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The Vampiress and Veelan by Nival Vixen

The Vampiress and Veelan

Nival Vixen

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, don't sue me!

(a/n: Thanks to everyone for reviewing!)

Chapter Seven

Friday, Sept. 6

Ginny woke up and got out of bed reluctantly. Her head felt fuzzy, her throat seemed smaller, and her nose was blocked.

"This is not the time to be sick," Ginny muttered to herself as she changed into her school clothes. She dragged herself to the Great Hall, still tired from the day before.

"Hi, Ginny! Whoa... You don't look so good," Neville said and put a hand on her forehead, frowning. "You're burning up." Ginny just looked at him, too tired to make a smart remark. "Come on. I'll help you get better," he said, still far too chirpy for this time of the morning.

"Why are you so happy? How are you able to be this happy this early in the morning?" Ginny grumbled as she watched Neville pile her plate with sausages, toast, eggs, and bacon. Neville just smiled and poured Ginny a large glass of orange juice.

"Drink up. You'll feel better," he cajoled. Ginny eyed the grease-filled plate and her stomach turned.

"Gods," she muttered and ran out of the Great Hall quickly. She barely managed to make it to the bathroom before throwing up. "This is not going to be a good day," she muttered to herself. Lavender came out of a nearby stall and screeched loudly. "And there's my proof," Ginny said, even quieter than before.

"What in the Gods' names is wrong with you? You can't just go throwing up every where! That is so unhygenic," Lavender said, screwing up her face. Ginny didn't bother with a response.

"Scourigfy," she said and the mess cleaned up quickly. With a disgusted face, Lavender cleaned her hands and left the bathroom. Neville appeared in the doorway and looked down at Ginny on the bathroom tiles.

"Are you all right?" He asked, noting her pale skin.

"I'm contemplating my death, if you don't mind... Leave me be," Ginny muttered. Neville shoook his head and sat beside her, wrapping an arm around her.

"Come on. I'll get you to your room," he said as struggled to lift her off the floor.

"What's wrong with Ginevra?" Pansy asked Neville, seeing them in the bathroom.

"She's sick," Neville replied.

"I am here, you know..." Ginny muttered. Pansy felt her forehead and with a curt nod, told Neville to stay put. In seconds flat, she had returned with the Slytherin group.

"You could just do the spell that Lupin taught us," Theodore mentioned as everyone crowded around Ginny.

"Thanks Theodore. Don't know why I didn't think of it myself," Pansy muttered. She pointed her wand at Ginny, who shook her head.

"It's all right, Pansy. I'll do it myself, if you don't mind..." Pansy nodded and Ginny held her hand over her face, closing her eyes tightly. "Salveo," she said and a red mist covered her face. Ginny felt her windpipe and nose clear and the fuzziness in her head left quickly.

"You just did that without a wand," Vincent said in shock. Ginny rolled her eyes.

"Obviously... Wands just direct magic in a particular direction, that's all," she said.

"But how can it work without your wand core?" Millicent asked.

"The wand core has nothing to do with the magic. It just lessens the amount of magic you send out so you don't end up killing someone with a simple stunning spell," Ginny said with a shrug. "Now, who's hungry?" She asked, smirking at them. The Slytherins left, shaking their heads. Neville looked at Ginny.

"Are you sure you're ok, Gin?" He asked. Ginny nodded.

"I'm fine now, Neville. Thanks for helping me," she said and hugged him.

"You're welcome," he replied, then led her back to the Great Hall.

"Ginny!" A seventh year called out. Ginny went over to the girl and looked at her. "I was wrong last night. Lupin's planning to show the Boggart to the third years today," the girl whispered.

"All right. Thanks," Ginny said and returned to Neville. "You're going to have to distract Moody and Lupin now Neville," Ginny told him quietly. He just nodded and handed her a piece of toast.

"Eat, or you'll get sick again," he said. Ginny reluctantly took the toast and ate it slowly. Neville went over to the teacher's table and started to talk to Moody and Lupin.

"Hey, Colin? Want to go for a walk with me?" Ginny asked. Colin nodded and finished eating his bacon before following her outside.

"So, where are we going?" He asked.

"To the Defence Against the Dark Arts office to borrow a Boggart," Ginny said. Colin looked excited.

"Really? I haven't seen a Boggart yet!" He said and they set off at a quicker pace. They reached the office in a few minutes and Colin went to open the door in his excitement.

"No!" Ginny said and pulled his hand away from the door. He looked at her in surprise. "Moody's paranoid enough to spell the door with every spell he knows. So unless you'd like to be fried, I suggest you let me handle this..." Ginny stated with a half smile. Colin nodded and stepped away from the door warily. "No pictures. I don't want any evidence of this, or else everyone could get into a lot of trouble," she said. Colin sighed and let go of his camera. "Thanks. You better not watch. It's not going to be pretty," Ginny said and began to change.

Colin looked away as her eyes began to bulge and turned into a different colour. Ginny changed into a cockroach and scuttled under the crack of the door. Going over to Lupin's desk she changed back, grateful to rid herself of the disgusting insect. Luckily, no alarms went off; Ginny lit her wand to emit a soft glow. She opened the desk drawer and was surprised to see nothing there.

"Damn... Maybe it's in Moody's drawer," Ginny mused out loud.

"What exactly are you looking for?" A soft voice asked from inside the drawer. Ginny looked and frowned again. There was nothing there. "I cannot appear to those who have no fear, Queen. And as I thought it would be insulting to attempt to frighten you, I decided to just stay as my true form," the voice said.

"No offence, but what are you?" Ginny asked. A mist floated out of the drawer and stopped in front of her.

"A Boggart, Queen," the mist 'said'.

"Oh... That form would be very good for sneaking around unawares, I should think," Ginny said, trying to make conversation. The Boggart-mist smiled.

"Thank you. You are one of the very first and very few who has seen a Boggart's true form, but your response has been most pleasing, Queen," the Boggart replied.

"You're welcome?" Ginny said, unsure of what to say. The Boggart laughed and gave the impression of shaking it's head. "I came in here to get a Boggart... you, so you could do something for me," Ginny said, remembering why she had gone into the room.

"My name is Bexley. I would be most honoured to serve my Queen. What do you request of me?"

"Ginny! They're coming," Colin's voice whispered at the door urgently. Ginny cursed softly.

"Go before they see you, Colin!" Ginny called. She heard his footsteps going away and looked around in helplessness. "I'm going to be killed if they find me in here..." She muttered.

"I may be of assistance," Bexley said. Ginny looked at him. "Put your wand hand out and all will be well, my Queen," he said.

Not left with much choice, and the two Professors' footsteps getting closer, Ginny put out her right hand. Bexley floated through it and Ginny began to change. Her form changed from solid to liquid to vapour in seconds flat. Soon, Ginny was no longer Ginny and Bexley was floating under the door with her somehow inside of him. Neither of the professors noticed as the mist floated along the wall and thus, Bexley wasn't forced to become their greatest fears.

"What happened?" Ginny asked Bexley.

"Quiet, my Queen," Bexley whispered softly. He continued to float along the wall, as mist, but invisible to the students. Bexley floated into an empty room and with a small shake, he began to change. Ginny began to form out of the mist and she turned from a vapour to a liquid and finally back to her solid form.

"Gods, that was weird," Ginny said as she made sure that she could walk properly.

"I apologise for that, my Queen, but it was necessary for you," Bexley said.

"I understand. Thank you, Bexley," Ginny said with a slight bow.

"You are welcome, my Queen. In what manner do you need my assistance, my Queen?" Bexley asked.

"First, you can call me Ginevra, not 'Queen'. It becomes irritating after a while," Ginny said with a grin. "Secondly, I would like your help in scaring a rather discriminative professor," she said.

"Has this professor been discriminative towards you?" Bexley asked in a tone that made Ginny thank the Gods that she wasn't Rion. She gave a brief nod. "I will take great pleasure in assisting you," Bexley said with a bow. He got into Ginny's bag and they left quickly, before the bell could ring.


Deciding that it wouldn't be good if Rion came in while Ginny was in her desk, she opened her bag and Bexley slipped onto the floor, making his way to Rion's desk.

"Miss Weasley, is your enthusiasm for my lesson so great that you have arrived ten minutes early?" Rion asked, coming into the room behind her. Ginny sat down and started to take her things out.

"Of course, Professor. I enjoy your lessons. They are... refreshing," Ginny said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Just stay out of trouble, lamia and nothing will have to be refreshed," Rion hissed in warning. Ginny just smiled at her and didn't reply. With a small frown, Rion looked around her desk and chair before sitting down, almost expecting to see glue or pins on her seat.

Everyone filed into the Astronomy Room, already having heard from Neville that Colin had left on Ginny's command. By the looks on their faces, they obviously thought that nothing was going to happen. However, when everyone saw Ginny they all either smirked or grinned, depending on their House.

"What happened?" Neville asked quietly.

"Tell you later," Ginny said and he nodded.

"Once I have taken attendance, all of you will open your books to page 20. Is that understood?" Rion asked, looking over the class.

"Which book is it, Professor?" Hermione asked timidly.

"The same Astronomy book we have been attempting to get through for the entire week, Miss Granger," Rion drawled.

"Oh... I brought the wrong one," Hermione said and went red. Harry and Ron glared at her.

"You told us it was this book though, Mione!" They grumbled loudly. Most of Gryffindor agreed with them loudly and as the noise got louder, Hermione went brighter.

"I'm not a psychic! How was I supposed to know?" Hermione practically yelled.

"Be quiet! All of you!" Rion yelled.

"Is there a problem, Professor? We could hear your class all the way down the corridor," said Professor Vector, the Arithmancy teacher. She was obviously annoyed at the disruption. "If you can not keep your class silent, I will have to request for your room to be silenced with spells," she said.

"It already is, Professor," Hermione interjected quickly. "According to Hogwarts: A History, every classroom has been silenced," she said and smiled at her. Professor Vector just looked at her over her glasses and gave a curt nod.

"Very well. Keep tighter reins on your students, Professor," she said warningly to Rion and left. Rion looked at her class angrily.

"Keep silent or else I will be forced to deduct House points," she said. "Now, I will take attendance..." Rion looked down at the list. "Bulstrode, Millicent," Rion said. Millicent didn't say a word, even though she was sitting in the classroom. Rion looked up and saw Millicent at the back. "Miss Bulstrode... I called your name for attendance. Now, are you present or not?" Rion asked. Still, Millicent didn't say anything. "Fine, I see that you are here. Present," Rion said and angrily ticked Millicent's name. "Crabbe, Vincent," she called. Like Millicent, Vincent didn't say a thing. "Mr. Crabbe! I see you there! Do not tell me that you wish to lose House points for not answering during attendance?" Rion called.

"We hardly think that is fair, Professor. First you tell us to be silent or else we'll lose House points, and now that we're silent you still want to deduct House points!" Pansy said incredulous. Rion looked at her, then around the room. Every student was going to be silent until she told them otherwise, that she could tell from a glance. Thinking that it was better that they were actually following her orders, Rion just gave a curt nod.

"Fine. You may answer attendance. Otherwise, be silent," Rion said.

"Yes, Professor. We'll answer attendance," Pansy said - but Rion missed the evil gleam in her eyes.

"Uh... Thank you. Finnigan, Seamus," she said.

"Here!" Dean called with a slight grin.

"Granger, Hermione," Rion called.

"Here!" Ginny called and half of the class tried not to laugh too loudly.

"Longbottom, Neville," Rion said.

"Present," Blaise called out.

"Malfoy, Draco," Rion called and Theodore answered for him, while Gregory answered for Nott. Parvati answered for Pansy Parkinson and Padma looked slightly impressed at her sister's initiative.

"Let's all swap seats," Dean whispered quietly.

The nearby students heard and nodded, then silently got up and changed their seats. Other students saw what they were doing and changed too. Half of the Slytherin class was soon sitting in the Gryffindor section and Rion hadn't noticed a thing. Ginny mused that it was the quietest she'd ever seen the two Houses move.

"Potter, Harry," Rion called, still unaware of her student's actions.

"Here," Draco drawled and Ginny had to put her head in her hands to stop from laughing.

"Thomas, Dean," Rion said.

"Here," Ron said, grinning.

Rion eventually finished the attendance roll with not one person having answered their own name and she was still none the wiser. However, when she looked up and saw that the class had rearranged themselves Rion stared in shock.

"What are you all doing?" She asked.

"We're promoting inter-House unity, Professor... Are you proud of us?" Hermione asked, sickeningly sweet. A few people hid their laughs while others weren't sure if she was serious and tried not to gag.

"Yes, proud..." Rion said with a shake of her head.

"What are we supposed to do about our books?" Harry asked suddenly. Rion looked confused. "We brought the wrong one..." Harry explained slowly, as if to a child.

"Quickly, go retrieve the right books. Come back immediately," Rion said.

"They'll need a pass so they don't get into trouble," Ginny said before anyone could leave. Everyone, knowing that the passes were in Rion's drawer, waited patiently and eagerly.

"Yes, of course," Rion said and opened her drawer. Bexley flew out looking uncannily like Ginny in her Vampiress form. Rion went pale in fear and stared at the new Ginny.

"Hello, Professor. Is there a problem?" Bexley asked smiling, his fangs coming into full view.

"You can't be real... You're sitting over there," Rion said pointing in the general direction of where Ginny was sitting, but unable to look there. She started to shake in fear and the real Ginny walked over.

"Are you all right, Professor?" She asked, sounding worried.

"You can't see it?" Rion asked in fear.

"See what?" Ginny asked, looking around. Her eyes slid over Bexley easily.

"See you! You're standing there!" Rion said, her voice going hysterical. Bexley gave a small growl and she fainted clean out. Ginny smirked at Bexley.

"Thank you, my dear Bexley. Would you like to return to the classroom or stay with me?" Ginny asked. Bexley smiled then turned to the rest of the class. "They can't see you, so there's no reason for you to have to try and scare them," Ginny said and everyone quickly diverted their gaze from Ginny's double.

"I understand your reason for not wanting them to be scared, so I will not do so. You were all very cunning. I applaud you," Bexley said with a bow, then he turned into mist and floated back over to Ginny. "I will be honoured to stay with you, my Queen," Bexley said and floated into Ginny. The rest of the students stared at Ginny for a moment.

"Oh, come on... Just go get your books. Get a pass and scram!" Ginny said and passes flew to each person who had brought the wrong book. They all left quickly. "Hey Blaise? How quick can you change?" Ginny asked with a smirk. Blaise smirked back and walked over to her, changing in two seconds. "And back?" Ginny asked, and in another two seconds he was his normal self. "Excellent. You can do the honours of waking her up,' she said, grinning wickedly.

"I think I get your meaning... The smelling salt, if you please," Blaise answered with an evil smirk as he turned back into a centaur.

Ginny handed him a vial and he put it under Rion's nose ungracefully. Rion woke up and groggily stared at the centaur before her. She let out an ear piercing scream and in that time Blaise had turned back.

"Professor? What's wrong?" Blaise asked, sounding concerned. Rion stared at him and saw that he wasn't a centaur. She shook her head for a second and sat up slowly.

"Nothing... There's nothing wrong..." She said and looked around quickly for the Boggart. Not seeing anything, she sighed in relief and went over to her desk. "Where is the rest of the class?" She asked, now noticing that most of them were gone.

"You gave them passes to get their books, then you fainted for some reason," Ginny replied. "We didn't see anything, you just fainted straight out. Are you sure you're all right, Professor?" Ginny asked, peering at the professor closely.

"I am fine, Miss Weasley. I... appreciate your concern," Rion said; her attention was pulled to a different part of the room quite suddenly. Draco Malfoy was looking at her, his Veelan side coming out. Every person in the room, bar Ginny, was openly staring at him in desire. As the other students came in the room, they stopped and stared at Draco too.

"Draconius? You should let them go before someone tries to kiss you again," Ginny said in a bored tone. Looking at Ginny for a moment, Draco stopped and the desire left everyone's eyes quickly.

"I hate it when you do that, Draco!" Pansy muttered at him.

"Professor? Are you all right?" Neville asked, waving a hand in front of Rion's face.

