Virginia with a broad smile.

Agnes began to give birth, and growled at her husband. Xavier was enjoying her pain far too much. It would be worth the pain, just so that they could see their child grow and live. They would allow their child to live either in the mortal or Vampire world, and ensure that they grew up healthy and kind. Agnes would not have one of her children to be spoilt and cruel. There was already too much cruelty in the world.

The pain stopped abruptly, and the images faded from GinevraÕs mind.

As her eyes opened, Ginevra became aware of how weak she felt. Her limbs were heavy, her motions were slow, and she felt like there was no blood left for her heart to pump. The drumbeats were fainter now, and further in between. The flames were reaching towards the sky, and the fiery colours blended together in GinevraÕs weak mind.

A wrist was offered to her, and Ginevra took it greedily, Drinking deeply. More memories assaulted her mind, but Ginevra couldn't keep up with their intensity and pace. Images of Agnes, Xavier and their children ran through her mind, and Ginevra started rocking back and forth as she attempted to decode them and work out what each one meant.

The wrist was pulled away gently, and Ginevra moaned, her eyes completely red.

More blood was offered, this lot from the heart. Ginevra didn't care anymore; she just wanted the blood. She needed it, craved it, and would do anything for more. It wasn't as sweet as Draco's blood, but then she doubted anything ever would be. The thought of Draco made Ginevra's mouth water, and she wondered exactly what he was seeing through the receding flames.

More memories came at Ginevra, this time of Virginia, Maverick, and their children. Francesca, VirginiaÕs first born, was beautiful, and Virginia had been jealous of her; the feelings were so intense that they were clear despite how fast everything was moving through her mind.

Ginevra was pulled away again gently. She had a few more seconds to breathe this time, before she was offered blood from AgnesÕ heart. The memories and feelings of Xavier, and their children were just as intense, this one of love and power. Agnes had so much power and knowledge at her disposal; GinevraÕs mind could hardly comprehend it. She wanted that knowledge. She Drank a little more deeply, wanting the feeling of love to return as well. It reminded her of Draco, and she wanted him even more than the knowledge.

A wrist was offered once more; Virginia's this time.

The process continued for some time, and with each new lot of blood, Ginevra found that she could see and hear things differently. She could see each individual flame for what it was, see the tiny sparks of colours within the flames, even as they started to die down, as her heart grew stronger. She could hear the sounds coming from beyond the ring, and it sounded like the sexual energy was getting to an all time high with the vampires.

In between blood, Ginevra looked through the ring of fire and her eyes locked on Draco's. He was alone, and was staring at her intently. His eyes had gone so dark that she could barely make out his pupils from his irises, and the look in his eye made her shiver.

The stars started to fade from the night sky, and Ginevra regretted that the brilliant lights were being fazed out by the sun. It meant that the blood would stop; as would the memories and knowledge she was gaining. It was intense, and Ginevra just hoped that she would be able to sort all the thoughts, memories and feelings properly when she had time to herself.

Agnes offered her wrist for the last time, and was grateful to see the stars fading from the sky. She would be the last to give Ginevra blood inside of this circle. And after today, Agnes was almost certain that Draco would be the only one that Ginevra would drink from.

As the last star disappeared from the sky, Ginevra pulled away from AgnesÕ wrist. At the same time, the flames rose up, higher than ever before, and with a loud bang from the drums, the fire died completely.

Ginevra stood up with her two Chosen, and they left the circle.


Draco waited impatiently for Agnes and Virginia to leave. They were no more than three minutes, wanting to get to their husbands, but it felt like much longer. Draco didn't even consider Agnes' words from the day before as he knocked on Ginevra's door lightly and rapidly.

He sucked in a breath when she opened the door, her eyes red and her body completely naked. Ginevra just smirked at him knowingly, didn't wait for him to say anything, and pulled him through the door. He was pushed up against it within a heartbeat of the door closing, and GinevraÕs lips were on his own.

"I saw you, through the flames," she murmured breathlessly, tearing his clothes off without a warning.

Her sharp nails cut into his chest, and Draco shuddered at the sudden pain.

"Saw you too," he muttered in reply, a groan escaping as she licked his chest.

Ginevra just grinned up at him. In that same instant, she was suddenly at his neck, her fangs piercing the skin easily.

"Gods', this power is addicting. Just like your blood," Ginevra purred, licking and sucking at his wound eagerly.

Draco moved so that his body was pressed right up against hers, and smirked when she groaned in response.

