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The Vampiress and Veelan by Nival Vixen

The Vampiress and Veelan

Nival Vixen

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, don't sue!

(a/n: A big thank you to every person that reviewed! Hugs to you all! :0) If I haven't replied to your review, I apologise and if you tell me then I'll do it straight away!

Keep reviewing and I'll keep updating!

Read on, oh faithful ones!)

Chapter Four

Ginny woke up in the morning feeling completely exhausted from the night before. Not only had the fighting taken its toll on her, but also the amount of energy she had used in transforming twice and flying across Europe had drained her of all the energy she may have originally had.

She managed to drag herself into the shower in an attempt to refresh and wake herself up. She decided that she would tell everyone about her being a Vampire during breakfast. That would give everyone the day to calm down and hopefully stop avoiding her or glaring in her direction...

After getting out, drying herself and getting changed, Ginny came to the conclusion that the shower hadn't worked and promptly fell asleep on her bed again.


Ginny woke up some time later and looked at her clock. Seeing that it was nearly quarter past nine she yelled and grabbed her things quickly before running down to the Transfiguration classroom. She ran inside and stopped at McGonagall's desk.

"Sorry I'm late, Professor... I overslept," Ginny said with an apologetic smile. McGonagall looked at her sternly.

"Not using an alarm is not a suitable excuse, Miss Weasley. Detention tonight at eight thirty," McGonagall said.

"I'm already serving detention at that time..." Ginny said. McGonagall sighed and looked in a book covered in dragon skin that had 'Detentions' labelled on the front in gold lettering. Ginny wondered why the school would use such an expensive book for detentions!

"So you are... With Mr Malfoy, I see... What were you doing out of bed at ten thirty?" McGonagall asked her.

"If you wouldn't mind, Professor, I would just like a time for my detention so you can continue to teach. I would not like to disrupt the class further with my personal life," Ginny said smiling at Minerva. With a curt nod, she looked down at the book again.

"Ten points from Gryffindor and you have detention at nine o'clock," she said and Ginny nodded.

"Thank you, Professor," she said and sat down. Slightly shocked at being thanked for a detention, Minerva had to allow a few seconds to compose herself before continuing to teach.

"Look who's the teacher's pet..." A voice hissed in Ginny's ear.

"Yet you're the one that got turned into an animal by a teacher..." Ginny replied smirking.

"She's got you there," Blaise said and laughed at Draco quietly. Draco scowled at him then turned his attention back to McGonagall.

"... As you saw yesterday, if an incantation is not clearly defined then it will take on the qualities of the object being transformed. Now, who can tell me how to transform a quill into a proper tree?" McGonagall asked. Ginny raised her hand. "Miss Weasley."

"By saying Arborcretum stipes and using the same movements as with Arborcretum, then the quill will turn into a proper tree," Ginny replied. McGonagall nodded. (Tree growth tree-trunk.)

"Excellent. Fifteen points to Gryffindor," she said.

"Teacher's pet," Draco hissed in Ginny's ear.

"Ferret," she replied smirking.

"Everyone stand around in a semi circle again and I will show you how to make a tree, as well as return it to its original form," McGonagall said and everyone formed a semi circle as they had the day before and watched. A black quill was placed in front of them and McGonagall pointed her wand at it. "Arborcretum stipes!" She yelled and moved her wand to the left inclining quickly.

The quill began to quiver slightly, but nothing else happened. Suddenly leaves and branches burst out of the top of the quill and it extended, looking more like a tree than it had the day before. A few people yelled when the branches popped out and most of the class was standing back away from the quill. The feather disappeared and a tree trunk appeared. When it had finished a medium sized tree was standing in the classroom.

With a thought and by moving her wand to the right declining swiftly, McGonagall made the tree return to its original form and the black quill was sitting in front of them all.

"Now, who can tell me what spell I used to change the tree back into a quill?" She asked the class. Surprising everyone, Neville and Ron raised their hands. Ginny tried not to laugh, knowing that they had both thought the exact same thing. "Mr Longbottom?"

"Did you use Arborintereo stipes?" He asked hesitantly, remembering the spell from yesterday.

"Indeed I did, Mr Longbottom. Very good. Ten points to Gryffindor," McGonagall said smiling at him. "Once again, you will all attempt to do the spell both creating and returning the tree one at a time," she said. Everyone stood in a line and began. Most of the class could get the tree to grow but the tree trunk still looked more like the quill than an actual tree. A few people got it right on their first time, including Neville and Hermione.

Ginny pointed her wand at the quill and moved it to the left, inclining while saying the incantation. As the tree grew, other quills in the classroom began to grow and in seconds flat the entire Transfiguration classroom had become a forest.

"Well, isn't this nice?" Ginny muttered quietly.

"Miss Weasley! Follow me outside immediately!" McGonagall said. A chorus of 'ooh's' was heard throughout the classroom and Ginny followed Minerva outside. "What just happened?" She asked Ginny.

"I have no idea... As the entire class is listening, I suggest that we should discuss this tonight during my detention," Ginny said. McGonagall nodded briefly.

"Of course... I will get Albus to attend," she said and they went back into the classroom. "Everyone make your way back to your seats!" McGonagall yelled when she saw over half of the class standing at the doors in an attempt to listen in on their conversation. "Miss Weasley, if you will please return the trees to their original forms, I would appreciate it," Minerva said quietly.

Ginny nodded and moved her wand to the right while declining. She thought the reverse incantation and in seconds quills replaced the trees. Ginny sat in her seat again and listened to McGonagall.

"Teacher's pet," Draco hissed in her ear again.

"Bite me," she retorted smirking at the irony.


"Come on, Ginny... We've got to get to Divination. Do you know if we're in the Room of Requirement or the classroom?" Ron asked. Ginny shrugged slightly.

"No idea, actually. We should go to the classroom... If we're not in there, then you two can waste time dawdling to the right room and if we are then you don't get detention for being late," Ginny said with a grin.

"Firenze wouldn't give us detention," Harry said confidently. She smirked at him.

"I wouldn't be so sure," Ginny replied and they went up to the Divination Tower quickly.

Ginny on an armchair and watched as the rest of the students filed in. Soon after everyone had sat down, Firenze came into the room and looked around smiling at everyone.

"I apologise for the confusion. We are in the Room of Requirement again today, as we are for the rest of the week," he announced. With a small groan everyone grabbed their things and went back downstairs.

"You two go ahead, I need to talk with Firenze for a moment," Ginny said to Ron and Harry. They nodded and left quickly. Ginny walked over to Firenze and he smiled at her.

Well done, Ginevra. The constellations are moving closer... Congratulations for fixing the problem, Firenze said. Ginny nodded briefly, knowing that he wasn't telling her something. Draco is moving closer to Virgo at an alarming rate. Just to warn you. Etamin is beginning to glow red though, so be wary around Draco. He may be a danger if you're not careful... Firenze said. Ginny nodded. Firenze smiled at her and took her head in his hands. The vision is for the future, it means nothing until it happens... Worry about now, not then... Firenze said. Ginny smiled slightly.

"What's going on here?" Ron's voice came from the doorway. He was looking at Ginny and Firenze with a frown on his face. Ginny sighed softly.

"Nothing is going on, Ronald. We were just talking," Ginny said. Ron nodded not looking convinced. "You forgot your book..." Ginny said and passed it to him. "I thank you for letting me talk to you and for your guidance, Firenze. I will see you in the Room of Requirement," she said with a small bow. Ginny followed Ron out of the room and looked at him. "Ron, look at me." Ron looked at his sister reluctantly. "There is nothing going on with myself and Firenze, understood? He is a centaur, I am a Vampiress... Nothing could go on between us. He was helping me with a problem I had, that is all. Is that understood? Or do I need to beat you up again for it to sink in?" Ginny asked with a smirk.

"No... What problem did you have? I could have helped..." Ron said quietly.

"No, you couldn't have. This problem is something that not even you would understand, Ron... It's not because you're not a Vampire, it's because you don't have the necessary experience in Divination to help me, ok?" Ginny said and smiled at Ron. He nodded.

"I'll say... I doubt I'll even pass this year," he grumbled. Ginny laughed and hugged him before they entered the Room of Requirement. Once everyone was lying back on a chair Firenze walked in and the ceiling changed to represent the solar system again.

"Can anyone see a difference in these stars compared to the ones from yesterday?" Firenze asked the class. Without even having to study the sky, Ginny already knew.

Draco was starting to glow red and was weaving his way past Boötes to get to Virgo... Boötes and Virgo were closer together. Boötes was trying to protect Virgo from the oncoming Draco constellation.

Something that Firenze hadn't mentioned however, was that Virgo was trying to get past Boötes to get to Draco... Ginny realised as she looked at the sky closer.

"Anyone at all?" Firenze called out when no one had replied.

"Draco's glowing red," Ginevra said quietly.

"Anything else?" Firenze asked smiling at her knowingly.

I know you can see it, Ginevra. Tell the class what I didn't tell you... Firenze said with a smile.

"Boötes and Virgo are closer together. Draco's moved closer to those two constellations... Virgo and Draco seem to be trying to get closer to each other," Ginny said a small hitch in her voice.

A few people looked up at where she was talking about, but most of them couldn't see it. All they could see was a bunch of stars hanging in the sky.

Draco stared at Ginny, one of the very few who had actually understood her meaning.

"What do you think you're playing at, Weasley?" He asked quietly. Ginny looked down from the ceiling and looked at Draco, whose bed-chair was near her own.

"I am not playing at anything, Malfoy... If you will look at the ceiling, you will see that what I just said is indeed true..." Ginny replied and he looked at the ceiling reluctantly. As comprehension filled his face Ginny looked over at Firenze. He was smiling broadly at both of them and she glared at him.

Do not be angry at me, Ginevra... It was you that saw the ceiling that way, Firenze said and smiled at her again. Ginny looked away from him sadly and shook her head.