Rion stopped looking at Draco then looked at Neville. He smiled brightly and plants began to grow around him. Rion stared at him then backed away quickly. None of the other students seemed to notice anything, though they were all burning with curiosity as to how Neville was able to do that.

"What are you?" Rion whispered in shock. Neville frowned and the plants disappeared immediately.

"Pardon, Professor?" He asked in confusion. Rion looked from him to all of the other students, who were all looking at her concerned.

"Are you sure you're all right? You don't look too well," Pansy said and placed a webbed hand on Rion's forehead. Rion screeched and moved further back.

"What is going on here?" Professor Vector asked as she entered the classroom.

"We don't know what's wrong with her, Professor. She just fainted and I think she's taken a knock to the head or something. She seems to be seeing things," Ginny said, looking at Rion in concern. "Neville asked her if she was all right and then she asked him what he was, which doesn't really make sense, and Pansy put a hand on her forehead to see if she had a temperature then Rion screamed and moved away from everyone..." Ginny said with a shrug.

Professor Vector looked at the students. They did seem to look concerned for Rion. With a small sigh, she walked over to Rion and looked at her. Ginny silently thought a spell and horns hovered over Vector's head so it looked like they were actually on her head.

"Olivia? Are you all right?" Vector asked. Rion looked up at Vector, staring at the two horns that were on top of her head. She let out a scream and tried to back away from her quickly.

"What are you?" She said, continuing to stare at her and those awful horns that were growing out of her skull.

"What do you mean by that?" Vector asked in confusion. She looked in the mirror behind the door, but she looked exactly the same. As she looked back at Rion, the horns floated back up onto her head and Rion screamed loudly. The horns disappeared and Ginny walked over.

"You see, Professor? There has to be something wrong with her," Ginny said, shaking her head. She smiled at Rion, baring her fangs slightly.

"Lamia! Leave me alone!" Rion yelled. Ginny moved closer to Rion and sighed.

"I am not a Vampiress, Professor. I am your student," Ginny said slowly, her fangs no longer visible. Rion had her eyes closed and was muttering to herself.

"I think I should take her down to the hospital wing. You all stay here and do your assigned work. Miss Granger and Miss Weasley, I trust you can organise everything," Vector stated and left the classroom, guiding a babbling Rion with her.

The door closed after them and Ginny cracked up laughing. The rest of the class was soon laughing with her and Blaise made his way past the laughing students to get to Ginny.

"Did you think of the horns all by yourself?" Blaise asked her. She nodded, tears streaming down her face from laughing so much. "You sure you weren't supposed to be in Slytherin?" He asked, smirking at her.

"I'm not sure about that, but I did get Draco to grin," Ginny said and looked over at him. The grin stayed on Draco's face for a moment before he smirked instead.

"Draco?" Pansy crooned sweetly. He looked at her and Pansy hit his shoulder. "I told you not to do that Veelan thing when I'm nearby! You're bloody annoying when you do that!" She growled and hit him again. Ginny laughed at them then smirked at Blaise.

"I'm not sure whether they're acting like a married couple or not..." She said with a raised eyebrow.

"Jealous?" Blaise asked with a smirk.

"Not at all," Ginny said, smirking back at him. Blaise winked at her and went over to stop Pansy from hitting Draco.

"Ginny? Do you think we should do as Professor Vector said?" Hermione asked. Ginny gave a slight shrug.

"I don't know. Are the rooms really silenced or did you make that up?" Ginny asked. Hermione went a light shade of red.

"Made it up..." She muttered.

"All right. We'll allow everyone a few minutes to calm down, then we should because the Gods know that Vector will return to see if we're actually working or not," Ginny said with a smirk. "All right, everyone! Get a hold of yourselves!" Ginny called.

Slowly the students stopped laughing then sat in their seats, not bothering to go back to the original Slytherin-Gryffindor sides.

"We're going to do what Professor Vector said and teach you, so you might as well listen so we don't get into trouble..." Ginny said with a smirk. "I take it that you have all read the first chapter, after that brilliant display of genius by Dean on the first day," she said and Dean went red. Everyone voiced their agreement on having read the first chapter. "All right. Who didn't understand any of it?" Ginny asked. Surprising everyone Hermione tentatively raised her hand.

"I still don't understand the Babylonian astronomy," she said quietly.

"Yeah, how did they just suddenly get the arithmetic equation to work out when the Moon and Sun would be for every day of the year?" Theodore asked with a frown.

"Well, get the book open and we'll read it all together... One of us should understand it," Ginny said with a grin.

As Ginny finished explaining the way of Babylonian astronomy, Professor Vector entered the classroom. Seeing that the students were actually working without any fighting or complaints, she stopped in surprise and shock.

"You're actually working?" She asked, then shook her head. "Never mind... How is everything going?" She asked. Ginny gave a small shrug.

"We just finished working out how the Babylonian astronomy worked... Don't you have a class already, Professor?" Ginny asked, frowning. Vector paled slightly.

"Oh, dear... The classroom's going to be ruined," Vector said and left quickly. Ginny shook her head and they continued to work.


"Miss Weasley? A moment, if you please," Albus said as she was about to enter Charms.

"Do you have my timetable known off by heart or something, Headmaster?" Ginny asked with a grin.

"It is my business to know where my students are, Miss Weasley. Now, please follow me. Professor Flitwick has already been told of your absence," Albus said and led Ginny to a private room. "Professor Vector has told me of Rion's... current condition. I don't want to know what you did to her, as I am not sure that I can handle it. However, I do suggest that you return the Boggart to Lupin... The third years were very disappointed, to say the least, when they found that they weren't going to see a Boggart," Albus said with a small smile.

"I'm afraid I can't do that, Professor. Bexley doesn't wish to return there, as he knows he will be... killed, for want of a better word," Ginny said.

"Who is Bexley?" Albus asked frowning.

"Bexley is the Boggart, Professor. I would let you see him, but then he would be forced to show your fear and you would probably kill him too," Ginny said. Albus regarded the young woman before him and nodded.

"Very well then. I will find another Boggart for Lupin to use," Albus said. "You may return to your lesson, Miss Weasely," he said. Ginny nodded, then went to the Charms classroom.

"Miss Weasley... Please take your seat," Flitwick said as she entered the classroom.

Ginny nodded and sat next to Neville. She noticed that the students had changed seats and were now sitting amongst each other. The fact that Lavender was pissed off with her and the sudden rearrangement of the class didn't escape her notice either. Parvati was no longer just sitting next to Lavender, but sitting next to her twin sister as well.

"Now, we will be finishing the amulets you started yesterday. I do hope that you all brought them," Flitwick said, looking around the room. A few people looked guilty and he sighed slightly. "Those that did not bring your amulet, please go and get them. Quickly," he added and about ten people left the classroom. Flitwick floated around the class to check that people had indeed brought their amulets. He stopped at Ginny when he didn't see anything. "Miss Weasley? Where is your amulet?" He asked kindly. Ginny showed him her necklace.

"I didn't want to lose it, so I put it around my neck," she answered at his questioning look.

"Excellent idea, Miss Weasley!" Flitwick said, smiling at her broadly. Lavender snorted loudly, but Flitiwck hadn't heard, already floating to the other side of the room.

"Do you have a problem, Brown?" Ginny asked, glaring at her.

"No," Lavender said, holding back her laugh.

"What's so funny?" Parvati asked Lavender in confusion. "It's a good idea. I did it too," she said and showed Lavender her bracelet with the charm hanging from it. Lavender looked at her friend in surprise.

"It's funny because it's her... There's never been a reason to laugh before," she said. Parvati just looked at Lavender for a moment.

"There's always been a reason, Lavender," Parvati said. "I see that your reasons were different from mine," Parvati said and shook her head in shame.

"What are you going on about Parvati?" Lavender asked, confused.

"You just said there's never been a reason before to laugh at something, but there always has been. If you think there hasn't then that means that you've just laughed at people for no reason, is that right?" Parvati asked her.

"Of course I have! You can not be telling me that every person you've laughed at has been because of something stupid they did? You've never laughed at someone for the way they looked or talked?" Lavender asked, incredulous. Parvati shook her head at Lavender.

"Yes, I am telling you that Lavender. I can't believe that you've just laughed at people because of the way they are. That's really low!" Parvati said, then joined her sister, away from Parvati.

Flitwick hadn't noticed a thing that happened, or at least he pretended he hadn't. The people that had left returned and sat in their seats.

"Miss Patil and Miss Patil! I am very proud that you are both promoting House unity, as are the rest of your two Houses. You are all setting great examples for the younger students!" Flitwick said happily. "Fifty points to both Gryffindor and Slytherin," he said, smiling at everyone. "Now, will everyone repeat the following incantation after me; tutis," Flitwick said and flicked his wand at his own amulet. A small white ball floated down to his amulet and covered it. (Protected or safe.)

Everyone repeated the incantation without their wands and when he was satisfied, they performed the spell on their amulets too. Ginny watched as some people flicked their wand but nothing happened. With a small sigh, she flicked her own wand and said the incantation. A large red ball covered her amulet, then other red balls started to cover some amulets in the room.

The group of Slytherins and Neville watched as their own amulets were covered with a red ball, then they all looked at Ginny from where they were sitting.

"Miss Weasley, may you please inform me of what you just did?" Flitwick asked, having seen the nine red balls float over the amulets.

"No, I can not as I did not do anything willingly. My magic did it," Ginny said.

She was quite aware when Lavender rolled her eyes in disbelief and restrained from throwing a curse at her. Bexley on the other hand, floated out of her and made his way beneath the table to Lavender. A few of the students from the Astronomy class watched indiscreetly.

Lavender screamed loudly as bugs, rodents and other insects covered her feet. She jumped up onto her chair still screaming, staring down at the creatures. Some of them flew up to her while others climbed up her chair and onto her feet again. Lavender kept screaming even as Flitwick floated over.

"Bexley! RETURN!" Ginny called loudly. Lavender was too distressed to hear her, but Flitwick did and he watched as all of the creatures made their way back to Ginny. "I didn't give you permission to do that, Bexley..." She said quietly. Flitwick and the other students watched as Bexley became a mist and gave an apologetic bow.

"I apologise, my Queen. I do not like those that insult and provoke others due to their ways... Besides, she made my Queen angry," Bexley said. Ginny shook her head.

"That is not the point, Bexley. I will deal with Brown on my own. I thank you for your concern," she said. "Now return," she commanded and reluctantly, Bexley went into her.

"Miss Weasley? What was that?" Flitwick asked floating over to her.

"Bexley is a Boggart under my protection at the moment, Professor. He did that on his own and I take no responsibility for his actions," Ginny replied and smiled at him innocently.

Lavender was still screaming loudly and Ginny sighed. Her head seemed to be thumping with every scream she let loose.

"Lavender! Silence!" Ginny said and Lavender stopped screaming immediately. Ginny slumped down in her seat and rubbed her temples wearily. "May we please continue?" She asked Flitwick. He nodded, making a mental note not to anger Miss Weasley in the future. Ginny shook her head with a grin and swallowed an anti-headache potion.

"Miss Brown. May you please sit down in your seat instead of standing on it? You have no reason to stand on it unless you are as short as I am," Flitwick said, grinning gaily. Lavender sat in her seat with a nod. "Now, please repeat after me... Coloro," he said. (To colour.)

The lesson went by with no further incidents and by the time the bell rang for recess, everyone had coloured their amulets and made it so they would be protected and conjured a chain to make it into a necklace, bracelet or anklet.

"I am very proud of you all! You have just completed your first assignment!" Flitwick said happily and awarded both Houses twenty points before dismissing them for recess. "Miss Weasley, may I talk with you before you leave?" Flitwick asked. Ginny nodded for Neville to leave then went down to Flitwick.

"Yes, Professor?" She asked.

"Do you mind if I see this Boggart... Bexley, for myself?" He asked, smiling at her.

Bexley floated out of Ginny's body and over to Flitwick.

"I apologise, Master of Charms... I can not show you what you want. If you have no idea of your fear, then neither do I," Bexley said. Flitwick nodded looking slightly disappointed.

"Very well... Thank you," he said. "May you please refrain in disrupting my class in the future? However much she may have deserved it, it is not your place to do anything without Ginevra's permission," Flitwick said. Bexley gave a bow then floated back into Ginny's body.

"Thank you, Professor. I will see you later," Ginny said and departed for the Great Hall.


"Hey Ginny!" Colin said, grinning at her as she entered the Great Hall. "I heard that Rion was sent to the hospital wing... How did you get out of their office?" He asked quietly. Neville nodded, waiting for her response.

"I turned into a Boggart with the help of Bexley," Ginny replied quietly.

"Who's Bexley?" Colin asked curiously.

"Ginny's Boggart," Neville said, grinning.

"Speaking of turning into things... What did you do Neville? There were plants everywhere," Ginny said in awe. Neville went red.

"I owled gran last night and she told me what you told me... Her great-grandfather was part-nymph and they blessed me at birth for all the things he did for them," Neville said. "Gran told me that I made half of her plants grow when I was four but until I bounced out the window I hadn't shown any other magical abilities besides what the nymphs had given me," he said quietly. "I tried it then and believe me, I was just as surprised as the rest of you," Neville said, shaking his head.

"Congratulations," Ginny said and hugged him.

"Should I be jealous?" Blaise asked behind them. Ginny laughed softly and winked at him.

"Always... You want to sit down?" She asked, moving across for him. Blaise raised an eyebrow at him.

"A Slytherin sitting at the Gryffindor table? It's unheard of! And I'm just the person to do it," he said with a wink and sat beside her. The entire Hall went silent as they realised what had just happened.

"Get off our table!" Lavender hissed at him. Blaise just looked at her.

"Now I doubt that is the way to promote House unity, Brown," He sneered at her. "Besides, you should know that I was invited to sit down as you were so obviously listening to our conversation!" He said and Lavender went red.

"You should be applauded for promoting House unity, Mr. Zabini! Fifteen points for Slytherin," Dumbledore announced as the students still sat there in shock.

"Ginevra? Want to sit with us?" Pansy asked her suddenly. Ginny nodded and went over to the Slytherin table.

"Thanks for the invite... Trying to get more points, huh?" Ginny asked her as she sat between Pansy and Draco.

"Of course. Besides, if you're really going to marry Mr. Malfoy, Prince of Ice, then you should at least get to know him," Pansy said with a wink. Draco scowled at her but Pansy just ignored him easily.

"I'm surprised that the entire school still isn't talking... Even Brown's quiet! I think this is the longest she's been quiet so far," Ginny said, shaking her head. "Luna!" Ginny called and Luna walked over dreamily. "What's the record for Lavender not talking?" She asked. Luna smiled and looked over to Lavender who was still speechless.

"Three minutes at the moment. She is going to beat it by five seconds," Luna said, then sat beside Pansy, undeterred by the Slytherins stares. "The merpeople are always good to my father. Thank you for your hospitality," Luna said dreamily. Pansy just gave her a curt nod. "I do remember seeing you there one time... I think it was in our third year during the Christmas holidays. Do you remember, Water Pansy?" Luna asked, smiling at her.

"Of course I remember! You kept saying that something bad was going to happen to my kind. Then that bloody shark came after you left," Pansy muttered.

"I am sorry... I did try to convince the shark not to do anything, but it had been cut off from others of it kind and was bordering on starvation so it wouldn't listen to me," Luna said. Pansy just nodded.

"I know. We managed to stun it with some Lobalugs and we fed it after it promised not to harm us again. Thanks for the warning though," Pansy said. Luna just smiled and stood up.

"You are welcome. I do not like to see friends hurt," Luna said and went back to her table.

"I completely disagree. I mean Puddlemere United is all right, but it's the Tornadoes who have been winning every game this season," Vincent said to Gregory.

"Who cares if they've won every game so far? For the past five years they've only won ten games out of the fifty that's been played. United has won thirty and they've beaten the Tornadoes every time they've played against them," Gregory said.

Ginny shook her head at the similarities between their arguments and Ron and Seamus'. Although it was over different teams (Cannons and Ireland), the defensive arguments were almost identical!

"Aren't you going to eat anything?" Pansy asked her, seeing that Ginny hadn't put anything on her plate.

