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Operation CoJacks by Viopathartic

Operation CoJacks


Operation CoJacks


A/N: Betaed by SkyHighFan. Sorry if there were any other mistakes…

Chapter 12:

Ben Lester was back in the tracking room where his agents were working non-stop to get a hold of Slit and attempting to find where he was. He discovered that Hermione didn't even tell Emmy about her "trip" to his "workplace". He learned this from the frantic yelling that was featured in their most recent telephone conversation. But Ben managed to calm her down by stating that she was safe.

Where would Slit take his niece and Potter? Why, for God's sake? As far as Lester knew, there wasn't any connection--besides operation wise--between Harry Potter and Jameson Tanner. And Slit was not one to take off without prior notification. Lester also supposed that Harry and Hermione could have taken Slit but that thought was preposterous. Slit wasn't susceptible--especially to a pair of teenagers.

His mind traced every possible scenario and each attempt drew blanks. There was simply no answer.

"Sir!" An urgent voice called, pulling the Head of Operation CoJacks from his badgering thoughts.

He quickly approached the station where the voice had come from. His heart was pounding wildly, hoping what he would hear would be good news and not bad. "Report."

"Agent Tanner is back on grounds."

He was sure he heard right but that didn't stop him from asking, "How?"

"He just...appeared on the grid," explained the agent who sounded a bit confused as well, "And Brennan and Elaine were watching the grid on three separate screens and came up with identical findings. He's located in trainee Harry Potter's dormitory. Do you want us to send someone...?"


Without another word, Ben Lester pushed the agent aside-never minding his look of astonishment-whose chair easily slid to the side, and tapped the keyboard. He'll call Slit himself.

And he'll see how Slit will deal with the consequences.



"Bloody hell just happen?"

Unfortunately, Harry, Hermione, and Slit's apparition was poorly timed. He had forgotten that when appearing the dormitory, it would be nearly curfew for his roommates. So as a result, their sound and sudden appearance woke Room 203.

Forest was first to speak "Harry! A-Agent Tanner, sir? How'd you--"

"Shit," Harry muttered under his breath. He felt Hermione stiffen by his side and on impulse, he grabbed her hand.

"Harry," said Slit. Harry turned to him but his mentor was looking at his hand. In a surprisingly calm voice, he stated, "Mr. L's coming soon."

When seeing Hermione's look of question, he explained, "Chip implant. And you're uncle is coming."

Forest Argon was stuttering as he was the only one who jumped out of his bed at the sound of Harry's apparition. Jasper, who usually glared at Harry, had an unfamiliar look of shock on his face. Malcolm was gripping his sheets tightly to his chest and his eyes were wide and fearful. "H-Hey!'d you...?"

Without a word, Hermione withdrew her wand and muttered, "Obliviate." When the dazed look appeared in all three trainees' eyes, she followed with, "Stupefy."

They fell back onto their backs, consciousness charmed out of them.

The door swung opened, hitting the wall with force. Ben Lester appeared at the threshold, anger in his eyes.

"Trainees!" Harry cast a fearful eye to Hermione, remembering that she had used the Stunning charm. As discreetly as possible and while Ben's eyes were still on the stunned trainees, he pulled up from his pocket so that the tip was showing and muttered, "Enervate."

Forest, Jasper, and Malcolm woke up to see the head of Operation CoJacks glaring at them. They clumsily made their way out of beds and finally stood besides them and saluted Lester.

He didn't seem to care. "Training with all occupants of Dormitory 201, 202 and 204. Report to Room 256, immediately."

Harry watched as his roommates rushed to grab their clothes, not even bothering to put them on. So, they left the dormitory in their pajamas, too fearful to have changed. Harry's presence went unnoticed all the while. Despite the situation he was now in, Harry couldn't help but find it all amusing.

"Sit down," he growled, menace laced in his words. Harry, using his peripheral vision, saw Slit slowly take a seat on Jasper's vacant bed and Hermione doing the same on Malcolm. So Harry followed suit, cautiously sitting his bum on the previous occupied bed.

"Explain, Potter."