I know you're right, Firenze... Why do I have to see things like that though? Why couldn't I just see that Draco was getting closer? Why did I have to see Virgo trying to get to Draco? She asked. Firenze sighed slightly.

It was necessary for you to see it, so you did. Firenze said then looked at the class, most of who were still trying to see what Ginny was talking about.

"Everyone lie back down, please," Firenze instructed softly and they all did as he said. Neither Firenze nor Ginny missed the look that Draco gave Ginny before he looked back up.

Ginny listened absent-mindedly as Firenze showed the class what she had said. She briefly thought of her vision before shaking her head and returning her attention to the ceiling.


During recess a single owl came into the Great Hall, a red envelope in its talons. Recognising the owl as Errol, Ron paled in fear. Errol landed on Ron's toast proudly and stuck a leg out. Ron grabbed the Howler and ran from the Great Hall as fast as possible. Errol just started eating the toast, ignoring the laughs from the surrounding students.

Hermione walked in the Great Hall with a frown. Ron had been running like the Hounds of Hell were after him! She shook her head and looked around for Ginny.

"Ginny! There you are... Did you still want to talk?" Hermione asked. Ginny nodded and left with Hermione after grabbing some food.

Ginny smirked when she heard her mother's voice yelling at Ron for his stupidity in trying to curse her...

They went to Ginny's room and sat on the lounge.

"So what did you want to know to start off with?" Ginny asked.

"Does your telepathy work all on every person?" Hermione asked. Ginny nodded.

"Yes, and yes, Ron does like you... He just doesn't think that you like him enough for him to ask you out," Ginny said hearing her thoughts. Hermione blushed brightly.

"Why did you have to leave Runes yesterday?" Hermione asked.

"There were two reasons. The first is that Albus needed to talk to me about the unicorn hair I gave to Neville. The second is that I had an anti-headache potion during the class, as Malfoy so clearly pointed out. Madam Pomfrey made the potion with boomslang skin in it and as I'm allergic to that particular ingredient, I went blind," Ginny said with a small shrug. Hermione stared at her briefly.

"How can you go blind from an allergic reaction? Aren't you supposed to just go red and swell up?" She asked.

"As a Vampire, my blood reacts differently to certain things," Ginny said.

"What about you turning into a unicorn? According to Neville you were the only one allowed to pat the unicorns," Hermione said. Ginny nodded.

"They recognised that I was a Vampiress. As the unicorns were once pets to Vampires, they respected the people I represent and allowed me to touch them... Yes, I went hunting with them, and yes, I do know that the Vampire who rides on a unicorn is supposed to lead the Vampires into war..." Ginny said. "And no, I haven't been for a ride on a unicorn lately..." Hermione grinned.

"Looks like you've got your telepathy under control," she said with a laugh. "What happened last night with Ron? He didn't say much this morning," Hermione said.

"I beat him at the fight, we talked about everything. He was being a jerk because he thought that I hadn't told him about any of this. None of my brother's knew that I only found out about this a few minutes before them..." Ginny said. "They thought I had been keeping secrets from them and didn't like that so they decided to freeze me out of their life," she said with a small grin as she read Hermione's thought.

"They shouldn't try to freeze fire," Hermione said and laughed. Then she stopped and looked at Ginny seriously. "What's going on with you and Snape?"

"Nothing's going on... Why does everyone keep asking me that?" Ginny muttered to herself. "We just respect each other, that's all. He doesn't want to show anyone that he is scared and impressed by me, so he tries to be as mean as possible. When we are alone, he is still mean, but it's more of a playful mean than anything else," Ginny said.

"How?" Hermione asked confused.

"You saw yesterday before class that he didn't tell either of us off, even though he would have last year... He knew of my fight with Ron, from the other teachers. Instead of not speaking to me, and allowing me to fight Ron, which would have given him a reason to take off House points, he told me not to fight Ron in his class... If I did have to fight Ron, he told me to take it outside so he wouldn't have to give me detention," Ginny said.

"So the only reason he did that was because he respects you?" Hermione asked in disbelief.

"Well, that and he didn't want to be the one who had to clean the mess..." Ginny said smirking. Hermione nodded briefly.

"All right, then. Ron asked me for a book on Vampires this morning... Was that really him or someone else?" She asked.

"No, that would have been Ron. I told him to read up on Vampires so he knows what I can or can not do, and what he can or can not do..." Ginny said and sighed. "We better get going now. The bell's going to go in about five seconds," Ginny said. Five seconds later the bell rang loudly.

"I didn't read anything about you having a built-in clock..." Hermione said.

"I don't... I just heard the clock ticking," Ginny replied with a shrug. She grabbed her books and bag then they left to go to Defence Against the Dark Arts.


Ginny sat at a desk and got her things out. Soon after, Moody and Lupin arrived in the room.

"What will be learning today, Professor?" Hermione asked them smiling.

"You will see when everyone else arrives," Moody replied tersely. Lupin shook his head at Moody. "Don't shake your head at me, boy..." Moody snarled. Ginny laughed at them. "What is so funny, Miss Weasley?" Moody growled.

"You just called him 'boy'! He's five years younger than you are! That doesn't classify as a boy," Ginny said laughing still.

"How do you know how old I am?" Lupin asked. Ginny just winked at him and didn't reply. Students came into the room and sat at their seats, almost oblivious to the emotions that filled the room from the four people.

"Hey, Ginny," Neville said and sat next to her grinning. "Did you think about you teaching me how to fight?" He asked quietly. Ginny nodded briefly.

"Yes... I will be able to teach you every day at eight o'clock," Ginny replied. In making it at the same time as her exercises, she was doing two things at once: teaching Neville and still doing her exercises.

"Thanks, Ginny," Neville said grinning broadly. "My gran was really happy with me when I told her about the potion. She sent me another plant," Neville said happily.

"Congratulations," Ginny whispered and smiled at him.

"Today everyone will be learning how to cast the Contego spell," Moody barked at everyone. He conjured a stage. "Stand around here so you can see what it does!" He said. Everyone did as he said quickly, not wanting to get on the wrong side of Mad-Eye-Moody this morning. (Shield or defend.)

"Now, I will send the Impetus curse at Moody. Does anyone know what this means?" Lupin asked.

"Attack," Ginny and Draco said at the same time. Lupin grinned at them.

"Very good. Ten points to Gryffindor and Slytherin..."

"Now watch..." Moody growled eager to fight someone. Lupin turned to Moody with a small grin and pointed his wand at his colleague.

"Impetus!" He yelled and a yellow beam of light shot at Moody.

"Contego!" Moody said and a barrier made from blue light formed around his body. The yellow beam hit the barrier and soaked into it. The yellow beam swirled around in the barrier and after a few seconds, it shot out back at Lupin.

"Desino!" Lupin said and the yellow beam stopped before dissolving into thin air. (Stop.)

Moody took the barrier away and turned to the class.

"Two volunteers to attempt the spell!" He said.

"I challenge Weaselette," Draco's voice called out. Ginny turned to stare at him.

"I beg your pardon?" She asked. He smirked at her.

"Scared?" He mocked. With a sigh she shook her head.

"I accept your challenge," she said and they walked onto the stage.

"What's going on?" Ginny heard people whisper, wondering why Malfoy had challenged Ginny during class.

"All right... Only use the spells you are required to!" Lupin said. Moody and Ginny saw Draco's look, and both knew that he was not going to do as he was supposed to.

Only use your dagger as a last resort, Moody warned her. Ginny didn't say anything. She didn't want to tell him that she didn't bring it...

Suddenly, Ginny felt something almost moulding near her ankle. Without having to look down, she knew that had dagger had appeared in her boot. Without dwelling on the reason as to why or how it had appeared, Ginny looked at Lupin.

"Who is going to do the barrier and who is sending the attack?" She asked.

"You will defend, Draco will attack," Lupin said still oblivious to the look on Draco's face. Draco grinned evilly and waited. "On three... One, two, three!" Lupin called.

"Impetus!" Draco yelled. A green beam shot from his wand.

"Contego!" Ginny said and a blood-red barrier appeared around her body. The green beam entered the barrier then shot out almost immediately.

Lupin and Moody looked at each other briefly then turned their attention back to the two students.

As the green beam shot at Malfoy with alarming speeds, he yelled, 'Contego' and a dark green barrier formed around his body.

"Casso!" Draco yelled and a beam of light flew at Ginny's covered form. (Destroy or make void.)

"You're only supposed to do the spell you're learning!" Lupin yelled. Both students ignored him. The light hit Ginny's barrier and it dissolved.

"Vulnero!" Draco yelled and another beam shot at Ginny. (Wound.)

"Contego!" She yelled and the barrier appeared instantly. The beam entered her blood-red barrier, but a split second before it went back out, Ginny yelled, 'Casso!' and both beams shot out at Draco.

As the first beam hit his barrier and it dissolved, the second beam hit Draco and his skin began to split open.

"Eww! He's bleeding everywhere!" Lavender screeched and moved as far away from the stage as possible. Everyone took her lead and moved away from the stage, looking green.

Ginny looked at Draco, wondering why he had done this. She couldn't remember doing anything to make him be so hostile to her. Not even the fact that she was a Weasley could count for this hostility! She walked over to him, taking her barrier down. He glared at her and attempted to heal the wounds that covered his body.

"That won't work, Malfoy," Ginny said hearing the spell he was using. He ignored her until he saw that she was right.

"Sano worked all the other times," Malfoy said glaring at her. "What did you do? Why isn't it working?" He hissed at her. (To heal.)

"I did nothing... You are the one that tried to hurt me," she said softly. He looked at her glaring still. "Why did you do it, Malfoy?" Ginny asked him. He didn't say anything. "I'll heal the wounds if you tell me why you did it," Ginny said attempting to compromise with him. Draco just glared at her again then tried to get past her. She stopped him and took his arm. "Sano," she said and the wounds on his body healed immediately.