"Yeah... Kind of forgot there was food," Ginny said, grinning, and started to take some food. "No one's going to try and poison me are they? I'll be very pissed off if you do," she said and Pansy laughed.

"Oh, please! The only person we'd poison is probably Brown... But then, I think that is in agreement with the rest of the school too," she said with a wink.

"You wouldn't poison anyone else? I'm almost disappointed," Ginny said shaking her head as she smirked at them.

"You-Know-Who is our first, then it's Brown... For some of us Potter's in the list, but he's just too easy to hex to bother with poisoning," Pansy said smirking. Ginny grinned.

"I'll say... I just say Bat Bogey Hex and he runs. But then, so does Draco," she said. Pansy smirked and the entire table went quiet as Draco stopped eating.

"Is no one else bothered by this?! Can't you see that she's going against our House by sitting over there?! She's with Slytherins, for the Gods sakes!" Lavender said, breaking her record of silence by five seconds exactly. Yet again, the entire Great Hall went quiet and watched Ginny eagerly.

"I'll be right back," Ginny said to the Slytherins and stood up. She walked over to Lavender calmly, smirking evilly. "I'd like to talk with you, Brown..." She said. "Outside," Ginny added.

Lavender stood up immediately, though not through any will of her own and followed Ginny outside. Most of the Great Hall followed them, wanting to see this for themselves.

"I am quite aware of your... dislike of me, yet that is no reason to put others down just because they choose to speak to me, or because I am sitting with them," Ginny said. Lavender didn't say a word. "I would usually not resort to violence, but you have been warned by not only myself, but also the teachers... And ignoring all of them is not wise when dealing with one such as myself..." Ginny said.

"What are you going to do about it, Weasley? It's against school rules to duel in the corridors," Lavender sneered. Ginny smirked at her.

"Oh, I won't be doing anything to do with magic, Brown... Would you like to give the rest of the school a... demonstration of what we learnt in Defence Against the Dark Arts?" Ginny asked, seeing the Professor's standing by and Lavender nodded, her nose flaring as she thought of the possibility of hurting Ginny in front of everyone. "Good..." Ginny said and slapped Lavender.

Ginny's hand imprints seemed to glow red on Lavender's skin as she paled. Then her face grew red and the handprints seemed to disappear. Lavender yelled loudly and went to hit Ginny, who blocked her fist easily and went to kick Lavender. She blocked Ginny's foot and kicked back at her. Ginny went to punch Lavender, then as if she changed her mind mid-kick, she let her foot drop and Lavender punched her in the stomach with a left hook. It was weak compared to what Ginny was used to, so she was able to ignore the pain and she went to hit Lavender again. Lavender flinched but Ginny's fist never connected. Instead, Ginny brought up her foot and kicked Lavender lightly in the chest. As Lavender had flinched, the small kick caused her to fall over.

"That's not fair!" Lavender screeched and she got up and charged at Ginny. Ginny moved out of her way but Lavender didn't seem to be able to stop. She charged into the wall with a loud crash.

"Miss Weasley... This physical violence is not necessary for you to solve things," McGonagall's voice called out and she made her way past the students to Ginny.

"Of course not, Professor. There was no real violence used... We were just showing everyone how well we have been taught in attacking and defending ourselves, weren't we, Lavender?" Ginny asked. Lavender gave a small nod and tentatively touched her mouth, pulling away with blood on her fingers. She stared at it for a moment before fainting. McGonagall sighed and shook her head.

"May someone please take Miss Brown to the hospital wing? Thank you for offering, Miss Patil," she said when Parvati stepped forward reluctantly. "You are just trying to cause more paperwork for me, aren't you Miss Weasley?" McGonagall asked, turning to her. Ginny shook her head.

"Not at all, Professor... I apologise if I have caused you more," she said, then went back into the Great Hall and sat at the Slytherin table again.

"Thank you... Now, where were we? I believe that I said something about a Bat Bogey Hex and Draco running," Ginny said with a smirk and the Slytherins stared at her, shocked that she would willingly bring it up!

"Shut it, Weasley," Draco growled and Ginny started laughing at him.

"That's the best you can come up with? I've heard five-year-olds with better comebacks than that, Draco!" She said, laughing again. Draco glared at her.

"I want to talk to you. Outside," he said angrily. Shaking her head, Ginny grabbed her bag and went with him outside.

"What is it, Draco?" Ginny drawled. He glared at her again.

"Would you stop doing that?" He growled.

"Doing what?" She asked. Draco sighed slightly and ran his hands through his hair.

"Stop calling me by my first name! You don't know me and I don't want you calling me by my name. Especially not Draconius," he said glaring.

"Oh, please! You're upset because I called you by your given name? That's pathetic, Draconius," Ginny said, saying his name mockingly.

Draco closed his eyes and tried to entice her with his Veelan powers. Ginny smirked knowing it wouldn't work.

"I'm sure you've already tried that on me today, Malfoy! Be inventive! Use your brain! Try something I'm not expecting, or even better, something I'm not immune to, you idiot!" Ginny called, then turned on her heel and left.

Draco opened his eyes and glared at her. With a smirk he ran after her and pulled her around to face him. He kissed her hungrily then pulled away after a few seconds, smirking when she whimpered in protest. He walked away, leaving Ginny standing there in a daze.

Well, I certainly wasn't expecting that! Ginny thought to herself and shook her head for a moment before leaving too. I should have though... That happened was one of my visions... Ginny thought and shook her head again. She wouldn't let him do that to her again!

Ginny made her way to the Divination Tower and climbed up the ladder to the classroom. She sat on one of the armchairs and rested her head on the table.


"Draco! Where are you?" Ginny hissed quietly, looking around the dark room. She couldn't see him anywhere, and so went to the next room. Again, not able to find him, Ginny continued to look. She came to the last room and opened the door.

Draco was sitting at Virginia's feet being fed grapes lazily. He was wearing a loincloth and staring at Virginia in desire. She fed him another grape. Virginia smiled at him, then looked at Ginny and smirked evilly.

"Hello, my daughter. Draco, say hello to Ginevra," Virginia cooed at him.

"Hello Ginevra," Draco said in an emotionless tone, his eyes still focused on Virginia and the bunch of grapes.

"Good afternoon, Virginia. I have come on request from Xavier. He wishes to see you. Right now," Ginny said. Virginia looked disappointed for a second.

"You do not say hello to your friend?" She asked, stroking Draco's cheek softly.

"That boy is no more my friend than I am his," Ginny replied emotionlessly. "What you do to him is of no concern to me. However, if you do not wish to get on the bad side of the Veelas, then I suggest you return him before his Lord realises that he is gone... Xavier awaits your presence," Ginny said, then left the room. With an irritated sigh, Virginia got off the cushions and went over to Bart.

"You will look after the boy. Make sure that little bitch doesn't try to get him... Is that understood, my precious Bart?" Virginia cooed at him. Bart nodded, his face filled with longing and desire. "Good. I will return soon, my little pet," Virginia said to Draco lovingly then left the room, closing and locking the door behind her. She failed to notice the mist above the door. The mist floated down and Ginny turned back into herself.

"Bexley, I need your assistance. Would you be so kind?" Ginny asked.

Bexley floated out of her and smirked, then bowed and floated into the room. In a few seconds, Bart was opening the door and running down the hallway, not noticing Ginny standing in the shadows for his fear. Ginny walked over to the door and saw worms crawling along the floor.

"He's scared of worms?" Ginny asked then shook her head.

She shut the door behind her then walked over to Draco. Bexley floated under the door again and kept watch outside.

"Come on, Draco. We need to leave before she gets back," Ginny said quietly, tugging on his hand.

"Where is my Mistress? You are not my Mistress," Draco stated, staring at her emotionlessly. Ginny looked at him in shock.

"You can not really be under her spell... Come on, snap out of it Draco!" Ginny whispered and tried to get him up again.

"Where is my Mistress?" Draco repeated. Ginny shook her head trying not to cry.

"I can not mean this little to you. Will you please get up so we can go?" She said, pulling on his hand again. Draco still didn't move, he only looked at her, his eyes void of emotion. "Draco! Get up!" She said and Draco stood unwillingly.

"Where is my Mistress?" He asked again.

"She is not your Mistress! She's put you under a spell! You have to fight it! Fight it, damn you!" Ginny said, now getting angry as well as desperate.

"Ginevra! She is returning!" Bexley said urgently from outside.

"My Mistress is returning?" Draco asked.

Ginny didn't know whether to slap him out of it or not. Making a split decision, she removed her necklace and slipped it over Draco's head. As the dragon pendant touched his bare chest, Draco stopped looking so void and stared at Ginny.

"Ginevra? Where am I? What am I wearing?" Draco asked in shock, seeing the lack of clothes on his body.

"Quiet, carus. Virginia is returning and if we don't get out of here she'll catch us and turn you back into her little pet," Ginny said in disgust. (Dear or beloved.)

Bexley floated under the door and floated over Ginny and Draco quickly. They turned into mist and Bexley floated up to the roof just as the door opened. Virginia and Bart stood there, Bart looking scared and Virginia looking angry, to say the least.

"WHERE IS HE??" She yelled. "Find him or else you will live to regret it!" She yelled and hit Bart hard. "Find the little bitch too... She's probably got him hiding somewhere," Virginia snarled. Bart nodded and left quickly. "Worms..." She muttered and shook her head. She shut her eyes in annoyance and rubbed her temples.

Bexley floated out of the room as fast as possible. When he came to a room that was open and empty, he turned them back and Ginny shut the door and locked the door quickly.

"Bexley, keep watch please. I don't want Bart coming in here while I'm trying to fix Draco," Ginny said. With a bow, Bexley floated outside again. Ginny turned to Draco and took the necklace off of him carefully. His face went blank again.

"Where is my Mistress?" He asked. Ginny replaced the necklace and Draco scowled. "I'm going to kill that woman myself for doing this to me..." He growled.

"Do you know how to reverse it?" Ginny asked. Draco's face fell for a moment. "Is there any way to reverse it?" Ginny asked, looking at him.

"She has to do it willingly..." Draco said reluctantly. "I could just keep this on..." He said, gesturing to the necklace. Ginny shook her head.

"Believe me, you're going to keep it on, but not for this reason... We better go see Xavier. He'll know what to do," she said. "Bexley," Ginny called quietly. The Boggart floated back into the room. "We need to go see Xavier," she said. Bexley nodded and floated over them...


Ginny woke up abruptly hearing people coming up the tower.

She glared at nothing particular. How dare Virginia try to take Draco from her! She clenched her fists in anger, her nails piercing her skin and leaving crescent marks in her palm. Blood seeped from the four small wounds but they healed quickly, only Ginny's anger remaining.

"Are you all right, Ginevra?" Blaise asked as he came into the room with Neville.

"Not really... Kind of pissed off," Ginny muttered in reply.

"What for?" Neville asked in surprise.

"Bad dream," Ginny replied vaguely. Blaise and Neville nodded, understanding.

Draco walked in the room and smirked at Ginny, but she was still too riled to do anything. Almost disappointed, Draco sat next to Blaise and they all waited for Firenze in silence.

"Good morning students..." Professor Trewlaney said, smiling at them all. "If you will please grab a cup each, we will begin the lesson," she said.

"Uh, Professor? Where is Firenze?" Parvati asked tentatively.

"Firenze has made a compromise with myself and Dumbledore... I will teach you for Friday's lesson and Firenze will teach you for the other lessons of the week," Trewlaney explained. "Now, please take a tea cup each," she said and everyone did so reluctantly.

"Why are you sitting with them?" Ron hissed at Ginny when she was close to him. Ginny just raised an eyebrow at her brother.

"If you don't know, then maybe you'll see why in your cup," she drawled and carried the four cups back to the table. She gave one to each of the three boys and kept the last one for herself. Blaise poured the tea, Neville fearing to do it himself without knocking something over.

"You should really get your confidence up a bit, Neville," Blaise said as he passed him a full cup. Neville just nodded, his eyes downcast.

"Sorry," he muttered and started to drink his tea. He was lucky that there was a cooling charm on it, or else he would have burnt his tongue. Blaise passed Ginny and Draco their cups and watched as they started drinking before sipping at his own tea.

"Right, who wants to begin the translation?" Blaise asked, smirking at the other three. With a small sigh, Ginny took his cup from him. She looked at the black tea leaves and went red quickly. "What does it say?" Ginny beckoned him closer and dropped her voice to a whisper so the other students wouldn't hear.

"You've found your match... Both spiritually and... er... physically," Ginny said quietly. Blaise nodded and smirked at Neville who was just staring at them in shock.

"How do you know to read the leaves? Can you read mine?" Neville asked and passed Ginny his tea cup.

"Same as Blaise's, but there's something else here..." Ginny said with a frown, and turned the cup slightly. "What?" She muttered to herself and turned the cup around. She continued to move the cup for a few moments, the frown never leaving her face. "Ok, this doesn't make any sense... It says that you're changing into a nymph, I think... Professor Trewlaney?" Ginny called and Neville paled as Sibyl walked over.

He didn't want his death foretold in front of the entire class! It was embarrassing enough to see it happen to others in his House, let alone himself!

"Can you please tell me if I'm correct with what this means on the left?" Ginny asked and passed her the cup. Trewlaney looked down into the cup, her eyes widening in shock and she looked up at Neville, beaming broadly.

"Congratulations, boy! It is about time some of you returned to the old ways... They have been gone far too long, but now they return with more force and power imaginable! Congratulations, my dear boy! Your great-grandfather is proud of you," Trewlaney said and cupped Neville's face for a moment then went over to a different table. Neville stared after her in shock then grabbed his teacup and looked at the slime on the bottom of it.

"How do you get all of that from this?" He muttered and shook his head. "How does she know about my great-grandfather?" Neville asked, looking from the cup to Trewlaney to Ginny.

"She's a seer?" Ginny said with a slight smirk. "Uh, I think we better swap seats Neville. My brother is about to find out something that he's definitely not going to like and you're going to be in danger if you sit there," she muttered, then quickly changed seats with Neville. As she expected, Ron soon let out a loud cry of disbelief and anger and charged over to them, wand drawn.

"Ginny! Get away from here right now!" Ron practically yelled, his face turning red.

"Away from where exactly, dear brother?" Ginny asked smoothly. Ron's eyes bulged and his face began to go purple.

"Get away from them! You can't do this!" Ron yelled drawing his wand and pointing it at her. If Ginny had been sitting in her original seat, then Ron wouldn't have been able to point it at her properly and his wand would have inevitably pointed at Neville.

"I am only doing my work, Ronald. If you have a problem with this then take it up with Professor Trewlaney," Ginny said, still undeterred by her brother's face and anger.

"You can't sit here! I refuse it!" Ron yelled. The entire class watched as Ginny flexed her wand hand dangerously. She stood up and looked at her brother, who had quickly gone pale.

"Of course I will do everything you tell me to do; is that what you expect, Ronald?" Ginny asked softly.

"I'm your brother! I'm only looking after your well being!" Ron cried, still in denial and shock.

"And as you don't give a shit about me, then it's only my well-being you're looking out for, isn't it!? It couldn't possibly be the fact that you despise Draco and don't want me to shame the family! It would never be the fact that you don't want to be associated with someone who has the ability to fall in love with someone for who they are, not what they represent! You don't want me to sit here because it really shows what you can never have with Hermione if you don't take your wand out of your arse!" Ginny said. She said all of this quietly, but the affect was as if she'd yelled it at the top of her lungs.

Ron just stared at her, his face changing from white to red then to purple.

"I apologise for interrupting your lesson, Professor. May we please continue?" Ginny asked and sat down on her seat elegantly. Trewlaney smiled and nodded.

"Of course, Ginevra. Ronald, I suggest that you return to your seat," Sibyl said and gently led the shocked Ron away from them.

"'Take your wand out of your arse?'" Blaise quoted, looking at Ginny.

Neville burst out laughing at both his face and the under-used saying. Ginny smiled and shook her head when she heard Dean and Seamus laughing in the back of the class. Parvati giggled and Lavender glared at her friend, but that didn't stop Parvati one bit. Shocking everyone, Blaise started cracking up too and Ginny had to laugh at his face. Ron went red as everyone in the class except Lavender laughed. Even Harry and Draco were chuckling. Ron wasn't too sure if anyone really knew what they were laughing at, but that didn't stop anyone from continuing to laugh.