Harry opened his mouth to speak but Hermione already started. "Uncle Benny, it wasn't Harry's-"

"Be quiet, Hermione!" Lester shouted, spit flying from his mouth. Hermione cowered. This was one of the few moments where her uncle would raise his voice at her. "You've been gone for a day and didn't even think to notify me that you were even leaving!"

Lester angrily whipped around to face his most talented agent. "Agent Tanner, you have taken my niece off grounds and were reckless, leaving your team wondering where the bleeding hell you were. You'd be lucky if I don't get rid of you myself."

"And you, Potter," Ben took a slow, threatening step towards the boy and Harry had to use all of his will to force himself to stay in place instead of running and hiding like he wanted to. "You may be my niece's friend, but don't think you I will go easy on you. Ever since Slit had brought you here, you managed to put my niece in danger and broken nearly every rule from the handbook! You're a damn trainee for Operation CoJacks and you damn well should act like it!"

Once he finished, Ben was breathing hard and he was still red in the face. Slowly, he lowered his finger and his whole arm fell to his side.

"Agent Tanner, report," he whispered harshly. Slit, finally realizing the severity of his situation, snapped his legs together and stood erect.

"Sir, I apologize for disappearing without giving proper notification to my team. I was foolish to have brought your niece, Hermione Granger, and Trainee Harry Potter with me."

Harry and Hermione gaped at Slit's report. He wasn't the one who brought the two along--it was the other way around!

"Uncle Benny," said Hermione, stepping forward slightly. Lester glared at his niece in a way that should have deterred her from speaking any further. "Slit didn't bring us anywhere. We were the ones to do so."

"Explain," Lester commanded in a brisk tone.

Hermione and Harry exchanged significant glances. This was noticed by her uncle. "What is it?" He demanded, taking another step towards Harry again. His hands were on his hips, pushing back his blazer to reveal the gun attached to his side. Another threat. Ben Lester didn't care if he was a trainee or if Potter was Hermione's best friend. Drag his niece into trouble and Potter will get what he deserved.

"We were at the Ministry," said Harry, watching for Lester's reaction.

His look of anger did not cease. "Do not lie, Potter."

"He's not, Uncle. W-We really were at the Ministry."

Lester opened his mouth again but Hermione beat him to it.

"Our Ministry." As expected, Harry saw confusion in the eyes of Hermione's uncle.

"What are you talking about, Hermione?"

Again, the two exchanged looks with each other. Ben was seriously getting annoyed by this.

"I'm a witch, Uncle Benny. I can do magic," she clarified nervously. Harry nodded at her when she glanced at him. Uncertainly, Hermione withdrew her wand from her left jeans pocket and pointed it at a stack of Harry's textbooks.

"Wingardium Leviosa," she whispered, her voice wavering all the while. Slowly but visibly, the textbook rose into the air as if an invisible hand had lifted it. With her wand, Hermione directed the book across the room in into the hands of an astonished Benjamin Lester.

The silence was deafening. The atmosphere of no sound but the beat of his heart rang louder in his ears. In silence, people's expressions could be easily matched to feelings. Harry glanced at Hermione who was furtively gazing at her uncle. Slit was gazing out of the dormitory window, seemingly distracted by the skies. Only Harry knew that Slit's ears were so well attuned that he would hear a pin drop amongst an ambuscade of people.

Ben looked to be in a daze. His eyes were kept on the book that was in his hand. Did he get up to retrieve it? How did it end up here? No, he couldn't remember. It was not possible that his niece levitated this book into his hands. No, that's impossible. It could only happen if she used magic or something...

"How long?" The man asked, showing no emotion even though he was might be scared shitless. Harry now knew where Slit had learned to mask his emotions.

"Excuse me?"

"I long since you new you had powers?" It was such an odd question; Ben had to force himself to spit it out.

"I first received my letter when I turned eleven. Then I attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

"Emma and Dan?"

"They know, of course," explained Hermione who had settled on Malcolm's bed. Harry was sitting next to her."

"All these years...boarding school..."

"It was only a cover-up. Mum and Dad had to explain my absences to the Muggle--non-magic, that is--administrations."