They walked off the stage and Lupin glared at Draco.

"Ten points from Slytherin! I said to only do the spell we said!" Lupin said angrily. Draco didn't reply he just went back to his seat and watched as the other students did the spell.


"Ginny! Are you all right?" Neville asked after the lesson. Ginny nodded and they continued to walk to Hagrid's hut.

"I'm fine, Neville... Why?" She asked looking at him. He shrugged.

"Just wondering... I've never seen anyone challenge someone during class!" He said. "What happened after you fought? No one saw anything. Lavender was going green too much for anyone to see past her," Neville said with a grin.

"Nothing really happened... I just healed his wounds and we got off the stage," Ginny said with a shrug.

"Why did you heal his wounds?" Neville asked in shock.

"If you fought Harry, then you'd heal him after you fought..." Ginny replied.

"But that's because I'm friends with Harry... This is Malfoy we're talking about!" Neville replied still in shock.

"Just because you're not friends with someone it doesn't mean that you shouldn't still do the right thing, Neville," Ginny said and they didn't talk for the rest of the way down to Hagrid's hut.

Once everyone was there, Hagrid looked around smiling broadly.

"Afternoon ev'ryone... Today yer will be reading information on unicorns, so get yer books out," he said.

"Can't we go and see them again?" Dean asked. Hagrid shook his head.

"No, yer can't. The unicorn's are too far into the Forest. It's dangerous to let yer any further than where we were yesterday," Hagrid replied. "Open yer books to page 35," he said. With a small groan everyone did as he said. "Read the information... Later I will be testing yer all to make sure yer know it," he said smiling briefly.

Ginny opened her book and looked at the page for about 5 minutes, all of the information going into her memory.

"Once yer have finished, you can rest for a while," Hagrid announced. Ginny smiled at him then rested her head on her desk.


"Run! Gods damn you, Draco! For once in your life do as I say! Run!" Ginny yelled. Draco looked from her to the manticore nearby then ran reluctantly. With a relieved sigh, Ginny turned to the manticore glaring.

"You wish to fight me, small one?" The manticore said and laughed evilly. "Once you are dead, then your love will be next," he crooned. His scorpion tail whipped around to the front and Ginny barely dodged it.

Ginny put her wand away knowing that it would be useless and pulled out her dagger instead.

"You mean to kill me with that puny thing?" The manticore said laughing at Ginny.

With a snarl, Ginny leapt forward and made a deep cut in the manticore's lion body. The manticore scratched her face as he leapt backwards in pain, its scorpion tail slashing at Ginny. She moved out of its way quickly and made her way behind the manticore. She moved forward quietly as the manticore tried to turn to look for her. Dodging his tail, Ginny jumped forward and slashed at the joint between the lion's back and the beginning of the tail. The manticore screamed in pain as its tail fell off. Ginny watched as green blood poured out from the wound. The manticore stared at Ginny as its human head went pale.

"I apologise to you, my Queen. I did not know it was you who I fought! Please, forgive me and let me become your faithful servant!" The manticore said and dropped to the ground in a bow. Ginny stood up properly and looked at the dying manticore before her.

"I accept your apology... You are forgiven, Leo-Bestia-Famulus. Once you are healed, you will be sworn to protect me and my loved ones, even if this action causes your death, is that understood?" Ginny asked. The manticore nodded its head. (Lion-beast-servant

"That is understood, my Queen..." He said still bowing.

Ginny carefully picked up the tail of the manticore and rejoined it to the back of him. She held her hand over the split and closed her eyes. Blood began moving back into the manticore and the split flesh started to repair itself. The scorpion tail joined on with the lion body and when Ginny opened her eyes, all that was left was a red scar showing that he had been healed, and was now her servant. The wound on Leo's shoulder had healed itself too.

"You are sworn to protect myself, and those I love, Leo-Bestia-Famulus. Now, follow me. I need to find my fiancee," Ginny said and turned around to go find Draco. She saw him standing there staring at her in shock. He bowed deeply and dropped to his knees. With a smile, Ginny shook her head. "Draconius, stand..." She instructed. Draco stood up staring at her still in shock. "You never have to bow to me, love," she whispered and kissed him softly.

"My Queen... I apologise for interrupting, but it is vital that we leave. A herd of centaurs will be coming by soon," Leo-Bestia-Famulus said. Ginny nodded her head and got on the back of the beast. Draco got up behind her and Leo leapt away quickly arrows following them.


"Ginny, are you all right?" Neville asked her urgently, shaking her awake. Ginny sat up her face pale and her eyes wide. "Ginny! You're bleeding everywhere!" Neville said and touched her face briefly, pulling away with blood covered fingers. "It looks like you've been mauled by an animal! Are you all right?" He asked again.

"I'm fine, Neville. Calm yourself," Ginny said. Everyone was staring at her. Blood kept pouring from her face. Soon enough the wound had healed itself and she cleaned the dry blood with a spell.

"Per'aps yer should go ter the hospital wing, Gin," Hagrid said coming over to her. Ginny shook her head.

"I'm fine, Hagrid. Just a... dream, that's all," she said with a small smile. The students continued to stare at her as Hagrid turned away, satisfied that she was all right. "Is there something on my face?" She asked when they didn't stop staring.

"No... It's just that... That was a lot of blood, Ginny... It just appeared. What the hell did you dream about?" Neville asked in shock. Ginny shrugged slightly.

"Nothing much. It's over, I'm fine, so can we get on with the lesson, please?" Ginny asked looking at Hagrid. He nodded his head and cleared his throat noisily.

"Now, which of yer has finished reading yer book?" Hagrid asked them. Most of the students stopped staring at Ginny and turned to face their teacher. "Well? Who's finished?" He asked. Ginny raised her hand slightly. "Very good, Ginny. Anyone else?" No one said or did anything. "Good... Then continue reading, the lot of yer!" He said gruffly and everyone did as he said reluctantly.

"Teacher's pet," Draco's voice hissed in Ginny's ear. She rolled her eyes slightly.

Maybe I shouldn't save his life... She thought to herself with a grin then continued to read the rest of the book, not daring to fall asleep in class again.


Ginny went to the Great Hall alone after class, not wanting to be continuously questioned by the other students. She sat quietly avoiding other people's glances and questioning looks as best as possible. She could hear questions burning in their minds but didn't want to deal with them today. Noticing this, Hermione, Ron and Harry left her alone too.

"Miss Weasley. Come with me, if you please... I need to talk to you in private," Albus said. Ginny sighed and grabbed her bag then followed him outside.

"I am fine, Albus. You know that, right?" Ginny asked once they had left the Great Hall.

"Yes, I know that, Miss Weasley... This is about the... trip you took last night," Albus said. "Now, please... Go to my office. I will be there momentarily," he said and Ginny went to the gargoyle statue alone.

Saying the password, she stood on the top stair and waited patiently as it lifted her to Albus' office. She went inside and sat down on a chair. The Hat was sitting on a nearby bookcase looking as old and ragged as it had when she had first put it on. Deciding to say hello to the Hat, she took it from the shelf and put it on.

Hello, my dear, The Hat whispered in her ear. I see that you have discovered your true self... Are you enjoying yourself? He asked softly.

As much as I can... Ginny replied. The Hat laughed softly.

What would you like to See? The Hat asked quietly.

What do you mean? Ginny asked.

I can help you See as well as water or reflections can, if that is what you wish to be done... The Hat replied. I will show you... The Hat said and an image appeared in Ginny's mind.


Draco and Ron glared at each other, wands drawn. Ginny stood on the sidelines looking worried.

"Please, don't do this! Ron, Draco, see reason, will you?" She yelled to them. Ron glared at her.

"He deserves it! Haven't you heard what he was saying about you? Do you know what the entire school is saying?" Ron hissed.

"So what? That's their problem and mine. It is not your situation to deal with!" Ginny yelled angrily.

"That's not the point!" Ron yelled back and glared at Malfoy again.

"Draco! Please! You don't have to do this!" Ginny yelled.

"He has no right to hit you..." Draco growled and glared at Ron again.

"Blaise, can't you do anything?" Ginny asked Blaise. He shook his head.

"As much as I don't want this fight to happen, I'm not that stupid to try and get between your brother and Draco. They'll tear me to pieces," Blaise said apologetically. Ginny nodded and removed her robes to reveal her white fighting outfit.

"Hold these. I'll be right back... I just need to knock some sense into these two boys," she growled and looked at Draco and Ron. They were duelling, both looking as angry as the other.

Ginny stepped in closer careful to avoid the spells they were throwing.

"Ginny! Get out of the way!" Ron yelled.

"Move out of the way, Ginevra!" Draco yelled.

Ginny stepped in between them and looked at both of them.

"I will not move. I will not allow you to fight the fights that I should be fighting... If you wish to fight me, then I am ready... Bring it on," Ginny said and looked at them.

"I'm not going to fight you! That's not fair!" Ron said. Ginny raised an eyebrow at him.

"I will not use any of the extra powers I have been given... I think that is a fair fight, Ronald. Now make up your minds. Either stop this nonsense and fight me on your own, or I will kick you both so hard that you'll be put into last week," Ginny snarled at them.

"I refuse to fight you," Draco said and put his wand away. Ginny looked at Ron expectantly. He glared at Draco over Ginny's shoulder.

"This isn't over, Malfoy," he snarled.

"Oh, yes it is!" Ginny said getting angry at her brother's stupidity. "Listen to me, Ronald!" She all but yelled. "I will fight my own fights! I don't need you to do that for me! I am not eleven any more!" She yelled and her entire body glowed red as her hair began to crackle with anger. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?" She yelled.

"Yes," Ron muttered. Ginny calmed down in half a second and looked at her brother sadly.

"No, you don't, Ronald... Let me fight my own fights. I can handle it. If I get myself into trouble, at least allow me the chance to get myself out of trouble," she said softly then, grabbing her robes from Blaise, she left.


Albus pulled the Hat off of Ginny's head and looked down at her.