"Students, please calm yourselves. We still have a lesson to finish," Trewlaney called.

The tears on her face from laughing made them not take her too seriously, but soon most of them had stopped laughing and the rest of the class quietened after a few moments.

"Thank you... Now once you have finished reading your tea leaves, I would like you to look into the crystal ball in front of you," Trewlaney said.

"Do you want me to try and read your tea leaves, Ginny?" Neville asked.

"No, thank you. I still have to read Draco's," Ginny said, smiling at Neville. Draco glared at her for calling him by his first name yet again, then passed her the cup, looking bored. Ginny looked into it and read the tea leaves for almost as long as she had Neville's, but she didn't say a word.

"Miss Weasley? Have you finished reading the tea leaves yet?" Trewlaney asked, walking over to them. Ginny shook her head, but it seemed to be more to the teacup than in response to Sibyl's question. With a slight frown, Sibyl looked over Ginny's shoulder and at the teacup. "Oh..." She murmured.

"What do you mean by that?" Draco asked, frowning at her.

"Ginevra will tell you herself, Draconius," Sibyl said with a smile. "Now, will one of you be so kind as to read Ginevra's tea leaves so we can continue with the lesson?" Sibyl asked and handed Draco Ginny's cup.

Draco went to glare at her, but Trewlaney had already moved on. With an irritated sigh, Draco looked into the teacup and began to flip through his book. Stopping at a page, he looked into the cup then shook his head and kept flipping. Eventually finding the right meaning, he stared at the book then at the teacup.

"You're going to die," he said, looking at Ginny in shock.

"Oh, I know," she said with a smile.

"What? How can you know you're going to die?" He asked in shock.

"Well, it does happen to everyone, so it's kind of obvious that it will happen to me too... I'm not immortal," Ginny said with a disappointed sigh.

"But it says you're going to die within the year..." Draco said, looking from the tea leaves to the book and then at Ginny again.

"Oh, well," she said and shrugged nonchalantly.

"Oh, well?" Draco repeated in shock. "Oh, well?"

"Have you suddenly become a parrot, Draco, or are you just doing that to annoy me?" Ginny drawled. Draco just opened his mouth and closed it again, then repeated this action a few times more. "And now you're a fish... Can't wait to see how you're going to do the ferret," she said and smirked at him.

"I'm not a ferret," he growled.

"You keep telling yourself that," Ginny said and turned her attention to Trewlaney.


"So what did the leaves in my cup say?" Draco asked Ginny as they walked to Transfiguration with Blaise and Neville.

"It said three things. The first wasn't all that important, but Trewlaney said I'd tell you later, so I left it... You're going to be staying here for the Christmas holidays instead of returning to the Manor," Ginny said. Draco looked slightly surprised, but just nodded and indicated for her to continue. "The second one said that you'd kiss me again before the end of the week," she said quietly.

"And the third?" Draco asked when she didn't continue. Ginny didn't say anything for a moment.

"You will See what made me sick the other night... You're going to See it before the end of the week," she said, even quieter than before. "I will help you See it, apparently," she added before he could ask how.

"Come on you two! We want to get inside the classroom before the lesson ends!" Blaise called from up ahead. Ginny walked over to them quickly and went inside the Transfiguration classroom with them, Draco entering after a while.

Ginny sat next to Neville and looked ahead, not saying anything, not even taking out her books.

"You ok, Ginny?" Neville asked her. She nodded mutely and just continued to stare ahead.

She didn't want to show Draco what she'd Seen... It was bad enough her having to remember it, but knowing that she'd helped Draco See it too... She didn't want it to happen one little bit.

"I'm not sure I want to know what happened," Pansy said, seeing Ginny's face.

She waved a hand in front of her face, but Ginny didn't seem to see it. With a sigh, Pansy sat next to Ginny and took her hand in her own. Ginny looked at her for a moment.

"I would tell you to be a good little Gryffindor and smile, but I doubt you're going to do that," Pansy drawled. Ginny just nodded. "Can you at least speak?" Pansy asked.

Neville wrapped an arm around Ginny to comfort her and she sighed reluctantly.

"I don't want to do it... He's going to See what the twins, Blaise and I Saw and I don't want him to," Ginny said quietly. Pansy looked from her to Draco then gave her a rare smile.

"He wants to See it though... Draco Malfoy always gets what he wants. Well, that's what he likes to think anyway," Pansy said with a wink. Ginny smiled briefly before sighing again.

McGonagall walked in the classroom and sat at her desk, looking at her students. Seeing that they had swapped seats to mix with each other, she hid a small smile and walked up and down the rows, ticking off each student on the attendance roll.

"Mr. Longbottom and Miss Parkinson... Please keep your arms and hands to yourself. I'm sure Miss Weasley doesn't appreciate you touching her so," McGonagall said when she saw that Neville was hugging Ginny and Pansy was holding her hand. Ginny shook her head.

"I do appreciate it actually, Professor... We will manage to untangle ourselves before you start teaching, don't worry," Ginny said with a small smile. McGonagall nodded then continued down the row, muttering to herself about mind readers.

"For today's lesson, I will be showing you how to change large furniture into animals. I know that you have already learnt how to change smaller things into animals, but this is very different. You require more energy and power put into your spell to completely change the piece of furniture into an animal. For example, if you turn a desk into a large animal like a sow," she said, changing her desk into a pig. "You need to make sure you do everything correctly, or else your sow may be running around with table legs," she said indicating to the bottom of the pig, who had indeed the four table legs.

She changed it back into her desk and told the class to gather around. Everyone did so quickly and eagerly. Minerva pointed her wand at her desk again.

"Vicissitudo bestia!" She said clearly and the desk changed into a lion. "Now who can tell me what the incantation means?" She asked and over half of the class put their hands up. "Mr. Nott." (Change or alteration.) (Animal or beast.)

"It means 'change animal'," Theodore replied. McGonagall nodded.

"Very good. Ten points to Slytherin," she said. "Now, watch the wrist movement carefully. I don't want you to do the wrong movement and end up changing the furniture into something else," McGonagall said sternly. Everyone gave her their full attention and watched as Minerva did a circle to the right, then a semi circle to the left and tapped the desk. "Vicissitudo bestia!" She said and her desk changed into a horse. It neighed for a moment and shook it's mane before being changed back again.

"How do you change it into different animals?" Dean asked, raising his hand.

"Wait until I have called on you before you ask a question, Mr. Thomas," McGonagall reprimanded lightly. "By thinking of the animal in your mind then the furniture will take on that form," she replied.

"You mean we have to say that bloody long word, make sure we get the wrist movement correct and think of an animal too? Bloody hell," Seamus muttered and shook his head.

"Mr Finnigan! Do not use that language in my classroom," Minerva said angrily. Seamus went red and nodded.

"Sorry, Professor," he said quietly.

"Line up in single file so you can attempt the spell," McGonagall said and placed a chair in front of them, not trusting them enough to let them attempt the spell on her desk.

Most of the Gryffindor students were reluctant to be first, not wanting to embarrass themselves by doing the spell wrong. Even Hermione was reluctant to line up. With a shake of her head, Ginny started the line, Neville, Blaise, Pansy and the other Slytherins lining up behind her. Gryffindors lined up behind those nine, the rest of the Slytherins behind them.

"Vicissitudo bestia!" Ginny said, doing the complicated wrist movement with ease.

The chair turned into a giraffe and the tall animal's neck seemed to extend forever. It spread its long legs and bent its head down to Ginny awkwardly then nuzzled her with its mouth lovingly. It licked her with its long tongue and Ginny laughed softly. The honey brown colour of the giraffe showed that it was a younger giraffe. Ginny touched its horns lightly and rubbed the giraffe's face softly. It licked her again before McGonagall interrupted.

"Miss Weasley... Can you please return the animal back into the chair now?" She asked, shocked at Ginny's ability. She hadn't expected anyone to achieve this spell on the first try! Not even she had during her school years at Hogwarts!

"My apologies, Professor," Ginny said and touching the giraffe one more time, she changed it back reluctantly. She went to her seat and sat down, cleaning her face as she did so. Neville stopped staring after her and took a deep breath, pointing his wand at the chair.

"Vicissitudo bestia!" He said clearly and did the wrist movement carefully. The chair turned into a toad, the pattern on the chair's cushion on it's skin. Trevor croaked from Neville's desk loudly, startling McGonagall.

"Mr. Longbottom! I thought we had an agreement about that... toad!" She said, trying to keep her heart in her chest.

"I didn't bring him, Professor. I left him in my room, just like you asked!" Neville protested. Ginny stroked Trevor's back for a moment then looked up at McGonagall and Neville.

"Trevor followed Neville here. He didn't know why Neville was leaving him alone all the time," Ginny said with a shrug.

"How do you know that, Miss Weasley?" McGonagall asked in disbelief.

"She doesn't! She's making it up," Lavender muttered.

"I suggest you stop talking Brown, before I make it no longer an ability for you," Ginny warned. "Or do we need to do another demonstration?" She asked smirking evilly. Lavender shook her head quickly. "Good... I know because that's what Trevor said," Ginny said with a shrug.

"But..." Lavender went to say then shut her mouth quickly as Ginny shot a warning look at her.

"How do you know what the toad said?" McGonagall asked. Ginny sighed slightly.

"Magic, Professor," she said simply and waved her wand. Trevor croaked again, but this time it translated into human speech.

"Why you leave me?" Trevor's croaky voice asked looking at Neville.

"Oh... Well... That makes sense," Minerva said reluctantly. Trevor croaked again but Ginny quickly removed the spell so no one could hear his comment.

"You're a sarcastic little toad, aren't you?" She muttered to Trevor. He just croaked again and Ginny stroked his back.

Neville turned the toad back into a chair and went over to his seat. He sat next to them and Ginny let Trevor go so he could hop over to Neville. Neville stroked him.

"Sorry, Trevor," he said quietly. Trevor croaked back at him and Neville kept stroking him. Lavender was about to laugh, but glares from both Parvati and Ginny made her stop.

Blaise stopped looking at Neville and looked at the chair in front of him. He said the incantation and did the wrist movements. The chair turned into a fire salamander. Blaise looked at it for a moment in shock. He hadn't even thought of an animal! With a small shake of his head he changed the fire salamander back and sat in his seat.

Pansy changed the chair into a Ramora then quickly changed it back, not wanting to see the sea creature without any water. Gregory turned the chair into an ox and Vincent changed it to a bull. Theodore changed it into a tropical bird. Millicent changed the chair into a large silver-backed gorilla and then it was Draco's turn.

Ginny watched him with interest, wondering what animal he'd change the chair into.

For a moment Draco did nothing, he just stared at the chair. Then, as if coming to a decision, he said the incantation and moved his wand with the correct wrist movements. The chair started to shrink. Feathers covered it and soon a pure white owl was in front of him. The owl flew up around the room then landed in front of Draco again and he changed it back effortlessly.

"For such a hard spell, I'm shocked that everyone's got it right so far," Ginny heard Seamus mutter to Dean. Dean just nodded and watched as Hermione attempted the spell. The chair didn't change at all, and Ginny knew it was because Hermione had pronounced the spell wrong.

From then on, not one student managed to change the chair completely into an animal. A few of the pure-bloods managed to change it halfway through, and most of the half-blood students at least managed to pronounce the word right and also get it halfway.

Ginny wasn't a bloodist, but she could tell that all of the Muggleborn students were having trouble. It wasn't their fault they hadn't learnt Latin, as the other students had, but she did admit that it was slightly funny watching them try over and over again to pronounce 'vicissitudo'.

"Very good students... I expect you all to try the spell again until you are sure you can do it properly," McGonagall said as the bell rang loudly. "I would like to see the first nine students that attempted the spell," she said.

The seven Slytherins and two Gryffindors stayed behind and waited for McGonagall to start talking. She looked at them sternly.

"How did you do the spell? It is almost an impossibility to do that spell on the first try... Have you been reading ahead?" She asked, wanting that to be their answer rather than anything else. She didn't think she could handle anything but that answer before lunch and more caffeine. It was far too long between each dose of caffeine in her opinion.

"Yes, Professor... We've all been practising together. We're trying to promote House unity as much as we possibly can, as you probably saw during recess today," Ginny said and McGonagall nodded. "So we've been going through all of our classes and practising the spells," Ginny said and smiled at her innocently. McGonagall looked to the others, who just nodded in agreement.

"Very well... You may go to lunch now," she said and they left quickly.

"Now that little ability is courtesy of Fred and George... We must remember to thank them on Monday," Ginny said with a smirk when they were out of ear shot of any other students or teachers. Pansy laughed and they went to the Great Hall.


Ginny sat at the Slytherin table with Pansy again, if only to annoy Ron. She was still upset with him about Divination... Neville and Colin sat with her this time and soon enough, Luna came over again. The older Slytherins didn't seem to have a problem with any of them sitting there, but some of the younger ones did and unfortunately for them, they didn't keep quiet about it.

"Why are there Gryffindors at our table? And a Ravenclaw too?" A fifth year asked, saying the rival Houses as if they were swear words. The older ones tried to shut him up, but to no avail. "It's bad enough we have to share the school with them! Why do we have to share our table with them too?" The fifth year said grumpily. Ginny looked at the boy for a moment and the older Slytherins went quiet.

"Now, we have two options here... One is that you apologise to my friends and I for your words, or," Ginny said, emphasising the word when he went to give her a smart remark. "Or, I can beat the apology out of you," she growled.

"You wouldn't do that, you're a bloody Gryffindor!" The boy retorted. Ginny gave a harsh laugh and the boy looked at the other Slytherins. They seemed to be taking her seriously.

"So shall I take it that you've chosen option two?" Ginny drawled. The fifth year shook his head quickly.

"Sorry about that comment," he mumbled and ate the rest of his lunch in silence.

"Where's that kid been for the last week?" Ginny asked, shaking her head.

"Not listening, as usual," Pansy said, glaring at the young boy. "His mouth's going to get him into big trouble one day," she muttered.

"Maybe I should introduce him to Ronald then..." Ginny said, smirking. Pansy rolled her eyes.

"His mouth will get him killed one day," she said and shook her head. Ginny laughed and continued to eat her lunch.


"See you at dinner, Colin!" Ginny and Neville called as they headed to Care of Magical Creatures with some of the Gryffindors and most of the Slytherins.

Ginny noticed that James, Terry, Vincent and Gregory were talking to each other, but no longer in quiet tones. Seamus was arguing with Theodore over Quidditch teams and Neville and Blaise were holding hands. She grinned at them and indicated to Pansy who smirked at the two boys.

"'Ello ev'ryone. Good ter see yer all talkin' with each other finally," Hagrid said, beaming at the group of students. "Come on. We're going in the Forbidden Forest again. We're going ter try and see something else since the unicorns have gone further in again," he said and led them to the Forest. "Ginevra, yer can be up the front with me," Hagrid said and Ginny walked faster to catch up with him. "'Eard about the yeti. Yer all right?" He asked softly.

"Yeah, I'm fine... Do you know how it got there?" She asked. Hagrid shook his head.

"I have an idea, but I'm not too sure 'bout it," he said. "Can yer hear anything?" He asked. Ginny shook her head.

"Can't hear anything dangerous around... Though I think this is near to where that Jobberknoll died. Can I go look?" Ginny asked him. Hagrid looked at her for a moment then nodded.

"We'll be ov'r there, in that clearing... Don't be too long," he said.

With a nod, Ginny went off to the right while the rest of the class followed Hagrid to the left. It didn't take Ginny too long to find the Jobberknoll. The bright blue speckled feathers of the small bird were an instant give away in the brown and green surroundings. Collecting the dead bird with her wand, Ginny placed a spell around it then put it in her bag safely and headed to the clearing.

"The animals we're going ter see are a surprise, so will yer all stop asking!?" Hagrid muttered as the third person asked him. He saw Ginny and sighed gratefully. "Good, you're back... Come on, ev'ryone," Hagrid said and led them out of the clearing.

"You mean we were just waiting for you?" Draco asked Ginny, eyebrow raised. "What's so special about you that we had to wait?" He asked. Ginny grinned.

