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Operation CoJacks by Viopathartic

Operation CoJacks


Operation CoJacks


A/N: So finally, things are starting up. Mr. L was finally revealed to be Hermione's uncle and head honcho of Operation CoJacks.

Chapter 9:

The head of Operation CoJacks entered the Authentic Room with the intention to finally meet Harry Potter. But never in his life had he expected to see his niece standing before him in the very same room.

"Uncle Benny?"

The look of shock was obvious to everyone in the room. The 47-year-old man froze in his salute to his agents, his eyes apparently processing the girl who called his name.

"Hermione!" Ben Lester exclaimed, immediately approaching her. Hermione met him halfway and with a wide smile, she threw her arms around her uncle who she hasn't seen for months.

"S-sir, you know Hermione Granger?" asked Elaine dumbfounded. Bill, who had witnessed the scene from the observation room, quickly entered the room in hope of getting an explanation.

Harry stood there, dumbfounded. His friend had asked him if he knew a Ben Lester at Operation CoJacks. He had answered truthfully: No, he did not. And now, he's in the Authentic Room, learning that Hermione's uncle was-in actuality-the head of his organization.

"Know her? She's my family! Hermione is my niece," He answered, finally letting her go and turning to face Slit and Elaine. "But why is she here?"

"Well, Mr. L, we caught her with Trainee Harry Potter, and they were both trespassing on official investigation grounds-"

"Harry Potter," Ben interrupted Elaine in the middle of her report. His eyes were on Harry, and he could see why he was Hermione's uncle. His gaze was strong, seemingly penetrating the specimen that was being viewed. It certainly affected the young man as he looked everywhere but the president of OCJ.

That's right. Emmy asked if I knew Harry Potter. And Harry is Hermione's friend.

"Emma had asked me if I knew you," Ben Lester stated, pointed a finger at the skinny, dark-haired trainee.

"You talked to mum?" asked Hermione as her brain went back to functioning properly so that she could speak.

"Hold on, Hermione. Let me ask the questions first. You are acquainted with this boy?"

"Yes, but why-"

"And what exactly were you doing at the Prime Minister's office with him?"

"Well," Hermione cast a look at her friend, "the Prime Minister had scheduled a meeting and Harry brought me along because he needed my advice."

Uncle Benny opened his mouth to retort but Elaine chose this moment to interrupt.

"Sir, might I suggest separate rooms?" Elaine said, pointing at Hermione. "She has been exchanging looks with trainee Harry Potter. Separating the two may give better results."

Lester took a moment to contemplate and finally abdicated. He gestured for Slit and Harry to take another room while he and his niece would remain in the Authentic Room. Elaine was instructed to resume her own activities. Surveillance was not needed at the moment so Bill was order to go elsewhere.

"Alright, Potter. Sit and talk. Right now," commanded Slit once the two found a room that was two levels above their location beforehand. He forcefully took Harry by the shoulders and pushed him down onto a chair behind a small desk.

Harry hated the situation that he was currently in. If only he had been more careful in surveillance and limiting his magic powers. If only he hadn't met the Prime Minister in secret and brought Hermione with him.

If he wanted to stay here, all suspicions needed to be done with. He wouldn't be able to hide who he really was if he's gonna be training with them. And Slit could be trusted.

"I'm a wizard."

"What?" Slit practically yelled. He began to think that choosing Harry for this covert organization was a huge mistake. He should have given him to the mental institution instead.

"Potter, I brought you to Operation CoJacks so that you can receive proper training. And now you're sitting here, telling me that you're a goddamn magician?"

"Not a magician; a wizard. And I'm not bloody lying! You've already saw me."

Slit's mind quickly rewinded to bring back the memories that he had worked to forget. When he had first met Potter, he was transported from the country England to the States in a matter of seconds. Then Potter had used the wooden stick--his wand, Slit reluctantly admitted--to reverse a spell on his white owl.