Ben nodded numbly. He turned to his head in Harry's direction. "And you?"

"Yeah, I'm one too...a wizard though," answered Harry.

When Slit saw his boss looking at him, he raised his hands as if defending himself. "I'm just like you, Mr. L. A Muggle. But I just know about the wizarding world."

"You told him first?" Ben asked Hermione who then pointed at Harry. "And you believe it?"

Slit gave him an odd look. "You'd have to if you see where I was at."

Ben stared for a moment before directing his attention towards Harry and Hermione. "And this Ministry..."

"Our Ministry is a bit like yours. We vote for people to run the British wizarding world. There are other Ministries in different countries. The only difference is that our Ministry uses magic to solve problems.

"But why did you have to go to the Ministry yesterday?"

After glancing at Harry, Hermione explained to her uncle about the reign of Lord Voldemort in the First War and the increase of his Death Eaters activities. Harry merely sat and watched as Ben's expressions changed from one to another. Slit also listened in on the explanation, wondering how all of that could have happened when both Muggles and Magic shared the same world.

"And so...this Lord Voldemort...he wants to rule your world?"

Hermione nodded.

"Aren't there other wizards who take care of this matter? Why do you and Potter have to fight against him...why do you have to be in danger?" Ben asked his niece, looking at her in a whole new way. She was no longer the Hermione Granger he grew to love. This was a different Hermione-more determined and unafraid.

" put it simply: It's because I'm friends with Harry Potter." Harry gave her a look of alarm but she just shrugged, explaining that she was only stating and not complaining. She took a very deep breath and launched into another detailed discussion of Harry's history. She even explained the Horcruxes and the prophecy.

"That's why we couldn't find your father in the database," muttered Lester mostly to himself. "The Chosen One...sounds like what you call the Messiah..."

"Tell me about it," mumbled Harry but only Hermione heard. She shot him a look before turning to her uncle. "So you see...Harry's very important to the wizarding world. He has to defeat Lord Voldemort for Merlin's sake!" Ben looked at his niece weirdly for her odd expression but he didn't say anything. "Your world believes he can?"

Hermione didn't answer right away. Then she gazed at her uncle in the eye and said, "I believe he can."

At that moment, Harry realized how his world had changed in the span of a month. He was at Operation CoJacks, Hermione with him, and now they were telling the head and Hermione's uncle about the wizarding world. This was very odd indeed.

With that, Ben Lester suddenly stood up from the chair. He said nothing, looked at nothing as he straightened his blazer and adjusted his tie. Clearing his throat, he turned sharply around and reached for the doorknob. There, he paused for a moment with his hand on the knob as if finally processing everything that had just taken place.

"I think I scared him with that magic bit," announced Hermione once her uncle left the room. Slit stuck around a little longer, informing that they would need to discuss the Horcruxes further. But Harry couldn't help the feeling that Slit was stalling for time. Then he left and it was only Hermione and Harry in the Room 203.

Harry grinned. "Really?"

Hermione rolled her eyes. "You know what I mean. And it's odd because I've never seen my Uncle scared."

"But you never knew your uncle was Head of Operation CoJacks either. You learn something new every day, right?"

"I was wrong to answer your letter," Hermione said in mock annoyance.

"I was right to contact you first," countered Harry who was still smiling.

"About that...why did you?"

Harry never really thought about it. Maybe it was because she was always the logical one...and Merlin, did Harry need logic at that time. But then he realized it was because he could always count on Hermione.

"I suppose...because you were the first to come to when I need help. And I'm glad because I'd be pretty lost," admitted Harry. Hermione blushed at his last statement. "Thank you, Hermione…you know for that…"

"You're welcome, Harry." And to Harry's astonishment, Hermione took a step forward and wrapped her arms around his neck. He could only respond by wrapping his around her waist.

"Crikey, he's back!" Forest exclaimed when seeing Harry. The two of them sprung apart from their embrace. Harry turned around and grinned.

Apparently, their discussion with Lester took up most of the time and the trainees were now returning. Hermione shook her head, smiling slightly and excused herself. He watched her leave, ignoring his roommates' suggestive looks.