"I'm beautiful?" She suggested with a laugh and went to the front again. "So what are we going to see, Hagrid?" Ginny asked and Hagrid scowled at her. She just smiled and laughed again.

In a few minutes, they stopped in another clearing and Ginny saw exactly what animals they were going to see. A herd of gryphons were standing around, eating the raw meat that Hagrid had put around for them.

"Now, all of yer be quiet and don't go any further into the clearing. Is that understood?" Hagrid asked. Everyone, even Draco, nodded and didn't make any attempts to go any further. Except Ginny of course...

The gryphons practically lured her out of their hiding spot by magic of some kind, though they didn't seem to acknowledge her presence until the head gryphon walked over to her.

Hagrid stopped hissing at her to come back and watched silently, praying to the Gods that she really was the Queen so she wouldn't get hurt.

The gryphon looked at Ginny, seeming to examine her. She didn't move and hardly breathed as the gryphon came closer to her, its lion tail whipping from side to side almost playfully.

"What's happening? We need to get her out of there," Neville said, staring at his best friend in shock. Hagrid held him back, making sure he wouldn't do anything foolish.

"She'll be fine," he muttered to Neville quietly. Draco didn't hear him and pushed past into the clearing.

The gryphon stopped looking at Ginny and let out a loud cry as Draco breached the barrier.

"No!" Ginevra called before the gryphon could do anything. "Please, he doesn't understand... He is my own," Ginevra explained and the gryphon backed away from Draco, going over to the others. Ginny clutched Draco's hand and led him towards the gryphons.

"What are you doing? We have to get out of here," Draco muttered in her ear. Ginny shook her head.

"They won't do anything. I am their Queen after all, and since you are mine, they would not risk hurting us," Ginny replied softly. "Besides, they're only aggressive if you try to steal their food, lie in their presence or insult them. Oh, and if you try to hurt them," she said. Draco raised an eyebrow.

"Anything else?" He asked sarcastically.

"I don't think so..." Ginny said with a grin. They stopped in front of the gryphons and waited. The gryphon leader bowed to Ginny, then bowed to Draco, and they both bowed back.

"Why are we doing this?" Draco muttered to Ginny as he bowed.

"You're the one that came into the clearing," Ginny replied and smiled at the gryphon sweetly. "I thank you for letting me see you while you are eating," she said. The gryphon looked down at her.

You are welcome, Queen Ginevra. What is your own's name? We must honour you both, the leader said.

"I apologise fully... Draconius, this is... Your name eludes me, leader," Ginny said politely.

Queen Ginevra, King Draconius. I am Fligard. If I may introduce you to my own, Fligard said and called over another gryphon. This gryphon was slightly larger than Fligard and looked, if it was possible, more feminine. Dulor, these two are Queen Ginevra and her King Draconius... Queen and King, this is my own Dulor, Fligard said proudly and nuzzled his mate. Dulor bowed to them respectively.

Welcome, Queen and King Ginevra, Dulor said then with an apology, she returned to her food. Ginny frowned for a moment then looked from Dulor to Fligard.

"You are a newly made father?" She questioned. Fligard looked surprised for a moment then nodded.

Indeed, Queen Ginevra... Our young are in our nest nearby, Fligard said, sounding proud.

"May they be as strong as their father, and as beautiful as their mother," Ginny said and bowed.

Thank you for your blessing, Queen Ginevra. Your own is very quiet... Is he well? Fligard asked, looking at Draco.

"He is fine, just in shock I think," Ginny said in an apologetic tone. She nudged Draco slightly and he snapped out of his shocked state. He smiled at the gryphon charmingly.

"I apologise for my lack of response. I was just in shock, as my own says," Draco said smoothly. Fligard nodded then looked over to where the rest of the class was standing.

Would you like to invite in your subjects? We will not harm them, Fligard promised. Ginny nodded.

"Thank you, Fligard. If you will just excuse us, we will invite them inside the clearing," Ginny said with a bow. Draco bowed too then they walked over to the other students.

"Are yer two all right?" Hagrid asked. "Fligard usually don't like it when people go in the clearing with out permission," he said with a frown.

"Which is understandable... He's invited all of you into the clearing. Don't insult them, don't try to steal their food, don't lie in their presence and sure as hell do not try to hurt them. Understood?" Ginny asked, looking at the students. They all nodded and quietly followed Ginny and Draco into the clearing. "They will talk to you telepathically, so don't be surprised," Ginny said as they approached Fligard.

Do you all come willingly? Fligard asked and most of the students nodded in response, while others said 'yes' out loud. Very well. You may all look at my herd, but do not anger them, or else you will be hurt... Fligard said and some wandered off to look at the other gryphons, while others stayed nearby Ginny nervously.

"If you do not wish to stay here, then go out again. But stay close to the clearing," Ginny said to the ones who were trembling.

Two girls and three boys nodded then left the clearing, staying where they had before.

"If you'll excuse me for a moment," Ginny said with a bow to Fligard and went over to where Dean was with Draco following.

That was when she realised that she hadn't let go of Draco's hand. She decided not to bring it to his attention...

"Dean, I do hope that you're not going to take your wand out..." Ginny said. Dean looked at her in shock then left his wand in his robe pocket and took his hand out quickly. "Good, because they will think that you're a threat if you do take your wand out, and as Fligard said you will be hurt if you anger them," Ginny said. Dean nodded.

"Sorry," he muttered then continued to look at the gryphon before him.

"How'd you know that he was going to take his wand out?" Draco asked as they returned to where Fligard and Hagrid were talking.

"I saw him reach into his robe. He was thinking it too," Ginny replied with a shrug.

Thank you, Queen Ginevra... If your subject had removed his magic stick then it would have caused big trouble. Hilat is not particularly friendly... Fligard said, sounding disappointed at his herd member.

"You are welcome, Fligard," Ginny replied. "Hagrid, I believe that we should leave soon. The centaurs will most likely be by soon, and those five students are prone to wandering," Ginny said, looking to where the students had been. "I apologise for leaving so soon, Fligard, but I fear for the safety of my subjects," Ginny said and bowed to him, Draco following suit.

Fligard bowed in response and Ginny quickly left the clearing with Draco. Hagrid continued to talk to Fligard, no longer worried for Ginny's safety.


"Where are we going, Weasley?" Draco asked as she hid them behind a tree for the second time.

"Quiet... The centaurs are nearby and they will not allow it that I have brought you. If they find the others before us, I don't know if I'll be able to help them," Ginny said quietly.

A rustle came from a nearby bush and a Jarvey ran out. Ginny caught it carefully and it went to bite her, but she held it around the neck as she'd been taught to by her brothers.

"Let me go, you ugly wench!" The Jarvey yelled and cursed some more. Ginny glared at the Jarvey.

"You would do well to be polite to me, Jarvey," she said and the Jarvey stopped cursing immediately.

"I apologise, my Queen... Those others weren't with you, were they?" The Jarvey asked nervously.

"Yes, they are... Where are they?" Ginny asked. The Jarvey seemed to pale. "Take me to them," she demanded and placed the Jarvey back on the ground.

It scampered away and Ginny and Draco had to run to follow it. The Jarvey twisted around trees, ran through clearings and went under bushes, but Ginny and Draco didn't lose it once thankfully. When the Jarvey stopped at where he'd left the students, they heard a loud scream nearby and ran in the direction of it.

Ginny and Draco entered the clearing and saw the centaurs holding the five students at arrow point. Ginny let go of Draco's hand and pushed him out of the clearing after telling him to get Hagrid.

"Leave them! They under my protection!" Ginny commanded, stalking over to them.

She made her way into the centre where the other students were. She waved her hand and they all slumped to the ground, their eyes closing.

"We will discuss this away from the others. They are innocents and are of no use to you," Ginevra said. Bane gave a nod and the centaurs left, taking Ginny with them.

Draco ran back to the clearing as fast as he could without hurting himself. When Hagrid saw that Draco had returned alone, he excused himself from Fligard and rushed over.

"Where is she?" Hagrid asked.

Draco ran back out and beckoned for him to follow, worried too much to actually reply. Hagrid ran after him quickly. Neville and Blaise ran after them, Neville moving the plants out of the way to clear a path for them. When they arrived to see the five students asleep on the ground, Draco ran back out quickly. Blaise shut his eyes for a second, then with a growl he ran after Draco and started to change into a centaur. Neville and Hagrid stayed to wake the students up.

Ginny went with the centaurs willingly as they led her deeper into the Forest. Bane nudged her with his arrow when she stopped for a moment and Ginny glared at him.

"I didn't think you would want to step on that. You would injure your hooves," Ginny said, indicating in front of her.

Bane looked over her shoulder and saw a Knarl toddling past. With a curt apologetic nod they waited until the spiky creature had passed before continuing. They walked for another few minutes and soon the centaurs stopped.

"Is this where we are to discuss everything?" Ginny asked, looking around. Bane shook his head and indicated for her to be silent. Ginny stayed quiet. The centaurs were looking around them cautiously. Hearing rustles and growls from all around, Bane held up his bow and aimed it into the trees.

"Show yourself!" He yelled. Suddenly, creatures from all around piled in from the surrounding trees and went over to Ginny immediately. They formed a protective guard around her and glared at the centaurs, despite the size difference of the smaller animals to the large beasts.

"I have had no hand in this, Bane... You know this to be true because I have come this far with you willingly. Why would I try to stop it now?" Ginny said as Bane glared at her.

"I know this, that is correct. But your own has done this and I will not allow him to get you away from us," he said, pointing his arrow at her. Ginny glared at Bane angrily.

"I have done all of this willingly, yet you still try to threaten me!? Are you that naive, Bane? You may not wish for me to be your Queen, but we both know I have more power than you, and to threaten me in such a way will mean that you will then suffer my wrath!" Ginevra yelled, her hair crackling. Draco burst in through the trees and the creatures around Ginny left quickly.

"You are the one who sent the animals to us?" Bane asked, now pointing his bow at Draco.

"Yes, I am," Draco replied. "Where's Ginevra?" He asked, not seeing her past the other centaurs.

"Why did you send the creatures?" Bane asked, his bow still on Draco.

"To protect my own, of course," Draco replied. Bane glared at Draco then pushed him over to Ginny with his arrow.

Then Blaise walked in through the trees. He looked from Draco and Ginny to the other centaurs and shook his head with an elaborated sigh.

"Bane, I do believe we had an agreement..." Blaise drawled, walking over to the older centaur.

"You know these two?" Bane asked, looking at Draco and Ginny in disgust.

"Of course. They are both very dear friends of mine," Blaise said. "I went out of the clearing for a moment and when I came back, Ginevra was gone and my other five friends were asleep. I asked Draconius to help me find Ginevra, as he is her own..." Blaise said. Bane glared at Blaise for a moment before relenting.

"Very well... I will release them. Next time, keep your friends closer to your side," Bane sneered. Ginny and Draco walked over to Blaise, and just before they left, Ginny turned back to Bane.

"After the protection I gave you, this is the way you choose to repay my kindness? I will not forget it, Bane," she said in a dangerously cold tone, then left with Blaise and Draco quickly.


When they returned to the gryphon-filled clearing, Hagrid was just managing to wake up the sleeping students; he and Neville carried them back. The five students looked around warily, then seeing that they were safe, relaxed.

"The five of yer will be getting detention and loose ten House points each for diobeyin' me. Yer coulda been killed!" Hagrid said angrily and they flushed in shame. "What the hell where yer thinking, goin' off like that? If Ginevra hadn't gone to get the lot of yer, yer woulda been killed by the centaurs! Yer bloody idiots, the five of yer," he muttered shaking his head. "Because of these five, yer not coming back in the Forest for a week," Hagrid announced and a collective groan went through the students. They muttered to themselves angrily and glared at the five students who went even brighter.

"Really? You're going to ruin the class for the rest of us just because of their stupidity?" Draco asked in anger.

"Well... Fine, the lot of yer aren't allowed in my lesson for all of next week," Hagrid said to the two girls and three boys. They looked disappointed, then brightened at missing a lesson, until Hagrid continued. "Yer'll be serving detention for the entire week," he added.

"What's wrong, Ginny?" Neville asked, seeing that she'd been frowning at one of the students for a while.

"I've Seen him before..." Ginny muttered and nudged Blaise.

She indicated to the brunette boy and Blaise looked at him. Seeing who he was, he went to go over there and kill him. Ginny grabbed his arm and shook her head.

"Don't... He hasn't done anything yet... If you do something to him now, then it may cause it to happen sooner or not at all," she said. Blaise glared at the boy then turned to Ginny.

"It shouldn't have to happen... I can make sure it doesn't," he said seriously. Ginny shook her head.

"If not with him, then it will be someone else. Besides, I'm almost positive that whatever they do to make me that angry, Lavender would have thought of," she said quietly.

"Then I'll make sure she doesn't either," Blaise said. Ginny laughed softly and shook her head.

"Do not worry yourself over it, Blaise... As you Saw, I can take care of myself," she said smiling at him. Blaise nodded reluctantly and gave her a quick hug then left her with Draco.

"It's that vision, isn't it?" He asked. Ginny just nodded in reply.

"All right! We're going now," Hagrid called and the students walked over to him. They followed him out of the clearing and out of the Forbidden Forest, talking to each other animatedly.


Ginny quickly went down to her rooms and changed out her school uniform before going to the swamp. As the last boatful of students left, Ginny watched as Filch glared down at her.

"I s'pose you wanna go over too, then?" He asked. He saw her red hair and glared at her angrily. "It was your brothers who did this," he growled.

"Yes, they did and they still aren't apologising for it," Ginny said and glared back at the old caretaker. "I don't want to go over, I was waiting for someone but they mustn't have had Arithmancy, so there is no need for you to wait here, Filch," Ginny said.

"I don't take orders from students, missy," Filch said. Mrs. Norris came around the corner, and seeing Ginny she bounded over happily, rubbing herself against Ginny's legs. "Mrs. Norris! Get away from her! It was her brothers that did this!" Filch said, shocked at his cat's unusual behaviour. Mrs. Norris glared at him and hissed softly. Ginny scratched Mrs. Norris behind the ears. "Don't you touch her! You've put a spell on her, you have!" Filch cried and tried to get out of the boat and to his Mrs. Norris. Ginny ignored him, barely watching as he fell into the swamp and started to flail desperately.

"I am sorry about Petrifying you... I didn't do it willingly," Ginny said to Mrs. Norris apologetically. She just purred in forgivement then looked to the swamp and meowed a question.

With a sigh, Ginny flicked her hand lazily. Filch quite literally flew out of the swamp and landed at her feet. With another flick of Ginny's hand, he was clean again (in fact, cleaner than he had been originally). Mrs. Norris meowed at him and rubbed her cheek against his. He huddled her to him protectively and whispered in her ear.

"It's all right, my Mrs. Norris," he said quietly and stroked her. Mrs. Norris mewed and looked at Ginny. With a small cough, Filch stood up and looked at Ginny. "Uh... Thank you for saving me, Miss," he said reluctantly. Ginny nodded.

"You're welcome, Argus..." Ginny said. Filch just nodded and with a meow, Mrs. Norris jumped out of his arms and headed down the corridor. She looked back at Filch inquiringly.

"Go on... I'll meet you there," Filch said and she ran off quickly. "If you'll excuse me, Miss... Students are messing up my corridors," Filch said and went in a different direction, eager to ward off the students who he was sure were going to try and run...

When he was out of sight, Ginny looked at her watch then, shaking her head she thought the spell and the swamp parted. She went down into the trapdoor, shutting it after her and heading down the corridor.


"You're late," Fred said when she arrived. George nodded in agreement.

"We've been closed since five..." He said.

"It's twenty past five! We could have had an extra..." Fred said with a glare.

"Twenty minutes of opening time!" George finished, glaring at her too.

"We've had to turn away customers!" Fred said. George started laughing and Fred joined in quickly; their serious faces seeming to break open to let out their true nature.

"I think that's your new personal best..." Ginny drawled. "An entire minute without even cracking a smile. I'm sure Mum would be so proud," she said. Fred and George just laughed harder and Ginny sighed, closing the trapdoor. "Come on, if we don't get this done by the time we have to leave... Then you'll probably be decapitated for being rude," she said and that made the twins go quiet. They looked at her serious face for a moment, trying to determine whether she was telling the truth or not.