Harry watched as realization dawned on his mentor's face. "Remember now?"

Slit suddenly felt as if his legs had turned to jelly. He felt his way to another desk and plopped down onto a chair. "So that's what you are...a wizard?"

Harry nodded, suddenly feeling sympathetic towards him. It wasn't easy learning that a normal (well, kind of) teenager could be a magical being.

"And Hermione?"

"She's one too. Well, actually, she's a witch."

The agent had a hard time picturing what a witch would look like. When he was growing up, he always imagined them as old hags with stringy hair and pointy, green nose with a fat wart on its tip. They'd be mean and eat children for deserts. Never in a million years would he find out that witches looked like teenagers.

"How OLD are you?"

"We're both seventeen. And no, we don't have any disguises. We're just teenagers."

"Yeah, teenagers who could zap a person with their wands or fly."

"Only with broomsticks," Harry added, attempting a joke. Slit merely glared at him. He immediately wiped the small smile from his face. It seemed the agent needed to get used to the idea before he could joke about it.

"And the Prime Minister?"

"He's not a wizard. He's just like you, but since he's the leader of your ministry, my ministry regularly updates him on the happenings of my world. But honestly, I didn't know he knew that I was a wizard."

'Why would he know you?" Slit questioned curiously. Harry took a long, deep breath, finally deciding to tell him everything.

"Before I was born, our world, the wizardry world, was reigned by a powerful and Dark sorcerer by the name of Lord Voldemort. His cronies, things called Death Eaters, would terrorize the wizards and witches and acted against those who were marked "impure". In wizardry standards, there are three types. Pureblood is what you call wizards who have magic in every generation. That is to say all of one's grandparents. Half-blood are wizards who have at least one ancestor who has no magical capabilities. That is called a muggle. I'm a Half-blood, you see," explained Harry.


"Well, my dad was a Pureblood and my mum was a muggleborn, which brings us to the third type. Muggleborns are wizards or witches born to two muggles. Some cruel and evil purebloods, like Voldemort, despised muggleborns and chose to call them names such as a Mudblood," Harry spat, momentarily angry when he thought of the likes of Malfoy.

"What happened to your parents?" Slit asked quietly. He watched as his protégé paused with his mouth open.

"Naturally, my mum was targeted because she was a "mudblood". My parents were part of the Order of the Phoenix, which was a secret organization that formed in order to revolt against Voldemort's power. They went into hiding because they feared that Voldemort would find them. Then my parents had me and when I was one years old, he came to our house at Godric's Hollow and...he killed them," he finished simply. "My mum had died protecting me after my father was killed. In doing so, she sealed a blood protection charm that disallowed Voldemort to touch me. He didn't know that at that time. After killing mum, he used the AVADA KEDAVRA curse, the deadliest curse, on me and it backfired and killed him instead. I'm the only one to ever survive it."

He turned his head to look at Slit and he didn't need his body language lessons to tell that he was in deep thought.

"You're probably wondering," Harry began, "why I'm telling you all of this since it appears that there's nothing more to tell. But there is. Voldemort came back."

That soon led to Harry recounting his years at Hogwarts and the gradual rise of Voldemort into power. He mentioned how almost every single day one of the wizards and witches died. He also told Slit a little about the Horcruxes, Dumbledore's death, and his destiny to defeat this Voldemort.

"So you're the only one who could do it--kill him, that is,"

"Yes. That's why I want to stay here and train. If I could learn more of the muggle ways and wizardry ways, the chance of defeating Voldemort will be greater."

"And why are you telling me this?" asked Slit.

"I think you can be trusted."

"What if I tell Operation CoJacks?"

"What would be the point of it? I pose no threat to your organization. Plus, since they haven't seen me do my magic, they'll think you're crazy or something."

"I must be if I say that I believe you."

"Do you?"

Slit regarded him for a moment then sighed, "Yes."