"I apologise for interrupting, but we need to discuss this as soon as possible before your next lesson resumes," Albus said. Ginny nodded and grinned apologetically.

"Sorry... That Hat was Showing me something," she said. The Headmaster nodded.

"That is all right... Now, would you like to tell me of the vision you had last night that caused you to fly half-way across Europe?" Dumbledore asked.

"I didn't know it was half-way across Europe! How come I keep on getting into trouble for that?" Ginny muttered shaking her head.

"All right, then, Miss Weasley... Please, calm yourself down and just tell me your vision," Albus said.

"It was nothing, Albus. I just freaked out a bit, that's all... I flew aimlessly and then I recognised where I was going, so I just continued to go there," Ginny said with a shrug. Albus looked at her over his half-moon spectacles briefly.

"You still haven't answered my question, Miss Weasley," he said. Ginny glared at him.

"And you have not answered my question from yesterday! Do not throw stones in a glass house Albus, for you run the risk of getting cut," she hissed and left his office abruptly.

Albus sighed and shook his head before replacing the Hat on the bookcase.

Ginny walked to her room, bristling with anger. She paced for about five minutes flat, muttering to herself. Hearing the bell ring loudly, she grabbed her things and headed to the Runes classroom.

Drinking one of the anti headache potions, Ginny rested her head on her desk after getting her things out. Ignoring the warning bells from what had happened in the last lesson, she closed her eyes and was soon Seeing.


Draco ran past Ginny, his wand drawn.

"Run, Ginny!" He yelled over his shoulder.

People in masks threw curses at him and Ginny recognised them as Death Eaters. Glaring, she turned into a large wolf and growled at the Death Eaters. A few tried to run from her, but they soon stopped dead in their tracks, literally... She snarled at the others threateningly and they blanched in fear.

"Use your wands, you idiots!" She heard a voice yell. Turning on the man as she gracefully dodged spells, she growled at him. The man smirked at her, holding Draco in front of him. "Do you want to risk hurting your love?" The man sneered. Ginny howled loudly and the man faltered for a moment as he raised his hands to cover his ears. Draco kicked backwards and the man fell over. Jumping in front of Draco, Ginny glared down at the man beneath her, putting one large paw on his neck.

"Ginny!" A voice called to her. "Calm down, Ginny!"


"Ginny! Calm down, Ginny!" A voice called. Ginny opened her eyes and found that she could only see in black and white. She tried to speak but her voice came out in short howls and yaps. Thinking that she was still in her vision, she snarled in warning to everyone.

Unbeknownst to her, Ginny had changed into a wolf during her sleep.

Ginny looked for the person who was calling to her and still half in her vision, instead of seeing students huddled in a corner, she saw the Death Eaters...

"Ginny... Calm down," Hermione said softly. Ginny snarled at her. Still not properly awake, Ginny moved over to Draco, her large body protecting his. She would kill every and each person in this room if they even moved near Draco...

"What are you doing, Weasley? Get away from me!" He hissed at her.

"She thinks she's dreaming, Malfoy! Help her see that she's awake, for the Gods sakes!" Hermione said to him softly. Ginny growled at Hermione, ready to kill her if she hurt Draco.

"Weasley," Draco said quietly. "Weasley," he repeated when she didn't do anything. Ginny still didn't move. "Ginevra..." He said. She looked at him. "You're awake," he said. Ginny stared at him and growled questioningly. "You're already awake. I'm fine... You're scaring the shit out of everyone, so that's an added bonus," he said smirking over her at everyone in the corner.

Ginny looked at everyone and saw the students, white in fear. With a small whimper she leapt out of the room and ran down the corridor, changing as she ran. As her four feet were replaced with two again, she stumbled, rolled on the ground then stood and kept running.


"This is going to be an interesting year," Yepir muttered to herself then went to the front of the class. "Someone go get Miss Weasley and bring her back," she said. Surprisingly, Malfoy volunteered to do so. He left the classroom in the direction Ginny had gone, running faster than any mortal should have been able to run. Eventually finding Ginny at the end of a corridor he slowed down and went over to her.

"What do you want, Malfoy? Here to mock me, yet again?" She asked so quietly that he had to strain to hear her.

"No... Yepir wants you back in class," he said not even puffing from the long run.

"What if I don't want to go back? I can't handle everyone staring..." She confessed. "Oh, this has been a really crap day..." Ginny muttered and shook her head. "Tell Yepir that I'm going to Dumbledore. I'll be back before the end of lesson," she said.

Malfoy glared at her for making him feel like a mere... messenger. Draco stood in the corridor, glaring at Ginny, who just smirked at him and walked away. He glared for a moment longer, then smirked and closed his eyes. When nothing happened and Ginny continued to walk away, Draco opened his eyes and glared at her retreating back. He concentrated again, but Ginny still continued to walk away. From nearby classrooms, people began to walk out and over to Draco. He took no notice of them, still glaring at Ginny.

"Move!" He hissed at a nearby girl, who simply ignored him and tried to grab his robes. He pushed her away, then, before anyone else could touch him, closed his eyes. Everyone stopped looking at Draco, then looked to each other in confusion. Not knowing why they were out there, they simply walked back to their classrooms again. Draco glared after them, then looked around for Ginny. He shook his head with a scowl, then left to the Runes classroom.

Around the corner, Ginny shook her head. She'd Seen that happen... Slightly shaken at the preciseness of her vision, she shook her head and continued to walk to Dumbledore's office.

"Albus, are you in?" Ginny asked as she knocked on his door. Not hearing an answer, she opened the door slightly and looked inside. No one was there, but a nearby cupboard was glowing brightly. Curiosity overtaking her, she walked in and looked in the cupboard.

A bowl was sitting there, wispy water filling it. Ginny looked down at the water and saw an image of herself in her first year show up. Visibly shaking she willed the image to change and watched as it moved to her as she had been a few days ago.

"Miss Weasley," Albus said from behind her. She jumped and turned around. "Are you all right?" He asked smiling kindly. Ginny began to nod then shook her head and burst into tears.

"I would have killed them all... What's wrong with me, Albus? Why do I keep Seeing things when I'm awake?" She asked sobbing. Albus looked at her.

"Sit down, Miss Weasley. Maybe you should explain this to me," he said. Sniffing, Ginny sat on a chair and rubbed the tears from her eyes.

"I got to Runes early, so I put my head on the desk to rest until everyone arrived... I was tired from last night, as you probably know," she said with a small grin. "I had a vision... I had changed into a wolf and was protecting Draco from a group of Death Eaters. I woke up when Hermione called my name and I thought I was still in the vision," Ginny said.

"Why did you think that?" Albus asked her.

"I had changed into a wolf while I was sleeping... It was kind of the same thing in Care of Magical Creatures... I was fighting a manticore and it scratched me. I woke up when Neville shook me. I was bleeding from my face where Leo scratched me," Ginny said. Albus looked at her sternly.

"Why did you not tell me of this before?" He asked. Ginny shrugged.

"I did say I was fine... The scar healed and everyone stopped staring after a few minutes," she replied nonchalantly. "That's not the problem anyway. The problem is that I am going through my visions in this world as if they are real! What can be done for this?" Ginny asked. "I can't go around changing in the middle of class and try to attack students just because of Malfoy!" She said angrily.

"Indeed," Dumbledore said calmly. Without any explanation, he closed the drapes causing the room to be darkened. The candles lit themselves emitting a soft glow. A noise came from the fireplace and someone stepped out.

"My Lord," Ginny said bowing, recognising Xavier as he brushed off his dark cloak.

"Ginevra. A pleasure to see you again," he said smiling at her.

"The pleasure is all mine, my Lord," Ginny replied and looked at him. Xavier smiled then looked to Albus a frown on his face.

"Your letter sounded urgent. What would you like to talk with me about?" He asked. Albus looked at Ginevra for a moment.

"I would like to talk to you about Ginevra, actually... I will discuss my news after she has told you hers. You can determine the seriousness of the situation once she has finished. Do not be long, Miss Weasley, you still have to attend your class," Albus reminded her gently. Ginny nodded.

"In my Care of Magical Creatures class today I had a vision that I was fighting a manticore. He scratched my face and when I woke up my face was scratched... I had another vision in Runes. I was protecting Draco in my wolf form from a group of Death Eaters and when I woke up I was still a wolf... Thinking I was still in my vision, I would have killed the other students if they went anywhere near Draco," Ginny said quietly. Xavier nodded briefly.

"Perhaps you should show me... I think I would understand all of this better if I were part of it," he said.

Ginny took Xavier's hand in her own, briefly wondering how she knew what to do. She closed her eyes and Xavier did so too. Muttering a spell beneath her breath, Ginny and Xavier began spinning. Remembering the feeling from using a Portkey, Ginny felt slightly sick. When she opened her eyes, they were in her vision from Care of Magical Creatures...


"Run! Gods damn you, Draco! For once in your life do as I say! Run!" Ginny yelled. Draco looked from her to the manticore nearby then ran reluctantly. With a relieved sigh, Ginny turned to the manticore glaring.

Ginny saw that Draco was hiding in nearby bushes, watching them intently. He looked like he was regretting his decision to leave...

"You wish to fight me, small one?" The manticore said and laughed evilly. "Once you are dead, then your love will be next," he crooned. His scorpion tail whipped around to the front and Ginny barely dodged it.

Ginny put her wand away knowing that it would be useless and pulled out her dagger instead.

Draco moved out of the bushes slightly when she put her wand away, but didn't move forward.

"You mean to kill me with that puny thing?" The manticore said laughing at Ginny.

With a snarl, Ginny leapt forward and made a deep cut in the manticore's lion body. The manticore scratched her face as he leapt backwards in pain, its scorpion tail slashing at Ginny. She moved out of its way quickly and made her way behind the manticore. She moved forward quietly as the manticore tried to turn to look for her. Dodging his tail, Ginny jumped forward and slashed at the joint between the lion's back and the beginning of the tail. The manticore screamed in pain as its tail fell off. Ginny watched as green blood poured out from the wound. The manticore stared at Ginny as its human head went pale.