"Are you serious?" George asked eventually.

"Or are you pulling our legs?" Fred asked. Ginny smirked.

"That's for me to know and you to worry about," she replied. "Now, can we please get this started before we have to leave?" Ginny asked. Fred and George saluted her and sat down together. Ginny looked at them, one eyebrow raised and they grinned back.

"All right... We're listening... Begin," they said together.

Ginny nodded and started to teach them the basic etiquette when meeting an Elder. They both listened as she went on and on, storing the information away. They were certainly too young to die; especially via decapitation! Needless to say, Fred and George were rather fond of their heads where they were...

As Ginny finally finished teaching them the etiquette, she made them show her to see if they had listened... Fred and George bowed to each other mockingly and George started talking in a high pitched voice.

"Good evening, gentleman. Pull out my seat!" George said, "imitating" Agnes.

"Of course, my lady!" Fred said, pulling out a seat. As George went to sit down, Fred pulled the seat out further and George fell to the floor with a thud. He got up, rubbing his sore backside and as he went to hit his twin, Ginny stunned them both. She levitated them to their lounge and they fell onto it, bouncing slightly.

"You can not possibly be this stupid! I am trying to teach this for your own well-being!" Ginny said, incredulous and paced the room quickly.

Fred and George looked at each other in shock. Ginny only paced if she was very nervous and worried; it was a common joke amongst the family.

"We're not stupid, Ginevra..." Fred said quietly.

"Ron is, but not us," George added with a grin. Ginny stopped pacing and looked at them both. She sighed elaborately and rubbed her temples. Taking a vial from her pocket, she swallowed the potion and nodded reluctantly.

"All right... I am teaching this to you so you don't offend anyone. Believe me, when you insult one of my kind, we get very pissed and let me assure you that whoever you insult will not take it lightly. They will fight back with the worst weapon in their possession, and let it hope for your sakes that it's only a wand," Ginny said.

"An Unforgivable, or a fist fight? We'll take the fist fight," Fred and George said in unison. Ginny shook her head, getting very angry at their carelessness.

"No, you would not!" Ginny said and with that she lifted them off the floor, while they were still sitting on the lounge. "You are stupid to think that this is the largest weight I've lifted... If you two are rag dolls to me, when I'm not even a proper Vampiress, imagine what you'll be like to full Vampires! You're feathers, nothing less!" Ginny snarled at them. Now pale in fear, Fred and George nodded quickly.

"All right! Just put us down," they said. Ginny put the lounge down and looked at them.

"We were just joking around before, Ginevra..." George said.

"An entire half hour with us just sitting still and listening..." Fred said.

"Another record," George interrupted. Fred nodded at his twin, then continued.

"That should show that we are serious about this," He finished. Ginny nodded.

"Very well... I am sorry about that. I'm just nervous about you meeting them... They're very important people, not only to the Council, but also to me," Ginny said.

"You only met them both a few days ago!" George said in shock.

"It hasn't even been a week!" Fred added, his twin nodding in agreement.

"I liked you both the moment I met you and I hadn't known you that long," Ginny said. Fred and George frowned.

"But we're your brothers, you have to like us," they said.

"Not necessarily... I have to love you, but that doesn't mean I have to like you," Ginny said, a smirk mirroring Draco's upon her beautiful face.

"That's true, I guess..." Fred said with a sigh.

"Yeah, I mean look at Percy," George said and laughed.

"World's biggest prat right there," Fred added.

"Can we finish now?" Ginny asked, sighing loudly.

"You mean we have to be quiet for even longer?" They said in shock, then sighed. "Fine... We'll be right back..." They said then left the room. Ginny shook her head and listened as they rushed off into their makeshift kitchen. They returned carrying what looked like normal food, but Ginny knew them too well to actually eat anything.

"Sure you won't have anything?" George asked, grinning at her. Ginny raised an eyebrow at him.

"I am not an idiot, do not treat me like one," she drawled. Fred just laughed and continued to eat.

"So you going to keep teaching, or can we just stuff our faces for the rest of the night?" George asked.

"I'd like to go with the second option, personally," Fred said, laughing again.

"Don't eat too much, or else you'll be sick," Ginny said reluctantly then continued to teach them. She taught them how to address the Elders and how not to speak to them.

"What do you mean we can't call them prats? What if they are?" George asked, Fred's mouth too full of food for him to say anything. He managed to nod in agreement though. Ginny sighed.

"Is it really necessary for me to show you why you can't insult them, again?" Ginny asked, sighing. "How much have you two eaten? That plate should have been empty by now," she said looking from the plate to them. Fred swallowed his mouth full and sighed in relief.

"Finally! It took you long enough to realise!" He said, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, my stomach was starting to hurt," George said and they both nodded their heads.

"So what is it? A refilling plate of food?" Ginny asked.

"Everlasting food... At least, that's what we're hoping for... We're still waiting for last month's plate to finish, so we're hoping it doesn't run out," they said together.

"Nice..." Ginny said. "Anything special about the plate or is it the food you've spelled?" She asked. Fred and George grinned happily, seeing that her interest was real. Due to Molly's influence, most of their siblings didn't risk taking much interest in their work.

"It's actually the plate that we've spelled. Doesn't look any different from any other plate, but as soon as you put food on it, it just... reproduces it sort of," Fred and George said. With a shrug at the last part, they just shook their heads and continued talking. "The food doesn't get stale and it won't go off; it stays exactly the same as when you put it on the plate..." They finished.

"That's great," Ginny said enthusiastically. "You could feed an entire army with those things," she said grinning. Fred and George's faces darkened slightly.

"We sure as hell won't be selling it to the Ministry... Or any of the Death Eaters. Both sides can starve for all we care," they muttered.

"Why not to the Ministry?" Ginny asked them.

She could tell that they had already learnt as much as she could tell them, she just hoped it was enough!

"Fudge is a complete prat for starters... Secondly, we don't want to help anyone in his army because that means they believe in his cause," Fred and George grounded out angrily.

"What if someone thinks that Fudge is a better leader than Voldemort?" Ginny asked. They stared at her when she said You-Know-Who's name, and then stared some more.

"Well... They have a right to think that... We agree that anyone is better than You-Know-Who, even Fudge, but that's only by about one millimetre because he's good. You-Know-Who is evil and evilness is not good," Fred said, then started laughing. George shook his head at his twin.

"He's his own audience you know... I'm the funny one, he's the weird one," George said then laughed too. With a sigh, Ginny checked her watch. It was almost seven o'clock!

"All right. Calm down, both of you," Ginny demanded and they shut up quickly." Thank you... Know, firstly I want to know why you're not willing to call Voldemort by that name," she said.

"We don't like saying his name. It represents the complete idiot he is and besides, it scares off our customers," they replied.

"Right... Call him Tom then. It shows that you don't think him worthy of the whole 'Lord' bullshit, and it pisses him off no end when someone calls him by his filthy Muggle name," Ginny drawled. The twins didn't have to ask how she knew. "Secondly, I want you to show me all I taught you properly. I don't want you two to embarrass me, or yourselves in front of Lord Xavier and Lady Agnes," Ginny said. Fred and George groaned.

"Can't believe this..." Fred muttered.

"Not even in school..." George continued.

"And we still have tests!" They finished grumbling in unison but they still got up, however reluctantly, and showed Ginny all of what they had learnt.

As soon as they had finished, they both flopped to the lounge with sighs. Ginny grinned at them and hugged them tightly.

"Excellent work, boys. I'm proud of you," she said, smiling at them. George smirked at Fred as they hugged her back and started tickling her. "Oh, don't! You're both mean! Stop it! This isn't fair!" She said between laughs.

"You torture us..." George said.

"We torture you..." Fred added.

"Fair enough for us," they said and continued to tickle her.

With a growl, Ginny pushed them both off of her and tickled them back. Soon tears were running down their faces and they were sobbing for her to stop.

"See... Not nice, is it?" She asked, eventually relenting. With sighs, Fred and George sat up frowning.

"Fine, we get your point... Forge, I suggest that we go get changed so we can meet Lord Agnes and Lady Xavier," Fred said, grinning at his twin.

"I agree, Gred... Let's adjourn, shall we?" He said and offered his twin his arm. They skipped off to their 'room' to change, Ginny shaking her head after them. Ginny waited for them to get back, but after ten minutes she was getting impatient and eager to return to the school so she could get some dinner.

"I'm going now!" Ginny called.

"Keep your hair on, Ginevra! We're almost done!" They called back.

"If you're not out here in three minutes..." Ginny threatened, then the door swung open to reveal Fred and George buttoning up their shirts.

"Do you know how much you sound like Mum?" Fred asked.

"It's scary, really," George said, shaking his head.

"Well, I'm leaving now... I want to get back in time for dinner," Ginny said. Fred and George nodded then led her back to the trapdoor. She got into the corridor and was surprised when they jumped in after her. "What are you doing?" She asked them.

"Well, how else do you think we're going with you tonight? Besides, we never say no to free food," they said and Ginny could see them grinning broadly.

"All right," Ginny said with a sigh and the three of them headed down the tunnel to Hogwarts.


Ginny led her brothers to the Great Hall as other students were making their way there too. Fred and George saw changes in the students almost immediately, seeing that there was more inter-House reaction. When they entered the Great Hall, they were both shocked, seeing that there were Slytherins sitting at the Gryffindor table and vica versa. With a shrug to each other they followed Ginny over to the Gryffindor table.

They noticed Ron and Lavender glaring at Ginny, but didn't say anything. With quick and silent communication, they came to a decision and went over to Ron, grinning at him.

"Hey Ronnie-kins! How's our smallest tallest brother going?" They asked, clapping him on the back. Ron glared at them too and they frowned at him. "What's up with all the glaring?" They asked shaking their heads.

"Didn't Miss-I'm-going-to-betray-my-House-and-family tell you what happened in Divination?" Ron muttered, glaring over at Ginny again.

"Not that we know of... How about you tell us?" Fred and George asked, sitting on either side of him. Ron began talking, glaring over at Ginny every so often. Ginny just ignored him easily, eating her food and talking with Blaise, Neville and Colin instead.

"I was talking to Fligard before," Neville said. Ginny nodded, indicating she was listening to him. "He was telling me that you were a Queen... Is that why you were wearing that dress and crown before when you came out of the Forest?" Ginny nodded. "Fligard also said that you were Queen of everything... Including plants and animals and humans. Is that true?" Neville asked, looking at her in interest. Blaise and Colin watched her too.

"I think so... They had every kind of animal and plant in the clearing, as well as representatives for others... Come to think of it, I was the only human there... Hmmm... Looks like humans have no say in the matter," Ginny said and smirked at them. Blaise smirked shaking his head at her.

"None at all? So you're just our Queen and we have to like it or lump it?" Colin asked in shock.

"Pretty much... Is there something wrong with me being Queen?" Ginny asked, looking at Colin.

"No... But you're not even out of your teen years... How are you going to handle being Queen of the world, for the Gods sakes!?" Colin asked.

"I'm not taking over the world, Colin... Just... looking after it," Ginny replied.

"Well, at least it's not Ronnie-kins... He couldn't even take care of a Puffskein," Fred and George said, sitting beside from her. Ginny smirked at them broadly.

"Yes, and the fact that you used Bob for Bludger practise has nothing to do with it?" She asked and they just grinned.

"What if someone tried to hurt you? If you're Queen of the Gods damned world... If someone tried to hurt you, then you could like turn the entire world against that person..." Colin said with a shudder. "I'd really hate to be that person!"

"How exactly would I turn the entire world against them? I don't have control over anything, Colin..." Ginny drawled.

"You have some power over them though," Blaise said. "If your willpower is strong enough, I'm sure you could make the entire world go against them," he said. Ginny sighed and shook her head.

"Gods, this is so damned frustrating! I'm going to go outside and find somewhere to wallow in self pity..." Ginny muttered then left the Great Hall. Fred and George watched her go, frowns on their faces. Then with a glance at each other, they followed her out. "What do you want?" Ginny asked with a sigh, hearing her brothers footsteps following her. Only they could possibly walk to make the two sets of feet sound like one.

"We want to know what's wrong," George said.

"And what this Queen business is about," Fred added. Ginny sighed.

"I don't want to talk about it... Please... I don't know enough about it anyway, and I... I just... I can't handle all of this! I'm supposed to be a Queen for the Gods sakes, over a world that's sure as hell going to turn it's back on me at the first chance! Then I'm supposed to be the Gods dammed world's treasure or some such bull... Ever since I found out about being a Vampiress... I've become more kinds of different things than I've even heard about! I don't want to be anything! Why can't I just be myself and let that be that?!" Ginny asked, more to herself than to the twins. They looked at each other then at Ginny. Fred and George wrapped their arms around her and hugged her tightly.

"Well, we can't answer that question, Ginevra..." Fred said.

"But maybe Lord Xavier or Lady Agnes can..." George finished.

"So no more wallowing in self pity... It doesn't help anything," Fred said, George nodding in agreement.

"All it does is give you a headache, and you don't want that to happen," he said, his tone completely serious. Ginevra looked at them then snorted in laughter then burst out laughing happily. She hugged her brothers tightly.

"All right... I get the hint... Come on, let's go," she sighed and they went back to the Great Hall, arm in arm. "Professor, we're ready to leave now," Ginny said quietly to Albus. He nodded then handed her a parchment.

"These are the instructions for you all to get there... I regret that I will not be able to go with you," Albus said. "But I do trust that you will all be able to get there safely and on your own," he said, looking at them sternly. Ginny just smiled at him innocently.

"Of course, sir. I wouldn't let anything happen to Fred and George, and I am sure that they will not let anything happen to me," she said. Albus nodded and with a small sigh, he watched them leave the Great Hall.

"I see you're putting our techniques to use..." Fred said, smirking at her.

"Innocence always works best for you... Have you tried blackmailing yet?" George asked, wrapping an arm around his sister. Ginny smirked then feigned innocence again.

"Are you suggesting that I would resort to blackmail, George?" She asked in 'shock'. George laughed.

"Excellent work, my dear Ginevra... We have created a lovely little monster, don't you agree Forge?" Fred asked George.

"Definitely... Lovely monster she has turned out to be!" George said and laughed evilly.

"You two stop right there!" A loud voice screeched behind them. They turned to see Argus Filch coming over. "You practically destroyed my corridor!" Filch said angrily.

"No we didn't! We just redecorated it..." Fred and George protested quickly.

"I think you should let me take care of this," Ginny said.

Fred and George looked at her to decline her offer, then they both moved out of her way and watched as she walked over to Filch.

"Good evening, Argus... Where is Mrs. Norris?" Ginny asked him kindly. Filch looked from her to the two twins, torn between his anger at them and his debt to her for saving him from the swamp.

"She's gone to another corridor..." Argus replied reluctantly.

"That's a disappointment... I was wondering if you were still upset with my brothers? I mean, they didn't mean to make the swamp so large... They were just trying to get away from Umbridge," Ginny said, smiling at him sweetly.

"That's not the point! They put that entire thing in my hallway! I have to take time out of my day to ferry people across in that boat!" Filch argued.

"So if they reduced it to make it smaller for students to pass by the corridor, then you wouldn't be upset with them anymore?" Ginny asked pointedly. Filch looked from Ginny to the twins and back again.

"I'd consider not being mad..." He said reluctantly. Ginny nodded.

"Very well... Fred, George. The reduction spell on your swamp, if you please," Ginny instructed. "You may watch if you like, Argus," Ginny said and led the three of them down the hallway and in a few minutes they had arrived at the swamp. Ginny nodded at Fred and George, both of whom gave an elaborate sigh.

They said the spell and the swamp began to reduce in size. Soon, all that was left of it was a small island-like swamp in the middle of the corridor. It was conveniently covering the trapdoor to their shop.

"There you are Argus... Now, if you wouldn't mind thanking my brothers, we have to get going," Ginny said. Argus nodded reluctantly and sighed.

"Thanks," he mumbled and went off to find Mrs. Norris.