Harry had retired to his dorms after he had told Slit the truth. His roommates were probably out for breakfast or out of town. Today was supposed to be their free day where everyone could relax. He decided that since he was already awake he should finish his assignments for tomorrow.

He was in the middle of reading a passage from the textbook when someone knocked on his door. Hermione's voice called for him after and he rushed to open the door.

She was smiling. Right away, Harry could tell that things went well.

"You know, unlike Hogwarts, women aren't allowed in men's dormitories," said Harry cheekily.

"Well, my uncle is head of this organization so I could do anything I want," Hermione pompously stated with her arms crossed and chin raised high. Harry smiled at her imitation of a brat and continued to organize his desk.

"So I guess your uncle is letting me stay?"

"Yes," answered Hermione. She walked across the room and sat herself on top of Harry's bed. "It's odd though, with this Operation CoJacks thing. I've known my Uncle Benny all my life and now I find out that he's the president of a covert organization instead of an entrepreneur like I thought."

"Life is full of surprises," muttered Harry. Hermione directed her attention away from the line of textbooks on his bookshelf.

"It certainly is." She got up and joined him at the desk. "Especially this. I can't believe you're going to be an agent for Operation CoJacks."

"What did you say to Slit?" Harry froze, wondering how Hermione would react to him telling Slit of their real identities.

"I told him the truth."

"Will I get in trouble?" Hermione knew that he was asking about the Ministry of Magic.

"I really don't know. As long as Slit doesn't tell everyone-"

"He won't," assured Harry.

"Then it's fine, I guess."

"What did you say to Mr. L?"

"Well to put it in basic terms. I told him that I met you at school--which is true. He asked me why I was with you at the Prime Minister's office. I told him because you asked me to go. Uncle Benny was a bit angry for my vague answers," Hermione smiled.

"Then I asked him if he trusted me and he answered yes."

"So basically you're getting away by using the whole trust thing."

"Well, it's only fair since Uncle Benny hasn't told me about Operation CoJacks until now. He promised that he'd tell me everything in the coming days."

The both of them drifted into mutual silence. Hermione found her spot on the bed again and positioned herself so that she was lying on her side and facing Harry. He had an opened textbook in front of him and was trying to do his assignment for Ballistics.

Going out on the mission had lagged him behind in his classes. Luckily all of professors had been notified and Harry just had to do was finish the assignments and reread his textbooks.

"If only Ron can see you now," she said sleepily.

"He'll probably learn something. Besides, I have to do this. You don't know what my teacher does with a gun."

Hermione wrinkled her nose at his last word. "Guns are dangerous."

"Magic is dangerous."

Hermione laughed, "Touché." She turned her head and stared at the poster with the words Operation CoJacks printed on it. Randomly she said, "That's brilliant."

Harry lifted his head from his book and gave her a questioning look.

"15310 Colby Union Road is the makeshift address of this organization because they'd be incredibly stupid if they used the real one. 15 is O. 3 is C. 10 is J. O.C.J. Operation CoJacks," explained Hermione.

Harry shook his head, amazed that Hermione could solve that in under a minute by just staring at a poster.

"If they had you on their team, all the organizations would be dead."

She shook her head at the compliment, saying, "Uncle Benny will never let me be a major part of the organization."

"You don't have to be an agent. Maybe you could be a researcher," suggested Harry.

She seemed to like the suggestion and smiled. "And spend all of my time at the library. I think I'd like that."

At that moment, his roommates decided to come back.

"Oy! Crikey, Harry Potter has returned!" Harry recognized Forest's voice.

Hermione quickly sat up, alert. It took a moment for his roommates to realize that a girl was in their dormitory. Never wanting to miss an opportunity to poke at Harry, Jasper stepped in front of his friends and approached her. Hermione got off the bed and stood to meet him in the eyes, telling him that he didn't intimidate her one bit.

"A girl in the dormitory, Potter? You could get kicked out for this," jeered Jasper. Harry rolled his eyes and went besides his friend, pushing Jasper away with a finger.