Ginevra pushed Draco down so that he fell onto the cushions on the floor, and crawled on top of him quickly. She bit him again, moving so that his cock filled her. She moaned slightly, drinking from him deeply. Ginevra held Draco against her body, her nails piercing his back as she rocked against him.

Draco licked her breast, his hands moving to cup her tightly as he moved to suck her nipple, biting lightly. Ginevra groaned, then bit his shoulder, making Draco cry out in response. He hissed his pain through clenched teeth, but she seemed oblivious to it. As Ginevra started to lick and suck him, the pain subsided quickly. Draco was suddenly aware that blood was pouring from various wounds on his body. Ginevra's eyes were red, and she licked every trail of blood from him in a matter of moments.

"Share, Ginevra," he murmured.

She growled, but then smirked suddenly, and drew a line of blood along her breast. Draco smirked and licked it up eagerly, sucking more blood when a sudden craving took over.

"Ronald Bilius Weasley. You have attempted to hurt me, planned to kill me on more than one occasion, and have no regret for your actions. Therefore, I have two choices left. The first I can choose is to kill you, in response to what you have tried to do with me. The second is to disown you, so that you will never remember me, or the life we have lived together. As I have no will to kill you, especially in cold blood, you will be punished with the latter; no matter how much it may grieve me to lose a brother, there is no other option that would be safe for either of us. What do you have to say in response to your punishment?" Ginevra asked, a queen regarding her subject.

"I would prefer to live without knowing you than have my life taken from me," Ron replied, his voice dead.

"So be it," Ginevra murmured, moving to place a hand on his head.

The memory surprised Draco, but he kept Drinking, and other memories replaced that one.


Ginevra woke up, her body splayed across Draco's. She moved off him gently, trying not to wake her lover up.

"I am already awake," Draco murmured.

Ginevra muttered under her breath, not looking at him.

Draco just smirked at Ginevra, kissing her temple lightly.

"I love you, Ginevra," he whispered.

Ginevra rolled over to look at him, smiling genuinely.

"I love you too," she replied, kissing him before letting her lips kiss a trail across his jawbone, resting on his neck.

Draco moaned as her fangs pierced him, his own fangs pushing out. He licked her neck lightly before biting her too, Ginevra's moan the same lust-filled one as his had been.

They Drank from each other eagerly, then made love on the soft cushions surrounding them.


Sunday, Apr. 28

There was a knock at the door, and Ginevra opened her eyes instantly. She didn't feel tired, like she usually would after waking up, and there was no lethargy in her body or mind. She was completely and utterly awake.

Damn it, they never tell you that in the vampire books, Ginevra thought with a frown.

"Come in, Lavender," she called.

Draco conjured a sheet to cover them, and Lavender walked in a moment later.

"I am sorry for waking you, my Lady, but Lady Agnes requires your attendance. Lord Xavier also wishes to see your own; I believe there was something mentioned about a chess game," Lavender said with a slight grin.

Ginevra laughed when she heard Draco mutter under his breath.

"Thank you, Lavender. We will be out in a moment," Ginevra said.

Lavender nodded and left the room quickly.

"Do I have to go, love? Xavier cheats," Draco muttered.

"Only because he's worried that you will win if he doesn't," Ginevra replied, grinning. "And yes, you have to go. I'm not sure that what we did last night should have resulted in giving you fangs," she murmured, looking at his mouth briefly.

"I doubt the process is reversible," Draco replied, but still sat up to get changed.

When they were both dressed, Ginevra and Draco left the room. Lavender was waiting for them outside, and led Ginevra to Agnes' room, before taking Draco to Xavier in the vampire library.

"Why are you being nice, Lavender?" Draco asked as they walked through the hallways. "Aren't you resentful for having lost what was your life?"

"No," Lavender replied, sighing heavily. "I have the feeling I am only ever going to be asked that question. I regret my decisions as a teenager, and hate the fact that I was so shallow and self-involved. Because of my jealousy, I couldn't see that Ginevra was a good person and was just attempting to live with what she had been given. Before you and your friends, I imagine that she would have been extremely lonely and confused. Ron always told me how he hated Ginevra for being a Vampiress, and he gloated over how he and his brothers didn't talk to Ginevra after they found out about it. Fred and George never did like that, and didn't talk to their brothers because of their decision, but they didn't talk to Ginevra either, so she doesn't know what they did for her."

Lavender shook her head slightly.

