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The Devil's Bed by Waterlilly

The Devil's Bed


A/N: Okay, this may be a little shorter than some of the other chapters, but it was a good place to end it. This also gives me the chance to work out some kinks in my upcoming ideas. I hope you like it, and sorry again about it being short.

Chapter 7

The next morning Ginny woke up in an extremely good mood. She cuddled closer to her pillow, then she started thinking.

She couldn't remember her pillow being so warm. . . and hard. . . and smooth. . . and moving!

Her eyes sprang open to meet icy grey eyes. She sprang away from him yelling, "Oh my god, what the hell are you doing!"

"Staying on my side of the bed."

Ginny started to argue with him and realized that he actually was on his side of the bed.

Ginny scoffed, "Well, you pulled me to your side!"

"Oh, no. you're not going to make this my fault, when all I did was obey you."

"No, see, I would've stayed on my side if it weren't for you!"

"You're in denial."

"No I am not!"

Draco rolled his eyes, "Okay, Ginny. I pulled you to my side of the bed. You win. You're right. All hail Ginny."

"Don't say I'm right just to make me shut up," Ginny said in a motherly tone.

"Can I ever win with you?"

Ginny smirked, "If you get lucky."


An hour later, Ginny finally convinced Draco to apparate her back to her apartment. She was not going to fly on that thing ever again!

After a few moments of `Thank yous' and "Your welcomes,' Draco finally left apartment.

As soon as her door was shut behind him, her smile faded into a look petrified terror.

She immediately apparated into Neville's apartment.


She waited a few minutes before quietly yelling, "Neville," again.

This time she heard rustling sounds and muttering coming from his bedroom. A few seconds later a very disgruntled looking Neville came into view.

"Ginny, I was taking a very nice nap."

"Neville, I'm a complete idiot," Ginny said in desperation.

"Why," Neville asked flopping onto his couch.

Ginny sat beside him, "I went out on another date with him."

"Is that why you think you're an idiot? It doesn't seem that stupid to me."

"No. . . he took me to. . ."

"Spit it out, Ginny, you're killing me here."

"He took me to America."

"America," Neville asked in shock.

"Yeah, and I was a complete and utter idiot! I was so nervous about getting on that flying thing, and then there was the moving box, they were so scary, and then he brought this cheesecake, and you know how I am about cheesecake, and I was so nervous, and he let me have a bite, and it was so creamy, and he wouldn't trade it for my maccaroni, so I stole it and ran into the bathroom and ate it really fast, and now he must think I'm the most immature person in the world and won't want to date me anymore," Ginny said hurriedly.

"Ginny, calm down. You're not immature, you were just. . . excited and nervous because you like him. And he took you to America for a date for merlin's sake!"

"Wait, back up. I do not like him!"

"But I thought you were worried he wouldn't want to date you anymore."

"Well. . . yeah. . . but. . . everyone wants people to like them . . ."

"But you don't like him," Neville asked raising his eyebrows.

"Right, I don't!"

"So what are you going to do?"

"What should I do?"

"Um, I think if you're this worried about it, then you should just talk to him."

"Talk to him," Ginny asked unsurely.

Neville shrugged his shoulders, "Well, yeah."

"Talk to him," Ginny said to the space in front of her.

Neville just nodded slightly.

"I could do that tomorrow at work I suppose," Ginny said more to herself than Neville.

"Sounds like a plan," Neville said in a reassuring tone.

"Thanks," Ginny smiled at him weakly.

"Do you need anything?"

Ginny shook her head, "No, not really. I'm just going to go shopping and clean my apartment.

"Alright, if you do need anything, just find me."

"Thanks, Neville."


After some grocery shopping and cleaning her apartment, Ginny was utterly exhausted.

She lounged on her bed and picked up her book from the night stand.

She started to open it, then paused and stared at the cover. She sighed and laid the book back down.

It was time for a new book.

She got up, got dressed, and walked down the street to the little bookshop.

She stood in the doorway for a moment as she looked at a little sign on a shelf that read `Romance Novels.'

She eventually looked away and found the sign that read `Mystery.' she walked over to the shelves, then went to the Muggle section. That was one thing she loved about this store, they carried Muggle novels too. Wizarding mysteries were so boring and monotonous.

She picked up a book whose author had three whole shelves to herself. It was Sleeping Murder by Agatha Christie. It seemed interesting.

When she turned around she almost ran into Draco. Completely unprepared for his appearance, she gasped, "What are you doing here?"

He smirked, "I had a feeling you would be buying a new book tonight."

She looked down at her book and smiled just a little, "Yeah, I decided it was time."

"I also noticed it's not a romance novel," he said quietly, not intending it to be a snide comment, and thankfully, she didn't take it that way.

"Um, yeah," she looked up at him, "I thought I would read something new."

Draco smiled and gently took the book from her, "Sleeping Murder, sounds interesting. You do know this is a Muggle book, right?"

"Yeah, wizard mysteries are boring."

Draco took her lower arm in his hand and led her to the counter. He tossed a couple of galleons into the woman's hand, then he turned to Ginny, "So, can I be a gentleman and walk you home?"

She smirked, "I don't know."

Draco furrowed his eyebrows, "Why?"

"I don't know if I should let the Devil follow me home."

Draco smirked a little too, "And what is wrong with that?"

"What would my mother think?"

"I'm sure we can leave her in the dark. Besides, playing with the Devil is so much more fun than being a good girl."

Ginny let her smirk grow into a smile, "I guess you're right." She hooked her arm into his and he led her back to her apartment.

When they got there, they stood outside her door awkwardly. Ginny finally looked at him and said, "Um, would you like to come in for a little while?"

He looked at her seriously, "Are you trusting me? Completely?"

Ginny looked at him warily, but decided, "Yes, I'm trusting you."

Draco seemed happy when he said, "Then I would love to come in for a while."

Ginny started to open the door then turned around. Draco was so close she could smell his cologne and a hint of the mint in his breath.

Ginny stammered, "But. . . you can come in on one condition."

Draco smirked and raised his eyebrows.

Ginny took a deep breath and said, "No funny business."

He leaned in closer to her, pressing his chest to hers and whispering in her ear quietly, "Are you sure?"

He leaned back just enough to look in her eyes, but left their noses only an inch apart.

Ginny shivered and stared at him and started to shake slightly, "Um. . ."

Draco's seductive face formed a tiny smirk as he lowered his lips onto hers.

A/N: Come on. . . you know you want to push that review button!!!!