"Stop being an arse, Edwards!" Malcolm said. He came to stand in front of Hermione and offered a hand.

"Malcolm Wood, Miss…?"

"Granger. Hermione Granger," Hermione politely answered as she shook his hand.

"Oh, the letter!" Jasper exclaimed as it dawned on him. He eyed Harry in a crude manner, but before a word was uttered, Forest interrupted.

"And I am Forest Argon. But pardon me, you shouldn't be in here. How did you-"

Forest's introduction was cut off by Mr. L's entrance. Same as they did for Slit, the three men rushed in line and welcomed their head with a salute. Harry was a bit slow in processing but followed routinely.

Jasper sneered at him from across the room in the same manner as Malfoy used do.

"At ease, trainees," nodded Ben. He turned to Hermione, ignoring Harry all the while.

"I see you've met Hermione, my niece,"

Harry struggled to maintain a straight face once he saw his roommates' reactions.

Ben took no notice of this and reached out a hand. "Come along, Hermione. I imagine that you are extremely tired. I'll show you to your room."

Harry made a show of stretching and yawning before heading to bed. With a wicked smile, he bade to his roommates, who were still standing in the same position, a goodnight before turning off his light, anticipating for the next day.

"Dan! Please, honey," Emma frantically pleaded as she shook her husband by his shoulder.

Dan jerked awaked, looking around to see his wife. Her expression woke him up completely.

"Love, what's wrong?"

"It's Hermione. She's not in her room!" This statement immediately set Dan Granger off his bed. The couple hurriedly ran to the end of the hallway, to the room where their daughter usually slept in. Breathless, they stopped and looked at each other and then in they went.

She wasn't there.

However, there were signs that their seventeen-year-old had been. Books were scattered all over her bed, a pen was left uncapped, and a small dish of the remains of a late night snack was perched on the nightstand. Yes, their Hermione had been here.

"Oh god!" Dan turned to his wife. "How long ago did she disappear?"

"I d-don't know!" answered Emma, distraughtly. "I got up to use the bathroom and decided to check in on her, but she wasn't-she wasn't there!"

"Do you think-"

Only one word rang through their minds as they headed into the living room: Voldemort.

Shakily, Emma grabbed a fistful of finely crushed, glittering powder from the cup nearest to the fireplace and threw it into the firebox, slightly taken aback when a flash of green flames bursts from within. She shot a nervous look at Dan and then said in the clearest voice she can manage,

"Arthur Weasley."

A few years ago, in fifth year, unbeknownst to their daughter, Arthur Weasley had visited them. Hermione and her friends were on the train taking them to Hogwarts, and he took this time to inform them of the events that were occurring in the wizardry world. The couple was informed of the death of a boy named Cedric Diggory and also told of the return of the most terrifying wizard of all. He told them that since their daughter was friends with a boy targeted by said wizard, she and her family would need meticulous protections. To be cautious, Mr. Weasley had arranged so that their fireplace would be connected to the Wizardry Floo Network. That included links to the Weasleys' fireplace and to the headquarters of Grimmauld's Place. He had left a detailed instruction of how to use this odd means of communication, and Emma and Dan had it memorized by the next day.

Emma held her breath as she waited. Then suddenly, the green flames rose to height and then settled to reveal the balding head of Arthur Weasley.

"Emma, Dan. What's wrong?" He immediately noticed their anxiety.

"Hermione's not here!"


"She left somewhere or someone took her. She'd never leave without telling us or leaving behind a note! We're afraid that-"

"Stay in your home. We're going to be there any minute," he warned them, his expression grim.

Emma watched as the fire dimmed and stepped backwards into her husband's embrace. He held her hands as his arms encircled around her.

Four pops sounded to notify the arrivals of Arthur, Remus Lupin, Mad-Eye Moody, and Bill Weasley. Three of the wizards scattered, each going to investigate the perimeters while Moody stayed.

