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The Vampiress and Veelan by Nival Vixen

The Vampiress and Veelan

Nival Vixen

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter!

Chapter Thirty

Friday, 5 July

Lettie woke up slowly, her mind clear and her body surprisingly rested. With a small yawn, she snuggled closer to the cool pillow beside her.

"Good morning," an amused voice said beside her.

She sat up abruptly, her face burning as she realised that the pillow had actually been Miles. "Good morning..."

"I apologise, I did not mean to make you uncomfortable. You fell asleep in the early hours of the morning and I was loathe to wake you by leaving," Miles said, moving away when he saw how embarrassed she was.

"Thank you?" she said hesitantly.

"I'll leave now," he said, heading to the door.

"Miles, wait. Please," Lettie added.

He looked at her, waiting patiently.

"I'm not uncomfortable that you stayed. In fact, I'm surprised more than anything," she added, thinking of all the duties he must have missed by being with her. "It's been a very long time since I've woken up next to anyone... Well, I just wanted to say thank you for keeping me calm and sane over Ginevra's situation."

Miles was in front of her in a heartbeat. His hands rested on her shoulders gently, and he smiled at her. "You're very welcome, Lettie. I am glad I was able to help in some way," he murmured, kissing her forehead gently.

Her face reddened once more, amazed at how gentle and caring this man was with her. And she must look like a mess after sleeping in her clothes. She said something along those lines, and Miles chuckled softly.

"I can assure you that no other woman has looked quite so beautiful this early in the morning... If you would like, I can check to see how Ginevra is faring while you dress?" he offered.

Stunned by the truth she'd heard in his compliment, Lettie was surprised that she managed to nod. Miles brushed a kiss on her knuckles, and was gone a second later.

Hurrying to the bathroom, Lettie didn't even bother looking at her reflection. Miles had said that she looked beautiful, and she couldn't be bothered attempting to find fault with his words. She knew that Lavender would have immediately gone to a mirror to check for the newest line, discolouration, imperfection, any bodily evidence to prove the complimenter wrong. As she showered, Lettie wondered how she'd never seen just how rude and vain she'd been before.

Hearing her bedroom door open, Lettie stopped changing to discern who it was. She recognised the vampire as Miles and hurried to finish changing.

"Sorry I took so long," she said, stepping out of the ensuite and into her room.

"You must stop apologising for everything, Lettie," Miles said, smiling. "Ginevra is doing well. Her scars have already healed, and after a day of rest, she'll be let out of the hospital ward."

Lettie let out the breath she hadn't known she was holding, relieved that her Lady was well. She immediately conveyed the information on to Draco, staggering slightly at the intensity of his relief.

"Are you well?" Miles asked in concern, holding her up quickly.

"Fine, thank you. My Lord was just very relieved to hear that my Lady is recovering so quickly," Lettie said, smiling to ease his worry.

"Perhaps you should sit down, just in case any of your friends also feel with the same intensity," Miles said with a grin.

"Are you trying to get me to kiss you again, sir?" she asked, a sultry tone to her voice.

She'd missed this. Innocent flirting, seeing the reactions, waiting for the response that could make her as weak as he was...

"I most certainly am. Is it working?" Miles asked, kissing her cheek lightly.

"D-definitely," she murmured, clinging to his shirt.

If she just tilted her head slightly that way, her lips would be on his...

Moving slowly, Lettie kissed Miles' lips, a grin forming as he sighed contently against her. A few minutes later, he pulled away reluctantly.

"I apologise for cutting this short, love, but someone needs my help. I'll be as quick as I can," he added, kissing her once more before leaving.

Lettie grinned, positive that she'd heard him mutter 'Someone had better be dying' on the way out. A frown began to form over her face as she realised that Miles had called her "love". She sat on the bed in a slight form of shock. Was this a good or bad thing?

... b ...

Sunday, 7 July

Pansy thrashed against the bed, trying to escape her captive state.

"Please, Pansy. Just stay still for a moment. I promise I won't hurt you."

She snarled in response.

"I might not be able to see you, but I can still See you. I do not appreciate you looking at me like that after I saved you from death!"

Luna knew that her words were harsh, but she pushed away her guilt quickly. If she didn't do this, then Pansy would never recover. She was no Theodore when it came to healing, but Luna knew enough to be adept for most things. However, it seemed that treating a mermaid with hypothermia was not covered in Basic Healing: Maladies and Injuries. If she didn't heal soon, Luna would be forced to take Pansy back to Theodore.

Seeing that Pansy was quiet and no longer thrashing about, Luna handed the bowl to Agnes.

"I am sorry to make you take care of such a difficult patient, Lady Agnes, but it is extremely difficult to do without my sight," she murmured.

Taking a place beside Pansy, Luna started to brush her hair gently, calming the young witch.

"It is quite all right, Luna. My husband can be quite a handful when he's sick as well. Acts like it's the plague all over again," Agnes said, chuckling. "Here you are, dear. Drink slowly, the soup is hot," she murmured gently.

"I hope Pansy will heal soon. I am worried about her," Luna murmured, feeling the hot temperature of her friend's forehead.

"You cannot See her future then?"

"Not at the present moment. It is ... foggy, for lack of a better word. Too much relies on this," Luna said, sighing softly.

On the bed, Pansy drifted in and out of consciousness. She only heard parts of the conversation around her, but each time she awoke, she could smell the ocean. The salt in the breeze, the waves frolicking on the sand, the sound of the life within.

From what she did hear, Pansy knew that she was close to death. She had to stay alive. If only for one more swim in the ocean. Determination set in, and she let Luna and Agnes take care of her as she slept and let her body heal.

... b ...

Tuesday, 9 July

Ginevra muttered to herself. She was perfectly fine, no matter what the healers said! See, she could even move her arm... Okay, maybe she couldn't. But she was still fine and it was ridiculous that she was being kept in this bloody ward for so long!

Ginevra, I love you, but you really need to stop whinging about this... You hurt yourself, and you need to heal. Don't do something rash and put yourself back in the hospital again!

Stop being so damn practical, Draco. You wouldn't like being stuck in here any more than I do right now!

I am aware of that, love, but you still need to heal properly.

Oh, speaking of love, how is Lettie going with gorgeous Mister Miles?

Padma? Shut up.

Even from across the mansion, Ginevra could feel Lettie's tumbling emotions.

What do you mean gorgeous? Aren't I enough for you anymore? Fred asked, a whine to his voice.

Bad mental images! Very bad! Would both of you stop it?!

Ummm... Parv? She's your identical twin, and you're dating Fred's identical twin... Isn't it just like seeing yourself with George?

There was silence as they all tried to process Millicent's comment.

For Merlin's sakes! I try to have a moment's peace, and someone swings a sword at me! Draco muttered, his presence disappearing from their thoughts instantly.

One by one, the others all faded, the distance tiring.

Lettie, can you come here please? Ginevra called.

She wanted to know what was wrong with Lettie. Had Miles hurt her in some way? If he had, she would tear him limb by bloody limb until he was nothing more than a pyre of blood and body parts!

It's nothing like that, My Lady, Lettie hurried to reassure her.

It was both comforting and scary to know how far Ginevra would go to protect her.

Well, then I demand an explanation when you're here.

Sighing heavily, Lettie headed to the hospital ward.

... b ...

"Put your bloody sword down! Right now!" Greg yelled, knocking the troll on the head with the hilt of his own sword.

"It ain't bloody. Not yet." The answer came with a complimentary blood-thirsty grin.

"Put. It. Down," he growled, anger and magic rippling around his body.

The troll paled slightly, the sword dropping to the ground with a heavy thud.

Greg sighed heavily. Maybe he'd started them on sharp weapons too soon? He really thought they would have known that they could actually kill each other with the swords. If there was another near-fatal stabbing, the medicine trolls were going to have his head on a platter. Literally, as he'd discovered when he'd found the stone slab hiding in their quarters...

"Everyone put your swords down!" he called, watching as the gathered trolls dropped their weapons reluctantly.

The magic wore off and the sharp swords turned into clubs once more. There was a loud cheer when the trolls realised they had their familiar weapons back.