"I am happier now than I have been in years, so I do not feel any resentment whatsoever at being aged. I believe that it is one of the better things that I could have been punished with, and people do still recognise me, so I'm certain that I do not look like a hag. I try not to look in the mirror if I can help it," she added when Draco looked at her in surprise. "Do not forget to tell Lord Xavier about your fangs. He is so used to seeing vampires that I doubt he will truly notice them," Lavender said with a grin.

"Thank you for guiding me here, Lavender," Draco said, giving her a smile as he went into the library where Xavier was waiting.

Lavender headed back to her room. Both Ginevra and Draco were pulling slight faces whenever they said her name, as if her very name made them angry. She supposed that it did, considering everything that she had done to them. As Lavender went inside her room, she wondered if she could change her name, just so they would not feel so bad about her presence.


Ginevra bowed to Agnes as she went to sit beside her.

"Thank you for coming, daughter. I just wanted to ensure that you were prepared for tonight, and I doubted that you would be able to sleep for long while in Draconius' presence," Agnes said with a smile.

"Probably not, but I do not think that it would have been his fault," Ginevra replied, grinning slightly.

"I suspected as much," Agnes said, laughing. "Come, I have prepared a proper bed for you to sleep on. It has been with me for some time now, so I can assure you that it is a very comfortable bed," she said, leading Ginevra through to an adjoining room.

"Wow," Ginevra said, stopping and staring at the king-sized four-poster bed.

"It is quite magnificent, is it not?" Agnes said, smiling broadly. "I purchased this in India in 1850 from a British Raj for quite a large sum. It was definitely worth it, and I suggest that you spare no expense on your bed when the time comes to purchase one. You will be sleeping on it for the rest of your life, after all," she said with a smile. "I will leave you to rest now. I will wake you an hour before Virginia is scheduled to arrive for your Naming tonight," Agnes said, then left the room before Ginevra could say anything.

"Thank you," Ginevra called after her.

"You are most welcome, daughter," Agnes' reply came.

Ginevra looked at the bed, and climbed into it, suddenly feeling quite tired.

Agnes was right, it was very comfortable, she thought as she fell asleep.


"Are you certain that they are not the product of a spell?" Xavier asked Draco, looking at his fangs with a frown.

"I am sure," Draco replied, making his fangs retract and then extend. "Does this mean I am a vampire as well as a Veelan?" he asked. "I doubt that Garion will allow me to return if I am a vampire now," Draco said, the consequences of his fangs no longer quite as pleasant.

"I think that will be up to Garion to decide," Xavier said after a moment's hesitation. "It is not within my power to bring him here, but perhaps Garion will allow us to go to him," he murmured.

"What is this urgent matter, love?" Agnes asked, entering the small room that was adjoined to the library. "I was just showing Ginevra our bed, and she is quite ... Oh my," she said, staring at Draco's fangs.

"I was just saying that Garion might permit us an audience so that we can discuss this. I do not know if he is a vampire, or if this will even affect his Veelan state," Xavier murmured.

"Draconius, can you change into a Veelan?" Agnes asked, looking at him.

Draco nodded, and changed immediately. His feathers expanded, the patterns on his face glowed brightly, and he wasn't the only one who breathed a sigh of relief at the change.

"Lady Agnes? The house is starting to get hostile. They felt the Veelan power that was just released," Miles said, entering the room quickly.

"I did not consider the consequences," Agnes said with a disappointed sigh. "We have no choice but to take him to Garion. We will return by the time everyone has settled, dear son," she murmured.

"Very well, my Lady," Miles said with a bow.

Xavier and Agnes took Draco's arms, and disappeared in a moment.


"Draconius, is everything all right?" Julianne asked as she opened the door. "Xavier?" she asked, staring at her brother.

"Hello, Julianne. Do you mind if we come in?" Xavier asked, grinning.

"Still so formal," she muttered.

"Just as informal," he replied with a smile.

Draco had no idea what their banter meant, but Xavier suddenly released him, and hugged Julianne tightly.

"I have missed you, dearest sister."

"Just as I have missed you, dearest brother," Julianne replied quietly. "Come inside," she said, moving from the doorway. "What brings you all here after so long? Is it time?" she asked Agnes eagerly.

"Not yet, sister. I am afraid that time will be longer than either of us would like. We are here about Draconius, actually," Agnes said, nodding to Draco.

"What happened?" Jules asked, frowning. "We all felt your power only a few moments ago. It was stronger than it usually is. You did not kill a vampire, did you?" she asked sternly.