Shock freezing him to the spot, Draco stared at Ginny and the manticore.

"Your dagger should not have done that much damage," Xavier said. "Did you use a spell?" He asked. Ginny shook her head.

"Not that I know of..." She replied.

"I apologise to you, my Queen. I did not know it was you who I fought! Please, forgive me and let me become your faithful servant!" The manticore said and dropped to the ground in a bow. Ginny stood up properly and looked at the dying manticore before her.

"Why is he calling me 'Queen'?" Ginny asked looking from Xavier's pale face back to the manticore.

"By then, you may be an Elder Highness... Or it could be something else," Xavier said more to himself than in reply to Ginny's question.

"I accept your apology... You are forgiven, Leo-Bestia-Famulus. Once you are healed, you will be sworn to protect me and my loved ones, even if this action causes your death, is that understood?" Ginny asked. The manticore nodded its head. (Lion-beast-servant

"That is understood, my Queen..." He said still bowing.

Ginny carefully picked up the tail of the manticore and rejoined it to the back of him. She held her hand over the split and closed her eyes. Blood began moving back into the manticore and the split flesh started to repair itself. The scorpion tail joined on with the lion body and when Ginny opened her eyes, all that was left was a red scar showing that he had been healed, and was now her servant. The wound on Leo's shoulder had healed itself too.

By now, Xavier was staring at both Ginny's in shock.

"Do you have any idea how you did that?" He asked her sounding urgent.

"No... I'm sorry," Ginny said feeling scared suddenly.

"You are sworn to protect myself, and those I love, Leo-Bestia-Famulus. Now, follow me. I need to find my fiancee," Ginny said and turned around to go find Draco. She saw him standing there staring at her in shock. He bowed deeply and dropped to his knees. With a smile, Ginny shook her head. "Draconius, stand..." She instructed. Draco stood up staring at her still. "You never have to bow to me, love," she whispered and kissed him softly.

"We need to leave as soon it is done, or else you may See more than is necessary," Xavier said.

"It should be done in about ten seconds..." Ginny said and indicated to the manticore who was clearing his throat to capture Ginny and Draco's attention.

"My Queen... I apologise for interrupting, but it is vital that we leave. A herd of centaurs will be coming by soon," Leo-Bestia-Famulus said. Ginny nodded her head and got on the back of the beast. Draco got up behind her and Leo leapt away quickly arrows following them.

Xavier grabbed Ginny's hand and they closed their eyes, the world spinning as Ginny said the spell.


"Did that help?" Ginny asked Xavier once they were back in Albus' office.

"Not really... I believe it created more questions than answers. Perhaps the next one will be better at explaining what is causing this to happen," Xavier said.

"I have told Professor Yepir that you won't be returning to her lesson for today... You will see her at 5 o'clock to catch up with work that you missed out on," Dumbledore said before they could leave again.

"Thank you, Albus..." Ginny said and taking Xavier's hand again she said the spell and they started spinning again.


"This one doesn't go for as long as the other one..." Ginny said.

Draco ran past Ginny, his wand drawn.

"Run, Ginny!" He yelled over his shoulder.

People in masks threw curses at him and Ginny recognised them as Death Eaters. Glaring, she turned into a large wolf and growled at the Death Eaters. A few tried to run from her, but they soon stopped dead in their tracks, literally... She snarled at the others threateningly and they blanched in fear.

Ginny looked at Xavier, but he didn't say anything. He was watching the events intently, almost waiting for something...

"Use your wands, you idiots!" She heard a voice yell. Turning on the man as she gracefully dodged spells, she growled at him. The man smirked at her, holding Draco in front of him. "Do you want to risk hurting your love?" The man sneered. Ginny howled loudly and the man faltered for a moment as he raised his hands to cover his ears. Draco kicked backwards and the man fell over. Jumping in front of Draco, Ginny glared down at the man beneath her, putting one large paw on his neck.

The vision ended and they spun away again.


They landed in Albus' office once more and Xavier looked at Ginny with interest.

"I will need to test you again when we next meet," Xavier said. Ginny nodded.

"Yes, my Lord..."

"You should go to your next lesson now," Dumbledore said and handed Ginny her bag.

"How did you get my bag?" She asked. He smiled at her.

"Why, when I went to see Professor Yepir, of course," he said. Ginny raised an eyebrow slightly, then turned to Xavier and bowed.

"I must take my leave of you now, my Lord," she said.

"That is fine, my daughter," he said smiling and Ginny turned to Albus.

"Thank you, Headmaster. I bid you farewell," she said with a mocking bow. He chuckled.

"Yes, yes... You may leave now, Ginevra," he said and Ginny left quickly.


Ginny walked to the dungeons quietly. Not sure if there was already a class inside, she knocked briefly. Not hearing an answer, she entered the room and sat down at the back of the classroom. Getting her things out, Ginny opted to read her book rather than risk sleeping yet again.

Vampires are easily insulted. When insulted, a Vampire will most likely lose control over their emotions and opt to use the most dangerous weapon in their power to hurt the person who insulted them. This is the main reason as to why no one ever challenges a Vampire to a duel when they know who or what they are...

The Thirst among Vampires is quite uncommon, contrary to popular Muggle and wizard belief. Although some Vampires and Vampiress' may drink the blood of their spouse, it is uncommon that they would do so to another person. By drinking the blood of a spouse, a Vampire or Vampiress may feel rejuvenated and refreshed. They may also get extra energy. In rarer cases, the Vampire or Vampiress may also feel sexually aroused. Actually, it may not be rare, as most Vampires don't share that kind of information with a historian...

Ginny shook her head at the book then closed it, hearing footsteps coming. Snape walked into the room and looked at her.

"Miss Weasley... Shouldn't you still be in your other class?" He asked looking at a clock on the wall.

"I almost attacked the students so I decided to leave... I had a meeting with Lord Torleni and it took up what was left of the rest of the lesson," Ginny said vaguely.

"And how, may I ask, did you 'almost attack the students'?" Snape drawled.

"I turned into a wolf," Ginny replied tersely. Snape looked at her an eyebrow raised, until he saw that she was serious. He nodded curtly then turned to the blackboard. Ginny put her book away, hearing more footsteps.

A few minutes later, the students started to file in. Most of the students from the Runes class avoided Ginny. Even Hermione didn't try to talk to her. She just stared for a brief moment then got her things out before she could get into trouble by Snape. Draco barely looked at Ginny as he passed her to get to his seat.

"Hey, Ginny," Neville said brightly. "What's with all of the tension in this room? Did someone get into a fight and I missed it?" He asked quietly with a grin.

"No... I almost hurt the other students in my Runes class, so everyone's kind of avoiding me," Ginny said with a sigh and put her head on her hands. "Stupid bloody dream..." She muttered quietly.

"How did you almost hurt everyone?" Neville asked in shock.

"Mr Longbottom! I would stop talking to Miss Weasley and turn my attention to the front, if I were you," Snape drawled.

Neville trembled slightly and nodded before looking to the front of the dungeon. Ginny gave Snape a grateful smile. He barely nodded in response, then started to teach.

"Once you have your results from yesterday's potion, you will make the Sopor potion. Can anyone tell me the purpose of this potion?" He asked softly looking around the class. Hermione and Ginny raised their hands. "Miss Weasley," Snape said. Hermione put her hand down looking disappointed.

"Sopor means 'deep sleep', so it would mean that the potion is for either insomniacs or Madam Pomfrey who constantly insists that her patients get rest," Ginny replied. Most of the class hid their smiles and laughs behind hands so they wouldn't get into trouble.

"Three points to Gryffindor," Snape said reluctantly. "Now, may someone else besides Miss Weasley or Miss Granger give me the main ingredient for this potion?" All of the Slytherins raised their hands. Hermione was restraining herself visibly, not wanting to raise her hand and lose House points. Snape smirked at everyone. "Just as I thought... There are only two people with brains in Gryffindor... Miss Weasley and Miss Granger are the only two in Gryffindor who can answer my question?" Snape sneered looking at them. Neville raised his hand bravely. "What is it, Longbottom?" Snape drawled. Neville took a deep breath and tried to stay calm.

"The main ingredient is a Fritillary bulb. It needs to be made into a powder before it can be used however, as the bulb is poisonous," Neville said. Snape stared at him in shock. Then he glared at Ginny.

"You told him, Miss Weasley?" He asked and walked over to them. Ginny moved backwards out of her seat to show that she wasn't hiding any bits of parchment.

"I said nothing! I haven't said anything since I answered your question!" Ginny said getting angry. Snape glared at her outburst, but Ginny refused to relent. "I will not back down, Professor... I have done nothing wrong. Neville knew that information by himself! His mother's favourite plant is the Fritillary, so it is almost a given that he would know everything about it possible!" Ginny said. "Jeez, this has been a fucking crap day! I refuse to take this shit. I'm leaving," Ginny said and grabbed her things then left the room. Everyone stared after her in shock, Snape included.

"How did she know that it was my Mum's favourite flower?" Neville asked quietly. Snape looked at Neville and saw the shock and tears in the boy's eyes.

"Ten points to Gryffindor," he said so quietly that Neville barely heard him. "All of you get your results from yesterday's potion while I attempt to find Miss Weasley," Snape instructed. He left the room, smirking broadly when he heard Hermione's shout of disbelief at Neville's score. It was higher than her own...


Ginny ran, using her vampire speed to get out of the Hogwarts castle as soon as possible. Once outside she kept running into the Forbidden Forest, almost certain that no student would follow her there. She walked into a clearing and sat down, leaning against a tree to try and calm herself down.