Gregory frowned when he heard their cheer. Maybe he was going about this the wrong way? Instead of forcing weapons on them that they didn't like or even want to use, perhaps he could change the way they fought with their clubs. They were all for brutal force without thinking strategically, and in war, that school of thought would get them killed quicker than the King's temper changed...

He paced on the grass, trying to think of something that he could do. They were all exceptionally good at one-on-one combat - it was all they'd ever done, after all - but when working together as a team, they failed miserably each and every time.

It was so different than the way he'd trained though. This was outside, they all knew each other, knew their weaknesses, and had no way of identifying who was friend or foe. At least in the Room of Requirement, he'd been able to understand what could happen, who was bad, and what he could do against them. There was nothing like that here! He couldn't make a Room of Requirement, but Greg figured he could recreate one of the illusions he'd experienced. It was a complex spell, and he'd have to keep away from the fight itself so he couldn't be distracted or disturbed.

Looking at the group of trolls, he moved to one of the smaller trolls. Greg had seen him fight, and while he was good, he was often pushed out of the way so the bigger trolls could fight. Being small himself, Greg was sympathetic to him.

"Your name?"

"Helorr, War General sir."

"Congratulations, Helorr, you've just been promoted."


Greg resisted the temptation to roll his eyes at the shocked look on the other troll's face. "Come with me and I'll explain."

There was a low grumble as they left, the other trolls feeling mutinous at the favouritism. When Greg and Helorr returned, more than one troll looked angry.

Ignoring their poisonous looks, Greg instructed them to split into two groups. "We're going to try something different now."

The trolls closest to Greg could see the look on his face, and shuddered visibly. Not a nice look.

Helorr wasn't as smart as the War General. In fact, he hadn't even won a tournament yet. But he was still smarter than the average troll. As the War General - Gregory, he corrected himself - walked away, Helorr had to wonder if he'd made a smart decision by promoting him in such an obvious way.

The scenery began to change, and Helorr stood his ground to watch as his kin fought each other, Death Eaters and the fields of war before their eyes.

... b ...

"You're upset because he called you by a pet name? Or because he called you 'love' in particular?" Ginevra asked, frowning slightly.

"I don't know, my Lady," Lettie replied miserably.

Ginevra shook her head, patting the bed beside her for Lettie to sit down. When she had done so, Ginevra took her companion's hand, gently squeezing it. "You have to work out your own feelings towards him. And you have to be honest with Miles. He's lived with vampires for so long that he's probably forgotten how to converse with mere mortals," she said, grinning slightly. "There's probably a very good reason he called you 'love' but you'll have to ask him what it is."

Lettie nodded briefly. "Yes, my Lady."

"And don't think I'm forcing you to do it. You ask him when you're good and ready," Ginevra added, worried that Lettie thought she was commanding her to.

Lettie attempted a smile, to reassure her. It didn't quite come out right, and she let the expression fade quickly. "If you are feeling better, I will take my leave until you require my presence again, my Lady," Lettie murmured, standing to leave.

"Very well. Lettie?" Ginevra called. "Do not be afraid to be in love."

Lettie seemed surprised at her choice of words, but nodded once more and left the hospital wing.

... b ...

"Would you tell me what's wrong already, Theo? You haven't stopped pacing since Pansy disappeared," Millicent said, taking his hand to still him.

"That's exactly it! She disappeared, not even two hours after I told Ginevra that I'd look after her," he muttered, slumping onto the lounge next to Millicent.

"You think she's going to punish you for something you couldn't control? Pansy knocked you out and ran away; you couldn't have anticipated that," she replied, wrapping her arm around his shoulders. She stroked his hair gently, trying to ease the stress and tension he was causing himself.

Sighing, Theodore let Millicent soothe him. He soon fell asleep...

... b ...

The Queen sat before him, her red hair flowing around her like silk. He stared at the ground beneath his knees, unable to look at her for long. The disappointment he was sure to see might just kill him, even though he knew it medically impossible to die of such a thing. Her sister had seemingly disappeared off the face of the earth, while under his care, and he was sure he would be killed in retribution. The bump on his head ached with such intensity that he had to fist his hands to refrain from touching it.

"Rise, and come to me, Healer."

Swallowing the lump in his throat, he stood and moved to his Queen, still not looking up. He had a hundred thoughts running through his mind, most of it was worry for his wife and their young child. If they were removed from the healers wing after his death, then they would have nowhere to live. They would not survive the winter, no matter how warm his wife's fur coat could keep them. There was little they could do about starvation.

"Look at me, Nottingham," the Queen said, her voice soft.

He finally did so, his stomach twisting. She seemed worried, but not disappointed. Well, at the very least, she didn't seem like she was going to kill him. His stomach settled and some tension left his shoulders, but he was not naive, and kept an eye on the sword by the Queen's side.

"She will be found. Even with the herbs you have given her, my sister is capable of taking care of herself. She will be found, or she will return on her own. You need not worry yourself any longer," she said, taking his hand.

He felt the last knots of tension work free from his shoulders, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Now, let me see that bump on your head," she murmured, pressing her fingers to the egg-sized bump carefully.

No matter how many times he had witnessed the Queen use her magic, it still amazed him. What he could do with herbs and medicines seemed pitiful, but she had always encouraged him to continue his work in the village, not one to squander a gift from the gods.

The aching lessened quickly and he moved away when her hand dropped, lightly pressing his hand to his skull. The bump was gone, the pain fading to nothing, and he hurried to bow his thanks.

"You are most welcome, Nottingham. If something like this happens again be sure to tell me sooner. I could have found her if I had been notified earlier," the Queen said, her voice drowsy.

"Yes, my Queen. I apologise," he said, bowing once more and leaving as the Queen began to sleep off the use of her magic.

As he left the throne room, he bumped into someone. He hurried to apologise, but his words trailed off as he recognised his wife. It was obvious she had been eaves dropping, but the look on her face was far from apologetic.

"You would have told me anyway, so I don't see the problem... Now it's time to wake up."

... b ...

Theodore blinked as he woke up, realising that he was being shaken slightly. He focused on Millicent's face, still somewhat surprised at how realistic his dream had been.

"Sorry, Theo, but if you keep sleeping now, you won't sleep tonight. You all right?" Millicent asked quietly, still running her hand through his hair gently.

He nodded, blinking the sleep from his eyes. He frowned slightly when he realised that Millicent's action hadn't hurt the lump on his head like it should have. Theodore quickly felt for the lump, paling slightly when he found that it was completely gone.

"I healed your head for you while you were sleeping. I do pick up on some healing things, you know," Millicent said, grinning at his expression.

"Thank you, Mill. I'd better tell Ginevra about Pansy now," he murmured.

"All right. I'll go put the kettle on. Call if you need me," she replied, kissing him briefly before leaving him in the lounge room.

Theodore sighed softly, ran his hand through his hair and sat down to talk to Ginevra.

... b ...

"Come on, kid. You've got all that hybrid power in you, but I'll bet I can still take you down!"

"Who are you calling kid? I'm older than you, Ravi," Draco muttered, rolling his eyes.

Ravi grinned at him. "I can still take you down though!" he said, flying up into the air.

In an instant, Draco changed. Blood-red wings burst from his back, fangs pushed their way out of his mouth, his eyes turned red, and his fingernails grew into sharp black claws. He was truly frightening to behold. He shot into the air, a dagger clenched in each fist as he went after Ravi.

The other Veelan grinned at him, as he flew higher and higher. Draco growled menacingly when he didn't even take his weapon out to fight.

Ravi waited patiently, watching as Draco moved closer towards him. He didn't bother with his mace, knowing that if he moved his wings at the right moment, Draco would be blinded by the sun and then he could be defeated easily.

Draco could see the glare of the sun around Ravi's form, and knew that he would try to blind him momentarily in order to win. A small smirk flitted onto his face, and he waited, watching to see when Ravi would move. It didn't take long, and in moments, Ravi had moved to the side, flying down to pull Draco to the ground. Since Draco had been watching him, he'd manoeuvred so that he'd followed Ravi's movement instead of being blinded. Ravi hadn't watched Draco's response, confident about what would happen. So when, mere seconds after he'd started his descent, he found a dagger at his throat, Ravi was more than surprised.

"You just died. Never assume anything about your opponent, especially their reaction," Draco said, turning back to a Veelan and flying to the ground.