"No, I was just checking that I could still turn into a Veelan. It seems that Ginevra and I have managed to make myself into a hybrid," Draco said.

"What are you going on about?" Julianne asked, frowning in confusion.

Draco bared his fangs, and she paled, moving a few steps back.

"Well, shit."

"It should not have happened, but I fear that we have underestimated both of their powers," Agnes murmured apologetically.

"Garion won't make me leave the flock, will he?" Draco asked, unable to keep the nervous tone from his voice.

"I will make sure that he doesn't," Jules said immediately, shaking her head. "This may actually be good for the clan."

"I don't see how," Draco muttered.

"We need someone to negotiate with the vampires, and who better to do that than a Vampire hybrid?" Julianne asked, grinning.

"I thought it was decided that you were going to do that?" he asked, frowning.

"Garion does not like the idea of me being alone in a room with vampires, apparently," Jules murmured.

"I am surprised that you are not being more stubborn on the subject, sister," Xavier said, grinning.

"I have learned to hone my stubbornness, thank you very much. He will regret his decision later, I will make sure of it."

"Hello Draconius. Why are there vampire Elders here, Julianne?" Garion asked, his voice almost a snarl.

"Garion, you remember my brother, Xavier, and his wife, Agnes?"

"Of course, I doubt I will ever forget," Garion murmured, moving to shake XavierÕs hand stiffly.

"Indeed," Xavier replied, a smirk on his face.

"To answer your question, Lord Garion, we are here on my account," Draco said, attempting to get them away from their cryptic answers.

"Is everything all right?" Garion asked, a very slight frown on his face as he looked Draco over for injuries.

"It all depends on how you look at it, my Lord," Draco replied hesitantly.

"Would you please just explain what is going on?" Garion asked with a sigh.

"I have Drunk Ginevra's blood, and she mine. And those actions seem to have Turned me into a hybrid," Draco said, showing Garion his fangs, and then bowing his head when his tutorÕs eyes widened.

"Hybrid? You are part vampire, you mean?" Garion asked.

Draco looked at him in surprise, as the hate-filled tone that he had expected was not in Garion's voice. In fact, he seemed rather happy.

"I have been waiting for that to happen since it was confirmed of whom your own was. If that is all you had to say, then you can return with the vampires, as I am sure that the Ceremony is not over. Just be careful among with all of those vampires surrounding you. You still smell like a Veelan," Garion warned him.

"What?! You're not angry?" Draco asked in shock.

"No, why would I be? There is so much in the future that relies on your hybrid abilities and nature. I do not hate all vampires, Draco, just Virginia. She is the only vampire I truly hate, and I could never hate one of my most promising Veelan's, could I?" Garion asked, seeming amused at Draco.

"Well, I'm as shocked as you," Julianne muttered, smirking at Draco. "Say hello to Ginevra for me when you see her later, all right?"

"Of course, my Lady," Draco replied with a brief bow.

"And you, do not stay away for another thirty years just because of one dinner. Is that understood?" Julianne said to Xavier, glaring at him.

"I did not think that my absence would be noticed. I will endeavour to come over sooner. So long as your own does not think to insult me with the likes of a pig again," Xavier muttered.

What on earth were they talking about?! Draco thought to himself, looking between them in complete confusion.

Julianne just laughed, and shook her head.

"I cannot promise anything, but I am sure Garion will try to behave himself next time," she said sternly, looking at her husband.

"I will behave," Garion said, shaking his head with a sigh.

"Now that the testosterone display has been completed, I suggest that we leave. It is almost time for the Naming," Agnes said. "You are not allowed to stay away either, sister. Do not forget that we are not always in the vampire mansion," she said, hugging Jules briefly.

"I know, but it has been much harder to leave lately. The other clans are starting to become aggressive," Julianne muttered.

"If there is anything we can do, just ask," Agnes offered.

"We will, thank you," Julianne replied.

Draco bowed to Julianne and Garion, then took the offered hands of Agnes and Xavier and disappeared back to the mansion.


"That was surprising, I must admit. But I am not ungrateful for the surprise," Agnes said with a smile as she let go of Draco.

"Do I dare ask about the pig comment?" Draco asked, smirking.

"Not if you value your life," Xavier muttered.