"Emma, when was the last time you've seen your daughter?" Moody interrogated in a gruff tone.

She took a moment to think back and tearfully replied, "A-Around eight. Dan and I were going to bed, and I was telling Hermione to do the same, but she said no. She wanted to stay up to work on something for H-Harry."

"Sneakoscope detects no one of dangerous elements," informed Lupin when he came in from the backyard.

Emma and Dan noticed an item that looked similar to a gyroscope in his hands and asked him the purpose of the toy. In turn, the werewolf gave them a weary smile, explaining that the item in his hands was not a toy but a magical device, a Dark Detector, used by Aurors to alert its owner of any danger.

Bill and Arthur returned with similar results.

"Can you take us to her room?" said Remus, hurriedly.

The four trained wizards observed the room of the young witch and were all relieved to say that a dark wizard had not abducted Hermione.

"But where would she go? Hermione's not naïve, Mr. Lupin; she would never go off alone."

"How about with someone she trusts?" Bill tentatively asked. Emma and Dan exchanged a glance.

"Ron is asleep, I am sure of it," stated Mr. Weasley.

"And Harry's missing…"

"Harry? He's missing?" Emma asked alarmed. "But just a few days ago, Hermione said that he was with my brother."

"Hermione has mentioned that Harry had kept contact with her, but never did she say where he was," said Remus who quickly relayed the letter that Hermione had discussed with the Order.

"Mr. and Mrs. Granger, what exactly would Harry be doing with your brother…"

"Ben Lester," she answered.

"Yes, what connection does Harry have with Ben Lester?" Arthur gently asked.

Emma chose not to answer.

"Alright," Moody sighed. "Remus, get your girlfriend and tell her to ask the Ministry if they had any advances in Potter's disappearance.

In the next few days, Harry fell into his normal routine of classes. The professors would compliment on his gradual improvements in his classes and assignments. He got used to using his gun and studying late at night. The workouts were much harder in Slit's classes. He learned different combinations of kicks and punches and in the combo classes they would incorporate the uses of both combat and ballistics.

Slit decided that Harry was ready for a "real and dangerous" mission and organized a lesson. Hermione stayed with her uncle most of the time, but the two would secretly meet for lunch and Horcrux research. He had managed to avoid Mr. L for the time being but knew that he couldn't forever.

But all in all, to Harry's pleasure, everything seemed fine in both of the muggle and wizardry worlds.

He was running as fast as his feet could take him. He felt them-close behind-as he looped through the narrow alleyway and his ears pounded with the sounds of rapid breathing and the slaps of running footsteps against the pavement. He hurriedly cast a look behind his right shoulder, only seeing the shadow of his chasing nightmare.

Picking up his speed, his hands found their way to the carry-on bag that continuously bumped against his hip as his legs pumped away. He was assigned to protect it and give it away by order. With that thought in his mind, he reached for the small walkie-talkie on the breast of his jacket and turned it up.

"Where are you now?"

Slit's voice was clear through the electronic device.

Harry took a moment to look around before stopping at the corner of Benson Boulevard. He gave that name as his current location and slumped down to the sidewalk.

"Good, you're about a block away from the dead box. And don't let your guard down-he could be right around the corner."

Slit spoke too soon.

Harry felt the bullet as it traveled through the air. He ducked as the metal piece collided against the brick wall that he rested against and blew away a chunk.

"Shite," he swore, immediately withdrawing his gun. He cocked it and checked the magazine. Still full.

His ears heightened, concentrating any noise that would give away his enemy's point.

"Don't hesitate to kill, Potter."

Harry gripped his handle tighter, hoping that he wouldn't have to use it.

"Where's the dead box?" asked Harry breathlessly. Harry needed to find it soon. A pickup was scheduled, and his identity was supposed to be anonymous.

"No! First you need to eliminate the enemy. Then drop it off."