"Not even a proper 'thank you'! Rude of him, that was!" George said, Fred nodding in agreement.

"Especially after we just made our handiwork smaller! Almost takes the entire glory out of it," Fred said sighing. Ginny rolled her eyes at them and looked at the parchment Albus had given her.

"We have to go back to your shop," she said and said the spell. The island moved to one side of the corridor and they went into the trapdoor quickly.


"What do we have to do now?" Fred and George asked when they arrived in the shop.

"You've got to Apparate me out of here, which might be kind of hard considering you two don't know where the hell we're going..." Ginny muttered angrily. "Nice one for the instructions, Albus!" She muttered again.

"So how are we going to get there then?" The twins asked. Ginny sighed and a mist floated out of Ginny.

"I may be of some assistance, my Queen," Bexley said with a bow.

"What did I say about the whole 'Queen' business, Bexley?" Ginevra drawled. Bexley bowed again.

"I apologise, Ginevra... As I said, I may be of some assistance. If you will think of where you need to go, I will be able to relay the information to your brothers," Bexley said. Ginny gave a nod and Bexley floated back into her. The twins looked at Ginny in shock.

"What was that?" They asked. Ginny smirked.

"Bexley... He's a Boggart," she said, then thought of the mansion and her flight in going there. Bexley floated out of Ginny after a few moments, then over to the twins.

"Do not be frightened... I will not hurt you, and you will only feel a tingling sensation for a moment," Bexley said then he floated into them. Fred and George looked at each other and grinned at the tingling that they could feel. In a few seconds, Bexley floated out again and went back over to Ginny.

"I thank you for your assistance, Bexley. Return before you get too weary," she said soothingly. Bexley gave another bow and floated into Ginny gratefully. "Ready, boys?" Ginny asked the twins.

"Yes... We know where to go now," they said, grinning. Ginny nodded and took their hands. She had the sensation of being squeezed through an unbearably small tube. Her lungs couldn't take in any air... Her throat seemed so much smaller. Then just when she felt she couldn't take anymore, they arrived in front of the mansion.

"You all right, Ginevra?" George asked.

"Yes... I'm fine... Just need to get my breath back," she said with a smile, then looked at her brothers sternly. "I love you, but if you embarrass me in here, I will be forced to hurt you. Is that understood?" She asked. Fred and George grinned but answered her seriously.

"We understand. Don't worry, dearest Ginevra! We wouldn't dare to embarrass you in front of an Elder..." They said in unison.

"Yeah, he'd probably kill us if we did anyway!" Fred said.

"Lighten up, dearest sister of ours! We won't be that bad," George said. Ginny smiled at them then knocked on the doors loudly. The wooden doors opened and the butler bowed as he ushered them inside.

"Miss Ginevra Weasley. Welcome... Are these two with you?" The butler asked, looking at Fred and George.

"Yes, they are my brothers, Fred and George Weasley. My Lord Xavier is expecting us, thank you, Miles," Ginny said, remembering the man's name from her vision.

The butler bowed again and left. Xavier returned with Miles almost instantly.

"My Lord Xavier," Ginny said bowing.

"Ginevra. A pleasure to see you again," Xavier said, smiling.

"Allow me to introduce my brothers, Fred and George Weasley," Ginny said. Xavier looked at the two boys standing behind Ginny and smiled at them warmly.

"A pleasure to meet you both. Please, follow me to more private quarters," Xavier said and led them to a room. Agnes was sitting on a chair and rose when they entered the room.

"My Lady Agnes," Ginny said, bowing to her. Agnes smiled and hugged Ginny affectionately.

"My daughter... It seems too long since I have seen you," she said, smiling.

"It has barely been three days!" Ginny said.

"Oh, I know that. Still... Who are your friends, Ginevra?" Agnes asked, seeing the two boys behind her.

"Two of my brothers, my Lady. Fred is the one on the left, George is on the right," Ginny said, smiling at them.

"Very well... If you wouldn't mind, could you please close the doors? It is quite drafty," Agnes said. With a bow, Fred and George quickly did as she said. "Thank you... Please, come closer so I may see you properly," Agnes said, smiling at them. "I won't hurt you," she said, laughing lightly. Both boys faltered for a moment, then walked to her.

"Good afternoon, my Lady," Fred said, bowing to her. George did the same and they waited.

"You taught them well in such a short amount of time, Ginevra. I am most impressed... Come boys, join us in some tea," Agnes said and led them to a table. Ginny let out a small breath of relief. She just hoped that the twins would keep to their promise of being good...

All three of the men waited for Agnes and Ginny to be seated before taking their own seats, Fred and George waiting until after Xavier had sat. They drank their tea respectively, not overly talking and answering when they were spoken to. Ginny smiled at them, proud that they'd had enough sense to respect the two Elders and actually do as she'd instructed them.

"Now that the formalities are over, I will allow my husband to talk with the boys," Agnes said. "You did an excellent job, Ginevra. I am very proud of you," she said smiling at her.

"I thank you, Agnes... I was wary to bring them. If they had met Virginia, I don't think this evening would have gone quite as well," Ginny said shaking her head.

"You don't trust in them?" Agnes asked.

"Oh, I trust them... I am just not sure if they are immune to her as I am. If not, then I wouldn't trust them around her," Ginny said and looked at her brothers.

"... We own a joke shop on Diagon Alley, called Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes," Fred said, proudly.

"Oh, I am sorry I haven't heard of it. I am quite fond of jokes," Xavier said, grinning. "I have not been into the wizarding community during the day since 1563. I must admit that I have not been out during the night too often either..." He said with a shake of his head.

"We doubt that you're missing out on much..." George said with a shrug.

"A few wars, people getting killed..." Fred said, shrugging also.

"People living, falling in love..." George said, looking over at Ginny with a knowing grin.

"Same old, same old," Fred said, grinning. Xavier laughed.

"Yes, it does sound the same... I say, do you house illegal ingredients for your pranks?" He asked. Fred and George looked at each other, then to Xavier, then back to each other again. Coming to a decision, they answered him.

"Yes... Only because the Minister of Magic won't allow them to be bought. People grow them in their backyard unknowingly, but it can't be bought in the public market! Most of them can be used to help sick people too..." They said in unison.

"There is no need to justify yourselves. Everyone has an illegal ingredient at least once in his or her life... Vampires are no different, except for the simple fact that we go through more lifetimes, so it's more than likely we have illegal ingredients more than once," Xavier said with a wink. Fred and George grinned at him.

"So you're not going to turn us in, then?" They asked. Xavier laughed softly.

"Not at all... We would not like the Ministry to be here as much as you don't want them to be. You are not the only ones who house illegal ingredients for potions," Xavier said. "There are some in this room, in fact... Would you like to try to find them?" Xavier asked and looked at Agnes and Ginny. "You may join in the hunt too, if you wish, Ginevra," he said.

"Thank you, Lord Xavier," she said and joined her brothers in the hunt around the room. After about ten minutes when none of them could find a thing that even looked remotely illegal, magic or otherwise, they looked at Xavier.

"You are very close, but if you would wish for me to show you where they are instead of you looking for any longer, I will," Xavier said.

"Yes, please," Fred and George said, eager to know. Xavier looked at Ginny.

"Yes, please, my Lord Xavier," she said with a smile.

"Videor!" Xavier said and the room shimmered for a moment before it filled with shelves, boxes and other assortments. All were full of illegal ingredients, plants and materials. Fred and George's eyes widened with shocked joy as they looked around. (Appear.)

"Where did you get this?" Fred asked, looking at a Shrake's spiny skin.

"We've been trying to get one of those for months!" George exclaimed looking at the filled box.

"No one ever seems to have them though..." Fred said, shaking his head.

"You may take one; two if you wish," Xavier said.

"Really? You'll let us just take one?" The twins asked, staring at him in shock. Xavier nodded, amused at them.

"Of course... You have shown me a great deal of respect and have been wonderful guests to entertain. I wish I could give you more to show you our hospitality..." Xavier said, but they both stopped him by giving him a huge hug.

"You don't need to give us anything! We're the guests, we should be giving you something, for the Gods sakes!" Fred and George said happily. Agnes laughed to herself at her husband's slightly shocked and amused face.

"You're welcome... Now come, I will teach the three of you how to perform this spell. It will hide your ingredients from Ministry officials. In fact, they could walk on top of the ingredients and they would not notice a thing. If you use the correct wrist movement it will also ensure that your ingredients are kept in their proper form, whether someone steps on them unknowingly or not," Xavier said, smiling at them.

"There is no need to boast about it, Xavier," Agnes reprimanded him in amusement. Xavier smiled at his wife then turned back to the three young adults.

"Now, you must perform the wrist movement correctly, or else you may do a different spell that will be of no use to you..." They nodded and watched him intently. "Move your wand or hand, depending on what you use, to the right for a half turn, then back to the left sharply to your original position. Then you say the incantation, abeo... You know what this means, I presume?" Xavier asked, looking at the three before him. Fred and George nodded, trying their best not to look offended. (Vanish or disappear.)

"Yes, Lord Xavier. We have all been taught Latin from birth, as is customary with ones with our blood," Ginny replied. Xavier nodded.

"Excellent... And the pixie blood in the twins is customary too?" He asked. Fred and George looked surprised, so he continued. "I am able to smell the different types of blood. You both have the pixie smell on you, while Ginevra has another kind entirely. But, I digress. Please, attempt the spell for me," Xavier said, quickly changing the topic when the twins looked at Ginevra in interest.

"Of course, Lord Xavier," the twins said with a bow, then pointed their wands at the Shrake skin. "Abeo!" They said together and the Shrake's skin disappeared from sight. Tentatively, they both stepped out and were relieved when they didn't step on anything.

"Good... Now attempt the reversal, which you just heard me say beforehand. There is no particular wrist movement needed, so you may just say the incantation," Xavier said.

Fred and George nodded, then said the spell and the Shrake skin appeared, whole and undamaged.

"Very good work, boys... Ginevra, it is your turn," Xavier said turning to her. Ginevra gave a small bow and stood before the Shrake skin.

"Abeo!" She said clearly and the spiny skin disappeared into thin air. Xavier nodded and Ginny said the reversal, the Shrake skin reappearing. Fred and George took hold of it quickly, careful not to pierce their hands.

"Very good, Ginevra... If you do not mind, I will take this opportunity to test Ginevra's abilities again," Xavier said.

"We will join you," Agnes said and followed Xavier and Ginny into an adjoining room with the twins behind her. The twins just stared at the huge stage and the glass box above it in awe and shock, amazed that something so big could fit in a room that seemed to be so small on an outward appearance.

"Now, Ginevra... I trust that you have not taken any potions to enhance your abilities," Xavier said formally, trying not to laugh at the thought. She was already powerful and the potion would be going to waste...

"I have not, my Lord," Ginny replied, smiling back at him, having heard his thoughts. Xavier nodded and helped her onto the stage gracefully. "Thank you, my Lord," Ginny said, then gave a small nod when she was directly underneath the glass room.

Xavier waved his hand almost lazily and the glass started to descend. Fred and George looked at one each other then to Ginny, hoping that she would be all right. The glass stopped as it covered Ginny completely and as it went black, Fred George, Agnes and Xavier disappeared from view.

Fred and George watched as their sister waited, wondering why she wasn't reacting to the faces they were pulling.

"Is that a one-sided glass?" They asked eventually. Agnes nodded.

"Yes, it is..." She replied.

Xavier looked away from Ginevra and went over to a nearby box. He held up what looked to be small pieces of parchment to the light and read each one, going deeper into the box. Worried at how long her husband was taking, Agnes walked over to him. Seeing how far he had gone into the parchments, Agnes laid a hand on his arm softly.

"Are you sure about this, Xavier? This far down at her level..." Agnes said and shook her head.

"I'm sure, Agnes. She just performed that spell without a wand, and the amount of power she has in the Forbidden Forest... It's unbelievable," Xavier said, shaking his head in amazement. Agnes nodded.

"That power in the Forest is in the future, Xavier... She may not be that advanced for another year or so... It is in the late future, isn't it?" She asked when Xavier didn't reply. Xavier just looked away for a moment and held another parchment to the light.

"Excuse me? Is this going to start or is it broken?" Ginny's voice called through the glass box.

"As I said, Agnes... It's unbelievable," Xavier said when Agnes looked at Ginny through the glass. It was supposed to be impossible for any sound to get through that magically enforced glass! Agnes nodded.

"I am sorry I questioned you," Agnes said, then went over to where the twins were, trying not to look as though they had been listening.

"Excuse us for a moment, Lady Agnes," they said then bowed to her before going over to Xavier. "Lord Xavier?" They questioned. He looked up at them. "When exactly is it going to happen? You know, don't you?" Fred and George asked.

"Yes, I am aware of when it will happen. I Saw it many, many years ago... It was even more extensive than what Ginevra herself Saw, and I will not relay the information which has eluded you in your own Seeing. It was not necessary for you to See any more, nor was it necessary for Ginevra to do so either... I will not tell you of the date, as I told Albus I would not tell him, when he asked me of the same thing," Xavier replied. "There it is," he muttered and held the oldest looking parchment onto the glass. The parchment disappeared and the three of them returned to Agnes to watch Ginny.

Finally! Ginny thought as words scrawled onto the glass. She'd been waiting for five whole minutes for it to start!

First test: Memory.

Pictures of Vampires and Vampiresses appeared quickly, their birth and rebirth details underneath them. In a few minutes, the images stopped, having shown well over one hundred people.

On request by the glass, Ginny began to align the details with the relevant person. In about ten minutes, she had finished and quickly checked the last few to make sure they were right.

Second test...

Ginny frowned as it didn't say anything about the actual test she was to receive.

You have two choices. You must stop one of two natural disasters from occurring. You can either stop an avalanche from happening, or stop a flood. Before you decide, you must know all of the details...

The avalanche will cause all of your friends and loved ones to die... Every person you have ever met and befriended is gathering in the one place and the avalanche will kill them all if it is not stopped.

The flood, on the other hand, will kill one hundred strangers. You know not one of these people. They do not know each other and are only in the same place due to coincidence. If the flood is not stopped, then they too will all die.

There is no possibility of being able to stop both, so please do not say this as your answer.

You will be allowed a few minutes to come to a decision...

Fred and George watched as the final words scrawled onto the glass. They both paled, as did Ginny. They looked from her to the words, then back to Ginny as the words disappeared.

"They are both naturally caused, not through any other means?" Ginny asked slowly.

Yes, they are both naturally caused... The glass replied. Ginny nodded reluctantly then took a deep breath.

"Very well... My decision is... neither. I choose to stop neither natural disaster, as there is an order in the universe. By stopping one, I will have stopped the order and something worse will happen to make up for my interfering..." Ginny said. She felt absolutely horrid and awful saying it, but it was true. By changing one part of the world, it affected another part in an even worse way.

That is your final decision? Even if it kills all those you love? The glass asked. If words could look surprised, the glass certainly achieved it.

Ginny gave a determined nod, which was far different from how she felt. If it asked her again, she would have broken into tears and saved the ones she loved, no matter the consequence, she was sure of it.

"That is my final decision," she said, her voice showing none of the pain she felt at making such a decision.

Very well... Third test: Kindred. This test will entail two parts. Show respect for all that enter...

Ginny nodded to show she understood and waited.

Third test: part one. Beasts.

A unicorn trotted into the area through the glass. It nuzzled Ginny affectionately and bowed to her. She bowed back, acknowledging the unicorn's respect for her. As the unicorn trotted away, another beast came in.

The manticore walked over to Ginny and looked at her for a moment, its scorpion tail whipping behind it. After another moment, the manticore bowed to Ginevra, who bowed back respectfully.

One by one, animal and beast came into the small glass room and bowed to Ginny respectfully. The final creature regarded her for a long time, and did not bow. Ginny looked at the centaur and after a moment, she bowed to him instead. The centaur bowed back then left the glass room, his hooves making music as he did so.

Third test: part two. Beings.

Ginny watched as a Vampire came into the glass room. Recognising the Vampire's rank from his clothes, she bowed to him. The Vampire inclined his head then returned her bow and left.