"No need to be so harsh, Xavier. It was over thirty years ago, and they both should have forgotten about it by now. I do not think there is a need to bring it up again and make another thirty years go by before they see each other," Agnes murmured to Draco, who nodded in response. "Thank you. Now, I am sure that you are quite tired. There is a bed available nearby, if you wish to use it. I cannot let you go to our room with Ginevra, as she really does need her rest for tonight. It can be quite tiring to meditate for so long if one's mind is not properly rested," she said, sounding apologetic.

"That is understandable. Thank you for your consideration, Lady Agnes. I will accept your offer of the bed, I feel quite tired," Draco replied, barely able to hide his yawn.

"Very well, I will call Lavender or Miles for you," Agnes said.

"I am already here, my Lady," Miles said suddenly, opening the door briefly.

"Oh, thank you Miles. Please take Draco to a room. I do not want him to be disturbed; he needs his rest," Agnes said.

"Of course, my Lady. Follow me, please," Miles said, leaving the room.

Draco bowed to Xavier and Agnes, then hurried after Miles quickly.

"This is a private room. No one will be able to disrupt you, excepting Lady Agnes, Lord Xavier, Ginevra's companion, or myself," Miles informed him.

"Ginevra won't be able to come in then?" Draco asked with a frown.

"She may, if she wishes. But her Naming is to start in half an hour, so I am sure that she will be busy until the early hours of the morning. If not, the Naming is quite tiring, and she will most likely go straight to sleep once it has finished," Miles said sympathetically.

"Of course. Thank you, Miles," Draco murmured.

Miles bowed in response, then left the room, closing the door behind him firmly.

Draco headed over to the bed, and despite his intent to relax for only a short time, he was fast asleep within minutes of his head touching the pillow.


Ginevra was woken up by Agnes, and again was surprised at how awake she felt. It would take some time to get used to it, she mused as she sat up.

"Good afternoon, daughter. I trust that you slept well?" Agnes asked, smiling.

"I did, thank you," Ginevra replied.

"I am glad of it. Virginia is expected at any moment for the Naming to begin, so I suggest that you take the time to bathe and refresh yourself. The en-suite is through that door," Agnes said, indicating to a nearby door.

"Thank you," Ginevra said, waiting until Agnes had left to go to the bathroom.

She sank into the tub of hot water, closing her eyes as she relaxed.


"You have a reputation, one that I am sure you do not wish to lose," Virginia's smooth voice said, charm in every word.

The man across from her just nodded briefly.

"Then you will complete this job for me. I will pay you twice my original offer, and I want proof when the job is done."

"Heart? Or wedding finger?"

"I want her head," Virginia snarled.

"Her head? That's going to cost you more than double. In order to get the head, I need to get up close to her, which of course, puts my life at more risk. I want four times the original amount," he replied.

"I will give you double now, and the other half when the job is completed. I will know if you are lying, so do not even attempt it, or she won't be a worry for you," Virginia hissed.

The man looked down at the photograph. The red-haired woman in the picture didn't even look to be twenty years old, but she had done something to piss this other lady right off. He wondered what they had both done for it to come to this.


Ginevra opened her eyes, frowning.

The water was still warm, and not even fifteen minutes had passed since she got into the water, but she suddenly didn't feel like relaxing any more. Getting up, Ginevra dried herself off and changed into the clothes that were lying on the bench.

Leaving the en-suite, Ginevra sat beside Agnes quietly. Agnes did not question her, and they simply waited for Virginia to arrive. She came after another ten minutes of waiting, and entered the room without knocking.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," Virginia said as the door closed behind her.

The smile on her face indicated that she was anything but sorry.

"Never mind the hour, are you ready for the Naming?" Agnes asked.

"Yes, I am ready," Virginia replied, sighing heavily.

"The Naming consists of us three, but only you will be told your True Name. Whoever you choose to share it with is your own business, and you do not need to feel obliged to tell anyone, if you do not wish to do so," Agnes said kindly, smiling at Ginevra, who nodded in response. "Good, now even out your breathing while Virginia and I prepare."

Ginevra began to even out her breathing, breathing in to the count of four, holding for four counts, breathing out to the count of four, holding for four, and continuing the cycle endlessly. As Ginevra did this, she felt her limbs and body start to relax. The even flow of blood being pumped made her arms and legs tingle in protest. She ignored the impulse to scratch, and continued to concentrate on her breathing.

"This may feel a bit intrusive, but it is part of the Naming. Just try to keep breathing at the same pace," Agnes murmured.

Virginia and Agnes were sitting on either side of Ginevra, facing each other. They linked their arms through Ginevra's, and held hands. They closed their eyes and matched their own breathing to Ginevra's.