"You're getting better at controlling your hybrid form, I see," Garion said, grinning.

"With the war with Voldemort getting closer, I need to have control over myself sooner rather than later," Draco replied.

Garion's smile slipped and he nodded briefly.

"Lettie will be arriving soon, Draco. Don't hold him up, Garion," Julianne said, taking his hand.

"Of course. Off you go," Garion said with a nod.

"Thank you, my Lord, my Lady," he replied, bowing and hurrying to get a change of clothes.

"All right?" Julianne asked, squeezing Garion's hand gently.

"He's losing his adolescent years to a war that he shouldn't even be part of, Jules. It seems that for every generation there is a war to be fought, and the soldiers get younger every time." Garion sighed and turned to envelope his wife in his arms. "I know how old I sound, you don't need to tell me."

"I wasn't going to," she replied, hugging him back. "We were their age once, and we fought in a war as they did. It just seems longer because we've lived through so many, and they seem younger because we are older. If they didn't fight, then they would regard that as giving up, or giving in. We thought the same when we were the ones fighting, you remember, don't you?"

"Yes, I remember. But those wars never hung in the balance of my decisions, did they?"

"For me they did," Julianne replied quietly, hugging him a bit tighter.

... b ...

How long has she been missing? Ginevra asked, already thinking of numerous spells to find her escaped friend.

An hour or so after you left, Theodore replied.

You mean you haven't seen her for a whole week? Why didn't you tell me sooner? Ginevra asked, perplexed.

We've all been trying to find her. I didn't want to worry you, considering everything else you're going through, Theodore said, feeling abashed.

Oh, Theodore. You really should have told me sooner! Ginevra sighed to herself, wondering if she was really so scary that not even her friends felt that they could talk to her. Stay in Antarctica for a few more days, but if she's not back by Sunday night, return to Hogwarts. I'm positive that Pansy can look after herself. I don't think mermaids can freeze, really.

Pansy is not a fully-fledged mermaid though, Theodore thought, a frown on his face.

Ginevra's optimism faded, and she tried to make herself think positively. I'm sure she'll be fine; we'd feel something if she wasn't, she added, remembering Vincent.

I'm sure you're right. I'll let you know if anything changes, Theodore said, cutting his link with Ginevra after saying goodbye.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" Millicent asked with a grin, looking in at him.

"You weren't supposed to be listening to that," he said, raising his eyebrow at her.

"You would have told me anyway," she replied with a shrug.

Theodore smiled and stood carefully, accepting the mug she offered. "Let's go tell Remus and Tonks what's happening."

... b ...

Friday, 12 July

Agnes stopped at the door, listening intently to try and figure out what was different. She frowned slightly when she realised she couldn't hear the usual sounds of Pansy trying to escape. Instead, she could hear... singing? Certain that she was hearing things, Agnes stepped into room quietly. Luna was sitting with Pansy, brushing her hair in long strokes. Pansy was awake, but her eyes were closed and she looked calm.

"Hush, the waves are rolling in,

White with foam, white with foam.

Father toils amid the din,

But baby sleeps at home.

"Hush, the winds roar hoarse and deep,

On they come, on they come.

Brother seeks the wandering sheep,

But baby sleeps at home.

"Hush, the rain sweeps o'er the Knowes,

Where they roam, where they roam.

Sister goes to seek the cows,

But baby sleeps at home."

Luna finished singing and turned her head to Agnes. She smiled, knowing that she had heard. "Welcome back, Lady Agnes."

"That was a beautiful song; you have a lovely voice," Agnes said softly, moving forward. She kept her eyes on Pansy, but Luna continued to brush her hair and the girl seemed content to let her.

"Thank you... My mother used to sing it to me when I was young. It always calms me, even now," Luna said with another smile.

Agnes checked over Pansy, relieved to see that her fever was dropping. "I am sorry for my late return. Virginia returned the very day I left with you, and I was kept longer than I anticipated to help maintain order."

"She is not causing trouble already?"

"Not yet, but I am sure it will not take long. Virginia thrives on chaos."

"So I've Seen," Luna murmured, shaking her head.

Pansy stirred slightly, and Luna resumed her task of brushing her hair, humming softly to calm her once more. Agnes took the opportunity to check Pansy's vitals, thankful that her fever seemed to be receding.

Luna handed the brush to Agnes, standing gently. "I just need the bathroom. Can you keep her calm?" she asked softly.

"I do not know the song you were singing," Agnes replied with a slight frown.

"That's fine, I don't think Pansy cares about the song, so long as someone's singing," Luna murmured.

"Very well," Agnes said, sitting beside Pansy as Luna hurried out of the room.

She sang a song that she had sung to her children, many years ago, when they had been sick. As she continued to brush Pansy's hair and sang to her softly, Agnes wove a sleeping spell into her words. By the time Luna returned, Pansy was sleeping peacefully.

... b ...

Neville ignored the look that the gaoler was giving him, and stepped with Seamus through the wards. Apparently, the gaoler had a brother working for the Order, one of the same who had been hurt by Ginevra's wave after seeing all of the children. He, like Moody, was angry at all of them for not letting the Order do its' job.

Seamus was muttering wild things under his breath, slipping in to Gaelic insults as they continued down the hallway. Neville shook his head gently and took Seamus' hand in his own.

"Calm down, Irish. This is the last Death Eater we have to talk to," he murmured.

Seamus didn't seem pleased at the fact, but he did stop his mutterings. He squeezed Neville's hand gently as they neared Bellatrix Lestrange's cell. He almost wished Niryal was with them. The Night Fairy could have done all of this in an instant, making each and every Death Eater beg as their nightmares controlled their minds. But Neville had sent her to Romania in order to retrieve the last of the pictures of Terra's granddaughter that Colin had developed for them.

The picture they had at the moment was slightly blurry, but it was clear enough for some of the Death Eaters to have recognised her. Unfortunately, they hadn't been close enough to Voldemort to know where she was, and while her face may have seemed familiar, not one was able to say where or even when they'd seen the nymph.

Bellatrix sneered when she recognised Neville. "How's Mummy and Daddy dearest?"

Neville's grip tightened on Seamus' hand, and he could see vines curling up the wall towards Bellatrix.

"Shut ye mouth 'bout his Mam and Dad," Seamus growled, trying to calm Neville at the same time.

He wouldn't mind strangling the crazy bint, but it'd be much harder to get information from her then...

"Oh, you're holding hands, isn't that sweet?" she crooned, laughing maniacally.

The vines whipped out, wrapping around Bellatrix's wrists and pulling her flush against the bar. Her laughter stopped, her eyes wide as she tried to pull herself free.

"Now that I have your attention, I want you to answer a very simple question," Neville said, his voice low and rough.

He held the photo up to the bars, directly in front of Bellatrix's face.

"Where is this girl?"

"Think I'm telling you that?" she asked with a laugh. Her noise was cut off abruptly as a new vine wrapped around her throat.

Neville looked at Seamus. "You were given explicit instructions not to decapitate anyone."

He grinned wildly. "There was nothin' 'bout strangling," he said cheerfully.

Bellatrix's eyes went between the two, fear beginning to creep in as the vine wrapped tighter and tighter.

"She is with Dark Lord!" she rasped.

The vines eased their hold slightly, but not by much.

"We know that. Where?" Neville repeated.

The vines around her wrists began to tighten as well, and she was sure her hands would break off. Her bones weren't exactly strong, what with the crap they considered nutritious food here.

She held off for so long that her face began to turn purple from lack of oxygen. "Marble Estate."

The vine around her neck was released immediately, but her wrists were still tied.

"If you are lying..." Neville said with a glare.

"You'll kill me, I know," Bellatrix rasped, her neck already bruising.

"Oh, no, I won't kill you," he replied, giving her a smile that made the hairs on her neck stand up on end. "But you'll wish I did."

Her wrists were released, and the two wizards walked away from her. Bellatrix went to her cot, holding her arms around her thin body, and wondering at the fear that he had released inside her. Not even Voldemort had been able to do that, not for many years now. She shuddered and wrapped her arms around her tighter.

"Do you know the place she talked 'bout?" Seamus asked.

They both ignored the guard's glare as they went to the Floo fireplace hand in hand.