Another succession of people came and went. Some wizards, Muggles, Vampires, hags, banshees... Every type of being possible came into the room and either bowed to Ginevra, or waited for her to bow to them. Ginny almost made the mistake of not bowing to a Muggle King, and apologised profusely when she realised her mistake. The King didn't seem too perturbed, thinking that it was his looks that had caused her to refrain from bowing for so long...

The test eventually finished and Ginny was immensely glad she didn't have to bow to someone every few minutes. Her back was already sore just from that!

As Ginny stretched her back, wincing slightly, a small winged horse trotted out. She could tell by its light gold colour and silvery-white mane and tail that the winged horse was an Abraxan. She could tell that the winged horse was young, because even though it was the same size as a regular horse, the Abraxan's were famed for their giant size and one this size was hardly large for an adult horse.

"Hello... Are you supposed to be here?" Ginny asked the horse, rubbing her face affectionately. The horse neighed softly and blew into Ginny's face. She felt her back become better and it seemed that every ache and pain in her body just melted away. "Thank you, my lovely Volatil Equus," Ginny said softly. The winged horse neighed again then trotted back out of the room.

Fourth test: Power. You must perform the following two tasks without a wand. Please keep your non-wand hand on the pole provided at all times.

A small pole with a metal ball on top of it appeared in front of Ginny and she placed her left hand on it then waited.

Fourth test: part one.

A Kappa came out of the glass and went over to Ginny, eager to feed on her blood. Ginny looked down at the little demon, pondering whether to use magic on it. The small creature was hardly a threat to use her magic on it...

"I think it's fairly rude of you not to bow to someone before you try to devour them..." Ginny said as soon as the Kappa was close enough. The Kappa looked at her in shock. "As you are a Japanese demon, I am sure that your mother has told you of the etiquette before you eat. You bow your head to thank your Gods for the dinner you are about to eat," Ginny said, as it was the most obvious thing in the world.

The Kappa considered this for a moment before accepting it and bowing its head. The water in the hollow of its head drained out and the Kappa was deprived of its strength. It disappeared into thin air.

Fourth test: part two.

A Chimaera came into the room, the small goat hooves clipping on the wooden stage. Its dragon tail swung back and forth and the Chimaera's lion head roared when it saw Ginny there. She looked at it for a moment, trying to ignore her fear. The Chimaera roared again and walked over to her, licking its lips hungrily.

"Stop!" Ginny said, her voice fierce. The Chimaera continued to walk to her. Ginny winced slightly and put her hand out. A barrier formed around her body and the pole. The Chimaera tried in vain to get through the barrier and roared loudly when it found that it couldn't.

The Chimaera disappeared and Ginny waited until words appeared to take down the barrier, just in case. The pole disappeared and writing formed on the glass.

Fifth test: Changing. Change into three animals that you have not as such turned into yet. They may be magical or Muggle animals. You must turn into them one after the other, without returning to your original form. Please indicate the three that you have chosen in the right order...

Ginny thought for a moment. She couldn't do a phoenix, wolf, unicorn, nundu or bat...

"I will be changing into a manticore, a moke, and an Erumpent. In that order," Ginny said.

Very well... You will be tested to see if each animal is as it should be. Begin.

Ginny took in a deep breath for a moment, then began to change. Her body extended, her spine grew longer. She could feel the poison in her newly acquired scorpion tail. Her body became softer and golden-red fur grew from it as it changed into a lion's body. Her head stayed the same, her hair almost becoming a mane in its own way. She flexed her paws for a moment, surprised that it had actually worked.

A wizard with his wand drawn entered the room cautiously. With a wince he pointed his wand at her and said a spell. It rebounded off of Ginny and he sighed in relief. Ginny roared and leapt at him, her scorpion tail going over her shoulder to rest on the wizard's shoulder. She crooned softly as she bared her teeth and the wizard paled in fear. He sceamed loudly and fainted. Ginny's tail was a millimetre from the man's neck when the glass scrawled writing.

Stop... Leave the wizard and continue your test. The glass wrote. The man disappeared quickly.

Ginny gave an inhuman sigh and began to change. Her body shrank quickly and her paws changed into small reptilian feet. Her body changed colour as rapidly as she shrank, going from golden-red to a silver-green colour. However, in the candlelight, her skin shimmered red instead.

A large animal came out and Ginny shrank quickly. The animal went past, having not noticed her. When the animal had left, Ginny returned to her original Moke size. She looked at the glass for a moment, wondering if there was another test for herself in this form.

Continue your test...

Ginny thought of the Erumpent, the large African rhinoceros-looking animal and her reptile skin changed into a tough grey leather as she grew. A horn pierced through her skull and Ginny could feel the deadly liquid in it. She finished changing and looked at herself in the glass. Her body was grey and her small tail swished.

Suddenly, a large metal box came out of the glass and she was instructed to pierce it. Ginny pierced through the metal easily and the tip of her horn seemed to retract. The deadly liquid flowed out slowly and she pulled away. The box exploded loudly and for a moment, she was sure she heard Fred and George asking if they could get some.

A nervous witch came out of the glass and threw a curse at Ginny. It rebounded off of Ginny and the witch went back into the glass quickly before Ginny could charge at her.

Return to your original form. The glass instructed.

Ginny turned back to her human form and sat down on the chair provided gratefully. After a few minutes, she was able to stand properly, although her face was still slightly pale.

Final test: Mind.

Ginny frowned slightly at the title of the test, but continued to read the writing.

Your mind will be tested for any negativity or evil. Please sit on the chair provided and relax. A chair appeared behind Ginny and she sat down reluctantly. The glass closed in around her and a small orb of light flew into her forehead. Suddenly, images of Ginny's life began to appear on the glass. It seemed to go by in fast forward, starting with Ginny's earliest memory and going forward from there.

At age four, Ginny ran behind her brothers, calling for them to wait. Fred and George stopped and Ron scowled at her. Girl... Princess... Dwagon... Charlie...

Ginny at six, holding Arthur's hand as she went to the Ministry with him. He showed her all of the fascinating Muggle things and Ginny burnt herself with a match. She cried and Arthur healed her then showed her how to use the crayons...

Ginny played with the boys as they fought with each other and Molly yelled at them for fighting in front of her and on her birthday too. She had just turned seven... Ginny watched as Fred and George sang 'happy birthday' to her loudly and tricking Ron into opening a small jar. Spiders leapt out of it and Ron screamed loudly. Ginny giggled at her brother and cut her chocolate cake. Fred and George started a food fight. Ginny missed Charlie and Bill terribly...

Ginny shopping in Diagon Alley with her mother a few months later. She wanted to go and look at the pretty dress in the window, but Molly shook her head saying they couldn't go into that shop. It was too expensive. They went to the second-hand witch shop and found another dress. It wasn't as expensive, but Ginny liked it just as much. That memory was when Ginny realised that money wasn't a big thing to make someone happy.

Ginny at age eight on Platform 9 and 3/4. She watched as Charlie, Bill and Percy all got on board the train and tried not to cry as they all waved at her from the window. Fred and George called out for them to send something for them and hugged Ginny tightly as she cried. Molly and Arthur waved goodbye then led their other four children back to the Muggle world and home to the Burrow.

Ginny played Quidditch with all of her brothers when they came home for Christmas. It was the best Christmas ever! Her new Cleansweep Sixty seemed to fly even faster as she guided it around their paddock, looking for the golf ball that Arthur had spelled for them to make it a 'Snitch'. She caught it and laughed happily when everyone cheered for her, hugging her tightly. Charlie said that she was even better than him and she almost bursted with happiness.

Nine-year-old Ginny yelling at Fred and George for leaving her. She'd already lost three brothers to Hogwarts, she didn't want to lose them too! She yelled at them then ran up to her room, sobbing. She hid under her bed with her teddy bear and fell asleep. Ginny woke up when she heard her name being called loudly. She crawled out from underneath her bed and went out of her room. She tugged on Fred's shirt, still clutching her teddy bear. Eleven-year-old Fred sighed in relief when he saw that she was all right and called out for everyone else. Molly told Ginny off for hiding and Ginny started crying again until Fred and George offered to play Quidditch with her.

Ginny was ten and watched as Ron went onto the train with Harry. She looked from him to her mother and whispered if that was 'him', but Molly quieted her quickly. Another boy boarded the train with blonde hair, but her view of him was cut off by Fred and George who hugged her tightly. Lee Jordan grinned at them and whispered about a giant tarantula, then went on the train with a wink. Fred and George said goodbye to her and kissed her then went onto the train again. Ginny watched as Ron waved out the window as the train started off and she ran after him, waving happily, seeing the dark-haired boy in the window too. The blonde boy was in the window behind him, not looking very happy. She wondered why and waved to him too.

Ginny wandered Diagon Alley with her father, wondering where Harry had gotten to. He hadn't come out at the fireplace and no one knew where he was... They found him with Hermione and Ron and she smiled at him shyly. They went into Flourish and Blotts where the blonde boy was with his father... Ginny was surprised when her dad and his dad seemed to know each other. Then the blonde boy insulted Harry and she got angry at him. Arthur and the boy's father glared at each other, then the man grabbed her books, sneering. He practically threw them back in her cauldron and she hoped that the action hadn't dented her first cauldron. The boy and his father left and Ginny heard Harry say that he was Draco Malfoy...

Ginny asked her mother about Draco Malfoy and his father, but she just got angry and said in clipped tones not to go anywhere near them... They weren't nice people and Ginny was too nice to be seen with them. Ginny nodded solemnly and said that she wouldn't go near them while she was good. Molly smiled at her and gave her a hug, saying that Ginny would always be good, it was in her nature.

Ginny waved to her parents eagerly as the train started to leave Platform 9 and 3/4. They waved back and Ginny watched as they disappeared. She hadn't seen Harry or Ron on the train yet, but she was sure that they wouldn't go the entire trip without seeing her and how she was! She made friends with an odd girl, Luna Lovegood. She saw a boy with a camera, clicking at everything in sight. He even took a few pictures of her, introducing himself as Colin Creevey. Then a boy with a toad came into the room, asking if she was related to Ron and Fred and George. When she answered yes, they got into a big conversation about Harry Potter, Colin listening to them in fascination...

Ginny watched as Hagrid called all of the first years and she smiled at him, liking the large man immediately. He took them over to the castle in the magically led boats and Ginny was amazed at the size of the school. It never seemed to be that big when she had seen it in the pictures!

Ginny sat on the stool nervously and the Sorting Hat was placed on her head. She hadn't seen Ron or Harry for the entire trip and was worried about them, and also disappointed. The Sorting Hat whispered in her ear, asking if she'd like to be a Slytherin... She would be a very good Slytherin, it told her. Her entire family had been in Gryffindor for ever and she didn't want to let them down. Fred and George would make her happy in Gryffindor, she knew it. The Sorting Hat yelled out Gryffindor and the twins clapped loudly as she went to sit down smiling happily. She saw Draco Malfoy at the Slytherin table and for a moment, she wanted to change her mind... Fred and George hugged her tightly, congratulating her and asked if she'd seen Harry or Ron... Colin sat next to her and Neville came over grinning. He hugged her too and congratulated her happily.

Ginny went with the other first years to the Gryffindor Tower. Not one person had seen Harry or Ron, but the rumours that were going around! She had a feeling that the rumours were the truth, because she knew about the car... Who in her family didn't? Besides, she'd watched Arthur as he'd built and tinkered with the Muggle car and she'd seen the twins flying home with Ron and Harry... Harry and Ron weren't in the Common Room, neither was Hermione either... Ginny said goodnight to the twins and Colin and Neville, then went up to her room. She got her books out and saw a small green diary in it. Thinking that it was a present, she opened to the first blank page and wrote the date and 'dear diary'. She was shocked when the ink disappeared into the page... Then writing appeared, asking who she was...

Ginny wrote in the diary, her eyes sunken and dark. She watched Harry, giving Tom information on the dark-haired boy. Tom had said he would help her make him like her. He helped her write the valentine but after the humiliation of Harry not liking it and the awful boy Malfoy teasing her about it, she didn't try to do anything else to get Harry's attention.

Ginny went to the girl's bathroom and did as Tom told her. She hissed in the way he'd said, but it didn't work. She asked him about it, but something happened. Suddenly, she didn't seem to be in her own body. She watched as she opened the Chamber and her mind forgot everything about the night's events the next day.

Feathers started appearing on her clothes and then Mrs. Norris got Petrified... She had a bad feeling that she'd done it due to the lack of memory from that night, but couldn't tell anyone about it because no one was there... Fred and George were playing pranks on everyone too much to see that she wasn't well. Percy was too worried about his results and girlfriend to notice anything really wrong with Ginny. Ron was busy with Harry all the time. She was afraid of what else Tom would make her do. People started getting Petrified and she got scared. She went to the bathroom and threw the diary away. Not really hearing Myrtle's shriek, she ran as fast as she could back to her room.

Ginny saw Harry with the diary and she got scared again. She trashed his room trying to find it and when she did, she ran away as fast as she could, demanding to know what Tom had told him. Tom didn't reply, instead she had that floaty feeling again and didn't remember anything. She woke up in the Chamber when Tom came out of the diary.

He looked like Harry so much that she wanted to trust him. She really wanted to trust him, but she couldn't... Tom had made her do things and Ginny didn't like it. She didn't want to trust him... He told her to trust him and she inevitably did... She couldn't help herself. He'd been so nice to her, he'd comforted her when she'd cried over Harry. He told her he loved her and he'd be back for her, even though he might look a bit different. He promised her, and Tom never broke his promises... She loved Tom so much...

"STOP IT!" Ginny yelled and the orb flew out of her mind quickly. The glass shattered around her, piercing and cutting her soft skin. Suddenly all of the glass flew out of Ginny's body and her cuts and scratches healed. She glowed red and Agnes and Xavier looked at each other, worried. Fred and George ran up onto the stage quickly, trying to get to Ginny. They wrapped their arms around their sister ignoring the burning that seared through their arms when they did so.

"We're so sorry..." They whispered in her ear. Ginny just continued to sob and the red glow faded, as did the pain from the twins. Fred and George lifted Ginny out of the chair and down the stage carefully. "We're going to take her back. We hope you don't mind," they said as they bowed to Agnes and Xavier. They nodded and bowed back.

"We will see you soon, daughter. As much as you may not want it, we must finish the test," Agnes said softly, then laid her hand on Ginny's forehead, who was too emotional to make a response. Agnes' hand glowed for a moment and Ginny went limp in her brothers arms.

"It is just to make her night dreamless..." Xavier said when worry flitted across the twins faces. "Thank you for your company," he said, bowing to them.

"Thank you for your hospitality," they said, returning his bow. They left the room with the two Elders, who led them to Miles. Miles looked down at Ginny then to the two Elders in shock.

"Did you just... You..." He stammered slightly. Xavier looked at him sternly for a moment and Miles shut up quickly. He bowed then led the twins to the front door. He watched as they Disapparated then went to find Xavier and Agnes.


Fred and George put Ginny down, wondering whether they should take her back to Hogwarts or not. Deciding to just let her stay with them, they sent an owl to Dumbledore and watched as their sister slept.

They had no idea that they'd been so... unapproachable for her during her first year. She'd wanted them to make her feel welcome and they'd ignored her for the entire time. Guilt wrestling with them, they talked about it silently.

In a few minutes, there was a knock at their door and Albus called for them to open the door. They opened it, with their wands drawn, just in case. Albus looked at them, then followed them into the shop.

"What happened to Ginevra?" He asked immediately.

"We saw it on the other side of the glass... She was getting tested and it was a memory one," Fred and George said. Albus nodded. "She got up to during her first year with Tom and then she just yelled for it to stop... The orb flew out of her and the glass shattered around her. Then it all flew back out again and she started to glow... After that we said goodbye and brought her back. Lady Agnes did something that Lord Xavier said was to give Ginny a dreamless sleep," they finished. Albus nodded.

"Very well... I better go see them... I trust that you can look after Ginevra tonight. Bring her back to Hogwarts tomorrow morning," Albus instructed. Fred and George nodded then watched as Albus left their shop and Disapparated with a small pop.

Fred looked at George who gave a small shrug then closed and locked the door. They sat next to Ginny again and talked throughout the night, watching her sleep.


(a/n: I hope you all enjoyed the chapter!)