Snape moved along the corridors looking for Ginny, even though he was certain that she would have left the castle as soon as she could. Considering her abilities, this meant that she could be anywhere by now... With a sigh he closed his eyes and searched. Feeling a powerful mind block in the Forbidden Forest, he followed the pull and went outside. He continued to follow the powerful pull of the mind block and eventually ended up in the clearing in the Forbidden Forest that Ginny was sitting in, bristling with anger.

Snape stared at her in shock. Ginny's entire body was glowing red and she was crackling with anger, literally. Small bits of lightning crackled around her, getting larger as her anger increased. Wondering whether to interrupt her during such an angry phase, Snape looked around in a gesture of helplessness.

"I would not disrupt her while she was like this, Severus," a voice said nearby. Firenze came out of the clearing's shadows and looked at the Potions Master.

Snape looked at Firenze. He hadn't really liked the centaur and didn't know whether to trust him or not.

"If you try to touch her now, you will be wounded terribly. Not even one of the Forest would touch her while she was in this state, would you?" Firenze called and indicated to the herd of centaurs who were now standing around the clearing.

"No, we would dare not. That power is too dangerous for us to handle... Now come out and fight, Firenze!" Snape heard Bane call to him.

"You would touch me while she is in my care?" Firenze called back.

"Come into the Forest again and you will be killed on the spot!" Bane called and the herd left quickly.

"What do you mean, while she is in your care?" Snape asked.

"I am her teacher, therefore she is under my care... Though you may not see it, Ginevra and I are talking at this very moment. She hears your thoughts as well, though you do not allow her to talk thus. You see it as a sign of weakness, so she does not let herself to so in your presence. She values your opinion strongly, as I am sure you have heard before," Firenze said.

Snape just looked at him then to Ginny. The glow around her body was dimming and the lightning had become much smaller.

"She will wake in a few seconds. Do not punish her too strongly, for I may not be able to help her next time... The emotion she has will be catastrophic once unleashed, be wary Severus," Firenze said then left the clearing quickly so old his herd would not see.

Ginny opened her eyes and saw Snape standing there looking shocked.

"Hello, Professor. Sorry for leaving your lesson..." She said quietly.

That is all right, Miss Weasley. We should return to see if the dungeon is still there... Snape replied and he helped Ginny up from the floor.

"Are you all right, Professor?" Ginny asked shocked that he was using the mind link. Snape nodded.

"I am fine, Miss Weasley. Five points from Gryffindor for leaving my class without permission," he said. Ginny nodded.

"Understood... Why would the dungeon be destroyed? They wouldn't start the potion without you there, would they?" She asked. Snape gave a brief harsh laugh.

"The potion you and Longbottom made yesterday rivalled even Miss Granger's. It was correct, right down to the colour it was supposed to be. You both scored higher than her... I would not like to be Mr Longbottom at this moment, not anyone else in the dungeon. Miss Granger was letting out some steam as I was leaving," Snape said grinning. He looked immensely happy to have caused Hermione such... devastation at not being the top of the class.

They arrived in the dungeons in silence. Ginny had winced further up the corridor, but didn't show the pain that the noise caused her. Snape could barely hear shouts, but in Ginny's ears it was ringing loudly and she could hear every word that was coming out of the student's mouths.

"SILENCE!" Snape yelled. Everyone shut up immediately and put their wands away quickly. "Who started this?" He asked quietly and looked around the room. A few people looked guilty but most of the just stared straight ahead, determined not to answer. "Well? Who started this?" He asked.

You could use a spell to find out... Ginny suggested silently.

And what spell may that be, Miss Weasley? Snape asked.

Expiscor. Ginny replied. He nodded impressed. (Find out or discover.)

"All of you stand up," Snape instructed and the students did so warily. "Expiscor!" He said and a wave washed over the students. "Who started this?" He asked.

"Hermione Granger and Pansy Parkinson, sir," the students replied in unison.

"Twenty points from Gryffindor and Slytherin for not only withholding information, but also for starting this commotion!" Snape said angrily. Ginny sat down.

"What about Weasley, sir?" Draco asked.

"Unless Mr Weasley did something wrong, I do not see it fit for you to judge my actions, Mr Malfoy," Snape replied coldly.

"I meant Miss Weasley, Professor," Draco replied sounding just as cold.

"She has already had House points deducted, Mr Malfoy. Now stop trying to undermine my authority and sit down in your seat!" Snape said his voice continuing to raise. Draco sat down and everyone looked from Snape to Ginny then back again in shock.

Ever since Ginny Weasley had Advanced into their year, the teachers had been acting strangely. Even going against their favourite students!

"Now, has everyone received their result?" Snape asked. Looking around the room, he saw that Neville had a black eye. "Mr Longbottom. Who hit you?" Snape asked him. Neville fidgeted in his seat nervously, his eyes shooting to Hermione then to Pansy. "Come to the front, Mr Longbottom," Snape instructed and the trembling boy did so. "Was it Miss Granger or Miss Parkinson who hit you?" He asked quietly.

"It was Hermione... Pansy stood up for me. That's how everything started," Neville said softly.

"Very well... Get Miss Weasley to heal your eye," Snape said. Neville nodded and went to his seat before he could deduct House points.

"Let me see it," Ginny said and turned Neville's face to her own. "I can not believe she hit you over something as petty as a potions result," Ginny muttered shaking her head. "Sano," she said and the bruise faded from Neville's eye, the pain subsiding too. (Heal.)

"Thanks, Ginny," Neville said in relief and they turned back to the front.

"Everyone get your ingredients," Snape instructed and every second person in the room went to the ingredient table.

"Ginny, do you want to work together?" Hermione asked her brightly. Ginny stared at her in anger. The entire room went quiet, watching them.

"After what you did to Neville? You're lucky I'm even talking to you, Granger," Ginny spat at her. She gathered her ingredients and left, Hermione staring after her in shock.

"You didn't have to do that, Ginny," Neville said quietly. Ginny began cutting up some ingredients fiercely.

"I know that, Neville... She shouldn't have done that to you to start with," Ginny said shaking her head. "Oh, shit," Ginny said as she sliced her hand.

"Do you want me to fix it?" Neville asked her getting his wand out.

"No, thanks. I already did it," Ginny said and showed him her healed hand. "Is the cauldron boiling?" She asked. Neville nodded. "Well, you can put the Fritillary powder in," Ginny said. Neville nodded and did as she said.

They continued to work in the same way as they had the day before and had soon finished the potion. Ginny labelled it and went to the front. Giving the potion to Severus he checked it and nodded.

"Very good," he said quietly. Ginny just gave a brief nod and returned to her seat. She and Neville packed up then waited patiently for the few seconds until the bell rang. "Before anyone goes. Miss Granger, you have detention tonight at eight thirty," Snape said and the bell rang loudly. Everyone left quickly, a few people glaring at Hermione.

"I need to see Professor Yepir. Go to the Common Room and I'll be there at six o'clock to get you, ok? We can study in my room before I teach you how to fight, is that ok with you, Nev?" Ginny asked. Neville smiled brightly and nodded.

"That'd be great, Gin. Have fun with Professor Yepir," he said with a small laugh and left with Seamus and Dean to go to the Gryffindor Tower.

Ginny went down to the Runes classroom and waited for Professor Yepir to show. About five minutes after Ginny had arrived, Professor Yepir walked into the room looking flushed, annoyed and quite cranky.

"Miss Weasley... I forgot that you were coming this afternoon..." She said and sighed. "Read from page 35 to page 40 in Runes and Their Meanings. Do the exercise on page 41 and then read the introduction in Runes and rune casting. Once you have finished that attempt to use the Kenaz rune and see if it works. Got that?" Yepir asked. Ginny nodded.

"Yes, I got it... Is that all?" She asked.

"Yes.. If you finish that and still have time left over, then you may read chapter one in Runes and rune casting," Yepir said.

"Thank you, Professor. Sorry to take up your time... And I'm sorry about before, I didn't mean for that to happen," Ginny said. Yepir waved off her apology.

"The amount of times I've nearly done that myself... Don't worry about it. No harm, no foul," she said with a grin. Ginny nodded and left the Runes classroom.


Ginny walked to the Gryffindor Tower and went in through the portrait. Before she walked in the Common Room, certain thoughts and voices drifted into her mind and she stopped in shock.

"Ginny's a Vampire for the Gods sakes!" She heard Hermione say. There were collective gasps all around.

A few thoughts showed Ginny that some people had known something was going on and her being a Vampire explained a lot of things. The other thoughts were shocked and horrified that she was a Vampire.

She walked into the Common Room and most of the students moved back away from her. Unbeknownst to her, Ginny's fangs started to grow, her body began to glow red and lightning began to crackle in her hair.

"Well... Does anyone have anything to say?" She snarled. Hermione tried to sneak up to the girl's dormitories, but Ginny was beside her in half a second and had grabbed her arm fiercely. "Where do you think you're going? How dare you tell everyone?"

"They have a right to know, Ginny," Hermione said sounding a lot braver than she felt.

"Yes, from me! You had no right to tell them something that I could have done on my own! I would have told them this morning if not for the fact that I slept in!"

Hermione didn't say anything, but her thoughts gave her away immediately. "You don't believe me, Granger?" Ginny snarled.

"I would be quite glad to go back in time and show you my thoughts!" She hissed. Hermione blanched in fear as Ginny's nails started to pierce her skin.

"Ginny, you're hurting me," she said in a strangled whisper.

"And what you just did to me meant nothing at all? You have no idea what it's like to feel pain from people that are supposed to be your friends," Ginny hissed and let her go. Hermione sank down the wall and attempted to heal the wounds on her arm.

Ginny looked around the Common Room and glared at the people who were supposed to be her friends. She shook her head as she heard their thoughts.

"I thought we were friends! It looks like I was wrong!" She snarled and pushed past them to leave the Gryffindor Tower.

"Ginny! Wait up!" Colin called behind her. She turned around mainly so he wouldn't increase her headache further by yelling. She saw that Luna and Neville were with him. They caught up after a while, her speed having increased as she was leaving. "Sorry about that... I was just in shock..." Colin said smiling.