"No, but we'll find it," Neville replied, stepping into the green flames and disappearing with a word.

Seamus followed moments later, heading to the Romanian dragon estate.

... b ...

Ginevra let out a sigh of relief when she saw the bandages come off clean. There were no scars, no marks, nothing to show the self-inflicted damage from the lightning.

She heard a soft sigh of relief in her mind, but it was so quiet she wasn't sure who it had come from.

"Lord Xavier has asked for you when you are ready," one of the medics said as Ginevra swung her legs over the side of the bed.

"Try not to do things threefold again, it takes three times longer to heal," another added.

"I'll keep that in mind. Thank you," Ginevra said with a brief smile.

She wondered where Xavier was, and moments later, Miles appeared by her side.

"Good morning, Ginevra. It is a pleasure to see you up and about once more," Miles said with a smile and small bow.

"Thank you, Miles. It's a relief to be out of the ward," she admitted. "Do you know where Lord Xavier is?"

"Certainly. This way," he said, turning and leading her down a corridor.

Ginevra watched as he walked, his eyes straight forward and not once deviating from their path.

"Are you well, Miles?"

"Fine, thank you, Ginevra."

"Lies, this early in the morning? I am ashamed," she replied, trying to keep her tone light.

Miles stopped walking for a moment. "As Lettie is your companion, would you be able to inform me as to why she has suddenly had a change of attitude around me?"

"It is her information to share, Miles."

His expression dropped slightly, and with a firm nod, he straightened his shoulders and started to walk once more.

Ginevra grabbed his hand. "Wait. Just ... you have to understand something, Miles."

He looked back at her with a curious frown.

"You remember Lettie before, when she was Lavender, don't you?"


"And you understand how she has changed, how she is trying to become a ... different person?"

"Of course."

"Then you need to understand that Lettie still sometimes thinks as Lavender. She was an insecure girl, who relied on her looks, and all of her relationships were based on how she could benefit from them. Now, she has changed not only her physical form, but is attempting to change her mental one; she has just entered into a relationship with you, and you seem to love her for reasons that she cannot yet comprehend," Ginevra said.

"Are you saying that I'm the problem? That I should stay away from her?"

"Don't you get growly at me, Miles. You asked me to explain..." she reminded with a glare. Her fierce expression became more gentle as she amended, "But that is not what I'm saying at all. Well, not entirely."

"Please explain yourself in a better manner," Miles said, his teeth clenched as he tried to stay calm. He was usually level-headed, but when it came to Lettie... He was no better than a caveman of times long past.

"You recently called Lettie by a pet-name and it scared her, okay?" Ginevra said with a huff.

Miles' anger dissipated, and he stared at her in shock. It took him a moment to replace his shocked expression with a mask. He bowed to Ginevra. "Thank you for your explanation. Lord Xavier is down this hallway, third door to your left," he said, turning and leaving so he could think about what she'd said.

Ginevra winced slightly at his cold tone, hurrying to where Xavier was waiting.

... b ...

Gregory sighed as he headed to his quarters, tired after the day's events and detailed spell work he'd performed. As the King's war General, he had been given rooms inside the mountain, rather than out in the small village with the rest of the trolls. He would have preferred the village, but the King had gone off on one of his rants, and Gregory had agreed to stay, just so he would stop.

Just before he opened his door, Gregory felt a cold shiver pass through him. He immediately did a silent spell to detect danger, and frowned when the spell centred on the door handle.

All traces of exhaustion disappeared as Gregory performed spell after spell to reveal what exactly was wrong with the door handle.

It could have been a harmless prank - nothing more than a string and bucket of ale above the door entry - but he'd felt something in that cold shiver. Something like a warning.

The handle glowed a bright purple, and Gregory stepped back, looking down the hallway to see if the culprit was waiting for him to become a victim.

There was nothing and no one, but he didn't feel safe. He did a spell to make sure no one could touch the door, whether inside or outside the room.

With that secured, Gregory hurried to inform the King of what had happened, wondering who had tried to poison him.

... b ...

Neville stepped out of the fireplace, Seamus only seconds behind him.

"Welcome. You're expected, if you want to go straight up," the foyer's greeting wizard said, his accent thick.

"Thank you," Neville said with a nod, taking Seamus' hand as they left the small building and headed onto a cobbled path.

They were silent as they made their way up the mountain, but as they neared the reserve, they could hear the dragons.

"Hey, there you are. Come on through; Wilhelm called up ahead to let us know you were coming, so Colin should be down soon," Charlie Weasley said, grinning at them.

"No need, I'm here now, Charlie. Mother's waiting in the yard, if you wouldn't mind taking the harness off her?"

"Right," he replied with a nod. Moments after he went inside, they all heard him calling out to Harmony.

"Come on this way. I'm sharing a cabin with Mother; she'll be by soon if you're staying," Colin said.

"Depends on what the food's like," Neville said, grinning.

Seamus' grip on his hand tightened slightly.

Colin chuckled, shaking his head. "Not so sure myself, I've been surviving on raw meat. A couple of cattle here and there. But I've been told the roast is good."

He stopped in front of two pillars, murmuring some words. Before their eyes, the plain paddock shimmered and faded to reveal a small village made up of log cabins.

"The spell's done by five different wizards. It keeps the dragons' attention away from the village; you would not believe how strong the desire is to burn down everything when you're young," Colin murmured, shaking his head.

He lead them through the winding streets to a cabin that looked exactly the same as the others, so far as Neville and Seamus could see. All that changed when they went inside though. Much like the wizarding camping tents, the inside of the cabin was magically enhanced on the inside, and they were sure there was a darkroom towards the back.

"Make yourselves at home, I won't be long," Colin said, leaving them in the lounge room. "Not that at home, Seamus," he added over his shoulder.

Seamus slumped, his hand dropping to his side as he muttered under his breath about gods.

Neville grinned at him, kissing his knuckles gently. "Calm down, Irish. We'll leave when we've got the photos, if you're that uncomfortable."

"Hopefully not straight away. Mother was looking forward to meeting some of my friends from Hogwarts," Colin said, returning with the developed photographs.

There was an amused laugh from the doorway, and Neville and Seamus turned to see a young woman standing there.

"After all I've heard about them, I couldn't help but be curious, could I?"

"You're Colin's mam?" Seamus asked in shock.

He couldn't seem to wrap his mind around the idea of so many young-looking women having children or grandchildren! She barely looked twenty!

"Harmony Cooper. You must be Seamus," she said, smiling as she held her hand out to shake.

Seamus nodded, shaking her hand in a daze.

"Neville; it's a pleasure to meet you, ma'am," Neville introduced, shaking her hand as well. Since he was used to Terra's appearance, he wasn't as shocked as Seamus, and noticed that her nails looked more like scales, a rainbow hue shining in the light.

"Ah. So Blaise is not with you?"

"No, ma'am. He is still training with the centaurs," he replied.

"Colin has been showing me all of his photos of everyone ever since he arrived. I was pleasantly surprised to see that he had so many friends. They were quite lacking in his earlier years, but it is not unusual for were-dragons to be solitary," Harmony murmured, then smiled suddenly. "I do hope you're staying for dinner."

Neville looked to Seamus for a moment, ready to make apologies and get out as soon as possible, as he'd said. However, Seamus surprised him by saying that they would stay.

"One night cannae hurt," he added with a slight grin.

"You're just staying for the roast, aren't you?" Colin asked, laughing when Seamus turned red.

"Not just tha'," he muttered.

"Thanks for getting the photos done up, Colin. Was it difficult to do with just the outline?" Neville asked, looking at the photographs he'd handed to him.

"The description that Luna gave me helped a lot."

"She's seen her? Well, tha's good. Means we find her... Donnae it?" Seamus added when both Neville and Colin were quiet.

"There were many visions where she saw the nymph's funeral, but just as many with her being found. I did a few of what she looks like according to the outline, and had one of the reserve's artists sketch her as Luna saw her."

Harmony excused herself to get tea for them all, and Colin lead them to the lounge area so they could sit comfortably.

"How did it go with the Death Eaters? Luna said you'd find something out if you didn't kill Bellatrix first?"

"Well, we didn't kill her, and we found out that Voldemort should be in a place called the Marble Estate. I'm going to contact the wizarding department in Little Hangleton, and see if they've got a listing of places that the Riddle family owned."