"So," said Malcolm who then swung an arm across Harry's shoulder, "were you on some kind of mission?"

Harry shook his head. "Can't say. Confidential, mate."

"Ah, I see. You're advancing pretty fast, little one," joked Malcolm. Harry smiled; Malcolm and Forest reminded him of Fred and George who always fooled around when it came to him.

"Schedules," announced Jasper in somewhat of a cold tone. The schedules were located in the box that was attached to the outside of their room. He passed around two pieces of paper to his roommates and then jabbed the paper in Harry's direction. He took it away, ignoring Jasper's glare.

"I have a class with Room 205, 206, 207 in the VE room." said Harry, staring at his paper. So that means I have class with other trainees and not by myself?

"VE?" Forest voiced.

"VE. Virtual Environment. We pretend that we're on a mission and then the computer creates it for us."

"You've done this before?" Malcolm asked incredulously.

Harry shrugged, not wanting to reveal anymore.

"Brill, we get to see you in action," joked Forest. Harry glanced at his friend and quickly assumed that they would have the class together.

"I thought you were training as a mathematician?"

"We all gotta learn, mate," said Forest.

"It doesn't tell us what we're gonna do exactly," commented Harry.

"Yeah…well that's the thing about Operation CoJacks. They always want us to be ready for anything."

As Room 203 was making their way to the VR room, Malcolm insisted on giving Harry background information about all of the other trainees.

"Now in Room 205 there's this one person. Has big muscles and everything."

"Blimey, does he work out often?" asked Harry.

Malcolm grinned, "She does. But Trager's not that bad once you get to know her. Brilliant mathematician…even better than Argon over there."

Forest rolled his eyes and shot a grin at Harry. "If I didn't know before, I would say that you fancy Theresa Trager."

"You're a funny bloke, aren't you? Any road, I've got my eyes on Martha instead. She's one of Trager's dorm mates."

Forest put on a confused look. "But I thought Kensington was a bean-flicker?"

Malcolm's eyes widened. "Really?"

Forest laughed, letting his roommate to know that it was all a joke. Malcolm pushed him by the shoulder so hard that the other trainee fell against the wall. It didn't seem to hurt him though. Trailing behind the three was Jasper who hasn't said a word throughout the exchange.

When they arrived in the room, Harry was hit with a blast of cold air and suppressed a shiver. He glanced up to the glass-cased room and noticed that there were three adults. One of them, he saw, was Titi. She didn't show any recognization when Harry walked underneath-in fact, she didn't show any emotion. All three of the adults stood stock still.

The first bloke, who appeared to be the person in charge, was African-American and was dressed in a stiff suit. His jaw was set, he had his head tilted in an aristocratic manner, and hands were clasped in his front. He was balding from where Harry was standing.

The second was another man. He looked much nicer than the first but still gave Harry the impression that he was strict and disapproved of any playfulness. His skin was pale as if he never let the sun touch him. He was younger than the first man and appeared to be in his thirties.

Once he gave the instructors a look over, Harry focused on the other trainees who openly stared at his arrival. His roommates had already fallen into place in a horizontal line with the others. It was as if they were assigned the spot. Women and men, much older than Harry, were arranged in height and they stood at attention.

Harry couldn't help but notice the sudden changes in Malcolm and Forest. One minute ago, they were fooling around. Now they were completely serious. Forest discreetly nodded his head, telling him to find a place.

He ended up standing between one woman and a man somewhere near the end. Although he was at a good height for a seventeen-year-old, he was short compared to some of the men here. He noticed the woman looking at him from the corner of her eye.

Through a microphone that connected to the Virtual Environment room, the black man spoke in a low, gruff voice.

"I am Agent Abraham and will be leading this training along with Professor Titi, Ballistics Professor," he gestured towards Harry's mentor in which she nodded. "And Agent Fortimine.

The pale man raised his hand in recognition.

"Operation CoJacks will be introducing a new type of training that many of you may have not learned through classes. VE. Virtual Environment. Trainees are put into fictional missions with realistic qualities," explained Agent Abraham. His eyes swept through the line up, giving the feeling that he was watching everyone individually.