Ginny tried not to shake her head when she realised that she'd Seen this the day before...

"So what's it like?" Neville asked.

"Surprisingly lonely..." Ginny replied with a sigh then looked at Luna. "I'm fine, Luna... Just a bit upset, that's all. Don't worry about me! I'm not going to try and off myself... Wouldn't bloody work anyway. Stupid healing power," she muttered grinning at them.

"Is it true about not being able to see your reflection?" Colin whispered. Ginny shrugged.

"I've got no idea. I've been able to see myself, but others might not... Yes, you can try," Ginny said reluctantly and Colin grinned as he made a spare quill into a mirror. Ginny looked into it, ignoring the images that tried to get her attention and just looked at her own reflection. Colin looked into the mirror and frowned slightly. "Don't sound so disappointed that you can see me, Colin..." Ginny said grinning at him.

"How'd you know? Wait, don't worry," Colin said shaking his head. Luna laughed at him smiling. "So, can I take a photograph of you in your Vampiress form?" Colin whispered excitedly.

"What do you mean?"

"You mean you don't know? Oh, it happened before. You started to get lightning in your hair and you glowed red for a bit too. Your front teeth extended a bit and your nails grew longer. It was really cool," Colin said grinning.

"Kind of scary, but it was pretty cool," Neville added smiling.

"So can I take a photo of you then?" Colin asked.

"I guess you can..." Ginny said and shook her head slightly. "I'm going to have to postpone today's training, is that all right, Neville?" Ginny asked him.

"It's fine... I would too," Neville said with a grin.

Ginny smiled slightly as she thought of how she had changed her vision, even if slightly.

"This has been a lousy day," Ginny said and sighed softly. "I'm sorry for yelling at you... I've got to go study before my two detentions, ok?" Ginny said and hugged her friends before going to a nearby tapestry.


She made her way down to her room and started to study. Hearing a noise coming from her cupboard, Ginny was up in half a second, her dagger and wand drawn.

"What are you doing here, Malfoy?" She hissed seeing him. Draco pushed his way into the room smirking.

"I could ask you the same thing, Weasley. You're not supposed to go wandering Hogwarts at night!" He said his Head Boy badge shining in the candlelight. Ginny laughed at him making him falter for a moment. "What is so funny, Weasley?" He hissed at her.

"I'm not wandering anywhere! This is my room! Jeez, Malfoy... I would have thought that you could see that this is not a place to wander into..." Ginny said indicating the bed, fireplace, desk and other student-like furniture. "Now if you wouldn't mind leaving, I have to study," she said.

"Miss Weasley! Are you all right?" Albus' voice came from her door. With a silent thought, Ginny made her wand open the door, not taking her eyes from Draco.

"I'm fine, Professor. Just caught an intruder, that's all," Ginny said smirking at Draco. Albus walked in and regarded the two people in front of him smiling broadly.

"Well, as I can see you have the situation under control... You know how to change the password?" He asked. Ginny nodded. "Very well. I will take care of Mr Malfoy..." Albus said and Draco walked over to him reluctantly. "By the way Ginevra, I apologise again for not telling you about your Advancement," he said. Ginny lowered her wand and dagger and nodded.

"It's fine, Albus... I should have realised when I saw Neville's timetable yesterday. We're doing Care of Magical Creatures together. When will my next meeting be?" She asked allowing her mind to unblock for a moment for Albus to realise that she meant with Xavier Torleni.

"This Friday after dinner," Albus replied then led Draco out.

Ginny went to her corridor and changed the password to the doors to 'Lamia', putting some extra security spells on them. Then she went back to her room to continue studying. She managed to finish her Runes homework when the school bell struck eight o'clock.

Sighing, Ginny reluctantly did her exercises. She was thankful that Neville had agreed to postpone his 'training' until tomorrow. She finished her exercises and made her way down to the dungeons for her first detention.


"Miss Weasley... Mr Malfoy will be here to supervise your detention momentarily," Snape said.

Ginny nodded. It was customary for the Head Boy and Girl to supervise the detention's they gave out.

"You don't look too well. Has something happened?" Snape asked observing her pale and still angry face.

"Oh, Hermione just spilled to the entire Common Room what I am... Without my permission or my knowledge, in fact... She's still pissed about the scores being higher than hers. If she thinks that those nail marks are going to heal with her magic, she's very wrong," Ginny muttered to herself. Snape looked at her and raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"Nail marks?" He asked. Ginny held up a hand and her fingernails extended.

"They accidentally pierced her skin..." She said with an evil smirk. Snape gave an involuntary shiver and the dungeon door opened. Draco strolled in, stopping short when he saw Snape's paler-than-usual face.

"Are you all right, Professor?" He asked frowning. Snape looked at Ginny who was sitting there looking bored.

"Fine..." Snape said and swooped out of the room, taking Draco with him. "Do not make her angry, Draco... Your life will be over as soon as you insult her. Be wary for once in you life," Snape hissed at him. Ginny shook her head.

"You could have just said all of that here, sir. I can hear you either way!" Ginny called to him. Draco watched as Snape paled and practically ran out of the dungeons.

With a frown he walked into the Potions lab and looked at Ginny. She had begun filing her nails. Something that usually looked so innocent or done in vain all of a sudden looked quite dangerous...

"What the hell did you do to Snape?" He asked.

"I did nothing to him... It's Hermione that I did something to. Though she deserved it, jealous cow," Ginny muttered. Draco's jaw dropped.

"Did you just call Granger a 'jealous cow'?" He asked in shock.

"Well, if those words came out of my mouth, it's most likely that I said them," Ginny drawled. She looked at him. "Can we get this detention over and done with? I've got twenty minutes before my next one, and Granger better not see me in the hallway, or else there'll be a very big blood mess," Ginny snarled.

"What the hell did she do?" Draco asked.

"Even though it's none of your business, she told everyone in the Gryffindor Common Room some personal business of mine that I would have done told them myself this morning had I not overslept," Ginny replied.

"Right... Well, you can clean the cauldrons on that table," Draco said. "No magic."

Ginny nodded and took her robe off. Looking at the table, she saw that there were at least ten cauldrons to clean in the eighteen minutes left... She sighed and started cleaning the cauldrons. Halfway through her fifth cauldron she stopped and grinned, hearing Snape talking to the entire Slytherin Common Room. She shook her head at his words then continued to clean.

"Weasley?" Draco said after five minutes. Ginny looked at him briefly, indicating that she was listening, then turned back to the cauldron. "About before in Defence Against the Dark Arts... I apologise for hurting you. I usually don't take to hurting women, no matter what their... station," Draco said, trying not to insult her.

"I wasn't hurt, so you're forgiven," Ginny said. "You ever challenge me during class again then I'll make sure that your wounds won't heal..." Ginny snarled. Draco visibly paled and nodded. "Eighth cauldron done... Three left," she muttered to herself. "Do you want to check them? There's about ten minutes left until my next detention," Ginny said.

Draco nodded and moved towards the cauldrons, avoiding Ginny as much as possible.

"You don't have to take Snape seriously, you know... I wouldn't really kill you. Well, I might if you insulted me really bad, but I'm sure you're too much of a gentleman to do that," she said with a smirk.

"I'm not worried about you killing me," he said frowning at her. Ginny just raised an eyebrow at him.

"Sure you're not..." She could tell by his thoughts that he wasn't, but it was too good an opportunity to miss.

"I'm not," Draco replied.

Ginny laughed and shook her head then turned back to clean the last two cauldrons. With a minute left to spare, Ginny finally finished the last cauldron.

Snape walked in cautiously, looking around to see if Ginny had hurt Draco. Seeing that they were both alive and unhurt, he walked in with more confidence.

"If you've finished, you can go..." Snape said seeing the clean cauldrons. Ginny grabbed her robes and bag then walked over to Snape.

"Thank you for warning the Slytherins... I wouldn't want any of your House to be killed for being careless around me," she said with an evil smirk then left. Draco looked at Snape questioningly as he left the dungeons.

"Weasley!" He called. Ginny stopped to look at him and glanced down at her watch.

"I'm late for my next detention, so could you make this quick?" She asked.

"What are you?" He asked her. "How can you scare Snape of all people with a few words?" Draco asked. Ginny smirked.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" She said teasingly. "I've got to go... By the way, Malfoy... If you ever come into my room again Dumbledore won't be there to save you," she hissed and rushed off to the Transfiguration classroom.


"Sorry for being late, Professor... I got held up in my last detention," Ginny said. McGonagall nodded.

"That's understandable... Thank you for your apology, Miss Weasley. I heard of the events in your Care of Magical Creatures and Runes class. Sit in front of me and I will show you how to control it," Minerva said authoritatively. Ginny sat in front of her and waited.

"Is it the same as me changing my physical appearance?" She asked.

"It's slightly different," Minerva said absent-mindedly. "Look up for a moment," she said and Ginny did so. "Have you changed your eye colour at any time today?"

"No. I went blind yesterday due to an allergic reaction though," Ginny said. Minerva sighed in relief. "Why, what's wrong?" Ginny asked frowning.

"Oh, your eyes are just a different brown than they usually are. They've got a red tinge to them, see?" Minerva asked pulling a mirror seemingly out of thin air. Ginny looked at her face and saw that her eyes were a lighter brown than usual and wisps of red were moving inside the iris. Images on the mirror's reflective surface pulled at Ginny and before she knew it, she was watching another vision.


Ginny looked at Draco smiling. He was lying on the bed beside her. She fingered the small puncture wounds on his neck and shoulder lightly. Draco woke up and looked at her.

"I'm sorry for waking you up... Is your neck all right?" She asked him softly.

"Well, you might have to bite it again to see for yourself," Draco replied smirking. Ginny laughed and kissed him.


Ginny pulled her eyes away from the images quickly. McGonagall frowned at her and looked in the mirror, then to Ginny's pale face.