"What if that doesn't work? Riddle was a Muggle, wasn't he? And don't you think the Order would have tried something like that?" Colin asked with a frown.

"Well, it's a start. Ginevra said once that he was a Muggle, but I'm hoping that since he was Tom Riddle's father, there would be something more listed, but it's a long shot since no one believes that Voldemort was a Muggleborn, and most don't know who his biological father is. As for the Order, I really can't say... They didn't try Riddle House, after all, and look what happened there," Neville muttered angrily.

"Here's your tea. Oh, are you all right, Neville?" Harmony asked as she set the tray on the table.

He nodded, wondering at her question, then realised that the pot plants on the window sill had burst into a shower of petals. Neville concentrated for a moment, and the plants blossomed once more. Seamus took his hand, stilling the excess power he was letting out, and gave him a comforting smile.

"The Muggles'll be all right, Nev. They're with Ginevra, after all."

Neville smiled back at him, and took a gulp of his tea, trying to calm down.

"Excuse me," a familiar voice said, and Neville and Seamus saw Bexley floating out of Colin.

"Bexley? What are you doing here?"

"Miss Lovegood required my assistance... And apparently, I was scaring the Muggles at the vampire mansion without realising it," Bexley said with an embarrassed cough. "A Boggart of my age should have better restraint, but I haven't feasted on human fears for so long," he trailed off.

Harmony gave a polite cough, and Bexley quickly returned his attention to them.

"Ah, yes. My apologies. I just wanted to let you know that I know where the Marble Estate is."

... b ...

"You will be fine, daughter. Keep your arm on mine, and everything will be fine," Xavier said, leading her to where the Muggles were staying.

Ginevra nodded, still feeling nervous. She hadn't seen the Muggles since she'd all but attacked them, and wondered how they would respond to her presence.

She took a deep breath, and nodded for Xavier to open the door. Stepping inside, Ginevra was pleasantly surprised when no one started screaming at the sight of her. Generally a good thing, she thought with a small grin.

A group of children were running around the beds, giggling loudly as they tagged each other. They seemed much healthier than they had only last week, but despite their adrenaline-filled blood, they didn't make Ginevra feel Thirsty. She relaxed slightly, a knot of tension easing.

"There, you see? Everything is fine," Xavier murmured softly, giving her an encouraging smile.

Xavier kept his hold on her arm as they walked around the beds, but stayed silent as Ginevra conversed with the Muggles. Most of them seemed fine at her presence now that she wasn't in her Vampiress form, but others were wary and kept as much distance between themselves and Ginevra as they possibly could.

As they left the area, and the doors closed behind them, Ginevra let out the breath she hadn't known she was holding. She was grateful that she hadn't turned into a Vampiress, had actually been able to focus on asking questions and listening to answers, and she was more than grateful that Xavier had been holding onto her.

"Would you like to retire for the evening, or would you prefer to discuss their responses now?"

"I might rest for a while, if you don't mind, Lord Xavier," Ginevra said, trying to keep her hands from trembling.

Not turning into a Vampiress seemed to have taken more out of her than she thought would have been possible.

"Very well. I will have some tea sent to your room, it will help you relax," Xavier replied with a smile.

Ginevra thanked him, barely aware that he was walking her to her room at a fast pace. She did notice when he set her back on her feet properly, and tried not to sway without his support.

Lettie appeared moments after Ginevra arrived at her room, curtsying when she saw Xavier. "Thank you for assisting my Lady, my Lord. I will take care of her now, if you are required elsewhere," she said, taking Ginevra's arm to steady her.

"I will leave her in your care, Lettie. I will send up some tea," he informed her, and with a sweeping bow, Xavier left quickly.

Lettie guided Ginevra inside carefully. "Perhaps you should visit with my Lord Draconius before you attempt to see the Muggles again, my Lady."

"It's fine, I was just weakened after being kept in bed for these past few days," Ginevra replied, trying to keep her voice steadier than her hands.

Lettie didn't seem fooled by her words, and Ginevra was soon tucked beneath the covers on her bed.

"Rest now, my Lady. I will wake you this evening when you are scheduled to meet Lord Draconius," Lettie murmured.

Ginevra didn't protest, her eyes closing before Lettie had finished talking. Watching over her for a moment, Lettie stepped back when she was sure that Ginevra was sleeping. A knock at the door startled her, and she remembered Xavier's departing words. Lettie hurried to answer the door, and stepped into the hallway so as not to disturb Ginevra further. She blushed slightly when she saw Miles standing before her with a tray filled with teacups and a teapot.

"I apologise; I have not waken your Lady, I hope?"

"No, Lady Ginevra seems to have slept through it," she replied, the fact that Ginevra had done so only increasing her worry. Lettie looked at the door behind her, wondering if she should have stayed inside with Ginevra.

"Would you care to have the tea with me then?"

She returned her attention to Miles, as if realising that he was still standing there. Giving him an apologetic smile, Lettie went to reply in the negative.

"Please, Lettie. I would like to talk to you," Miles added before she could reject his offer verbally.

Lettie's eyes widened slightly when the tray shook in his hands, and she recognised the distraught emotion in his voice. Nodding, she followed him to her room.

"Are you well, Miles?" she asked when he was silent.

Setting the tray down, Miles turned to look at her. "When were you going to tell me, Lettie?" he asked, sounding tired.

"Tell you what?"

"That you were uncomfortable with my calling you love," Miles said, moving towards her. "I am not a mind reader, nor able to understand another's feelings simply by looking at them, you know."

Lettie blushed slightly, looking away. "I ... I did not know how to tell you, and I did not want you to be upset or disappointed in me," she replied quietly.

"How could I be upset or disappointed by something like that?"

She looked at him, but Miles seemed more perplexed than anything else.

"I don't know, really."

Standing before her, Miles cupped her face gently. "You need to promise me something, Lettie," he murmured, brushing his lips against hers.

"Anything," she replied breathlessly.

"Promise me that you will talk to me; tell me if you're upset or uncomfortable. Please," he added softly. "I do not think I could handle losing you over a miscommunication," Miles said, completely serious.

"I promise, so long as you promise the same," Lettie added, smiling.

"Promise," he said, kissing her to seal his words.

Lettie wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him back passionately.

... b ...

Blaise notched another arrow on his bow, aiming and releasing all in the same breath. There was a solid thud as the metal tip of the arrow embedded itself in the target swinging from the tree branch.

Elin nodded her praise, signalling the next centaur to take their shot. She verbally praised the young female centaur, but Blaise didn't comment on the discrepancy. He figured that she had every right not to trust him, especially after the way the rest of the males in herd had treated her and the women centaurs.

There were very few male centaurs left after the rampage that had ensued after Ronan's death, but the ones that had survived seemed to be repentant for their previous actions. Of course, it didn't mean that the women completely trusted them, but the relations between the sexes were improving slowly under Elin's reign.

Pulled from his thoughts when the centaur in front of him had shot her arrow, Blaise stepped forward with his bow raised once more.

Even if the women didn't trust him, they still knew the importance of the upcoming war, and knew that everyone had to be prepared to fight, whether they were male or female.

It was the instruction of the Queen and King of All, after all.

... b ...

Gregory stood beside the King, wondering when he'd stop all of his ranting and actually look at the door handle. Somehow, the King had decided that Gregory using magic was more of a problem than the fact that someone had attempted to kill him.

"Father, if we are to catch the person who attempted to assassinate your war General, then we had best send for Tharr, shouldn't we?" Griselda said.

Gregory noticed that the head guard was directing his subordinates to retrieve Tharr. They seemed to follow the Princess' direction without waiting for the King, which was probably why the trolls were thriving rather than crumbling under the King's rant-filled reign.

The King stopped his rant, looking at his daughter with a frown. "Of course we should! And when he's finished examining all of the evidence, the person responsible will be fed to sharks! Or a school of piranha! We can get piranhas, can't we? Or is it piranha?" the King mumbled, trailing off as he thought about it. "Never mind, the troll responsible will feel my wrath!" he said, laughing wildly.

"Who exactly is Tharr?" Gregory asked Griselda, frowning slightly. He was fairly certain that he hadn't met a troll of that name.