"With goggles on, you will see things that people without spectacles will not see. You will hear and feel what the computer creates. When using this, everything will be considered as real. So don't let your guard down and think this is just practice. Because some day, once we decide you trainees are capable enough, you will be out on the field and exposed to the same dangers as inside here."

"The purpose of the training today will be to work on teamwork. An agent is not alone in this line of work. We depend on each other. We trust each other. You'll learn it through this practice," finished Abraham. He stepped back and summoned Agent Fortimine to step up.

"I'll divide everyone into groups depending on strength and weaknesses. Everyone will compliment each other in the group. There are 16 of you which will mean that every group will have four trainees. The groups will go against each other like a race. Understood?"

"Yes sir!" The trainees answered in unison.

They waited until Fortimine could make his way down the spiral staircase and everyone stood stock still when approached them so that his face was near theirs. With piercing gray eyes, he analyzed the profile of each trainee. When he came to Harry, his eyes lit up in recognition. Apparently, word about his arrival was well-known around Headquarters.

Swiftly, Fortimine turned around and accepted the clipboard that Titi handed to him. "First group: Minerva Bellington, Jim Tart, Maria Montgomery, and Martha Kensington.

The four whose names were called stepped up and were ordered to create one line on the other side of the room.

"Second group: Forest Argon, Connor Hutler, Patrick Daniels, and Meghan Hamilton." Forest dutifully strode forward with his group, momentarily flashing a small smile at Harry as he passed.

"Third group: Casey Nottingham, Maria Garcia, Michael Shorm, Malcolm Wood."

"And the last and fourth group: Jasper Edwards, Theresa Trager, Michael Fiske, and Harry Potter."

Harry turned his head towards his group members. Jasper stood in place, probably mentally cursing Fortimine for putting him in the same group as the boy he despised. Michael Fiske walked gracefully and confidently towards Harry and stuck his hand.

Amused at how Fiske reminded him of Ernie MacMillan from Hufflepuff, he shook his group mate's hand and nodded.

Michael was a bit taller than Harry but not by much. His head was shaved closely to the scalp; Harry could tell he had dark brown hair. He had broad shoulders and held himself with great poise. Michael was grinning slightly and that was when Harry knew he might get along well with him.

"I'm under forensics study. Come from Room 206. You from Room 203, innit it right?"

Harry nodded. "You're Australian?"

Fiske grinned. "Whyalla, matter of fact."

Embarrassingly, Trager towered over Harry by approximately two or three inches. As Malcolm had said, Theresa most definitely worked out a lot. He would have assumed her to be a body builder if Malcolm didn't tell him about her. Her brown hair was tied in a tight bun and away from her face. Her muscles were bulging under her shirt.

But her appearance misled Harry. Her voice was as girlish as any voice could be and her personality was cheerful and uplifting despite what people might think.

"My name's Theresa Trager but you can me Trager. I don't really like my name."

"No worries. I have a friend that's like you," Harry smiled, seeing Tonks in his mind.

Trager smiled. Michael jerked his head in Jasper's direction. "What's that dag doing over there?"

Harry turned around and saw he was referring to Jasper who was scaling while looking at his group. He shook his head and walked over, leaving Trager and Michael to watch after him.

"Look, why don't you act like the thirty-year-old you are and come over here. I don't care whether the bloody hell you hate me or not. But if you want to get on the good side of these Agents, do what you're told to do," said Harry in a cold tone.

"I don't need to listen a fourteen-year-old. Why don't you get your scrawny arse back over there?" Jasper sneered, arms crossed.

"Is there a problem, trainees?"

The both of them turned around. Professor Titi was standing silently behind them.

"No, Professor Titi," Harry answered, attempting to keep the aggravation out of his voice. Titi nodded stiffly.

"Trainee Edwards, I suggest you form with your group. If you don't graduate like you failed to do last time, then your time should be wasted somewhere else."

Jasper's expression contorted from annoyance to furiousness. Harry didn't know what that meant but the statement certainly shut Jasper up. Without a word, his roommate left to join Group Four.

"Professor Titi…what do you mean?"