"Are you all right, Miss Weasley?" She asked sounding worried.

"Fine... So how do I keep from changing?" Ginny asked to change the subject.

"Sit down again and I will show you," Minerva said and Ginny sat down, not even realising that she had stood up. "Close your eyes and I will perform the spell for you," Minerva instructed. Ginny closed her eyes and emptied her mind of all thoughts. She heard McGonagall whisper 'Absconditus' and as with before, Ginny felt something change. (Hidden, concealed.)

"Thank you, Professor. What punishment am I to receive for my detention?" Ginny asked after opening her eyes.

"You're welcome... Your detention is to rest and make sure that you don't change while you are Seeing. I will watch to make sure that nothing happens," McGonagall said. Ginny frowned but didn't object and she rested her head on the table...


Tears streaming down her face, Ginny ran into the Forbidden Forest, changing into a wolf as she did so. She howled in grief and anguish loudly then leapt deeper into the Forest than she'd ever gone before. She heard Grawp and Hagrid somewhere further back in the Forest. She kept running and howled again.

Coming to a clearing she turned back to her normal self and sat in the clearing. Her body glowed red, her emotions causing the glow to become even darker. The glow became a blood-red colour as lightning flowed around her body. Lightning cracked and became larger with each tear that fell from Ginny's eyes.

The glow became so dark that Ginny couldn't be seen and a large wave emitted from her. The red wave flew through the Forbidden Forest, lightning crashing all around.

Everyone in both the Forest and Hogwarts stopped as the wave passed through them. Almost as if pulled by an unseen hand, they all walked to the clearing, human, animal and beast alike.

Ginny cried out her pain and tears as lightning continued to flash around her. Thunder crashed and rolled around. Everyone flinched when they saw that the thunder was coming from Ginny somehow.

"Ginevra!" A voice called out. Ginny looked up through her tears and saw Draco standing in front of her. "Ginevra! Why are you doing this!" He called. Ginny hissed at him and scratched his face with her long nails.

"Ginevra! It was not your love!" Leo-Bestia-Famulus called. "I swear it on the word that binds me to you!" Leo called out. Ginny hissed at him, her fangs extending. She looked at the hundreds of people in front of her and yelled a spell loudly.

"What the fuck is she doing to me!" Lavender screamed, her voice going hysterical. Lightning started to wrap around Lavender's body and she was lifted into the clearing. Ginny yelled another spell and another seventh year was lifted into the clearing by the lightning.

"You wish to break me?" Ginny hissed quietly and even through the lightning and thunder, everyone could hear her clearly. "You wish to break that which is not yours to break!" She yelled at them and the lightning tightened around their bodies. "You think that I would not know? I would not find out who did this? Your knowledge is so limited if you thought I would not see that it was not my own! You will be punished!" Ginny yelled at them and the lightning tightened further. Lavender and the boy started gasping for breath as the lightning continued to get tighter.

"Can't you do something, Albus?" Minerva asked not too keen to see students killed in front of her. Albus shook his head.

"No... She is too powerful. Besides, Vampire magic is far older than anything we know. If I try to stop it then we will all die. Even if I try to intervene then the result will be catastrophic..."

"You chose to insult me and you will now pay!" Ginny yelled at Lavender and the boy. The lightning tightened once more and then they dropped to the ground, shivering and red marks covering their bodies.

The pull on everyone faded immediately and the red wave flowed back from Hogwarts and into Ginny's body with enormous force. Ginny fell to the ground, Draco and Leo beside her in an instant.

"I take back that what I have caused to my own, three-fold," Ginny whispered and touched Draco's face. A red glow surrounded them and the cut on Draco's face disappeared. On Ginny's face, even more cuts appeared, larger and deeper than the ones that had been on Draco. Ginny's eyes closed and her mind went black...


Ginny stopped Looking and rushed outside then threw up violently. She sank to her knees and rocked slightly. She barely noticed as McGonagall cleaned the mess around her. McGonagall levitated her back into the classroom, making sure that the students who were returning from dinner didn't see Ginny.

"Oh, Gods..." Ginny muttered and threw up again. Minerva cleaned up the mess again and looked at Ginny, who was pale and shaking.

"Have you eaten anything besides your lunch today?" McGonagall asked. Ginny shook her head.

"I missed breakfast and I haven't had dinner yet," Ginny replied softly, her body still shaking. McGonagall nodded and some sandwiches appeared on a plate.

"Eat those... I will be back in a few minutes with Albus," she said softly and left quickly in her cat form. Ginny looked at the sandwiches on the plate and took half of one reluctantly, her hands still shaking.

"Professor? I need to talk with you about the homework you set," a voice called out and there was a knock on the door. Draco Malfoy walked in to the room and saw Ginny sitting there shaking. "What's wrong with you, Weasley?" He asked seeing how pale she was.

She was still shaking and her eyes were sunken like she'd seen too much horror. He didn't know how she could look like this when not even an hour ago she'd been fine...

"Weasley?" Draco moved closer slowly, trying not to frighten her further. "Are you ok?" He asked. Ginny didn't reply, she just continued to shake. She bit into the sandwich and chewed slightly. It seemed like she hadn't even heard him... "Weasley? What's wrong?" Draco asked moving closer still. "Ginevra?" He said. She looked at him, her eyes wide and haunted. "Are you all right?" He asked her. Ginny tried to back away from him, looking positively terrified. "Ginevra... What happened? Where's McGonagall?" Draco asked softly.

She looked like a frightened and trapped animal. Beautiful and scared at the same time...

"She left... Get Albus," Ginny replied in a whisper.

"What happened to you?" Draco asked moving closer still. Ginny swallowed and looked away from him. "Ginevra... What happened?" He asked quietly. Ginny shook her head and started shaking again. She grabbed onto his robes and sobbed into them. He could feel her mouth moving, but couldn't hear the muffled words she was saying.

"How could I love you so much to hurt those around me?" Ginny was saying. "How?" She said and cried into his robes.

Shocked, Draco just patted her back, not knowing what the hell to do with the hysterical girl.

Albus and McGonagall walked into the room to see a wide-eyed Draco holding a sobbing Ginny.

"I told you it must have been bad. She threw up twice. Has she eaten anything?" McGonagall asked Draco.

"She had half of one sandwich that I've seen," Draco replied. "What happened to her?" He asked.

"Don't worry yourself over it, Mr Malfoy... She will be fine after some rest. If you will please get Professor Snape, we would appreciate it," Albus said and took Ginny in his arms. "We will be in my office," he said and then left with McGonagall. Draco shook his head, Ginny's haunted look still playing on his mind. He went down to the dungeons and found Snape easily.

"Dumbledore needs to see you in his office," Draco said still shaken at what had happened.

"What's wrong with you?" Snape asked frowning.

"I don't know... I went to see McGonagall and Ginevra Weasley was in there. She was pale and shaking... I didn't know what to do..." Draco said shaking his head.

"All right... Do you know what was wrong with her then?" Snape asked. Draco shook his head. Suddenly, the fireplace beside them flared into life.

"Severus! I need your help here, straight away! Bring the Sopor potion immediately! Mr Malfoy, go back to your dormitory!" Albus said urgently. Snape jumped up and grabbed the potion the Ginny and Neville had made, then turned to Draco.

"What the hell happened that has got Albus this worried?" He asked him. "Oh, don't worry... Get to your dorm," Snape said and ran from the dungeons quickly.


Albus set Ginny on a bed that Minerva conjured and he took Ginny's hand in his own. Muttering a spell, his body began to spin and he landed in Ginny's vision alone.

Although she was surprised to see Albus vanish so suddenly, Minerva didn't do anything and just cleaned Ginny's face and held her hand to try and stop her shaking.

Albus appeared a few minutes later, pale and shaking. He looked down at Ginny with a look of shock and wonder on his face, then he turned to the fireplace and threw some powder in it.

"Severus! I need your help here, straight away! Bring the Sopor potion immediately! Mr Malfoy, go back to your dormitory!" Albus said urgently and then disconnected the fireplace. He looked at Minerva and took her hand from Ginny's. "She will be all right, Minerva... You should go and get some rest now," Albus said. With a sad look at Ginny McGonagall nodded and left the office.

As the stairs came back up, Severus knocked on the door and came in. He saw Ginny on the bed pale and shaking. Albus didn't look his best either...

"What happened?" Snape asked in shock, looking from Albus to Ginny and back again.

"Something beyond any of our comprehension... The potion, please Severus," he said quietly. Severus passed him the potion and Albus read the names on it. "Are you positive it will work?" He asked. Severus nodded.

"Yes... They are working well together and the potions are turning out to be almost as good as they if they were professionally made," Severus replied. Albus looked at the potion and satisfied that it was all right, he opened Ginny's mouth and poured four drops of the potion in.

Ginny opened her eyes for a second and looked around. Her eyes closed again then she fell into a deep sleep.

"Are you sure four drops was necessary, Headmaster?" Severus asked.

"With the amount of power Ginevra has, if I only used the required two drops then it would not work. Her blood would simply change the potion and make it flow into her bloodstream. By using four then I am assured it will work..." Albus said. Snape nodded briefly.

"What do you mean by 'the amount of power she has'?" He asked. Albus smiled.

"We are so limited in our knowledge that we can not understand what she is going through. Not even you, or myself. I doubt if even Voldemort could understand her..." Albus said with a small sigh. He turned to Fawkes and looked at the large bird. "You will look after her, I trust?" He asked. Fawkes let out a song, indicating that he would. "Come, Severus... I think we need to have another teacher meeting about Miss Weasley," Albus said and led him from the office.

Fawkes flew over to Ginny and a single tear dropped onto the shaking girl's forehead. As it melted in, Ginny smiled and stopped shaking. Fawkes nudged her slightly and curled himself beside her to sleep.


(a/n: Another chapter finished! Yay! 21 pages long!