"He is a scholar. He used to be quite the fighter until he discovered he could read the writing in the books we took from the humans nearby. He was put under house arrest by Father when he used magic to protect the village, so he may not be happy about having to come, but if there's anyone who knows what poison this is, it will be him," Griselda murmured, looking to the purple handle with a frown.

"Is it possible that he did it himself?" Greg wondered aloud.

"Of course not. Tharr would never do that, especially when he's never met you. He would never do something so dishonourable!"

Gregory just grinned when Griselda went red. Her outburst even made the King stop talking. When he was assured that she wasn't hurt in any way, he told Griselda to report to him when Tharr had finished. She agreed, and satisfied, the King continued on his rant (something about running with swords, but Gregory couldn't be certain), talking animatedly to one of the guards as he headed back to his throne room.

A few moments later, two guards arrived with a large troll between them. As Gregory looked up at the towering troll, he was suddenly glad that he hadn't had to fight him.

"I believe you require my assistance, Princess?" Tharr asked with a bow.

"Yes, I... I mean, Father... Well, the door handle..."

Gregory was slightly surprised to see the Princess who, only moments before, had seemed so confident, was now faltering and stumbling over her words before this troll. Ever the gentleman, Gregory coughed slightly to draw Tharr's bemused attention away from Griselda.

"I have been informed by the Princess that you would be able to identify the poison that was applied to the handle on my door," Gregory said.

"Very well... You're the new war General then?" Tharr asked, looking down at Greg.

"Yes, I'm Gregory. I was told that you are a scholar?"

"Yes, I suppose I am. I wouldn't have worded it quite like that; it's more of a hobby," he replied with a grin.

Griselda's face reddened further, and she looked as if she wanted disappear.

Gregory wondered if it was any consolation that all beings seemed to go through the same problems when faced with someone they liked.

"If you wouldn't mind removing the spell, I can inspect it properly," Tharr said.

With a nod, Gregory did as he asked. Tharr moved so he was kneeling directly in front of the door.

"How long has the poison been on here?" he asked a few moments later, frowning.

"I put the spell on it about half an hour ago, but I'm not sure how long before that," Gregory replied.

"When was the last time you used this room?"

"This morning, when I left for training."

Tharr nodded and stood to his full height. Before anyone had time to react, Tharr kicked the stone door so hard that it flew across Gregory's room. It landed with a crash, cracking the wall.

"It's better to be safe than sorry where poison is concerned. I'm sure you can get another door to replace this one," Tharr added. "Mind if I borrow your wand?"

Looking at the door and cracked wall, Gregory wondered if he had the option to refuse.

"Oh, before I do this, do you have anything of value, sentimental or otherwise, inside?"

Gregory shook his head; everything of sentimental value was currently on his person, hidden within the depths of his pockets.

Tharr accepted the offered wand, pointing it at the doorway before him. Seconds later, a bright purple fire began to burn within the room.

"You were very lucky to not have entered your room, war General. The amount of poison inside would have killed you and half of the trolls inside the castle walls within minutes. The poison on the handle was merely there to trigger the spell inside. As no one has touched it, the spell cannot be activated. Very, very lucky," Tharr murmured, handing him his wand back.

"Thank you... How could you tell all of that just by inspecting the door handle?" Gregory asked, frowning slightly.

"I couldn't. I took an educated guess, and it just so happened that I was right. If I was wrong, then we would have died the moment I kicked the door in."

"You took that chance with all of our lives? With the Princess' life?" the head guard growled, his hand moving to his club.

"I'm not the one you should be threatening, Argle. Who, besides myself and the war General here, knows how to do magic?" Tharr asked pointedly.

The guard faltered, a frown forming as he tried to think of the answer. "Well... no one. The King outlawed all magic."

"Exactly... That means we have a traitor among us," Tharr said.

"How do we know it wasn't you?" Gregory asked.

"I have no wand to perform magic with, firstly. Moreover, the King himself put me under house arrest, and as such, both he and the guards would have been alerted if I had stepped out of my assigned quarters."

Gregory wasn't entirely satisfied with his answer, but nodded anyway. He would keep a careful eye on this troll.

... b ...

Niryal muttered sourly as she rounded yet another corner to find a dead end. She'd been searching for the bloody house for the better part of an hour, and she hated the fact that every damn building in this town was so similar that she couldn't find anything or tell them apart.

Suddenly, she stopped, realising that she could feel the presence of her Master. Well, it was about bloody time that he freaking showed up!

Heading back to the village street, Niryal followed her senses to where her Master was.

"You need to bloody colour code this freaking place or something! Do you know how hard it is to fucking find your way around?!" she muttered on entering the cabin.

"I believe I told you to cease with that sort of language, Niryal," Harmony said, her tone stern.

Niryal glowered, but refrained from saying anything.

Neville and Seamus were standing before a map on the far wall, Bexley between them.

"Ye're sure it's there, Bexley?" Seamus asked with a frown.

"Positive. I gleaned some information from the Death Eaters while I was looking for Vincent, and they were all terrified of this place," Bexley replied.

Niryal's ears peaked with interest. "What were they terrified of? Can we go there?"

"The Marble Estate; it's where we think Voldemort is," Neville replied absent-mindedly, looking at the map.

The place that Bexley had indicated was actually a enormous lake, and the land mass that was supposed to be in the middle of the expanse of water had been made Unplottable after the feud between the MacBoons and McCliverts had ended. The fact that it had ended due to the MacBoon clan becoming Quintapeds and killing their rivals wasn't exactly reassuring. If Voldemort had gained their favour, then he was hiding within an army who would sacrifice their lives for him.

"I thought you said he was hiding in one of his father's estates?" Niryal asked, frowning.

After hearing year upon year of Jarvey insults and swearing, it was surprisingly difficult to keep the same type of words out of her own sentences.

"Maybe they're just there as decoys, or backup places to stay in? Bellatrix Lestrange definitely wasn't lying about him being here," Neville replied.

"How do you know that?" Niryal asked.

The look that Neville gave her made the Night Fairy shiver.

"Because Bellatrix knows the consequences if she lies."

... b ...

"Are you well, Luna?" Agnes asked softly, looking over at her as the door opened.

"Fine, why do you ask?" Luna asked, her slight smile turning into a frown.

"You have been gone almost four hours, and I was starting to worry."

"Oh, I do apologise, I was simply sorting out some things that needed to be done before we left."

"Left? You believe it is wise to move Pansy already?"

"No, I was just getting some friends to look after her. We will both be needed elsewhere within the hour, and I did not feel comfortable leaving Pansy on her own."

Loud and heavy footsteps approached, making the very walls themselves tremble.

"Ah, there they are now. Please, do not be alarmed," Luna added, smiling as she opened the door and stepped outside. "Hello again. I would offer for you to come inside, but I think that it might be best if you stay out here. Just one moment."

Luna turned in the doorway and held her wand out for Agnes. "Would you mind levitating Pansy outside for me, please?"

Agnes took the wand and did as she asked carefully. She almost dropped Pansy when she saw the towering creature standing on the beach outside of the door.

"Are ... are you sure it is wise to entrust her life to a troll, Luna?" Agnes asked softly, hoping the troll wouldn't hear her words and be offended.

"Oh, yes. Pansy will be well looked after, I promise. Please, trust me," she added, resting her hand on Agnes' arm.

"I trust you," she replied, gently lowering Pansy to the soft sand.

Luna turned to face the troll, giving him strict instructions on how to care for Pansy, make sure that her hair was brushed daily, and she could hear the ocean. The troll scooped Pansy up surprisingly gently, and began walking along the beach towards some caves.

Agnes sighed softly, hoping that her trust was well placed.

Luna, sensing that Agnes was worried, began to explain how she knew to contact the trolls for help. "The troll King back home is building an army you see, and I knew that he had contacted the trolls here because he seemed to know what a pinata was, even though he told me he's never been out of the country. At first I assumed that one of the other trolls had told him what a pinata was, but after one very expensive night in their village tavern, I discovered that not one troll knew what it was. I found out that he had lied to me, and that's why I asked you to bring me here. If I believed in coincidences, then I would say that it was a very big coincidence to See that Pansy was here too," Luna mused. "Besides, they know that Pansy is the future bride of the King's war General, and they will treat her with due respect."