"Jasper Edwards is a good trainee. He would have been an excellent agent if it weren't for his attitude," she paused as if thinking. "Last year, he was set to graduate, but his inability to work properly with others had changed some plans. During a practice involving group activity like today, Edwards and his mates decided on a plan but Edwards changed it without telling his group. His mates were critically injured and all blame was on Edwards," explained Professor Titi.

"A person who thinks they can do everything alone will never succeed in Operation CoJacks. Everyone's involvement is needed."

Harry remembered when he was in his fifth year. It was night that Sirius was killed. He didn't want Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Luna, and Neville to go with him because he didn't want them to get hurt. But in the end, everything turned out alright.

In fact, if Harry went alone into the trap, he was sure he wouldn't come out alive.

"Alright. Every team is against every other team. In this practice you are to treat them as your enemies or opponents and not as a fellow trainee. Your objective is to reach a blue circle which you'll understand later. Best team will find it first," informed Titi to the entire room.

The practice was a perverse game of "finder's keeper, loser's weepers". All of the trainees were given makeshift guns. This "game" had no rules whatsoever and whoever gets shot will disperse from the training and lose one for their team.

Everyone was given goggles along with their weapons. These goggles would provide the virtual world in which they would be going in. Harry heard collective gasps from his fellow trainees once they out their goggles on.

Oddly, the trainees were placed inside what appeared to be an abandoned warehouse. The whole place was semi-lit. There were only a few boxes on each shelf, randomly placed around the room. The room was oppressively hot and absolutely different from the VR room, which led Harry to wonder about how technology has changed in the years.

"Crikey…" Fortimine muttered. His team, including Jasper was beside him and in the same position as they were before. Even Jasper appeared to be surprised by the room.

"Attention," called a voice that sounded as if it was over a PA system. "Attention, trainees. This session will start in approximately 60 seconds. After the bell is sounded, weapons are allowed to be used. The shelves and boxes can be used as guards or shields. A person can be hit thrice. One more would immediately be pulled out. We expect for you to use all knowledge and training that Operation CoJacks had taught you. Good luck."

The bell sounded off as expected and everyone was in instant action. Someone fired at Harry but luckily he managed to somersault to the side in time. He didn't realize the trainees were so quick in agility and mentally told himself to get used to it. He pulled out his gun and shot at a dark-hair trainee at his far right. His whole body jerked back as if he was pushed by an invisible force. He shook his head.

"Hutler: 1," announced the same voice from before.

After attempting to locate the voice, Harry turned his attention to the battle. The starting point was clearing; everyone was heading towards the center and closer to the door in the back of the room. His team was ahead of him. Trager was hiding behind a large box, gun stiff in her hands. She lifted a finger.

"Bellington: 1, Wood: 1."

Malcolm got hit.

Everyone seemed to follow Trager. They hid themselves from the other teams behind large objects. Harry moved and hid himself behind another large box, back pressed against its side.

He glanced across the aisle and at Fortimine who was holding a finger to his lips. He raised three fingers and began to count down.

Once he raised his fist (0), all four members of Harry's team leapt up began to shoot at the targets they could see.

Harry felt himself being hit. It didn't hurt; it only startled him.

"Potter: 1," rang the announcement as Harry ducked and rolled again.

The whole training was like a battle field. Every team against 12 other trainees. Harry got hit one more time which made him step up his game a bit more.

He was closest to the blue circle. Everyone else was either eliminated or fighting against another opponent. The objective of this game was to get the circle and this was the perfect chance.

Harry sprinted as he did for the Tri-Wizard Cup in fourth year. His arm stretched out like he would in a Quidditch game. His feet were about a foot away from the blue line of the circle before he felt himself being knocked down.

Bloody hell!

Who was it on top of him? Harry stopped struggling and decided to use some of what Slit taught him. He wrenched his arm free and pulled it back, his elbow contacting with the person's rib. He heard a short intake of breath and used this opportunity to get on his feet.

It was Jasper!

Before he could speak a word, the man lunged at him

He didn't understand why Jasper was attacking him. And could they even use defensive combat?

That's right. No rules.