Harry bit his tongue, holding back another curse. He peaked around the corner but saw no one; the boulevard was empty. He couldn't be fooled. The enemy could have entered the store or hid in an alley nearby.

Process every scenario before directly attacking the enemy.


He stopped. He swore he just heard Hermione's voice.

"Harry!" There it was again. He picked up his walkie-talkie, momentarily forgetting about the gun in his hand and the enemy who was quickly closing in.

"Harry, concentrate!" Now it was Slit's voice again. Harry was confused. He was about to say something through the walkie-talkie but should have paid more attention at the task at hand.

The bullet was already released, and it was then that Harry knew it was too late.

He waited for the bullet to come, to pierce through his flesh...

...but then remembered the mission was not real.

While cursing a string of swears, he took off his goggles and headphones, wiping off the shear of sweat on his forehead. He looked up at the control room where Slit and Ben Lester were observing his progress. In a new training session, his case officer had put him in a virtual reality environment. The room was designed to create fictional scenarios and only when a person had the goggles worn on their eyes would they even see the virtual environment. Using hi-tech holography, the agents took a single image of Harry and stretched it to three dimensions on the computer. The data was then inputted into a highly scientific, controlled computer stimulated environment.

Haptic technology had applied forces, vibration, and motions, which allowed Harry sensory capabilities in the virtual reality training session.

Slit had said that it was a recent addition to Operation CoJacks' training curriculum and that Harry was the first agent to test it out. He was still getting over how the mission seemed so real. He remembered how the brick wall felt solid against his back and how he could hear the sharp sound of the bullet being released from its gun. It was almost crazy to believe that everything he had seen and felt were the results of a computer.

The room was an odd place. All walls seemed to be made with metal, and there was barely anything in it. Above was a separate, glass-cased room where Slit and Mr. L stood and observed from. The computers that ran the virtual reality environment were situated in that room.

"Harry!" Hermione quickly ran down the flight of stairs to meet Harry at the center of the game room. Slit angrily came after, his agitation evident on his face.

"Ms. Granger! Trainee Potter was in a middle of his exercise. He cannot afford any distractions-"

"Never mind that!" Hermione snapped at Slit. She turned to Harry and he saw the frantic look that lurked in her eyes.

"It's the Ministry!" Hermione exclaimed breathlessly, her eyes wide in terror. "They've a-attacked. Voldemort's attacking the Ministry!"

Slit stood as he watched his protégé and the niece of the head of Operation CoJacks flee the game room without even a word of explanation. Casting a look at Elaine in the control room, he chased after them.

In the corridors, he caught a glimpse of Hermione's hair before it was lost around the corner. Applying all of his strength, he sprinted after them, across the intersection, through the lecture hallways and then finally into the dormitory hall.

At once, Slit caught sight of them again, and they were just escaping into Harry's dormitory. He bolted to the threshold just in time to see Harry and Hermione with their arms linked and wooden sticks withdrawn. Each had a look of sheer concentration--eyes closed, mouths sealed--and neither noticed Slit. He knew that the time was constricted and that somehow, with their powers, the two would disappear at any moment. Slit felt the room shift in its power and his mind was working overload to come up with his next action.

His eyes must have played tricks on him but he saw the two teenagers beginning to spin in place. Suddenly, he lunged forward, latching his hand through Harry's arm. The young wizard jerked in surprise when he felt another load of human weight and nearly lost his concentration. He wanted to figure out who this person was but soon felt the effects of the apparition coming to height and bringing them to another destination.

Mr. L could only follow them in hopes of solving the mystery. He caught up soon enough and stopped in the dormitory hall, bewildered about why Slit would follow his niece and Potter here. All of the doors were either closed shut or slightly ajar; Hermione could be in any of it.

At once, Lester heard a sound like a gunshot ringing in an empty field.

That had peaked his curiosity and when he came to the threshold, expecting to see two teenagers and his agent on the other side, he found that he couldn't.

Because no one was there.