Somehow relieved by Luna's words, Agnes sighed and decided to trust her decision wholeheartedly. "Very well, Luna... Is there anywhere you need me to take you?"

Luna concentrated for a moment. "If you could take me to the closest wizarding transport centre, I would appreciate it."

Without a word, Agnes took Luna's hand and disappeared.

... b ...

Fred and George left Isaac's store, brushing the dust off their robes from his decrepit basement. They'd received everything Ollivander required to make those bags for Ginevra. As Fred was brushing the cobwebs from his back, George frowned slightly, looking out into the night.

"Do you feel that, Forge?" he murmured.

Stopping what he was doing, Fred concentrated on the night.

"Not a good feeling, Gred," he replied quietly.

Think it's something to do with Ollivander? he asked, glancing around them.

George shook his head in response. It's bigger than Ollivander... It's as if there's something wrong with...

The whole world... Fred agreed.

Suddenly, they were both glad that Parvati and Padma were in the pixie world. Taking each other's hand, Fred and George Disapparated to Ollivander's hideaway. The sooner they gave him the ingredients he needed, the sooner they could find out why they were feeling so ... wrong.

... b ...

Run! Quickly, run! Run, run, run. Faster, even faster. Run, escape. Survive!

Blaise burst through the trees, hearing the stars' warning with every step he took. There was something very wrong, and there was little to no time to stop whatever it was. The stars were whispering to him urgently, and he hated feeling so helpless, not knowing what to do, or even what was really wrong. It was Neville-in-the-coocoon all over again.

"Blaise, there you are! Quick, before it is upon you," Elin said, holding her hand out for him to take.

Reaching out, he grabbed her hand tightly. She pulled him against her tightly, a black shadow blurring past, missing its target.

"What is it?" he asked quietly.

"I am not sure. But stay to the clearings, it will not enter, and you will be safe."

Blaise nodded reluctantly, moving to the centre of the clearing. He had the feeling of being watched, of black eyes hidden in the night, his every movement followed.

"Will the rest of the centaurs be all right?" he asked, looking to Elin.

"Yes, it has become the norm to sleep in the clearings at night. Old habits are hard to break," she said with no hint of humour.

There was a pain-filled screech outside of the clearing, and Blaise stood, his bow and quiver materialising immediately.

"Centaur-boy! Help Relo! Relo needs help!"

The Erkling's voice was filled with pain, sobbing as he pleaded with him.

Lies, liar, untruths, falsehoods and fabrications. The stars words were quieter now that Blaise was safe within the clearing, but the urgency was still present.

"Relo! Get into the clearing," Blaise called.

"Can't! Relo is hurt! Relo needs your help!" he whimpered.

Lies, liar, untruths, falsehoods and fabrications. The stars chanted the words over and over, a mantra that became stronger and louder with every word that Relo spoke.

Suddenly, an arrow shot past Blaise. There was a sickening crunch, a loud scream of pain, and Relo's words stopped completely.

There was a moment of silence, and Blaise stepped back with a shudder when a pair of bright orange eyes appeared behind the edge of the clearing, glowing with hatred.

"You will pay for that, centaur," Relo hissed.

Blaise looked at Elin, wondering if she'd done the right thing. Deciding that there was nothing he could do about it now, Blaise moved back to the centre of the clearing. He was exhausted after his day of training, and the rush of adrenaline from being chased through the Forbidden Forest was starting to wear off.

"Sleep, Blaise. I will guard you," Elin murmured.

He barely had enough energy to nod, and his eyes closed soon after. Elin turned to where Relo was waiting outside of the clearing, her arrow notched in the bow, ready to shoot.

... b ...

Neville and Seamus had decided to leave for the Marble Estate soon after dinner. At Harmony's insistence, Colin had gone with them, and now all three were sitting in a boat, shivering in the cold air as Neville guided the boat with his wand. The warming charms were doing little to protect them against the weather, and they tried to keep warm by huddling together.

Niryal was asleep inside of Neville, despite the fact that she usually revelled in such dark and cold nights. It worried Neville that she wasn't awake, adding to the growing feeling of something being completely and utterly wrong with the world tonight.

Hoping they wouldn't get lost in this Unplottable place, Neville continued to follow Bexley's directions silently.

"R'mind me 'gain why we decided ter leave in th' middle of th' night?" Seamus muttered, rubbing his arms to warm up.

Neville was silent for a moment, trying to put his reason into words without it sounding completely insane.

"I don't know, but it feels like something's not right..." he said finally, trailing off and shaking his head.

"It felt like we had to leave straight away, didn't it?" Colin asked, his teeth chattering.

"Yeah, I was 'fraid of tha'," Seamus muttered.

"If you would prefer to sleep to conserve your energy and warmth, I believe I can guide the boat for the rest of the way," Bexley murmured.

Nodding, Neville let the spell fade. He moved so he was next to Seamus, and pulled Colin between them.

"We're nae goin' ter hurt ye, just settle down an' sleep," Seamus muttered when Colin went to protest.

Bexley wrapped the meagre blanket around the three of them, silent as he guided the small boat to their destination. He had felt the same as they had, the utter wrongness of the night making him want to get as far away from everyone and everything as possible. When Harmony had been insisting for Colin to leave with his friends, Bexley had caught the flash of fear in her words, despite how hidden they were. An image of her son, his scales and eyes black, darkfire pouring from his mouth as he destroyed everything around him.

If it was possible for a Boggart to be scared, then Bexley would have admitted to being completely terrified of what this night would bring. He just had to hope that because they were in an Unplottable area, it would mean that whatever evil thing the night might bring would not be able to follow them.

... b ...

Gregory repressed the shiver that threatened to escape. Somewhere between Tharr and Griselda giving their report to the King and the opening of the tavern, Gregory had been instructed to leave the trolls to meet up with their brethren in South America.

He hadn't even known that there were trolls in South America, and wondered if they were different from the kind he'd been staying with all this time.

Apparently, as war General, Gregory had the responsibility to teach all of the trolls how to fight, and that wasn't limited to just the ones in England.

Sighing, he hoped that Helorr had learned enough to continue teaching the trolls how to fight in his absence, and that Tharr remembered the proper spell to use. Tharr had elected to stay behind in order to find out who had attempted to kill Gregory, and while Griselda had wanted to stay as well, the King had proclaimed that someone of Royal blood needed to go to South America as a representative for their clan.

Griselda was snoring in the carriage across from him, and Gregory looked out to the night. The carriage they were riding in was pulled by captured and tamed Tebo, and made from the spun pelts of Demiguise. As the warthog-like creatures had the power of invisibility, their steeds couldn't be seen, and the Demiguise pelts had been spun so that the carriage itself was nothing more than a blur of wind. No one and nothing could find them, the fact of this emphasised by the large rope tied to Gregory's waist. The moment he stepped out of the carriage, he wouldn't be able to see it either, and as such, needed a way to find his way back.

Trying to settle the unease he was feeling, Gregory leaned back on the seat and tried to sleep.

... b ...

Pansy woke up to a crash and growl outside of her room. She noticed that she wasn't in the shack as before, and tried to remember leaving. When no memory appeared, she began to panic. She screamed loudly.

"Hush, little mermaid girl. It's okay. Nothing is wrong. Please, hush," a quiet and urgent voice whispered.

Her screams faltered and faded when Pansy realised she wasn't a captive of Voldemort's. Seeing the speaker, she would have guessed that she was with the trolls. But they looked different to Gregory, more tan than green, and taller too.

"Where? How?" she asked, her throat raw.

"You're on the Islas Diego Ramirez," the troll replied softly. "Go back to sleep."

"Luna?" Pansy questioned.

"Your little blanca friend entrusted your care with us. Please, sirena, sleep." (White. Mermaid.)

Pansy frowned slightly, but let sleep take her into the darkness once more. Outside her room, a group of trolls were defending the sleeping bride-to-be of their war General against a shadow in the night.

... b ...

Draco paced the floor, the parchment in his hand becoming more and more creased with each movement of his hand.

"It can't be right. We went there, we talked to them. How could they side with Voldemort? Why would they do such a thing?"

He had received the letter from Neville and Seamus informing him of Voldemort's whereabouts, but Draco couldn't believe that the Quintapeds would betray the Veela like this.