Jasper was supposed to be his teammate in yet he acted like an enemy. Now he understood what Titi had told him. Jasper was didn't like working with others; he wanted the glory all to himself. Bastard, Harry thought. He felt an arm wrap around his neck from behind and the other pulling him back. Jasper was choking him, cutting off the air.

Harry wouldn't let him win that easily. Closing his eyes, he imagined that he was facing Malfoy or Voldemort or someone he hated with all his being. He saw his wand in his mind, hands gripping it tightly. He felt the magic inside of him, inching its way up through his body and suddenly, he opened his eyes.

Jasper flew off Harry and landed a few feet away. He lifted himself up before looking at Harry with wide eyes.

Harry breathed heavily, staring at Jasper with a look of loathing. With his eyes still pinned on him, Harry took a step forward and into the circle.

The surroundings immediately melted away, replacing the warehouse with the VR room. The trainees, dazed, glanced around and shook their heads at the sudden change.

The PR voice rang through the room, announcing, "Group 4 wins. Trainee Harry Potter reached the circle first."

"What the bloody hell is your problem?" Harry yelled at Jasper, once the game was over.


The two of them turned simultaneously to face an angry Fortimine. Harry swallowed hard, even though he wasn't the one in trouble.

Jasper was pulled away and Harry tried to follow and listen in but someone called for him.


Harry turned and saw Titi standing next to Slit and Hermione. He glanced back at Jasper who had turned away from him and was now in a heated conversation with Agent Fortimine. Harry then sighed angrily and walked towards Hermione.

"What?" he asked annoyed. Hermione raised her eyebrows.

"I saw what he did, Harry. You should be angry at him, not me."

Harry shook his head. "Sorry, it's just…" He sighed again. "What was it you wanted to tell me?"

Slit was the one who told him. "We just got a notice. Organization is called EYES. They contacted the Prime Minister asking for him to meet them at a provided address."

Before Harry could even speak, Slit cut in again and said,

"No, Harry. You stay this time. I don't think Mr. L would want you to go."

"Well, I was actually gonna tell you to not go."

Slit turned to the trainee. "What?"

"Don't bloody bring the Prime Minister, I mean. You don't understand--the terrorists are working for Voldemort. They'll kill you guys!"

"We're not bringing the Prime Minister."

"Slit, I'll go--"

"No, Harry. Bill and Fleur's wedding!" Hermione reminded him. Harry swore to himself. She was right. Ron's older brother was getting married the next day and Harry knew he could never miss it. Mrs. Weasley would have a fit. But he also knew that the meeting was a trap. He was a bit surprised that Slit couldn't see it.

Harry sighed, "Slit, I'm telling you. Those men will probably kill you."

Slit scowled. "Thanks for stating it so blatantly. I already know it's a trap; I don't need some 17-year-old to tell me."

Harry glared but in his mind he was thinking, "If Slit already knew that then why was he still going?"

As if reading Harry's mind, Slit answered, "Since they're Muggles, the level of our Operation CoJacks agents and EYES will be matched. We're perfectly capable of defending ourselves. There's good chance that we may even be able to capture them."

Even though Slit sounded confident of himself, Harry had a foreboding feeling. He looked over at Hermione who appeared to be struggling as to who she agreed with. She caught her friend's look and shrugged. "I know. Something is wrong." Harry was surprised when Hermione announced that. "I can see it on your face. Plus, I feel it too."

That was really hard to write. I mean, really. I think I like stories where I don't have to make up such extensive backgrounds for…one-shots are probably better, but I don't have any more ideas! It sucks because I want to give you something that could make you smile on a rainy day lol.

Also, I have some recommendations. Go on youtube and type in Lauren Cooper…you have to watch this sketch especially with the guy from Doctor Who (I think he was also Barty Crouch Jr. in Goblet of Fire….) HILAROUS. Also, check out the Australian version of Thank God You're Here-which is also on youtube.

If I wrote anything wrong in this message, sorry it's 11 PM and I'm only staying up so I could post this.

Yes, you SHOULD be thankful, lol.

Hopefully I'll be writing something else for you!