Ginevra continued to breath, even when her arms were moved briefly. She felt both Agnes and Virginia link their arms through hers, and as they matched their breathing to hers, she found that she could feel their power too. They were lending Ginevra their power in order for her to discover her True Name.

Not one thought passed through Ginevra's mind, and the only thing she felt was the power of two Elder Vampiress' flowing around her. She stayed in that state for what seemed to be days, and yet nothing came to her.


The word repeated itself over and over and over again, and the moment Ginevra opened her eyes, it stopped.

Agnes smiled at her, and Virginia quickly let go of them.

"You know your True Name now, daughter. Congratulations, and welcome to your new life," Agnes said, hugging Ginevra.

"Congratulations and welcome," Virginia said in a monotonous tone.

"I thank both of you," Ginevra replied, smiling.

She would hold no ill will towards Virginia for tonight. Ginevra knew her own True Name, and she still felt the power of her two Chosen surrounding her. It was a night to celebrate, not to fight.

Virginia stood, bowed slightly to Agnes and Ginevra, and then left the room.

"Would you care to see Draconius now, my daughter? I will have Lavender get him for you," Agnes said, standing.

"Would you care to hear my True Name first, my Lady?" Ginevra asked with a smile.

"It is not necessary for you to tell me, daughter. By knowing your True Name, I will have complete control over you. Do not treat it with lightness, I beg of you," Agnes implored.

"I know, and I can promise that I will not be anything but responsible with my True Name. You will be one of four that will know my True Name, myself included. Draco and Xavier both have a right to know, although I will not allow myself to tell Draco until he is properly warded against Virginia," Ginevra said.

"Very well. I would be most honoured to know your True Name, my daughter," Agnes said.

"I am Caeledea," she said, smiling.

"Heavenly goddess, it is more than appropriate," Agnes said with her own smile. "I will have Draco brought here, unless you would like to go to him?"

"I will find Draco, thank you, my Lady," Ginevra said, bowing.

"You are most welcome, my daughter."

Ginevra left the room, intent on finding Draco. She searched nearly every room, the library, and even the kitchen, but she couldn't find him. Fear gripped at her, as she thought of Virginia.

She hadn't already kidnapped Draco, had she? There hadn't been that much time for Virginia to find Draco and take him away. Besides, she wouldn't be - couldn't be - so foolish as to kidnap her own when Ginevra was a newly Changed Full Blooded Vampiress... Would she?

"There you are, my Lady! I have been trying to find you," Lavender said, puffing from the exertion. "This body was not built for long distance running," she muttered.

"Is everything all right? Is it Draco?" Ginevra asked.

"Everything is perfectly fine, my Lady," Lavender reassured her immediately. "Draconius was required to tend to Witherwings. Or Buckbeak," she said, frowning slightly.

"The one place I didn't think to look," Ginevra muttered. "If everything is all right, why have you been trying to find me?" she asked curiously as she headed to the mansion's entrance.

"I would like to change my name," Lavender said, her cheeks turning red briefly.

"Why would you want to do something like that?" Ginevra asked in surprise.

"I am not very comfortable being called Lavender anymore. It represents too much of my past, and I am certain that I will be constantly asked about my teenage years while I still have this wretched name. If I introduce myself with another name, then people will just think I look like an older version of her," Lavender explained.

She decided not to tell Ginevra or Draco about the minute expressions of hate they had whenever they said 'Lavender'. They didn't know that they were doing it, so she wouldn't make them upset by telling them.

"By what name would you like to be called then? Hopefully not Lav-Lav," Ginevra teased, laughing softly.

Lavender laughed, shaking her head.

"Gods', no! That would be even worse. I had thought of my middle name, Violet, but it is a bit obvious then," Lavender said.

"Why about Lettie? It sounds a bit happier, and I doubt that anyone will really make the connection between you and your younger self unless they knew you," Ginevra suggested.

"I will think about it, and leave you to spend some time with Draco," she replied.

"Thank you, Lavender. And do not feel that you need to change your name because of Draco and me, all right?"

Lavender just nodded in response. Feeling completely alone, she watched as Ginevra ran out into the night to be with Draco.


(a/n: end of the 22nd chapter. I truly hoped that you enjoyed it!

Ginevra's True Name Caeledea is pronounced: Kay-El-EE-Dee-A (a is in car). It comes from the Latin words, caelestis (heavenly/celestial) and dea (goddess)

Thank you for reading!)