"It has to be a mistake," Draco muttered.

Lettie coughed gently, trying to remind him that she was standing there and waiting to take him to Muggle London.

"Sorry, Lettie," he said, running a hand through his hair. "Is Ginevra already at the apartment?"

"Not yet, my Lord. Virginia called for my Lady before we left, and I was instructed to take you first," Lettie replied. She didn't look overly pleased at the fact, either.

"Why would Virginia want to see Ginevra?" Draco asked, frowning.

"I am not sure, my Lord, but I am uneasy over my Lady's welfare," Lettie murmured. "If you wouldn't mind leaving with me now, I can return to my Lady quicker."

Draco nodded, taking her hand.

Moments later, they had arrived in a deserted alley that was close to the apartment building. Draco went to thank Lettie and instruct her to look after Ginevra, but she suddenly groaned, doubling over.

"Lettie?" he said, moving to grab her.

"Don't!" she hissed.

Draco stared helplessly for a moment. He couldn't take her to a Muggle hospital (he had no idea where one was, to begin with, and no idea what was wrong), he still couldn't Apparate to the Veela's, and he couldn't risk turning into a Veelan.

There was another groan from Lettie, and Draco could only stare as her eyes went red, her teeth expanding to sharp points. She looked absolutely monstrous.

There was alarm from their friends - Draco numbly noticed that even Pansy and Gregory were calling out - and just when he'd decided to take her away, no matter what she'd said, Lettie tore the leather band from her wrist.

"Get away!" the growled words were low and guttural, the last shreds of her humanity.

Draco caught the band Lettie flung at him, briefly noting that she'd tore at her flesh to get it off, and there was blood staining the dark leather. The moment the band came into contact with his skin, Draco disappeared back to the Veela house.

Still doubled over in pain, Lettie fell onto all fours. She tore at her clothes, each breath she emitted becoming a growl. Her eyes glowed red, and she howled as spikes shot out of her spine's vertebrae.

Behind her fallen form, the wind began to pick up. In a hurricane of unnatural wind, Agnes appeared. Lettie turned with a growl, the creature that she'd become not recognising the Vampiress Elder. For a few moments, all Agnes could do was stare at Lettie's form.

"Oh dear gods', what has she done?" she whispered, horrified.

Lettie snapped her large jaws, the only notice she gave before leaping at Agnes.

Paling slightly, she braced herself for the attack. Lettie's sharp teeth buried into her shoulder, but Agnes didn't cry out, despite the pain. Wrapping her arms around Lettie's spiked body, Agnes disappeared with her into the night.

... b ...

Theodore started when the fire began to burn a bright green colour. He wasn't expecting anyone; Remus and Tonks were in their room, Millicent was in the kitchen, and he was positive that he hadn't slept through to Sunday for Ginevra to collect them. To say he was surprised when Luna stepped out of the fireplace was an understatement.

"Luna? Why are you here?"

"Hello Theodore. No need to sound so alarmed, I simply came to inform you that Pansy is being looked after and you no longer need to worry over her."

"It's all well and good for you to say that, Luna, but how do I know you're telling the truth? And how did you get here in the first place?"

"The wizards at the transport centre are very friendly, and easy to hex at the right moment," she replied cheerfully. "As for trusting me about Pansy's whereabouts, well you will just have to believe me. I cannot tell you where she is at this present moment."

"Cannot or will not?"

"Perhaps it is both. Either way, Pansy is safe. You will be needed at St. Mungo's sooner rather than later, so I wanted to reassure you of her safety before you worried yourself sick."

"Luna?!" Millicent's startled voice was accompanied by a spell.

Theodore looked over to see two mugs floating in the air.

"I did get them, didn't I?" Luna asked, not sure if Millicent's voice had covered the ceramic smashing.

"They're fine," Millicent said, hurrying to take hold of them and place the mugs on the coffee table. "What are you doing here, Luna?"

Luna didn't reply straight away. They all heard a pop from the logs in the fireplace, and Luna moved to the side just as the flames went green.

A woman with a stern face appeared in the flames. Her expression turned to one of relief when she saw Theodore standing there.

"Theodore? I'm glad I've caught you before you went to bed. We need you at St. Mungo's as soon as possible. Now, if you can."

Theodore was shocked that the Head Healer was personally firecalling him, but Healer Derwent's words clicked into place and he nodded.

"What is so wrong that you need me so late at night, Healer Derwent?"

"A vampire has started attacking the general public, and we need every healer we can get," she replied. "You know how to Floo here? Good, I'll see you soon," she said, the flames returning to their original colour as the call ended.

Theodore turned to Luna, afraid to ask but terrified of the answer.

"Yes, it's Ginevra," she murmured.

"I'll go wake Remus and Tonks, you start packing," Millicent said, leaving the room.

Theodore turned to do what she'd said, but turned back when the fireplace lit up green.

"You're leaving already?" he asked Luna.

"I have to. There is more than one event that has been put into motion this evening, and the world needs to be looked after as a result," she murmured.

"The world?"

"Of course. Did you think it would be any different when the Queen of All turns evil?"

Luna stepped into the flames before Theodore could ask any of the questions that were running about chaotically in his mind. With a sigh, he hurried to go pack his and Millicent's belongings so that he could help the Healers. When that was done, then he could worry about everything that was happening.

... b ...

Fifteen minutes earlier.

Virginia smiled, her long fingers wrapped around the fragile china as she sipped her tea.

"I realised that I have been back in the mansion for over a week, and I had yet to see my favourite descendant," she murmured silkily.

Ginevra simply nodded, not feeling inclined to answer.

"Will you join me?" Virginia offered, indicating to the tea in front of her. "I am very particular about my tea, and I only use the best leaves. It's why I was out of the country for so long," she added with a smile.

Virginia poured the tea in the second cup, refilling her own as well. Ginevra watched carefully, waiting until Virginia had swallowed before even taking a seat across from her.

"Very well, I believe I have enough time for one cup. Then we can stop this facade and I can return to my original plans for the evening," she murmured.

"Oh, of course. I wouldn't dream of keeping you, my dear."

There was something in the way that Virginia was watching her so intently that made Ginevra uncomfortable. She wondered if there were poisons that could kill vampires. It hardly seemed necessary considering they could smell any discrepancies, whether in food or liquid form. With that in mind, Ginevra sniffed her tea discreetly.

A curl of black smoke drifted up out of the cup. The moment it entered Ginevra's nose, Virginia laughed. It was a soft, sultry laugh to begin with, soon turning to an evil cackle.

Ginevra simply sat there, her body frozen with shock and the effects of the tea as it flowed through her body.

"Oh, my dearest Ginevra. It was your suspicion that was your downfall. If you had simply drunk the tea without trying to determine if it was poisonous, you would have been fine. Oh, don't look so horrified, my dear, you are not the only one who has fallen prey to my little trick," Virginia murmured, a reminiscent shiver running through her as she thought of the wars she'd caused. "Now, go forth, and let your evil be unleashed. Wreak havoc, my dear, and destroy it all."

Ginevra's eyes turned black, a dark light glowing from her entire body as shadows flew from her body and out into the night.

Virginia sighed happily, watching as the dark wisps flew through the night. Every single one of Ginevra's friends and allies would become evil the moment those shadows caught them, and then she would have control over nearly every being in the world.

It had taken her months to gather the ingredients for the potion that had been forgotten by the rest of the world. Due to the extreme difficulty in procuring the necessary ingredients, no one had bothered to create the potion, instead using other means to control their rivals and enemies. Virginia doubted the potion even existed in written form anymore. A cruel smile curved her lips. Well, it would just make it all that harder to remove, wouldn't it?

Behind her, Ginevra stood and disappeared into the night. Her entire body still glowing darkly, Ginevra came to the conclusion that everyone apart from her Mistress was now an enemy, and every single one of them had to be destroyed. But first... First she would play and, as her Mistress had so eloquently murmured, Ginevra would wreak havoc.

... b ...

End of the thirtieth chapter. I hope you liked it!

Disclaimer note: The song that Luna sings to calm Pansy is called Gaelic Lullaby, and the version I have is by Judy Collins. I don't own the lyrics, or anything legally-related to the song.

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